t'AflE TWO THR DAILY NEWS The Daily News "FRUIT-HIVES" The Man in the Moon PLAYER" PrtlNCR RUI'KHT - MUTISM COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince SAVED LIFE Rupert Iwily News, Limited, Third Avenue. JER ITS difficult to reduce fat and si ill keep a bU.sro.wy Idlt. IL F. PUM.EN. Managing Editor. NAVY CUT This Fruit Medicine Always IK you ca a man wilh dand SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ruff on his roiit collar he i- Gives Relief City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month fl.00 married and ha a youn family. CIGARETTES the Hritish and the United mate. - . By mall to all part of Empire 917 Doaioi Hr., MoiTstil. in advance, per year .ffl.Oo I suffered tcrriUy with Xj IS your name on 1he .urfcer- To all other Countries, in advance per year 7.ot I hut it for yean and til th nicdi-elon lit Kease It my hot. I took did not da me my pood. TELEPHONE 88 I re.ul aoinelhlos; about "Ftmt--&" OXi'.H there- wM a writer SWivf fttad far ait Sterner TroU clever all be eoHl.l do w transient Display Advertising $1,40 per Inch per Insertion to,! Diwdtn Difrtfon, to 1 tried kiMick. nd ho wasti I a br.iwiv Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch tbrm. blacksmith either. Local Reader, per insertion 2Sc per line AfW finishing a few boiea, Ia t:iaifled Advertising, per Insertion ' 2c per word 'entire ly relieved of the I apepsle aad WHAT wilh aWlllon dollai Legal Notices, each insertion , 15c per agate line my general bealth was leslored; and eompanie and rnttwny direcf.n lam writing to tell you that low who will ban.lie billion. there , . Contract Hales on Application. my life to "Krult-a lites" some eht to pnwe llii.. i All advertising should he in The Daily News Ofllce on day pre Mile. AN'TOIXCTTK llOL'Clir.lU lhee day. ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. 60c a box, 6 for$2 j0, trul li3. NUmber or Audit Bureau or Circulation. At dealers or ent po.lpal.1 by liHSPrlfiATH fHtfilln" I h. Fruit a ie Limited, OlUaa. nomliur o faiiilltar that ii m DAILY EDITION Tuesday, October 10, Jt?J longer cause an evtra paper i.i be said. . For Fire The Limits City. Ten Years Ago II' anynne wmtbl Itke a yai.i or two of limerick, call the II is easy enough for the city to pass bylaw, but it is another In Pt'nc Kupart rouiHHIn deiMrtMent. Iail thing to enforce Ibe provision. We have hennl of cities pasting News. bylaws Tegiilnling the height of buildings and restricting to i October, 10, 1912. ---NOW 'loreys. Then a few weeks after n liig concern come Hloiig and J. Kpnx llrowtie. manager of that Ihe sreal event of offer to erect fine block if allowed (he Modern Itefngcraling I n (hey can be to make it eight Jo., Ihe year I dayrl. Ibere i nolh storeys; The council rushes ovr itself lo pass the necessary located at llayort. paid a flying Ing to look . forward lo but bylaw rescinding the former one, because a dig business block' vill to the eily today in (Jhristma. liny rly. was the one thing the city needed. connection with busine o do In Prince Rupert wo lav vacant property very high, the ide wilh a case at Ihe r.Hinly court. St'XIlAY none in particularly being to encourage building. 'Yet there are now more building' - bandy aa a dav of rel nbme-II here than we can at present oe. We. are quite conilenL Wr II. II. Ilelchcr one of Ihe earliest me. Kieially after a ban- 20 have building regulations which have been broken again and of Ihe Klomlykc pioneer, ituet. IV- ;fv again. If very stringent regulations are imposed, the tendency aird known to rry resident of tjutttti Tin ?C will be for business lo lake some oilier course. Streets outside the Yukon familiarly a "t'ncle I think I'll take a f lipid lis. ' lOO-tl.75 the fire limits will be built upon instead of those within. 