rrlitay., January 0, I0"2 PAGE EIX THE DAILY NEW8 DOLLAR WATCH FOUR DAYS' BATTLE G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public WITH HEAYY SEAS WESTHOLME THEATRE FIRE INSURANCE Is n hubby of ours. We lake keen pleasure COMPANY BROKE In tnakliiit sure lliat nil policies arc so written lliat they cover Skipper and Owner of Stanley Tonight and Saturday Matinee and Nlghl Tells cf Exoltlng Joseph your property exactly as you inleiul. If you entrust, your lire Ingersoll Plrm Asks for Receiver Experiences. insurance, to careless, inexperienced or iguor.inl agents joil may find, when, you conic to culled your lire loss, thai your Said to Be Just Adjustment. LIYLIU'OUL, .Inn. 3. A story policies ure mi worded that the insurance company is not Thos. Meighen of four days' l.itl I Iiik with diltl- liable uml o will nul pay the loss, Why lake chances? Ni:V Y01IK, .Inn, &. It wa cultles In n damaci'd schooner ilice said' Hull Hie dollar owed was told by the captain ami crew in H. G. HELGERSON. LTD. lis fiiuie to Hie fact that an en of Ihe Stanley Joseph, who ar Insurance Rentals RaaJ Estate lire watch could lie I'Olltflll with rived nl Liu'tpou! on Ihe Lejlaml it. Another jjjKcsinllh said I in liner Welshman. Hubert Ynllis, "White and dollar was iuM-nh'l for the pur skipper ami owner of the schooner LAND REGISTRY ACT. pose .of buyiiiK the Ingersoll Hiniley .loeidi til:' tons' luld n Ille i.r.:i?. li Api'lutliun No. HJl'l. wnleli. lory of evcitiuu; experiences, nif 1 sKI. V'lHI Hi.u aiiiilleatlnii lia bprn Now lo did hi r as ;i liiWr'n h;i The Kidneys t It o New foiiiullaiiil coast, lie and jni.vir to rrlrr llnliirl o. jam', nf rrmrp Special Lunch 'IIIIH'I'I. 1. I.., UlllllT f'IBMl IB PBIP I'1T7 fallen from its peiWhil, for Hie crew of four set olf In the Unmarriedr j the tiliecti.i- r !' t:tljr nf Prince llui'.i I. liearniir ilmc Hip slh day of Iium-i'soII Waleh Hnmp.'iny has The office man nd tlie outdoor ronrler with a mixed ciHKo. frum Novi'iniH-r. 1017. r ill mi'I !-lriilar that zi- into the hands of Ihe weiker I'rrlain pureel or trail at luml ami prFlnliies re uffer alike from derange-meats St. John's. Mhl fotPoii Abasnue. -lliiatr. Ijltia-, ami ImIiib- im Hip city ir ceiver. I.ilward II. Uhihls. of of tlie kidarys. on I lie es-eoal o( Newfyiind-lattd, and FoX New rriiiir ImpeM. iimrp Parilrulariy known Vanity Comedy , ami ii -itiljril a thirty-nut- (31) awl New York, has been uppninlnl Backaches and lieadaclies a run normally of in bonis. 40c Hiirlvtuo Luis i lUnik lliirty rlirhl jam rrccirr for llobert II. Intri-rsidl ate 'fin Ihe second iiurht out from Admission, 15 ami 55c 'H ami lnnit Inn In twriity-epvpn among the symptoms. In ome 11 i. Imlh iiiiinn-v. HIiH-k forty two. v .V Uroiher and an effort will ho ior," he n Id, "we eneouniered .ill in spiii.mi elrtnisi. Man 3. cases I)right's disease oen develops, SATURDAY, JAN. 7, 1322 Vnti arf required In i-oni.wt tlie rlalm of made to aiiin put Hie eoiopan.'