'c r when you want a TtlE NEW TAXI i 99 YOKOHAMA in a nurry Phone CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HOME BAKERY ALL NEW CARS Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper , ,r XIII mi. jmi I'BINCB HUl'KHT, B.C.. HATUHDAY. HEPTKMUKB, 0, 1022 VssOresr'e Olrevlatl: IMS Sosst MS. PRICK FIVK CKNT8 - Greek Losses 150,000; Others Flee NEW IRISH PARLIAMENT OPENS AT DUBLIN; MEMBER EJECTED Scenes of Disorder as Greek ! OVCn THREE INCHES : CANNER BEFORE Separate Department Suggested OF RAIN 3 HOURS for Fisheries as Separate from COMMISSION ON Army Evacuates Smyrna and S'nnwliat iif a iiTord Branch for This Coast rainfall fr Jim it y 14 Marine; repnrtetl by II. . i'.ww. THE FISHERIES Hands City Over to Consuls IHcliM'iilytj I tutu ln Omri llUIIMK iitiifli! VAXCOtrVKB. 8epL 0. The advisability of creating; a sep- orate department of fisheries at Ottawa was discussed across the Hie iiat 3d 1 ttoui-it. President of ar- Company bench at yesterday sitting of the parliamentary commission in- .iilina lo (lie nfficial Regulation of Flahermen vestigaling conditions in British Columbia a fishing industry. ATHENS, SepL W. Hmyrna is being bombarded by Turk umiii".. 3 JO jiu-tie has Gone Far Enough Henry Ooyle, vice-president of the Northern British Columbia ..r,.ii., aerllllig lo aviabir who reached here from BANK RUN fallfii. 'Hie 'lieaty rain Fisheries Ltd., and Ilichanl Hell-Irving, speaking for the cannery late Tlnirdiy Vr.iH VF.Il Sent U The rHf r being evacuated amidst of dis-(,. --Itelter i scenes great interests, both submitted tliul the administration of Canadian . rdiug lo refugee. J.BOO .f whom have arrived here. mulil and ha teen con-tiniiiliy (iroterlion for the hiwding fisheries should be U the hands of separate departments. . IN GERMANY outre .then without Yrmind of the salmmi and de-l jtii. the Twrk approa h the town and tireek soldier Commissioners Duff and Martell questioned Ihe witnesses letting It i ruction of Ihe natural enemies ii. injinn wtlh civilians for the i place- on outgoing hip. in Ibeir idea of lnm-ie 'lfcHf b.ll!fin the city of Ihe fih was urged by W. II. eoHy 11 i reH-ltl among I rx 1 1 m llrusa ''r m the mirth Ihe administration should tie, Central Ballcf la that Short-aqa and in the dflrM which Barker, president or the II. 4.. c iie tireek ar embarking at Modama on the Hea of Mar- constituted. Mr. Martell remarked FIRE DANGER ha bNa (ittrrhVd with tlte Kihing and I'arking iVimpany of Cah la Oua to that "It i a complex job, rlreniety dry weather of before Ihe Keileral fisheries com-misiin .ul. premier de.ig- Hoarding of Notaa. for one man to took after both i Hi.. three ni'uilt- which eiied its pai lurried lo hate his cab-vpl. snss. the marine and fisheries department." IS NOW OVER ions here yesterday. IftrMghl. He say PREPARE FOR BERLIN, Spt, 9. Crowds He asked Mr. Iloyle The iloverumeiii was rtvlil in . ft. Mem before them again bctalgcd tha Relschs-bank if he did not llihtk "the depart seeking ronservatton of the fish rvtrieate the country ment could he more emietenliy Forestry Department Reporta on Friday demanding in Mr. Marker's ofdnion but at present rHsral sllua-j BIG STRIKE caah, many waiting many COHOE FISHING WAS the same lime he thought II had andled if there was one branch That Heavy Ralna Have Fallen hour only to gat a amall devote.! to the fishing industry GOOD DURING WEEK gone far enough in restrictive Generally In Dlatrlct HI FiVi sv.. V.-The rk' fraction of what thay demanded In British Columbia and another the regulations un fishermen. During Past Weak. ( her laU Frfctftr altar, "ot'ca Isausd to Shopman on tha bank'a ON StfEENA RIVER While greater ronrvallMi of looking after the 'fisheries on i. j -.rr,k eoiiwms.tooer of, Throughout Canada to Be check a. Notlcca are posted Ihe Atlantic and inland waters." the fishing resource was 1 ed-ed. Heavy rains, have l last fallen . ...,. t embark lale U.t Heady U Coma Out, In German banka atatlng said be. lie was imposed lo Mr. Iyle agreed to the sug-geslkxt the throughout interior district to that tha shortage of currency Cold Storage Plant Haa Baan readily. He urged that . ...... ili- allMo ipecled nr. the cbMing of t lie Kiaser Itur. 1.. 