'llereher. L a villor to (he city. day t an evpn-in oflen Mr. Iteleher, who of lale year heard on the lreot Nowaday. Fairly Good Buildings ha been a resident of Kdrnon-ton. . -a 'REAL Alberta, i on a pleasure 8hould Be Required. MKOAI'IIO.NHS are looiiH At the time there is medium trip, an, is finding Ihe short same a course. Fairly goo! IHipular a table eeotrepie-cee in! buildings should be required which will not be a menace lo Ibe time at 'hi disposal fully taken ealern eille. Tby are veryi rest of (he community and which will be a credit lo the rily. up Willi renewing Acquaintance bandr frer speaker wMfi rubbei There seems lillle doubt that ermanenl building are Ihe cheapest with friend.hi many old Klondyke heeled vtee. but in the absence of mortgage money lo loan it is sometime difficult to finance very expensive building. All these thing THR world's oil resiiiree are The weather condition 5 have lo be taken into consideration. It i not vie lo be too stringent at e.timated a o.l.mM.tNMt.rMet.NOn. thl morning barometer. at the beginning else we are likely to defeat Ihe very condition a.m. were, barrels. Xwwtio can leM a j .10.075; maximum we are trying lo bring about. Moderation in building bylaws temper, Ihe heer resource alure, 52; minimum l em nerval lire as in everything else seems lo be what I required. " Jetwl asked f!i1r Silirltnr Ho.Hrj 15; precipitation .lft inch. ni.ASSIFIKIi ad. read.: if il were regal for all employer I Mill Sale Takes "Ynima ne taken in and rtotijio collect the poll and road tav Place This Week. STEWART for." K.ent oiiod very in-Iwithioil iiotifyiiiM lite eniiili.ye..( . Face The sale of the property of the Prince Rupert Pulp e Paper plring. The city wolicilor aid that it wa. Jonteel Co. Ltd. including Ihe Prince Rupert lumber and planing mill is The Silver l!rel properly. j AW Mr, ., bat lie had' set for this week ainl a company has been formed, apjiarently for consisting of II claim. situated TIIKMirs nvany a slift twist iLimmw of everal v.4iere the Creams the purpose of buying it if the price i not too high. The pro-perjy near the head of Ibe Salm.oi mrnr and Hp.. i:uad and poll tat had I lop. includes no of verj-.yajnable jjm.her.limit and when the lliver glacier, ba lieen bonded -4 ped from a tiutn' wwea lm a sale I completed there seems every likelihood that Ihe pnrrhner lo a Seattle xyndicale. ITS a poor fanner Ural raa't tlo o-ner of both monirioul and will proceed lo use the mill and H-sihly to erect a pulp mill. It keep a few rat. rninrial cojerly. Tlie city Cold and Combination will then' be for us to try lo secure the erection of the big works Mr. and Mr. II. O. J'.rickon. lilerk infortoed the ublerman thxl in Prince Rupert. Should it goto the Naas lliver, u here a lot of the year's work on their mining litis wilt Die fault of the eoipl..cr the limits are located, or to the Ecslall River where the power proerlle have having been com. I In the Letter Box us every etiMdoyer bad been fur-' Reduced in price, how 50c a jar. jdeled, left Stewart for Se. niabeal wflh reaolaloui might be. generated, Prince Rupert would not benefit as it would printed from the mill being placed either on Ihe IowumIc or rloe allle to pend Ihe winter. v Ibis rnoerlnni. In cae line, lo it. very POTATO FAIR moo ltal ald Ibe rotid ami h.I They aru also put up in a new style jar and will Here is where Ihe good offices of Ihe tioard of trade should fieveiopment work on the tat wbw were not liaMe ibe money : keep indefinitely x they are afr tight prove valuable. The board might collect nil data in connection Prince John properly at Slew- rJililor Iraily .New: wriuld be refunded upon applica-' arl whieh is under bond lo ('.. A. The ccond annual Provincial twin to him. with Ihe project and co-qerating with the. city couircil lay them before Ihe new owners whoever