PAOR TWO TTTR DAILY NEWS 'Thursday. March k The Daily News 1113 NEVER FELT pniNr.F. nui'RRT - nnrrisn cni.uMMA PuMMieil Kvory Aflernonn, except Sunday, by The. News TOUGH LUCK! V THE RHEUMAflSM Prinlinj? nnl Pnhlisliinp Oimpany, Thin I Avnno. l il. F. I'IM.hRN, ManaginR F.dilnr. Special Despatch from Ottawa to Since Taking "Fruil-a-tives" the Toronto Globe flakes SUBSCRIPTION RATES: The Fsirous Fruit Medicine Interesting Reading. Cily Delivery, bv mail nr carrier, per month .......... ... .$1.00 A spociitl despatch written by Dy mail lo nil parts or Ihe Hrilish Empire ami the United Slates, P.O. Pji 123, Pamiiboro, x.s. lloss .Monro, stuff correspondent in advance, per year 0.00 "I kulfi-rol vtiili Klicuiiutl.Mii for nt Ottawa for the Toronto Olobe. To all nlher nunlrie, in nilvance, per year fiB years, Itariug it so haitly at times ill re?!iri lo Yanciuer"s"present ! ' I um uualile lo j;Tt up. luditical nosiliiiit will nroe in TELEPHONE 98 I tried medicines 1 saw uJiertUed, lereslili'r lo Ihe iie.iole of I'rince Transient, Tiiplav.Alvertiiiijr.. $ per inch per insertion anl was treated by ilootor but the ltiiiei' and district: inch Uli.-umatisui always oamo Juek. "I'olillrians here smilin Transient MveriUi'npr mi Front 82.80,per sire Local Headers por inerlinn. 2""' PPr ,inf In l!ll, 1 savr ii an advertisement al Vancouver. Canada's fnurlli Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per wont that "ftuh-a-lirtt" would slop Khruma-tisui city wants ni.-uiy,lhin"r from ()- line aud tk a Ikix, and pot relief; Iml Canada's fourth city l.egal Notice, each insertion toe Pir agale lawn, then took "fruit a lives" right aionf Honlracl Rain's on Application. was on fortunate enough .suess nninths and I hate for About sis All advertising should lie in The Daily News OITlce on day preceding ueierfeltmy I'.heumatUin since". -JOHN- wronar. Tlial is,' Vancouver re publirnlioii. All advertising received subject In approval. K. (lf!Ll)i:ruSONr. tnrue.1 three l"Oucnalivcs iiieni- Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. liers on leeeinler H't now 50c a box, (i for $2 00, trial siie25c. Liberals are in power here. dealers sent postpaid by of hers At or The wauls nf Vancouver are vox DAn.Y EDITION Thursday. March 2. l!22. Kruit a-tives J.imlW, Ottawa hiaiiy- - a urmu elevnlor. ilr.v.l'N'k n& oeraliou. consolidaled lermiiiat Trades and Labor SUITCASES faeitities, an ore dressing .laul a separate department of fisher Council and Drugs. The arlion nf Ilie Trader and Labor Council in going on TRUNKS ies, telephone romuuinieatiou record in favor of heller conditions in regard lo Ihe illicit disposal Willi the interior, an export duty if drugs is wholly hi he enmmeuded. They will receive Ihe harking CLUB BAGS on fish. I lie eliiiiiualion of of every person who has (he welfare of Ihe community at lli iiliililiM freisht rales. heart. Thedriig habit is muMj -more widespread than is generally Large Stock on hand. "Nnlwillistamliuu the Vancouver' lliree Cooserviiliv.' members. iispeclcd." Jt was .knowledge of 111 is that' caused Ihe Canadian Prices very low. lit? .klealion is still here, lied Cross Sociely lo jend out a warning recently lo all )iow. npers in the counlry urging that efforts he made lo counteract J. F. MAGUIRE .'inly preslnB ttrilish for Onliiml.ia their The of the movement. .';- ' Next the Prince Rupert Hotel Ihe Cabinet, Hon. Ir. Kin?, is away west lo win his seal. . Daylight Saving Told to Vote t sAlso Favored. The delegation finds il has a Daylight saving also met with the approval of the Trades and rather lar;re fijjhl on its hands Rex Lahor delegate. In that they are in line with the opinions ol The Man in the Moon to jniin its objectives. As nne most people in the cily, judging from the expressions that are SAYS.