Tuesdsj , Ooi..i.i ui. PAflE POOH THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus (ANNOUNCEMENT! well oo ItSQ S J -eHow M I lMt $ f I JttOOUO V ME tO' CO WMT AV M ft i wraa. Cvr.M 00. tfieVI'M 1 A. . ; I ' We can offer the genuine "INVICTUS" 8hoet for man from $10.60. .'o better shoe made nl the price am! every pair fully guarnn teed. All shape ani sites. o 3 Mtf "Tha Store of 8ho Satisfaction." Family Shoe Store ested In the mailer. Several ron-trarlnrs freight alone was very lilgft II af IkoI Ihen lale thai the was 1hnughl that steel pipe Phone 357. P.O. Box 1MS I ren'nt by-law whs not half should be trd In Hje residential Modern drnslie enough, and had pointed part of the rily. Daily News Classified Ads. out the ndvnutages -of brlek Life of Each buildings. Alderni,an- Kelly asked whai 2 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advartlsmnt Token for Laee than BO Laundry FIRE LIMITS Aid. Silversldes did not consider the dilTerenee was between s.,. that Hie meeting referred an cast iron piw. and the n . WANTED FOR SALE io was represenlalive. eetlve life of the pipe in n.--Ihtti. Service FOR THE CITY Referred Back Kngineer Wliiltaker slatwl REBEKAII LODGE IK there is a certified teacher of Splendid l.ot with natural basement. AM. Mrl.end reminded Hie lhal Hie dilTrreliee in price e-Iween piano and voice, preferably Third Avenhe and Firsl council that il had been I WERE ENTERTAINERS Slrrel, We offer the folio always fCs iron and s teel was with irtvheslral e"ertenee. 2(000. sy terms us Matter Discussed at Length Iheir policy to mhitciile who l.ot lllnck Sec. range of service to (ha im 1.00 per foot. Also that s..p would appreciate Hie opportunity 3, 30. I Willi H u Without Decision Being manent roads, sewers, ete and pipe would lal sometliiiHi like Whist Drive and Dance Held Last of making a fairly roomed houie. 01 feel front-a lie: Reached. now thai we had jiermanenl J5 years and east ien pipe up Night Is (J rest Success god living in a smeller town jr. Illggar Place, looo Economy Laundry Service-Damp roads were they going to allow to 30 years. AM. Kelly Ironglv of some Iwo thousand Inhabitants, Uls AH ami V, lllock I?, Rec. t. Wash; Soft Finish, The rMirt from Ihe building sharks lo be built upon them? objeeleil lii the use of tie The first mImm4 drive and dance write for particular lo View !,iib fiaj.no the pair. Rough Dry, Dry Cleaning, Commission' on Ihe question nf Alderman Kerr moved that pipe. His evwrie?tre sh.iw.il of the Mson bM by the ltewk- Ihe Secretary, Anynt Commun-lly II. p. glerll.if Marine Kn-nine. Pressing and Dyeing, Rug f ir limits Ittnar established in the mailer of Ibis reH he referred lliai n was piisiilliilHe for the NN I .4ir la tha MMnnole Hull l-cagnc, Anytn. H. 1 j.ia and Carpet Cleaning, and city an. ihe consideration nf hack asking I he building climatic conditions prevailing in s mht was n briMiant urre.. f.a nnch Triton. JS-10 Sterling, the Regular Laundry Service. n hv-law to anVml Iho existing commission lo make dehnile re. the cily and lhal he had kno a iMige tcfttbrrimc Kemg present. KXCIIANHF. -Ilfliieh on I'orcher 11800. or launch Fho.l6-!ii building by-law discussed commendations n to the eta il to ml through in 12 veers. 'Ihe whist drive comprised nineteen Island, t aersi cleared. n nuffalo, Auto.Marine. 