l,(UrdT Stplmbr 9. 1922. ,TH1 DAILT H1WB 8J.VJ Ll Local aad Personal REMINGTON fiwg li. C Undertaken. Phone II. If Fine the Stomach Dentistry PORTABLE Itanv.fi al'ltink Tuesday, na Ms. ti. A Mi Nii ImiII returned Methodist Church llazaar, No- i"in'1 today from a brief trip ember I, This is the only portable typewriter "Midi, - . Pehes"and I'runet arriving made that has a standard keyboard. W. Martin, Jr., returned nil hi week, Price and quality It is built I In- Prince lMsrt today from Market. throughout of Remington Vancouver. right. City tf materials, by Remington workmen, For fall cleaning, try the flee in si. rarmt, im Victoria a Remington factory. con. Pneumatic IJrvuin on your carpet. tractor, returned to town today llrhaut-A Kaxon. If In sjwed, lightness of touch, strength, and in rroiN a brief trip south the surpassing quality of its work it is a true Remington, W. o. Humble, formerly ef Inhibition Wood Chopping For personal use the REMINGTON PORT-AHLE I lie customs service here. I Contest. Three prue-. 130. $20 nd IT 0. Entries now open. If is ideal. pacns-er today on lite 1'riHM lluH-rt for Stewart will wirr he Ilea Self li 10 make tin round spend a M looking after pet $75,00 Cash JDnly vale Interest. trip to Stewart on busmen by lb e I'rlnce HUpctT which leaves ?3f Also sold on easy payments. tonight. I In fishing trmcf (ieorge like fine jewelry must be made of K. I outer, which ha been Irawl OUH FAMOUS STOVE COAL irijt for fUl. Nob duriyg th pa ML , if anything, better this t 1 1. i year. Consumer boat Co., Ltd. Class Material mi., a halibut boat and Mill v hone 7. tf High til on the independent lay. tUlward Cunningham, of Beat- F C Mantling, provincial gov .'Mini, til ilmlrii't forester, leaver lie, who ha been in the city for I use the best money can buy few- days on buftlnegg, return ' "i rf u t l. investigate the recenj oetlieon the I'rlnce Alice IhU This It admitted by LOCAL DENTISTS. Cut Price for the month of September f..r.-.I fire at Ink. It i et- I' ll that a prosecution will be fternoofi. only. made next w4. F. F. Uewlltig, engineer for HERRING Constable n Hay. arrived J. (lillis,in town of Swan today oeialion.p It. C. Flee)artKol Underwriter'lat niglit'.-A My Motto is--Volume of Service rain from I'Hnee ieorge and having- in eutedy a fisherman iiniiie.t Vnlhnny I loll who w in regiteretl at the Hotel I'rinre That I may render to the people at large that which If due them, pickeri up ilHftine in hi fih. ItHfiert. REGARDLESS OF FINANCIAL RETURNS. I am here to erv you PERSONALLY. itig boat Progree la at week sasl BAIT whose sanity t in doubt. lleorge S. VHt Riaurire, who Can you meet my prices In the City? ha epenl I lie unimer at Caspar tinnery,. felurned to town Mi- Kathleen Hutchinson, hut night. Filx report (hat Does your DENTAL WORK have a money-back guarantee? daudhler of Mr. Hutchinson, t $30.00 per Ton Hie itniK lioapttol here staff,for several wtio has wee4 been ean.tbe thte cannery eaon and ul up filled a full all park the 20 Years in Active Dental Service returim to YakWfNier this after ' Does this appeal to you? ' 110011 on the I'rinre-a Alice to re ' ' t ' Finest on the Coast iiiiih Iiit private rhool tndie. Ih - Anyex ba-.-bell Tuh. I am known to' you, or your friends. ASK THEM. - - . .' . mmmmim which i to l.lay a erie with OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE are requested to make my office their headquarter while st I'rim-e Huprt iiinnection with ' W . S. Holbweli, inii-rlor for In the city. Obtainable from the Fair next week, will arrive ill.. II. I'.. I iidrt writer AMria mi the :helohiu Tuenday morn Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 1 from ion. will th- arrhre inferior tomorrow to jin night F ing, they will return lo AnyoS IT IS KNOWN Thurdy night on a company ltt.!iMn. chief who ar engineer, PRINCE RUPERT ne. In.I lllfht They will Mrt boal. .ill tomorrow mailt for the oUt 4 lm Cliue. Lee Hong. Lim Dr. Jos. .11 I he I'rinre HilM-r1 IKMM ntuMv i,n.t ' iSlni? Ijm Chineoe Maguire .All i OreaH Falla enrvte twi t.t - -Al-' ' . r- .i irntrwu py me i"ai v-anauiuu .in.