ws: PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Sa 7 ae EE a SOaY, Nove Thursday, Noy mber 94 Ruth Elder, Free | Again, Leaves For _ MacKenzie’ ly, Ne Business Million and Quarter a Day on Average Home in New York + Since January First of This Year unity F q | NEW YORK, Nov. 24:—Ruth EI-| | | os Largest Individual Subscriber to Dominion Lean der. famous aviatrix, left Reno for Sa Life Shows Up Well at End | a FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. Of First Nine Months of Year eh we Box 1584 Third Avenue Phone 357 —_- ne New York by air after having ob- : When you're HEALTHY tained a decree of divorce from her 4 , The first nine months of 1932 were anything but “velvet” to indivi- 5 re ea aint Walter Camp jr. She Bo 5 S] ‘ hs : For Rare Sav ings in Women’s Shoes See Our duals, business men or financial institutions, but, here is what THB SUN you're HAPPY priate : ; oh alee ver that y v elg . . said before leaving, y . ae : 3 LIFE OF CANADA has done ty thy she would meet Camp in New York Boys Sleighs — Wj thi | gt 1. The Cc rny’s Ineome 3 ssntet th eee miitio ’ —a Happy days are usually healthy Sane ee nee -weilined S | I iy argain a e mpany’s Income amounted to severa] millions of dollars in dope. Why wit add 0 these and have Thanksgiving dinner w Steel Runne)s 7 ri sunshiny days! him. } from ¢ ote, Off odds and ends from our higher priced lines 2. During this period the Company paid eighty-three million dollars Poor health and constipation . eects ; F assorted stvles (83,000,000) in death claims, matured endowments and dividends, go hand in hand. Get rid of ee | D ll ‘ ‘ ass Styies ete., making a total paid sinee organization six hundred and seventy- Common constipation by eating | d | 0 arriages seven million (677,000,000) 0 Gikies eres. Jimmy aker and | Tests show that Kellogg’s a $3 45 Girls’ Doll Carriages “« s : 3. In the past few days the Company has subscribed two and a half excess of expenditures ' | ALL-BRan provides “bulk” to ex- mn" ; miftion +2,500,000) of the new Dominion Short Term Loan, and one arcise the ‘wsbattinan: and vitamin | ‘His Actress Friend from . $1 25 ci Complete Steck of Rubber Footwear including million (1,000,000) of the Long Term Loan, a total ef $3,50).000. The B to tone the intestinal tract. | ° : A , : largest individual subscriber in Canada. In the last two years the ALL-BRaN is also twice as rich F d N N a ne ; iT Women’s Three-Quarter Rubber Boots Company has subserfbed to Government Loans for twenty-six mil- in iron as an equal weight of oun ear ice Be ’ W:; ; RIS SS REE IRS GE LET ET LC ET CD lion and a half (26,500,000). best liver. a" 2 ; vys agons 14. Applications for new business have been reeeived at the rate of a The “bulk” in Au-Bran is ones much like that in leafy vege- NICE, France, Nov. 24:—Former Boys’ Wavor s—( (ast. million and a quarter (1,250,000) for every working day : : tables. How much better than Mayor Jimmy Walker of New York ers ! 5. The renewal premiums have aggregated the largest amount during taking pills and drugs—so often is a our f iet itry hotel 5 é west a cuiet country ; Races , a THE DAILY NEWS. any corresponding period in the Company’s history harmful. ad aha tani, ih sto Gan ? Gee from " ; ' ] i uated ¢ . ids ae ental oi. Two tablespoonfuls daily are Diicitne, dilestnans adiniiie aide ¢ ; din PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA '6. Re-payment of policy loans have been well maintained and actually iy etfiictont. Mf net rdlieved my Ar erie: , : n actress, | We still have a fa Spat _— i greater than in 1931, a satisfactory and significant fact uoual thie way; eee your iand her mother are guests at the Card Tables left at's * Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert | ttisa provision