they may be. Maekenxie, i now well under Polalo h'air will be held some fter diruion it w a agreed) ORMES LIMITED We mention this matter now so that it may not be thought way. A crew of xonie eight men lime during the month of Niw li.y the council that Uie cily clerk that the Daily .News is financially interested in Ihe matter in some are being employed. A great deal ember, uniler the direction f would attend at the (Jily Hall tie. 3rd Ave. and Gth St. P.O. Box 1GS0 of work i at preen being done Ihe liepartinenl f Agrieullure. I ween J and U hi. two nlghl a' p. What interested is In in way. we are getting an industry going on the trail o that it will be in Phone. 82, 200 and 134 here. Whoever buys the mill should be at once approached with The exact date and place for Week for the lot lw. weeko of the view of finding out their intentions and an effort should be icnod menl nhape work to carry the on develop, holding (hi f.ilr will be an. the owinlh to lake ilTljrution THE PIONEER DRUQOISTS TWO RCXALL STORES on properly nounced later. I made to co-operate with a view to securing construction of a pulp throughout the lor iiH-limion on the municipal winter. Hill On of Ihe inter- account deep voter' lil. The de.l and mill here at date neceary paper as early a as possible. Irwin has taken Ihe contract ct ahown in the firnt Annual itaralion paper - otl.t be ..t.l.in. The. mailer might be Liken up through our local member for hie dritliiK of 3ou fool tunnel a Polalo Fair hrld tal in year ed at the ball city ait'ira with the provincial government and. their co-oprralion alo secured. upon (hi winter. Siintdie for Chllliwack the Heparlineitt ba Canadian National loin. We know of nothing that would benefit Prince Rupert so Ihe winter will be taken in a derided lo give prfea for table Railways much as the establishment of a paper mill here, working in conjunction soon as a few had palette in the r" ' with the lumber mill. If we are to become a shipping trail have been repaired. ,"uA;. ,M,l",w;FURTHER REPORT ON port it will be much lo our advantage to have local shipments of Prince It i ho, that the varbm Rupert freight to augment through shipments that come, here over the Nell McDonald has arrived at aaricultiirul organliation ami EX-SOLDIERS' RELIEF; .railway. Stewart and report that he has all other interested in Ibe xdato obtained very promising reult lndutry will c-o-operale wllh At the council meeting la-l DRYDOCK Community Spirit on hi Troy jrroup of ii claim, I lie Impart men I lo tlie fullest hlgbt a letter received front the Very Desirable. silualed one mile north of the eilenl and help make this rlr aj. XV. V. A. asking lenubui em-nl . At Ihe banquet Ihe other.nlghl, F. CI, Dawson suggested the 10 properly on the eat l.pc of ucce. A erie nf lecture onlfrtHn the eity for relief paid out AND need of more community spirit liere. He was right. A community Ibe Salmon lliver glacier. lie tlie potain imluslry will also heH,i ex.soldiera a ik I a.report fri spirit is what makes any place succeed. We should all get ha two lead on the properly given at the same lime, will tlte eily clerk thereon wa dicu. SHIPYARD together now and then aiuf talk over important matters, not with traceable o far for !nn feet on you kindly give this event a ed. a view o wrangling but to finding a 'solution that will help ht the surface. An open cut. 10 much publicity a possible Alderman Kelly city. Discussion of public question along constructive lines i feel deep, made on one of (bene through your newspaper. eoiumiltee from the propo.e council,that a Operating a,T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock com. always helpful. show a 10 foot ledge, with a V.. TICK. poHi'd of member of the ti. Engineer, Macblnlata, Boilermaker, lackarrkltha, Pattern two foot high grade