WHEN YOU WAMi a THE NEW I TAXI 99 If. YOKOHAMA I i . in Phone a nurrj CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HOME nAKF.RY ALL NEW CAMS Phone .... 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 'V 1'HINCK III PKUT, l. U., FIH DAY, AlKiUHT , 1022. TlMWif'l ClMKlttla 124 SlMt ttlM . PRICK FIVE CKNT8 alrour Bomb Still Agitates Eurooe KfcU MUKR. Uf V1M1 1U lilt IN I fcKlUK Willi MIMMtK J 1 m w A m i. A . avmeni or iveDts Agitates BIG FLAG POLE eunr INVENTOR :Two Experimental AT SUMMIT OF HILL European Countries and is BEING FELLED: ON IIMiliKIIK.HIS OWN i:air ESTATE llrr-t.ni. Farms Necessary Interesting Job Going on This Aua. t. Thr Um1) of much Afternoon at Old Government .f li. AlrxHihJcr lira-liain Subject Controversy Building IW-II will w luriJ for the Interior iin I'NPiinia fnmi hia Aii)Ihh kU ia('i n- In he in i- uiitiy tiviitc. Iitlrrinnt IMiN A MR. I. Lloyd litufge twld lb Hon. of O.m I In- vii'inily of tlir Hd ui.ivini-ial will lw ina.le al I lii uhi-uul Tlial Hon. V. II. Mollierwell. frderal minuter of HRncullnrr, nf lltr iiHMiiilatn on ranl rr where one exerimpiitl farm will fill the hill in the that I lie (Sonertuneat had derided U arret the f i. iriTnmiil liiilfiliiiKo lhi aflr. ATTEMPTS TODAY TO sInmiI 3 lb.Illl paUIp. reulnil ifileriof ami that he think" the department Of agriculture nnn oVI'Mi wilnco .datum I lie ir iti.Mislry ami prweblr one hundred air !, SWIM CHANNEL FROM npiy will have to Hit in two, one MMilly located in the Nechako Val- an iniprf'litiar Jiree f iri Jor : fivni' defense at rn4 of two tseilMt taJwasV H FRANCE TO ENQLAND I..-I. Hi Iff if fwl flax-polr. le iumI the other in Oniinera rofiHtitiieuey. i the xlatemeiit of , i-pjiKtin- further extension of the an force if lb kt ,r Alirh hi Iimm mi Hip r.iliil Kreil Stork, M.l'., who returned to town last night after having ' i;aih mux, ui i. ROVM PIIRPIF PARn aewmiianiienl Mr. Motherwell to the eutlern eml of 8keeua di- iikI for national fur I . hp. r-r) security. Mwy Hrw hm- nw" rti yara r I lakri. aui' LIUfULL LrtrVU INlllly n rrM-h wiii. divh trrMntl flllBMl ri,.L ei4j (he,e (j,err Wj a0 ,M,ibly he one or more . i nciJrred forthwith of Ihe all-melal ryjo ln-iim i pern tyi. mr. bvsan kl alttnri la il iw kaliiiigii froRl of the PARTY LAST EVENING "''f"'' lo?r,e7, "! the ,lMrirL . Hi.- Parliamentary Air lHiimiltee sent a letter U Vktltl IM KMlllh clMNNtl -trii Mi ,-t. r hi which, nftar referring, Ui what wa ;rcMH-' lhi iMornina. A ha fjl-Irrvd The wliffJlT li to tln n Kin try and he waahoul due for a Imxuii like that or lfwaurr l he wafr af K w, Held In St, Real Dining Room irfn.n.liMi.lv ili.r.Hl with Iho.the Klomlvkp roh.' i(plarpd Mr. eiahcd tit air fighter m Mm tftrhr in ilkilhrfrMil Uf Ul ami m w m" - m htirutn-an war il rM n U In 'rl.wk a Mffiil wiml it inrbo at lhaTii. wtil ! cut Which was Donated for .valpy and lUm railway. The lri !SUrk. ' 11t in where it U goinj; mPI KAKY drew an appalling pirloee ..f the, bl"ina, Ik alr a Mf at llir rHrrffq, lar nml will Ocasslon by Mr. wa a tiurriPil one anl was lakrniio I qiHi iiw ee ui me eonun-io ii s mm mm m m n.i air vai. The letter ald rottiparatitHy ralm ami a niiwi iJmwii uytf """wd A. Richmond. that thp minipr rimhl faniili- -nt will be turned Uwn it (in a llir ky .rrral ariir liiiti-rlf with roiHlitHiim in,very hort lime. Itnlderable Willi a am 4a. II wiH lln-ii Im AGREEMENT: dnopetf im I baulrtl by a laaut of Ii-t.p- l rb I Jdip of Hip Itoyal I'urplp ,,mp lrl. The actual bieationj'lai i,r mining i already going on d.