TBI DUCT IIWB PAGE FIVE Revival in Mining Will Have Great Effect on All Going out of the Other Industries of B. C. pert ns lis ep ii re dug is per cent or (lie loniiage of all Ihe ore Shoe Business lnilicl III llrilisli (witrimliin " HoMnm.l li It ii.;n ..r v . . '"i ' .'miiii "i uiiirinnrr, IMP milling f lilfHIf(!' wild una lieru (i.Idk.Iok .4 ill ceil it.J per i-piiI f ii,p infinl i,iilr.nl ..r nil.,.,, on .., and of copper Nil per renL This year Hie Premier mine alone is Procuring more gold and more silver Hiaii nil the. rest or llrilisli Our lease of the building is up, and we are putting a price on our SHOES n 1 1 1 nil it is m a f sr...J 4 r. . . Us that should clear out every pair. Everything is on sale and most of those jihPjy total for Ihe year will about orpin I Hie. provincial total . .... ,,, I,,,,, i.niinn. shoes cannot be replaced wholesale at these prices. bia's previous best year j l.l, icy of iTsiTvintr areas of (.lie COME IN AND LOOK AROUND tnry. provinrp frntir oroprcling. Ollu-r "K is.pood to see (be renewed liiPllinds will suircPht lliPinsplvpa aclivily in iiiming Ihrniialiniil the oii'pp tli.. ih'iiiiIp rciilizp lli.'it niiii Any Pair of the Famous Regal Shoes for Child's, Youths' and Boy's Running Shoes, province,""II in continued Mr. Morkill. ins i I'Ptilly an iiuporlanl twnip Wen, one of (he. highest, grade shoes in. Wlitl. ItlaCk r.nd Jtrown, from per apparent everywhere and liuluslry on llm real pros, in C.'drada, 15.110 yalne.s for pair lis .rfeiM on other lines of aclivily pprily "of I Iip province dpppnds.' is lionnd to he fell. Min the industrial backbone or (Iip1 $9.75 $1.00 SALE AND TEA BY province. I1h prrprt is roll 5nl Silk Under 'Things DVAfl'. lini i it.I. .(.. '. . I UnMCM'C ATfVIT IAI)V - - j mil j iiiiiunii ifllll f.Sl,l' nlly in s,-h-plnrPS is PHnP llu.l "urau'V liUAIUftUI Leckles' Top Grade Shoes, leather lined, All "Classic" Shoes for Womenand Chil jier air dren at COST PRICE. port, rnrmin fi,iK, Jopsing, OF ANGLICAN CHURCH The makers of Kayser "Italian" Silk Underwear till $9.75 other industries miv dependpnt on Women's High Grade Top Shoes in White (Made in Canada,) the high quality and exclusive it In n much irrralrr pxIpiiI than jAffalr Hail Held Yesterday Successful In Church or fSrey KM. $t:i.li0 values Highly Both features of which are recognized as standard, i gpnprally Put Province understood.on Map Socially and Financially Men's Fine Goodyear Welt Shoes in Black $6.95 and $7.95 strongly advise the use of Lux. They say : Mining rirsJ pnl the province of or llrown tJalf and Kid. Some cushion llritish Cdiluinliiii on Hip man ami TIip sale of home cooking, soles. riiiarnnteed all solid "Lux renew the beauty and luttre of th'eae changed it from an isolated haudkprchiefs and aprons and aT-lernoon lejellier, W'iile medium or pointed Women's Shoes in small sizes only. Val- ilea held (he r hy Women's Iocs. Your choice excellent garment. Silk Underwear should lludsorrK. Hay Irndi'n'S district lo Auxiliary or SI. Andrew's Church Ues o 1 S.00 for j be wahed at home, preferably with Lu." an iioporlanl nart of Canaihi. II yesterday aflfinnuu in ir church $7.95 lias hPen he dirpcl (in 1 isp of Hip $1.75 hall wras an outstanding social hililding of four-ririhs of Hip A quick gentle washing in the rich Lux audi will.make roads and trails and railways in success and Ihe'rinancial result your underwear ai clean and fresh as when new.