of the Canadian Insurance Law that every Canadian doctor. }same hotel ' SPEC] ‘I Price Nr sh Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue Company must at all times retain in Canada and under its own control At all grocers. ; oie SPECIAL Price eT H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor | assets at least equal to its total liabilities to its policyholders in Canmda. In the red-and- Ph 77 oC | The amount so held by the company is greatly in excess of that required green package. . one 5 i by law pale Magy verge elr opoxe rrom = ick SUBSCRIPTION RATES . in London, Ont. Prince Rupert, BC. City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly perfod, paid in advance ...... , , ! Wall of Gar d en For lesser periods, paid in advance. per week ............... ae were desiened to baild up private-' By mail io all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire ‘and owned Amerir-an shipoing and en-| = : ‘ c age m 3 narine or ! visit to Belfast, mounted to the ae . United States, paid in advance, per year oura se ; erchant mari eed tid M | Prince of Wales Addresses Admir- r : os residen 4 " fs: By mail to all other countries, per year cece. cece cee oe IS DE A D tions in the country so tha John c( ‘ormick / yutside the residence of the Gm e for several terms. He} mar f the en i government's activities in shipping ore Fran Wall of Gover- |e nor Generai and spoke ore'y we ADVERTISING RATES | would be discontinued Is Singing Songs | nor’s Residence euieate } Classified advertising, per insertion, per Word 2s a 02) 2 During the World War Senator Pe ae: | The Prince continued his vist y ix Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line —.....-.--—----_ .15 | Wesley Jones was Author of Ship- jone: fathered a number of law: Of Toone N, Ww BELFAST, Ireland, Nov. 24:-—In| Northern Ireland for a few davai a Local readers, per insertion, per MMe. wea eene mena 28) Pee BS WES et eee aicing soldiers and sailors. 0 ; response to the demand of a crowd } ter having dedicated the new Py. one Transiet display advertising, per inch, per insertion 00... Y.40 From Rupert An advocate of the entrance of nidilme lof enthusiastic Irish admirers, the | iament Buildings and h $ now Contract rates on application. the United States into the World Compositions of “Losanne,”; Prince of Wales, during his reeent' turned to England Advertising an@ Cirestation Tetephens —___ 98 | Senator Wesley Livsey Jones of Court. Senator Jones by his stand | daughter of Mrs. Russell Smith of, Editer and Reporters’ Telephone . ...... enveeee 86 | Seattle who was author of the 0” that issue gave evidence of Lisi this city, are now being sune in. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Jones Act. United States shipping Delief in fidelity to party princi-i england by John McCormick and} a it bill, which diverted Alaskan ship- COmmerce committee by Titterton, the well known Eng-' iy DAILY EDITION ge Thursday, Nov. 24, 1932) ying business some years ago from Lens C lish tenor. Some of these songs ww pin « Career aed oe ‘i Prince Rupert to Seattle died & Senator Jones had a long career played by the composer end om A few days ago in Seattle from high i, congress. serving in the House by Titterton have already been| ‘a. WORKLES S TROY FOR | blood pressure The funeral 00K from 1899 to 1909 and after that in | Dlaced on rere. Losann¢ also} * pane e from vou Methodist Church tne genate for ippears in Pathe films where he| accompanies Titterton in his sine-| e Committee ng at Bethany, Ill., October 9| one Seattle with the whole commu- was chair MEE | ING GOVERNOR ° lity paying tribute. The body'was comm } cremated Porn pest" Senator Jones, who was unable, 1963. Senator, Jones was graduatea| , : !on ce illness. to er