m mm r THE "DAILY NEWS PAGE FT5T SUIT STARTED TO RECOVER $100,000 PURCHASE PRICE OF PLAYFELLOW. Sport Chat In rriniilrint . Mi.' pro ;ii-t This beer better liked the better it is known. for an rxci'iilioDjilly ai lni' yi'itr in li'iioi durin-x Hi-.'.' .Iiilian H. has Cascade Beer Myrick, pr-fHidcnt of Hie I niUil For more than thirty years Hlali-a Lawn 'JVnfii .i.ci.-iii.in. sale British Columbia. -lair-: "I iiftMlmU the iiiipr-1 enjoyed an increasing in 1'ili-iilcil pojiulartty of ii-nni iijhI More -purl In jfiMicrsil during IM2I lo i i.la. . I i 14 I I.... I ill.. -.i t I i Hint lihxicsfl cxiTria.' Ill S iiii-.iii- iiiipriviHj lii-allh, Mum . .iiiii' in 1 1 ll iiim a .'liiinc.' ' . luc loiia-rrt From i-wry -..iiri'i- where lal i-l . tire nvnil-nbl. if i- Iteiiifi oiuled mil Ihal llui-irm Hie" iim( .(Jeeaile Ihe uver. .." -iiiin of life ha- in.ilaiilly .nsi liifi.-d. AtMiiher iimlerlyiii The Beer without a Peer i "aaon .may If llial il wa aj I -hurl,. i I., to fiit.1 Ihe many iiNliun y.mn?durini;men ilix-M Ihe! has been sold in British Colombia than all other iii'ified for IllMllary feriee he-I beers combined. There reasons for of iioor pbyxiral i-oitililioh. are many : I'll.- imlaral. flh-lion ha been, -r.-k lo lfWeily (hi weaklier ; this, chief of which is that jaiiil nan w-iialliVn in porin h.-l.i li.. 'Villi iii-i-oiiiiiliHli the inVreitoed.-llial renll.inlere! '! CASCADE BEER is pure full-strength Beer. :n Ii-nni lieingi uliown in eilii-a,' KeliooM and titleye. it i only rV? ' a iueMoii f, time when Ihe il'it.re .if pllty od effnaequenlly xl:uliiiK ol Ihe pliyiieal lies.-i- NOTKE. 111.- remtltanl pojmlarily of Ur-uport, iillirient of the Jiii-niT cenera- 1 Is Omani Ctiarh.ll Miami land ntotrln. will inemie proportionately ' We.urmus ttMirtrt-or k"ena. H. :.. ai.M lliroiishoul lh- Intnl. Von ),'jin--4lie 'toy-M.ii (cm- f:'.m 1 0 41,a, W(wl ,, ,lf Mor)Wi ViCTO V 15 yer.ru "f ; . would jo.-m- i!sbii. I:, r.. 1 r . will then ee on n eoimfry-wlile . . IrenieiuliMiit .hia lit Mil- j Take nnllra thai Heslnald llerbrrl nml kill lit of Hi.' ' ' ' " hani the Inlemxl ' wnriit. r vin..rta. li. :., .aTiipaihrn pr..- tli Iiuim the oha.-.. " t "'' F. Sun-lair mwt .iin:. ,( I ii..-v Til i ,.t; i (iinU whieh for years have been FmpwrlJ veop.-.i millT intnH u, apply " lnmiii i COAL r :! Vii: ;UK t'f li: ijc . i. .1 i ti 1 .lohn-o i ..f the J..in. Waliles. I he yi ...ti..l ''" wi ill mil onlv . ire niildoof l'?'l'l ttv f .llowHir ilearrtf-'rt land for lal week ami a n. v, rial localized mainly in Ihe Kal askI ,,, nmerrtai u i put l .n , u .;u. . : Tin- jur di-aur I in " at ItroMklyn on (In- I'aeifie Oial. hi IIUI Will IIS :.lk.' Ill II Willi .Ijrimta IWI in. wirrw ui i.amw !--- hiki ali.in nr nnie mun ami iw iww f el to .