Thursday, March 2, 1022. THE DAILY NEWS PAOB THREE Cash forViclury llonds. Thos. Local and Personal McGlymonl. tf TWO WOMEN ON Best BOOKS (Jul flowers. Pol Plants, in lilouui. Oily .Market. If RUSSIAN SOVIET l'or a Taxi, phone 07. tf Overseas oraiiRers. I4.tra spe- George Leek, Auctioneer. If dal $7.SO Vi'V case or. 75c per Practically All Bolshevist. Leaders $2.00 each Eastern Prices dozen, regular ? 1.00. Fuller;. If Members of Committee Launch Oh Baby." Blue E48. of 380. The Best Sellers of Today. llavi yon.iSj'1'ii Hie new Skittle JJ. (1. Unu-t'lukci's 1'liune 41. tf (lame ' jnadtji liy II. II. Heininlngs, MOSCOW,. Mar. i-fOijIy, lv.. K2.'l Third Avenue, in Ihe I'rince women were elected iiieinlier.s oT THEWSC0B1ES Hutchinson Huyncrs, Undertakers Phone llupcrl Hilllurd Parlor window? the Cenlral Kvecutivc Coiumillee ; ,.; M ,, u as I. II 51 Hie real governing hody of Soviet THE LAST MAN Xa1(. . . - llussla, at Ihe las .MI-IIiim-sian SPOILERS OF THE VALLEY MAIN STREET Walsnii .More ineiil fur your money. ' See (he new Skillle (lame al Soviet' Congress recenlly si1(.liir City .Market. II Ihe I'rince llupeil Jlilliard Parlors. lield here. HER FATHER'S DAUGHTER . ....(!. S I'm le, Tlni'idea is originated and The two women member lire MORE LIMEHOUSE NIGHTS T Hurke, Tonijdit's train is reported Hie traine is manufactured right N. K; Oulianova, wife of Premlei jfamBuk RILLA OF INGLESIDE M. Mnnlpomerv llirwi Injurs laic. . in Prince llupeil. Call in and l.enine and president of the FUNDAMENTALS OF PROSPERITY .75: Uali-.Mi , Iry your skill. 5i chief political and eilucaliomil MAKING GOOD IN BUSINESS $l.K, Hab-mii Itaskclball finish IMiibition commission, who is active in OUTLINES OF HISTORY $5..j() Well Hall;- four panics and presenta-II MILLION TO organizing women's eommiiuisi Soothes Pain Grows New Skin. SIXTY Books fop tho Prospector, Plumber, Electrician, lion uf cups. orgauiziiliims; and .Mine. Alexandra with Zam-Bulc for healing:, soothing Carpenter Biggest selection of Kollanlry, who Nothing can compare Technical . formerly Books BE EXPENDED ON . and antiseptic power. This remarkable herbal balm has In British Columbia. was minister oT the commissar Overseas oranges. I'xtra spe supirseded common ointments and made for safety and of social welfari;. . riai ti..m pi-r ease- or 7&e per WATER FOR BOSTON simplicity in home treatment of injuries and skin diseases. dozen, reKular ?.oo. .J'ullcrs. tf The' coiumillee has DHO mem-liers. Guaranteed free from all animal fats and poisonous JfOSION, Mar. '2. C.onslruc-lion Among lliein are Mela minerals, Zam'-Bulc is so pure and so highly refined that it I lie Keevrs aeiiinn Cleaner Kun, wlio was leader of Hie eiun-munisl is readily absorbed by the slcin. Poison, inllammation and hundred of a reservoir of four eosls only TM0.OO- -iniJ linlhinn iimvemenl in ltungiiry, (.(. disease are drawn out of the tissues, pain and irritation are tuition gallons mpacily on I':. 'An 'Vietf and Karl llndek, all to npcrale. I'hnnc Mack 7U0. If Ihe Ware lliver al Knfield Is three oT whom soothed, and new healthy skin grown. Zam-Buk is proved are specially active nroposed as necessary to insure without equal for eczema,ulcers,piles, ringworm, poisoned in the aTfairs of .Morris i.onilon sails on Ihe adequate water .supply lo Muslim the Third wounds, cuts, burns, pimples, rashes, boils or other eruptions. l.'rinee llupeil touiffhl for Victor. and communities within a Jen fnlernatiuiale, Also splendid to rub in for rheumatism, strains ita ami wijl be gone about a