. ftom wry heavy seas, al (lines 11101111-lailioiis, others suffer high hi' las iiir.'t!"",r within .1.1 ilivs rrnin III? mi its feel. I'l'isiinisls prrdiel which TONIGHT AND wept ner our I? Tl tlalr nf llii' nei-vlrp ur Hit ntillrr (whtrli Mood until hardening of a. Soup iim In plli i'li'il by MT!iiual -.ei'Vlrp or a thai the d:iy of the dtdlm- is pressure essel. and our ilillleull les besraii compress 1 neaixe satlrdav iliti rli-it', ami altrutimi l lallni M the arteries set in. ywir ' Vermicelli i-i'liii :n'i nf llip jnt HpkiI"v Ap: lri l m- iili'l lliat een if (he lirer-soil In j liivhiu our .foresuil ami----- ilrltiL... t Poatlo Salad tiiii'iMlnn iii- ami tn Hip fiillnwiny evlrart Wiileh does come hack, noer In order to forestall painful and HIU VMilet'r I liell we losi our Choice or lliprrlmln:nul in default i.r a i-avrat r rrrlifieiilp of more will II In- sIil fur a dollar. fatal diseases prompt action should hip's boat . uud other sail, a ml. A Lots Wubcr Production it n'inli'N iM-inir IUpiI lipfnrr Hip refrMra. Hurry Zalkin, alloini-y for Ihe be taken tlie first of trouble. Boiled Halibut and Parsley emi.. lAxtiir nf the iti!"!! ptillileil i.nder at sign n rnjuplele our I rouble, our dul iifi U - ili. all prfins n M'npil with eredilors iiiforini'd Ihe public in ler was ilniiii'eil mid would nol Sauce iintli-r. . ami Ihithn rliilitifiifr thrniirh Mr. A. D, MacKinnon, Kirk-wood, "WHAT'S WORTH WHILE" Braised Steak, Vegetables ly iimlrr tin in. ami all pi rs'iin running i hiief stait'iniMii lliivt a com. Inverness county, N.S., net. Hue craft drifted aboot in a tii.. nii.-r,-, an ,ir- mini n viiiiir Ul ail,v uillen of errdilors lots been helpless eonililiori b.ilerei by l, Colled and Mashed Potatoes mirea-Mprrrt luMniiiii'iit. ami all 'ihtmiiii wfiles: I'limliir nn Inli-rp-.! In Hip html ly ilpwpiit i iiikiMiiii.- wilh" .Hil'' iiiitehini-ry heavy eas for roiir slays, when wm 'Tl.c.Hrandcd Four" and Magazine Mashed Turnips hIkimi lltlr i urn reglMen-d tauter Ihr Crta's in i.ihh nr Oils Xtx, i-h.'ill lie fur put miiim, last. .Miivj' llul- still Hie I can Kiglily rprommpnd Dr. al tail sighted Ihe Welshman. Rico Custard Pudding KMney-Lifr IMU all tulrting from lfic and 3"c lo i tniii'il ami tk'liarrpil from pIIIiit 'iii"auv i-ri-diliirs IhoilKhl it iesl to ask She saw our slunaN of dUlres-. Admission, i-i.iim 1 - lit ppitwpi of Hip Uml no )M,iii svnk LKtnejr. I iu5rred from kklarjr Tnr late, ami Hip UrsiMrar xliall "vi-rlMer for a reili'ivi-r. derate lor a Ion lime. 1 aba uul we were taken aboard. HV- Hie Kirii i'iiIIIIpiI under stirh tai sale majr My wni-r nf Oh hind hi, unlit for lap." as Allliviili fjnaiicicr.s were iKat for thrrp yrin I nrarljr always fore abandoning the .sehooner we 'AfTairs.of Anato!" - Naxt Friday and Saturday Good Eats Cafe ri.i-Anil wlier-aS ai'iiliralinn ha liepn maiie aware for some . lime thai Ihe IrouklpJ i'J kradachn. awl no lrl-mrnt el her on lire a. beliiK ib're' rl a i:p-! in:iti. i.r lnilpfcaili!p Tllli In hip ainivp-iiipiiliriitt'il