l'l johnny's Touring Cars For TAXI Toxri CCA Phone taAi uuu PRINCE RUPERT Deat Service and , Day and Night Service Best Cars In the City ijummk mrm I rm r mnn Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper YOl, .VIM, NO, I munch in ii;iiT. i. tj., i-Iuiuy. jam auy o, wi. Yntirtftr'i Clrcvlilkn 1,860. S'MH SlM . PRICK KfVli OKNTt Nations Adopt u Root Resolution KCfltii lKfcAlI r na i'Tfiiin POUllCAL TROUBL IN MIL EIREANN OUMER CROWN PRINCE STOPS FOR SOME SMOKE! Valera Resigns Presidency Arms Conference Agrees V m m SJ . V J U ' Irish Kepubhc: Will rorm On Submarine Question; New Cabinet For Election Chinese Tariff Settled m WASHINGTON. Jan. . The cunfcrrnee lias accepted anus DLULIN. Jon. n. -II i- ollleiall) nimomn ril Hii- nfli-ninon p ESCAPES AT Hip Klihu Hool proMy proliibilin llic attacks of ubniarincs on hi' l.auiuim Jf aicra na r'iKni'U :im prci(jcm) ui uir in-n; BOOTH SCHOOL S1ID mcriliarit marine vessel in lime of war a aii added principle lo ii.....,1.11,- !( will trek re.i-lc rliiin In llic lxit with mliine! xislitiK iiilcrnaDoiial law. I'ivc Mjwers Jiave agreed on the naval r.-rupo-cil of irif iiilirr- who oprc with liim ami Iliink In' Io. TO BE UNNECESSARY nlaiH in rcguril to tubniariuc and only one minor point is held l Vnlera ni( hkI tlii afternoon at lluf opening of I In- Hail ijvcr. Il will be dcull Willi linlay. F-Tfuiitl llial Uir i'ertiliv' aulliorily of llie body hud lien Irrcvu- Til.- Irll.-r fr.ln :ti.. fir.- chief T)i conference h; ul-o coni-luduil il. agrcrmnt on the il split siurr tlir Anpkt-lriMi pence Ireal) lui'l been signi-d in;rw inl mr-r 1 li: t f'n- fin1 eseapr- UIiiiicc luriiT. The StiMnlmifr ipicstion is slill unsolved. I n. Ik- dri liupil Iherr would nrrer ! m-arc until il was "I li-oili Memorial s.li.. fulk r'iifHril Dial On lnli rouhl Ihe wdliout outside wiUiorily. , !"' ill al oner w. receive.! i i " " I Vote Tomorrow. " truster !' j oTTll,EN SPEYER ! II i. ;ald llial Hi wHr in 1 "?'' m REHABILITATION il.il l il... ..iiri .ii.... ! I ' ti--n 1 ..f Mm- board, Mi laiiipl.'-il. "ii,..i supe iiiiriHii'iii is mmm ...M...rr.'n n.iJ. W I ii!',i iirli'lM-f, ff" Drillers Overcome Difficulties "' wri llfl Which Prevented Work Last , UP TO ALLIES n;t'i' flef.,re llli, nflrni'H.il sesoii. r'r''. -i ii ii..i-i t ! ms-e-sary nml I wai iIi-cMpiI 1." Year Extent Not SUted. i British Home SrUrv Teiji In .i.-i 'liVll.- lne fire rliit'f Hlld pily -.j.i -ii.....: Government -M1 11111 nilUif ll"H w.S --! Paper FDMONTON, Jan. 3. ilea pre to Deelar-ea Premier Lloydltre mely rrilarul and Dial he About Him. I h) lliiol n Hint lll'V tMjl, i-.-..rlH llial hai' reaclo'd Jitc George at Confornce cf ,i elvil lrike wnM rnue jiwi-lrt b r-i.MixiiHN'il I" llli.. Mr. from th oulpol low n f P.