fort. Ukraine Independence. and muscular pains. in which mjle radius a report The great allcnlion dial. .Moscow t night. has hrcu stihuiilled In Ihe legislature. Of all chemist nnd df alert at SOc box, 3 for M,13 or sen J le stirrnf to is to Ihe paying Ukraine, Zam BukCo., Toronto,for FREK TRIAL SAMPLE. Specials in Columbia Don fnrffi't to irel yoiir liekel Several mall towns, ami which is ilaily hcenming more independent villages would have lo lie wiped for ie !. V V; A. Vaudeville In ils nllitude and out. The cost was estimated at takes its orders less and less Grafonalas Concert Tuesday) March, ' The from Moscow, was indicated hy & best yet. ' Records 5 t " A comniillee of Ihe Slate Department Hie election to (lie cenlral executive 'llie Metropolitan The Kishe'r, of Health aml committee of Jhree I'kraiif-ians.-' willi lii.noo hounds, Waler and Sewage ' to clear aiid Mo' .Miiiini'.'if.'. iooo pounds, ( They were llakowsky. Hoard, which made Hie report, resident of I lie Ukraine repuh. One $95.00 Grafonola for $75 were In port(lie today.only There lish boats,will lie arrivini:a sale recommended construction alo of Ihe a immediate funnel commissar lie; Manuelsiy,for agriculture,the Uki-jiinfau and Brand Fresh Roasted One $55.00 vX Ihe Exchange tnmorrowyniorn-ing. from Wacliusell reservoir lo Hie Shrylmik, Ukrainian commi-i.Har $40 Ware lliver, willi a diversion if home aTfairs. One $75.00 dam al Cohlbrnok; the ronslrue-I All the other well-known Hol-shevist $60 l ied Slnrk, l'rrd Dawson, .M. if ti as soon as practicahle of a leaders were returned lo u I'. MrCafl'cry, OloT Hanson, Hon. plant for developing waler power Co ffe Records, 85c for 65c; $1.50 for $1.10 memliership on the committee. A. .M. Mansim, and T. 14. .letfer- al Ihe Wacliusell eml of (In Among Ihe number were Premier e All other Records in proportion. We wish to clear son of Tclkwa allemled a recent, tunnel and hrrangeiueiils for l.enine. I.eiu Trofsky, (ieueral ' lunelieoii of Ihe Ottawa notary pumping water for Hie use of out this line. Mudenny, cavalry leader; (leorge Cluh. Ihe cily of Worchesler. The V. Chiclieriuw commissai' of for-'igii You'll drink a second cup If she Are in you the market for Columbia Agency? proposed tunnel would he twelve affairs; I,. M. Krassin, eom-missar serves "SUPREME." .1. 'iillall, Ihe Massc miss ion-ary, miles long wilh a capacity of of foreign trade; .1. V. ORMES LIMITED lelurned yesterday from a Tive hundred million gallons Stalin, commissar of National Nothing llko a mellow cup of trip soulh uiii eonliniied Ids Hip daily, and would run I li rough minorities and l.eo Knmeuoff. coffee to start the day right except Phones 82, 200 and 134 ' lo (he Oueen Charlottes on Ihe rock al a depth in some places president of the Moscow Soviet. another cup, and "SUPREME" Is Prince Allien which sailed; I a.I. of Hon feel. 'ITi commit! esli- the right coffee because It's the The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store evening. nialcd ils cost at twclv liiillion wirelessIeport coffee that tastes just as good as .,' dollars. It smells. Among those making Hie rotiiul trip lo Slewarl and Anyox on (hinds LASSIES MUST WEAR (8 a.m. You can prove this claim easily Priiiee Ituport week are ft. DICKY ISLAND overcast, by ordering a pound from your A. McNicholl, S. j. .Mel.eoil, II. 10NGER DRESSES light southeast wind; barometer, grocer today. We have on hand a very limited '.. .Moore, Fred Hale and T. 2D.S0; temperature, a0; sea moderate. Moloney. The Mi liner' is , mak- supply of ing Ihe Slewarl call first. Salvation Them Seven Army Inches Would From Have alto;DCAD h.iromeler,TIIKK POINT.10.01,' leinpera.dear, STEWART S MOBLEY, Ltd. The current issue-of Ihe Hellish Ground. l.olumhia (iii.e(e contains ure, i'lt; sea smooth. Coffee Importers and Roasters Iin.l. HAIlIIOIl overcast. Edson Coal According to order rei'enlly an aiiiiouueeiuenl of Ihe appoint light southeast wind; barometer. PRINCE RUPERT issued Commissioner William liy ment of Ihomas MeClviiionl of .'