1 1 1 -sin today Allied a ad EFFECT CROP MOVEMENT la due to tha printer' F resting Number of These II was not Ihe numVr Of fish tin Ikmiinioo Fisheries should ""u government" - distric forester, re- . have' atrlk but tha ganarat belief Salmon lie devote o nnwiiinn of Hi detartiHrAl eauglit Uial ileuieled Uie.slitHi porl today that the fire danger "altway Employee Laadae Talta la that It la dua to tha n.W frtHJi Ihe war.Ill pa really tridtw fihinar the. 'Skn u(pl -sis-TTiuaU m WWtHWr lie forVtlTD4 " - Work hoarding of notaa. fti.er ha been reported to be by the natural enein praciicauy nvrr unless not T 1M"S- ofm-A. round, su. i' n The Tnrkt.k van- WiC!' very pood durum the week Just salmon. Mr weathers again comes, this not peintendenl f fisheries. ! hi- repotted filled Mil, MOVti;A.. pt p. Pre- KING FINDS DIFFICULTY iat. The fih have been ioiiiIiu A- Itfiyle said: "He Is a good man being expected, however. The asm fav a alr.Lst tan tttiikrt mi. r noi in mn nin'ifTtiff' in wnn' iuiiihht joiiw ui ine VIC FOLEY BEATS but he is a file man." Later most of Ihe fires up the line M'N Hepl. V. Tfca tlreek aimrrie have tieen canning are now out although it will Iter." IWw was the warning after a stalenient by Mr. Cowie 1 mmiMlimrf Im handed despatched Ibis Morning In a I them and Ihe tld florase lUm. PHILLIPINE WONDER l..f ll. .Unsrlmoiil Mr Marlelt take very drenching rain, to f Hnryrna oer U allied nrrvUr teller lo every union of Oalay Said to Ba Dua to Deslr l any haa bet n frrriin? a great s declared. "You know a well as completely extinguish some av tlie flreeka are lite Canadian Hallway shopmen to Oat Rlnht Man for Job. I '" Won on Points Last Nlfchl over I du thai the administration of which have burned into Ihe ' mc eiiy m rapiiijr ltri tutifa t Vairu)er. He I W hile the I'rlii'-f Hupert an- Brownie Villon, Manila the department for Ihe most ground for several inches. The l i e,rtedil-- rnrka ml I'reini. ! n.ry haa no! been putting up -Maekcnii- it III rain in the interior started at lrru Men orr.WV A. Se.l 9. t Knockout Klnj. part is as was year ago." i the My wtlhiii tair ' iv,rfVPj n.l ike Itwallon ia King, who 1. n.-w ",e 'lal,t ,,as 'n ranning the end of last week and are imo MTioM lh HMMn eieeu-Raw miniier f railway during 11,. ' aige quantity f i huuia. VANtUU'VKH. September 9 still falling. Arrival in the city Promlae adwil. alenee frm I hr cabinet throiiiili Vic Foley, the Vancouver feath-1 CHIROPRACTORS last night report that it was a KaWrofmil ka- n , H,,r t,, ,m jhw Mr. ill heallli H..ti. C. K-i erweight loer. won a decision i raining steadily all the way be. Hie prvmieriihip !J.., k. iniuuler f llMr. Nd nedy. seein- i lie having a di-NEWICEPLANT op points over Brownie Villon, twen here and Jasper I'ark. mned hy lratakapt. ny cAairinan hiekke of the de- ftrull lime 111 t'oajnertion witli ihe sensational Manila knockout ARE SENTENCED Mr. Manning reports that the 'day. Only Mi.immi of IIm paiiiHenl of the American led-eiaifii Ike rv-Argaiii'alioM of the Can-svdtaii king, last night. The bout was department ha fought at least WILL BE READY 270 fire in the district during 0 000 I i reek army ia of lkMtr, the iHttmnitMi National Hallway. The a ten rounj affair. and the to 'if remnant i rWliMT liirtfrnmetit wi lokl: "U' ehi;ef l if f i-11 1 1 r aeem to have One the past summer cost Fines of Fifty and Hundred ihe government has been in tha T'.rk. Mf iMt hecitatMtn in taeen In oecure the right ieron ON WEDNESDAYS eric