-aee Alllt In Cannes, frmd Ui. dHisioii f I li r Hjntr) l.ONIWjN. ja. c, Tlir Urilish' J'i.JIit .i.ii,l-ij .! Hi.il jirirr-of ftiver l'.rsiii in Norlhern Al " 1 hi 4li Irmly. hom secret ar today issued, in ' iiiatt'J'laU fijr fire i'Vsiii1. berta would wrm to indieale that I'.ANNtS. Kmi-ri', Jn. -C: I IIii' iMil 'inviiin .V. "-' the form of a poteniiiicnt i-aper. Kcnulne "strike." of oil ha been -rc litpl'lly dr(,i.in? iiinv tt J. a r'iii)r IJil IJMirai', f Urml 'nli rf;mrlri lo Iihc n?iii!i-l. r.';i.rt rsanlius llo? revwad'ou il w.I 4iibur(uiU- li'wc to tlx made in a well ..itualed m ..n- of Itntaiti. in Jlr-"i-' i In I hr rrfjTli fi" 1 tw - imcIi vrk. . s ... . the irtlrturthstwHtrtweirt.' lna fli uf'li" "iniH ilH'(flTl Ojfl (ii lrltB aVut V.. ,-,.llr.n!.li.,i. U ninlial.le. I.lll l'"" papr.. Jll allejfaUolli Allicl l'Mrrn . irM llial Om"iiih m.-WiMil ii Hi lrcnl luvi- it i reasonable I., wprrt llial x-ontaiiied lit Ihe report (m ludp.a MEIGHAN PICfURE ti'ar?.- that a loan of 3n0 was will bo received further d-taiU ae former Crowa Prtoca of Cermtor. photocraphed.iItTr he had lli-tultK Iw.wurk mil Wtf. woii-j VESTHOLME TONIGHT bouibt ome risers al HrpoJitathort. on the UUpd of Wlerlnsen. tare within n few .liv. made l a man iiamwi iwiro, for xiilr MmliitllAlloii of . i;urjM'. ( - -. kllom(fr from OXcrlind filiate whert is :!? Id exile. CycIIae U Tl. ,...rl.'.Mil mVII. l.r.l.....I !lPIO' Oi'lieill III a IIUII-IIUCIII 1XI.1- III- a.pfMlii 10 Id' MH' i MRS. FARRIS pair cf tU holililei. vhicb he makei a dilly practice. the inf,.riiiutlin thai ha. arrived'11'" journal. Detail are. also frum' UiWr iirjuili".- nriOi ITs a I Underworld Life In Paris wa visikd iu lb.j-ralKur .IV20 by Vhru t'"H'"? of Sicyer h. a.Kia-a -rk tlWlbT lu I III '. 4 Dance Halls Is Portrayed. General Is Tor.Mil it mau,wl...,rejnvi.d at "''" Karl Mu,k- and John Il l rli'f1ril lhal I'wnjrr; BROUGHT IN Retiring Attorney He- tioi.. thai il'se.-med Yd ...m Kr.en, Hermann, and his trar- W illi Wliiii- ami l uimlrriril." 1 1... (ifwrKf linn wli'tl lliir'i thmi.likliiv jind rommuniealion with promiuij;' iiiipi'cl mure itifl tmi liniiislil if ulin-ii Tlioiiiii- Mi-islom 1.1 Hi' Honored At held enemies during Hie ill lv ii up Banquet last was the case witli any other drilling tap' wac;and l-iKiiirr Hird Hr -tjr. al I In- WV.-ilMiluic 'Mosilri-ImiiBliI al till Uhw an I" fnuil lnpctor Says Iheii in prsre.s in ll)e enlire (he evasion of Urilish retisorehip. Ik-Iwcmi l"iaii-i' ami wit Mads of Covsrnmrnt and t"iii"iTo. Illin pa Cral Peaee ltler a'ea. IniiM will have mi pHrliniif y ol Night; High Tribute w Paid s llrilmn. Fun Prrnled by Dr. DiicoMry uf oil in Hie Jfa.-ken. (.rrina hovt "Hie idlier llalf M10RDIE IS ('ni' 'I ainr-.r Tin Supreme BnVer. ?ie Itasin :ly driller of Hie lui- in Hie l'rMirli r;ipitul. rcwumntr 'm-frrrm'c way I hr iiitrii.iH'iol v wr.ni ril inn d ii,,., t vv ,i..n ...i.i,,,.;i-ri.il Oil (at. detracted a t-ijd in Meilian apear n a nook who jnrliiiil'-'J y ami lluc-ia. VANCOUVER, Jan. C. rvfnrm when his nnele , lene A..on.e)-,Uu,M,d,;rU!e'i.4imaLa DONE SCHOOL many lnMf(9ii Mlrd. at th Qima l.ii.i !...ir ii million iiillar. and nielli aid Uiat lie (iiiilil not rcCoilsiiJcr'l)is; uiiiiiiiiiiri il inleiilioii of ni.,r and al Il( .,.;iCP Crossing Taard yntrday, Inquiry VANCOUVER HAS i I'nrop.