Friday. January 0, 10??. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIlflEE " , , i-i i. ,- - - NEW YEAR'S PARTY START TheNewYear Local and Personal J a mm. V ! i ENJOYABLE AFFAIRj No Sum Too Small We cordially invite small deposits and will Mr. iiihI Mr. IticiiinoiiJ Ucorge For it la xi, .iinin- 0). It fetadly cxlcnd every service in crediting such RIGHT. gave a wry enjuyalile and sue. cemful X-w Year's parly in the sums to your account We welcome deposits Don't overload 11. C. UiKrlukr. I'lionctl If QERMS iiptl;iir ilinin room of I In: .SI. cf even $1.00 a week, which, with your mind with endless lleKin Oafe lat night, 'finly-ciglil interest at 3 compounded semi-annually, details. Launch "Oh Baby." Blua MS. rrsrdlnK to a telcntUt, r fretd Use ' crerr Urn a perion rouithi! It (xileiU l.?illg ire!eill. totals $280.26 in five years. Mr. Harvey, "Spiri'lla" cur. ton htppen to b la tb tlelaltr It Whix! and dancin? were indulged Opy l ovr brochure"Tfco Result ol Kifc-trtf (or la breath in. The wlilxl drive ' ' It ImpsMtlbU jou roii-i(ed tree elleri-t. . Weekly DepoMU," aa request 11 without Inhtllnr mm of tbfm. yt of eleven tnl'Ie, and da thero U inr lo arold Infection on ntj leoiiliiiued from y till II o'eii-k. l".u)i for Vittlory Uosid. Tim -Krtp four Ciouta oi ibrs&t .M(UlMtl. bath4 with tb pleaianl but enn-dM(rojlDe The winner of Hie lady'a prie UNION BANK OF CANADA f Tapor that la liberated a. Mr. Stanley IJeiliieil, (he For the OHhv -One May to i'ajrc from a Pp paatUte ai It dlaaolrea 'onolutiuti prize hein hy N. ,VJ. 7j X A $1.35 . More hm'iiI for iir money ni In tb ir.outh. but Mm. Ilalph Lepine. The wlnmi Prince Rupert Brnnch A.T. Brodcrick, Manager No. 385, 7 x -1J. . . .$1.50 Mir i:iy Martcl. - ir Not only a preTtntlre aa of the (.'eiilleinan'" W. prize vn a cure (or broochllli, aor throat. No. ;W7, 8 x f;. ... 52.10 No. 374, JJ x 8. . . .$4.00 fit ni iltjrtv OiN'Jt.'i-y it fill i.iii-pet fSebi and Urynrltli. Tept ar K. Williaerofl, the liiKiliy 'pii.i eq-jally rood- All dealen, 10c box. tliein won hy Jaek Cohh. After In Pocket Dianas wu luvo tht'iii in sizes ni 'I i' .Mmiary Sale. II. 'lie wllil drive a very line llpjier ruliiH and prices to puit the va erved, and then dancint; was Mr. T. Mall, or i-ii'Ki-N-iTil QUALITY CLEANLINESS n.-t exacting. i'iiii)irined iiuiii i:in a.m.." tiii al Hie I'rinee Unpen WeflholliK Ol-ehexira fiirtliMhim: I I. "It's Belter when Baked by Electricity" . EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE Hie in 11 f if. Those Present. Cli.n. Durham arrived in th- .......ill- l.i.I lil..1.1 If...,, 1'L... t , I ui'uii lhoe prrneul were: Mi awn. ...A... l :inl Mi-f. M. .Mellaiiel". Mr. ami regiMei-ed al the I'rinee f(iiM-i-t. George Leek, Auctioneer, tf Mix. 1 1. Conk. Mr. and Mr. I. 'reeii." Mr. and Mr. I'.. A. Wml. iBREADl I'. V. (irnJi.tiit if J'riiii-i-''rur. i:m H"''i . !:! 