-oiiiiin-ri January !. "I alo allrihule a la rye pari prealer nali--i.e 'ii and Ii Uw .". nirwf of Tlmlr l.l-Mir ii,. For Furnaces, Fireplaces WWH. thenra norHi enaliw. tl-iw. we.-i ..f Uii ;rrtwlh In the hicrrael rir.k.'' Hi. r.aUi. Itieiiee raitri S rhaln. Hmwh and Stoves WIND SUCKER'S EIT AT PLAYfELLOW TRIAL. M l rlmlin to r'lal r mmiwiirMiirnl. be free from WANDERERS WON LAST . 1 1.1 1. i i y t'ien 1 amaleur .port. awl fNiUlnto a'rwk. morf or !. Guaranteed lo , Mm- heiuinx In persuade the STEWART FAILS TO ItEOI.IAI.a Hr.ltul.nT WHH.II1 Amilirant. rock and clinkers. GAME FROM THE TRAiLi pnhlir lo lake more exerrie and J. W. Connelt, Asni. Almost Bootless and smokeless. ' BACK UP CHARGES liaim Ort.itr ". tfl. .-eoiiie inler.-ted in xome KmrL "Il in my opinion Dial Mils SOT1CE. Small moisture content. It. H, Shockley Defeated ' AGAINST OFFICER George ton delivered In l.opulnrily of lernii w:ll cihi-limie Is iimi Ourlatte lalaml Urxl nutrlri. $13.00 per W:u;h Last Evening br a in inei-.-nKe not only durins Urmnliua DlmMi-t t SS'ena. b. r.. aid sacks. Ktliialt- .hi tlw WhI Cal or M..reU i Score of 200 lo.1C5. IU?:' but for many year tat mime. i he ii. I.. Sl-warl ebare tlf 1-laiHi. is. c. j $12.00 per ton delivered In (nli-rexi in MHirl. inrlmlin leu-ni. ISt ire.iimenl preferred ; n-raiu( Take not Ire that Joftn Wesley Cnnnrll ; bulk. It. II. -KitMr .nob-T el", j ban ailvaiieel Myiiut 'hein? i:ir .'s'.ie Alej Mardi nalil mis and Allwr. semt ijitk. or victoria, u. . .. eeupallon bnikers. Inlend to api.lv rr :i fad and il will noiiUiioe t li. 'ii.ve niMiie up at ihe poller armilMlon l pnirt the follow inn d-' 4,.-..rjfi YWttirh , Trail b m-rllMHl lin.li for ml and Mlrol;uin: urow a a purl af the pro?re ij.twiun last iiiishl btil the Crjarn-Kins al a poll planted about ai PACIFIC E .-..r.- of iO0 In ion in Hi.- In--Haiti. r our jrmni cwtr." fniuplatnanl rnired tn put in ap-petiratW!" mile norlli irt I!m- annlhwest eornpr -if Tfcnlw Uesine .No. S0P on Moresby f I li tournament between the tnvelira!ion IlK-nre north o Ulaix. and near Canoe I'm. 'hi- Wanderers and Trail Ultil. ii Bln rxhil.il -f evidence in Hi.' Playfellow Irial at Hi klyn in KS eliarsa. tlwn t chain, tlwn Limited "The with. Mayor ilerilthtfliil. N.urp"ll-liolik wt nol prueewled ' ttaitb SS rhalm. tbenre il SO chains to It n'uhi. The flltal score for ,vi,i.-h Harry F. Sim-lair in end-avonim to -.-rui i-deiitpioit if lennj intrxl yfnr IiihiI(I H-':ieMer and C.!HraiHioniTfto41V"f rnin.pnrenent. and ronlalninf rIO Phone 93 In"' F. John-on i tlitr. "wind- . f. -. i ii'.r i -. the niairh I Mmi M-.' lo I0I5 M. mm i.mi.i J- Ho- '-' 11r.jmn'l.uy .iie itfL-Mrliieh have Mitodonald reported Ihal lhy j.iirr - m.i.i.t f.o,-ir.i.i. iihi m favor of Ihe I rait. . .tir-V i"-" I.H wh.Vh fa displayed a' all Mi.