THE NEW For TAXI YOKOHAMA iPhone CAFE HOME BAKERY Dcat'Servlce'antl PRINCE RUPERT The Best of Everything. f Beit.Cann tlie'Clty Try our service Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone Black 69 Vol. .MM., No. 51. PIUNCF. Ml. I'KHT, II. Till KSDAY. MA1JCH 2, 15122. Retttrdty't Circulation 1S04 trut t. PRICE FIVE CENTS Britain is to Save a Quarter Billion ONE MORE FINE BLOCKTO BE PUT UP IN THE BUSINESS SECTION FIRST PICTURES OF ELECTION OF POPE PIUS XI. United States Does Another Permanent Building to be Erected by Oklahoma Man on Not Want Measure Third Avenue West in this City on Reciprocity now Anolher pernianeiil building is lo be creeled in tin: business coliiii of the city according lo advice which has been received by ieorge Arnold, manager uf II. (i. Helgurson Limited, from W. H. WASHINGTON, March. Ion. V. S. Fielding, Canadian McOenrge of Oklahoma City. Mr. McGcorge announces thai he minister of lliiance, who came In Washington several days ago in .as deliuilMy decided to build on the south side of Third Avenue in I !- lr of u general larilf reciprocity agreement between I lie Vest, belween The Daily News olllee and the Heckwilh Hlock, a United Slules and Canada, lias been advised by Ihc congressional wo-slorey concrele building. The Mrs I lloor will be for stores leader Mint Cmigres-. does not look willi favor upon any such ud the second for olllces or apartments, H not having been defl-iley ngrecnient at (lib lime. derided which as yet. The small house which at present Opposition against any general reciroeily agreemenl yilh iccupies one of Hie two lots on which Hie building is lo be erected ill be removed to allow for the full II foot fly. fmnlage. Canada was voiced today by Chairman McCumber of the .Senate .Mr. Mel ieorge, who owns a good deal of properly in the eily, linanec coniniillee, when he was advised that Mr. Fielding was in 'iljfbe. here towards the end of tlirs month to make lliial arrange-ncnls uhinglon f ii I he interests of such an agreement. and gel construction under way. The agenls are considering implications for occupancy of the first lloor. These pictures, the first to ar. LLOYD GEORGE rive in the United States, show attending the election' of TOTAL OF BOOKS FOR scenes SCOTTISH CUP GRIFFITH HAS Pope Pius XL The upper pic-lure LIBRARY IS NOW 541 was taken just before the RESIGNATION Cardinals adjourned to a strictly I p I ill noon today a total guarded session in Sistine Chapel, SOCCER GAMES DAIL EIREANN where confined in they were separate of Sit bonks had been re. SUGGESTION;: compartments until a decisive eeied through iliblie do. vote was cast. Food was ! nation fur the proposed brought to them which was prepared Fourth Round Will bo Played UNDER CONTROL ; municipal free library, if. by nuns. This was the first March 11 and Draw Is time in history that nuns instead Story Is Sensation of Britain-No V. Wilkinson, who is in of servants prepared the food for Announced. Public Announcement charge of the eolleeliuns, the Cardinals. When the Con Collins Urnes Members to Get Made ri'inilids the public that llie tlave was'called all the Cardinali LONDON, 2. The. draw Down to Practical Things ''-' riiljdrcu will he.around oh. participating in the instructions''voting were for llnr fourth 'round of the Scottish In Adjourning' House. '" I.O.MKIA, Multii" . jiven their final by5 Saturday lo eolleet bonks, the Grand Marshal of the Sacred Cu;i soccer lies, will ' be Oeorge llU s nol publicly lineal- nil.! asks I hut Jin- parcel College. The lower photograph' jduyed oil Saturday, March 1 1, DLIJI.IN, .March 2. While the lifil In lv in 1 1 lull Jias Inlil Ails. be ready for I hem when (hows the famous Swiss Guards Is as rollows: provincial government have lo Im I lliiiinlii'rlniu lie will do mi lf it the doors of the Sistine Chapel, they call. Motherwell vs. .Morion. right every slep of the way ulid llie opposition eonliniii's. uie hich f were closely guarded slury U llie sensation uf