e.1 A e TAXI 1,1 L' . 99 lit Hails YOKOHAMA THE NEW in a nuiij CAFE Phone HOME BAKERY PRINCE RUPERT AU NF.W.CAItS Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMUNCK IU I'KIIT II.C MOMiAY. OUTOIIKH 2 IU22 Stra,'t ClMtiltUst, 1T21. PRICK FIVE GKNT8 PROSPER FOR PEACE ARE BRIGHT TODAY ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL OF THRACE BY TURKS LIKELY TO BE PROVIDED Arrangement for Conference with FRENCH INTERVENE : HEAVY RAINS Landslide Near Ocean Falls IN CAUSE OF PEACE Before it Sweeps Everything OCEAN FALLS Kemal at Mudania Tomorrow Shows .n.NSTAX I I.S'il'I.K. Ocl. and Five Lose Lives I . I lir ulsej of M People Y ranklih (iiiIImh i( WRECKED DAM Outlook for Settlement Smyrna vtfit lc wen OCKAN FALLS. Or I. 2. l.ig landslide look place at .1 a.m. Improved wilh Kemi ?l'a-ha ha at Klrlui llarlior which liil Ihe llavi Ijinrinir rnmn with IIih mult Mon -Itree-sliil. rnml-111 Preliminary Construction for newjiat, five K.0ple 0l their live. One wa drowned and four it is I" HI llrlli"illireneflt Barrier Was Washed Out believed were buried alive. CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. 2. Orders for the cessation of f FrenHi official here. Saturday Lett Iavi Hiid hit wife who were injnrrd were brought here and pilliUry movements In the Chanah region of Asiatic Turkey and COLLAPSE OF Hi' I- riMiillia the ilii l.onstan. have entered Ihe local ho-pilal. They were living in the bunk- rrut-er liimple (of suspension of activities of the Turkish Irregulars in Thrace MM Heavy ram comuw -n.Menly.Iinue on the beach, bn Issued by Kemal Pasha. Met, probably cnn-istf al lieewH Fall dHrinx la-I week) When the -lide ranie down It carried everything Irefore iL Mi COAL WHARF with Itooerat. Harrinalon .. .. .. .. .. . . . ..... . . armistice conference to- be held t it.- i ft. L. : I 'm it.. I, I It.. t-ri v I The Turks have agreed to an commander Iii chief of rpu-rri iwrr wwiwr "i inf nt-r iff. i lir rump wa- imiii rrrfcru. iir-t:iic fNirur- icu ncrc jc-icr ia aWsnia Tuesday and have requested the allied high commli-tiontrs the llcHi.i ftfrce. come u a fran iai amnny:jiy for me -erne in ine inaier lu miner wnai am i necrary to appoint delegates to attend IL itioniinz -tre rlo-nlfts two fe-l (, (he men -who are nlive and ti help recover the bodies of Ihe The Kemallsts have evacuated CHnkeul and the British no-tontrol over Ihe iM dam H waliil ouljdead. No further particular are arailaMe yeL the whole coast of the narrows to Chanak. ell preliminary rnl rtn-l i.in uwrk! Oct. 2. With the virtual acceptance by Kemal ftir Uh iuw i I Jim TIiv imw! f conference LONDON, at Mudania, the whole near east situation Is con-iMvred Edward Hamilton Loses Life at HALIBUT PRICE IS 'Imcluro i IrHnar hiiill irvr Hie RELAXATION CAUSES SCENE still Cold Sloraoe Plant Vaster-. .1.1 - - 1 - - 1 1.. U I.L to be temporarily easier. However, the Turks are tontsntrsting troops In the Ismlu lone, despite the withdrawal ON UP GRADE AGAIN ? ytH'm t the ta.e ilChansk, Indicating, according to remarks after the British cab-Inn fetwart-l Maiiiilli.n. a Market of the IJ dam l allow fur Hie OF TENSION IN A CHURCH second meeting, that Kemal Is playing a game. ) Eight Boats WarMUd 9J.500 rir",'" ' MM" ' hei,. riiaetl at IH ' amMian man ......4. . r..h.no. th.. ,11 lll IMTII..H of Ihe Hew Kili ami r.W !iira4lr O itinMy"ii Note of Despondency Over Victoria