- henrtnn. rW been h"ld. Iff aVe informed had made private inquiries ami ' ALBEIIT SCOTT 4. w.LOOK.connvii.Applicants.AfenL Tli-ir "remains iM one train.' ihal Autmlia exp.-el tn fiil tnun all Ihey t.ould learn the Dated ictbr 7. j Iloyal orange lodge on a srrertl lenin; Soulh Africa KOiidws of Ih officer had been OTICE. OF svEH'lPOPULARin 'ia a learn nf younir men vOo ail thai could be deMreil. .NurH. social evening in Id Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, have lieen impro1nir decidedly frrtiii th" lioxpilal. where Ihe in-elilinl j.-.t-uiiij. iftffinn iu rrii4, n. .... ami t twine lb n hotwern lr V.---tirrtU iiir.e l"j! ami Ihy exp.frt to he alhvi'd to have oceqrred Miar.i.SHuaie n.ttsi c llie West Xoa.t or MoresDj Limioer & METROPOLE HALL j War Veterans) and II SPORT GROWING union? Ihe.rhalleri"rer Uii yeiir; Huik plare. Iiml mmtrled that f.xf.' Take rmlire that Alliert Scot I Lork and Iuvi AtHlrew"0 . If ill Ihe .fapane!e are also slrenjrlb- ewart himelf wai the aKPre- Jllin Veley Ctinnell. of Victoria. B. C. lu.-iy Lokt jdufta this ovvnlni;, X lnr.. nnmli.'r of n'ron at-:."i.il 'nm their learn, to ay nothirifrkr und that the officer had bwn 'Jin prpeTfni 'r" S as fur t of the clubs U I.-mIki-wb.t of IWuean il aiid -.-enlle ii, handl- leum. !li- I.oJ'hI nrBii.-.- the leant, m, j-yme-IM-'ic All Lines Including Boxing rMMMWIm .1 mil nl.nl.w1 I- 1 1 1 ,,n. iw : Progressing. ln ami Jam-'' in 'lh' look as though the Davis CupUiii; him. The hoard f.'l that nsir mil suuu and auHt w hair a miie Shingles Are I'. I'U. Av. Hall tat ' and will atain have ..A .... -1 .I....I l, WI...O..-I v. T' n.'""'.li ""' " Mitroil' nifrlil a frreat year a ouiiiu- cimie-- "3 "-' me n-sDy island sine or canoe T i uii . 5 :,:: 1 1 . ' NfV YORK Jan. 6.'- "Th- Mi., affiiir aP liiirlily u.-offul. niii.i ill.n.1 l I i-i.u.' lendmiH illleresl. Itirirely ... of .,ile following . nr. i0ncs..ns mh. scha.nM Wand.-rer r. ssu llui; Alll'-i ir. l i..oil.' Ilk.' .'vnlc. t-d iinU ii.iiii;n.B v;!!i ai.pctix-inir whieh will react for the iriMxi of j Qirtslabt-' Maedmiald liavinjf en- rtnins asi to point or .ommanreniem, aiit) A shipment of Fir . Andrew I 302 ItHtl incut. - id -x Mu liii'l in dla-h.. ri"frrlinifii1i in " b.'tw.'n Ihe (ratne no nl nationally hut Hi-red (tic .M.iiee eoui-l wit 'OMM'11 jLBSitTSc!oTTicK m ! new ran r. t.tf. i tar i-pninrkalil.1 ti'-.iwlfr liaoord tin- rvrninii away only Inn iiitemalU.nally. Our own chain-1 eland to .five evidence aain! J"H.si WtSLEY CO.VE1.L. Applicants. Dimension and Shingles il. K. 6 SKM II'.'M f mm1 in tlir iuihI two yaara quickly. piont sliould he up lo Ihe high I i huu. hated Ortnber t.1.lt.w,- tonneii, axviii has just arrived, bought W . V. A. :iK:8 WuT and Hip otill.Mik for 1li- rouiliur Thu firl prlar winnnrn a I luudard which they have always SOTICE. at the market's xc ncE, cu-.m. "Th la demand fr