- I kill liioe. roigniiip ami woijlij lcuc life ollicc al llic oml of Jumfar). ariu i"iit alon? Hie bank. of charged that Dr. Bafcr, II" lm a nimance and inejilen-l.illy Released From Contract by Board for.Tfr chulrman, had ntvn Mr. Farri.-! dcclarcil lliut Iio w.aa h'avinp llie Liberal parlyjlhe pis.ee. Seeral of lhee lat-wlieii ii ioxoImjhI in ome ie.0ra(e Last Night Exchange of FIYE CANDIDATES FOR a noeKi'l of govtrnnurt elienlllilei Willi Aiuintiet ill iNiri. il w,i al llm 2e.nitli of its iuuver. 11 had been emloreil nlllT lad become abandoned wells, THE MAYORALTY! beaver Klna to Hon. J. W. II in Ihe pari "f Ihe noviUlr llie jmiII and its sircnstli had been alleged. Ic eiiuUI not have hie to Tailurc it Ho' ilrillers to! Bouquets. VUul .n Ihe rush of salt water,) did. Fan Is and subsequent thai i lmwii. The nmh-rvround let! hi if had necdrd i colleagues they help. wliieh made itself evidenl in every Final adjustment of a. few mat-hole 1 i' ly they had bosn mads up I'aiiN Ihe Pan of th" ilabee He now vihcil In take advantage uX cerlain opporliinilii's for sunk hi tin; Peace Iliver arca.'lers in connection with the Dootli VA.NCOUVI'.lt. .a". Into a fur coat for Mr. hall, Ihe .iaehe. Hie piclnr-I'Hipic ii. in-llLlli'il personal athanreiufjid. in llic II i possible, in Hie case of Hie -Memoml -SrliiK"! contract were r.iHiMult mt y.-(.iMiii Farrls. !'' and heelie. Hilly Kane .rally lit"-l Hird further ICa t. lis- hi.p-d that li had well in which oil' is now said lu made by Hie school board last Ihtc. fur li"y tli- Hia. O- Talr. charted Inspector that Dr. Baker had and elnpx reeues into a man rcrl oT rare damsel;prowp in fuiuhl out all lilll" serap willi AGED WOMAN hve been found, that sti in night and Col. is. P.' MeMordie, forinerly maor, AM. 4- J- Mrliaf. been "pretty full" when on whirli hi name wi e...iiiee(i-d. ' ehnrar of oM-ralioii.H were aid to contractor, w-as it-leased and hi. dUIrr,. He declarml I Iril the refeicnee ' lh"ir borins in such n bonds ordci-cd returned. The I.un Uidkur. .Mil. C. K. li'l.iU train at prince Rurr nl II l ivid late Willi pirnly of PASSED AWAY .-ase .. . way I. . ; .. ....... Hindi' lo liinivlf at lh ami" as lo ouai.n- litem u. innuiu ,worN is now an rouiiviiu. i'li-ri. nr.-' ami AUI. T. I- K'fk. siid "Nobody can get any-thlna excili'Uinnl and re.UMiMled ae- Hoard impiii v ai-tu nortiin- but tlm waler-bearms strata udo Colonel MeMordie, who was ikIiIikii raiilil.il't f" lain I am too slick on me. leadiliu I lull. .Iiie.pieline lopitl ) in which (!" oil thanked the board for Ho mimli'T rnud(nud jday. , The. beaver those Iviiiu- lower, present, alilfiiiiimii Ill'' handle for them. I never Darmoml ha ami Urace woman fur.-, which Inspector Iflrd.liad Mrs. Mary Ann Macauley, Kam-loops, nns supposed lo exist. courtesy and i-oiniUeratiou which iiu'luiiH oiii' woman- checks, only caih. I hae an important rle. Walter l.n ''.