uthert ( ¢ | } Rotts Relief Matters Discussed Last Night Janeaa Newspaper Publisher May ~ ae Tees he io sien roe at Southern Illinois College in a ¥ ~ —Ald. Casey is Speaker Become Territorial Head of he a . oie =a ag 7 and the same year admitted t yrse afte arned of his 4a, Oetaber 8A. Fe : | - Alaska ; 4 t ect. On Ceteer 1S, 1000, re mari} Ne Buried Tuesda, decisive defeat in the recent elec- riog winda Nelson of Enfield. ny J tas. World conditions constituted the j tion by Homer T. Bone, Democratic ‘They had a son and a daughter wa thief topic of discussion at the JUNEAU, Nov. 24:—Delegate- ndidate for senator hree veare after ir morriage jo ; 4 ; ee - icht of th ; 7 +) latt > af (tele ma oo their morriac Funeral of Evelyn Creer, Colored Base weekly meeting last night of the Elect Anthony J. Dimond of Alaska; During the latter part of his yr’ and Mrs. Jones moved to the Act Took Pt in I set Ti ww ; ' ‘ . , ; Actress, ace in Los ; National Unemployed Workers’ As- announces that he will recommend | career as senior United States Sen- then T v ef Washington an! a: ! ; , y + , 7 i seles ‘+ a " ‘ sociation. There was a large atten- the appointment of John W. Troy, “tor from Washington, Mr. Jones jocated at North Yakima. In 1917] — i The agonizing aches from neuralgia can be . dance and a number of new speak- well known Juneau newspaper pub- achieved a reputation as a spor- they tonk up their residence at e quieted in the same way you would end a ' ers made their debut lis Vv 8 » °or of prohibition enforcement caarttic te nein . ‘ . o y a 9 6 ™ wy rs made their debu lisher. as Gevernhor of Alaska ad ae: ) — ) neat 6 at His principal sport and re-| LOS ANGELES Nov. 24:—The fu- beadeche. Take some ‘Aspirin. Take enough ' A motion was passed asking the Succeed Governor Parks. Dimond’s| legislation mat gave him rank reation was golf eral of Evelyn Creer, noted colored : . k : city council to deduct from the recommendation will be seconded| vith former Representative An- allt wwtress, took place here Tuesday to bring complete relief. Genuine Aspirin hours required to work time which by James J. Connors, Democratic | drew J. Volstead. father of the na- J ; wternoon with a service in Inde- can’t hurt anybody. Men and women with t | tional Mhition Ir Sam Haudensehild sr. of Ter- . : . relief workers uséd fm procuring | "2tional committeeman for Alaska. /tiona! prohibition law } *ndent Chureh b i P., ; . : les} Senator Jone os thor of ace. father of Sam Maudenschild | rheumatism will find the same wonderful ont Mt fuel now that the six-hour day was, It is believed in political cireles| Senator Jones became author of | Prinee R lef T cn in effect here that all party léaders will sup-|3 law which proviced a penalty of | cinee Runert, left an Tuesday ‘| comfort in these tablets. They aren't just ; ~ a ¢ for a trip sout aly Many members took part in a/0?t the nomination of Mr. Troy five years imprisonment or a fine, * south }of $10,000 both, for f io! for headaches or colds! Read the proven discussion as to the alleged made- } 0 , or both. for first viola- quacy of relief being issued. For | tions of the dry statute . . those tronizing restay ts 7 |} Enactment of the measure gain de iaaee ‘ina : Capital Punishment |. hee the : nator v aeaned i cial Fresh Cut directions covering a dozen other uses; neuritis, sciatica; humbago; muscular pains. Was claimed that the allowance: x efi ‘ ser ane ahiel blicitv that virtually obscured hi was sufficient for enly one whole- D t — , . ; some meal per day. Priees of com- e Vv OOSE | previous lecistatiyv aczemplich - . very bones have lost their terror for those c - 5 . , . 