t'x-'iiiinnl whWt w.t.. Mrs. Thoiiia PriPl mainlained. Altosretlier. Ihe year BILLIARD STANDINGS in hwn by tin- manner :...I li.'ii U lcarnn. connotation Ill2i looks now as beinp one of In Q.e-e.i Charlotte Islands Und Dtslrlcj. Been In 'ulna 0u Dlslrtrt Charlotte of Islands Kkeena,Land B. District.C, ami Lowest Prices In whirli llmai- .orl- wliirli iMW.n.l- ciiiutt In Mim l.illi.ni Hie best year that tennis iu this ..V'th', MZ fi!? West Co.,, or Wsb, B. C. ttirn' Mnill- "''' iiatn.niifd. 'iti-ri..r uii.l Ms. Mr-Knti. country will ir have enjuyesl." n e Ask for quotations. F allowing i I hi- lil f individual JZ&ZJZZ1 Tslt- notice thatTrchlbald Harper Mr- far this ftiiriir "f ciurp rnnkw well to I nliui Orr.liiMilra royid(xl ZJl:T;r Zkii fv.V m.rfiiiui nnmiHl kecliuie. of Vaneotivar. H. orrupalKin aviT0frr I hp (..I.- in llii :al.-Kir and. j i..Mi(li.l nuiic for tli' Uunrf season i Mic Trail Club Cup -!ill- I In- laMl IS hu and T. V. 'IVhit was .iimxMr of Of foitlball If! 1'JJI Hint Ihe OVPr-i' nT w'snd n5 t.e.e.i and rftr-ileuin: :oninH.n.-lnr al a E. H. ShocMey Iiitlianl i uiiijiciiiioii : iT.ir aniira nti re.ir na SrelltH ol t j-amem ai iii a.w. coriM?r oi iiinurr . witii.'.'il r'nf Incfriiw ..f m- . ir. iiiniti -. Cliarli'n LnuinH whelming evideni'c llial the com. (inm Total Avr. iL. :" TEL,"Ta.rsr i iium.,.. wast so chains, tlmtre north so Mills. Iff-!, r.'iiurd ! ti'iiitatmi' aii.ll,uil (-haijf' f Ihi wliial tablmt illfr setisou will sie tlir pram.' , Planing PtIUI.ury F.) .... & Kttfl JH sSV.rTVV;7. tlwe -TSV rtflaj to polM ar and Mi. N. lifid. Mr. L. War-rior record in ....... B.C. ttuli rcr-i'ls.!", I am niciiii.-n rfachliiR new every tlience SS chains nNl to pnuii of nini " " " m Prince Rupert, Itlylhr iT S I oon JtttU bli-v. I lull tin- H''W '' w" and Mr. F. HuukIi atlended ilejiartmenl of I lie sport i nienremnl. i-ontalmnt 40 seres, more or nwm or AltailBALD less. lltnPEH Mrk'ECII.ME. b I HMO 2Mt less tlurhiuir 'T ui'lia lu- old iu Itiix r."i,,rl- In Jlio 'i-uik "f fwKniiirnlH. splendid tribute lo Iho iraiiir. and Et:STICE PE.M0B RSTLI.X. Applicant. Appl Irani. ''V. ' ... t una io . W. Conncll. Arrni. j. w. conneit, asviii. lioitklry -liil.- ISU'-.' i not lik'l Hi A. E. Urif-i. w.i on Mm; dtar. In Ihii.' who play it." This stale, fiau-d Oilober , I. SI. Datfld Octotsr T, ll. ShakrKjimrc (T) 3 it Z0" wilii'""" iiii'i'ii'"- ii.". l" lu wiurw nt Mir viiut Mr. mcnt vut. made by Walli'Fj Camp, 2 400 tm HOTICE. otii:e. Howo W'i Icinnlional .-alibi." and inli'if! and Mr. I'.-mu huih iireiuiy of !!;: !Bifrttrll"ITial.' TORK'S JucIkp (T) 5 MM tOF of Mi" l. nijMy-iarM,nli,r r.ni- t'tir null.".- in i-liai'K" oom. Koollmil ; ItnloK Ciintiiipe. in n In Oueen Charhitts islands Ulid liistrtct,i . V'1!';"-? D.iWl... .:.. sua , r" ii .192 Iwrvnlins IMstrlct of HUeeiui. . 