"v .. ilav July 1 PAOB BIX 171 DAILY SWfl " 1 " STRANGE EXPERIENCE FISH ARRIVALS G. H. Arnold, Notary Public OF FISH BOAT SCRUB WESTHOLME THEATRE HEAVIER TODAY FIRE INSURANCE Arrived In Port Safety After Hitting Tonight, Saturday Rock off William It carefully wrllen by us In reliable companies We are permanently Jesso L Ltsky prtaenta William D. Taylor g Island. Tout or 140,000 Pounds Halibut engaged In the business and our records are accurately ami once you hat kept so that whan your policy aiplraa you will be notified iB tasted Ihi.-. golden Marketed at Eichange this I'txxluction, In sufficient tlma to keep your property protected. We solicit TH balihul boal rVruh. .i, fcrrto(au u k now Morning. your business. Prims, had rather Mr limn . Ao the(tavot you H. O. HELOERSON, LTD. lertenee when votnins: int.. (, la mere heavier ltn "The Witching Hour" a C'-w dnv- niili Insurance. Rentals. her r.r wuhed for welve tmat havma Whc lmck h i-.ck mi WiMni 'i- aS irt I I o.iwm UINa .if katl I-IiiihI nff Hit- n Ii .. Ihi' hit' . 1 v.-han.f. Tke pr A P.fam rant IVture. with bttr, ami ki--l.il ...t wit 1 weeii ne ana i.i- DEXTER IW ale mill. 1 wain The in.1 ELLIOTT fl-l' 4 Je J-Be All Ui.it tl''4I lllc'lll wnl over "i fiir .1- '.. pn-k i. f r iaerocMl. "WW. rmwil on the i i-'in. A- m . il n. aalten wi'i-' 2 Reel Bin Tiwin V m r - "Mrv Fouwaiii TIMStR SALS X404T. thle ilnfH-il f -i.-ii. free.I . Hartt Youl)at.hke A I mission, ut! !"' rated tn mil b rrreftrd lr Urn wlf unit the I . 1 ItaH. -'I'I I'1 j Mlnl.trr f Mi at Virion MH lalrr live after which -In . i.lle, It. NAUOltCQFtm IImii ! rm IM I ltd day I inlr. (t. Klk- 1 :r I'aH.t.li.in , f.,r IM purr bat of LI mm x il IT, 14 nrlf. AIIIiomhIi lu'i iiiii wai M.n-!3... rni ton, fat rf IMl Tib, llrmawt. ruet, H 51 e-lai iixl (ilMn, allm l tm an arta an rathitr Ixxlly ttrnnaimil li w., ',.,,,'1 I. II .".r ami .". IN Mi Arm ot Urafury Inlet, tuns, t, in ronttmi inki n Shoes i:t IHainrf. (miii 1 i.esxi t'oMJ'. it.; Two Hi veara La stowed fer to-n.ai rlithl nml mllhrr Itir rr-w 1 ti nf urMwr I uriMr rirlK-iiiiri or IM Onf thf rHrim vn-rr ilamMZml. I i Mrtti iM.iHMia. i th' Dainty White" ler. Victoria. B.i:, or PhMrtrl h Ittll,. Iiip Hour Rood look, perfect fit, vrmrr nnm, b.i;. 1. iimliTgfHn ri'(iai -nt ,i. .11 ri-li ami old Stora .1 in 1 1 Ions f niliu am-.-, ih fully vitrified I lif dry ihx'k. .1' 11 ii. mI : : Al H. 1 1.m REMOVES ALL STAINS FROM liy llir Kfu'iifin satifac-fmn 'in.I- I I M Mid r.r: II. 1;. r LINEN AND COTTON FABRICS y-'ii receive when you ALD. COLURT WILL I I mill i.iihi.. Il .ii- Mni if V. Ili.iliiix Hi.uim. i.i., wear Uie.in. I Spencer. I1MMI pollnd. II.ti -ok in .1 -1.lulu.ti f"i 1" I" The " i' ' i- low fr shoes TIMStR SALC X2I70. MOVE FOR DEMOLITION ll..I lreii. ItfMaf SMMtfalH lUtio.lf- III.'11 i ll'-.' ! Itl.i- if Ihi IhkIi qualify. -alr1 Mm M t rrrrOral by tM, I t in id 5r. Uinl.l.. of tMmta ml Vara k.J la... ' OF PHOENIX THEATRE liail.ll ill llol lllj'll ii I IV I mM, SNA DfNttMt. to Man nm we lr f 7ltl day af Jl. Ifl. delicate (abrtc $12.50 pair r.r inr narrwiw or unm .?? Mini ri-hiiic at It.tW and Sr. per mi t.n. frt of u4 SnXTWfc. Bail- Takes out pitrfectty, Fruit, uw awl ilFMtiir mi mi a4JaCM la Mil. I In-". I...Mill I 1- In In in;. DAUGHTERS OF EMPIRE i I n uiiclomv .'II.IHaB pnund. to Indian lt-rn, rill lilakd. Mao !'