BOYS ee ta con le ’vy, e two University sa Valuez z at $5,000 each and $70,000 in cash d “ay, Tey, ¥Ig eb * Che Daily News Tomorrow’s Tides \ — = as a Emplojees’ Submissions Are Presented Today To Rail Committee Transportation Workers Will Suffer First and Most, Un-| less Action is Taken, in Opinion of Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, Government Leader in Red Chamber OTTAWA, Nov. 24: 1 —“We have reached a pass where we must doa right about face or we will bring on a condi-| SS a arn) 6 gga: it te 10:45 aan, 21.7 ft KAIEN MOTORS LTD. 23:36 p.m. 19.1 ft. Chevrolet Dealers MIOWPL osisgcssiseghessioks 4:25 a.m. 7.0 ft. |, NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER ee Sa wm - a Ss — vol XI, OSE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1932 peace: vive casket SSS we | PAM Yih thie te per op I mn of chaos in which railwaymen will suffer first and most,” declared Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, government leader in the Senate, in dealing with submissions made be- fore the Senate railway committee by Brotherhood of MRailway Employees officials thi ’ if " R } ib yY ef¢ “ ‘ he | ’ i becau BIG HOUSE capella oF in A Cia { na MM I ne ed pi e men Forme California — Magnate } ular: i Pointing with pride. Col. Coop i ee gg nee ib : : = ’ ae order of the red banner in honor at San Quentin Ose the f un ploy Nov. 24 Ulionatie | ty enter in Penitentiary yeste! ; ence serving a sentence t twtr yea il for grand iarceny He lene 1 work ” ‘ TREATIES | RATIFIED :: Canadian House ef Commons Fin- | ally Approves Trade Pacts Ne gotiated at Conference VA, Nov. 24 T f given wl he House of hpuesaay tl t gotiated by Canada wit! Kingdom Irish Fre th Africa nd Soutnm it the recent Imp inference. In a the treaties had major from 41 to 89 W. I Mackenzie King the Oppositior ind beral members voted fo lar agreen el! t bec LuUSE t contain increased tar ch they objected Hanson, Liberal memb*~ fo! 8 upported the Irish FY ty for reason of tl fact pported and helved a people +++ ee ee * + # + USE GOLD RESERVES z lO PAY WAR DEBTS IS BRITISH PROPOSAL : The pro House ; INDON, Novy. 24 was offered in the Commons yesterday that + Britain use its gold re- * to pay during the next * € years war debts aggre- * some $100,000,000 and # pecial tariffs being then # ‘ed on United States goods * ering the United Kingdom * SFP eer rrerrrerett der to reimburse this * ry. Termination of com- * ial treaties with the Uni- # tates was proposed in o! + that the special tariffs * t be imposed at the end twelve months + + +e een ee te t # meni (centre) American engineet of his work at Dneiprostrol ————— J ene — =— who was power Gam, tional debt situation in the view of general conditions. Meantime, there might be a measure of relief if the debtor nations paid in their own depleted currencies dollars. son had delivered notes to the Bri- with the Soviet a guide during presented here in reply to the recent requests acW as !of those nations for relief by post- it¢¢@¢¢+¢44 44 4 # # . ER *# CANADA MORE OPTIMISTIC * THAN FOR TWO YEARS II I + IS DECLARED BY HOLT # CANDIDATE + + # MONTREAL, Nov. 24 r¢ ae ne # Herbert H wesident of the *| Five Now in Field For Mayoralty * Ro B t { + of Vancouver Election * weel t le bank #] Next Month oo here vesterday, de- # adie red that a greater feelu i* VANCOUVER, Nov. 24:—Mak { *|\ ing the fifth candidate in the f i * field, Col. Nelson Spencer M. L., A. veal *| has entered the Vancouver may- *| oralty contest. : 4+¢¢4¢44¢4¢44 4 4 4 #) Candidates already in the field are Mayor Louis D. Taylor Ald. John Bennett, Park Commiss'on- er Fred Crone and Former Police Commissioner T. W. Fletcher Nomination papers for the mayoralty also been taken out by Louis Rubinowitz, merous occasions in the unsuccessful candidate, not yet been filed. The election takes place month. LABORITES WANT BEER Sir Herbert Holt have on nu pas but have next Resolution Passed By Bay City Trades and Labor Council BAY CITY, Mich,, Nov. 24:--The Bay City Trades and Labor Council ed a 301 } ring the ar eR Bank of Can passed resolution urging | in is more op nual convention of the American | { nada bb mM 13 ; two 1 Federation of Labor being held in ( than in two yeal Cincinnati this week to request Congress, at the forthcoming short to enact legislation legaliz sale of beer and light wines United States session ing the in the ‘WORKLESS | INSURANCE Contributory Plan to Be Considered at Meeting of Federal and Provincial Governments British Pound and Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange NEW YORK, Nov. 24—The Bri- tish pound sterling and the Cana- dian dollar showed continued weakness on the local foreign ex- | | nar, } OTTAWA, Nov, 24 Contributory | insurance will be | unemployment considered at a conference of Do- change yesterday, the former clos | minion and provincial government ing at $3.255, and the latter at representatives during the Parlia- | 867¢ Bee Sa sa : mentary reces NEW YORK, Nov. 24:-—The Bri- If agreement is reat hed to over-| tish pound sterling closed Tuesday come the con titutional difficulty,|on the local foreign exchange at necessary legislation could be} $3,265, a new low level for the year brought down in January i The Canadian dollar closed at 8654c yrougt wt ee . instead of in t was announced yesterday that s Secretary of State Henry L. Stim- | tish, French and Belgium embassies | , 24—-Governors | RAILWAY CHAOS IN CANADA FEARED |Buropean| Nations Are Notified Their Debts Must Be Paid on Time President Hoover, in Making Announcement, Urges Sur- | vey By Commission—Various Countries | Notified WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 24:—President Herbert ‘Hoover officially announced yesterday that the United States would expect European nations to meet in full their war debt payments to this country which become due’ on December 15 next. At the same time, the President urged that a commission be formed to survey the whole interna- Western Governors To Confer in Salt Lake City Shortly SALT’ LAKE CITY, Utah, Nov. of several western states will assemble here on De- cember 6 to consider western pro- blems, it was announced yesterday by Governor Durran of Utah. MARKET IS VERY WEAK Unexpected Losses Recorded on New York Exchange Yesterday opening ceremonies |ponement of the forthcoming pay- | — ments. The’ contents of these notes | oi : ~ | were not revealed although they are | CHO O.OYD2 7. 