- The the province. Its was also very plr-asing. Hip sum Men's Solid Leather Work Boots, I Hack or products to date flakes or !I5 having been realized. llrown. Tm r.ais -or l'laiii. Army Women's Oxfords and Strap Shoes in all satin-like of thin white Lux made by are our own are vaUieil nl 7.'l t.nno.000 nml it There was a good attendance hut last styles and leathers, from exclusive process, and dissolve instantly into a rich cives direct emidovinent to i.1.000 the place at time no was crowded. bubbling lather as harmless as pure water itself. loenv II supports at. Irasl 73.000 The fancy work booth was in $4.95 $3.75 if llritish (.olumhia's liopulalion charge or Mrs. C. C. Mills assisted Lux, tlanJi lupreme or washing iii and other fine anil is Hip rrason fur the Piuploy by Mrs. K. M. McCoskric, Mrs. C. men! of fahrkt. It is toU only In ttaltd pallet U - JmU-proot IIiosp a good percpnlagp of J". Kenip and Mrs. (. Whitehead. Men's Box Calf Boots, from Women's White Canvas Oxfords "and pngagpd in apriciiltuip. log Mrs. W. C. Orcharl presided over Pumps, high heels only. Wortli 5.n0. sing, luriihcring and fiihin: the home cooking tables, assisted $4.00 This affi-cls (hp husinp'ss or Hip l.y Mrs. A. V. Ilealy. Mrs. Jack LUX wholesaler,the trapsporialion iiianiiracturer. hanker, llarnsicy and Mrs. A. K. Hazz.eM- $1.75 concerns and Jones. trs, (i. A. Mc.Vicholl su Boy's School Shoes in 1 to v Half, sizes It Itio.p who reed and house the peoplp. pervised the lea .tables, Mrs! F. H. to t.l, from j I)n ernel and Mrs. Jl. L. Mcin Women's and Children's White Canvas Mining is (he solp indtislrv tosh poured slid the list of assistants . $2.95 Shoes with, rubber soles, in straps LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO or U.i towns of. varying sizp in itrilish Coliimhia and is the par included Mrs. II. T. Wil- Sizes 1 to 5 from and Oxfords. AT COST PRICE. tial lell. Mrs. It. Iteaunionl. Mrs. T. C. industry oMnjt.othpr lowjis. Diuiciui, T. I'arkin, Mrs. Us Inilii-ecl jnfluence has been Mrs.y. $3.25 II. SI, O. 1a- Mrs. Waller llunie. Men's Goodyear Welted Shoes in Iilack or TIMS WIN the niaking of still other towns r--"7 Mrs. II. K. Trpmavne. Mrs. II. O. firown Calf, a smart shoe for which arc kppt up hy induslrjrs Port Chat Crewe, Mrs. .1. I. Mrs. C. V. OPFNINf, tamf I which bpopfit from liiining., is Cade, All Rubbers and Gum Boots at COST Kvilt. Mrs. .1. II. McMiillin and $5.95 essentially a . while man's industry PRICE. Mrs. II. I., noherson, Miss.'JI. M. Junior League Flxtura Pull- ""' "r ''na tiave cpr as to Intiiir. simief hinir Davies cashier. d Off Last Night Whlta "i"iy pxpppopiI ppiioral p.xpprla which rannnl he said of liunWr- was Mrs. (i. Whitehead is president """" "" inr l ooiiiall la insr. fishin? ami farmins. Hip Sox I Lose. 10 to 12 of the Women's AtixlJiary. WE CANNOT GIVE YOU A COMPLETE LIST. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. three flip race ;n, arc now aiway lo other basie imluslries. flip nnpnintf t-nmr. Ar it.. ii a Prpat -larl witli a Jpad llial "Kxfension of (he mining in-ludry Ha.l.all ,JpaiiP spiPdiip,l"V ' ,n""''"' "" ,"'',r,!i fT Hip iiK'ans increased prosper. FIFTEEN WWS OF ily fur Urilisli Coliimhia, It Shoe Store " ' i- a.-.' nichl on II... Appm...li riininng- i BRIGHT Royal lironn.U. uns u..n l.v n. ".rroiiiH. louin na airam a means a i-eviMil in every oilier SUNSHINE . ' ...I iKnir -..... It. ...Iitf industry and Hip solution or Ihr l.v Tim iiver Hip Whiln Si.T l.v! " '' ihihtiips RECORDED DAILY Uu' S"" 'ake iinefiiplnypil prohlem. roii. of f i.v io 'iwnml(,f rhaiipps lia Third Avenue (so far aIjhiiJ iIipiii in jrood ulrad Aid the Industry. a lose one as iUip urore in. it,s :Vhip thpy have undoubtedly How can the general public Record Temperature Reading of and it wn ,ii'li-d hy a fine team there !ia ulxrt lieen help ju pneourainu mining? Sunday Still Stands Weather !l.si;.ei aijd anprrciativp a iiiPasure of lurk .running with I'liey can do it hy assisting the Report For Month suTisVrihed pvil who the satis- IIipiii and Dins they hap Jipeu prospector, by asrtsiing ih the on Sunday still stands as tbe hih iiy of 1) to tin" cotler- miiii wide to make (lie showing I(nil fight ror rair rreighl rates on The maximum thennomeli mark. II. O. Crewe, Dominion many (liotivhl lliry would 1io( are and miniiiK-coininqdilies and reading ypslerday was 7i) above meteorologist, reports thai, dur Kelly.ralrhor,pitrhpr.roniprispd and H. I.und-I. the' allain. this ea.nn. TIip ' next for the uliaiiiliinmcnl of the pol- in tin" shade so the record of 8 ing the past few days sine, the timber sale x ssti. EDSON COAL l.v Tons Imfiery wlfilrs I). Friz- fixture between the Son of l'ng. lion I Wnvo.rnnimonrrft, an avorapp spbImj ipiuIit win i rrreived by tiw land and I Ik' On.tin team lo tf 15 hours briKllt sunshine anil i. itlylhP IiiiiIpiI for the! per tim.riid.dar of Jium. iggi. for ilw nur- COMPANY iinrrnv infill, neii or KPrnilU d.tv li.na lifen evnerienciwl ehsse nf Lireiic. 3UJI, near Alder! Mr Sox with Xii'kPison re .nluAn ill II.. .I n...I!.... VI I I Gains 10 Pounds " ' i. n s. m rni us m ii.m. rn-i or Corner 2nd Ave.,and 7th St. ' rp,"" f Mr. Crcwft's weather figures for siuce. ll'C.',,,",ir,,!iPi'vn -an i.ilerrlirifr pan.p and il,a mnnii. ..r l.,.. i. r..ii....... ' jfara.Ttiii lie aiiuweii lor re- yaniK Milisfar- I i.nn i.iwiiiii ii, ..iiij .ii- .in iiiii..p. mrtvul or llinlier. riving jhmnI. vj, pp imntt.0it a, .Maxiiiiiim .leniperalure, on May I'nrllier iwrllriilsrn ofth Chief Fores- i which is IipsI. in 22 Days! 2ft, 82 aboe. ler, iMirla. tr'llw lillrlet l'rtr. Best Coal The Penior I.entrtie standin? tn Miiiiiiiiim, on May fl, 32 above. BASEBALL dale is as follows:, Ironized Yeast Brings Amazing; Mean temperature, 17..1 above. V. LL'ls Improvement in Movie Beauty Ilainfall, 5.7.'I inches. at Suns of Canada 3 fl fi Miss Byrne's Yesterday's Scores. rTldcnro of Hours of bright sunshine fur TIMBER SALE X37B7. lUrtllng Ironlinl Sons of I'iilnnd Measurements ANOTHKK Scaled iruiMrs will ln' received by the value 11 wclglit-bulUler! In it tmt uionth, 125, Mluiaier tit l.siidi. it Vlftorli. not later Lowest Prices AMERICA LEAGUE. fJroifo , Tftkn'bfor and anrr conducted under the tuprrf iabn'of it physirtun, llian noon on Iho 8tn day of June, ivii, c.iiik'.s. : lit U d- trt of Mitl IJorothy Hyiae, pretty artist' umdrl and Tur Ihe rurchatt of l.lrHiee X33tl7, to cut 'vnlliiiynn, HonIoii. fi-i. ironilvd Vrait uotIo lieauty, gains 10 Jj pounJi in only SI VictorIaTuilder" six!I, .