hi .Mafch 2,- 1922. rdav THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVB PRINCE RUPERT TO INHERITANCE 1000 WOMEN SAIL FOR THE SOUTH EARLY IN MORNING TAX PROPOSED AND GIRLS AT i iiiMnn.i of snllln? at niiln iptit MACD0NA mnisiii for the .oulli (ho r.ana WASIIIXOTO.V. March 2. lly ROYAL WEDDING i-inmiian lres. The lanjle man .nlinnn Innnir-r Prince - Itttperl. Cnplnin W. S. Mnnre- nver the question of linw In raise Itniise will pull nut tomorrow Ihe fund In meet llip proposed Rich Variety of Gowns Seen rnnrnirijr nl 7 o'clock. This das I ton ii for Inileil StnlPs war Vol ' There of Great Interest Cut Brier been made, necessary on account itiiii nas enttapii a frooii mf:ny to Lady Readers. oi me vessel nmkin? Ihn double inemhers of Congress to,give se. ended northern run In Stewart Moits lliniialii to Hie inheritance LONDON, March 2-'The As and Anynx this week. She s'nlle lax; nlons- with a tnv on sri fie sfwialed 1're.HS) bnitt 1,000 M MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY Anaemia lor lite jiorlli nl 10 o'clock last i-iuriiifiiPii tn prcAPtit ensioii of women and girls wen anion? evenm? ami will he hack about Ihe inlierilunce tnx. Ihe eleel made happy by receipt Th!n, walrry blood is no inorc a clock tomorrow mnrninpr. This lias in turn led lo a slmlv of. invitations n J'riiicess .Mary's Packages 15 urishing than thin, walrry milk Tlirnuah paset?er who ar or Hie llritisli inherilance Iiim-s, weddinpr lo Vispounl. I.ncpes al kirn milk. riwil from the east mi nni?hl's and it is found Ihul if Conaress Westininsler Abbey, Tuesday. IbTins 85 you can ibon, enrich thin Irnin will remain in Ihc sleepers should impose rales on estate on Willi I bem Ihe nll-iiiiporlnnl ad. overcome the anaemic con- nil niphl nml in Mm inornlnp Ihe snine basis a the llritish rpieslinn wern "What shall I lion and build up the whole ys- will transfer In Ihn steamer. riles i would he possible through wear?" ami "Wbal will Ihe bridal 4. by using, JJr. vhase I Nerve Ilreakfasl will be served In - nil this source to raise about T.".u,- parly wear?" v5 ' snulhhniiud passengers mi (lie 000,000. The ltrilish tiotermiifnit Wllhlu cetlain liniils, (be i. F. C. Simmon. 42 Cur- boat ;i rif she sail. raises ? ;r:,iiM,mo in itns man Stale Chamberlain, who designa BrantfordOnt., writes? ner- from estates which in Ihe hi,' tes Ihe form of apparel for slain SSt., tloul eight" yeart I taSttri MONTHLY DANCE OF irresrale are far below the value of occasions, s.eHled Ihe mailer. wt.i "'itttit" su- y( in antenna, My circulation wu poor, Ihe eslales which in the 1'riili-d lie prescribed ',morning dress umi and lipt were pale, and my ELKS' LODGE LAST Slnles would be stdiiecl lo Ihi with bals, also orders iiinl decorations." i di and feet were alway cold. I wei -Dressmaker carried ' Itoui nd unable lo tleep well. 1 Lad EVENING IN HOME tax.AilNoealcs Ihe I din? a hit Milder by an. urnt Leadachet, termed rettlrit and of Ihe iuhi'i'ilnnce f ill worried or irritated. There wat tax say if coiilil be imposed.wild. Iiotiiiciii? thai il would be a tound in my eart. JaJigettton brornde" weddin?. thai mater ping mil rtai'iisiiip and wil limit serious l In regular dance alio one of my complaints, and I monthly of ial beiiifj favrired by several , of Ihc Flks' poliiicnl pl-ol.psl. II is pointed l.i'iilsc look place last war atlaiked by weak pell. I lliiise socially prnminenl women lo a doctor,', wLo. told me I wai cvenin? in Ihc Iln(ne. There out Hint there is little evidence of w hose" select ions usually covern. seen. i nine, kill at I am liol ret any bet- wore annul 100 members ami public opposition in the United I'he Slnle Chamberlain's ukase . Revival