j TUB DAILY NEWfl PAGE THMt? Mr. Tremaywa will at Local and Personal hie week. Brunswick MIm (HUrffMa of Vaiaeouver la ill the eity, meat for ft alwrt 11. C. Lntei takers, phone 41 nine Willi in'i annl, Ur. It. I'aikin. No. 212 Haynere. Undertaker. 4- Price 361. V'-l'Mday" wi'lli.iunil jia-"iiki was $270.00 i train arrived o lirnm -mi The temperature of the air In contact Price now $225.00 for i:.m . Transfer, llavx.iu. 5 :i( o rlix'k undr lit new time with the the 1 .h..n- l'$n. ,4i,i -ilii'ijnlo. ikigtegulates temperature $20.00 down and d..y. , f of the bjxl av t - I.e'iilii' i f tin- I nioff $20 month utmens SPECIALS Milk m l! Itank -luff. ili'l In-1 muhl ffir StartrTejd's hrinkablfcJerwear it per M-ra-i pyiee reduced I aneooer on a lo week's lrlt the stlprpteornsrt and 25'4. ,,: Jjy lii. oftpasiing nii-6verheated rfxtos into Just Two of these - instruments W-x. Mi ata, ..f J, iu,. ii,,,. H. IluUer. and . Mark, two shivery I streets, over-exertion ftrd subsequent in stock. On wi-nt I" Mt-waf nt.. Prim-.-Mti Purity does it well known tnenl alhtelea, mltfaj chillirfg, exposure tb Mfaughts this favorable price & il Mlurd evenm?. T.k. k.lf a af Swwliaht, la.t iiielit for Vanroutcr. lliM- and bittnwindk fJ. Yj 1 - will prerlMiMy be back In th terms they will not last Iii.h-. tr A. I.. AiMuud. It. C waik.r M' It lale k.l atir ilir lata la a rir rkk prills. The jhil, pure .wiitCf Stahfield's Un-shrinldible, M. P. i.liirnr.l ..i, id). r.liPh.h.u, long. First first fal la Ik tUlk. m4 worn Irleit to the lcin, its come, lnt infill from 1 1 -ran Kail. I. I leHimir, fmiiwrly In ion served - a. .... ria.a ptti Ikalkraklf.aa4 Ik w.iktr. L.ltr,HI Slramohifi Agent here in t fixityand finalitV)oft, hold We body-wanAing I i a eowf.ii iHiiU, r,,.-, Uxi Ulktt will k ktiatifatlr ! early daya, returned aoutli laat air in placeand hourly-protect i'iioii.. .in?. Rat,.. r-a-iial,l. Hljrbl afler hain pnt a work mi IM.r -kit.. health and life itself. Haud ii. Inld 4 v. Matwi-ll. if. at lewr1. Tka rick .. t tmi f.lai 4 ilt kt.4 it h crtl f Ik ArelititHp r. K I hi VcniH Satikl lai .w.r. V.. it. I rell. of Seattle. wf Made In combination and two Stanfield's pitce euita. In fun tni(th. knre v F if Iur r'.-itici.iii vi-ler-lny eHt eweral inmilli- lkiiiji Mm i..lir in fmrtty and elbow lentth, and aleevelna mid romh I' d iri-f IIh ii- after Die hiniciil nf inidi -urN for men and women. StanSeld'e ealinon l the Ka-I, retnrneil Adjuttable Combination and I I Khettfon. in-rt.r ..f r? 5n mhjIIi on the I'riiM-e Huiwil. Srperi(Pt.) for trowinc duUrtn Underwear Bg,1"""B"aaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaay i ! ft on 4aluida mifht Ii. I'rHire Muoert for Ktew I I aMrl J. Wa Nteholl.. riiiiit r.illr of 7or anipe book, ahowinc weifht and texture,write -ul. (he I Vina.Iran Fish and Odd STANFIELD'S, LIMITED, TRURO US. n Ill - . 4. .... Slomae !., left for VH- II , . r AMOrn OTtlVR COAI. eiHitrr at Ihe werk-i'iid and -will mi i 1 1 1 l. if anyUnnit, bettar be few thl (tone a day. on tninii.. Ml vrr. Oinsumrr Coal Co, 144 HERRING Phone 7. tf Morrt Gnlow. tnanairi-r ..f the Mr-, ii. A. trir, i not Trail lllnh, ww 4iill-d Ibe I ti d Nil. h,. ,.1 Phil Mr reeen r tomorrow (teneral llopilal i'ti-r4ky l K-iunn J i. ui aikt 4 murntHar. lie bad been rin wttti 'till fl in $i hms trip Hp Mr. and Mr. H o. liekiMin eHtMt4ona at tbia home in law BAIT Hi.