2 WILE PASS Believed to have been along. the + | lines set out in the President's an- * CANADA IS STAYING *| | nouncement + ON GOLD STANDARD, +) BEER BILL Similar requests from Czecho- + BENNETT ANNUUNES +) Slovakia and Poland have not yet * | —— been replied to # OTTAWA, Nov. 24:--Premier #| | : . Roosevelt In Accord * R.B. Bennett yesterday, in the #|Speaker Garner Does Not a The. anmemcnseet cf Sediitent # House of Commons. form +) However, That Hoover Wi ae ao : + wand that Canada had gone #| Sign Legislation a we - Pe 2 | of conferences on the subject of # off the gold standard or that #| ;war debts held on Tuesday and # the government was consider- # WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 24:— | Wednesday between the chief exe- # ing doing so #/|Speaker John Nance Garner, Vice- cutive and President-Elect Frank- + * President-Elect of the United States,/1in D. Roosevelt. eee © & & @ @ */ hos told President-Blect Franklin j Before leaving here yesterday for D. Roosevelt that Congress, at its Prince Rupe rt Part cloudy, light easterly wind baromet 30.26 temperature, 39 ea smoot Triple Isla Part cloudy, light southeast wind sca moderals Dead Tree P t-—Cloud\ light outheast wv { Darometer 10.16 The Weather emperature, 42 ia visit to Warm Springs, Georgia, | short session, will Roosevelt told news- the sale of | | papermen that he had been in com- | beer and light wines in the United | plete accord with President Hoover States but that he does not think|on the principal points in connec- | President Herbert Hoover will sign | tion with war debts including in- forthcoming s legislation legalizing Td }sistence that the payments due on Mr has recurned tc|December 15 should be made. A Washington after spending the two} policy of direct action in dealing Garner weeks following the recent election | with debtor nations was advocated holidaying in his home state ofjby the President-Elect Texa Governor Roosevelt expressed an- preciation of the opportunity that had been accorded him to confer Floods, Which Have Already Done Much Damage in Bella Coola Valley, Menace Town BELLA COOLA. rains and mild winds amount of snow in the highest Coola valk y. After doing considerable damage to bridges and Nov. which have nountains water to be recorded in sions had proven most illuminating, | he stated MUST WORK | FOR RELIEF 24: torrential en melted an unusual have caused the years in the Bella ’ -_—— ace a 7 . : R nt ' Swedish Government Serves Notice on Those Who Are Receiving Dole STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Nov. 24 l'The Swedish government has served { notice on all persons receiving the roads as well as to property, and menacing valley dole in this country that they will homes, t] flood w aters receded for twenty-four , be required to do two days’ work a hours but are again on the rise as a result of further |} week in future for their relief heavy rains, Communication munities ( over a wide are: been inundated and valley portion of the crops which have been stored under- ground. Unless the protecting wing dam above Hagens- borg, which was swept away last week, is replaced, that little town stands in constant danger of destruc- tion. between t f Bella Coola and Hagensborg has been completely eut off. Water covers considerable of the area around Hagensborg and much damage has been done as a result of the river overflowing its banks . Hundreds of acres of he two principal com- Hohenzollern Return Seen. land have : ‘ Elevation of Hitler to Chancel- farmers will lose a good lorship of Germany | | | | | France Believes This May Follow | | PARIS, Nov. 24:—French political | Observers see in the move to ele- zollerns to the throne country. j|market showed unexpiained weak- ° NEW YORK, Nov. 24—~The stock jness in Wednesday’s trading. The industrial average at closing was /59.47, off 3.69, the rail average was ,26.73, off 1.16, and utilities, 21.22 off 1.12. Some 1,200,000 shares con- stitutea the day’s turnover There is no trading today, it being Thanksgiving Day in the United States. CHINA IS — | with President Hoover. The discus-| | | | TO BLAME | siaitnaaad Spokesman Arks League Council to Hold That Country Responsible For Conflict November 24 — The spokesman for Japan in discus- sions of the Manchurian situation following submission of the report of the Lytton Commission yester- day asked the council of the League of Nations to hold China responsible for the recent conflict in the Far East. Japan had not vi- olated a single treaty by its opera- tions in Manchuria and China, it was claimed. BOOZE PRICE GOING DOWN ductions of From Ten to Sixty Cents Per Bottle Effective on December 1 Announced GENEVA, VICTORIA, Nov. 24:—Reductions in liquor prices on all save contin- ental European brands ranging ;vate Adolf Hitler to the chancel-|from ten to sixty cents per bottle | tonship of Germany the way being|effective December 1 are announ- paved for a return of the Hohen-| ced. The of that’ been possible by lowering of certain reduction in price has | duties,