0 page rotm T.Iin DAILY ,NF,W3 If this you painful snffer malady,from BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus appiy iam-uuK, it is purely herbal, quiCKiy eases tlie v gF3 c5m f i -, jsi juot out 5ut on second o c rf jmf I dun, gnawing If J riJ ! A T rtRAVAU-l THOUGHT-1 THINK . pain.stopsbleed- ing, ends the L irSf i VELI. 0 THIS ;0 THC WAYSv SACa. irritation, and in a short time com pletely and perm an- e n t 1 y Mn.C. cures. Hanson, Zani.Duk Poplar. all uu Id be H.C.'.iavs: In every "I suffnrd borne, tor vrara with Ueedins; pile. The -r.im was tiftrn ba had I rouM hardlVwslk 1 tried remedy f ter remedv. and finally underwent an ntwr . ' ' ,T ",ri- r,u"' St-vicr. Inc. ? r.. tttm, but only rot temporary relief. At last I tried Zam-Ruk Perseverance with this SPRUCE LOGS SCHOOL REPORT completely cured me and there has liecn no return of the I0 trouble set.ill dturi'.au" iil stores. FOR DRESSES FOR DECEMBER! ay News Classified Ads. QUALITY 2 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvertlHtment Taken tor L tli-n COe S-nuo'ilonosKT Aobson Black, Director Canadian Assistant Janitor tc Be Cngagjd Is Economy Forestry Association, Tells for Booth School Concerts WANTED FOR SALS New Use for Timber. Paid Well. ! I.IVK .Siilesinan wacleij in Skeenu 'il SAI.lv l,u( on Second Avenue, ;1- MAIL SCHEDULE The rliii-f trial ,.f I' dilrief fur high class line of very rloe in. price IOAlt keeping tod.iy i the in-- i MONTIIKAL, Jan. J. A new use 'Hie monthly report fur lie. calendars and Xma curtl. or nearest offer. Musi be sold down of e.-tis;i!. :n -snrei Smilil inr the -leftover Christ mas tree ecmbei- presented by . .. Cai,ii-hfll. " For.tne Cast. timsl Ire fore commisshins can be Thursday next. p(ily wi,y to stlfecd sonts runt .va.s introduced In members itf the stipcrinteiideni of- ciiy Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- wirtMMl by rwrtJl man. Apply owner, litniiress lloiel. Kihho den I with arocers'of Quality, TfHrWMTIV tenors un nr.t i Muni real Women's Club recently. schools, l.i the SeJiool Hofctd last , at ,urdnys 10:15 a. in. ) r.uusa backs uuppu nun Hox 468 Daily Xs Of Me, ff. IS. who curri uutlnju when I hey were shown nn allrac- night showeil thai there had From th East, . j ive smock, urtistieally emhroid-rrd, been CK3 tuiHs in attendance til WANTED I'irst clas halibut 'OH SAI.K 4Utada s Ideal Autvlayg. Tuesdays and Tbtirs. BEST OF EVERYTHING, made entirely of spruce lug. the srhools during the month. boat, forty to fitly feH long, llHiige, fumed oak Davenport days at 7:15 p.m. ufot Innately llohsnn Mark, ili. This number was made up of Name lowel price for cash ami library table nearly new. The Best Is Always the rector of the Canailian forestry :tr0 bny.s and :t35 girls. A new with full particulars to 1lx Phone lied tlfl. , & Fop Vancouver and South. Cheapest. Association, who delivered a must reeeivinc class had been open..( 20 Daily News Offbse. Tuesdays 7 p. m. interesting address on frrtst con at the lloolli Memorial Sciiuo! BOATS FOR HIRE Thursdays it servation, faileif to satisfy Hie and thirty yoiuig chiblreu were OLDISH lo feed man ji few wanted head on of cattle.farm COMING DOWN Launch "Nur. Saturdays v in I p.m.am ; Munro Bro?.. CARLTON of his hearers In how attending. uriusily an J-'uv particulars write to A. bcthohg" I am not asking ymi January und 'J I I lie transformation ciluld he njnile A report on Ibe Christmas for u job, I From Vancouver and South. Xorhera-, Noilh Huikley. H.O. 1 am offering yru "The Quality Grocers' although he eneruusly oxplnineil conrerls hIiuwivI llial ij'.tS.'l.flri a service at reduced price. Sundays 8 p. m. Mir