1000. We can -orcly serve you, Jointly anil in committee at the nf buildings be erected in the Unless the cily could afford lo labia which were capably government road. Will e-cjjange Houses and lots an easy term. V inn i'ia e ail council meeting last night. AM. fire district as designated. puf in ens iron i4e it would atamusrd br M. haggetl. Tlie for galrni in gMl lagging machinery, hoals, en.' riiis motion was seconded by 1. ..s i a.i . L w cnnil)tiHi. Apply Jwd Ootly. Canadian Steam C. C. Perry taking the rhalr. II m- Hosier in ni niiHHin. io .ilirfirp ,,ritr w Mr , fines, etc. Laundry Aid. Krlly. nnd carried. Phone IIIh VI. tit had been suggested (hat Ihe in .m., ,1W.. ir.hau.hers ttie the consolation M. M. HTKPIIF.N.S. Phone S. present fire HmlU lie divided up .vPVrman iuari n.ne.i ine ,.ri.e w. rasMeJ off Kv MAX an.1 Wife want ofk to. Phone . If. into sections A, II. ami C. with city engineer Im- price of te.. .UjMk gel her. Man. hsn-ly nA ,m p,,.,,, MM awriteoiec, FOR SAI.B Ostiioal Klarsion.i r building restrictions suitable according WATER MAINS cast iron and wooden uiue. .,,.... r..i i. .. n u. man, iwto.1 reference. Woman . ft. x II ft. 0 In, filled with o Hip nrea. .vr. iiiiiakcr repiii'ii mail men's firsl cook, waitress. e4y In II. M prise. Ihe consolation 33 ti.p. Union engine. Ac. American Express Alderman Mcl.eod said II had cast iron J7ii.imi. t piim cost News hilly office. pri- going to F. M i.rohy. 1 cornmodallon for sit. Hull two been iijrK"l'l In establish a ARE DISCUSSED pipe tlfH.nO, ami wtMxlen pipe t the termination of Ihe tbil firsl class fire limit from Sixth about ari7.no per I no fett. WAXTKH. General servant. years old. Hull, engine andj Maney Orders diie delitfiLfnl rerreshnnnlf. interior in etcellenl Street o Mrllrhle, another sug. While Aid. Kelly maintained i Apply Mrs. Felberstnnebaugli. eotwIHiun. getion front the eat side, wefw servetl nnd dancing vns First Avenue. J Prim Jl.000, terms can be arranged. Issued was of Relative Merits of Cast Iron thai steel pipe was unsuitable nmcli enjoyed t ihe melodious Fnr particulars on Seventh Street, to Third Street. cily engineer Whil laker favor apply and Steel Before Council trains of ArltHtr orche.ira WA.VIKII-Wohmh Sweden & un-III help. Apply Capl. Watson. P. O. Hot M7 Norway, Aid. SilversliJ" did not agree ed it use and said II was raHi ilie et.rlv JAiar. (ersonally Inlaieler nelweeti 7 aiy. if Willi the placing of any further cheajier nnd easier lo Irtsslle. Denmark at Lowest report from the lloaul of Mrs. T. Priest was in charge of ami h p.m. if restrictions on building in the Referred Back the entire arrtTngeraienls while HOATH, Fniines and eivglne fll- Current Rates Works on the construction of cily in view nf the fact that niAMHKH Maid Wantcl Apply! llngsj Autos and auto parts: water mains on Fourth an.I Fifth Alderman l'etry Hvoe. that Mrs. IrelanH. ffs. I IgarHo, Mrs. thing were very quiet from a Knov lintel. stoves, tools, anchors, chain-blocks, business la't;lpoint, .and "Avenues was brought up at Ihe report as submitted be re- H, V. Mht AHee MwnctteHc, Agents foe liaM-d the point that em.the Jhe councils meeting last nighl. frrred back Jo Hie lluanl of MIm IMtMir ArtJrtH-. and Mr. POR RENT propel lots, scales, and Norwegian American Line The Hoard of Works recom Works fnr furl her action in the iKHite rorHiesi iia rammltlec. .1 variety of iniscellaaemis Swedish Amerkan Line valuo. of a building wa judged mended that the existing tern, securing of iiMtr detail as lo Harry Une an.I Sid iUtx look TO Ill-iVr Store on Fifth Ave. fillings al low prices. Northern Scandlnsvlan American derived therefrom, fKf. lie revenue proposed that the porary water mqln on that por- the merits and demerits of ral r barge nf Ihe dor duties. nu Kast. fully eipiipiwd with Kxrhangc. If Line. building by-law be laid over until lon of hourlli ami I iflh Aven iron and steel pipe nnd lo the butchering areessories. Living Oft SAI.F- Ovlton Adding Ma Ollter Typewriter next year ues pelng regradeti pe replaced Finance committee for recom. TERRACE NOTES miarlcrs in re-nr. Iteasonahle chine, wld carriage; Tided" Cary Safea Aid . Montgomery concurred with permanent R inch steel meitdallon as In ways ami rent Apply Mussalem