johnson Dollars For First and Second neighborhood of 185,000. Complete that uitruetioH will ba iud for Ihe general management. A estimates, of the great, wMbin the tiett few itaya for Ihe apMiiiilmeni of a strong nun Offenses BIG WAS BURIED TODAY damage that, has been done ta SHIPMENT rail-May ealina f work by Ik to tbl Miaition means everything kttien in the liomiMion." If the railway and In Ihe Cold Storage Plant Brought Up To VANCOUVKIl. Sept. 9. Seven the timber have not yel been rbe effeet of a lrlke on the count rif, a little delay is a Data by Addition to Factory Tin1 funeral of the late F.ric I., out of eleven chiropractors who made. STOCK COMING )'r ill IHe prrai rm nothing t" ihe nereily of getting hnson look place this afternoon had previously been found guilty. from wentern Canada i- purely Ihe riylit execiilive head. TO MAKE BETTER ICE at .' 30 o clock from the 11.1.. Undertakers' uf violating the B.C. Medical Act MASKED MAN ruiijeelural. KImhiW th rail I'arlors lu Fairview were yesterday fined $50 or one 'ul Wajnae, of Duffleld, Alta., riinninir trade., engine me 11. Not only will there in future be Cemetery. ev. Canon . A. II is mantli in jail. One was fined $100. way ta WlnUr Catlla itdurlor. brakeitieu, elr. im- plenty of ire for all comers but the officiating. The pallbearers were! or two months in jail for a second! 100 Head of BEATS WOMEN WON KINO'S CUP of the will be much ,w Hie anie rure a aioiiu luality ice John lledstrom. Alfred Johnson. offence while the sentence of; On 0, C. lalanda. 111 the t inted Slalea and refuae IN AIRPLANE RACE; improved after Wednewlay next, J 0I1 n Itergman. A. Akerborg. H thre others charged with third a ;.. SPEED 136 MILES when the Canadian Fish A Cold to ram wnirit are ni in Hrllnian and W. (iilchrist. Among cf fences will be announced on .iun if th- rareity t operate Storage plant at Seat Cove rom- One Girl Dylnn from Fractured reiair a ariou limi the floral offerings were pieces Monday. 'd un Ihe prairie eaua-ir perfect WYIK)X. Frfia Sept. jmriH-es using the new tank which Skull Result of Brutal in Uit erop moemaai ta luovlt-UI.'. from Mr. and Mrs. A. Akerberg. The trial of the chiropractors uuuaually dry ummr, u.sr-K. L. Barnard, piloting jhas just been completed. Mr. and Mrs. K. Ilellmaii, Mr. and took place last week and Magis- Assault. agner. of Uutflald. Alia., ait airplane entered by vie snail pull me ualiinsi mIk) 1 i ' 1 . . . 1 a A. Johnson. Mrs. ueuben The dei-iaUw of the hopme Mrs. O. irair ciiaw ucwyni snuuuuitUB .".-my (o winter ton head Samuel Inslone. won the finest ire on the roast," declared itcutie fahwa the aunounoB- Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. D, the decision until Tuesday, when POSSE AFTER THE MAN a at Qurn tlharMtte tUty it ten I of the majority of the r-riliation King s 1 Hip today after a W. J. Nieholls, comptroller of H14 Cileiiuie. he convicted them but delayed iiain tuland. The hip-'ll which ha to Ihe Daily News this Inianl favoring tenta thrilling race in 1-oiiijMiny still further apportioning the OI.YMHA, tfept. 0. Murder likely arrtva here In. speed of 1 30 "We able to make u rearln-d a morning. arc sentence. Prosecution twelve wus ' Hi., uf the munlh. II tive ml a of from NEW LIBRARIAN will probably be added to tha end and twenty tfr cent, pending etlle- miles an hour. it superior 011 account of the new brought by the !ritih Columbia charge against an unknown five- railway oara installed. It will last iriae 111 machinery Medical Association for Infractions '' .imile meiil of the ahopmeli masked man who terruriied four "dilute the laiye.i to the lulled Stale. longer and give more refrigera Mlsa Grant Arrived This After nf the Medical Act. the offence women and two boys at the point "I f live tK-k ever The tion than any other ire. We shall noon and Will Commence being that