irneess liy which the hniise. had been cleared. "Hits money AN'I'KD lo buy five or six Phone Itlaek 400. Wednesdays v ti:30 a, in. Phone 8C Third Avenue Restaurant lire tni'lil 'make into wrapping was to be divided evenly between roomed hou-e, uiorjeru. Afipiy .In unary 'J. C ,tnd :m. liapet' uie iriniK ui I lie same evergreen the Itorden Stremt and ISoolh llox I, Daily New Hffir. C, FOR RENT and Tea Room with the aid of a few simple Memorial Schools. The firs) cull For FOR nr.XT Light housewpiirif n ""d 'le 'm. domes!ir implements ami ingredients would be fur the payfiig off of K ITCH bewail lieip. women only, Third Avenue found in every household. the debl on , thn Hnrdeii Srct ted. Apply Inlander. If riw.tns. sui.able for Uiraa ,Sundn',!'dnedayi 10 P-m bachelor., hi; Third V p.m. Avenue, ft ".So far the only fault the fair piano. The balance would be fireetm (New Martin Block) From and gs! MAID wanted for hole) work. Ap i- Anyoi Alice Arm. sex have found with the new cel used for starting a library at ply Hotel lenli-ul. ' Ji IO IIL.M - -Ainrliiieiils in Park- Ttieadays .... a.m. Afternoon Teas lulose jrarmenls," said Mr. lllack, the lloolli Memorial ScUmd. With view and Hurl Apurlmeul. K.I 'bursUays .... p. m. Short Orders a Specialty "is tli a t they are practically in- the assistance of Mr. Shockley . Hnrf. if, lestriiclilile." It is claimed that and Mr. Darkness, the pupils.had APPOINTMENTS AND tor Port LUNCH COUNTER IN they may laundered satisfactorily fixed up the stage in the Itunth LOST Simpson, ArrandaU, Mill To our Friend and Bay, Wales Island and River. CONNECTION and they are heinft used in Swe School and had effected n saving APPLICATIONS ARE LOST Pearl necklace, heiweeu Sundays 10 p.m. Patrons den and (iermany for a fraction of of U'K for the Solum! Hoard Harne-made Bread, Cakes, From PL DEALT WITH BOARD St. Peter's Church and Ambrose Simpson, Arrandsle, mill Pastries, Jelly Rolls, Etc. the cost of textile clothing. In in so doing. Bay, Wales Island Avenue. Kinder and Naas River. addition to the smock, Mr. Jtlack New desks for (he school had please A Merry Xmas return to Daily N- office, t Tuesdays p.m. showed a number of oilier arlicles arrived and it was authorized The appointments of Miss Queen Cooked Meats HamTongue Charlotte Islands. made from the accommodating to hire two laborers, to assist iu Ituby Scoli, pf New Westminster. BOARD. F'ir ' and a Beef, Mutton, Etc. pruce tree, includinfr drainage pulling them down. I'rfiuliii'i oX and Miss Alice J. Perry, of Ke- January tfi nod .'in. piiies, while a lard suitsiuuie. line's 4iu blackboards in Hie wna, to t in city school teach- THE new dining room at tho Vemn New Year j Happy Mellon Mowbray Pork Pies wliich was in i)se in the kitchens primary rooms was ordered done ins: sluir wow coniirnieit iy ine Inlander is now open. HoaiiU Jannary 6 and 1 9. made to order. f practically everyone present and a cupboard for the newly board at the meeting last iiblu. by tlie week or mouth. Phime For Ukafl wiy and the Yukon. was also hut a by-product of the ipened receiving room was re- These ladies took up their duties 137. If BOARD BY DAY OFt WEEK .fnniiary ?, Id and .'to. oks which a.r' borne down the fiuisilioned. liere at tlie first of the week. Frem HAIRDRESSINQ. Osagwey and Tuson. The Home of Home Cooking swirling rivers of Quebec and New Janitor. An application from Mis January 7 nut im SILVERSIDES Northern Ilrilish Columbia. Mr. Campbell, in his report, Caroline, Mitchell for a posit inn Under New Ms'iagement HHX HAHHKIl SHOP AND ItATJIS itewari, mpla Bay ana Swamp MRS. R. H. SMEETON recommended that an vissisluul next term was also