I WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI r" Fish Market 99 BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, PORK. in a hurry Fresh and Smoked Fish. Phone Sausages Fresh Mad Dally. PRINCE RUPERT Crabs and Oysters. I ALL. NEWICAItS Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 671, Vt. XII N PIUNCi: III I'KUT II. C. Tt'KHDAV. OGTOIIKtt iO. IU22. TMUttif'i CircaUtlaa 14. SIMH !, 4. PRICK KIVK OKNTW ALLIED Nai'IONS UNITE AGAINST TURKEY ISMET PASHA GIVEN UNTIL FIVE THIS AFTERNOON FOR REPLY TO ALLIES Final Terms Are Given to Turks SUNDAY FOOTBALL CHINESE BOOM NANAIMO MINER WAS EMIGRATION IS LIVE QUESTION SHOT AS STANDINQ Allied TODAY AT NANAIMO IS EXPECTED : DEHIND BUTT OF QUN FROM ENGLAND by Representatives and N ANAIMU . h i. 10 XAXAIMli. IH. III. i: I He rile ewiiiri win Ht- Pretldenl of AuotUUd Praaa Aii.:i'i ti'. Iiiu iicWrii! III.. T n b.i.,.i i. ni.,...i pour Hi" hirirtVfHMNl Leaves on Visit to Orient rinr iwflr brln? fatal Matter of Securing Domestics Peace or War is in the Balance f Ihr Ctvft bf law again! to Organize News Service hrrr yrolrnlay. Ilrrtirii and Young Men Sunday lTl mill a Klmllry, a nilitrr. wlio wa trsl anl Im ut lnMttitii with frirml rase brought a VlirniHIA, Orl. III. J rank II. VliriOIIIA. rt. 10. The ee- MINIKIN. Oil !) Hie question ol prm p in I lie ur.ir ru-l ! llir rwirti.i oyra, prr.iilml nf llir A.-.m-ihI. nn Imi1- iHinrr.1 by a curin? of frmalr domriica from re-la with the Turki-h Nnlioiiulisl .i-si-mblt .il NiiporH, xv LANDOWNERS 11 ir riHineil find puh- nl I'rra ami rlil..r ..f ihr (Vah-iiulou l.llllrl arH.lriilly .1 i a. KtiKlaml for rily anil counlrr S3 In- senlinmnl in rhanrril from llir frirmr i, i- Mloc II inc araii-inc oiiniiton immi nown n mr u atrongly i:rnniz Star. Irfl hrrw work and youth of from I? to IH ...wrr. Mwllil Mir ModiillM riHlfrreior ha. brt-H adjourned fa or f Mtrilliiiiiiia Sun-.liv on Ihr Kinprm- of Aia Ifi f-orvanizr sun. Tlir buttrf houii.l. jjrari ol agr fr farm vrori. in ..ml t f allied fene-ral- liotrrtunted lo Ihrir hrditiurter mi GIVEN A JAR;: football but IImi tbr prr.. rr irr frmo nl off a nx-k ami tr.ixrl-liiiv Ilrilili Columbia i twinii itieir. Churrhr barkwanl alrurk I...i,.lHHHMple tt awail Ihr iteration. objcn Ihr Far KnI. purlhrulariy Ohina fftl with HrilUh official ami or. The a41i4 lrin pn lode (1imiw ilh.lmw nl ni Turkish troop-T..111 to anliripalr Ih itrral Iran. Kimllry. who wai ulan.l-ili2 aanltation by Hon. I . I), f'altul. !. ilirn-lly hriin. llir (he HMi'ral ion an M mil tnW- lunlanell. .nut Ito-phonm-i Lord Bledtlo Says Many of . I'arifir romntrrrr rspanon bull f the lo. iiilnistrr of laml. now in imiilatMHi xMI be malc in tin- unrulier of Turk k "dirim- in Ik- , whirh i ilaw-ninsr. sun. Lomlnn. an-oriJing lo a cabin de. Them Nothing But Rant .! ia easier Thmr ' ami Hi CITIZENS TERRORIZED j !o rxli'nir arr hi i-laH.. rpalch lo iTrmirr Oliver yester i, iHi yuataM of thai pr.v in i Receivers. lhal hia wvrk in China will lakr day. i i mk eynlil after Mi. STEWART LOOKS BY DRUNKEN AUSTRIANS him rrral hhmiIIi. Tlir pnHal for brineinsr vi u al. I.hMmiN. IN-I. 10. II.