of Sleeves 1- deciJed .lo lry"Pr, Chate'a Nerve I,inlics of Ihe lloynl Purple Kingdom lo Ihe inheritance tax, As. lo Ibe Canadian National ile- and after die fir it Lot I fell pre ruled otil lite wearitt? of veils. sfeeves, i-ilicl Railways whatever ),ler anj my l.eadachet completely sent nml nil liail u splendid may he the fei-linK In. fltiiiies and -trains. ' In Hie in- clared I bal a revival of sleeves pleared. I continued Uiing the lime dancing In Iho strain of wnrd it nf n small percenla?o of leresls of economj', this had was cetlain. This, if is umier-slood, e rood for quite a while, I am Ihe Klk Orrhes'ra, llefrrsh-iiipiiIm the wealthy. been lite rule al Ihe Court of was in deference, to a wish well now, and cheerfully and were served al inlrl riisrht, 1'resiilenl Hard tip's recent St.. .lames since early in Ihe war. expressed by Queen .Mary and Prince fully recommend Dr. Oiaie'i Nerve II. V. O. I.cpine was master of leclaralion. thai the bonus ipies. I'he result was some .iliiiumition pertained n Court ilress more Rupert I lo people tufTrrinj I did Lefoie I tl.it iplrnJiu meditiue.at ceremonies, Harry Fin-ell was on tintt had better lie shelved Unless or brilliancy, but Ihe sacrifice especially I Iran to jrowns for the I Ihe il.ior -ami lite cntninille in Ihe money is raised throuutt n coiilribiifeil lo tin comfort of Princess" wi'ililin?. Jr. uiaw i iNerve Food, 50c har?e comprised William llciil, sales tax litis met wild a mixed Ihe feminine pari of Ihe. weddin? Inclusion of Ibe words, "wilh Iks ox,&all Co.,dealers,Limited,or Toronto.L.dmarnon. (convenor, II. F. Olassey, Mttr reception. In spile of l'residenl eoii?re?iilion as Westminster bals" in Ihe Slale Chamberlain's Shipyards uoctt-.tiri.eod niin r reu liiniuiy. llardinfr's reconimemlnti'.n and n Abbey litis Ions been termed "a Ire.ss specifications was pct-lmps srrcal deal of testimony from ml-vocales vast collection of draughts," more welcome news to milliners Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton.Floating Dry Dock IMPORTANT .BUSINESS nf the sales lax. to the The flioice of mornin? dress I ban lo Ihose alletidln? Hie Ab effect, dial il works well in Canada, was inaile in view of probable bey service certainly the male Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern FOR CITY COUNCIL il is dUliuctlv unpopular cold wealber and lh continued continjrenl was mil overjoyed. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. wiih many lei-latois here ami is ptTVillence of Ihe influenza epi- .Most of tbein, and many women, Electric and Acetylene Welding. billerly opposed )iy the farmers letnic." II is .recalled Ihal many were fearful Ibe bats in front of Will be Good Sized List of Item and Die laboring men. II . is women who aiicnilcii (lie wetiiitnfr litem at Ihe Abbey would obstruct on Agenda for Monday Our plant is equipped tn handle all kinds of loubirtil if a .tles lax can be of Princess Patricia at Ihe Abbey Iheir view. This consideration, Suva: or nnnmi roi.i vmv. Night's Meeting. forced Mirotssih, and i' il were il Ibrce years afrit, when more ipparenlly, was' taken into ac- MARINE AND MTAIUMCXT loiiKsr niuvrit would umloubledly prove burl fill elaborate and less proleplive eoutil ul mosf -shops and a var of IJ.MH. Tlierp will lie it fooiUsizeil lo Ihi party in power. "court" d'res was worn, were iety of specially designed small vTin. inn tiii: I'OSITIO.N or itf-'ciula of iinpnrlaiil hiisilipss ista.mt xhikst lU.M'.Ul. Farmer Bloc. almost blue with cold before Hi bals and loques was displayed lo COMMERCIAL WORK al Ihe incptinp of the p.ily 'I'alk is cut rent of an alliance of two hours' ceremony ended. minimize Ibis