reeeived. Dr. PolnL BROS. Phone 343 janitor at the ituolli Memorial Kergin, chairman. mentioned 22H Sixth Street DECISION ON G.T.R. School be engaged and, after that Miss Helen Murrion und 0. M. KILDAV Phone. Hlue 78 ronr- Phone 22 P.O. Box 120 CREATED MUCH ILL-FEELING some discussion, it was decided Miss Ilolli Hix would also lie MISCELLANEOUS. Kriuii January 4, I?, in mid it, lo do so, a committee consisting graduuled by then and they January A. II. :'i ami '.'8. OVERSEAS of .1, C. McLennan, Mrs. F.. V. should be given oporluiiities for SLADK STHVLNS. gradual piano like Linjf anil Mb. Campbell, being positions if Ibcy so desired. The tuner. At Denny Allen Coni-pany'.s XOTIOK. From the Farm -just Declares M. F. Klndersley of delegated to make arrangements Hoard expressed ils intention to store, Third Avenue. ru Onimi Cliarloiie Inlands Land Pltlrlri, to the Table to the lUs-onlm lil.triri or Sknasa, H. i; and nernssary. According at tensf nut local teachers. try Phone 111 130. tie tf ttnali- the London Says Report on Vfrmi Coa.l id More.lo resolution passed by the hoard So far in the pa-I I hey had been I.land. II. C. Was Farce. MINERAL ACT. Tae notice lhl Osmne W. krr. -ir the salary of Mr. (Jeddes, the found very sal isfecl ory. I'rlner Unpen. K C. oei-niiaUiin ahlenmii. BULKLEY VALLEY rrreeirt janitor at Hooth School, Cartlftcata of Improvemanls. initiiMls m appii' fur iwrouuiiHi i prK ! MONTH KAL, Jan. C There is tlie folluwlng dwrrlbed la ads fur c.miI ami will be reduced from ISO to MITICK. iw-lmleiim i.iinuneiirliu) al hmi plaiilefl BEEF considerable ill-feeling in London tH2! that h has assistant PLAYSHED CONTRACT Mayhelle no. I Mineral Claim, situate in alsiiii inte hair mile miiiM) and two and one How oflcn have we heard financial circles against Canada now ,an i lie saeena Mining Division or eriarp Itu hair mHm est reinn the shoreline or a PORK and his work is lightened. jx-rt Dimrlci; IimiOhI mi frinre. Hoyai ainall bay on Hie Moresby Island Mda or result of the llrand Trgnk UNDER DISCUSSION Canoe la. the chain" north, tlienro MUTTON such an exclamation Irorn as a isiuiiu. oiw nine anu a nan innn surr uiiei nee sii Decision as to a salary to be Pot lofllre. SO chain eaai. I hem- SA rtsilns aotjiii. VEAL our customers when they lUiiway drai and the dei-jnn liie nsi-luut was !"'! Sis Take notice that I. Mrs. I lorenre Howard, Ihenre SO rlMMa weal to point of own sec the result of the Dry reached by the arbitration board paid Letter From Carpenters' Union rrrr s::ri-r' .""imh' in asaasi:. uiierui. toenretfieiit, and eonialning in acres, imire FRESH KILLED POULTRY the hands of the committee illll' itavn rnim Ihe dats hereof, lo apply ..i )--:. cleaning; and Pressing we declaring (he Niock of the eom-lan the Complaining of Way Carried lo the .Mining Hciwder for Certllleate or OROIinE W. Ki:nu.dSmiinml. Rkeana Rlvar Farm Produce make appointment wliich is lo l w. OiiawU. A soul, ' liiipmveinem., n,r lh piirisi or olaainlng givo their garments worlhlesK, according to M. at once. It ww understood Out Rtcalved bv School a Crown '.rul nt ihe above cUlui. nsied nrtolsf , Ittl. VANDERHOOF CREAMERY You'll ay it loo, when, I". Kindersley of London and well Board. And fiTMier lake nottre tiuai anion. BUTTER thai Ibe assinlanl janitor's i.iMr.' :l. must be eolliloenred b- !foTii:e. you see the work yoii ask known in Canada and the United would consist parlly of rore the Issuance or audi Certlllraie of Mates, duties A letter from the Carpenleo' Improvement, In Uueen Charlotte islands Und liMtrlri NORTHERN INTERIOR to do Tor le is member of tlie us a you. janilor work .and partly of general l uion i Hie