'J SELL Mullm'oyln (K)... (..,.1 I Dunk llial Mii'i.' will W MiH.-d A. Mcltar, rhainiittli. I'. recent dicui.iii i)X Mi." priM. sitiiam on Ilia WW tsu-i ui irri.y . I. Hrn (Ti ... 5 H7S IV i .i ..... ..f K. ;in-i. tlliarl.v If land il C liaisini, II. an mrrriim" in in'- ii"..." HaiiKli. A. ..eel for sport for 1042. TOVES. (I.) r. iKiH in i ..sT,tHK!r.libi,.H-,Sf V.7l!7.aCrc!! Take nol.ee ItsTTolTn Wesley Connel. MrKvoy l.oul and tbi" l.iralil.f in wlnrli l.t-ii.oii nml M:k. I.i-iii.iii. "Il jrooji liy.md that, how- u ro;'ftd Allien Scotl l.o.k. of Victoria. H. c. Kc.t! (V) r &7 n i u.li malrhr lf eer. coiilliiui'il Air. uaiiip, j oi- T iilii..n in nr,.ini tt- fiillowKf rts- Uiccxilun brokers, intend lo..apply for 76i ttfl may ic JmT n.r coal and netroieurB: I"" ''sioii to prospect lue rollowuia d land J. llrown (SA) . m form ily lo lh- law. H.-xiim to my mind il i a clur Uitlica- ... . ... , r.74 1 1 ; Fires The iti'iiein ii - I fim M.Mtnln se ss a rsaiatt ttl'inlu1 st I f lu U V Andrewd (HA) ... 3 n.il al.uu udvanrintf in - Buckley ,..n of the appreciation .T pUf- f issaw si Fred Stork's Hardware SHI (K) a ivi nlari'y for all h!""'! 'u'' " Opening Shot .ieal filncs and t).f admiration ..jje-c.r ,1? Wrplici (V) ... r, tint iki I ran lorn U n lli inri'iii. in which il its held. I llf lessons ";'L'!L S. ihnre se rlialni west to Mint I H"'" I" POl of eomiiieneeiiient, and Skconu A vend b Mandonnld r, ma i ttu cosnlmns SO rasuinlnt S40 acres, ntur or less. (SA). and Why Sport Advances. b whirlwind campaign to end learned duriiij; the jrrcat war r comiwnroineiii.iihm-s or less. ilHIX WBStEY CO.N.NtXL and PHONE B ACK 114 Mb I hh WnuRh (T) :i liavo Im'.'H ineri-ascd thi appreciation but JOHN WLHUEr ooN.in.l. and ALKKItT 8iITT LOCK. ApphcaTiu ih "VariouH riauii Bronchitis. Allll'HT SiTT l.oc.k. Appllesnl. J.' W. Clilim-ll. Afent. ntiiM-(.in BA). 5 u-.'i mlaiirl for lllia ifttiii. I''''-Ninially the admiralion f..r and Ihe de J. V. Coonell. Ae-Bt. nld Ortolier T. tttl. Nflrun (W) 5 tMO h:i I llilnk thai it ix 1,1 Sensational free trial offer sire tu partioipale ii clean sport t.,d Oriohee It. Il NOTICE. Hill (S. 6 uio 1-r, the AinerlCsiii und CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND of Iln h.i-vi-iil Glorious Jiews to sufferer! F.very is inherent in 0TICE. nuuthi'i' OttUHfn. a In Hdmii Charlolt. llmiil. f anil ril.lrlrt Kiimlmrn (HA).. vuu "-' cold ia Canudi is dooaird to AUDITORS of iiroliibUiiin Willi 11m" 'lo- cough and Canadian people." In Oueen ClwrhiUe Islands Land District, lie.ulaa- District of lkreiia, H. C, and Holinriti' (ft) fi lH7 I H I diwpix.nr. Bucklpy sdvu.es you-a a IWruedlnr llIMcl ol SSeeDa. B. ainl nil.ll.ir mi uio ittwi i Kill ui jiurcMi I7H ina of I In' Mttloun ha tnl I lion-ltiiili fitct-ursri you to join in the bi K figbt situate ou It West f.irtst nf .Moresby Isla: d. II. C. RORIE & SMALL Hommr (V) .... 