(10,11011 Halsain,fret situated nf Spruce,on an Cedar,area Hemlock on the -liiiij.-', ; Cleveland, t. Btfurt AIrr dayit Miis liyrue'i luenturciiirnlt, Ukea Wfore Kail Arm or lirayney Inlet, llange , ''""it. ; Kl. I.oiiU, 1. Anyox hasehall fnn lirp look W.l.hl . los Ib. J I S'i lb. mid after tbe tet, are given at the left. HERE TO EXAMINE coat l.aud Pihirlct. , Order Now! Phone 58 ing for nil kind of good hall Bl .1 Win. llh ia. Tun (fi yesrs will lw alloufKt rnp re.! A striking example NATIONAL yet ' LEAGUE. nioval of tluiher, C . . ulu. IS U. "w Vork. I I'hlladeli.hia. J. this .eann and r)aini that Arm . . llMlo. 10 In. by no lucuni an exceptional Free MCLAUGHLIN SITE Further particular, of the,Chief Fores, r ; "ainalPiir lengue hall In the big N.ck . . Il.'i iu. 12Y, i. one. For it ia not at all tin. ler, Vimris, B.i:, or District Forester. " 'nn. I ; Itrooklyn, I. utual for thin,nervoua,overworked NUll coupon below i Tiin-r n.nirri. n.i;. 187 (owns haxii'l anything on this From the Farm ror tli ni' intiali. S; l'iliuiifr, i I. or run-down fulka Three l)ar(manor rr M. I'arfilt, of ihe Victoria cim- COAST LEAGUE. lillle ohrnTHhrrn triangle." The mm to gain fire pounds and more Trial Treatment of trartting firm of I'arfitt Urns., is to the Table l'.lki liavr won Iwh games alrrady 011 1 he vtry firtt pacha f of Ironiird Vent. iic-aiueiiio. 7; I'orlland. 12. Ironiitd Ycattl WaU'll the rriulUI in trie city lo make an cxamiiia Hie Mine leaio and over arp giv-pii 'inland, 5; San rranrisro, 1.1. ion of (be site on Third Avenue rrpilil wilh lieing the lirst Results in Half the Usual Time ! BulkleyValley 'in Lake f.iiy, ': Kpattlr, . on wiiich a building was slarlei lot. The the looking train of '"'i"H, -'; l.os AiispIps, ft. Tlte rraaoit Ironiacd Ycukt brings such aruaxlng asl winter by Ihe lale W. II NTERNATIONAL Mine ti'ain proves good opposi retultt it because it embodiei a remarkable aHen-tilic BEEF LEAGUE. McLaughlin. Mr. I'arfitt is act' tion for the Klks, however, and pnxvst called tlie proccfi of ironlaatlon PORK I TUTUd, l; Huffalo, 2. ing mi ihe instruction of Mrs Irani which enables yeast to brlutc its wonderful results that Pilhrr it is not Ihoiivht l1alHiiKirp, Hpadinv, rt. In just W the usual time. This process .lark, of California, a sister of RE SPECIAL MUTTON '""-"y City, Newark, I. will get away with 11 hig 1ph1 in helps to Immediately convert the vital vrnst the deceased, Whelbcr the work VEAL the season's srrirs. iporgp elements Into health aad strength, thus enabling TIMBER LICENSES FRESH KILLED POULTRY I'iihesler, 10: Svrauuse. H. will be continued and the build to derive from Al.l. of the wonderful yeast Corkle. 