-n atorusg the U-l war averawed Mark.-! K.narp. T 48p a MPaanl whil ilrive ill ' auriruiiurai lannuri mii.iiirrr a ii.i mr ui Him ii.il- . I Ari 1.. an atUMl A I... 4J IMMMM IM 14.1(1 TT Km I U 1 1 1 nl....." lea. thee lim iomta in weight It llr xtii aitia aana -I mu-ii e m. itpal umiHZ riMMii lal --t" .......- laussnce ana ansae uipin iii.nto tw ii.roerti... are now LORD NORTHCUFFE -Iartp.1 Hip i4. Mil, IO...HI IB 4H.I ' vetiina. Hiprv ww ftfWM H HWK'" wfi irrr n- ai.o uiiiinmro uW . .. . . ... . ... ..... . . Eainpil iMMiMMiea In the ditrirl. iiiiwrkMii arMed ..f l.nwi mhmJ weight. u. i.... i Kmiii . ..... mi vaw meal f Rallwai to NegotU 'lw iinp i hp m ai n im mil wrim 1.7 r with - - IS GETTING WEAKER U lrii with the lomi.Ur. Mr..wth)h i Uwnar -d up by air, Wage Reductions ' ''" l--i by tin arte..i "... I -M ami Ibr total iead The ef rc-f uf (burn .. M. baiea that Prtore lUHatt Mr. UrsX,say. tpuMlve. a i-l.M'k It ill her 111U.I in Mem alM.,11 . rbe dinlntt .. . a 11 a a. t 1 1-1 1 1 : 1 Lt- ..at U Aug t. iMu.y.l ,w r dryfia Lata Advice Say Famous London .iiri.tr ha-P. .n3l wa loalei by Mr, liee. "Wl . ll'rn-v ita m- 01 i"-rT., n uinnr aiiiaiiiaer. laahlaaj ra aary . . . . lUirbaaraid for the oc(ikia. 1V .kaajtJirl irteiMl In Mr. Mauei. Jir. Mori preuteia that aenu l.,Ur. Ur imbM. I-. i I - - r ,i vurniiik in miv hi rva ailsaeL Ikrra a Mai fvlaWCy al JG0YERN0R GENERAL: y br JfWtT TSWlOTati. I IbPlma Kiiishl anl Hall Mae-1- I iirl farp .Mr. rra am unnar in purvey wirs on arrouni Iity I hat in lb rv! nf war. Ibt IFAVFQ nAWQHM FOR l"atd. poMMlalioii award - ur. wmnerweii iiipi was lei. m uie laeimiea 11 ouare lr eo-LXf i b Iih a-N BHiw. roemiry wikiM t raWH amt Ul.MNl.N. Aus I. Lord V.Ttli- I j UAWoUrl lUlx ing ),, r. j. liawtborne and rare. Iavinc hire 011 MomJay graiihieal o-rst mi. hp tailway pieanUp-. .HNlmi awel olhrr ( dp. fffiffe. Ibe newspaper maKiiale MAYO AND KENO HILL J. Mullisan. Mr. lieorae ittornnia they w-pre MMiiPAvhat dp-l Railway Grade Easy ah Hi. A- ; Ilallwa ifiyl b "HoaifnMi- r w wlm U erMHly ill. ha leen netting ruiell wa poiivpner. nf the layed in arrrvios ami dW :wt kpI: iteorge leirnes, the pioneer -lit llirrr will Iw a fr-. ,.r aii-daMP. Iraplliif Mpak-r thp lal few itaya 'roiiinnlipp ami wa given ai-l-'in until H oVIoek. They pent two aekpr of the Uaxeftou rounlry, t ii.-ii.lMit, .i ii. r-. ai IMt ihIIp an h"Ur al a and hparl IroulMr 1- inrreaiiig. lSON. Ana i lUmn livna amp I.v tbe oilier ladie- of Ibe Hml a half hour aroamd Terra re who. In recently been uiakiiu I -f t in aK' -'.. In-Ill hi tif ro.mm fm. silrwl aa I.11MHI.V. Aoa I. Ni.-in, of Vinty. ii..prn.'i lieio-ral of .inl.