uieih-ods oaiert this 1 71b day of November, Ittl. iieeorniiig lllalrlel or Skeeiia. II. 1: . ami Kir Koberl Kindersley. complaining 'lloate oil the Weal M-asI of .Morenoy same family as When Shall We' Call? wink abnul all I he CO-OPERATIVE bandy used by (he colli racl or build-ing iKlanil. II. c: head of the Hudson Hay Tak notice Ilia 1 Jnlin ChrlallaiMHina, or 'oiupuiry, and has jusl returned schools. Die pijvsfieil nl Hie lloolli SMUGGLING TOBACCO I'rinre llllmr(, II. C. iieriinatl.in IISIH-rmail, Phone 81 intend 10 sHl for iiennlseioii to pro.Mri Canadian Memorial School dcall with to Canada after a trip to hurope. wits ihe following deacelberi laiid for coal anil Those who boo.e can't play at the KcV'ol Hoard meeting lust TO BE STOPPED iK-troinuin: CoimiiMii-ini al s uum planed Steam ) Tlie people of Kngland fed bil-'frr ahotil ne luir mlh north and Ihree aim Laundry over tlie tri-atmenf they re the "game." night. Ii was decided to acknowledge one hair tulle east from ihe almrellin' 011 letter a Moult bay on the Mnreaiiy Island ilile or Phone 8 ceived relative to the Crand Ibe slating that Commander-ln-chlef Atlantlo 1 anoe I'swi. thence north So clialiw. theme (lie Helmut Hon rd had no power east SO chain., tlein-e miiiiii go chaltiv Third Ave. W Prince Rupert .TiMink Ilailwuy at the baiidn of the LIVER TROUBLE Fleet Issues Warning to Men. Ihenee wel so ehalna Ui Miinl or cisn in Hie matter I he cool racl arbitration board, he said, and it as nieneeioeiii, emiiaiiilng Alo acrea. inure 1,1 had beon le lo K. II. Shockley leaa. BisVa CAIMItM will be some lime before Canada LONDON, Jun. 5. The JOH ClllilSTtCNRON, Heplleant. and it had not how it com-mander-in-cbief . specified i.oniieil. M'lll reeeives ibe same degree of preference Bad Bilious Attacks should be done. of the Atlantic unifu ,M-oiwr , Twvl. in regard to lluanee an a I'leel, Sir Charles Madden, bns 11 was pointed oul that Mr. IS rilOIIATE. conserpienee. When your liver becomes alinrnlsh and owing lo the prevulenee of Hall Shockley had sub-let the con- I.X TIIK SlTIIKMF RUI'IIT OF ttopole Majority Report Farce. limrtlve your whole health suITeri. Your I ( (it It It J il It -ttllin tullil a-ttS'Ail smuggling tobacco in the navy, Coj.HMIIIA. lUllTIJilt Mr. Kindersley said the decision lnrlt heenme rnnitlpatftl, the tongue caused u special order to bo eoaled, the breath bad, thi stomach foul linn money, (arcuinsiuuees lino In Ihe matter or TIIK APMINISTIIATION for rent In lodges or similar reached by I he majority of the and alrk, and bilious apell occur on a;-enuiit permitted him In -make a low bid read to nil ships' eompanies calling AM lii v and J Jl-Mue-li III Ihe mailer.!-......!or the Ktntr or organizations. iboacd was a farce in comparison of the liver holding hack thn bile on the job. Ti'uhIiio McMeekin attention to the frequenl in-fruolious T'KI, .NllTICt thill In i.nlue r III. II (to the able and well balanced which Is no enneiitlal lo promote th of tile iMlslonir. regula 1 F. Melt. Young, mnde Ills Slid oay .or waiilad a clause, lo be iiiserled t IIMeamli., A I, lust fl -- -....,..,.. OFFICE SPACE minority report handed down by movement of the bowel, and the bile tlie inlli'r of rejily to Ibe effect liuiis. I hose who alleiupt lo ;mlnlsiraior In Ihe EMalo or tile 1, Jensen. ip teem Into tlie blood, Instead or paialnr out jdeeesaed, Slid all parllea having 38 by 21, healed, suitable for lV. II.' Tuft, ex-president of the throiJKli the UHliul channel. that Hie board would not in SlllUggte IIIIIUCOO aSllllle lIO not atalRSI t ia aalll eaUle nee Imreliv minilr.ealm;.rf! professional man, for rent. I'niled Hlates and now chief justice