Ureal ihroughout the meeting of tba Hamilton vs. Aberdeen. lo lake purl ill much lengthy College and during lh voting lot Hangers vs. St. Mirrcn. and bllter debate; Arthur (irir-rilhs Iftituin mill I In- rli'i'linii ho may lie new rope. Ouccn or .South vs. I'arlick. appears lo be gaining hastened unless Lloyd (i cor ye NORWEGIAN STEAMER BBBBLBLbh slreuglh in llie Dail Freaiin and rcigiis personally ami leaves seems to have Hie houso under ANOTHER NEW YORK the King free In ask Chamher-laln IS IN DISTRESS OFF conl rot. In form a (ioveriiiin'iil. BUSINESS HOUSE HAS Premier Collins, hi .adjourning which would, however, he short SOUTH OF CAPE RACE llie house caustically asked the lixcl. GONE TO THE WALL members lo get down lo practi - cal things and permit llie government HUSTON, Mar- 2. The Nonve-ian FIRST LADY IN freight sleainer (iroiilofl is J"'r raiuisii "niLi NKW YOIIK, Mar. 2. - One more work. to get On willi Ireland's 1-epnrlcd lo lie sinking about 500 brokerage bouse wenl lo the wall miles Miulheasl of '.aie Hare. 1 1 I i i y when it was amiiiuiieeil that HOUSE OF LORDS Ilinlio messages received gic the Britain's Ihc llriu of Seiilt it Stump bad in KID NORFOLK report Hint life bonis have been Rigid Economy been suspended from the Stock MinailH'il. llie sleainer r.slolla is exchange. Lady Rhondda Granted Privilege going In (lie asHislauce of llie AND WILLS TO Which Now Establishes Precedont. a Crouton. Government will Effect an TANKER HERE WITH SIX MEN ARRESTED CARGO REFINED OIL MEET TONIGHT London, March 2. Lndy llhonddii is In be Hie rirsl lady HAD NO CONNECTION Immense Saving this Year The Imperiiil Oil Company's to sit in Hid House of Lords. A lanker TalurulitQ armed in poll Battle In New York Might be pclilion asking for the prhelcge WITH TAYLOR MURDER at II o'clock lasl night from Described as "David and the committee lias been granted by -This establishes T LONDON, .March 2. The llrilisli (ioverniiieul cxprels lo Ineo with aboul 20,000 barrels of Goliath" Tableau. on privileges. LOS ANOKLF.S, .March refined oil fur (he local tanks. Ciy,OHM 1,000 (upproxiniately new precedent and is save this year a sum approximating llirriiian Cline, BIQ EARNINGS OIL The vessel is Deleclkc Sergeant unloading loduy looked upon us t lie first step a Hiiurler or a billion dollars J us a result of relreneliineiil in the NFAV YOIIK, Mar. 2. A pugilistic wlio is in eliurge of llie Invesli- COMPANY YEAR 1921 and will return south tonight or ill the reform of the House. giilion fill u the murder of Wil vurious deiarlnien(s of llie government, including Hie army and tomorrow. tableau that might bo entitled Jlhondda is the widow of "David and Goliath in Lady liam Desmond I uylor, the moving C.11ICAOO, Mai cli -It navy and education. Thomas who was made a peer Sepia," is In bo given here, tonight in IIUO, Nol many yeurs before picture direclor, said today win announced al a meeting Some lime ago Sir Kric firddes was appointed fn head a FEBRUARY WEATHER by the two heavyweight Ins di'Ulli he acquired valuable I hiil llie six men who were arrested of I In: board ot directors commission which' would make recommendations lo the Hrilih performers, Harry.Wills and Kid on Tuesday on suspicion, or the Standard Oil REPORT VERY GOOD coal fields in Diilish Columbia with the af (iiiveriinieiil how it could save 100,000,000. White they luiled Norfolk. Wills, known as tho. have im connection Company' Unlay that the "Hlack and Panther," weighs 210 Histoid in the Uroundliog country fair. had made net lo make oul a case for us-large an amount as that, the recom company his height Is six feet, four these are inherited kv his wire. During Month Just Past Precipitation The member of the House earnings or tfU'l'HH.aiH mendations approached very near inches, Norfolk, known as lite new 2.35 Inches art 1st or note. MORE DISTURBANCES during the year 11)21. to it. was "Darktowu ThuiiderboU" -is r Lords Is an lilobert RECIPROCITY Sir Home, chancellor and Bright