- 1 1 III-. ll"vrrMle INork. were naaaeajareva f r..m Htewurt - for faille on lie Iramrr I'rtiere V I Jirruther, pt-oim-ial Nupert lav atpfct at re lefftrtmenl lm.( a call d.. -i inn. ul eUelrtrt engineer al S:3H e.lertajr afli-riiit to INDEPENDENCE r.-luriMMl ..ii lata) nia-lil Irani A. H Trile, w... i tntertl lUrrte'o furattnre .t..tr wlo-n- a $30.00 per Ton fl.'Hi llir llll.Tillf in Ib- Him Mr-.iri Mha at efMra hM ten eui-d liv iiM.ke Htewari. a a MiutkiMmnil faekttj down ihv i-bimio-v front THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT ANMHTIES SYSTEM Finest the Coast Full atoch of 3-pl Cotton "iia-r ik I he tttnet- Huaart bk4 liia Klk HofM. afford an unaquallad opportunity for th invv.tment of small on wood Veneer la now being car iiabt. - or Urr. amount for th purcha of an annuity of from $S0 ried by Albert A McCaffery, Ltd, W.. II. v anre, eity lr'aurer, to $$.000 a yar for life, to brrin immodiataly or at any future ar dird, and to bo paid in monthly or quarterly lntal-m.nt. Obtainable from Phon llfi or 664 If Mia i:iara ilfrward. -tMtar. aHed la-t uivkl by lh- Print pher tn the Hty errk' offle. Itnpeii fitriHjIe f.r hantivi Annuiti may ba purchatad on a ainft life, or on th W . r. a!krtiitiau.h. i; X relurm-d Ity hl mahl Iraki wliere Willi Mayor H'H-beelrr Ut of two pron jointly. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. N .In ii..ual rmiimr. ii-lurwd fr.-in a hidlatav i-nl in V win alt.-nd the riHiiittn of After contract Uua, no restriction aa to ridnc. (i.'in a l no Ih- lolTinr by wr. r.alKarjr ))) H'liuiipefc tle I ui n uf II. C. Manu-ipalitM Employer may purcha for their employe. ScKool PRINCE RUPERT -'n'.l.i umlil train. - ... - - - Board for their le.tKer. Oorrer.tion.for their MinUl.r. Cannot b itod or Wviod upon. Mam irMty. VHa.. i. In . Uar-f , .vii .tix-iia n. riaciii. -e No medical aumination roquirod. I i'nh. itiiiafi-i .if lk "( liquor prw)eiiii..ii b)rr for nrVentinic the Kiwtrr Travel In- Fre from Dominion Income Taa. ii ii i 1 114(1111 nli, paid ie 4 0crnmeni l.iajuor lUmlrvt formation S.-nkre of S-a:tJ, ;.. Siiiilli- al l hi- e4k- Hoar 4. return i-ilay frtnu ailed f..r tar wojtb "n l SECURITY THE DOMINION OF CANADA Mill uM the PHtH-eaa ltiyal I'rine HiiMrl lat nuiii Hf er mli Until. taaias Milrl Jaaper and tow-art. , Dcriptio booklet may b obtalnotf by applrtnt to the Canadian National Railways .j Potmtr or by writina, noatag free, to 3. T. Be.tedo, Mia Kate llnHNaMon. of tfre Superintendent Dominion Government Annullie.. Ottawa. Fir Veneer, 3 pl, full height Porl KianaMmn li"pilal iaff. wa When writinf, kindly tate and aga or age but birthday. of rooma, and 4 feet wldei alao a pa aaji r rrlurnaa kome froM Hie raw asaia! ib rVinee Prince Rupert Cottonwood Venter, Lath and Vancouver on the Caet.4.i,i HMerl M. rranl iV li, .l,.. Plaater. Call and atock rbarjied with ontawfuily -lliiijr aee my Mrhl. f4o- na Jovh am a hoti E. H. Shockley, Cow Bay. Phone day trip aoutti. , . two barrel of tiaarade bf. i. via DRYDOCK 3-3. tf 4- adionrneil till tontorrow m..rn- . . Mr. anal Mr. II. . Harlow tnz in the poilna rmjrt today r mnk It ll-lina. ti o are elrH4 home tottiirtit frwaw Jlil.Hienl will Uirn br uivt-n AND t'uiiii U . Ihiwlmji. Yukon Tel ibeir hoaejrnii m n trip wnarh took ai.ifli. llM-rinN I'd) iiL 1 1 fil i loin a far Kat a lUileuso. iniii3 to an Hriht. ..n.