WHEN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI YOKOHAMA in Phone a hurry 99 CAFE HOME BAKERY PRINCE RUPERT ALL NEW CAKS Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOI,. XIII NO, I U. DMINCK Hl'I'KllT. II. C, TUKSDAY, JUNK 27, 1022. VMttrdir't Clfcultlloo 1691 trMt M2. PRICK FIVK CENTS Lloyd George Wins Another Victory FINAL ACTION TAKEN TO RECTIFY LOCAL SCHOOL TROUBLE Work to Start Immediately CITY UTILITIES REPARATION British Government Gets Large Vote Sustaining its NEW SCHEME on Booth School Building Policy Regarding Ireland Mayor Refuses to Deny Figures Suggestion That Germans Published by Dally News. Should Build Tunnel Architect Jeffers in Charge France to England LONDON. June 27. After a milder debate lliati was ex-jiccted. PERRY DEFENDS THEM Hie Ouvernmeiil won a vole of confidence on their Irish PARIS, June 27. A huge policy when Hie motion or'tlic "die liards" for a reduction of war reparations plan under salary or Die IJhief Secretary of State for Ireland as an expression Definite steps Inwards da' remedying nf the slriirlurul ile- One Alderman Says Loss $3,000 which the Germans are to reconstruct of Hie fiovcriinienl's failure to give protection to Sir Henry feci, in lli'ulli Memorial School and lie t-omiiiciiriug f wurk to Another Says Profit France and also Wilson, was defeated in the House of Commons by a vote of lliit end id un curly date were taken yesterday wlien Ihe School LIQUOR AMENDMENTS , lie miiI decided to adopt the recommendations of Architects Jcr-j NOT ACCEPTABLE TO $100,000. build the long planned tunnel ;ti lo 7.. fcr uml YVhillakcr nml Hie rily council undertook lo provide HOUSE OF COMMONS A in the under the English Channel, Ilif-'lil lion. Winslon Churchill emphasized the Government's I lie finance. The derision wu reached by t lie School Hoard with ' lie eluiineij.-tuO-iiieiil had xhown pajier which has been submitted by intention to stick by the Ulster Government and. prevent Hie unanimous paiiig of ii resolution, tinned by Trustee J. C OTI AVVA. June 27. iltililie. Hie rily the French minister of public coercion by Ihe south and he would expect the southern provisional Mi'l.eiiniiii nml (''iiinlci h Trilce rhomas McMrekln, at yes The IliHIM' of ComiiDiiiH o be A3.000 in,the hole works, to President Poln-caire, government now that it had a mandate from the H!bpIe, in fur Alderman tenia) afternoon ineetiiig thai Ihe suggestion of (lie architects yc.erilay refused In ue-cept came hem ly coudeiillialioii Moiilvnm-ery'. at las! who laid it before the to n.iert its authority and bring about order. - be adopted, Ihe council lie licked Hie Semite amend-oientit nialifs ineeliu. reparations committee. The Churchill announced that 50,000 stands of arms for emergencies council lie In vote Ihe money, A re hi left 'Jef, lo Hie l!uuaila Tern, wanted plan involves the use of had been lauded in Belfast and stored where only artillery Ihe l.iiHyur' or niii one RUSSIA WANTS i fer lie put in charge if Hie wink perance Act. The chief else resHMisble eo'ntradirl it German labor and materials fire can reach them. to the extent of amendment which $20,000,000 niiil to (oral labor lie employed ax exception but .oeenieil noli'idy willing lo do francs. far n possible in ilx execution is taken to thul 01. Aid. Perry, chairman of the FINANCIAL AID Tile eily council assented In claue which prrdiihiU-d utilities rommillee. uld that In rrtrirrt-r niTrn nr POTTER REPLIES JACK BRITTON Unit when it moved private importation of , course was had ecu no erroneous ,l:ilc-'rftLluH I IxAlLd