disadvanla?e. Object. (otinpil In Iip held on next PHONES 43 AND 385 rtBintriitiiiri irn Mr thi inrrwr ' the farm bloc, labor and Demo, Cloaks and Furs. "Toques of Ititssiaii satin, pnir irosjit tai'iinrlos ami in fiiatili' .Monday nilil. AtontiK- oilier lo nuuliry rr nil urn varanriM items liiere svlll lm Hie consideration crnl in . ('onsrpss tn drive "Morninjr" dress, of course, auze,' lace, cbenllle ami silk its- In latr. thrnttclt the inheritance lav. Itcp-resentative licrcssil airs (n weai'itt? of straw were trimmed wilh ribbons, AaalaUnli Foraal Kanoera. of the proposed fivo year tra limnt linur!-? nr?. p'liiplnyr-ii llamseyer of Iowa lias cloaks and furs. Officers of Ilm embroideries and (lowers. asspssnienl atM-eenienl Ity-law Irn' nri 'U-.iii May m I'KT.ilicr introduced a compreheinive bill Army, Navy and' Air I'orfe woi-e and many of them- dad -Ion? pendant r i nrli jenr anil ltil ih rlixl l wilh Ihe firand Trilnk Pacific vi'il vtlii'N' .inwkiIiIc lv work m ini. under wlticli (he rales on olales full ilress uniform, wil Ii; colors of beads, ribbons or semi and Mir I'too iiHiitK tirh a' liallii. He. lirapiiiil- Hallway .Municipal rnnil' 4avlt M-ar n tnjr ui r.Hlli l.lhrnry hylaw hiilh of which will would rnnpe from 1 per rent, on and decorations.' For civilians, precious slimes lian?ln? down Uienl wrvli-c I.UH"la l iiUtii.iii.IiIp l)V I'mmi'llnn inrrlt nml in rt-Hip he siiliniilled Io n nl' of llje estate above JriTi.tiOii ne to io Cottrl dress was pn-scribed. on one or bold sides." GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Bllu a iicrnln iiirrra. Tim Adoplion of Ide I urban modes nalaryii propcHy-owncrs. There will also per ccnl. above fi O.oOO.OOO. Any Swords were part of Ihi allire. prr iimnili. Il'f II r-1 rar aim atlii louin ini' M'riiiHi year anil me come up Ihe .t!t2" indi'innly ticb plan is sure lo encounter Soldiers willi.Mit dress iinifonii or (lie late IHId and early IPIIt S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail Wednesday 10:0(i p.m. for ypnr Tiaiollinir ejiwin am nlo hylaw PIinsr lie salaries or' bitter opposition fi out Hie easier!! weri pi'i'inilfi'il lo use' 'service centuries llashln? affairs of Slewarl and Anyux. Thursday midnight for Swansoti Hay, Quatlflcatlons for Cendldatea. mayor and tilderliien, reooiisidpr-ation stales, which have the irrral-est kit. ?ob and silver trimmed perhaps, Ocean Falls, Powell lliver, 'Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. ch.l;UPs mil-1 If IHMII uhjirn rfl-iii with paradise plume held by a lllillli C 'I iilul.la rir at li a-t imic of Ihe proposed ten per wenltd. Willi Ihe .real majority Itrocjtde das deen increasins: in a S. S. PRINCE ALBERT- Wednesday 10.00 p.m. for nil points f'f rMl wliti rtinrai'liT ixu. riprmiri'.maxl phylral eon-anil pent ctil In Ihe 'snlnries of all nf (lie voters il "would be popularity for some linn. Now Jewelled clasp would Jiave added Northern and Southern Queen Charlotte Islands. fy ihntilil. tin vr t-Mii-riiMirc III lire lltlil-. Oillnrl resolution refrnrding" llu' populnri Pnless n practicadle il is all (be ray-e and Ibe wrildinz lo the ?enenu ' frorfrcnusnes sjf Hi, ii,iiii ii, i.i(iiiiu' wiik Hie Those tuVbans Train Service. parly afforded a trorseiuis flis- scene. accorded i.iinlli' inin. nml hvi kiinw li-ilfi i'I iiiuniripal eniplnyees and Ihe way is soon found of merlin? the wilh Ihe popular ?ob and Passenm-r MONDAY, WLDNESDAY mid SATURDAY .it 11:16 tf-vnt Art. play of litis tnalerial in all its rest rid Ions on Ihe keepiiifr of nonus tniesiion witieii uinv tie t vniniiulltiii- arc tmiiiy wrlllcn. silver dress materials. For Sm'tliers, Prince (ieorpo, Fijmonlou and Wiuu rich