.).. temperature, lo; sea I'rince llupeil lo lie police max1 Pearl, Salvation 'Army leader in moiler.ile; lo.Kl p.m. spoke Venture, islrale as from l eli. I, of llii 15 American Midwesl stales, tin1 entering; Oucrn Cliarlotle which we are offering at the year and also Ihe incorporation skirls il the. Salvation Army ouiiil, soullibound: 8 a.m. spoki lasses must- he 'not more Ihau of Hie Prince lliipi'i'l' Daily .News Chelohsiu in Iturke Channel following prices I.Id. and of Krizzell's Ltd. hold seven indie tibovc the si reel uorllihounil. of this city. level. "A few years ago we Phone 66 P. O. Box 743 MINE RUN, in bulk tf-i r were trying to persuaile our (noon) per ton, delivered P A v.rjr- The Canadian Nalio'ual leaiu-er women In wear litem shorter,' ulheasl IHJI.I. IIAIIMOII'wind ; barometer.overcast. JAMES HUNTER Prince no (,oiiiiuisiourr Pearl to couu Alherl, Caplahl eil-deu, ."J.KM; temperature, 50; moil sea SCREENED LUMP, sacked M O CA sailed lasl nislil for Ihe lueuliug noon the order. "Tlii rale. GENERAL BLCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY delivered O.OU kill thai trails in the ilirl gath per ton, r (Jueeu Cliarlotle Islands ami DCAD Tit III POINT clear BUILDER Vancouver taking nver lheruu of ring germs is. a menace to il.- First Come, First Served aim; barometer, J0.0.' leuipcr. Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Buggies Trucks the I'rince .lohu which, following wearers health, lint Ihe skirl i I tire, '.',': sea sinootli. her accident wlien striking thai Maps ai-ouml the knees is Terms can be. arranged fur purchasers. a DICHY ISLAND overcast. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. ion near Chemaiuus, lias prelly much of a menace In Hi from; light southeast wind: barometer First Avenue and Cow Bay into Hie Wallace llioilesly of I he. Woman wll Phonos 116 and 564 yards al .N'uiih .".Mil; temperature, ;:"; sea moil Prince Ruport, B. C. wears i. The skirt is about thr nneoiiver for rejiairs. Thn Alherl rale; I .:( a.m. sioke Admiral will soulh only tiling winch iloesu appear yo hefore re. Walsnu iiosilion al 8 a.m. 150 lo he coming iloxVu these ilays turning In Prince Ituiicrt and uiles soulh of Ketchikan north from Vancouver will make a nnd a hack lo normalcy drive, on Miund, direel run to (his port, the too sliorl dress will do a lol DENTISTRY to protect the morals of Ihe ns- To expect a single ndvcrlUc-is FIRE! FIRE! Adverl v ing generation." Nilig In business oeut to pay as foolish as to what sleani is to machinery, H Coiuinissioiie Pearl staleil Ihai hope lo grow fat from Ihe effect. Doii't neglect your leelh. One decayed or missing looth Ilic tire inspectors have I it round ami we Know .fust what grand propelling power. d.unl Hie onler would, effect every Sal. f one meal. lowers your vitality. vul fun army member in you need In protect yi.iiir wnlU, pari il inns and cciliuws. Mneaulay. countries and colonics where Hi We make ASH BARRELS and everything for your protection I'ersislenl advertising is ah- DR. BAYNE organization operates with Hi NOTICE. against fire. soliittdy necessary to success. possible exception of China ami Rooms 4, 5, G, Hctgerson Block Phone 109 To all concerned ; ( hi an niter dapan where most of Ihe wmuei Olllce Hours: Mornings, D-I2; Aflcriiooub. 