-..iiver. Their vUtt liere Mnoated 1'olM with infraction 11..I .fri.iat. of the Ojiiuhi and Narcotic rug Art. were dUmjed by Magitrat Is "A Good Dentist" MrCIyHMnt in the city police GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ! Church Notices t court )etarday afternoou. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Phone 575 1. 1. PRINCE GEOROE AND PRINCE RUPERT will tail Thuff-fc (ieorge I.awe.'ii. of itaria. This Office is Maintained for your end Sunday at I :n Midnight for Sanson Bay, First Presbyterian Church. in a letter written to the Fair HEALTH USE IT. Otssit Falls, Powell Rlr, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Morlm-.a W'ihi al II n rlork. Hoard, annottttre that it will be I Anyoi Vedncdy. II p m For Stewart, Saturday. 8 p.m. Soiiji-et. lial l'i ofit in Iray- imnooittble lo cend the car of Office Hours Lady Assistant . lieoek to the I'rinre Itupert 1 1 v m 1 1 1 y er ire al 7:30. S. . PRINCE JOHN r ' ail point Northern and Southern Subject, "Some Fvi'iiln in the Kthibitbui a bad been intended- 9 to 12; 1 to 6; Kind Treatment and 27lh. June 10th and I he liitabilitv or brnlue mei Qun Charlotte Islands, May Ulh l'i Itev. a Life of i.lin-l." earlier, DENTAL Service .V Jrvly nth and ad, Auut 6th and 19th, Kept 2nd, 16th II It i,i mil. i. I. Sunday which I be eat lb' would have t 7 to 9. Best g4 "ib. S.I I will ineel al 12:30. pas lo get to the railroad i Train Service xiveu as the reason.. Passenger Dally Except Sunday, 6.45 p.m. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Iiviue Healing Service Sun. t'-ar Sinlthcr. prime George, hdmonlon, and Winnipeg, day afteriHWHi at the Kmpre t:u:n for all In IUtern Canada dun I iineclin point FoltSALF Kuglih taby rarri-H' ITiealre al 3 o'rloek. If you are Hayner, Undertakers. Phone fid I n ted Mat?. in nerfert roiulilion. 26. iek. come! If your friend! are 351. tf SPECIAL! SPECIAL! ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME Clioo. Ite.l 236. tf ick. bring them! Hvangeilst Mae 'Agency foe all Ocan Steamship Line Kleanor Frey will pray for I he King (ieorge Cafe, Chop Suey. City Ticket Office, 82S Third A. Phone 260. WITH Young lady lo attend irk free of charge. The comer of Faghlh Street and Sec-olid Bargains in boolb al Kxhibltiou daring will he Mou-day. Avepue, evangeliet' mubjeai in Hie eve open ( Apply I . J. Stephen. .in niug will be "The Prodigal Son.' run llllert Holel. Special imtie and singing. All .4, PACIFIC RAILWAY l.i 1ST Smi.iI; n large key at-t are welcome. i Full stock of 3-ply Cotton, Toilet SOAP CANADIAN .i it,-.I in iTiaiii. probalily down wood Vaneer Is now blng carried i,,wn r nub-1 ih-ae return to J. Y. Tail, of Suiniuerlaiid. by Albert A McCaffery, Ltd., B.C. Coast Services I lluilv New office. who i to be judjte f fruit and Phon 116 or 564. tf 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps vegetable at the Fair uexl week. and II. Y.. Wahyv f Hnderhy. Iteijuireineiil for K Xhiliilion to clear at Sailings from Prince Rupert Hock Uniting Contest: Double wbo will judge the field crop, for Katchlkan, Wrangll, Juneau and Skagway Have Your horse, eallle, heep, hogs and 8-lb. hammer, ?-8lh drill: single 2 for 25c SpU 4, 15, 25; Oct. 2, 13 and 23. iKwItry. arrived lu town lat t.tti hammer 5.8 drill; tools for Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Old Jewellery nighl after having acletl hi im. supplied by the drillers. 