Tliere bro t. m. nit aim arc iii'tienm in iimi ini Iioullry and slock within Hip-.city sdunled nside but will not. down- variety. were ji.itMiionK- aliiilli liailu-aluiiv ti ilii ai'pllriiiili utiinc to limit. it is no) unlikely a delennitied cades of misly blue, of dull wold As fur coals, or clonks wil It pc?, making direct connection for all poiuls in F.aslern-Canada I'lliirallnu ami Hint""' ari ofili-rlllrailwii drive will be niitile to force Ide and shimmorin? silver. The pal furs, were ?enerally worn, a and United States. t)V tin' rvaiiilnliia: lumnl. problem with milliners was. to All Ocean Steamship Lines. lern, in must cases, was l'.luau Agency fifi'lirf; l trlvi'il ! If tllllli'll anlilli'rr inlierilunce lax (brotiuli. U is ,1im iifefiiMI'V ru:ilil) iilliin.". FARMERSTPROTEST AT : belhan ami tint effect "tie oi rrtrt1 create headwear that would harmonize City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue 1 Phone 260 true, oi foitte, tutu uniier The Ciamlnatlona, pres. naiiiiiinil'iiio will ,K' lir-ld at tin1 USING LIQUOR MONEY rnl law titers is a mild -estate oi splendor. not unly wilh brilliant M mi ilm ilati- n.iiiii'il lii'lnw. l arli Some of I lie materials dis ilress, but with a wrap of sable ramililali should apply in Ihi' inherilance lux in the I'nilei I ul'Oil.r i.f hl4 illklrlit rnr appll played til exhibitions dcld inWest or moleskin. Hint Mr InMriiiiillini rrmril- rnr.i)i:nu;ro.. .Mnrcii 2. a Slates, bill, wlitil is now' propose) ma Furriers tl cloak-makers Knd modisles.' salons before Ihe a n Imiir nt tin' ruaniliiailiiii and Hh' resolution slrontrly prnlpslinfr is a tax of such proportions that CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Hi;: wtllrli il u'fll hn liilil Annllra. wedilinK were tiinrvelloiis examples slut red in llu fillip Riven I.on jjL J"tm liniii.l, In nii-li ra". I.i lilli'd nvainsl Ihe lipensin? of Ihe lln,-nor il would .ncfually hae important don's dressiiiakin? 'Industry by il Inallcil In llin I'ivtMi't liui-liT In of weaving. Tn vary the i mil lilin at ra iwn ili lii'Mri' traffic by Ihe provincial jrnv-prnment effpcts.in Ii'inlinp lo hold tlown plain ?old or silver fiuiins, delicate Hie weddin? and ibe season of $SS3lS? B.C. Coast Services ni:Eia(liii. of ,ew llrnnswick a it ;rp;it family fortuncit. social functions incidental there. Annlv tn niv liydrnn.vris ciilnriiiss were P' liillf, lllrl I nrc-K"!'!! niPans tif raisiti? revetnie and to. Model cloaks of apricot vcl-vW introduced and prelly 'Vshot" effects "iver Mar-li II anc.Miver "'I' M.lrrH 6 kiiinliwiiii' callinjr upon tin tlovehunent In. NATION-WIDE EFFORT acdleved. Here and there embroidered iu diamonds, am Sailings from PrinceRupert ' lliliiflt l::ri ll l ITIIirenillpPI'l Ihe relicvp In "" -Marrh ' IM'tni'o lluprrt praclice pconnmy stronger colors were seen true Jet antl collared xvild xvhU'e fox: For Ketchikan, Wrangetl, Juneau and Skagway 'fiiKf .March V iTlnrn linirai' prespul fiiiiinciai silualion, was AGAINST DRUG TRAFFIC of black velvet trimmed willt 1Ui. li :'!t Xi'Imiii the I'nilod ranners rif Jade, for instance, and aqua, March 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21. hn-.