The only way to keep the liver active realize, he says, Hint nol only to rurtilah saino, liroperly verlllrd, to me, 1 ' Ihe future ullow such .a lliini," 'o on or hemni tho tltli dav or January, A.li I L. O. LARSEN of the Supreme Court. "The and worklns properly, and tliua set rid happen, again. Trustee Pal more, are they cnminllting an offence tVvl, and all in riles Imlebli'd In thn l-tali Agents for difference between Mr. Taft'a of tlie naiy blltoua attacks. I to keep against (he Customs are reqiiired lo pay Ihe amnion or their report, regiilaliutis, Norwegian American Line the bowels regular by using thn mover, would not consent lo liillehlediwea lo toe forthwith. PAINTER and the report of the government MILBURN'S this. but they ui;e also risking a with, JOIIX II. MrMtri.l.lN, Swedish Amorlcan Line Onirlal Atlmlnltralor '8oandlnavlan American representative on the board LAXA'LIVER PIUUS "Oonl factors or others nru nut dritwal of llm privilege from liATFO tills etth (lav of rii'ceuiher, till. is apparent to a child, and shows They are purely vegalible, small and the navy which would result in going to bu allowed lo colled 871 Line. m eitoiuTii. Night I'bone J. G; Hten, to take, work amoothly and tvntly, the report of the majority In n easy their ilebis through lb" school comrades lliroilghnul Ihe service Ii tiik r.oiiNTV coiurr OF I'lllMCE W. Lonirwlll, Ulue 270 and there U limiting, at the griping, weakening Oliver Typewriters true farcical light," be said. having to ordinary lini'i-iiT, in l.il:sr at 1'iiinck m ei iit and alrkenlng ctrecla of the old. board us long as ( am on it," pay shop In Ihe mailer or Ihe aominis-tuition Oay I'hone S Gary Safes fashioned purgatives. prices for I heir nlgiiecl'v's and ACT and In the ins Her or the l:iaie remarked Mr. McMeekin. TASAIU'IIO Ill' The mailer of establishing . a Mr. iohn H. Caron, Ponavon, Bask, tobacco. Men who, despite uptt-t leslaie. KAWASAKI, deceased. STEEN S LONGWILL FIRE INSURANCE denial clinic and a kindergarten writes: "1 was troubled with my liver, Iii 'the police courl this inoni-iug, i 1 1 ii u 1 warnings, ignore the miiu F. TAM-: NOTIOF that In order or Ilia Honor friend Men, Young, maile the lh day nr Sheet and had bilious attacks, Mtjl Work severe in conned ion with (he city t.aia-Llver Pulrlek QiiIhil was chai'f'cd Inins regulations are to be nni-lalied pecemher, A ll. I Hi 1, 1 was anpiilmed tilvUed Mllburn' ma tn try Administrator to llui Flalala or schools was taken in by the Pills, M I took two vuia'and I have bad under Ihe Liquor Coulrol Act for an net In the prejudice Kawasaki, ileerased. aril all parllea Tusahuro having Agent for McClary Furncse Dybhavn & Hanson board last night. After consid nn more attacks." . wllh intoxication, and this being of good order and naval discipline. riiiiulred rliiiios nvalnst lo furnish ihe same,smd nlate iiroperlr are verttted hereby Sanitary and erable dismission II was decided MILBURN'S bis second offence he was fined i".!"'; ,"." "r ,,,",.!' ll"" mil day nf January; Hastting Engineers Third Avenue PILLS A.II. (. and all LAXA-UVER partlr. IndrlilPd In the ilo leave it over until the annual ftsrm with In.' option of four esialc ui.i remilied in the are She a vial at all dealers, nr mailed pay auiouul or 6tb Street and Krsser Street Prince B. C. Rupert, estimates were being brought months at the Okalla prison All till' "W'dvitf 'It f In- W'rrld Ihelr Inili'blediii -- In me rnrtliwith. direct on receipt of price by The T. milium JOHN II Mc MIU UN i'rliice Hupert It. 0 !down. Co., Limited, Toronto. Onl. farm. don't wear wolf Slvlll-. .nnicist Adniinnirnior Oiled Un Otli (In; of i .-ember, igi i