Julr 8, 16?? THE DAILY NEWS PAOK TBREK a NEDDEN BAY The Price of Tea, Local and Personal BRUNSWICK- M- NEWEST PORT due to under-production and Haynere. Undertakers. Phone IDTonight largely Increased consumption "Stratford Model" 351. tf Has risen to tHe Highest level in I ! ! W.rll.M togging Camp Bay Near Queen ; tiia ff.a . aifMii ..a years. To maintain "SALADA" An artistic piece of furniture 'i- fir iire.erviliic ll Hll - HmlK.fl. Imrv Melt, t Charlotte Sound Is Named in Brown .! Uk Iim4hMI, r.liv. kll Quality our popular liene Mill l.liv l.lv l. After Local Skipper. u , MrrMt M.ti..llM and the Suprkme Thjr HI Brwnclly, 'Hlly, Label Blend we Have been forced M t'SICA t. I NSTRUM KNT. Sum in,., .. aelllnit at mildly, y.i therevflriy. I'll.' (Jlirrii I'.llill loltr I'IhIIiI to advance tHe price to 65c per Has double Ultona all-record liulf ,n,.,. Ht .labour's Uhwrum- Tomorrow Alright -ii-aiiirr I. makiiitr a new nlop pound. However, prices of nrar Hfyinoiir lnlr on Ihr main. reproducer and all - 4 . land jtial off I'lne Islam and due wood oval amplifier. ' our wtiiliw feu price in 'ant of fjaeen illiarlotle Island Blue, Red and Gold Labels are UNCHANGED ur ctontiiK um gala, Itiyai hi anmiuneeil lapl., Nii'ludaon yr-lerday. 309 Reduced to $400 store. . i There a large loirjiina ... 4. naliip lia been eprneU by Ho-Snillli-linllar Model No. 107 reduced to t-ltlon it. MP,ifi Hrrlve, , Co., of ltneouvir $165.00 Hie I'lty lat lllll hi fM.1,1 lln.L,.. Get a A Hie I'rinre Allirrt. enmmand- "SALADA 20e Boa low II. ,.i hy r.at. 'eirn, wan thr fir-! , Model No. 112 reduced to trainer l gn In llirre and tlo-. $260.00 Fi.liermen. All Mr rubber U. C. L'nCerlakere. 1'hone 41. If Island boat la ftivinsf thr ;u--; Terms hoot, an- mi .ulr A font Price t only ervirr. Mr. I'arixriiii. i arranged to suit Hoyal Shoe Store, if flash for Victory IJonds. Tbos. llant liyilroraphcr for thr customer. MeClymont. tl llominimi frotrriiiwul. in rliarv Canadian National Special Meellno. 0.3.U., Mctn-tyre 4- f Hie ramrr l.illuoet, ha d-- Railways Hall, Sunday, July 9th, 8 fleerrvr eeat or "Oh Baby" lde lo tfivr the bay Ihr offirial p.m.. Members only, Km I.ify laietMl smday. Phone Haine wf .eiln Ilay. i..ii. Ilteck 417. NealdrH look lite Priner All.rrl . i hiiK-anl. uf Aiyaneh. in thrrr rerridly fotlowmv a Summer Hun, m. rrhal in Um Miaa Maria Latj8ar returned urvr mailr by hlm.rlf in a '! ye.lnday aftafHoon. to Ihr rily on Ike Pniire Itupert till, ihr I.iHoorl I hen writ! in today from Vaneotmr. and madr an offielMl urry In lallnlii.il r officer of Ite- w1ii. li variri) III Mr, from Capl. Tourist Tickets I'cknh l.iMlirr. Moatta. Jul 10 We atill have a f-w pnlra of N'riltli ii altlioiiuh, of roiir.r. il Ml mrmbrr requested to attend W'htU Ottords and Pump left itar limn' detail. 1W at ti.88 per "iir. Hoyal U tf ON SLE DAILY TO 31t AUGUST g4re. OPULARITY CONTEST .labour' M idmHftater Clear. - a.. Retu n Limit 31st Oct. Columbia Hire Hale roinmeaeia July S Mr. l. li. Harlulr and ilauali- TO START VERY SOON to P.erythili in the slore redaeed Irr rriurned lhh iiii'rnihir from If VaiM-ouvrr oa I ha Prinrr Itu Edmonton pert. Eihlbltlon Board Announces Prise Calgary Winnipeg List, Schedule of Votes and una returned oa last All Point Eastern Canada and United States Rules and Regulations. nuhi . Rika lianea. 