- AV Doubtful News. BUCKLEY EXPECTED the twti elaa was flrt dis- Ml 1.MA. l4. 1" I I"- alli-d lamliiM-iirra f Kn?laiitl ha-uhataMrc. IN SASKATCHEWAN TOWN Xrwa rrr.irj from IJlilia iorr tuaird with Conuiiinoner i..ml. drew Mp Ihrir final ai HEALTHY TODAY hrril l-ilil III thai a a i Ihr rarly Jay of Ihr Worhl War HERE ON SATURDAY Coomb of Ihr Salvation Army. .riiltiM hr- last miilil i-la Ihry har HMkle a InmI i:iil.ir VX. Sa- ih-i. lo.- ban brrn for Ihr inn-l mrl. of Tlir Birl and boy may br arlect-rd .n.i il.toitlrd it 1-iiM-l l-a-ha. mi nf lb,, (ami btiiiir and Cilifrii. Iiaik to rot. i f.la whrn a J.Hil.tfiil rhararlrr. I'lii lia Will Oo to Islands and Arrange by Ihr Salvation Arin- ami I irk la NelhfJeiali-l rpre.en. John Mallor, a Buslnassman two Au.lrian rratr, with moon In-rti ftarliriilarlv Irur whrn For Starting of Mill and hrouirhl out undrr llir aunpicea of lhal if Ihrr .li.l not im-m.t in ;st. Th AaMMtra i vrrnanrnt From th Mining Camp Tails -hin lhur atrol.-. Ihr alrrri oiallrr. of .orriMmi wrrr l the Ilrill-li IVilumlila fiovrrn. iv -it u4il ft el" I'iay t I of Conditions tbr ImI iirr llir I'liuiii r M.'iil.l i.ik. hi aii.M.hiMit a l.iitrlirr kmfr ami ina .iiillinril. Nut only ha Ihr Other Work mrnt. thr Saltation Army and III" .i "f rrJrH M tJ la nil from llirHi ami luru In4rl .hntdiiii. Ihr town wan An.iiriiilfil lr. f.iua.l il .liffi- Ovrrra Srttlrnirnl lnrI. IkrM anlnfl riill t.. rt nl llr rral faala in "Wl urrn rrrrnnl III III" Mr. I'altullo I In -1 Irava on (h'lobrr Vl M1MPI 'Hii-ib-.- in Slrwart k"day i Irm.riiil for IM.U Mian an hour Tin' M-ak.-r t.-ird IM.'J-la. ilrrlyin Miurh that ha UUu rt,v K lurUry will br 13 for Victoria ... n. Mairl iwl.fli mi.i1 vMt and ha miroftl .pille UHllI ..r.' i.'ftrrt- rr.nn M.hiw in older In Ih "a MiKlania -ar1y " rry lot in tax at tare m I hiui.rlf a Itiu laial"iii.-' jaw aalhrrv.1 in lb "ff.-iKh-r-. plarr in lhal tou.lry. hut In ,,pr" "l ""' 'J ronur. home ii I i mr for llir uprtiinjr of and flurn ai inr . T i, rilMI Ihr war. hrp.., Hi.- inrl rHHiliUan rmtrra daily lio" w," IU rr-mnina of tin thr legislature wlnrli i to take ti .gmi . . Mtmlm, .., . w. . jwrniawraJl aaaiar Ihr lHrw.iwi.rr bar al Umi un. ii"'brr mill al llurklry Hay ami place un (k-loUrr JO. BURGLARS STOEXASH Ublr to lai.aw. A ttuaaJ many of. tbr eooiliirncrLiirnt of inorr actlr . ut . ii-.n Mwitti ibr -ITOn. 1& fmniTKIirTrt fU.'ir. fra SrilTn TiniolossTnz eaiip. til Ih-tli-b a-w(ioii FROM ASHCROFT GARAGE nl ihrir own rrprrorwlalivr ami vitlirr oMralioii al thai ATTEMPT MADE a mi. II rt-iirt wtli Prinrt awl Hrl atmhl Httgtrat ""I hr llriliah asrtrullural laiol-ttmtuff ,! China. al Ottoman! rtMn-e. point, il I also umirrstiHal thai a WllHr thr rM rxliarM M Mixtkl rtlv farii. lialay l an hi trial.' vn.ti . and in that way havr heo uhlr :aransrmrnt will hr made for i rKf at t !:Ulr lr4r airrM tli-r l-ord llha ar1ri. "I'Hlr.. MURDER Mr Il. i'ktntiiil Ihr . . .. .. WOMAN immmI. and u Utta rod tr- ' a a a a 1 a:a -. i lin I a,a.I I 1. .I 1 ... lk Iw jualifl.-. IliHiarlf a. -m il. tlir riair and inatn rriiainj m- " ..i.i .ia.-r in-formnl. meal from thr U.K. liarnar here hr rrlm i rMrr rt rilll-n atP WirkiM." 'd ta loMvali-al ion of Ihr land i in -riiiilr. Thr A-.rialrd Prr. rmiiaiiy' rrhiM.uer prior lo in rVnvrxti' ii i- a ui.ill- j,M MImt. hIixi i in llir ..ti Sunday. 'Ihry uolnl Ihr lora. Puhlar 'Hueihoi will al-.. al a rral rta-ur, hu. bad hiimriit to Ijo Anzrle. "1 .Hi.l i ion ol llir till ami apimrrnUv rr- Said to be Work of Man Who nUiufaaUlHia -"I'- hu-iiw-- fri.tii Ihr Itufih mt m man.) In- ralinrltuii. and pariia-inrnl it irrial azrnl- in lhal fWd. Krrd Stork, meiidier for thr di-wlth II t ww'iriu. tiirntil after lit.' paraur wav Pestered Her with Attentions. m r iir ."rr. will 1'iHpira th ilnoaml. niially lifaelry rr-ull.i trrl and A. I.. Carruthrr of the ' h.M- thai Hi, link. wttl Pramlar Mlna rlo.rd ami e i-r.l I .,I by lur-klarillK Not Producers. Must Know China Better. Jl'rovlnriul Public Work depart. ial- Um- lilirrilil "( our .Mr. Mrllur mM lawl iIInhiI a the piriui-cs. II i- now desired lo build Up'ioeiil are Jm.iIi at Hie i.land now laiidoworr bas- ln VAXCOI Many VKH iict 10. Mrs. Il lb r j ' ilirui r 'MtM Ihr kNtnr ir mMrr in that r.iunlrv a jirniianriil and Ihry will h.k into the iples ..i all v "' i ai of Uir hrl ! " llr Atwrrl. fur two a-rnrralhHi iioiliinv Robert Law who wa found in a lral .luff lhal will supply the lion of itovrruinriit ro.oM-rulioii. urnrr than rrm rrrrirr.. ami NEW FERRY FOR lyinz condition wilh a bullet la i an rt.nltHrMl ami at rrwiil IM'opIr of l iiilrd Stair and j. omiiiioii and pniv iucial. Ihry har Maaf.rd arilln'r Hi.' her luiiy, told the police her rwawiNK H arrM iiMHl:lir. lUiiiailu wilh inf.wioalion lhal kiiowlrila nor Ihr iiiclinali'.n husband in Calgary would know CHINESE AND Ihr Mil Mr la ltpptMT I.WHI ti ill be reliable and Hot lean rr-..nriUy o adlllillialrr Ihrir VANCOUVERISDj; BULKLEY BEEF IS who did il. a M-rrk iif uiiVI ft Hit llrr orr im ward any our of the lio-lile wit Utlra, .till lr In rulll-Hl.- The husband jtave the police h K"ld trr.lfiHal.. Ihr a-- faclhoi into which China l S' thrm iiniiiiM-rrial liura WELL KILLED SAYS the ami PUBLIC SCHOOL of whlrb wwhl avrrasr I- oil divhied. name description of a ,.f I It.