- .if GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY SHIPYARD iiitflit fnr Vnrouver where Ihe will lake w reWeee in the lAbnr I lay nriae ha not Ii. Mill -M'inl tw.i iiioiilti i-av Ifaetr nrw borne Hi KwtHih A Ween aliorated. Thi wa a half S.S. PRINCE RUPERT AND PRINCE GEORGE. I dlMrlM'e. tiue rjl. ton of eoal i-nnlrtbwle.1 l.v J. Operating O. T P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock en Mrljirrn. Tne I ia.t.- Sail eaih Suixla; tad Tbi:rvU al it auiiloiihl rur Oreaa rnk resell Kivrr. VANCOUVCR. VrCTORIA. IUHIL l..r -.aana Bay. uaO.) Mly Cnglneere, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern eoiii' l.l'UiUT. rr.itlriil nun. Mr. John liarJa-, owaiher of and l-ahor Couneil will d...tr ron anirox, wmihIii, 11 mj, ron STiwaar, a.t.rear, a a.m. mikiri, Founders, Woodworker. EU. iu enamrrr. i !urnr frowi tin- I itii.il Steamobap Co. aenL llii to nwo needy car during !tmarl mii the Priure Httawri lal and Mr. H. I. ItaMaxni. hi lint winter. .. PRINCE JOHN. Electric and Acetylene Welding. nmli! H i aeeMMWiii'd liy ller. arrixecl from loe MOMh rur Nurta aad S.-uiti ou.ra Chtrlnttr llml. Sfft. 3ti. on. . ft, t pat. hi. i.ier. Jito Ann ;IiHiot n tin' t.kiioii-ia Ul alsttt II. A. IfcHiahO, B. A.. I..I..H, DAILY PASSENGER SERVICE. "ur plant la -j pp- d Id handle all kind of and Mi H. :iolliier. !. will return auttUi toMor a been adb'd to Hi" laff of DAILY EXCEPT eUNOAT. IM fja. r.-i I Mine iMM-rr Cibnunlua. WlMst-eg; nW eveiilliK- be .N irthern Potyteciinii- ami direct r.iir. ii.u I r an im.mil-. t-leru cauada aaxl tailed fclatea. Marine and Commercial Work Ktfnlive ikrtotM-r I. let.- W.-.l- will lake iHie of the High Agency For All Ocean Steamship Lines. bouiid pau'utter train will irm y. i. Imw. -ii mm reeeie Senool wbin-l. A. n. r. II. A. PHONES 43 AND 385 Ilr.. will alo lake CHf Tkl.l Olflc. Za TMra .., Prlac nuptri. Pro ZaO. in I'liiii-e Niihti al dil li-i.'.-r from Hmi. T. I. I'allullo oinr of th.' !( lin-ulay. KaalCHHind in whk-lt llir l.nal ineniWr. who arademieal Itiuh Si'Ium.i ulj- I - i Irani. Mill dMil at N p. in. i ia l.olidin ineiilioil llmt he i a well a Jrenrli. Iail vi'.-i I Hiiitda. maklna ooJ protaaa on ma I. i D A r Wur froirn hrrring bait It conceded by flahermen era on whu-h he ka eUkMeU and TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY tlll'OIH Hi- lit .a. IIU.T. IK II -hmiihI hope h to tie! away naaj. to be the tirieet procurable at njr Pacifio Ooaat .hi liii .l..in. ' Clielohatli and it la "Fishy.- Prire, 130 per ton. la-i ii'uht from Vam-'iuver mn A telegram rronnl oh Sal- LOST B.C. Coast Services ICE The boat wa r inturinir a aroofl quaiuy trip la V. fur I'rini'e Riim'iI: Sii.W.f uiday atated tlier lUat hard froien Ice. Price, i .m OST I III m il .r . Kniil.i to have plenty of our I ir.li f..i n.. and Mr. uoheeahle rbatt hi the raw. pleav i.'i in n liaily X.