'J lo IS mld- train frdesi flwssiBSn Records VERY LOW FARES CHOICE OF ROUTES wbrr he held ruMrl h Thum niakt on SaUiniiiy, July 8. VAVt STOP OVERS lay. Ladle- of lb Mural Purple ami Thr i-rUr li.l. i.r .rhnlulr I8 nomiiialioii blank and nil. - tin.I frirnd. Writ Call, rrsrulation for thr miiiI.h iiy or Mi.. M Wattle arrltrd la ronte undrr Ihr au.pirr of thr' CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Ave. Phona 260 2.5c. 50c. nialil ffsan Mairleaa ana) i mt Morn- OmdMM r. lul B'-il on .Nvlibrrti H. C. Aiirirulturar and i.l.rl at lh- H4al Prinre Ru Ihr Priin-i- Itupert tin morninir Indu.trMl A-ialimt uhtrh i- from a brief bualii.- trin In Any 10 inch Record Any 12 inch Record . Vanrouvrr. lo imnm on July 15 ami rbi.e mi ."rplembrr t liae jut liern i- I.. W. I'aI mure rrlurntnl Mlay aed. FOR SALE n. Prinrr Huprrl friMH S..rt S W. larlor. of Ihr law firm Hie friie lil offer awanl ! land wbctv k alUaeVel Ihr Nor tf ViM'iii. Man.on ii..nalr. ORMES LIMITED I he valor ef I3IM). Thr fit t lariiival. reiurnrd ihi svnaiRf on Prinre Ruuert tnmt Vamouer (iriie i a AiH) pianw; rrMul. FULLER'S GENERAL STORE 3rd Ave. and 6th St. P.O. Box 1CS0 w ill itmtrwt Ella W al.nii rvkiwi Htaelnne: I bird, dianuiml coMUHiiaicata vkUav rnaaia. Hrmrr Mr. M. Haaaett. rhariird wilk rinjr; fiearth. r of aiKerwarr: On Hays Cove Avenue Phones 82, 200 and, 13 1 fifth. French ivorv loifei art : o. P)rkrr, Ita i..ulh Haiu-JhVnhf. intosiralioii. fatted lo pal in hr iith. nther tra rtr revrfilh. Since inoYiiiit from my Third Avenue Store, I have doubled DRUQOISTS TWO REXALL STORES thi THE PIONEER lhrntaei. Maaa. tf tui-araiK'r- in poller rourt .ilk Hie buHir. bni tit i my intention-to devote all my time lo zld walek; ruiiin um Imil of W and ln-r f - mormna brella; ninth, Mark reamy oiM the -bunt i.ardrn" on Sixth Street. So I am offering this w a. Hum and t. Wkri. .if ra. ratrealed. store at an exceptional bargain. el ; tenth, rut iila vin, Two IWiiiu-ial. ami T. A. awtait. T. Itea vseetat- irrtre. are nffered. Hrt Any good smart person with a email investment can lake f WaynxTl. armil, frH Mr. aSMl Mr. 1 1. ar Sfrf ltruMwick ptiv6o;raih thi store and do well. rived frin inn iitfr lessy "i ISMT una in rlly ynlrr day lflrrnw. ihr wa t Waimi ikiaaery. Mi. for Ike eandklatr Vreivins thr I.jyipgr quarter with Lai broom and range are in con. .rl Inlrl. wberr Mr. I.ulea areale.l number of vole outid nrrllfi'n. ; ' of I'riace llureri or-Aaynr r-ad, See iiiu at '.tlipe.' U allaer ib , 1'uawHI lUnd (tiinday. II and nanaarr -f Ikr r r a f iniilar priie for I be hold L. MURRAY FULLER. Phone 45. .' and I M hum i. Caanrry. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY prince Nuprrl, - --r er of the lueky tiekel. fir.I I rip jmiufc aaxl laM r-lu-n-iiik 'I"br Mked4Te of i lr oe to 1. 1. PRINCE QEORQE AND PRINCE RUPERT n. I .. Thuis-i- .l.. ai MHIaaalla. .Var'- Mr, lieorar Mmirn. Mra. John folbtw: combination liik.-t. M i Swanaon Bay, Mn.iirf. Hlark m. IS MrRe. Mr.. J Sleen and Mr. a a s 1 5.mm vole: ticket. :.-WW; 0 fills, Powell Rlter, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. J. It. KeeMir I.