3 58R of nin, younir and old. in to try sUsolutely tree of cent a bottle "Foolhallv a playwl by itt- Ulillil. B.C. m , . . . Tike that Juhn Wesley Cnnnrll nutlra ndim CD t 71KJ I7 of Buckley's UroiirhitU Mixture. the hundreds of colleut' liams.l((11r c" oinwti hoViire. inteini - nasioant rarxner tt.J.h or nla.v BMIIM'H oc noll- n and -tnrri s.nii Lock, of VlrttrH. K. C... Wnkrfleld H) .... H hH 177 i.rh an ImxiiK i r.-- World's wonder cough iroof,convluce sad cold de-Iroyer.PuruUh I hrouKhoul the. cnunlry IsrltBicss ! 't'f'.rtS' SZ'.ZZSSEZ JEftSftJ?' T j QCOROS RORIE, CJt. lialamio (F.) .... i 701 170 llu- at.rain iinMiJ Uy hrvoni vour Uie own sliUor of s doubt out these uilttlllies ill a llittintei- iwin.k-i.iii: coitimwielns at a poai Plasied , ;;bod lands fur rosl and I City Auditor ror Prince Hupert Tinker 4 70a I7" lll'f ff. .It yourktlt ,.., iilMiut one half mile north and lhre and crruirenrins at a post plamrd al tlw 8.W. ( Auiiintlted. Trustee in itanktuptey (K) will hlovr . l!i war and lM Rniwiiitf tn-,,, ttuit the regular treatment equalled lu IH.ter npons fialf iwiles east fnsti the slinroline of w ',iarri so t-hauis. theiM-e west SO chains. Sudltlrg Partaarahlp Aeoeunta Allen (8A 5 H0H 17 i oxi'rfinr your cold to atoms. Not s cent do e rim even lo llie novice I I wnsif bay on tn Moresoy iami sme ui ir.nirr ar tiiiiuw ureuse no. ssbui-. uieiii-e I il..- )i'iiifllH of tonuike Kllllie ..7... ih...,.u4h MS rli;IUl IllMUW ..ulh an rl.ln. Ih.ni. ...I III lnaatl(atlens Llsuldatlens li-1 htever iioorrrlcli ((,1) .... 5 8tf 17:' Iium' nil liilpi'd sk. NoobliBUou Kpenllltni' IS tllll til llirtlis un.lwnt ft. riwins, ineuea smiiu -i.sms, chains lu isilnt of noninieiirrnieiit, and rinanelal Rupoeta, sic. Asalgamanta nml ,-. .i-1 1. ! 1 1 1 n this tent. cuilainlMS A4U seres, imirr or less. Kinsr (S) . 5 801 17:' . in.i ih iiopulurMy of with the rnpidly increasln,: ti'H.- nJ uffiaf'1".so"' .erSk: JiillV WFSLtT OLM.NELL and Ftdiral Building. Peine Rupert .-nsi' T. Kllvprildr(r;) I 171 17' Act nowl Fill In ths coupon before nical knowletUe possessed l.y tin- mot,, w ft ALBEHT SCOTT LOCK. AptUlcanla. Phost 3S7 Baa SS ,... rl. sad exchange it st suy ol u041Ar. AppiK-ant. i. V. Council, Am-nt. MuMcinlli' IW) .. 0 Km 170 . i you forget listed below: Ihousuuds who watch I lo playl j, w. cvunn. .wwti Dated October 7. IVtl. "S.. fur liDlinB U ooiicrrni'u tlw drug stores W.I i. fcmllh (8A) 5 340 170 lnl.'l Hi" cttt I am rei-laln llutt foolball wllil., """"" ""' taw ha Ktrr.Umid.i.i.M."n NOTICE. il. Wulk. i w R buc Ui'tnnilnK (W) 3 &U5 IT'8 N,,w Y,,rk I4t M.lll llttrt ''' continue lo incieiise in ponu.lur- , notice. .orl won.li-ifully hi Omnn Charlutte Island Land District, tlri'en (H) 1 o&u ion ulNti