-w- Sailings from PrinceRupert I-' ion. ! u ,i. f.., v tl. lUnd till run o( Hhi. V. Ji Kannedv llffn-.' If Hutf;,. "r well-eiuioed store can uppty fUhlnir itear, ii uu lain uf railwaif. IU heart i For Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway WUUUI flehermeoa rli.tlnnir. roertei and provlalona very weak a a WMtt of the SepL 4, 15, 25; Oct. 2, 13 and 23. : rdwara. two operaliona whteh lie Im tin- ANNOUNCEMENTS For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Use Our hi'aone. SepL 9, 20, 29; Oct. 6, 17 and 27. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company -. Moo.- Win! Iiiive and llani'i- S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanaon Bay, Ketchikan, Alaska Branca Modern Ale. It. Malh-ON. OMRAiier .f W'eiliie.day, (k-lober tt. East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell the sii-.'iia loniwereUl niter y .. River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Workshop at Port haaiuuloii. nad A. M Keep UctoWr SO free. Iliu Agency for all Steamship Lines. Hipp, iiiaaaifer of llir llrtli.li llnnl.liniei lnuiee llxhibilioii Full information from We have a.mi- to laru ns- vinrrn-an diiineryt H M aiiH Hall. W, C. ORCHARD, General Agent, liritae in equipping, our work-lMI'n'' ailed for YuMrotiver on Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. 0. Htlgerton Block, Prince Rupert. Phone 6S6 holt and now we he the moat!,w muro aiuluy arieniHn Pythian Sltr Ilaaaar iu K.I tiiiiiplt'te ahop in 1M oaUide i I he .eaHoli oteftHM at l4h P. Hall October ft. Dr. E. S.TAIT of ancouver. idanla have eom'tuitnl.- . llopilal Annual IHtHowein Our Staff. Mr. Ragatad and Mr. Gourlay Thouiaa lAHideai, n.i.tHnl Hall. Auditorium, TueMlay, m Dental ALFALFA Surgeon HAY I.xpert watch repairint. iiwrinlealenl en?l4ier for the tidier at. Canadian tkuvernauMit Merchant Office to'9 Mr. Jack Bulger Jewellery Hours, 9. a.m. p.m. Marine, and Kvi h.lward. Ituyal Purple llinur. Klk Sunday by Appointment making iniiml aattinir.and remodelinc,flock repair-mi; dia. Uoyd ureor, arrtve.1 froin Home, .November ft. and STRAW Vani'.niv. i on I he I'rtareaa lloyiil Ihia Mioi-tiinv. I laay are in eon- Cliurrli i.f KnxUnd llaiaar Mr. J. Bulger iiilii ai work, nei tti.n with llir doakinu of the liu it'll Hall. NovimiiImi t&. 1'nni kikIiI av leatnijf.ins. muIi'Ii Ifii repairing.minding. l'.aiiadian Proapcrloc. a. We have just taken into stock a car NOTARY (! W ri I tttf. elr. PreMiyt.-t mii I udn Aid Ha load of each, both of which of THEO COLLAR I LTD. - lae tt. P. It. ieaiHr I'rnii.' laar. Krulay. Nov. .'t. If are IUI1L!C Hoyal, '.miI. Ib-iinati, John Bulger, arriveil exceptionally good quality W from Vaurouver at It o'clock Tou a aul re now Agenta for tha New York Life Inaorane Company. naval. Tha Jewallar llil in..ilium and aUed attain GZEMA rip m baa The moat liberal and atrongeal company on th continent. Ir. 'for Aluk.i .oiU at IS o'clock. E (Wi H.IHul-kkiA THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. how to sane your tte, show you 1962,632,1 3S.S0, Let ua The .i.'aiii.'i h.t.t a Ituhl aiml lur KriMia aa4 1 rriL. ,w.en- Uuwk ll rilw at uua and aradie money. fi" .'iion dvlMirk- alii hr&l 111. tkln. HMihi. bui lit. Prince Rupert, B.C. phon Boa . ed !.l .ml boa rdi'il tin' tVu'a (Hiiuiunt Irt U ym tnnttuil UJa P.O. Box 745 Phone Blua 89. Wealholmo Theatre Block. P.O. -n wr ana ivwi o.lunp irr j,c a 350 -I. . ii.M f.. tlic uorlh. 1 1 all it.airt ur KdnunMW H.w 4 Iu. UL twi.