1:1 1 y Mm--et. Mr. mid Mr. V; K. Vil(iei..ri ronlrnelor fur lint new II Mr. and Mr. II. V. I.epine. Mr. nml A -inn ni, relumed mi nihl Mr. II. II. Ilemminv, Mr. ami Irani. Hay ihtb, Undertaker. I'huiie Mr, i'rauk Vieket Mr. and Mr V.. . II I. Illiljrer, Mr. anil Mr. It. K. reif. The ilaj.rily Jail Thi' umruiiiK a ijtiirl it:i'--I here Mr. Hfid Mr. Frank Salter. Mr 1, the foundation of our worldly existence i Kl.x-i. TukiiiK S;il.- in full Hid Mr. :-ril 'e-lawa. Mr. am! If .inly IhVre prisoner ill Hie i. ' ' wiii'. llarfie'K I'liriiilure Slnre. Mr W. .1. IWniriie. Mi llil. li. v. RUPERT BRAND I'lk-llp. tf. Mr. TupHr, Mi Hall. Mi. lldiw . . . . Viekerg, Mr. S. K. Alcsaniler. liiirru, eh lalde, i.iriii.'i. hciiiL- l!o' eential to vvell-heiiiK Apt Tin case, it 1. iiio-t your l. S. Ilanter f Vunemivrr ) Mr. Stanley Jlenneil. Mj r.lnra inntiie.- driVer ami rhif- that Ihe lUM.Al) yon eat -Ion.I.I he lor the Dne.l ipiarily ;ind i.-ui-l r.-.J ill tf I'rinre lluxrt Urehanl. Ml lUhel aiclimond, uMii-r: al It.rSitiii price al irakeil ill the unl anilr' manix-r. Thi i absolutely the and Bloaters Imlel. Jim ItirhuKind. J. .Calih, W. Kippers Tiler. Jiifioury:" Fill.. I f cum with F.I.Fi:ri:ll'. ISitKAH. From the natural and line.I Kiilt'hl. Jaek Ueynol.1 F. J. iutrreilif nt lo Ihe lul.!.-. FI.KCTIHi: ltltl-Ll is I'KHFIr Tiii-' January Sale (if Cofll-Ubme WTiillaker. V. J. Hemmiiifr. Charlie l.-C.r-if. th llair- IlllKAIt. Imleii in the latest eleelric oven, by expert. Kiiriii-liiiij.-a for lw I'eroy 'I'inker. S. M. New Ion, W drecr. Marcrl WHVfiiK ami wred. If. Haiti. V. hooper, li'iek Hime ami HIIKAIt i. your IJI'!- and i:ilKAl'FT fooiL for Sale at ealp treatment. S. Klmo IIkU-I. 1. I lay le. Ask your Grocer to supply you with It.'..hi il. I'lome drprn ilu. if. I.. JeMiuti of Auri.x arrie. in The iii'inn of the Natiotinl ELECTRIC BREAD . ALL RETAIL STOREYS lowii mi lite Prince ltiiurl la.l lithein t.r.nyil Hie tery hiiiiy Cream Puffs, Chocolate Eclairs, A iii.M'lihu will lc hW t-w'rf The Most Tasty Breakfast Food tin- end nf I lie itxuilN by Ht veiling. riiul uereful iarly to a !". FRENCH PASTRIES, Etc. Parties and Dances for. Sch.m. Hoard n gi, hllo the catered W'pfrh 'I'lle'a wiinlow' fur Obtainable mailer vt estimate for lots. lerial haitraiiiK al January' Tw MAYOR ROCHESTER'S LAST SAUSAGE ROLLS and MEAT PIES fresh dilly. Werki. Male. If YE RfS ELECTION PLEDGE i lie itar.-r -.Mite Ua ar Smoked Daily by rive,I with a full carina of Well Mr. ami Mr.. J..I111 .Maillaml Iff I Electric Window Bakeries inaton "' tor Albert ,t Mef. Sianeil letter hy II. H. Ihndnvler. Tat for Vnneouver ''.', UV'" Tin- riep i mow 81 niflil mi tli'e Jamiary II. t!:i. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. lrr U?n tf I'rinee Kujerl. "Where Quality and Cleanliness Rule" PRINCE RUPERT .ui .11re Aionr.M-iir wa a " hill no eal. eoine on VALUE Phone 6C7 SERVICE The i4(e eiiiiinij anion lat Huer on, 1 he I'riur. II n perl uf Ihe mot eriu HHesliim . H........ ,......, ..f ll.. .... liavr heen made dif- mi. i , ' ' ii'i..1 '1 1 l 1 1 l I If AI III." !:! niahl for Seatlle. AHeinpl al mrpr-Jf ;,lir,f(ei.V lie.M.-r r ( fereirt time lo clean up the rily. Noli-. which liuJ reiH'iiily leei Unemployed M.callng, IV.clntyre hiit apparently without much ue- 'ealliMII.-il. e reitewrl. Hall, tanlcht at 8 p.m. All Can :. l'eroiiarl.v I am atiJied didates for City Council .InvltedJ UilUlxau. uol.liu dom-jatif4i''-forily Order for 3l Ion wf Ixiaml " " . " with the preenl Mire Stccktaking Comes in 2 Months. lark ejeli have een plaeetl J Tjt"' Iwo w-k ,)aiinai- -ln(T. Either they must go or I GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY hy the rh.M. li.mrd with Allvrl Sflle- ItlnNkH. heel. flall'iel must go. If levied. I will MirrJy MriUiffery ami I he Prinr lltu He ami prirtl-.aj cot prire-. If I6e no lime in itiillin your ilc- S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wednesday for tTui that time we will'oirer P-rl, iml i:. Tin- rlr lM-intrJ ires Tnto art ion.'' Any". Midnight Thursday for Swati.son Hay, Ocean Falls, r;i iiit l. iit nr new 'l ore and ae; WHAT DECEPTIVE PROMISE I'owvll Itiver, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Specials in Several Lines ' Mr priee hi fore huyiiip e-where. MAY WE EXPECT THIS YEAR? S. S. PRirCE ALBERT For all poiuls oil JVorlherii and Mi. II. O. Crowe will com. Hariie KnruiluiS- St-r-. A.M. Southern Oueon i:harlolto Islands January 2 and 16. menee her rhllilren" tliilltiua Stewart. January 5 uini 13. .liie H Salurday, January 7. CHOCOLATES FULLER'S SPECIALS Train Service. French ii si. Ileui Killing It.H.m. Jun. ! all mi-mlier n;id invifaf! Ih-s. i r MONDAY, WEDNESDAY aid SATURDAY al 11:15 ;..i .' 'ehiek: enior X Vltiek. ul. Informal dunce al" Hie Siirllo 5't iiicr tieor?o, and Wiun.-.tep. l.oeal Frenh Kas, TTic. 1. in. I"or rs. I'l i.iii- i.ii-en Klk" Hume. I l iil.-y. Jamiai-y H.t'.. Kreh K'. f5r; In eae makiii'.' lurt-. cunneciion for all points in Eastern tlHMJ'Ja alld l llitcii States. lol , I U.UO. Ivory l'.li:iiia- in the liithtm? y. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Kinw "'far Ssiriijues. t;t.p. STATIONERY Morley Shirr. ateii fur tiiaul ti-io ..f nil riy ehnU hnve Pi.wilcr. wa a ii.'wwliaer mi Hie I.ojrjiie' Illnilieiric.., tin. ?5p. City Tjckct Citfice, 526 Third Avenue , Phone 260 le-eii mini.. ni. a Jtreal iiiipmve- prill,., ii,.-ii ;n,1 niifhi return. Oah Meal. rea. Site, now Kir. iiienl ha heeii effeeli areortl. Th ' will bo old at cost to clear. 111a lo n-porl ri'eivnil ty the iiiK to aoi'Kiivcr. 