-li VK Wllllnniit l.nki passnl by marine- an approximate definition, kolinsky; or eriuim' allied wild For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-March "il" I .ike Man tl 1H . WIIIIiiim l.nki' New llrunswiek in session here. mole aiid sold brocade 11. II. ni:v. sir Hugh John Macdonald and for litis particular sdiidln? sable; of 4, 15, 25; April 5, 14, 25. Tlrpnly Mlnli'r nf I.nil. The fnrniePs nhjeel n litiiior Chief Newton of Winnipeg is so subtle as lo defy accurate .villi :i llounee of Huffy marabou S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, money as minted money and strands ami collars of Hit same works Declare In Favor of cii'isstriciiiiiiu. East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell willinul lo do punlie prefer model material wore seen. rather than use money obtained Move. One classically draped River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. in silver cloln was from such it source. WI.NMI'fXi March 2. Sir fesl crepe-raceii mined from Hie slininlers AS aIiatter oF fact Agency Full for information all Steamship from Lines. HukIi Joint with chains of lare cut jet Macilonald, police W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, YOU SMOKE niajrlslrale, and Chief Constable bead. A Jet (fin lb se wild DO Chris .ewlon, lodny declared brillianls was looped round the The idea Hint t demieals are in Corner 'of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. ''Vixrr or rihtisii roi.iiMnn. hip ami I rati Ins: clouds, of black jitrioiis, merely becattsf Ihey are iiiiii:st tittt:ii. MUCH Ihey would support a naliott UkrAIUMIvVT ' I.XMlS. TOO wide eili.en effort til comhat Hit lulle served as transparenl snb- chemicals, is erroneous. IIIVATDiVtt lull IT IK 1'HSIIION ))l" Tlwrtt are many iiihi on.w'iioiie heart mil ilrujf liaflie. Slejis an now be-inp slilttles for sleeves. We live on chemicals. The air IOUK.ST lts.)il:il. lirrvou ajulfin tnliacro prdijin-es tlw most taken in Yaneoiiver lo form Classic Outline wit lireallie is a mixture m oxy- UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. Oblect. icrinii reiilts. It rsusM palpitation, fain a national fiKht Many of lite frocks were clas.. en. iiilrnsen and certain inert I SAILINAS I"''" or Its . utiilten orp-aniation .i Foe Vancouver, nilliiiK al 8wanmn Hay. Ocean Tall, Tneeihiy, 8 p.m. llu Mtniiiiiiiiiiii Irrfiriilarlly art Mr purer")' In the tienrl, is als i Ihe Wilier we r a vai'iiiii'V unit In niuiiix i'hiuii' hand treinlile, ""is t'" nervea on erlrr, the illegal dislribiilion of drill's. slit in outline. Ion? waic ami cases, as Toe Port Simpson, .NJ lliver, Anyux ninj .Mnv Ann, K.imla.r. nililnlthl. I'i luulirv Mr ruiiire mrani'li-H nnil iln willt fairly full skirls I'mioli(no- drink a chemical coiiinnund of C.illlriK al 'ii'emili- anil Hai ll.irlxir on sallniK Jan. to. I'elt. tl. VC Marrh 1st. '"s In xlatr. ruuni's sliiirlnen 6f Tirmlti and lo ol Chief .Vewton said I be driirf 90. Callina at Soliiei'Vllle. kiiiueun and Mill Hay Milium fell. 0, IU. March Foraat Rinaifi. flfrp, traffic was aclive in Wimtipe(r nearly In Ibe ankles. liyilrotrett and nxy?en. r.. iv ami April rrr t full tliU ilcmoralUliir lnHu-hiii Like most everylliin? in Hie 623 Second Avenue JACK BARNSLEV, Agent Prince Rupert.. B. o.. namn-ra arn riiipiyrl Mm Tn roiiiilrraft and thai pnlice found it necessary As tn Iho exli'iil of llu dccol- flw Hularv lit tltCi.tiO rwr month iic'rvt-a there Is r.o on li lionrl ami .MNll )p,.M.4, Till I llllTl'IKr.l t to be continually on the ela?e pcrmlssable, no specific world, however, tliere are Knnl '' l"'i innnlh Iimnili i lift Jim tliliil areiMiit yi-ir year prnvldiHl nun icnieily to 'It MILBURN'I waled for jieddlers. Tliere I. iiislriiclions were . issued, but il anil bad chemicals, as well as ?ood "mrtnrj n-rvlrc iriton niu1 nilflrlrnl HEART AND NERVE PILLS not the' orfrnnUeif effort i to petldlt was well known Ilial Queen Mury and bad laundries. From the Farm ' ri isitatncil In tlin rxiinilii.iiii.il: ls They inakn llm hurl Tbeot rlron iml disliked exu?sernliou iu The ?nod chemical art? ldoc r i..Kirnrililc Mr prtunriilnn 10 ilriis. here Dial there i in Van. any EDSON COAL r t.uiii.jif. l tilMily. rfftnre t"e ami, ldor to Ihe brealbo- Ide to the Table lunai-r who rail potiver, accnrdilipr lo Chief .Newton, particular of .fe.Qiiptiift altlrp. wo yal ilripk uiul " fur tin hiirnir tirnili'M In lliflr II in I iwrvea, ami nuiove all the HI results 'iiiitinn may liuin aii npimrliiiUly In iln atiicil ti.v .Hi" Iiibucro. hut large iiianlilles of di'itfr. A ?owu of ti:indonic silver kind Wlv use In lite latfndry to 1 i OuallHr..'il'filuilil In..rutilU'r r riiiiitnaUiiil.ii..