ahoot, as. Polalo Special!!. V. A. he appointe! to go further maker. Founder. Woodworker, Etc. aying the surface $1 27 all no In into the nratlar with the aerretary Electric and Acetylene Welding. value, while at the bottom of of Ihe O. V. V. A. and reorl back the CITY CLERK PAID rui value Increased lo $191. wilh a silver content of 07 to the nily roini. t ins propo. Our plant la equipped to handle all klnda of TWO DOLLARS HOUR al wa seconded by Alderman Si. ounce. Mr. Mcdonald will carry n furl her surface work net ernle and carriwl.' Marine and Commercial Work eaon. FOR OVERTIME WORK Alderman Ke uin Silteralde INDEPENDENCE Were aMiiiited a the coiiumltee PHONES 43 AND 3SB Andre fl. I.araon, cnnullng Will Attend at City Hall For Two from Ibe city council. engineer for Ihe Iialy Alaska Week RtglaUrlng Volar THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES SYSTLM mine, has arrived in Stewart. Evening CHALLENGE EXPENSES 2.IIC.01. and Ihe tola) e x prime-III aferdaan unequalled apportunitjr fee the ljivelmnt u until ronneclion Ihereuith uim.uni Edson Coal Co. or tar amounta foe the purchase of an annuity of from M ed The Ititg Missouri people ure OF CITY TAX SALE ,n Him- lu" ' ! The of Hi" handling MBHv"aHaBBBaaaaaBBvaBaaiaaaavBBaaBasaBBaa to tS.S0 a year foe life, to begin Immediately or at any future quetion age d tired, and to b paid in monthly or quarterly Instalment. now busily engaged sinking a of declaration for Inclusion on rtnn-a til MM- lip inr lenglliv At lat we are able to up prospect .linfl on the K. Pliiribus dUruioii. Alderman Montgom the muiiicipul voters' list name Report of Treasurer Referred ply our Annuitie be purchased tingle life, the claim of the In determine moved that the may an a oe on group lat council meet. ery reMiit ,if u. night at the Uvea of two peraona jointly. Ihe worth of certain surface up Back by Council for More tat sale lie referred bark lo h, ing. Cily Clerk Wood volunteer. After contract leeuea, no restriction aa to roetdanca. Detail Famou it?".!" "sv:1"" ;rh: treasurer for a detailed .lateni. ni Employers may purchaae for their ampleyeea 'School : u take ,., e,'aration in of how (he Boorde for tboir laebera--Ciriellne far their Ministers. u.Lt T': his own l.me at the cty hall in dtftlrfliutlon of e a blower ha been iulallei A rexiit was read at Ihe conn. ene had bran arrived Cannot be aeiaed or levied upon. lconieralmii i,f u reiiuincriitooi al. im, ( lo auply air It Is tlie intention . .no...i ii nweiiiig last night from II. wa seconded by Aldenu,,,, No medical examination required. .- A' -man Mc- Ki liv EDSON COAL I continue .1,1. which Hirrii, acting .haft, Free from Dominion Income Tat. cily treasurer on ind paed. in rihhI ore. down for another the cily tax aalc held on Septem. ilCUTllTY THE DOMINION Of CANADA lirill fel In ll.i l.i.r,.. II.. I f' I. her :I0. Hue hundred and ninety, In any quantity by the t At Ihe council Ihi form of ing will BE Tltiv ii.. i..i. i... i i . . .. inert ig ., or peel carload, pro. llff.l 11-11 ll a riaa. f I a (let jour ordn Descriptive kookUt may be obtained by applrlnc to the m i i"t ii u ii n i w 1 1 ar u i Poetmester or by writing, pottage free, to 3. T. Basted. reveal the true nature of the BLADDER ' luicnri.l ..llr uia ik. u early to avoid the; rush Superintendent Dominion Government Annuities, Ottawa. iiiuierui value on thl section BLVlMMdvsrH v '' pitnliaaH I private in.llv hlu..l,', no fr , e eii Phone BS. When wrlUng, kindly state tea, and aga or ages Utt birthday. of Ihe M labour I areas. mmm Via k V'i Kk CsmuI and.lie. remainder bad ben lakn, lilock i. He ie Tll, " Office of Prince Rupert Feed atwsewue over by Ihe ally wuk . 'T',,,),U t Co., Cor. Second Ave. and Bubacrlb for lb Dally Newi. 'Ihe total tale amoonted lo ommiltr f..i ,,,, '"iwe Seventh St.