- of I hem remarked loday: "The henrd. .More lime for spurts and recreation -ccms to he a general people - weiy told to vole ' for demand. Many do mil like (o use Sunday for thai purpose. They lion. II. II. Stevens, and then Ilie have conscientious objections which must he respected. In order A friend of Ibis paper, ami Cabinet would not be able lo lo make il possible for these people to enjoy life lo some extent liis nmnc is lotion, wants to stand ii(t avainl him. We did like others who think Ihe Sahhalh was made for man, it is very know why so much fuss is made that. We elected Mr. Stevens SMOKING desirable that there should he time for games. and outings after 'f forty .New York brokers' jriibijr ami two other Conservatives. Wo w the dnv's work is done. Everyone seems' lo favor it. but unless iiroke. Why arp I hey " brokers. lid our pari, but we rind a new 'some action i taken lo bring attention In il, it may be possible lie asj;s, if they rnnnol rn broke Cabinet, and Mr. Stevens' inT MlXTUR I fiat no aeliou wilf be taken. ftheij they want to? lluence is ro( enough to hrin? him alon? with our parly. It's The Climax of UK says Iii- knows over forty touah luck, (hi- guessing wron?.' men in this Utile town that -are Depression. , T "While this may be a pessi The number of failures in the business world is Ihe climax Iiroke all (tie lime. mislie view, so far as Vancouver of bad limes. It is Ihe liiial expression of a condition which ha concerned, their hopes are .prevailed for some time and which, has Keen getting steadily myself..H a mailer of Tact I'm broke slrenpthened by the presence of wnrsc. 1 he sooner the failures occur and reorganization com lion. John Oliver,. Ihe Liberal metices the better for the world. II had lo come as it always doe Premier of lirilish - Columbia QCKKIl lhat-they should following a period of depression of prices. There is nothing to have .Mr. Oliver- Is,-now in the happy and railroad strikes fn Moscow, the to Ihe floor of Ihe Iiet, I be frightened at in it. The -business houses lhat haVc conducted position of'-'-Hielnjx the liaison lie land is -free.' during a debate I opposition ;thrir alTair wjlh.ayiew, lo. permaiieuyeaml stability will weather - officer between Vancouver nni adopted oi!irucliortisl laetics ' ine storm easily unci very soon we slinll lie wondering what it Ottawa, alLof which may jrreatly acid ii RUPERT BRAND lo NOW thai the city enjriiiecrliifr .ind resorted drop a . . . . ... was all about. niil his chances of ri'-elecllnn, slatr lias been reorganize the substitute. If, perchance, a . The real climax Irade conditions lasl Laler advices to the Daily in came autumn, hut horlnye of milk shakes shoubl next important thin? is lo -ret . lhc rnisiuess failures usually come jusl when the revival is com News indicate lhat the Vancouver Ihe work done al as near asj m-rur in this country at nny . niencing. The Inns hang on as long as possible, hoping lhat possible lo the price a private ilele?alion has. one home !!'- lime, doubtless the milkshake Kippers and Bloaters something will turn up, but il seldom does. It is quite nalural concern would pay for the same. ?uscd al Its reception. fan would wear cowbells to . thai Prince Rupert must be hit along wild other places. We tide them over. shared the prosperity and we must share in Ihe more dilllcull THAT banilit sirl dnWn in Xw i times. The thing to do now is to carry mi at as small cost as York slate thai held up n store PIPE DREAMS PRINCE GEORGE posMhlc and be ready for Ihe increased business when il otters. wilh is forJSale'at a vMn ns nothing In the . for otter it, will before long. ' way Iho-pirls-are .said lo hold up j By Ntwton F. Pullen ) The firand 'trunk Pacific Itail- ALL RETAIL STORES Everyone Interested Ilie men in this cilv To the man who has an on way Company has o Ire red to a-bumlon Food its apneal in the courts The Most Tasty Breakfast ! In Terrace Oil. MANY a poor chap is kept ilead paid trrocery hill there may be against