-tsioii been shown him while had alwa before illuded lo ia el.M'day,! Probably Otdest Per run political campaigns U eal lieularly reroel..u n a pai Hie contract was in prores of r Ihe iiivel tuition had bveu bo abie la ii In Canada. NATIONAL LEAGUE and should son The eveellcnt ALLIES TO ABANDON this beave" altuatlon Apaelie. Hiippoil is lioiiphl by him and tie had uiveir evit-utioii. He had had many con- AGAINST manage .lis wire Ho- cat v t. t:Uritmas KAM LOOPS. Jan. 0. Mrs. OPFNS APRH 1? tracts but neverhad.be had more CHARGES alright." NAVY LEAGUE plv.i'l)l. He deplored llie .ort Mary Aim Macaul-y. aed tin, ,iarl(,Mil(US dealing with the HUN MILITARY MEN of poliliex which tluii iiiii?c. a he oldest resident ' of Hi itlsh ClltAtiO. Jan. (i. - The National principals. ..The colonel. ... also re-! BELFAST DISORDER vviTe into the controversy. . imarKcu on mo courtesy ui a... Finance and General Business luaii M Columbia am) probably (he oldest I.entitle baseball schedule Paid. ,rollpotler. the 'architect. They had Tribute - of Canada, is dead al the Discussed at Meeting Yesterday IdL'.' will on Wednesday 0. Tli ln-lirf llial open matters VMM, Jan. ditrerenres certain Pninier (Uiver paid a high had oij More Police Patrols, but Firing home of bur yranil.iiilil'-r lien;. closet further Afternoon. April 1'-', and Hn season will llif AIIIcm Will aliaiitloii any Are irihuti) to AJr. Farii tor Ihe pcrtaiuimr to Hie building, .It Still Ooes on Two Mrs.- Macauley was the d ju-liter October 1. jri.H'mlliii.' iiunliul I In 'rr-nwn hard Work ami the liiuh ubitit) on was true, but Mr.-Putter had aU Wounded. A general nii'elin of the Navy of an Indian chief and w-as borni military IrmliTit mi c-liiircfi which had enabled Mm in Ihe at in I.Hll. she married ways bcey reasonable. l-asiie wa Iield yesterday ufl',r- A !aQiia. IfJJC UCDPI) PlfTIIRP n-Multing frum llli' wollil r i J. C. MeLrmiau, wli' acted as fhe .r proljuce inueli iiaviLUliJ nCDLvv IltilUnCi lli:i.lAST. Jan. .NtH.i- pai year.- ..iolIov.-.. ..r n... iiniKoiis iri'HifiJ in i'n-iu li Miilical rlr-rli'i nooii in Hie offiee of D, II. Hays ehairman during the early .art of lanillii(r Hie lii"Tcah.-d iiumUi'r of Company, for the purpose of go eonslruetive lesilalion. Comjiauy and is surxived by rourj "WHAT'S WORTH WHILE?" Km lay. .Mrs. .Mary Kllni Suiilli, lion. the meeliiiK when Dr. KerKin Vas military ami polkv iairninii mo illK jnlo Ho' filiaiires of the league, children, fojhleen rand children j ntri'1-ts or lluirMKl. llriiiK wax ri'-iii'Wi-il and to dli:u other general .1. I. .Mcl.eon, minister (il cUui ami twenty-three great yraiul Another bis Loi Weber picture. away,. e.xpresse.1.. on behalf i.u.i....or thJ PROMINENT PEOPLE lal niwlit- One child ami matter concerning the cation, Hon. William Sloan,-inin-:lcr children. ! hals Worth Wliile?" will be f,uj of mines, llmi. John llart. lIeI, ,,, urJ ,1U(, ohvu.9 a man