they practiced of a gun last night In the homa Ui'uah tin port now be in a position to manufac Work Monday ' medicine withou being register of Mrs. Kate O'llara. He assaulted 'll tlkrly he taken arroaa ture over 100 tons of ice a day ed, provision is niaue in me .ci two of the girls and left on the steamer I'mire Lively Time at Meeting t Mr. Ntcholls said thai the cost Miss tirauL the new librarian. for registering-, a course of train the whole seven bruised and hysterical. of the new lank and appurten arrived this afternoon and was ing and various tests being required mice was approximately 135,000. met by llev. li. O. Hacker, chairman before a person can become The youngest girl, Frances RAIL STRIKE of New Irish Parliament 1 While during the present season of Ihe library board. She will a tiedical practitioner. O'llara is dying of a fractured they had been able to fill all or commence work on Monday but it City Prosecutor McKay con skull. A pon I now searchlui; iters for ice with the old plant, wilt be several weeks before tha ducted the case for the prosecu the countryside with bloodhounds NEGOTIATIONS they were preparing for future new institution is in readinest for tion and J. W. I Kill. Karris and and a reward for the capture of Which Opened in Dublin development and il was the lending books. It has been arranged Ian Mackeniie fur the defense the man dead or alive is out. I ulioy of the company tu provide thai Miss (Iran! shall have Those charged were IKn-tors W 11 Sat for the peak demand so that the use of a desk in the provincial Sturdy. It. L. Fehr, II. L. Burrill. Over Until Tuaaday there should be shortage hero works office until the pub. no 'f tlio rublic F.I mo Marshall, J. Lee II if A Dr. Wh"a Union OommltUa Con DUBLIN. 8enU U. William T. lisfroe, niiiiUlvr ut any lime. He work department moves l"tu Jumlesoii. M. M. Heard. II. B. SCHOOL N0TCC. ,, dara Arard of Board. locul government was elected president of the ua Ihe rroa votes During this summer there has the iiew quarters in the lajurt teach. Su.an Shaw. Dr. Lovenng the new ,Kirliu.neul ut .Is inuugurul sev,oi. Unlay. only Item a serious shortage of ice at House building. There is a good and Dr. Coate. I'upils promoted to the M' ,N ITtKAl.. Hfiil. W Ni'Mia cu.t iiguinsl him were by tabor member. other ports. At Seattle lu par deal lu do before the library can F.ulrance and Junior hi 11 the threatened atrikt) m The only anli-lteuly member of the new rliautetit pieaenl lioular they had been out of ice open. Fourth classes of Booth Nhopiiivu have beau .hen the session began wa Uwrema U" w for weeks at a tuiu'. Yet here, ONE MAN KILLED IN School will please report, .'in.,1 uilil Tuesday while the tresity. independent und lubor meuu.r wr. although the dcuuind was greater Kthcsi s Day, uf ihe marine IRELAND YESTERDAY with their text books, to ' in.'tee Toiulilera the uward Professor Michael Huynea was ele. l-il speaks without op- than last year, all requirements department offiee al Digby King Kdward High School in,. 'utieilialliiii board. The bad been met. Island, arrived today from Vic at V ajii. on Monday ' arriea a uiaudute from lltV.' . . .... the roll il what he culled a toria with tils bride who was BKLFAST. Sept V Oue rebel morning next. "iaii l5 per rent uf the lllllliri. llU-lliifl asvaa--s-- - j his ob- School Inspector and Mi-. II formerly Miss Home, a nurse wus killed and many arrested m H I.. CAMI'BF.1.1 'in lnbiTs einpuweritiv il t jS'to'the was on mo i -grove exclude d r. h raser returned today from in the cupital. Tli'-y wen- mar- ,u -lah between Free Slate forces I'rmcipal. proceedings, a atrue ot the nnotb r I foi.n.ly . Victoria where 'hey spent Hie 1 in! '"ii"' I'""' ag" .ii"l av and die Itepubtnan gr.up near vote from III ho..t ly .l. , Ui!ltMV iDuu.b a y. t 1 day. A,virtUa ia tha Dally tfawa. moved.