mill I would like to hit COUPON ity for years to collie. The ful In Oueen C'.iarlotte IslaiHts Land Dlalrirt. llM-iirilinr Iilsirlrt of Skrena. II. C. and For your next Wcurnmulh (8J r 8iu itvv Hint liiilte Kludluiiti erected hwt Iir, iirrnur tuslrli-t of skwria, h. ti., and situate ou Ilia West Coatl of Moresby Miniiliii' nai'lio.'itU in H trUI Swklr' BroacbitU . rlliiate ..ii the We.l i:hii ur Moresby Maud, U. C. A. Kilvwllj8 (B) J 801) 101 rr a few scaKon aico are now tit xlul.-L Tli'1 'iw lloiara Mi-uui'i'. nMUlcd by a child. "Take imllrs that John Wesley Coiuu.ll Take notice Ihal Srulliuas Ward, suner Shoe Repair Job Moy (0) 6 7111) lo liualnp and able tu aeeoiiiiiii'ilale Itto.se -.a Aiirt siitt Lork. or Vlriorla. B. C. Inl-iul.-iit. and li.il.ert Ward, barber, of il it iii'-H" brokers, intend to aisily for Victoria. B Intend t aily for Ilnnnlioo (K) .... 2 317 151) who desire lo witne; the jramrf if.uivs i;.. per- mil i.iuuli' nxi- iu prind, rernilssluii tu prosiirrl lite fullnttiua de-si'Ilbsd mission to prospert the folluwius described FlnnliiK (fl) 2 318 168 hit. Nam ...m is the best oidnce if the l t land ft- c.ial and ;trolim: ian(is ior coai anu iw-irviinii: t.ujiiiiiiic-lii'C try should l- i"""1 1 f,"r rjMiiwrlirlns al I p.l plaillsd all one al a post planted on ttw ahoreltiMt of Wurrlor (0) .... 6 7&1 150 tJimloii '""'il! ", AddtrM ureutii! iu iuliTi'sl. j ltt.tr mil south and Hirer ami one hall Canoe I'ass, about one mils south and one J. C. EMERTON ManMl (K) ,5 7I8V 1H biixlng. If Ibis ciithuelasuu whirl) Wi is'lrt east of the sliorellne of a small bay mils west of the 8.W. euruer of Tliulier .... frtrrmt In deft-wl " !"' ut tlJ Mors i by Man sldn nf Cauos Pass, Luense Mo. SieuP. thence soulh SO tiialna. Champion Shoe Repair Shop Hr. ht J) .... 4 577 14 al extends to many oilier sporf.s th?nc norili S iiu. Ihente east Ku thsncv east to chains, Ihent-e north so ' ai-'iiinxi Mcli'i'li'd oiiiioii.-ui Naiua I cliurs. tlience sottb sit .-lsiii, llwn.-e west elialns, uu-nce west so riuliu to pulut of Emad. Block, Third Avenue Morgan (Ii) 1 IS lt'4 lliti-- iMiiH ; nd (tallies, should he used as r ku.rlis'ns to pnutl ul iinuueureuirnl, cos-UI sj-jsincruwiil, tad voulaUUuf 4l acres, U CitMbo HU Mil lnli'd mt.-i-vul"- i"er to improve the pliyslct' lint 640 a.-res. more or les. more or leas. I (O) .... ronlrndrm n I'liani-r to Sold In Prince Rupert by JOHN WESI.I." CONNtLl. and SFPTIML'S WARD and while KasHon (K) . I CP 60 worthy welfare of Iho country at larv ALHKIIT tJCOTT LOCK, spiillranls M0BEKT WARD. Apt4rant. "Repairs you wait" nrtMini-n it would hi- nn"",' W. J, McCUTCHEON J. W .Miiurli Ar'UI J. W Connrll, 4.SMII. 1) 'Mna , inoro sane und proper iiiulert Ilf(t October 6 IV I Dated Octbber 7, tl. Advertise In Ihe Dully News. i ... iin iini.i-..v.'nii'iti