vvri-i' wouiitli'il. iiiaiiiiui'meiil. al the hmpress llieutr. (r two SAIL FOR ORIENT minister of fiiiaifcc, and iiiuuy U),olu.t MeMordie. J. I". iMaiiUirc the chairman of GERMANS TO PRINT jdajs. coinmencjn tOui&lil. It ls olhcr piidninenl people lidm all r WANTS ASIATICS Hie league exeeulivi', I'.oloiiel J satu lo le. one- oi me Mrnuxesv Jan. 0. I'. V (.nrl of Hi- (.r.'ivince were in JACK BRITON TO VA.NCOUVKII, DEALING II. MeMulliu. Mr.. A. T. Parkin ARCHIVES picluivs eer made by thi premier I'Hp 1-4, Ki'iH'iul oiiiicrliitfnilcnl of t'.. V. Kvlll. II. I'. Wearmiiuth and jll.-ndnm-e. nni iriirp winiian producer. .An excel- SHADE Hi" r.ii(..'3liin I'arilio llullwuv; foulh Auatrallan Premier Advocates Percy Tinker, Hie secretary, wen FOREIGN I ULlllcO leul company ha been us-i-nibled FIGHT DAVE iip'liliii'.l. '. Troup, Mipeflnli'ii Them as Colonists. ireiient. lu the cast. Claire Windsor, who lent of O. 1'. II. tlNimt.'i'H, uoil II. Prince Rupert LONDON. Jan. 0. -Tlu.' Herman was seen here In "To. Please One NHW YOIIK, Jan. O-Tlio Mel. I'. I In I t'lt i it of Victoria wi'iu pas LONDON. Jiln. J. I'li-mli'i' forcitfu idllec is about to publish Woman," lias the leading woman erweit:hl champion, Jack HriU HARDWARE of Trade; STORK'S Board ffiiKi'M for Hut Orli'iil on Iliu Km I tarn,'II of South AuMralia uiImi-calf nil documents in its nrrhhes, re- rob1 Ion, will defend hi title aifaihsj I'll' of HuHiiit, wlilih li-fl Vaiu tin' il'rvi'lopiiiriit of nmllu'rn THE ANNUAL MEETING tor lallnif to foreign policies of all Dave Shade of San FrancUco here ii'iivi'r jrnliTilay. I'airli Wi'if "'- territory of J In l"l' l- l'"' Incorporation of Local Business (he Kb-ctmii or OtlleeiK for Kurnpeaii cabinets from 1871 to Anionjr some Western view. on January UI. nimpunieil by llu'ir wlvi'a ami nn i of Uir country from House Is Announced at 10VJ will be held in llC City ton. portrayed in Ihe current number on PH'ai(iu livnU M'lerle.l Aitliitii' wlm woulil lie Victoria. Hall at 8 o'clock of Ihe Canadian Narionnl Hallway MRS. BARROW ILL. Klvcn full citltrt rlHliln. y('TOIlf.. .Ian7 6. The in-corporal Tonight .Miss ,M; Murray, , who. is a Maitaiine l a liielure of FRIENDSHIP TREATY. and harbor. YI0TOUIA. Jan. ft, Mrs, I. Stork's Hardware, nienibcr of (ho nff of Ihe (ien-o.rnl Prlnci Huperl cily Ion of lUlNSTANTINOI'l.i:. Jan. 0. FISH ARRIVALS. AH member are earnestly li)pi(al, left on. the, Prince I'iolure of Mulithal Drive. Mnuul D. Harrow, wife of Ihe provincial Tim treaty ,f frti'inNlilp ln-twi'i'ii Aluka, 00,0(10 (iimniN. M to Limited, of Prince llupert. is,I reucslfiL,ti attend. import' last uiifht or Vancouver, llohsou, totem pole at Kilwantca minister of agriculture. Is ser- tlo: Turkli.li NiilloiiuliiilM ami Tk-'an'u Caiiailluu l'ii'li and Cohl SloiaK' auimuneed. II capitalization (.. V. KVITT. Secretary. tilie is oil holidays. aud Kiiolisli Hay are aUu shown. , iously 1)1 In u honpi(al here. tin- Leo eis."Uuil al AnKora. al t ujiJ C' 8'".000.