-1 r yw) and Ihr nation, man who i said Iw have.petered iwa HM muti tm lrr U. An C.P.R. lo Build a Large One FoU In order lhal -urli a re-ult A BULKLEY FARMER brio'fii Mr. l aw with hie attentions inin-MtKU itnaHUty f ha br attained, it i Work lowing Eiperimental may iieeexary lar a lliry har hrt-n or. for wiiiic time pat. Till man Separata School In Victoria to ba Hlitrh will la.I .,.n ,,rel up for Mr. No).-. o make the JH"-srnt aaiii"'d a a i'la-- .f Ihr row-loumly. of Last Season will be arrested If found. Closad Until End of Tarm a lima liMir rt rMi if lr ! if I trip. The r.hiiir-i- prople Quality of Meat Is Too Good for har Urrn orgsili-ird. Mr. Law Ins Ilwy started for Van. 1. 1 any miimt. Thrrr arr uhwi.l know be la romiiiK. and will k(v Local Consumption He not a. pnk4urrr. of wraith, Vir.liiltlA. i l. 10. Victoria Suggests. rouv.-r to avenge hia wife's in. BOYCOTT BY ORIENTALS i:Mi iim-ii mi Ihr tMiyriHi in-I'rrNiirr him all fnMsible a--l-laliee. tor hill a drfriidrr. of proprrty, have another nmnr. Jury. 1.- ui ferry l Ihr prrarNt linir. they reatlie lhal thr futurr tit ami a. aurh Ihrir nryainiali.Hi tiou Willi the Miarilund. IjaHy I Hie ,.f the llillkley Valley Mr. Law. who ia the daughter tlirir ib'Mml ViriOltlA. ln-t in. 1'ii ki'liiMJi Other Proapacta lia-. in liivhly itrin-irralir country hiraely f well-known Vancouver a people. ast summer a i-ur ferry w farmer, eallrd al tlir liaily N'ew-s f ruaiaU Unurar . U.hiU imiI Thrrr arr .rernl rtr pro.. upon Ihr attitude the peoatl ut alforirl Ihrni hoi rt.iinlry. u Maued 1I Hero Aiutwrlea and office Un morning and Mated mar possibly recivnr from the Ihr Iwo riMinlrie. thi of Oitri.-. on -We IU.T rtltgf- U in-rtil Ihr al- :mm. in Ihr Pln-Mrt mall uml alradily ihs-rra-iiijt wound. Vauroovrr Island with a laiHlmx that most of the beef raied in toward It. of iak- thr Pacific assume rarwarka har Ihr -mfctnr ol Cllinrar pupil i--Uih i int'a.iirr of -rfurily. Thry havr al Sidnry alioot Iwenly mile from Intimate Relations (he llulkley Vullcy was a well (rilav ItNMIBM Ihr liilirar .i liotil .nit wihhI miiira IhiI have not yrl lhu IimI Ihrir iiolltii'al powrr Victoria. This wa swell n euc. Hark of Ihr movr. vvhirli till killed us any lhal comes into PARTY FLEW NORTH Mtuattaal Lh niul Bll- aarti priivrn. zn vrioiuorni vtii III' il 'l rt'i'lliHItto H Wl"l IMH-aU.r II" lev mat llir .naeonra concern association I i'riocr lluperl and I lie etitef 4. iiMeatSttl tHJa al tlir arbuol- i HiMiia oh .Iraull) al Ihr I'rlir fi"-r hai. Tlir hatr. ii"l wholly .li.1.I 1 1. 1.11 i .I U iIhu- ..I. I.Mt'1 preitarin?tew lo make. i the Haw Jrction lo the beef locally l. that TO STEWART TODAY Wrwarl. SunaHiur him b.a John. willnxil jn.l ili.-ul ion. Im'.'M .tig. it is hat tsood. He aid that the to "o on- rt .re.i jr. Ihonahl that ill l hr rmuins vear Ihr trunh Ui. ha a lilnraa wimld br r I. ! rrahi. anil inalu.'il scHaal a iiiiii.nini. i I'itrlioiiary me action m in nwen.iei ,,:,, .