ay, N yvember 24, 1932 - = - ec oo st nar Largest Sale In Canada LOCAL NEWS NOTES 29() tf —— For day and night Taxi ser- Mrs. W. L. Sandison has return-; names and ages of children to a to the city following a visit to| committee at once. tf ier native home in Scotland | “ “ ————= | Mrs. R. E. Benson, who has been Fresh from the Gardens When buying unwrapped bread | confined = her home with a se- look for the label ‘Chris’s Mil jvere attack of influenza, is now sakery ar , Bakery” on every loaf. And ma ke} making progress toward recovery, ure you get it. If there’s no labe bee many friends will be pleased ts not’ a Chris’s Mill loaf 27") to learn meal | C Mr. ana Mrs. Charles R. Gilbert | Terrace will arrive in the ety a ld om the interior on this evenin2’s ys fo] Ss Best treated without rain and sail on the steamer} . he Prince Rupert for a trip to Van- | fp wicks souver and elsewhere in the south ty YAize) ys CKS eibudinies VaPoRus | Ms. Frank Rice and son, Dwigh | FOR OLDS OF ALL.THE FAMILY | | | ericho Crepe | : tice, will | tonight on the Prince Rupert fo Vancouver | ere th r. who has been Moose hard time masquerade 0 e S Aiseriously ili for some time. will’ Friday night. Grand march at 11. ent at the hands of 272 pecialists ‘ies | Tonight’s train, due from the /east at 8 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. ome in a nice variety of d colors, as navy, wine, ee, French blue and myrtle, | t exceptional buy ' $7. 95 Tite ty $13.50, at | i | Describing incidents of a recent usin 3 trip to Eastern Canadaj nc the United State *.. ea [John on, manager of tik C anadian| Union steamer Venture, Captain | | | ish & Cold Storage Co is the |Ernest Georgeson, is reported duc neaker today at the reg hie week | 2 per about 1 o’clock tomorrow l'y ncheon of the Prince Rupe ? 1orning from the south and will Rotary Club in the Commodor:|S@il soon threafter on Ler return tafe. President G. A. Woodland was n the chair Ww “& lr n Gowns in satins, laces, to Vancouver and waypoints c, new arrivals in latest styles. e them. They are mod- Any girl can earn a beautiful nal Sy doll valued $5.50 by getting F are " : half-a-dozen new subscribers to | , ] Daily News. See the doll in the Daily News window. Call at priced. COATS iiety of styles and sizes On Quality Foods |vencouver to take up residence ly furred. Remembei ate Pre ind are now offering their home MILK FROM CANADIAN COWS ave money here. Ever > the office for instructions and then ® ! re ’ arnation: | Be a Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Galland and “ family expect to leave soon ‘Yor From Contented Cows” TIME and again a grateful, enthusiastic mother , writes us how Carnation has saved her baby’s life. ' Dé you‘ know that faimous specialists recommend it as ideal for the tini¢st baby? They urge its use because rigid sanitary supervision makes it so pure, uniform and safe—because it is easier to digest than raw, boiled or pasteurized milk. Carnation is heat- treated and that forms very fine, soft curds in the baby’s stomach, almost exactly like mother’s milk. Super-Smooth for Cooking \, Carnation is the safeguarded milk from selected, in- spected herds of ‘‘contented cows”. Homogenized butter-fat in Carnation makes it super-smooth. That works magic in cooking—makes foods smoother, richer, tastier. Carnation improves cream soups, sauces, cocoa, custards, candy. Splendid when creaming coffee and for use with coffee, fruits and cereals. And economical because double-rich. Write for Two Free Booklets Learn more about this modern milk. Write for “Contefited Babies” and the Carnation Cook Book, packed with glorious recipes. Address Carnation Co., Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B,C, #7 ' ! a 5 