AlAL ill Imi night's ii Mux !)' Aid loiuor into the Province Will Bring up Matter of Credit Dybhavu, seconded by Aid. Kelly, of llrilish '.oli'iubia. which uienlN furnished lii name by bad lilni been or con-liecl'd. with discussed in house: JEFFER'S REPORT WON ON FOUL lhai order Hi Immediately on Arrival at in lo fucilitule They were rorreel as far Hague ' -li-nl board carrying mil its Amendment Is De- as Ik- wa. concerned mid if AlOConserw8llve . . ir v id in lo strengthen "the school MonlxHimTy could show him feated bv Vey Large Vote SuperVlsIng . Architect Defends Struck by Benny Leonard When Till' II AGl I'.. June 27. -'in the Jhe council undertake In pro differently he would HVe him l Bill Passed. Measures Taken In Building On His Knee and Given eve of Ihe financial conference vide finance with u view lo later do so. Booth Memorial School Decision. here. Ilnl.hcviki IIiissih has pi-n-isuhiiiillilia a hvluw lo Ihe I - "I :iw in Ihe piiper la?l week OTTAWA. June t7. The eoii- durcd u thorny imue Tor the jw- ptr if necessary. This renolu-rr PARLIAMENT whi le Hie utilities we nt? 3,000 servalive amendment u I lie re-' .1. W. Potter, supervising ar Jack Mrilton, wurldVweller- to deal willi. l.ilvlnoff, head lion passed Ihe council with in Ihe boli;," aid Ald.jMoiilgoni purl of Un- special rommillee inili-Iiilcrt of the Month Memorial I weigui, boxing- i iiutii pii.fi, suc- ery - "t 'e'iiwkerwthi!l if Sttiss rtt f I wSi y4J- l aft w it tent I M newspapermen lhr TinTTTeilmtcTy Siinery nflir against 1L Business Practically Completed mistalciiielTt. In view of. it Twhe lloysr uf iJommomi on a vole msij-., ubuiiUer a reply lo the lafaiiisl lleniiy Leonard light-' on llieir arrival, lliissiit wauls) First Class Job. and Members Disperse lone ;i'-ne over tlie aiiiiual re- of 108 lo 1.1. The report Wit nn board al its ineeliiisr yesterday WTight champion, Heferee- Palsy rrdit before everything He, J A i-ianed lift of suugrslioiiti Tonight or porU of Hie eily and have found Ihe Crow's Nest Pass aereeuient, ufleriKioii lo Ihe report on the de Haley claiming that Leonard hit The rest of the power had Willi received hy Ihe school lard Tomorrow thai the utilities htivc instead recommetidin? Ike suspension of fect in Hie building recently Mrilton while the latter was on urni'l" ullv Buri'i-d tud lo iIim-ii ; from Hie two architects which ii surplus of I(Mi.oiii). That ll the iitrreeiucnl except Ihe briiuuht in by A. AL Jeffers. Ihe one knee Jii the thirteenth round credits lit till." conference. will inolw Ihe exiiendiliire of OTTAWA, June 27. Parliament is wlial the auditors' i-eporlx in. xriin and flour rales for one Kdmonlnn expert. The teller was of llieir fifteen round bout last l?.(iOU on .Mr. Jef fern' estimate ordered filed by Ihe board. night. Is likely to prorogue ilicale uml if I hey are no! correct year. and l5.oiin, on Mr. Whillakc r'. The Conservative iimemlmeiil Ileferriiur to the absence of Afler nearly three minutes HARRY PLATTS IS either tonight or tomorrow. I would like to know why Tlie.e iiiKeiioii4 include the With the railway rates question we pay the auditors Vl.uno n -'uilil lo dike the mailer out bond strips in the exterior walls fighting in Hie thirteenth round CHARGED THEFT BY wuirk of reiiiedyhiK the kIi-iicIiii-hI out of the way, the order year. I went lo the (rouble of of the hands of Hie legislature which hud been .specified, Mr Mrilton went down on one knee defeeU a well a alleration lo paper of the House ot Commons cumpiliiiif Ihe ri-.'tires mid found iiinl leave be decision with the