-i apiieraMy. Iieliablful 're-'ami inoinre.1 over a prfat art of trips on the airplane, ay that im- .mi July 14. to Ibrir paaip a ad rprlaiMV by real amielv i f-lt i.i .ver Canada, ha- left fm Mayo ami Hie rrealiiiienl were erved in tbe Ibe district, tin areiHiul of foret there are no phyleal diffieullies . ui . in rrmain im tuabl InvUMtle.' thp poutlillon ui iinnt N.irtb- Ken.. Hill uiiiiiiia aini. He ami eoorae n( I lie evi-IIIIISt. ire ktoey were pravenleil feim in the way of the proposed finxjnd ,n ..iili'iillw' f Ihr Air BSattle First. rliffp. Tbrr- i "iiip lnrr'aP hi arty will ret tun to the eoat 'rninx to Hie lkeUe ide. Ilos railway and it ean follow the W 'i " Ii ill br an - 'AW - - - SaWakl 11 I Im- bearl wt-akiiP" prrvioiiely netl e.e-.U. He v.a pre- UltDniTDlTDC Tfl niP From Terrace they went through water at way grade all the way. i i.v -iioMar ttt'llti. I Bier riBWllirr jrvitjiwm w htwi bp. ii.ii.il and Ii- 1- m a gpuerat enle.1 here with an a.hire, in- illUnULLl0 1U UlL to Smitber and drove lo Telkwal ltuh firea have been very bad will ad fraejl wttr ia lalarr ' t iiiaib in i Up, lad' nf Phall -I l"ll M-iftied vm a mom white earibooi 1 flNnflN NFVT WFFK fl,HllHl 1k " lucdey all over Ibe dutrirl. Mr. Stork re- am lerrilir neuur in W Ibr kin of full ie. Several gold LUMUUll "L,L,,)WM.nintT. t the lallar Jaee llipy j-.rt. However, a gtlle raiu eame air. and Mr Uial if country f uffrra a rral defeat in tbi BRITAIN WILL SEND iiugaet were alo iiiveii. . itf given a luaeiieou ay imp oh inuraoaymi noiiie 01 uieni NHrKY l llMMK'vIMN baUle, It victor ' will in a I.11XIM1X. t Tin- twor'ariier liiU4ule. ltoulmi wtiil.ave twi ilainpcnrd Juwn. lail- tin bpr WOMAN TO ASSEMBLY iiipii ii Sniiuai. ami Imnn who'tbeo viiled.' eallina at llarn-il aUer U tbe Allen mill al Pitman frw das oValroy port, 'COMMUNISTS FIGHT MEETS ON FOURTEENTH railway, ber MHinilN farlorie iiiurdpi.-. I-1' id Mm tiil Sir ami Sealev raite4ie eiiroulr. ISpur wa fortunalely averted by and. bpr eaoilal by tnlettaK LEAGUE OF NATIONS I with the fascisti ';;:;:, i;1I-..11 will In- fjpcuted At lloul..n they tmek tl.e train the arrival of this rain. Ibe air. II ,into llurn Lake ami Mr. Molftpr- "A vat aumuiit of tie tliubep Received In the City of bnaebrdaxeiil lrm r.inter tbal al pn-.pnt Km-land itNMX. An i. I'n-niip. well wmt 011 to VanderhHr whertha been destroyed ar fire.kllled.' Chenne of Data. le )ol in poatlfeM ur- I oVi lit;i.ltP .l. till- ll.ill'P ol Itn.MF. Auk t Tw lieraon nrfl IMC PnCITinWC he wa met by T. IS. Meltride, I If Mr. Hork ay. "The railway were killed and ev-ral Inni.lreil 1LilwL.lllU I VkJIllVlUJ for l'rilno. slinuld make p fully to t'oenbal an aliai'k 1 iiiiiii that 11 had !" n h-. it- ineiiuVr company prepxra- ii .irpril in .i.-. .... .....-........I hMild advia. Monudeil in tin' fighting between CANADA WHEAT BOARD lii Wedmday Mr. Stork re. .i(u to have tin firr-killed tic d Ui -nil a woiii.Vi 111 an 'In- Utr of Fa-ili and i'...iniininit at Ilari I turned U llaielton vlvere he sipnl ;timhpi' inaiiiifai'lurrd into tie aHMNl a elnifia roiiilniiiNi ..ry paparijj i" iu- if-pnuny 01 - 'f INp fihpiir in i-MinetHM with general with II. H. . nut mwliaaip. Ibe lauup l Nali..11- l.i i'Pire a the day. In eom)iany thi- wuil.-i ittierwiae it may W'i Im- Aiiaunl Mm alrike. i MKiilXA. Aims. I It has been 1 iiU- Hie a,iastei of Ibe I'nion, Im- sinlalili- the year after.'' 