w Marr’s Messenger Service. Phone Lacrosse tonight, Exhibition Hall en a ies Owe { elr ives Marr’: 2ssenger Service. acrosse ight, : Big reduction in aioe of Crock-\ yice Ph 32 tf | : , 2 p k=" vice one 32. C eaey ‘ ; ’ ‘ » 5 aie ery and China; See on? Stock. Gor- ‘at ih “ . don's Hardware tf, Canadian Legion Christmas Tree; gy aman Members are requested to give , ; , PACKED IN CANADA IN CANADIAN-MADE CANS AND CASES ~ q ' TL DER it the corner of Sixth Avenue and SHOP AT i ryt TE mbrose Avenue for sale. Mr. Gf] substantially reduced. i \ ; and is in the excise service of the ae can save considerably fon Pet aot Friday & Saturday Specials} -ustoms deparwment ee ot it for the kiddies. Look Peas ; aus —-- : Pe Oe g [BLUE RIBBON TEA g88¢ e) 4 deposit will hold | ver Ib 3 v Rev nd Mrs. W. B. Jenning ‘ en 7 i BELL'S MAT : ; iiled yesterday afternoon on the y i AMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP QO ¢\°* ment, ’ : OWL | Prince Rupert for Alice Arm where alm Ca Tit ae }(\hfey will take up residence for th | PBELL’S ASSORTED Aa | 9 | C ™ : : — i0e « The Anglican mission boat jesiand Sache ho! as ar hern Cross, of which Mr, Je» , re ek eee ee 2 7c: ys is missionary skipper, kas Market le i ; Ss Cadiaels:: dmiiel’ 6 aeimeane 16 vw been tiec up for the season Third Avenue & Fulton Street [PURE STRAWBERRY JAM. ¢ 2c Bound Shenk. 2 Ihe 50¢ * ee ear ae 4 “ Ver re? Carrots, 10 lbs eee — | YOY \P WN ICEI CLA aes ‘ ‘ i Sec ake le a : na | tn "99 1933. MUNICIPAL Sirloin Steak, 2 ibs 50¢ | vol VOTERS’ LIST Carrots, 5 Ibs | ' : f ’ G ld } [CED PINEAP Lamb Chops, 2 lb 50¢ ‘i ED PIN PLE] - 2 UL Fisher Body Cra tsmen § ub ; : 18¢) TAKE NOTICE that the Court of} TUrnips, 5 lbs , k Chops, 2 lbs a - vision to correct and revise the| Pork Chops, 2 |b 50e Opens Third Successful Year CRISC( 65¢e ibove Voters’ list will sit on Dec2ut.- Apples, 3 lbs ' er 3-Ib, ti ver 10, 1932, at 2:30 p.m. in the| Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs 50e 3 2 to 19 yeal sulle . uN wer § 7 ! : " 1am 4 - _ } di sad : NER'S PURE LARD | Souncil Chamber, City Hall. The| Apples, 3 lbs a a eee se we Se ha SASSER En i, oe 44¢' d Court will hear and determine | Shoulder Veal 50¢ ee < re : ON 72) ny application to strike out the} 4 lbs | NALI ” MAYONNAI 99e| ume of any person who*has been | Siver, 1 Ib 2 ee ys: Miki. td. abet , ~ mproperly placed on said jist, o1 Bacon, !>5 Ib died | “LASSI CLEANSER pl > on said list t - le shops Black 279 General Motors Dealers || £ ©) © place on said list the name of | Veal Chop: 20e : ee, aes ly person improperly: omitted} per Ib LOATING CASTILI 14¢ herefrom Lee of Veal ‘ 2 a ’ E. F. JONES per Ib ae * NLIGHT SOAP $5e City Clerk Rump Roast Beef 75¢ i B | ! - - - 6 lbs nal | 4 SAIR DATI shoulder Lamb, 5 Ib p= 3» Shot amb, 5 | " - + Ib 29 , Turnips, 10 Ibs 79 e Announcements |} __957—Phetie—957 |" ¢ B. C. GRANULATEI "i LESS DIRT LESS LABOR Limit 2 CONSTANT STEADY HEAT 10 Ib PEANUT |! ri -resbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 24 Furnaces the “WHITE FLAMI 4 a S bh ie = : rately priced and absolute P i ly ABC B BAKING ® 80¢| Moose Hard Time Masquerade Hotel Arrivals > nk, $85.00, | . Vov. 25 i Hot Water Furnace e “SUPREMI carat ores ars 29 ‘ Centtal . ov mves rer ; LEMON JUICI Nab ope onev Yn nost modern and satistac bu mark | EM 2 | Moose Legion Band Concert No A. M. Honeywell and I Swee ) ) b ember 29 city. rein Ned ‘ r | ; ly $125.00 installed wit! nk ASHCROFT CATSUP 12¢| i 4 eacnn i ya - - ‘ Let us give you ilulG . # loICNTC HAMS |} Royal Purple Bridge Nov. 29 Nard Flectric & Marine Supply Ce, mers. 12¢| | ) Hotel Central Ltd. ' United Church Bazaar"Dec, 1 Covenient to business district, — 1 BRED nae Ti Moose Sa aa whist Des, 2 homelike, beautiful harbor pe pxé : " ; views. ; : -ESH SAUS I . , Ro ‘ Rates reasonable. Spacious ° , § || *RESH SAUSAGI 9» Eagles’ Dance Dec. 2 and 9 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famou tes DHE) Bates’ Dance Dee pares _ }}/PINK SALMON.