-.. Mr. trunk ItitetS 71 Trrrare IIIII II., urt broiijrlit in from Vancouver lace, wild the iiiH'pssary malt keep it clean. Tim baiinful BulkleyValley COMPANY niliitnin inij.i Mi iiiuiKi, aiibii'ria mil Iiraiitrord, Out., wrlli-s: 'l I"''' and SI. I'uul and Minuapolis; surface, was sewn xvild pearls clielillcals are the poisonous ?nsei: Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. .n X''" " .Vfiir ..r aire. r.iliit of Ih heart for tmiilileif wlllt wtplitl"l fpsioiiui'd wild lbein--ld and compounds we are all ta-tuiliitr niili r.iihiiiiiilu. fn. at ,.ni i.ni- yi.r; fihlef Newloti tleclared thai (lie innK- l rhari'nr. rtnit plylrl c-ntiiilllnit a liiiinljer or yearr, 'J ei'-" " tiifieenr overdii'ss beln? BEEF linposod wifd. tiairio will be .' WmhIh fMu'rli-iii-n. holher me a Int. i" '"' ""u "l" " dtuif never sue. PORK !" 'ti'Miht i,h raiulliar with tin prnr- Wtriilit SlP '" l"B ,nM " ' "d "0' eessfully fouslil until courts fin a fouudalion nf silver lis.su'e. We would nut lliink of usin? iiu " '"rfH l,1liif.Jniliil'llnlli tlnilicr r-t-iilMlnsr.poanit'mir- nit out MmiTn. When I would in a 'fll cease lo ileal leniently wlllt of Ve anolber had a surface of Ilm darmrul rhemicals in our MUTTON Best Coal VEAL .v l(. - i.'ii-h mi, nun iin.i. my heart wimltl poiitul, and I would breik fender. Tho chief advocates platinum paillettes with lapis homes; why not cive our clolbifif! ?,"p'"i" 'pik anil ImnilM nwn. aim in FRESH KILLED POULTRY In. out In a pripiruiiuii. v , """inniia an piiriiy wriiH'n, would have In rUnt flown aim ttun my dial sentences, as long' as five lazuli pallieiles tiseij In give a the saute Inlellluenl consideration, Skeena River Farm Produce . 01" i'iain'i in ifn irn' would wae bo offenders, liiostili! effect, Ihe wholo hyin? and mid Ihem to Iho laundry up iin.iira n l l,i - .i,,,,,, n, n,,. u..rk. also lii the fittrlit I year imposed on or nt i'ir."'"'. tt""w l'l'n'lit ' mil iny Uearl would bo lolnr. I houlU My, fines inlallliiK nl least ?,uuu partially veiled in iitoonliKlil. wliero this cdeiiiicAl principle Is VANDERHOOF CREAMERY about 1 80 teats nilnule. Almut three levied. blue tulle. refoftnltcd, and wltere only the BUTTER l,m iwiurn. Lowest h-t.... ST ftaniiniiia Mlllmro's llesrl Prices I, ' ttltnn tn rriiinifif fotdii'rii year utro I rl a hoi or Hut salin no) nllngelber i, "V"''f-ii.iir.y (pialllli'allnii. and .Nerve fill, t Ihem, and found I'1"! The use of thxia in Winnipeg was Rood clieniicals are used? NORTHERN INTERIOR rliii. .. "".'."wii'iii win i.ia puicr Ihey did the J'l'. n rnn nun aim is mi lli Iiicituo, uccnrdiiiK I" ruled mil. A frock of Jade "satin This service Is at your disposal. tallied over 0 Kiiil"l 10 weiroi. Chief Nwfnn, Angluht" wild a sparklin? din CO-OPERATIVE ' ' "r llll lllt'r I'BI - : CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY fiulj.'l'l' '" ""' "lk"lrl t'l'lfati-r. I'fice, jnc a Irni at ail dealer, or xotlM nioiiit and pearl corselet Ini lift Phone 81 Order Now! Phone 58 W. II. Mrl.r. dlreei on receipt er rrlra h Ont.The T. Mil-burn Advertise In the Dal!; .News, wild chains uf diamond wmI Pliono H, (udvl.; Civil Btrvii'e Cuiiimutloner, :o., I.lmlt;d, Toronto, V