laml'. In I in nanip nf Intrersoll firm was huvins diffi- irrmpei In do mart t?in arTnril he would lie a duiker lo nesit'n- KM . VWaaAMM!rIWa) iniiiri-i n. aim relief. I told rif (:, wnprna im liivpntl-jiiiiiK Irmporarj was finally ullie, rcw iiMnicrcslcii iiiu. We wens nlioill '45 Joib - Mh. Hill- II appoam thai prlnp to Hip persons Or. Q-.ue'i fCidney-Livrr Pilb. and i"Hi i la y r ori,.tMr. totr, din- iIjIp mi Im kiipw hIioiiI I aiipoinlmenl of net Hie ellal wliPll plrkei( iip.l Wtlli-l tllP 1 lin-!. prp nll fnr litPllllIP after wring a few koira V'n connle'-l;-relieTpd. Mm''. ycni wire thp ai-nspil nvnir a erediiors' cnuimtHi-c. I kae aim wed Dr. Ch' We had .-Mil a aood oe of n.i I We five to eat and the place i Ihorcnf,nrlhi r I or iKp nlhi'rwlp imllrp that a at Hip.miiip MMril bplnw;IIimp Tin' .".,.n(Mi,ofio or assets in-ludi- Oiolmrnt Ith tSr til remltt, and visions, !)t no waler. i I !iall PlTVrt ri'irNlratlnn rn uipiiifp ut cash, iiecntiiiljt receivahle, never fail lo recommend the ivooderfut to eat is the i:i-Ii aiinllPiil'iiii .mil Iwhp a OrUllralP or remedies." 'lpriiMi- Tllli- tn tin- salil Uiula III thp miles, iiiiTcliandiMi and raw material, TORONTO 'DEMERS' BARIES BREED H.1IHP of IIi'Imti i. crew tnile vim takp i :nl pxpt'iiii- Hip imN-r prpppilln(r to real estal'' and inleresl in Dr, CJiase'a Kidney-Liver Pills, BOSTON i'-utli! yuiir i-lnliii. If any. ! Hip alil Ihe stuck of oilier companies. one pill a dose, 25c a bo-., a'l NEW VARIETY OF SALE iinfl". r in prpvuit urh irniipil artli.n FLIES; rn inv purl Yaiillfns amliilion is hlapied dealer, or Edman"on. Bates Great Slaughter Ii.iipiI al i!ip Inn.I rii-lslry OITIcp, Prlnrp ftiinerl, M. ".. tins iGth ilav of OrtoltT, in part for Ihe troubles of (lie Co., Limited, Toronto. TOIUiNTO. Jan. 5. IHiiim;: .. 1WTI. . dullar wileh. It hcxnn os hardware. the la.-l two years three rii-e- II. I Mai-t.EOIl. GRILL ItPITl-tnir nf TUIps. Comparatively few jewel-ers have nrviirreil ill Toronto of b.-; to make iuom for hcyv stock In '..vm.n-itprcil J. m:vai iiuiiit:i;ii. itiiiii-AIITIIl'II linnprl. n.C. would keep the dollar watrh voti .srlil bark Hie old one. Hills hies siilferinu from a very severe1 . MITi'llKI I.. ITiii'-p IiiiihtI. II. C. rprU-"fpn-d n loel; beeaiMe it eramped Hie the upkeep wn in proiioriinii t. eruption of boil.liki sores on Hie ami nipt'fl KIIA.NcIS niAiipil: Third Avenue liws. ri.. rp li. it. crpw, 1'rlnce sates of various nlher brands the purchase jiriee and the whole neek. elteil ;iiul arms, eneh ore EXTRAORDINARY VALUES! Hiiliin II. :.. mnrliraiPP. f cheap, walciies. which were nfl i:ivtieil sm-H Hull Hie eontainiiur one i,-r more inysrirot,' You want good food 'iiiwever, ! clieup :is a dollar.' aprouliii loechaiiicai teniu- of said I'mf. i:. M.YValker of Ho-I WE HAVE IT Therefore display eord and n nation cnuW arrord to uc the niveistty tif 'Toronlo in an ad-dri'ss. in :0 vTS, SUITS, DRESSES, HATS small sliiss vases of ibilhir; llSei'oll for evueriiiieol in before1 