(. Grass, Blood, Tsa, Coffee Stains, I'aeifir riheTie nt tl.le MImI Inula 4. UmM liUlrtfl. ihi m.-w ri-Kardinv I lio old I'Imh--,nt Twn (f l i tlinticr yrara IH tx t Haw Ml far rt-im.il Tlialri ln-fori' l.li nly ruiin-ti'il WILL RUN BABY SHOW .r: SI KM, :ijtMI iNNlMtS. I l .5r etc. Even Indelible.stains usually considered 1 rnrlMr fwrllmlara ut IM CMf for in the form of a motion, no. and Jo. KIRKPATRICK tr, Vtrtntftj. B.C sr DlnlrKt IWIItif. Dlnty White" Is a Psrfect i In the Kaien. tl.iMMi poiimln. I'i uirr Huirt, D C. j ! of wIik-Ii dan been t""trd as This Section of Won This Bleach. The Store of Satisfaction i follow: i,,., , , ,,.Hp -n, . TIMStM SALE X IStl Fall Is to be In Their Charge 1'itril in waatiliiw it I.i. .o I.. That liereH a rn tain IhiHiI- "." TTRh Vi v,;.. inr. I., wll tlir l'l..-ni llieatrr Mi HeiiriK, of Vanrotiver. "lajaaly Wrillr ta aMHS a TaMi I.men ami all A title - utr JJL il l . m The IltlMrial n.raiHIla nhlrn (enter, I NaUkter Im. Mr Sard IB vkhilc a. -ikiw. i al" 1 v 1 i ihf amilti to from -wlH Hvm,. k.. m 1 1 imI tiMtaiy IM InlBaiMi- raaai.1 ft m "S".&"JrrtiiS 'TutU! x'liAli ven.,e of Ihe i:HVirc. will have rhBrm-wf her Iell lleairii'. of vror. Hh trin.'lilrr riar II fn-t c..l..r. 1111 i.nnti.nM fwi af Mar. I1- ;i In rli a tat a to lie ft niiin- M-it 011. fr.. carl, ami mlr-l.rd i in iii ami MrfRlork. Hlnald a tb Call, the bmitf rhow in be put tin in he r.'iiioliaii Ktprenn l'.o. 1 alM'ta II lu- '...I a nU-r QUART O C Spring and Summer Arm f m Lake. Llrl liar. Hax l.tanre and ilanaerou. o the hlc l onnertiiHi wttli thin jrmir'n cxhi-j fill al- an.1 1- . l-..!."..! ..t. nOTTLF.S COC . . Vara ; ' awl wl.erea. I lie owner 01 orriet or cirv ineinin. onr..,ir W ...11-1 . (....,..,.. b Hkmvl tor rar .III Inlioii. Mm. II I Ma lire in rliair- ! tin- l.a.nl' Vi..t. . flniMi m AT ALL OR0CER9 M flli.VBl it? I!lthf- aaenl Iherefnr lia iteeu imii-fieil Hi KiinMr tiariiriilara nf IM CMef Futea-.i iiasn of tli mm mil le havinr ar- !! in. i It ' I- IM "..f.it.i It...-!..... 1 1 v AgsnlsW. L. Macdonald A Co.. Viri..rU. n r., ur HltirKl 1'ornur, to put the name III liablUMe v.mi..- 1. IImi and after arali.Mi loa.l.' . ...r l. Coats iTni.e lliilwrl. W.I,. ranaema-nln in hand and in to Im km. dale IM fyii'i. taeMi runenHM,. almr I . ihui;.. iw. : Rogers Bldg., Vancouvsr, B.C. riindilion or ileniolinh it and 1ia H.-l.ted by lrn. J. H. MeMwllin. ?A IH TMt suentMt eouar r BRITISH failed to do Ihereforr be it tM ,,,., COLUMBIA IN PROBATE Ir. J. I'. IJuil- and lr. H. K Tre. Mrlhnt Too TaarMlai fii.ii In IM Mailer nf IM AdminaatraUMI AM revolved thai the riHinril pn. nw i.r V ailm Mla Aflrni -"" Exclusive Styles. and in IM Mailer of IM Catat of may tie will be ll.e nwrfical miMT. TIB ttr William Hnrrowa Mf laohin. i-eed to eserriP il (tower under 1 Vail . vi.om. Miss Charlote No two alike. TAkK MiTKF. that on IM lain day of the Munk-ipal Aet and order the Itlnek. ma-Iron . AT LESS THAN May. ' I"'" ot AdmlnMraUam In of Hie K-ni'ra I honpital. Will I hUh l IM above ealal ere rranied in Mn.) liuildiilit deinolinlii-d. the eXwnnr rrH lirr (NeaMHatrr Tlwrd VANCOUVER PRICES. iniila Oraf, III Clarrwo stmt, Vkiorla, he iitime.in.rliarwi- and examina-Uotln l.trrawal n 1 In lie rliHi'iced ( the owner a li rim-Hnun IM Weianfilaa i Will be iiiaid' in the lioapi-tal. "Supreme" A few of tlin vry lati-at Al.t. rrnoA haul arinu ifalnal proMili'il for under the Art. Start MB vtatilay rufranuB brand tM ealaie arc rrqnired t aend IM aame nertHaa lacBI Wanlar Aftrn.ion DOLMAN COATS, made in In IM underaianed vltnia thirty dafi fx fa Mltatr f-il aal rMiacaurnrr la fnifn Hie dale Mreuf. I'he l.fl.ll.i;. will afo riiiuliict Bandnaf. 11 u ranwi li-d llroadtf'illi. trfttil.v cm-lirnlili'ri ALL rriixoVa nwln rnonloa In tM aald ROWING RESULTS 11 Thai aalroaair ikm wrmi , tlic lea at Hie Aitrifiilttirel r 01 1 m .lata arc Mrrtiv retiuired Ki pajr IM rt Hm i eMr il. In Navy and Lawn M 11 111 Mae bi tartgr aim In IM underaltned f..rlh llfi Hall iluiiiiK (hi- fair ana) n paiMf. wlrt m rciHirtral bb fclind? tiTn al tM cur nr rnnre iivprn in HENLEY REGATTA u 11-ual. K. l mvfptarlaa a. Ihn.rra.iiH' .f .UrUiiii 1 ..lumbia. Ihi. t Ttaal raa be trktrvd al M Meat U! FRKSH FRfiSH At Less Than Vancouver fiuai imt in.am an. i Wmh mi aVM Coffee Prices. CONTINUATION SCHOOL Mr . m wa day nr man-in ROASTbD Walter Hoover, American, Won By oroajr it u MinBrii. 'Mm I.iihst 1 I'l'uXniiis in Ttif iH'wpapt'i' with 1 tin fir Diamond Sculls on Thames. PROPOSAL ENDORSED r . WIHTTtain.I'll) Mtianr Spoil (loud nl;iiion is 1 lie real advnrliitiiiK Uaard HBa 1MB day of Jul. It .,' Hoanl at thf Breakfast tihlc: medium m:,'l,KY. July M. Waller M. BY BOARD OF TRADE NOTrCL IV TML vitrTKR u? an aneHtataM fa "SAY! MA GIVE ME ANOTHER CUP BENTS Hoover, American eliamtnoii IM Ikw nf a fraafe rvrtirkfle af INM la) won the diamond wtill Tile -i lii nie f..i ii 1 "I related an luadttaSwi l lMrd . tnrtt Ja OF COFFEE, PLEXSE. THAT'S THE .nrnmali, ami in I... ti and f I. Rlank ii. tM fi In-ii- Imlay Ubbli he defeali'd J. ynlciti nf nullum. I ion i'liiHln aad VI. Hhirk it. and larf I a. fl IM ft VET! IS IT?" BEST WHAT Third Ave. Phone G51. nt. a l. all hi imm imm 1. JI uf rna ... ... - Ili'ienf..' !. Jr., of tle 'Itiainen (or the diiel. pill (inward anMarn law nni.. Howinv 1 ufi in the final for by lite Any.M Community l.eaifue r-rtkHmmhf SaHafirtnrt u uwl lllln narMai f IM na IM of aWi.a Ihr Yes, I knew you'd like It. T.iat'. 'SUPREME' -1 il! . Mi.' Henley renal la An- ileal! Willi liv Hie 1 1011 r.I nf llanda. Milnt leeB pralurtxi It I. m iu.. Flesh Roaite-J Coffee, tlta Coffee that tastes aa aminje aw laaiar, aiier on rir.ini ! the i.ennder liitlb Wttit the trade I a-I cveniiiK and wii- re. iNtr Maj4k fruM IM fir.I puUlrrall" M ' EUROPE it smells All friends using it now" TO ferred. wilb faVornMe reenm-llieiiillil of. frh rrriirn-air 4 itu- tn im good as my are defealinif raii'l i-lmllenne eup. iiaaur of auaVrri tilh and llrnri ntntth ! I I tie l li.mie i:iilli liy a leiiylh. (.in. to I be ri.li-ulel .1 