1 t.. l'l' will h lak'-n ill lii-pat llrilam officially learned that Mrr. iUftk B wrll, for 4 Uislame of j;i j ' ia- aaxl i Ue r.Nti- FISH ARRIVALS Mr. I. II. Strmaen wife of Stewart and W. F. Hiddell H lie up Hip K;a'iok Valley i-new i.r...-fpd l "IbPT ELKS TEAM FROM lihou Slrioser. of Ihe Yukon. w offervnt osl oh the ...ut. linn up' raincli. It wa- AMMUNITION ili'lrlot, a arbpcl- and her Canadian wheal toanl. have lie en Iwo smi. were anion? Mr. Stork.' first visit lo Kiapiox mil he njbllked rii.an Halibut Boat marseiea ANYOX IS COMING die aeiiger nmnit north from ' onlpelled lo declinthe prists. Valley and what be saw was a 97,000 Pound al Eichange Yam-outer on llie I'rinee Alice! revelKto n to mat. He had never FOR CHINESE This Morning Word was received by tbe IUk" today. They itf euroute to P. J. Mrliernioll. aecouiitalit in believed that an agricultural alley DROWNED SURF INLET Mm lnay roMiiiitlee tbi momma liawson. llihoi Siiuigrr having Hip I'nion Hank, sailed last night with such potential oibii- Kprn bal hrouiiht ti.0 that the Any ox Flk' ball team none in sonic wi'. k. ano. ifm- Victoria 011 holidays. lie evi-l' d Hiere. SeUure Made at Hong Kong From UOUHd of halibut to wort last ami a parly of aupportrr will m Saw Airplane Admiral Liner President veiling and early today, markrt- down here lo play with Hie local Mr. Stork found Len itell hy-rodaiM Grant "n Swimming For Log at llg tiWir ealrhea al tbe Hall r-S- Idk- team net Wednesday. Tliey Two Million Pounds for Air al llaseltun. Hp and Mr. Morgan Camp liaiiar tbi Hioruing a ftMHwa. have rharlered a tmal and will MotlirrwHI bad beau expeeted in MANILA. Aug. I. Thousand I'aeifM- ttabeciee lak I.paf. auixe on luv-'lav -vi-miig and Defenses is Appropriated by hi Satunl:y and the uiaehiive liad of Runs of American and Herman - iM Purrnl tbi I.MOU iMHiifU. al 7.6V ami Sr: I-p-.... play on Wednesday. been all luneil up to take them v.p;make and -'S.000 round uf auu ' l"i. l when Jalm I'un niu-c. 1 3.1100 uoiinu.I. in..I "u.. I tnd show them the Kispun Val- munition were taken frotH the Ad-ley r.M'.l at the J. It a... i'l.P. V IIHIU MIUHU. ' IS British Parliament as Starter from tbe air. Mr. Stork re Mitral liner. President flrant at - aiii. loei Itta Mfr. H.Se ami fte. HILTON BELYEA rrettel very much that he had NoMg Kon receutly and SfLintiiu -wiiniiivr am wfn Hooth FUbariea lnadiaii FOR K-en unable to 110 up with lln- l-r o the itliiueae crew ware ar- FINAL IN THE IiONtiON. Aug. i. The ulUtude l the t inted Slate treai- . Ifi'tlti'ii Ul Sl.OtW Humj. ai 1 I. a t ..a 1 a.. I... I. tt a !'K WUHl l'l OIH1 hliernwH. Mitiiiaiaip itiii iiu inn ait iiiixii urn. -.a- -a ;.i from Hip rel. ami o; lkMir of Jaeka. I3.m THE SENIOR SINGLES tiry Inwards thtP ullied debt iiuestiou that the llalfour note would.illiey w,u.li ih iiatv luwn a)J lo Tlie minnti-m- had been smug " Ii'1 for Konit rra- ouml, ul M.lc ami Sc; Thehiia. nut uffecl the Ainrnrun Klicy luwurd Ihe aynieiil of war dcblsp much anyway for lite alrtdanelaled ai...ai i at s.-atlle. apparently ' -wini bark and a- tl.lMMi toiiiHl at n.ic ami An, t IIIU ..11 .1...I ...l.i,, .,11....ii.... 'n... i..n..11...- ...in. Ik. a.i.l,.IU'-. iuuv lia.1 in. i.ii Una upMuiol iileslim .1 I" ill '-llllia. - Uki-n with riann CalulillHIl Flali j and 1.1 tHl I Ik mw-lUill ton l'IIII.AIi:i.l'IIIA.IMyea. of St. J.