-Sunflower 25¢c . } FIRST CLASS CAFE Fancy, Ialb, tins Gyro Charity Dance, Moose. Hal! Ss Ti onnints cae for Y’S PURE H ONaY | December 16 Special mont! ate fo 6 9 Peer : 17¢ Ber The Rooms and Meals ran a F| | u er KE R UIT K Vv EGETABLES | Canadian Legion Christmas Tree Hotel Central Ltd. | ’ , ’ Saturday, December 17 First Avenue & Seventh Street Aj yple Jona n, bulk, 35 Ib A ae | per bo 2 ey ae, ; SMOKED er box : "Be Moose Legion New Year’s Eve Apples Splendid cookers, 8 Ibs. he Jance BI A CK COD seedless Grape ie) e| pF Permanent Wave peas, [beer getPotin ; ae oF COAL! COAL! SPECIAL from $3.50 up | Thrift Cash & Carry) Sitzicr vettey cons sre guara For November Only 23.. s > » 179 201 Third A teed to give satisfaction, Try a . oe H. Ws Prepared Daily By | ehone ! : 7 be ton of No 1 Bulkley Valley. We Call fo tree booklet on hy . 2 d “CARRY AND SAVE also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat giene. What passa Neh cae ahadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., { * Mail Orders Have Our Prompt Oats and Barley, should know anne Prince Rupert Feed Co, Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe CH RISTMAS Sailings to the Old Country This Year It Costs Less To Enjoy Yuletide In Europe LL Camadian Pacific Steamship rates to Europe are greatly reduced this year—also, due to favorable exchange, your dollar spent in the Old Country goes much further. This Christmas give yourse!f a luxurious ocean voyage and a happy holiday among oid friends, amid familiar scenes—in the HOMELAND. It costs less than it has for years and years! Plan your trip early to take advantage of the choice of accommodation. Ships Sail F "reque? itly Each Week LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS SAILINGS From Saint John Duchess of Richmond « - - «+--+ -++-+- Dec. 8 Montcalm ----+-+-+-+-<++-++-+=2s+6- Dec. 9 Duchess of Atholl ---«-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ++ Dee. 15 Note.—These ships sail one day later from Halifax. For complete imformation and reservations, apply to your local agent, or J. J. Forster, Steamship General Passenger Agent, C.P.R. Station, Vancouver, B.C CANADIAN PACIFIC SPECIAL HOME-GOING FARES For complete information apply to your local travel agent, or J J. Forster, Steamship General Passenger Agent, C.P. Station, Vancouver, B.C R. — UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver:— T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, As 30 P.M, Via Ocean Falls and Waypolits ing Vancouver Thursday afternoon T.S.S. VENTURE EVERY THURSDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Sunday m orning Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox Stewart and SPEC IAL Were EXCURSION RATE, ROUND TRIP, PRINCE River peintd. Bunday, 8 pm 2°08 fembeeiedo vancor $32. On ae Nov. 10 to Feb 28, return tilt Mareh 31, 19838, Purther information regarding all sailings and tickets at VYRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second A venue Phone 568 Naas To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Perts PRINCESS ADELAIDE — Pr T LOW FARE ROUND TRIP WINTER EXCURSIONS TO VANCOUVER, F CANADIAN PACIFIC idays, 10 P.M Vancouver direct PRINCESS NORAH--Nov. 20, Dec. 4 Tickets on sale November 10 to Pebrtiary 8, 1998. Final return limit Mareh Sist, 1993 ” tnfogmation.call or . write WwW. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, BC, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | 58 — Phones — 558 b ome ‘oe aes ty 4 m he 4 } hal -f