1 Ion nhlrN rrruftrat t title la liaii d I tin GrounA roasted and packed nt the warehouse of Millinery c HUE rUSEBMllONS NOW! V.rMf. Itl. ami nnmMrrd liti I of (be Ki ln m,I JIihsH. I'lndei t he t aiiiiI cup wa won by -Mnn, Haled l IM land Nrci.irt nfflrr VikliiU l.luli of I'.lon. wlllcb ea-ily iii'naiuer of I be 1.run by em...iv HMBert, B . IM- 4lli day -Baaaj'' STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. QUt8C0-CMCR00UR0S0UTHAMPT0N di'fealed lb'- lit iiliop'r Hay (MilylceliMir ami mover ( ilie I 1 M. 1 1 on HAMaUBO lt r"lrai f Ttih'. Co(fae Impurlara tantl Konalero I'KINCE KUPtRT cbcme. atl'Ir.M'.l the meet Jul. tS Agf. It Sap. IS Emartaa af Scotland l .lilli f in n il. Sw it .e r la 1 id. mil Au. SSa. SOct. twrraaa of rraiit:" itli.l fully oullineil t lie propooal 25 per cent MONTR tALSOUTMAMrT0NANTVVINr He Wa arcul-llei' a vole nf tbalika July ISAuf. IS San. IS MallU by lb' Hoard. ' Avf. X Au. SO Sas. IT MlnnoCoaa Preserving TIMBER SALE XSSIS. Sas. S Soollan reduction MONTRtAL TO LIVIRPOOL LOCAL ASSESSMENT r.laal Irank-ra mill lie rrri.J by IM MNalaler uf UJ at Virtoiia i"l lair Julf 14 Au. II tap. S Montroaa TOWARDS STARTING ISan auaw un IM ftth day f iuly. tm. Lumber & Lath Julf SS Auf.Z Sap. 12 Montcalm Strawberries. ftar IM (Mrrcliaao f l.trenr. k fa. In nil l.ttO.OU frvt of Baraln. llar. Ill-Ill Aus. IS Sap. IS Oct. IS Victorian tor a and Pbtui-., allnaled tm an area on Sap. 1 Sap. SS Monlclara OF RATES BUREAU IM k.r dorr, lunar a iai.1 IM-tri.'t "DEMERS" V. 1 1- (lie liiiw to buy Ihrrr ' .1 irara Bill Urn llurd fur MONTRIAL TO OLASOOW ne.tal of limin'r and VOIII li e'ei-vmit Slruwber-Htpilcitl liiHMr Mill' nlaf il IM ' Ulef r. rr- Shiplap-Boards Tunlalan Jul IS Ag. t Sap. 0 I" 11 lll.' "III I lin e l - .1 - -' --In tn. Vi...na. P 1 .r Iii-lrlil .ir.lr. Jwlf SS Agf. SS Sap. S3 Malaf am l'H. HlflVIIU I'I III' r lll,..'rt. B.' Phone 27 P. O. B01 32 W.llll- III'' l'-lllilll-llll.'i.l "I ,1 Sap.1 Coralcan e cry Ii miii. (iiir pni'i s are Dimension fl "i, lil rale- lilll'eail in u 1 n- .11 QUtStO TO LIVSRPOOL ! It t vcr, ax in "Mid by Hie It.'.n il JglrlSAgf. ISSap.tS tmpraaa of Britain $2.95 per Crate and up ThurotiKlily Air lined and Stored Under 1 lover will In- of Italic of Mm' city, OUisio-CHinaoono-souTMAaieTON aci'orduiK to qtiulily and fill. letter to II11- effect wa-j Agf. S Sap, 1 (mpraaa of Indlo plll'k. received by Ho' loc.il lioai.l -b - HYDE t. J. Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding Applr to Afanla oiarioliaro, or RHUBARB FOR PRESERV- 11 1Kb t from Hie A--." i.iled ll.'a' .l-of rORSTIR, Oanaral Aftnl, 0 P.R. Station. Vancoolae, Tolaphono 3inor tSSO INQ Trade and ;i r i. rri'il '!;. and Finish CANADIAN PACiriO RAILWAY W e do nut look for lower 1 Kiuauce lnumil i.i' wilb Ho- i TRANSFER Trafflo Afaat. ll li e.. commciidal i"U Ilia' Die .1--'--iiieul 5 lb. for 2So SPRUCE LATH EXPRESS AND BAQOAQE. be paid. iin.ouwi - 11-...lneiil 11 lb. for 50o i- S.'Mih and il w.i- I' -thai I lay uml Nirl" I'lione i0 From the Farm 25 lb. for $1.00 lllie Die puH'all v.. nl'l Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling al Lowest Prices to the Table CANNED MEAT SPECIALS. of ureal importance I., lln-Ibe J)n'ncc (Scorrjc Best Coal Cornel If...