Poller's reply stated that afler and Ihe referee started counting JESSIE MANNING the lieutiiu nyMcui. Thin list Is practically clear of an aure-xale of surplus if Hie railway i-oiiimissimi. the exterior masonry walls had over him. of nlltfiie.ttl'MKt Vila li'MIC HMT business. The time and date whole of I OO.ooil. If the nl i I Later in the evening Hie bill been Iniill il was found that fur- Leonard walked over and hit, llnrrv PUH. ui in llic cl.llle by clause by Ihe M'hool of prorogation Is dependent ilies' pay .so handsomely H shoiilil based on Ihe report of Hie rail I rim; lile would be more economi Mrilton with the. left to his body. ii'(i' lioanl. Ir. V. T. Keriiin. chair coinmjuee siispenmnst ine cal and would make a better jot Mrilton had claimed a foul lllli'i' court till before on the Senate disposing of not be broadcasted Hint I hey an1 way Magistrate Mi r.lyiiioiil lllorillllK charged man "f Hie M'hiiid lo'iinl. linked the remaining legislation in the bole for it is wron and Crow's Ves Pass a::recliieiit than wood furring and metal blow was struck before he went Mr. Jeffeii. ami Mr. Whillakcr if passed nil il.s singes in the laths. down but the referee said he had Willi iireukinu himI ehleriiiii the sent to It by the Commons. especially al a lime when Ihen of ,lcie .Manning, lliee Miiruetioiu were carncil Redistribution Is likely to were so many visitors in Ihe House of Commons Monday uixhl The lavatory, boiler and fall uol seen any foul until after ho ii-eillle. nit would the building be a first icvcrul aiiieiidmeiils and motions room walls had not been reduced larted counting-. Coiiiov Avenue, nml stealing be discussed In the House today. eily. II is grossly unfair and lus one. Mr. .leffers nlalcd untruthful. No oilier proof includili- one for a six months in thickness hi!(j had brea rein Mritluu then sat in his corner s.wlnir machine, llierefrom n lhal it would be u ood ii hail hois! heinv defeated. forced as reference lo the speci unhurt. iii-cessary t tin n the past annual clock und linen viihied at $73 been expected when the school fications would show. The which is indietaldr DIRECTOR reports. I consider lh? mayor or un BOYCOTT eiie. Wii oruntaliy kiiiiicii ami .nr. The lime and cement limrlar i wu adjourned until lomor- Wliltllller ' said lhal it Would some other responsible person CONTINUATION SCHOOL BULLET AIMED specified was a better mixture IN IRELAND IS SENT should contradict Ihe statement. I 'W. be fir.l rlass as far in the build, than J'riuce Rupert, Calgary or .rre-l wan made iy Chief Read Dally News Everywhere WORK FOR DISTRICT and slriieiuriilly hysi. ins wa Toronto by-laws reipiircd. MOUNT JOY PRISON Vlcker 1 1I-1 cvcnlmj nil illfoclllll. milly eonceriied. Aid. Dybhuvu "I had notion Answered by Architects AT REPUBLIC lion of Jcie M a ii n i ii u. the of Work to Be Done. to do wilh the publication of Correlated Scheme Is Advanced In reference to this point, Mr. fre uli'K''il liiiviiiu orriirred a The li! tif iuaejiuns which III 1U.IN. June -. C.oiiiiiuiii- the .sUilemeul and consider that By Granby Community League JeTfers said that Kdmonlou -ll'-l'l iinie lire lias tieen adodcd und Avhieh nt- der Henderson, director of the it is premature lo enter into Ihe and Pinder Moss would not pass the mortar used So Says President Ebert of Ger ho)col I asniiusl Kclfasl hoimIs, discussion of it now before n re liears elsewhere onnlmles reiniirn and Mr. Whillakcr said neither many at Rathenau's Funeral. "TEDDIE BEAR" FOUND In ihe fire walls, auditorium wall, bus been arri'-'led by the provisional