the 'railway assessment I Kverjone is interested in Ihe elfort being made, lo test Ihe oil broke all the tjiinj Jusl heennse some consolation in the fact that by the cily if a reduction of Obtainable poshiJilies of the Terrace district. The Vancouver firm thai is rorsooth my lady points her fin- Ihe total amount which Uritain. l2,r.nn Is made and improve i sinking the llrst lest well is taking a gamble, but while the chance. per al him anil remarks "you I'rance. Italy and Itelsium will ments not taxed Ibis are year. ; may be somewhat doubtful the reward will be great should success are it." . owe the t'niled Slates on May Smoked Daily by crown their elTorts, Thov have staked ion e 'l.ith will be in,7no,Hl-j,nno.fiff over square miles tJnl, II. I'. Dftvies, chairman of -or oil lauds in ihe district, and if Ihey lind, either oil or coal in It was just like I hose London Ihe provincial .land selllemrnr Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. . paying quantities they will have, a fortune. If, on Ihe other hand, correspondents In shoot through Micro is some advocacy of a board, is making a lour of the : they gel no results, they will have dropped a few thousand dollars a lelofrrani about Lloyd Oeorjre plan lo cancel these debts. To .Vechnko VaMey. PRINCE RUPERT with which Ihey gambled. possibly resigning just, lo lake one vb(i is little versed in Ihe - As a gamble this oil business is far ahead of horse racing or the pep out rir the SI. David's 'intricacies of finance, it would .1. II. Armishaw, of Vanderhnof, oi.iifcj.ick.- in inose games ihe odds are always against you. In Day celebrations yesterday. serin lhat In allow the debtor has been appointed road superintendent ims on ousmess you gel an even break with no rakeolf to lh( r nations to fore?o payment would foe l-'orl Oeorge dis- Uioiise. his even break suggestion does not-apply lo the far U'TKH such dastardly nclion he n sel a precedeiil which ticl succeeding the late Hugh visiuiiiirv senemcs or on we s it ih .,.iii,...... .ut,,.t ...i il is lo be expected the Welsh would arouse a fear lhal. prnv-erninenls Taylor who died recently. ithe gambler is usually the tool of a promoter, who is the o'nly one people will he demanding Ihe al rulure limes miphl .in;, nukes any money oiii or it. To into formal ion of a Welsh republic. escape fiscal i-nlaiub'inonl by The IMihce Oeorge i'air will go a gamble of that kind be held Ibis on September Lath indicates repudiation. year Lumber only a diseased & ...... mentality or at the best a very weak It's I, f. and ii. n mere is a Koon lmg ffomg , T,.XHS Uoy ()(, 0j n a contemporary who ro- Middling it in Prince Rupert or Terrace. roaj-ks lhal when Ihey smnkei Ihe Western civ ilizalion is steadily The I'rince Oeorge Hoy Senilis .mi on sfiotiKl pin mriripy n o nil unit pipe of peace al WnshinBlon iro?ressin?. in .Japan. Ite-cenily held a fine coucer.t in the flex and live snake thrown Jose. Me Ihey smoked cut. a was Shiplap-Boards msl navy look on il jusl as he would look oil Ihe ten cents o I'heatrn on Monday night. Tuning ,,- ,,, ln 1P When he pavs his Hie performers were Mrs. I. S. .It is cone fop irrxxl iimIic f.-...fV..... '. . '. .money. . A 1,-idy says she has been Was Troubled Dimension ,j . . , . - .. ?- ., . " . ' ' .i..ri"-s in javor mm ami iinng wrnrin? breeehes off and on for Itonney, Mrs. Oallinjr, Mrs. W. J. " ,l fe-aiooiers wno nave Mr. illumlcll and .Miss ", succeeded in I'itmun, 3ng up Ihe country. All (he nil wells have been discovered open-thai lb pasl thirly years. And then With Her Stomach lugii Anderson. Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cnvrr Ihe nlfice ... boy wants to know ........ , mg ,mes ve i.eeu eiiauce discoveries llCel.lf ll-UMil.Inn II.. til II. . . .. bv . a pros- how she wore Ihe'iu ii.ff and a lot I'homas While, the wcll-k'nnwn UM I'-g'umaie on .man, gam i es with For Five Years Siding Kiln Dried lialure and oRen loses, hul there a big purse hung mnj-e fnnsh ipieslions . railway conduclor, is seriously Flooring, Ceiling, Vmnrr and there is the joy that comes from the hope of success Mr. ?miifl Wrd, .VIIliT!al, Sak., ill in the hospital here. A I'lllK.N'D of mine wanls to and Finish Vn I.orr,'"' we'1 is commenced lodav. We wriir i; "I fwi tlm niust writ u you shall watch lis progress wilh intense know why pirls blush. They Ix-rurc anotlirr ily imtrrit I mi mi liaf jiy Alex. Wylie, local manager of inlerest, for while Ihe don'l, so far as I have been able mill mi rraKfiil Co your letillil Infsllrliii', Ihe Telegraphs, has. t!.,'.lt. relumed SPRUCE LATH lo observe. Illushln? is one of liiiril'iok Blil Hitirr. for ror an IHimm from six week's a holi ' " - nf Hv I Ix ""iiiewuai u mat ymr am u-r. prosperity. Ihe things lhal passed nway Manufactured In Prlnco and selling at towest Price I lirnl ioinurh iroiiMft m hail,. I could day trip to Winnipeg. Rupert wilh the advent of knee drcy'tc, , not hear Ilie driu-ll or liinto t fooil or cixnretle sinnkliis, sutii cliewin? miy klml, nit ki 'i I lit it imt wrak I No ind last hut not leasl, Ihe mov row hi not win k. I hut four d.-iori aiu-in SMITHERS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Sum Too Small ies. lin-. Imt tli-y tllil iiik no -rood. I ua la no pain, hut Ml no III. it lli.ii-ii, I ihonaM I'. Ockb'shaw has been 361 We I would die, lu fart, ill rny (iluli vr appointed Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone cordially invite small deposits and will clerk of Ihe municipality JIKIIK s "a verse .thai I find M.rn i rim hi 1101 uv many inoniim gladly extend every service in crediting such published in the Manitoba I'm, l un lime Usl year I n wbere I mno of Smilhers, sums to I'ress and wan rtllnnl of ttoiiiarti trotibt by loir your account. We welcome deposits signed "M.K,"' it dork lilH-.d of mlhl be worth nnor, no my bushinit ip.l There wa-t a long lisl of com. even $1.00 a week, which, with : ii ic two hoitlfn, hu bail uo ralib In It interest at 3 compounded semi-annually, ..The Optinilsl arier all Ihe ilifli-rMil niwllrlnc I had taken, plaints ut Ihe provincial court of Our frozen herring bait is conceded by tohojmen I lip my hat to Ihe Onliinlst, huuen-r Im lii.l.Od. and arf-r lh tlm I Iwu revision livid here last week. BAIT totals $280.26 in five years. rite man who is hr;ive inrul' ilaya I iniiat (ay I hcaan to reel heller, anil to be the- finest procurable ut nny Pacific Copy ol brocluir. TW uritr ihe ilrat home felt inu.-l) bi-tter Port and it is "Fishy." J'rice, 30 per ton. . our Result ol Mtk. slron?. The recent cold vvenlber lias I went mil a linlf eyry'day, but rotild not best of Insuring a good quality trip big WUy Dcpoiiu," Irec The way on cqutt Who keeps his head when caused considerable ICE things tro alone I wat ko weak, lint I tool) Ifot o damage in frozen ice. M"" to have plenty of our hard fro right, I ronhl walk ami eat, and have; ot tpjlle cracking the walls nf the new- And smiles when Ihirig go ainul. school here. $i per ton. . I iranf. UNION BANK OF CANADA wrong. I aru iwarly irnty yean tt aire aud A.afUc ur welUeulpped store oan supply 1")"""lfiin. I feel Iwtier Uiun I huve for yeara, and vuuiio nshermen'ii dolhinif, grocerle nnd provM""1 fln lake a fin from thu onlimlsl. ran do oil my housework. The lecturers f the University Who laughs and works and sings I You may make use of thia leitar ir ynu of It. C. who are Inuring thl dl. and hardware. Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager And daily shows this weary " ""r t "" uani of inaklna; tricl will address a public meet, NEW ENGLAND FISH Company world " ..-., iuii ."ripj an. fl. U. ti. th uiauufarmrrd only hjr TU ina in Fmllhrr on Katunluy nf Branch The way to bolter things, T. Milhurn to.. Limned, Tcrouio, Ont. next week. Ketchikan, Alaeka