1 h-minimi Soiin. liu. inc. IJrild ISeef in Mil. :t for ?l. rhd Imiinl lul iiMht. Ijryr I'.how Mnlkiu' SI raw Jam. '.. loy. ion lump ami .hade have heen put ...St!. wa .CANADIAN PACIHC RAILWAY 0RM5S LUTED in. elia.1 uti in Ho cily p.iiicr ,rinrl Kuiprt'.. Horo.i. re. lur imvv 'hi moriiinit will) UeiiiK in iki. .. imi ..f i.piuio aud wa fimvl AriiHiur' Ham ami llaron. b.L. Loast services Tile eh.Mil lrilee JmI nihl The Pioneer DiuggULs The Rexnll Store derided l.i reeoimnAlid o C.e ;'llil hi- Ihree iii.uilli' iiiii'iM.i- o. nrrivetl. Ih. ,.'ll'r. mVni al Ihe iikulla farm. I'p-rivrr Spud. 12..'.". ue hnnrii Hint I(mi he placed prinou Flour, all kind.. It'. T. Sailings from PrinceRupert in Hi... H.iiiiiuin. r.kf. iikhmm ...... 17 Frrs.'i grotsnd .'ffee. " Hi. l. AlrMo.'ilie s I.tiiomillee Idxoil l.e. I he provincial Koverii- IH-M !(k.nil i: niiia'- Store I'll !aule l."hler. per tin. -'. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skaaway liienl will miiI up rill to vo with Sixth Street will t.? o-n i'vimv Mi. Itaima X5r. January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27. Ihi iiihI already Hie pupiU of afleruo.'ii mi.I ii,tiiv "Hill the French Mlihrooui, iil,,7."ic. DENTISTRY I In- M'hool have raitl a ron-iderulile elerliiin. If yi.ii W.TMl ! hel. N.ivul llrauxe. 3 doz. x t .00. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-January . iim.. I'rinee Jluo' i l. iuli and lend 7, 21; February 4, 18. I m glei'l your l '''li. 'tin: ilcin j rd or luliliK tooth Cnl .m l MrM'-iilie yen 11 -ii-porl.N lnlallatioii of lilu in Hie ' IT Agency for all Steamship Lines. loWt'iA ur v riutily. hafl luniiel al the" MhimiiiI T'ro inin v SeloMil iiihI (he pulling Full information from DR. BAYNE I.eir.'lliv iflirvii'W with II. I". VV. C. -ORCHARD, General Agent in of a lue lie.iter. Hie total I'ii!len. of Willi ! rily, ilealin;: rol eiiii4lletl ut 02 vv'a Mlllh. Corner of 4th Slreot and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. 0. rtcoma 4S, C, Helgeraon Block Phuna 109 ilred al Hie iiieetim: of Hie comlitii'ii anil ni'Mpiil. or ifea wSrZr J"V.. 17 tllllre llniir: MonniiK- ' 11': Alleriiomik, :.i0-j:J0, School llmird lul niht. The I'l inc Hiijiim I and ditt'irl huvej I. imi 1 1 1., 7-fl. Sehool I al'o lw iA .etuiipid apf.'::t'i'd irr;illv in Hie Van-, I'miver I'r ivinre and Hie Virloria vvilii imdul reeepluele for iuiv. Time.. Mr. I'ull.n i iriiiin UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. iiiK mid uwdnil. ' Ihe holiday, in ieloria. . Saltfnrs rrum ITIoce Kuperl: ; For Vtnceuoer, Victoria, nliiiic 11 svunwm Ky.orrtn Fait. Tuesilay. 