311 iUi eapwities a! the I'rinre Sepk,, 20, 29; Oct. fi, 17 and 27. I ieorge and SmUbers Fairs. They Mr. and Mrs. Olof ilaiien and . 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedal, Swanon Bay, ORMES LIMITED Eaet Blla Bella. Ocean Fall, Namu, Alrt Bay, Camp-belj Remodeled are sent by the provincial l'e-partineat family arrived iu Smithers ou of Agrieullure, Thureday loorniug after their Saturday at 1 p.m. 3rd Ave. and Gth St. P.O. Box 1680 RUer and Vancouver, every Your old fashioned wide tour of Europe and will be baek t Agtnoy for all Steamship Line. band wedding ring can be Kenueth lliclianKon, of TTell. in I'riiH'e ltuvert by tomorrow Phones 82, 200 and 134 Full information from made into a handsome new. tiraham I I a ml. is aaiong the evening's train. W, C. ORCHARD, General Agent, style Tiffuuy ring at hiikiII party of Queen (Uiarlolle Island THE PIONEER DRUQQIST8 TWO REXALL STORES Corner of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. exi'eiue. ranchers who propose coming The Kitkatla native fool ball Your old-lle diamond en-gagi'ment over with 'exhibite for the I'rinro team has entered in the series of ring ran be made llupert FaJr on the special games next week which will tic over into a beautiful fill- steamer l'rinee Albert, tapl. Neil plaved for the Inhibition Cup greea ring wuu a eeuing Mcl.eau, which will arrive to now held by Kitimaat. The livgui r A I'T Our frozen herring bail Is eonoeded by fishermen B.&K. Pastry Flour that will show the diamond morrow night or Monday morn, holding the trophy will also be 1 (0 4 tne nne,i procurable at any Paciflo Coast to greater ulvanWige. iug. Mr. llihardon I bringing here to defend it, it is expected. Port and It Is "Fishy." Price, 130 per ton. Your old earring, breut-jiin. across a alok exhibit from the "P The best way of Insuring a good quality trip is This is finger ring, ete can K. S. ItieliariUou ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd II. F.m-inans. to have plenty of our bard froxea Ice. Price, lie remodelled into the latent 4 of llololulu. Hawaii, who ft per tou. style of jewellery and the low T. A. Clarke has been appoint. spent a week at Jasper I'ark in Ontfirc ur "'CluiPP lro can supply Isbing gear, coot of the work will urpri i e,( junior fiue.li'r for this di. the course of a lour of the Pacific flthermen's clothing, groceries and provision , Yur and Our ou. dixtriel to sueeeed l. Mul-hollaud Coat. are in the ciiy and and bsrdware. all kind l fine re. who was reeeuljy trans, Yi- do will be having tomorrow night InsuVince Guarantee iair work on wutche. Jewel-Jerv. ferred to Yaueouvci. Mr. Clarke for Seattle enroute to San Francisco NEW ENGLAND FISH Company clucks, eli". is a graduate of Toronto University where they will embark Ketchikan, Alaska. Braneb CONSULT US TODAY. and a single man. For for home the past two years he has been in charge of limber eruising John Bulger, of Quality Goods parties in the Kllimaat and Naas u EMORRHOIDS UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED Th Jeweller Valley. He is at present in ... . .. AILINQS -II u m,ik l Yu snoiJiaiie.ve) tUm H. You get tho Best In K- the Hinhiue Valley on deport, ltchla. UUwUnc or rroirvidifif For Vancouver, Ocean Fall and Swanson Hay, Tuesday S p.m. mental buswtess. yn,t or ll.morrtioias, For Vancouver, Alert Hay and Port Hardy, Saturday p.m. (urstcsl oirtion rquirl lw. rkw'i For Anyox, Alice Arm, Port Simpson and Wale Island, THE BRAfKMAN-KFR MILLING CO., LTD. Otntm.nl will r.Uovs you l sn4 Sunday ll,,,,..u lln,.url V.l.i.ili.... S ITurJ Uatlnv brn.Ht a bos. u midnight. L; BoJ4s. Prince Ruort PC non 3S0- t be I- t.' lu 111 t dmlvrs, or Kilnwaaon, Ut Cu For Naas River CannsrUs, Friday t.m.