1:30-5:30; Rowe's Sheet Metal Works .Mai cli I. (!);;, the husiuc"s of the wear trousers. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Evenings, 7-9. . Phono 340 Hyde Transfer, Second Avenue, will he taken over by Oliarlcs HAD HER THERE WANTFD Woman for hotel Lemon and Mauley Smith. I will nut smoKing is one of my work. Apply Cenlral llolel. 53 not he responsible lor any drills realesl pleasures, ' he nrolesled. Phone 15, Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central iiu iii i t'll on ami afler that dale vv en, you ougnt In give it up PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. THEO COLLART. LTD. NOTARY 51' W. II i DC. because I wxtul you In. I would There will always be some one to take them. PUBLIC tlh as much for you." Your and Are you sure of Hint?" he Boy Prince Coal Rupert Company FOR SALE Six Room House and Bath near ANNOUNCEMENTS asked eagerly. McBride St., $1900.00 easy terms hy, of course I am. .lust Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Wellington, Pembina, St, Andrew's Salo of Work .and (ell me soiiielhiug I do llial you Our Watches Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. waul lo slop." ine Rentals Re'al Estate General Insurance Home Cooking, April 5. St. An. Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 66 drew's Hall. "Well,", i .he .said, with. . . firninc:i If own a boy he ought ' - you migni siop objecting n my you Yellowhead Coal smoking." lo own a watch. The Lathes' Aid or the Presley, lie isn't so very particular erian Church will hold a Mazaai On I lock Delivered HIS LITTLE JOB. what sort, you know, just so April 1. Bulk $11.00 $12.60 LUMP, it Will tell the lime. riil Wnrkiiigniau "Wlial Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE sort of a lob have vim uni nowy" Well, here is Ihe watch LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14.00 Tln Mlks' Annual i'.aster Novell) MINE RUN, Bulk only 9.75 11.25 Secomt Workiugniaii "Oh, I Pocket Ben, $2, Just lately Mall in tint Auditorium Friday, ' reduced. NUT, Sold In Carloads only .... 8.50 collect alms on he I'ulreaux DENTIST April -.'1. Mritlge. belween Analysis Fixed Carlton, It.!.' per cenl; volatile mailer. 37.1 mitlulghl ami ash, lUi cent; moisture, 3,8 ceult sulphur, o'clock iu Hie John percent; per per one moriHiig." Visit his Olhce Rooms 7 and 8 Smith uo tuffrr Bulger, 0.1'J per cent; II. T. I', air dried, H.C00. mollitr wiUi I'ir.vl Workingmaii- "Are Hie H m any Block or phone for an appointment. ltohliiK.blenl. people particularly .The Jeweller This is a Hiyh (Irutle Hilumiuous .Sfeamintr Coal, especially generous a-lound Phone 575 WtW toe, or I'rvlrud. I here al that hour?" suitable for IHrIi Pressure Hollers and furnaces. The lump Ollloo hours: D.12, 1 In and 7 to 9 - lufKloal tlon reuuired.opor. Second Workiiigmaii "Yes. Is a very Superior .Stove Coal. Let us send you a trial load of evenings. Dr.Clua'ii Ointment will reHt you it oac They generally give me 'GIFTS THAT LASTi, Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your mid n.tord Uatlns beueSt Wii. boi all every-Uiing ' Sunday Appointments I.udy Assistant dculcri, ir Ktlinaimtiii, llatri li Co., Limited. they have on lliem, -"l,o hea'tlngi stove, Toronto. Bainpl llox free It you mention Uila rm q1 ncloi8. ttunptc my potnii. Huliiini'i 1 ''. n