8 pju. For Port Simpson, Naes Rlvor, anyoi an1 ailco arm, Suudav, mlduiyht. The final payment of IM.Hi I 'ic Sr!iinl Hoard wax in r. CallhiQ t Oc.anlc and Naas Harbor od Mllunnv Oct. tl, JVo. , SO, Dee. to I'alliii'oii V I.Iiik f"r work 4, IS. Jan. I. Himi riuiii H lo II o rloek lut Give Dad Calllrif al Somarsllle, Kum.on, Mill Bay ou slllur Oct. It, SO. Nov. II, Cakes Iced to Order done nt Hie I toot h Meiimrial 11111I : ir.tii.1 .lenl .if l.iidl- J, liec. II. 23 Sacoiid noa JACK BARNSLCV. Anl Prlnes Ruawl, SK a Srhool wa aulhorUed to .e paid ,.,, UH ,;,!,,. ,,. Ml the mom. hy the hoard lnl niiihl. Tlin;e Good Watch ; ,.,. f ,,, ,,,,,,,.,1 w,. J(l , a Individual Mince Pies, Pumpkin Pies, Etc wu. .oipe dieu..iHn 011 (he nal. W(l , w VoUer. arelii-ler. Specialists in Birthday and Wedding Cakes Ciplaiu Formhy. or Hie el.e-,,.(.f ,;,,,, Kormliy. (d. Me. Dad probably vvoul (ay much Phone 15 Pete Black, Sole Agent Main Office, Central Hotel UNEXCELLED meal firm, heitiir in allendanc. uboul Christmas wauls, bul OUR IS PASTRY MlaJj,.. .riui-lial Hrndv. Sit.. "' Hie l.oaNl,,H.Mj(,rt ,lynil; do a little observing yourself. Prince Coal 1'The Home of Domestic Bead" ,;.,,,.! f Mls Rupert Company now another firm had into;,.,..,.; ... -,.- ,... ,. ,.1 The chances are that j Ihe eiooi ami iinnie i;o new uil.u,Lit.. maiiunl raiitiiiv in. ho is luting aruutul uu an. (Effective January 1, 1022) Announces the following THE LACASSE BAKERY " ill Ihe vlem orhfiiifltly . ' I'icnl heavy lintepiccu thai reductions on the Phone 100 717 Third Avenue P. O. Box 413 iuuiiieii. raiinioii ,v i.ihk: does nut kcrp very good would not he rcM-m-llite ror lh- ,,.,.,. ,.erk lime. A u. u. ,.ny Famous Ladysmilh Wellington .Ir,-..,..,, or Ihe etly wire lifl'rt--!,.,.,,, , ,. n,,.r of U. Supposo mother and children t..r a, to whether Ihe work : .;!liif;l,iltt f sxviiitiiiinK lank ut "chip in" uud give him ahfartoiy or in.I. II ipee. ,,,,. s..,. a nicy new one. IN BULK, CARLOADS 1- o.h. our l)..rk $12.25 ton THEO LTD. NOTARY tl II III. II .1 VI "2l UJ I1" he favoiuhly n nmemled hy Our price uro fair und IN BULK, LESS THAN CARLOADS F.o.b. our Dock. $12.75 ton COLLART. pun LIC in eiimiei 10 next year sijuaru and we have all the IN SACXS, DOUBLE SCREENED F.o.b. our I lock. .$13.75 ton wa received and filed a! Ihe IicaI makes. This reduction on the splendid Ladysmlth-VVelllngton Coal dr with Foil fiAl.F- liouse with tiMh. l!'"0, half rush; Ileblae.blwd i t n... ...I..v..I will bo cordially welcomed by the public. We have now on Ninth Avenue and Mellri'lu Slm-I. PILES tut Ini.I'llei.r Vrouud.x . lni iiIkIiI. I'he -II.iluiy Cluli i John Bulger our dock over 700 tons of this coal. iuf ation 101 rgulrd.ejivri i !". , luirk id Hie and IMPORTANT- IMeae note tliul prtrc ipinled are f.oji. our Rentals Real Estate Qereril Insurance Dr.rtin.'i OlDtment will relltr jou kl S5 ":" nffeied lo niiitlt il "liar lor Jeweller dork. Our pull-on- ran ai'HiiMi' their own deliveries, or If Phone Blue 63 Weslholme Theatrfl Block P. O. Box 6G detleii, or Edmuiwu. Batrl a Co., UmltMl. kIiiIIiii with Ihe city lo pay Tor . Gifts That Last preferred vvc vvili arrange Ihe ilrlivrin s for them. lucxwto. Suiipl hoi tree 11 jrou m.ouonuo 1 - pVr aiKl nk tJiP u r iweue J