1'iinre Ilimrrt's star you Skesna. River Farm Produce WESTERN INTERNATIONAL benetits It holds fur you. ing proceeded wilh or nol will catrhpr or Jasl seaon, has a 'Inionton, c,; rct)inii, 2-1. likely depend nil what report Mr. VANDERHOOF CREAMERY Mleady jdi rrreiving for tin- mine Make This Amazing Free Test Tho attention of Timber LI BUTTER anrouver, 3; Calvary v n, arfitl makes. A perinaacnt two nggregalion in Hip snirltrr town If thin or run-down or if tniuUrd with pimples, censn holders who ore taking ad ar BBBBBBaLm Jbluckheads or boils, mail coupon for the lorey slore and apartment block vantaga of tho provisions of tho NORTHERN INTERIOR amusing Three Day Free Trial Treatment of was originally plaiuicii iy Mr CIGARETTES GO UP TIip Klks In Anyox are also Ironised Ycnst, Then watch the results! Note Mcl,.iiiuliliu, il21 Ainendment to the FORKS'! CO-OPERATIVE makiiiK n uood showing at fool- how it Immediately increases your appetite and Mr. I'arfitt rclurns south lo. ACT, whereby arrears of license Pce hall and have hrrn .snrressful in how quickly you begin piittiinfon irood firm flesh. fees accrued prior lo 31t l)e Phone 81 Advance Locally Today he bow guirkly pimples, etc., ainappear ami liow your ishf. winning the Iw.r games already iwlv a4'(uiml "ivp"iimkev liard work or plsr a ptri. ceinher, lt20, liavu been funded onowing nounced New In Tax as An played. Holh gamps wrn wiUi urr. Try IROMZhU YEAaT todar I slail coupoa Nw MOST LIKELY. and iiiadtj payable in annual in f Budget I he Mine and tli isrois wcip I KtalnieiUs, is specially directed to Nlfbt Pbones JO; Ste.n, 871 Free Trial Coupon W. Longwill, Ulu 270 ''"'lay .'I lo ? and 2 tn 1. The "I'"n I luo fact thai any renewal fee see a'11 adaiice in the. Ilcinricli "Did ynu ts much Day Phono B i,,,r' Harold F. Ritchie & Co Ltd I which "' season is orr l a 413 " became, dun in 1U21 is not ff the !i:urt(i.M following MJip lOMcCaulSLToroalo DErTi I HnMiiit.' during wur, pa in Hip iiorlhern (own and all lesw at-iid tiie tlie famoiii TIIKKK DAV ritM I llt'rr Hichler- "I did my share included ju the Instalments above STEEN& LONG WILL TRIAL J UKATHtN I of Iroeiied Vet. ' mentioned, and such 1051 and all ""1 nlnlnil 1 1 1 1 Boveinnient. as nnl ' . il.V was wanner weulhrr which they Naiiit. siibseo,tient renewal fees must be Sht Metal Worke !"n,''l In the hudlTPt "Did you make the English y "rami u advanced ml spep.-ll.leant iu'p now gel tint?. Anyox pxppcts Addrevs tun, paid within one year after tho Agant for McClary Furncaea ' ''""Is later In Hit srasrm Jo nwl City. Trov. . "You're risbl, I did." late of expiry of the license in a nacLpt. i.i.pi ,i,...iri, 0 Tril Pck to Family " Sanitary and at fiiotnati Only a I'linrp Itupi'il holh Older to maintain Ihe right of the r li-en leurpiiig Hie new sclie- 'Mini jhey ketcli ou, ia," Heating Engineer ' "t andvat liasehall. Nott t"IR ONZED YEAST it told at aUDmg Storn on our guaranlit of , ,;: . i ... holder to pbloitt u renewal of the patrons today will value tompltlt latiifaction from Iff vtry flrtt ptckagt or your monty rtfunJtd. License, U3 6U Strt and Frasar 3tret iiiukcs ruoie than ever lie- Kilfflr'fPlU Ulllo thn lovP-llPst U.p,t.r....t.t.v.a, HAWQtP F. I.ITCHIC CO . Hf,TMa I.ove. 1 vlujilii'd at by Joke., frinca Kupcrt ... B, c, are the lovers thereof, clllilliS. i