the lliitomiiloical OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Arriving valches licxaii lo lake-place with lirimary problem, ,if piriineeriiiff. Soeiely of Atueriwi. "rrom two and ail Ladies' vycarinu pparel 457 (rowels and lack liamuiei and About Hie llnie Uml the cred f Ihese cases the iiins'r-oti, after E'erythinp; in Ihestocu reduced. Phone Wednesday Boat. len-peiiny nulls on (he vounlers itors' euiiiiii.illPc look charge of removal, were fed upon ruw ri'f I i'f hardware stores l!ir.nijrliiul affairs (he price broke lo Sl:75. ami tiev eloped into are h;ir Call and see our prices. - liieriett. There whs a lime, II Hie fael lial Illi ' reduelioit did dies of u speries. whose liabll- is said, when the dollar -wuleji; not mend mailers now iIi'iihmi. were hilherlu ipilte tinkiiowu. The "DEMERS" Under New Management. i-osl jnsl Iwetily-eishl cenls In frales lliul Hie lnersolls frtr litau'vols irew so rapidly thai 'nl Ave, I'hono 27 50 BOXES manufacture, and the dealer wis; nearly twenty-five years expluil- their removal was ur-til. The Strand ill lowed a roomy margin of prof, ed Hie price mon' Ihan the ppod. babies (ill i-er-inereil." il fur kcrjiinir the flivver's falli-er Ilcl--lha Ihe dollar I more in slncki 'lardy Until Hie wnlrh. HE MISSED IT. APPLES Raised Price. Cluirles . irersot. nerrelary Wbal are ytui frying for, my Cafe The war furred (Jie diver-soil of the firm, said Hie prurrerJiuirs poor utile boy? In iiierciie Hie price, however, were in Hie nature of a friendly I'a fell downstairs." COAL! COAL! COAL! .nul Ihe dollar waleh, al '1S, djilstiiienl of difficulties prow. I'ou'l lake mi so, my boy. NOW OPEN Jumble Pack tried lo reimuiiee il IroiiinoliC-ery inv out nf war deflation, hill He'll ;;e heller pim.II." All White Help assorralioos: tried lo be jew-llery. laimed dial even' exclusive of 'Thai uiii'l il. Sis saw liim The public had been imiiI will Hie askflx greatly exceed all ill) Hie was. I never ..- per box. latiKlil lo f lii nk of (he IngeiMdl all liabilities. itotliiun. " Edson Cqal Company and Ihe dollar as almol synoiiy. 'If we bad' reduced our sale minis. An dit'i-rsoll was a dollar: price earlier we would have buill Mole CraiK left for feaille lj! Phone 58 M. T. LEE a dollar boiislil an Inpervdl. iiii our huinesMi thai this niahl .on the Prince Iluperl. lie $2.00 The Ingersoll was the dollar vfould not have iH-ciined," suid will so on lo California ami Ne. We are in a position lo Kive IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, by Ihe ton carload, of famous CDSON COAL, which is known waleli. Tlierefore sales fell off. he. ilda lo seek a beiefieia chane ur our Ladies' & Gentlemen's The IiisitsoII.m ojinaei real tn health. to be Ihe best value of unv coat on Ihe imirkeli TAILOR ipiaulily proiliietioii. They originated ALICE ARM BEST COAL AT LOWE8T PRICES "service" by reiairins TIME TO ACT ORDER NOW PHONE 68 Fit Guaranteed Table Co. free any Yankee dollar watch Miss Yirpiuia Kiel, who has Office - Prince Rupert Feed Co. Rupert Supply They I h:it didll'l keep. j,'id lime. been visitln-' her tiarenls, Mr Third Avenue, opposite T', O. ieieu renew en your w.ui-ii i..l. lur am Mrs. C. I'. Kiel, liming the The lieeemlier ale demiiu-I Corner Second Avenue and Seventh Street for safe rated Hie necessity Phones 211-212 Phone Red 138 I twenty-five cents, iAi you Chrisluiiis lioliiliiyp, reinin-i) oil Uliehoruse for the llsliiu lleet. ;i new one "for thai -price when Prince where I'liursday to Hupcrt MeMordie dcdse himself to she will reiiine her ntudies at lelii.'iiid lf the proper ailllioiities ihe Hacred Heart Honvenl. ? I Ital adeipinle facilities be pro- ,Mis Nellir lloabeief spent Irml bled What al interet once. has ISoihpster a ANNUAL STOCK TIIWBER SALE X-36S7. week-end al Anu as Hie jjiirsi alderman shown in the sale! H.S. WALLACE CO.; LIMITED mayor or labour' Ju.l-.l l....l... Mill 1 rMllNl lit llip of Mix Mrle Bw.iiisiin. ilil.lrli'l I'nrp-lir. i'l'llM'P lllllil'll. IH'l NUT ll-liiii'jc induslryT 5 REDUCING tiin ,i.y,ii on- Hip mill ilav or iaiiuurs lts. fur lh; iniri'iiniip or iineiMT a-4i, Mrs. Helen Nueicli left by Y0TE FOR M'MORDIE C. Q. MINIMS, Manager near n.ulll llul lliir IjiVp, l.lli r.ln-, v.. II. a In lla.inliii'b em I..0.UHU anil ltalj.mil iMiani ri pi or inar, jinruin Thursday's sleanier foe Y'aneoii- Ydvt. STARTS TODAY Otic year will lie inoweil or rriiHnai er where she will spend some AND CONTINUES TILL JANUARY 1922 ,.r iimlM.r SATURDAY, 14, I nn lu r nartiriirir nr im- i.iiipi iutcmit, time. . 'I'o our eithlnmer- and rilien- .. HiijiitI (Im- el i iiorill'illi'V January White Vear Sale V lit,,i,i; ihe Morlri 'ornlPr, rrlie-p i nuf'ri. ' ' Mr. iiil Aiiilersou, ;ieeoiii- Night Mile is uiiii'iui: 'ed. I ln- sale i- iindoubleihy an anlt iiimiI NOTICE. order house ' sale uml will (imtilale (he idea of bti iiik t pnnicd by her dauuhler, I'.lien, li t home. TAkK NOIICI-: Unit allrr imlillrntinii of wan a soulh on last HiU ii-illii' fur -ru' iiiiiiith lii.iiiniiHHin. passeiuci Because this Is the first and last sale of It's kind to take place I imliiKi. ulll aimlY In Hip lii-rMrir of Thursday'.! boat, Flic will spent) Coughs this coming No such bargains have .been offered before J'.lnt stiTk ('.uni'milp. li-tnrla, II. ... in Ihe next month visiting in Vim year. hale Hip iuiiip or hip rniniiiny rimiiKru iu and there never will. We are offering this opportunity now I'nuie llilirrl rur IIHH1 i n I in. couver. l.iii. fo -i i.nn ir.n, because our stock Is.a little more than w should care to have I'pr William', Malison k finntalpi,Kolltitors. Miss Anna Lindsay. o( I'liuee Terribly wrsrlus on Hip lyMrm Is the and are willing to sacrifice It rather than to carry It through. liupcri, woo nav ween i i'i)Uli lliat conws st tiucbl. and prriruis Therefore everything must go at greatly reduced prices, Icrp. FEW EXAMPLES OF THE BARQAINS OF OUR YARD a here with her sisler, Mrs. (iusl 1 lie roimlanl cuurlilns kref m luius 0.L n Anderson, relurued