port is brought in." A letter from Ihe Anyox Coiih. would Vancouver, Victoria or Gal juitcrnmcni aulhoritirs und Aid. MonlL'iuuery "II is up to Honrs, cornices, healiliK idaul. inanity Lenmie recoinmeiidinir the irnry. MKItl.IN. June 27. Vssassiiis ALL ON BOARD WELL fire erape, etc. Tor Ihe wal- removed to Mount Joy prison. . Hie eily to protect itself hkuIiiI nranizntiuii of continuation Mr. Potter explained that head who killed Dr. Waller Ilallieuau. eriiroofin oT the biiildiliir lvo knocking when praise should be bcliool work nn a correlaled basis ing- courses were not put in be foreign minister were striking Was Froten In Eight Months allermile nusyestion have I n STRIKE AS PROTEST coiiiiuir instead. Ihrouulinut Northern M.C. was cause different size uf brick bad al the republican government of Aid. Kerr "I do not wish to put forwanl. Tin1 firM sues-liou. received by the city council lasl been used which would not make Germany and its people, declared Aqo and H Not Yet Qot Mr. .leffers, provides for Ihe AGAINST REACTION enter into the discussion. I first nixht. and was tabled for a week, them work In evenly. Mr. Jef president Kbert at Jlatbcnau s Clear of Ice. raking mil of all Joints, poinl-iiiu saw the report in question when Ihe documents presented bcinn fers and Mr. Whittaker maintain funeral in the llcichslag cham wilh cement .mortar and IN GERMANY TODAY Hie Dully New was delivered at uf u very vtduniinous nature. ed that they could liave been put ber today. NO.MK, Alaoka, .lime .'7. The waterpniorinff wilh rolorless Munis Lake on Saturday morning. Similar letlers have been sent to in. The bullet was aimed at the ni'liooner "Teddy Hear" which vvulerproofinjl enmiiouiul. MIC IICIH.I.N'. June ;7. A .'I hour A properly bolder there had the Trades and I.abur Council and The drninins' of the areas at the Herman republic. hud iieen lnii!tr for eiuht second, Mr. NVbiltaker's, calls Irike in (iermany called by Hie said to me. 'There is your nun-Icipnl other public organizations reur and Hie back filling, Mr iiiinilliK Iihii heeii found and all for Ihe t-ukiu? out of all Joints .'Clieiiil federalioil of trades ownership fur you. I am tliroushnut the district. J. pin. Poller's reply staled. Was depen- un hoard are well nml cheerful und the iiiiliealion of waterproof unions as u dciimnslralinn jfiiiliK to sell my property.' I der Moss, nrcnuUcr of Hie Granby lent on the gradill of the NAYAL BRIGADE BOYS Sin' wm helinved In liae tieell pebble duidi sluceo with return! loraiust Ihe forces of reaction was uol in Smithers half an hour May poly lech uic, is Hie promoter grounds. CAMPEDAT BIG BAY lol. uun In Ihe brickwork eeliisiv was In uo inlo efferl loday. the next mnrHilik' when Hie .tae-men of the proposal. One statement Matter of Cost The Teddy Hear wim frinten in nf (uuins. eolunins, pilaslers nml published in the paper had made by him in his literature The brass railing specified had nl I'olen lllver hefore reliirniiik" new brickwork above Hie aichl-tnixe. BASEBALL attain been pointed out to me In Is that there are'0.280. per not been put in on account of the Tweiily-lwo boy of Hie Naval similar manner." Mrigade spent the week-end at u, Siheria. Hln I now walllu Mr. Jeffers was of Hie a sons in lmiux-Atiiii ilistriet who cost. for ice -lo ejeur lie fore Icluinln opinion Hiul Hie wulei proofiiiir AMERICAN LEAGUE. Mayor lloehestcr "I do not can neither read nor write. The floors or bases of the Mig May where they pitched their ii Nome. She w found hy UH compound would be effective and SI I.iimn II: rieveliniil. II. know where Hie paper trot the cloakrooms had not bfcu accepted tents and enjoyed 'swimming', report. I do nut remember seeing- polo playing and fishing on Saturday 1 "ilii uiiard culler Hear wltci doubled if Ihe walls were lie. New York, ft: Muslim, t. WILL NOT RESIGN or paid for. and Sunday. C. V. Kvilt, .instructor, the. statement referred to. ''iiiiiiiK down the Siberian coa- lually Iciikinsr anyway. Mr. NATIONAL LEAGUE, . The exterior walls had been and S. Ii. Parker wero Sln i nrucx iix men. Whillnkcr sluled lhat'Jhe slureo Huston, 5; Philadelphia, V. There were no reporters ,present' LONDON. June 27. KG. Lar- furred with hollow tile instead of in of Ihe The trip lit tin) ineelliiir." charge parly. would cmiranlee VPillsburv. I; Chicago, (I. k i it. Cunadiait Jlo;h Cummissiuu- metal lath which made a more application made- J. A. Million .4 Aid. eloilr-muii out was on leaking- and (Hineimiali, 7; SI. Louis, I, j Monli?oiiiei;y-r-"Tlie( er in Loudon, says the minor he economical and a belter Job. BRITISH GOVERNMENT aKiilnsI posihle ciiiiiinitlee Starlight" and the. return oa or Hid ulilltie Ihe of International league. may resign the position is pic. Mr. Potter recommended that would enhance uppearance Mr. Illiilon's. and Dr. J, P. Cade's lo be content with it," seems SENT WARNING TO THE Ihe buildinp. II Is estimnlcd Hint Coi'tuilii, 5; Syrneuse, I. poslerous. Ihe healiiiK-, systeiu be sivrn a launches. Hie cost nf stucco would he S5 Iteadiiui, 0; Jersey City. 5. Is It True? proper trial when the building GOVERNMENT IRELAND Kieiiler than lraiKhl Uoclieler. Muffnlo, 5. Aid. Perry "I It true or is 11 lion should make no difference." dried out. With two alterations wnterproofintr.percent not Hue, Mr. .Mayor?" Aid, Perry "I have not seen in the ventilation system It AIRPLANE WRECKED All KiiImIiIs of I'ylhlas pli'ase Mayor Tloeheler--"l am nol any erroneous stateineot with would be satisfactory. Supervision. 1.0ND0.V, June T. The IXeit-iik Person Dr. Kcrttiu when Ihe at tend ecial ineelhiR of Skeepa iirepined lo say al this lime which my name was connected UrrilllltlLGK. Juno 27 An Nchh mivm today that the Asked by he stalled, Mr. Jef-fern Lodxe, Weilnesday, i'Hlh al 8:30 whether it is true or iiulrue. I ami II is eiyrert as far as I am PRINCE YORIHITO DIES airplane carrying mails front lliltlMi (loxerniiii'iil Kent wuriu work could would first he ue-rcssnry p.tn. hfflcial vis.ll of (li'itiid do nol know where they jjol ll.v concerned." If Aid. Montxomery here to Olluwa piloted by KiU- Iiik lutt Saturday In Hit) Irinli said It nenffuldiuif, Chancellor (laidner and confer. Aid. Moutuomery "I think it can uluiw ui(i different I would TOKK). June 27. Prince Yor-iliito, simnions and Palmer wus wreck- i'uviluual (inveriiinent ilcclaiiiiK o put up rintc of Grand Lodise tank on should be contradiulcd." like In see him do it." admiral of the Japanese d ut Miiiut, North Dakota, la or Unit if the liitler'M nulliurily to iin.l Iwo cailoaiM ot mien wouiu riie list chancellors. 150 Aid. Dybhavn "It will be Aid. Monlk'umery "I can show navy, and scion of one of the der to avoid hitting an automobile rentnre order wu nut exeroineil, likely have to bo obiainiHi. w. c. tiMXitiiiisT. c; c. amply covered. A few days by the auditors' reports. Who oldest houses In Japan, died of containing women and chit, 'he Hi iIImIi (l(ieriiiiieul would Inltcr would Mkely lake tiuoui U. M. DAUGUTT, K.H.M.V. sootier or later for corroo- 0-a :' uut" euneor at lue the aye, of 35 vcara dron. It Was u tet flight. lia to take action.