0 im +} : : lapaidies baa Siet wasesene aie wae rents, whicn mad inciaet coe! FLOWERS |} Engraved who carry Aspirin’ AM druggist. } o erably of late in northern districts ; : passage of the Merchant Marine Many Interesting Points ught | oct 9 ; ‘ it was asserted. It was very diffi . Brought | acts of 1920 and 1928 . ( . a a : ; ass ; ' cult for many to make the $2.80 per ~~ wares Discunsion—Aftie Besides the increased penalty Potted Wedding A & P I R i N week lant cot. witheeicialt tha mative Side Wins measure, he kad snonsored a i 2 ‘hor guy f0 a ; as ; bs of many necessities bone-dr law for Alaska and Plants Ri TRADE-MARK REG. IN CANADA before the ting ‘ Diets . } . Cold, damp days which penetrate to the Fifty-one hunting licences had After the regular business sessiori | ”* fore the adoption of the Eigh been allowed the association by the! last night, the Moose Lodge threw daa Amendment, an act barring Game Board, it was reported, but,|the meeting open for a debate on} “04 advertising in dry states We are now starting our re- so far, only 32 had been claimed by the merits of capital punishment Merchant Marine Acts serve list for Xmas flowers, |] e 2 members. The central committee |D. C. Seubert and Perey Cameron| T®* *WO merchant marine acts | Ivories and Silver Articles at |} a number of designs includ- Sic was instructed to interview the lo irgued in favor of capital punish- ! greatly reduced prices ing the one shown above cal game warden as to the possos-| Ment and J. Jeans and W. B. Mc-| Sion of deer meat after the closing Callum against Are the style now. We have Some are round just like You can’t blame her . . the regular ring except for i of the season Many interesting points were ° ° | Arctic Studio | Christie’s Sult Biscui ; s > Ald. George B. Casey addressed brought out during one hour ‘and Daily Specials i the engraving. We have ultana Biscuits are : } the meeting and gave an outline of fifteen minutes of argument, the - temptingly nice. The the situation in which the city now fudges giving the decision on points them in white gold, green ~_ ~ — and yellow. Priced from ; ; ‘ found itself to the affirmative debaters. Jap Oranges $5e . plump» none eer vactae Charles Chapman presided over, A popular vote of the audience per box : gq 6” —_ ods a Seen frei Gavrer acne the meeting taken before closing the meeting e yngue se i one ,also gave the decision to the aftis. eae — 24c¢ or ; Li according to wholesome goodness that 7 N ; i mative ~C . ! 7 , , i isti i ee eins Gueapciliads Cinilte eid workmanship irresistible to young and old. Aa Judges were Ole Stegavig, Ted | . States Has Dee lared Recess Rorvik and Fred Seadden. J. M.| ae zs oe _— 95¢ i ) JOH GEP we Ch 2 ld / Morrison presided as chairman of | pete I ren ove WASHINGTON. DC Nov 24 —.| the entertainment || Heinz Tomato Juice 35¢ The Supreme Court of the United It is the intention of the com- | large, 2 for { i JEWELLERS © 9 States has declared a two weeks | mittee to afrange debates durine Brunswick Sardines 5¢ ' Boxer Stationery THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK e recess, ithe ¢oming winter for all comers - 4 Ladies’ Pure Silk Hose { —_______ —- —_____. 49e special value, $1.00 t. Boils So Bad Peart Oat Cakes 43e¢ Pavey w delaeaenee RENT 2 pkes P ' ork Speciaities | 3p a DOC K Mr. Could Ret Work Mail Orders Receive Prompt Bridge Novelties FARGXOrD Seek. writer —" Three’ years ee + and Careful Attention Card Table Covers A Radio L. f ) () '. tee tad I could not on. - M , Toys and Games : ’ . te bed ee urine be te ‘ake on S Call and look them over Sewing Machine, Ss eWaeS ED SRC or so rote coe po wen conomy Store | ns Typewriter Burdock Blood Bitters, I didn't one bottle put the boils toan end. sd 18 — Phones — 360 wy TTT NEURLAY Are gre general area; manufactured for the past 09 years, only P. 0. Box 678 The Regal Shop McRAE BROS., LTD, ey —