Orn. Compnling Scale, pew. Apply FIRE INSURANCE means of effecting the necessary .. Fifth Avenue F-ast. if ile. eery Fuller's If with Aid. Silvcrsides in his view Orrery. water main repairs. This I. II. Minim returned hmne City Kngineer Whit taker stat. and said that the cl of building gninsr to-day ed lhal In this city in the past motion was seconded by Aid, Friday ami is confined lo Ihe FOfl HH.VI Furni.hed house. Oil S.M.H Sailing Yacht II (ft Dybhavn & Hanson up were cast iron pipes had always lxcn Kelly and carried. hiKise willi an attack of sciatica. keeping suite, sleam bealetl, or wild Kvinrtide engine. Ifmi of n firsl rla nature. It wa I Hit and cold water. Norfolk Third Ayenue Pullen. Daily News Office, if used while the cities In I lie no 11 e to kil onrwlve at the Ilnoms. phone lilack tl2il. S3N steel T.. n. Indian Mrs. nrwta- nf Prince Hupert Prince Rupert, B. 0. present lime. We.were Junt a south were using pie. It Perry. Agenl. re. Oil SAI.I-Slighlly used Uer- filiing village, and could not was felt that the cost of cast lurnetl lo Ihe cily last Bihf who ha. bee vi.illni her FOR HKNT- Furnished house hard llciiiliman piano. Teei. ron pipe was prohibitive as it from a departmental business iiighie Mra. jlftrry Froiik, for 'afford to place nny further re. keeping suite. 4 to Jitth Av IcI's, III Third Atenue. !J6 slrirlion. was made in Seattle and the lrii to Mellakatla. Ihe past week Tetwmnl heme on enue Fast. Phone Itlue 117. If Momlay. , Oil SAI.K Old newspapers. ?Sc Ahead of Oame. . FOIt HKNT New four roomed for largn bundle. Daily Newsi HYDE M. .MCi.eoii inquired ir we Ilrlice Jayncs left for Hie east Imhisc, for small family. At I nffica. if were, going In tny in the hack Monday night. Ninth Aenue West g.ia stage for all time "If you put - ORIENTAL O00DS TRANSFER up a permanent building yon ran All Baking Powder Mrs. Mcl.artf' nnd dsnnlilers BOARD. gel more rent for it and you of I'sk sHnt rtalunlay in town ipanese Klmonas, Crockery, EXPRESS AND BAOOAQE. have e iuDiiranre to pay. The ItOAIIt) Inlander. 830 Second llambou Furniture. Ornaments, man who pula up a permanent Looks Alike, But A. Y. Wilson ami r.ha. lies. Avenue. Phone 137. If Haskets, Children's Rompers. Day and Night phone S80. building i abend of the frame. par.I of Nemo were in Terrace Toys, Ftc. be oald. He did not nee why Saturday. FOR SALE LOWF.ST pnmra, Best Coal one street nhould not be pull Is your baking powder pure? P. K. AKA8E I.AIUKX WFfclt Mrs. o,lhoom. P. O. llox Al Tel. lied HS aide for permanent building Dr. Price's it. Mr. Mom-ion left for Prince Aid. Then. (Vtllarf diaagreed iiurii Avenue, is making a Third Avenue Wood Wood yarrt on Friday. specialty of large sires In with Aid., Montgomery in hU Is your baking powder wholesome? laities' Head lo Wear. Also ail WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Stove Lengths, SpllL statement that we were only a lr. llarli.n In TiMiing illaze and said that we Dr., Price's is. Ihe week end. vras (own over exclusive line nf Lingerie and F.i purl watch, clock and Millinery is always in slock chronometer maker. 139 2nd Ave. WeeL bad to put up a fight for some thing Jwller. If the rily slop- Is yojir baking powder unvarying Miss Vlereeh' of Hie O.T.P If our slock does not include Waleh and Jewellery Repairs a Phone BS0. red men from erecting sliiffc under all conditions? Freight ffi.-.'s, Prtoee Hupeft what you want a week's no specialty. in strength lice will get it from our Van. Mail order promptly executed. they would have to make room is sfientliug her bsIMays with for someone who would fiut up Dr. Price's is. Mrs. Marry Frank. Hoitver sinre. .vh goHis so OEO. OIBB a good building-. "We time got nblaind will be held on approval Opp. posl Office II'. O. llox 71' Let Us Advisfc You economical ami may be returned Prince Rupert. tf good streets and what we want Is your baking powder .Mrs H. II. I.lllle ami daughter next Is good buildings" sal.I Mr If no! suitable. ( with a i.'slime's experience in keepingbaked foods fresh longer who hac tx-en Tkillnv Mrs. W TAXI alt tha .n hran lies of Collart. .1. Pai'soiM r.