(,,. ,:,,.,, iii quality wa so much better than Ml Haielton Made Good in i .....I .in llir (iroryr miiira. Getaway In for Ui NSMafaalar of Uh Itw ami ili'iiii.-. vmII It workina eouiiMiiiy hu slnn d Hp the I..IMI. more inliliiale than ever before, that brought from the prairie Glorious Weather Bound arrtnUtHr tUi law ulliitilini Ihr.r proapn-ia Ihr mililinn wttilrr Iiich is now culhmr for tend.-rs wilh a oorreMinilmz rofll lo that the local butcher did not For Mlnlnq Camp, i.iin .y i baatrtl lal ri Ibroiiuhout FEDERAL GOVERNMENT for 'the buiblius of a fifty car countries on both kle of the want it. It wa all of the bl Fir i:ii Ihr firal ! atlrliUiniiit in Ihr nilirr iiiriri win- ferry which Is to "parute between quality, well conditioned , and any arlitMi) aliaar Ihr arparali' ; uml will Mini! riiHonl.nrtiirra ami prtiiriM. HAS THE RIGHT TO soon iHiint uml Victoria, imiab. ocean."Il i necessary lhal w know tender. Tlir difficulty wna that 10.13 The Ihi aeroplane morning Haieltoii umier left ideal at rliN potiry wa inaufcrurnlr-i, i.rn A lU'lllnshaiu wliut required inferior llelliniiliaiii. i was wa China than lial he Ihr winlrr Ihr al. more alioul weather roudiliou wilh a local ,n...riilw UiaMir.'. ymlmlry OuriiiK TAX VENDOR'S LIQUOR furthei south than Anaoorlrs n tualily beef whereas their' wa wiili lea ami u SMi-aiderahle . Ihi'K- will laf Ihr I'n-- supplies ii- parly alioard en route lo Stewart 'ml wrr rrrrivril III atillr of I mrr that the C.IMI. will first quality." expected j ..f wills, Mr. hbI inlbb Ui p..ili"ii and expect to return around 4 f 'll. of i Clillinar pM'krta l iiurr ami TIUii Ihr bulk of the bnsjiir. The farmer ujiuitled that Kuti r.ri-1'k mmra WTorkiim. UT T A W A. i h i in. A nyes -aJ. o'clock Ibis aftrruvon. prrvrlil llirm. there mliihl be few farmer!' I'ntil last year the only inrlliml u lireior ei.url Jiitl:a nn-iil ilihoh Vesterday the plane wa up on Infui of People who did not kill their beef well of reuchiiiH' the Island was by 1 1 l k..r. la a roHtknuat iuflut of tlir federal riyhl I .Urol duly AT Iml most of I hem did. three paeHger flight. Aiudiia' BANDIT ARRESTED ililo Slrworl who arr ill. hi provlnriHl lioii'ir imporla. U.l'.ll. steamers oi by the liltle OUTBREAK those taking advantage of a lirutilr strainer lyitHi belvveen Port An I mJ a urral lion by diiiiiaiiiu the HritUh (rii over lh etmntry were Mra. ROBBERY ina.lr.1 in iiuiiiiiM IN BANK liiaiilily or firialil l aohiu lnjo Cotuinblu iiix'nl. , gele and Victoria. DUBLIN PRISON FISH ARRIVALS (Mills, Mr. Klrkpatrick uud Alex. Large Travel Mil). i... .ii.ir.vt f lit an urratfi flr OUM. lVKhs ak . Oi l l. Hrw-ari luuneiie niiinlx'r of 'Aineri. The future movement of the loul. u nk en 1 1 into COLONIZE ISLAND Five boat marketed U.tOO MiHinlml alhi frn-tnil"l nn a'-UHintril llor oa.arlUIrr lt ! ,m run ear have Itn year visited i Min.rf on. Cu.hI pound of halibut al the Klh