Sunshine, seven anil one-half inch s.horler She Interested in public n also TAKE PLACE EGYPT or Ihc cxcheipiec, di'aliug willi the 122 Hours. I ban Wills and weighs 185 Dm. litildes economy report in the POSSIBILITY llie meeting will likely develop empreIlTail LONDON. .Mulch 2. Thre'e House uf Commons and Uleniii-live The wculher .summary for Hie an opponent for Jack Deiupscy, were killed and I olhors HiiggeslioiiH suhmilleil by the month of February issued by II. world's heavyweight champion, - persons llio goveninienl.saiil the reiluclioii O. Crewe, Dominion meteorolo- for Wills is considered the most from new york to were injured this, morning in Conceded to be In Fielding Kgypl. 55 in naval plans would be chiefly gisl, is a very satisfactory ono likely or all tho heavyweights at disturbances Tanla, MARCH 23 WIN AGAINST as regards personnel, ((Dicers and Washington In Connection indeed,, The precipitation was loday. LIVERPOOL miles north or Cairo, ,Aauve With Proposal. administration. The government low at 2.35 inches and there were soldiers nurlled the disturbance could not ask for a reduction of 1 22 hours uf bright sunshine NFAV YOltK, March 2. Tins and restored order. OI-J'AWA, March 2. -While it GREECE RELEASES COMMISSION The maximum recorded. . llie mtvul pcrKopucI below '00,000, acluully J:il suit will 1 1 w nt lli'llnln is believed thul mid llie government proposals for now-generally lemperulure was 17 ubuve from New York lo Liverpool on FLAYELLE TO RETIRE naval expenditure were only l)oif. W. S. Fielding is in Washington on February 28 and the lowest FRENCH STEAMSHIP March 23, on a special trip to look after the possibilities Dr. Ernest Hall Ordered to Pay t'i.OOO.OOU lower than Hie (iedde 8 on February IX 'this is llie first lime a Canadian IS OTTAWA RUMOR AND Sum to Each Appeal suggestion. of reciprocity between Espolr Sails for Home After Dis J'aelflo liner will have sail, Goodly Canada and the Lulled Stales, a Expected. Thc-govcriiiiicnt will reduce Hie charging Cargo of Coal ed from New York. PROBABLY TRUE ONE definite statement in regard to STOLEN MAIL FROM education estimates by iMJ.OOO.OOO. at Piraeus.. YICTOUIA. March 2. A general it Is unlikely until Parliament CHICAGO BELIEYED verdict ft u' llie plainliirs opens. humors DOMINIONCOALOUTPUT OTTAWA, .March 2. FOR MESSAGES. THANKS ATlll'N'S, Mar. 2. The Oreek lhal Sir Joseph I'lavclle was a-buul was brought by a Jury in second Despatches from Washington HAS BEEN DISCOVERED lioverninent has released the IS 15,000,000 TONS to retire from Ih ehair-iiiaiislili) of Hie slander suils brought by OTTAWA, .March 2. I'riuces point out thul a recipricul tarilT of the board or management dismissed del ce live against the .Mary cables grateful thanks, ror agreement would not bo popular French sleumshlp Kspoirf which KANKAKFF, III., Mar. 2. Four was cuplured by -a oreek de Hr-nest with tho agriculturist mid commissioners, Dr. Dnind Trunk police the kind from Canadian OTTAWA Aim-oil ' 'llie out "T H"' new Hull is ordered In pay Kzru messages stockmen at (he present moment muil pouches 11 Hod lo capacity stroyer oh the coast of Asia Minor put of coal flom Canadian mines Hallway do not areoi'din?indleulo any I" Oarlow' 'if 1 250, Harry 11. Mue- Orangemen. and Special provisions In the and believed lo contain regilered on February 12. Tho Kspoir Fiik n... i.....i. ii... ...,.n.,.. lveli'pii"'n' who'slalu. M,tll doruld ?l OOO and Sam blclllano I.VST J'OIIOKT, Touighl United Slutes luvUX bill would bo mult stolen from llie central bug. sailed from the ,pgr.tjjf l'limcus )eceinber 81, 1021, ummiuled lo eriiiuent olTielats,upioliitineut waiS only 8I0OO. . An uiipCal against llie the Orangemen, luvlle you. Whit a nec'esiry preliminary to such gage room in Chicago have just ufler the cargo of coal had been p u.vuu.uuu snort ions vaiueu at Flavelle's JiHl.-nieut i eijiectetl to be made. Di (ve and Danee. a pact. been taken from a Chicago train. removed. a, a.uon. temporary.