-ft n la4 alybl iMembervbin eaHi ticket. Mwii; Canadian National Railways j Jitjoi W ' - n i in 1 Stewart, HriOii day. 8 p.m. H. J II. Mllr. K.ll . utH-r. train Mve r.rdaralr wlere they ticket. i.miO: will etid ral wer4 ntrrry-so-round Illl.'llil'lll .if Mh.Mll.l M laiMI arti eamp-iu I. 8. PRINCE JOHN I .int. N'.rllirrn and Hullrn if lliiti.li lUdumkxa will prrwk on tttr TtMMiiuis maeh. ma.ked ImII tb-krt, I.mm. A Juno ttti and "-r-l. utmiinalion blank rnlillr- tin- Prince Rupert t.Mh aud lUb. - Qeeea Charlotte Islands, M.y al Im'IIi Ihr iiinrntiiu and "Milia' ' H t. 4iid ..i..i. Auul ilk and IVUt, SofA- 1 6 Hi rrti..-. ui IM MrlhiHli.l Uhurrk K. V. Hart lia briHinie a an.li.Ulr to an initial S.lKin hi Sunday. meinhrr of Ho- Hoard of Irade. otr; uwininal ion Itlaak Willi el rrmiltaitcr. IM.iMMi; with .' r. DRYDOCK -milUtiiee, Train Service .4. hi. aptdira)!ioii li.ixini: baew ar- Ji.mio: nomination Passenger Dally Eicept Sunday, 6.4S p.m. Mi and Mr. rr MAfc eroted at Ikr monthly SNeelinic blank with remiltaiere of i MiMilit-r.. I'iiiki' M'-orKr. (jliiiiinliiu, and VuiHIk'. and 'lauahlfr, Jr.uk and Jrau lai niakt. Ikr r. -iHattoa wX-1:. AND for combination ticket. G.K0 it... t ri.iiiif.'ii.ii. lr all miiiU in Iji.lern tUnada and Mi .Nina Muno. of Van- ii. Howe waa axi-' pied. The rr!.- ' irualion of I . N. I kosfiMii and .ote. arrhvd tk- ' 'urr. Uiday on i i Mal" On reeeim of iiomiualion Ihr SHIPYARD A. W . l.ipin wrr. wiiaUrawH- I'riure will OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME lluiwrt. 'I'bry upend ALL TRAINS AND BOATS , raudidale wtll br iullilicl from Ocean Steamship Lines Hi.' aninipr at Ufi.rirrdwru tii'krls for.alr. Karh Candida le Agency for all Ii.m- Mr. MrAfw i- manar of A. I. H. Tri-iiiaine, of Ollawa Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Ae. Phone 20. mu.t Im- endoi'Md by mmir rr-pmi.iblr Third City Ticket 628 Office, miiII. iiirrinlrnitriil of 1 MoiniJii Hn. Ilay (uirty. Staudiny of Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blackamtths, Pattern , liovnnmenl iiiarin.' alalkMia, ar. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Eto. randkUr will b iullibed from Al I. uHA.NiiK.MK.V and mem- rixrd I hi uinrniiiK oa Use I'riiifr limr lo Iiiim- in lh.- newHaeiv. In i. ,.f I. i. I.. S3 1 0. alae MCHt- Hunrrl and will laake an in-MWrrlioii Ike winner of rue will br Electric and Acetylene Welding. Imt- of tin- I.aUo-- iiranKC. arr of ike lii.y 11 and ela PACIFIC RAILWAY determined bv lln'ir ureredited CANADIAN i.-iii.lrd al trail iMvina VMirv. tion. Mra. Tri-iiulue la alao voir, and u rommilli'e of prominent Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of B.C. Coast Services HiiiitUy.! lh,.July Ilaplii. Parade i:tiurak kar on krrr. . to verify cilirn Ikr count.will be l!aiididiili-appointed Marine and Commercial Work Hi.- M.-li ..iM.ir Mall al 11:48 p.m. Ni.Ii.t Ikal tlx- YaiM'ouer -i are not reMrbiiHl to any territory. PHONES 43 AND 3SS VII fen. f KuaUiitl are Invited H-Mird f leade iteaai uoafel Sailing from PrinceRupert alli'Md. hr lo-iv "ii 4-ily eiirawte to For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway lk' int. imr r.