lluiellon arr somewhat iudefin. .n liaiik rol'lii i y ini'l "-f - Victoria and Inured llir. Uluml a " ile although il. i probable she thi The i.,..i. um i. vim; rrauiHriy in " VIOTOIIIA. del. 10. The . . . iKjchanae iimrniiiy. wl (hu ImiiiliU lii'ln vi-l In br uirt ami latrly to tlltfa IIU ('Iminlirr of laiininrrer will have fur il Campbell rtivrr and Al-lernl. wounaeo rie uvnara; una arrival were: will be leaving for the llaieltun Mwiiilirra of Pnnu- wlm-li - I rril fontlHK III Willi ai'OWB III ail arliv roilltnltlrr Una winter Net year it I tMctrd Prisoner Killed Senlinel. I3.0IMI pound, at ba aomi'liiiie to-morrow. lrrmriirl (lie i-i ill i ii a - vsork the iiuinlier will he inrnard very uml ..k .in oir flT I IHIU'y al on eoloiiUalioii and el- I5.:nic. 8r; Hestitutioii, 10,. I elll sH'ka. liniMii at Anyoj. tlriiirni plan. llir eominitlrr roiisidrrubiy. ilie tliamlier of I.iiMmiN, Oil to. - An outbreak UIH) pound, nl IS.iOc. uud Ho.; FRENCH GOVERNMENT The Fulur oh ptMoiililla. will drull the i oiimiii i Is adM'i tlsntr the route iKcnrrr.1 at Mount Juy to the lloolh Vtslicrie Canada ISAAC GUGGENHEIM Siruklliv of tlir fuluiv miWook irOlln! ui Miell U laaly (hi extensively and kevi a nin .t irisoii. Hubliii. tlila inornluu, Co. PROTESTS AGAINST Mr Mrllar ml.I dial a imnUirr of afternoon, and il will lar bui- ruttla durillit Ihr ejil aUvir-Intf when irreuular iriouf4's attaek Nurwiigeu. I l.ooo iHiund. at DIES SOUTHAMPTON mH r hUmii1m- ami i;e ut oiH'r, ascertaining infor piHipl to r' (trilie Island. vil the Huard with ri4vtrrawhirli'5.l0c and Ho., In the Canadian Ui. UQUOR RULING If Ilia ml nam I vliow. np. ami nialloii u -to lie requirement had bn BHUigKhMj Hi. line guard, Full ami Cold Slorago Co. SOUIUV.MITU.N, hl. 10. -Imnui thrrr i rrry illiln-tttli'l ul prr nf .rlllrr ..n Vaiiemivi'i' l-laml TRAMWAY DISPUTE ENDS wu iiui aim live iuiut wxiunu. Hependeut, 5 000 pound, at PAHIS, lid. 0. The French the Amrrimn . nl I hut il will, Hirii- i "' and the mean whi'iehy iln-v rui ed. IV30I- and He, lo the Puelfto government will protest liiuiedi- a aartiltlMat(yifBttiUin,(s ka.1 lUtlllwll' III'IU I It I' . H, (III I'l'UHiUI lO l"IIIIIH-i' lie.I be lieni'fit.'d y llir , ....m.i-i . I.OMKIX, Cat. iQrw'fruniWiiy The ii 1 1 1 it a i-v mm nl returned Fuliein-. lately again! the Untied Stale J..b.. ..r n. knoviii Inn Tlir . .imp !''k ill il Vi'? I allon or Iniiii, .- "i Mttinuliuua efUvloeaa have uovvpltd a reiloc-llon the fii.- t.'Mini; "lie irregolai-prisoii.-r hiniiiouni. no iHiund ut 13 - !ynvrmmcut ruling that foreign ily. dUnl audTenly hi-i-r loday. HvVnndltl and hJ Ihiiir aueli a the Chamber of i'.om. of four .hilliuw weekly hu and wiMtudiu aever.il 30c.. and H.joc. to (he lluynl I hipping mul not carry liquor in lu.ipa'.U. h:i rrr. i uJiii,; all "lii ti -l.UU-. Hi." I. h . . M tUtrd ata-e waters. wa bora in B54.