-lumeit to llaeltiHi Fl'H.MTL'HK and kitchen utensils Phone 93 Burdensome Taxea and making home baking so satisfactory on Salurtlay. 1''. of two riHim suite for sale (Call Of urge Moss; lb tiding Trade . Aid. Montgomery favored the that it takes the place of Suite for reot. Suitable for Flve.passengrr Touring Car Brickwork, eourxe ol facing farls. lie said llie firsl apnlas lo be et one or .two. bachelors. Phone Prompt Day and Night Service that the rily bad enough pro. more expensive food? ported fVoiu HosswtMMl, Kalum 271 or 631 eenings. 27 Standi Boston Grill Third Avenue Stonework, perty on il hands now, and that Lake. bi.iuabt Iw Trrroce, people were leading oilier towns Dr. Price's is. Hal unlay by Mr. V4b. 'fhey FOIl SAUi. Kitchen rouse, w. CLOTHES CLEANED .Concrete, etc. and cllies because of the bur. For perfect results in baking always were gallo-red pu Hie ranch of rugs, - small rerrigerulor and and pressed" by latest KTF.AM Plan, and Specifications kllrhcn deiikome huation. Mrs, Anno' II.ms frvHil tree put uleiisiu. Snap for pressing process. f to all our clients, cash. Phone .'3. 8 uita called Tor and delivered. Aid. Kelly believed that Die use jin ten years ago. tiiiM. was opportune to divide up LOST Phone 64 William Wads & Co. the city Into serlions, maintain.1 , There ha (tea) splendid fishing LINO, The Talloe lug Ilia! we bad good streets lately and rut inday num. I.OSI Will Ihe Builders and Contractors gentleman who AUCTION SALES. P " llox 833. Phone 412. and should have good buildings Dr.PRICE'S rous fiheriiMs wate nnllred through mistake took a dark Conducted in your home. Bales Office: 1017 3rd Ave. them. with wonderful evideiiee of Hiclr upon hut after Hie volunteered green buixpiel at every Thursday at 3 p.m. In our Jobbing Work of all Kinds. Oily eolicltor Hooper -ucces.. the SI. Hegis on Saturday nlgbl morns. Send In your good early. Hint tin the information CREAM kindly return same to Hn oiunOK lekk, Auctioneer, rol of living here wa 15 per Dally News office. HOTEL ARRIVALS Maker, Hor Ml Third Ave., renl higher than In oilier cities I WE HAVE saliiin. site ?U. Phenesi Black SIS, Red In Hie south, whifh was in a Baking Powder i 1 11 1S7. measure due to the fact Hiat Prince Rupert AUCTION SALE. BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOpT Ammunition Hie Insurance rate wu. from 7 F. II I. nn. Surf Inlet; II. J. Phone (Hack fl?5 In 8 iwr fenl higher here, lie MADE IN CANADA lioiltey, Vuiti-ouyer; l. A. Holt AUUTION SAI.I'..- Ufl I'luht MRS. STEPHENS and Shot Shells aid Hial In'tli" vent of a build-Ing man. Ki-iittli; H. A. Ham pa re, Avenue, Hail. Thursday, Oct above Wrulhall s Hiore boom being launched il Th putt, whoUtom Cream of Tartar baking powder. Kltwaugii; X. ',. Nelson, Anynx; It, ul 3J0 p.m. Hining room Third Avenue. is All SIis. ssj Cs'tiksrs would be prelly hard lo pass a :. C. Perry. vHy, chain, rug, small Ubica, lied, Ilalrdresslng. Kliampi.oir.g by.taw. Send for FREE Cook Book-'TaM. and Kitchen" dre.ser, MMshstaud, oil stove iialng. Marcel Waving; ' Vmlei II. n STORK'Slardware Aid. McUod said I hat a spec. 149 Notre Dame East, Winnipeg, Can. When yosj buy advcrllslnir you linoleum, kit. hrMi lable, el ft Hay Fae and Peal,, Treatmenl lal public niee-llntr had been held Imy r.litc.iil.A ITON, and sea that PliilpnlU IMIt A eo.. Auction Manicuring. Hwlldies nude t., LlmlteU lor all tboie uq sma imer. you get it, rs. at ordtr. Phono Blaokt114