-r. I',., till Saturday ium.'ul of I li" 1 e.i. .1.1 ;.! BulkleyValley 250 ii--.'- 1 .tllolcd v "ii I.I !" a otel PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. II..11-1 lleef. IV, till tuiur- Well.warrai'l.'d evpeiiililiii ' SI TORONTO Seal Cove, Prince Rupert 381 Wood Wood day ?fc Xj In Cantre of Shopping Telephone Stove Lengths, Split. BEEF Mim ed r.ollopn. for .. 35o NEW STATION WILL j Si and Uuaineat District PORK SI 0 ROOMS . 1 01 ned ll. f IIuhIi. 2 tr 35c MUTTON Il. . f Stk iV Onion. 2 fur 35c BE FULLY OPENED n Ml CUZOPL is-.in rrhaia MI-LAM Saa 139 2nd Ave. West. VEAL VL . aviMNaff f MOHpaoia. ataarB, Bin, .1. Hi. .1 V. .' fur 3So Phone 5S0. FRESH Sksena River KILLED Farm POULTRY Produce Arriving Friday Trade.for Weekend BY NEXT MONDAY xitiixxKztuttvmzmfuitmiuHxxu The Best in Rubber Footwear VANDERHOOF CREAMERY New I'otiiloei, New fle. BUTTER roin, i:aulifiower, Head Let-luce, The new li.N.lt. ntalioll will be; We are Kid- Aw, nu ,n Mm. , ,fy f,.r HIPRESS llubl" iliilbnuae Tiiliiatoep, upeiu'il for luminals next Monday li(iut?t, alnn Him 'PARTRIDOE" ll.aild ull nUn k of all Hub Let Us Advise You NORTHERN INTERIOR lireen Onion, Hadlthes, wTibh Hie ticket off i uneven in ! EDSON COAL bern tee our pnc. f,,i h-.t (juality in dice line. The i pi en and hanmiRe depart. , (with a lifetime's eiperi-t'tice CO-OPERATIVE I'arnlcy, New (Ireen I'imis, "INVICTUS" Whoc. Hie t)t it b..e pna-itile. for men im ineiiln took tlieir iuartet'M on , in all branches of the New I Ireen )ieans, Cueuui-bcrn, up women, from $11.50, Phone 81 the flmt floor of (he depot lat COMPANY EVERY PAIR llmlding Trade . Muiun, I'tuiclitvn, Apri-coin, GUARANTEED. IllKllt. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Brickwork, t.iiipe r.Miilelo'nts,K1111I, Bwpet Hananas,Potatoes, FAMILY SHOE STORE (I, W. t'lUliiaurire. win. in 1 Third Avenue I'hona 3B7 Thlnl Avanu I'.eler. etc. Stonework, IT you wit itl Die best for working at OnaMiuir iii ii-1 itn- Best Coal Dr. Geo. L Barton ni' Concrete, etc. 1 In tald" at the luweist irlft nunimer,ill town. la Vill apcll.llllir report n Hint Hie walk dov.ii.iuii where Mans and Ppecifiraliuns yuu al the eannerv THEO NOTARY (Palmer) will find the laiKent UUplay averaye per boat COLLART, LTD. . free to all our clients. in Hie itoriii. Our store Is yeaUrttay wa to with 1U0 liluli at run lic. William Walls & Co. Chiropractor I ami (lie ideal spot for W aaroi now Atf.nt. for Ilia N.w York Llfai Irtiurnnc. p.'i inliatil. - The naliiiou trollnu boat Ihh-liioml Lowest Prices Company. Th most llbsratl and .Ironuaat company " ulldera and Contractors Federal Block T. till 11 rock in Mi'tlukallu tha continent. Aa.als, 930S3.U33.1 3H.H0. Cat us alio w I' D Hot 2 Phone 482. Rupert Table Supply Co. Pa ana ie a . ..ui.le of day w you how to lava your money. Office oi; Srd Ave Phone SCO. while Moiiitf ha Oveanie i:anu"i Order Nowl Phone 58 Jobbing Work of all Kinds. Phonss 211212 nu.I i now in the drydock un Phone Blue Westholme Theatre Block P. 0, Bos i ii'--