-iui. .ew statement of the Chancellor of the Kxehemter that Hntain had no! ' "wnher iaks vary luxhiy 1 " and wi'iil down. im Ai. ItriHHKUKI. ciuu. , . . . ... . 1.. ..... t of tbe venture of the llailwny TOOK IRREGULARS ON HniUMWM-k aniulpui towing iiiieiiuuu 01 auggesuHg auv u.ieraiioi. ... u.e ...luuca, "',8..u.. il lirtMJItht to Id ...ul. at H.le ami O.ac: b. ,Ul,tHM,Hl utH, ,. " li-unur Vanlur' fbvwar, 7,00 MHimis, at n.oc umaai iuaJea Ilia al flrat the heat reaatta f" ol the llie enior i lo the UtiileU blate-i, gnw a somewhat new iiireet.oii to newspaper ju(triH Asaoefation and see greni FLANK AND IN REAR ' "f the M.C. Undwr. line. otiiniiu'iit on (ho ipievlion of iuler-ullied debt. possiUIIUiea in it. The company 1 1......I vauiiatmil or AiiiBiiiir HAMPERED RETREAT Ilnvul Flth la.--l. lot. II" jualifiel for llie fi Today there wa-i u less uuxiuu note in the newspaper c.. was'eertainly entitled lo a gre- l liiiM- tieeii eeut tu H. ....ml. at H.te and Se: Asoraa. Oareuien. tnrUU. 'Flip was deal of eredil Their machii.e, a hope expressed Hip day. "-Kiiik for liifuriiiu- S.UOO MHinds. ul H.?r and m nal later in that next week's .oiifeiisii'e an I.luyd tleorge contemplates, all mlid uluininuiii inoiiuplane, wa.- IH IH.IX. Aug. 4. - National lM i"laliea Nil Atdiii l'ilMrie--W. ami r.. 1. 11.. i' i It -ii-amer 1'iin- arraiigeiiieut would b made to ettrly election. the beat that money could buy. army troops landiug from the ' 1 i ii found. inmj MuiuU. at H.lr and 4 IIV Vliee ' C.aiilaiM IIiiiiiIoh averl the uyly menavu haiiKlng Belgian Attitude. They were operating Into tbo sea in (amiily Kerry took the irregulars Klinlley Diver ami ii round Hog on the flank and in the ii.i.....iui.i tor Skaaway and over Ihe continent uf Kurepe llUUSSHliS Aug. t. The dkota cloudburst Kluff f.aitaii and Mr. Jaynr Alaskan p.-rl- f"" Ihinugh the reparation que. Hrilisli allilude toward lh In. iwuntry flying ui two hour wln-i rear ami hampered their retreat other ,.f Hip Palvaltoii Army. .0. 01... t 1-.Jity from Hun. ler-allled debt i oonIUlcd III formerly it had taken a pack from Lhnertek. 1 ttoulh liakoln Ilili.iuud oaeilger iaoig I'.nnri. n unlil w - .' ' ii- Uli.i"""i There Is uppoi-d tu ha a lielgiuin to 1h) a matter of extra; trnln sixty day. Thus hv the im Fighting goes on ejc where t .' noon i"l iluti Li tie wet) 11.....null Hip i-1 1 1 v nil tin I'll" I ll..,l .''I .!'-aei divisivn In Die imUli GabliiPt ordinary Kettvlly. llitM-al plrelel prospecUir got in, il alimst with ih.' Pee Slatera generally III' Vl'-S.' I ' "iiiiii.H ilolUra via A I mmi Unlay. Uujdaiii J ot u.l4.ai We(' lourial. regarding th llritish pulley to-ward Hunk Hrilain beneeimih wilt be tioie to start eouiing out a.aiu. sut-ttul. moat ' '"'Minimi. , if..1 11 g lo Ketehlkan uud Mr. Xioerii'aii I...Ml.I. ll" IUIIIP the debt probl.'m and this obliged to suppori ireiinauy's Duo Foe Boom Iaiip- t" Wrangell. r.llll.l III Hi.' vm ""w silggpsletl division seems re- ri. dili.is ui th.'lr .-II Ml- lo make From what I saw and heard.' prosperous advertising mean i - .hi.- ' 1 "i'i. "'f fli-i! f' F" .ii It .'i'-n - ' .-i rcgutaf cun'.nui'ui dvertilng, I.. ,1 I tsul.. riba ?-r the Ia v' 'v"' i