-eeive! al Ikr Mr. laidmi aud her dan-1 JUNE 11, 15, 28. JULY 3, 7, 14, 17, 24 and 28. A Ifllrr frtHM ibr HetieeadeMt tumidity wrt'liiiy .'f Ike Im-al trr. Mi Ada i;iiil'n. nail ii OfiaVi' uf Bkka. board lat I he ealertain- Fee Seattle unci prrtr-iie aiybl. afternoon by Ihr I'rineess A'i. Vancouver, VlelorU and B. & K. Mash !akinw for fitiaail aaaiatmire uirNt i imilli'i- vtu drleffatrtl t Poultry JUNE 17. 24. JULY 1. , 12, 19. 22 and 29. .Hi mile to I'.alifm nia. nnrflmn wUk I publirily lr'Mtrr for llirir .lay of our . 8, PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanton Bay, I ; mi.I IraiiaiMtrtalkNi of fiob for lay in Pi-im-r Humeri. j Camp-Ull meant Eal Bella Bella, Ocean rail, Namu, Alert Bar. lilic tirand l.untee ronnlinii l.i - H!,.r and Vancouer, etery Saturday at 1 p.m. iio- iu'W nai ntueilk io Wiuui- J. Howell, chaid wltli Iwiiif.- Exceptional Agency for all Steemshlp Una. IM'tf. va recelted by lis. Hoard n a Nlale of nili'viejlioii wiiiic More Eggs 1- nil m("i ni.ili'Mi (niin if trad lal nisM- " . driviua a motor ;t r, (immiimI Diamond W. O. ORCHARD, Qantral Agsnt, ft-rifd ! Mir tihtiert and fink. ill uolirr court I In- UMirtiiilit and Cornsr of 4lh Street and 3rd Aenue, Prlnea Rupert, B. O. rrif t'ominillrea. waa r.'iiiaudrd until Monday. W , balanced Food. This is a Laying - K. William. f W illiaaia, Mun- Ring Value Aiiiouk tlioar rriiiatrird al the on A iloasali'M. iiunearinii for Each sack has attached a tag giving the ingredients Hujiert yenltnjay Ikr ib'frnee. Arn-M WM ttuitlr An ratcru factory has and UNION OF B.C., LIMITED Molrl Prince guaranteed analysis. STEAMSHIP COMPANY just ent us u sample rlnt; were: K. de ll"U- ! Slea. a niirhl hy Sergrani MelHiueliy BAILINGS J. M. Hx-kiH. H. K. KU-ilen, in WeaUiew. ut a bargain price to tien Vancouver, I an I alU ami Kv.h..m Ilay. Tu-tay 5 l "- I'jilaary;Wm. M Hobaoii anl H. up trude. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. ' Vancouver, Ah rl Hay and l'rt Hardy. Saturday p.m. ItiMdli. VanMurr: Mr. and Mra. i:mi.Utile V. .1. Service, of Seven nice while llia-iimnda Island, bunday n,ei, Auc Arm, Port Simpson and Wales AUn J. Ilunl. Kdward Hunl. r. SutHhera, armed in I he city oa (nut chips) set in the P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 don Ilunl, l.awreme Ilunl. Minn laal niahl naiu liiivimt iu ihi-tixty lulet Tiffany cluter style 1' ' Uer Cannerlea. Krldsv a m Alma Ilunl mid MU V- i a Hunt. William I "linui, u llatel-ton with fancy white void et-tlll. Moiilrral; Mr. and Mr. I .!. Indian, who wa- HMStawned lo Iti-miiivloii. Hiltltina. Minn.; Mra. I m.niib and 3 jikmiIIi by lla Hie aiiearanoe of a i: K. Sly. t'.dioonloii; Mia V. .ludye Vouiik at SiuHher on sinxle alone of carat sue Htlgtrson Block, Prince Ruptrt. Phont686 DENTISTRY! i.u.luii. San Kmii,i'; J. M-I'iiul riiurday for theft ami jail Jut come and look at it. I'nii.f iM'"i"'; and Ml' brcakuiif reieeliM'l. tiuti'luble The Price Is only 865.00. 'I'm I'm! 1-" i i I it Kervicr Will piiM-eeil to Okalltt Dr. E. S. TAIT Modern X-RAY Service with In iri'ii4'i iiy the I'riu-re. John Bulger, II- alvwe tbi aflefiiouu. Dental Surgeon The Jawaller DR. BAYNE Fczema CHURCH NOTICE. Oficr llourt, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. 'rkcra wHI. ha no efmyalt service GIFTS THAT LAST Sunday by Appointmtnt T ' Malgarwn Block 2S.t0 or Sunday chMri held in '! lloura: Mornings. V-U Vfirnonns. I lie Pi'i'.blrriuii t'liurcli until Evenings. her lo'lu'e.