home .on and lirnnt'(ilsl tulx-i In surli an lrrltllpl . QOODS DEPARTMENT per cent. Thursday. , ' ' anil IntlaiiMil rminllllnif lliat llrry set IP) In these cold days buy Ihe While IUb 1 laiiis al, yard 70c ' iliaiii'i tn hral. W hile and Sdipeil Yiyella I'laiinel at, per yard $1.50 J villi Uml In Voil Jlieeli on im lieM wide. Hex. SI.S.'i. to clear al, yard 75o Mr. and Mu. O. I'. Iliel eft On DR. WOOO'S per Discount 'I'lnipuiliiv Tup Piii'l land. (Iieoii NORWAY rifsC SYRUP Shei'liiM Xl inches wide. Heft. I .oil. to rlnir, per yard 60o and nlhee roasrVllles whciV,they1 ri-ini'iiy nlllioiit an equal, for aoollilnt I nbleacheil eollon, rer. ;iuc a yard, lo clear 5 yards for 1.00 win... viii... lor. . inn,.' iie.vi, . i nvu llm lunya, luopnlnr I ho plilevni, slrriuth-. While eollon, int. ,'l(ie a yard, to clear 5 yards for 1.00 our Entire Stock of Whltcwear, including munlhs. ' . Pilllla tlirrn italnst l,ln uiraiiniia puliiionary oipun.dlsessr..iim iviiiijimi Pillow Tuhirur, Hi In., S In., il in., rexular 7Dc and ride.. 'I'o clear al tier yard 3 600 WHITE COTTON NIOHTQOWNS Mra, John Mcktriipy. lower Montairiip, , 'I'. MuseJllleloek eV.irae. i:. I., wrlleai "Auntit Itirre yrsra sr '.'() per ceiil. dixcouiil on all Ih ess (iuoijs, Couluu and Verges. WHITE FLANNELETTE NIGHTQOWN3 tm Hawas tor, returned on Monday from I riuiiif a very bad ld accumsiatiled by a Crepe de Chines uml 'Icoiyt lles, tiny whllh and any color, Mr throat mil liinrscntss, and wa so WHITE DRAWERS AND BLOOMERS - To eb ar, yuid S1.95 w Prince Iluperl where he spent linarss yon could hardly hrar mi Speak. per WHITE CORSET COVERS Al lunl wu huvo Oadumiii th'J (jhrisliiias holidays wilh hi I could set no rent at nlshl vtltti llm ler Two Examples of the Shoe Department Bargains WHITE ENVELOPES lumpy coal fur heaters and family.' Mr. Muse exixtcls to rlM annoylnr, hacklns couHi. I trlid MENS RUBBERS S1.K0 LADIES' RUBBERS $1,15 WHITE UNDERSKIRTS furnaces, Oadumiii carries have his work here completed in aetprsl ronipdlei, but Uiry did ma no (tiod. Every article In the Is reduced. Our circulars show you riiully I saw pr. Wood's Norway I'lne higher, heut units than any the course of a few days,. syrup adrerllapd) (rot a bottle, and st ones the details. If you have not got one ask or phone for one. Hu not iiiisi 1 It i M uppurt unily lo ivpleuisli your iviiuiiemeuU oilier eoul sold here. II cava ma relief, and sfter utliit fuur my Store will bo opened Wednesday Afternoon, January 4 in these lines. Master Albert Anderson, win i-ousli Iml all rune. ."Vow I always keep Consumers Goal Go. Ltd. has beer. vUltlnx his uncle and rmiiiiiinciiil nr. WooilV your In remedy Ida Iiouhp,lo olliers."and sbsll JAB0UR BROS., LTD. Phone 9 Corner of Third and Fulton J. Lorn MaoLaren, Manager aunt, Mr. mid Mrs, (lust Amlr rrlrp, J5e and 0e s tsjtila st sll sou. returned on Monday to dealers, put up only by Hit) T. N Minim: Phone 045 Corner Third and Seventh Phone 7 Prince ItUjiei'l Co,. Limited, Turoulu, Out,