Worshippers Surprised Trawler Kelly Including Peril of War Less Menacing intal eWk fnlrritay. loot Ills II fr faai thai wa wrecked. It. It Situation Gives Place to to See While Robed flgura jlal liUjhl alM.ul H m k when Priee fur IhiIIi firl an.l niiw belieietl that ll will 1m, Int. Hope i Marching Down Aisle. a Krtl' ( Ikr ikwk r'llaai-il WUile I" rieee Willi the Hew la halihul hi the ui-ertwte Conference fr with Armistice Itrtr l-aMT Amur wa iiii- at IIh Ftlt t-'trliaiia-e lhi r'inalruel nm uniil wett LONDON, Oct. 2. There SEIZED BY USHERS. fcteaUnR a rr. of rl Ibm-. because n( I lie inceaHl Is rslaiation today of the mornlHit. hiahl le-al were le Arranged: Policy is Outlined Tbf irwl harl H-rn al lh iKn-k with a i'-lttl l ...ihm. IhieH water Hiai niay he tension over the east situation. Simon Loses Cloak In Struggle all anrrMMHi mmIinmIiiib anil Kale- ere felle: fieeleil iturin Ihe winlrT-. The despondency noted and Discovers Lack-of Clothing ttirrr mrrr alwiMi lie of lite rulH eatne very neaiy In the press comment of the Beneath. . . . v -Ti V . .Ill L l-l .. iHIIKilulli HlltlllBl UrM- Mtfl .... Ilia. W4l Afl-f ttMMl Ikua Vuliiftleer. J.ftoi; imuimI, at week. Al the firnl 1 I I. 'I r.. T ' ' i. .. a M. t...I .'l . nutbleely lat last few days has given way all iiioM-mriil ol I roup rspeHvd Itere toJej areittetii ttrremi weily week i., ..i.iM-ii.l jl ei imJ M:e,a n t 0 u4 .to hope,although-not.to v-VIUTiHUA.'ljct2rrlhilietJhaL o solute confidence that war 1 1 lie Klu Kiux Man bad i mailed i wieeu liffiefTiW. . .. rhwe Jowh uatH mi a net Hint if has teen averted. Victoria wa dispelled when ferrn. Will Im iln i.letl I In- T-lMM.aj lis r, al Ihe IMwe, Ike wrr, w I tl v iMilti'li ifl Mrr. I t ..r I ma I..J I . . I.. . I lie ..Ined tautiW) f Ihe r im i vri. lain. The bulk of press opinion Snimn Kaiirencliikitp. a doukiia-lor. .! nieoUMft wf I lie -II.r,I h.-cl. . .nini. i..ii.-r. ine mi 'remaimier f me HmiwuTmrn NitrHia. 6.IKMI MitW. aixl in greater iiiaiiiHee!.. II.ittan i" Is that Osneral Harrington wa arrelel ye-lerday. l. ilen Th r . h delat-li-l.ieek belli! eSMMreil Ihe hwiil of wanleil with llie cnneiuenl Service In . ,.l ll'tts llie WCHN,ll..l -I llrtlM'r. IM.niil' iphiiikI. hrt'li al has saved Britain from war were privtwdinir a '""' (I.. trUii l the hl. When I lie wharf rate lama-,'. local church when marked inter aNied IrmM' ''"""K 15.1m- aiHl l.?r. I.i the Atllaa I'Sah. thus far and It Is hoped he a iieMlllalel aWAf HaWMll-h I The fl'wxl- haie nl. huwrver. will be left a free hand to while ruhevl fismre elerrd and i..l.. I ftw aaln mi kn. of. III.- flll i ri.--. .. ..... . rurldiled llie iierulinii nf Ihe inarcheit the alle carrying i.iwu . 'ji-.n thai ISe ' - I m I 1 1 t deal with the situation until .. kewoi imme.it ,i i i'I..I ..f rostl Ihe renin.imfc i . Inlma '"'' Utinulaiyi' I 1 IHMI plant. It is settled. a laff mounted with a white EMPRESS LINER iii "ier HIHS re.'iMiiia eiianrea flax. nf.reiii'.- itrmuMiiin , 1 ....-. isl 13... t.. "I is h!. die ei.uer ,y , . I -her- neiaetl llie nun who iniirnl I rkixM if in rrnnvinf ni or re., ue.. The H-e. I....I1-. ai iJ-e J .. J LHtt Drtr 1 101 L OFFICERS APPOINTED re-i.leij and ill the strusgla . SOCIETY PASSES A which en-ueil hi. ruin eatne nff W !, v t, ittaWMi e "nfeifSH-e LIBERAL ASSOCIATION oliviou. revealing Kailienrtiikop. v..I Ihe i l of ' ' l rurm jal.in ! ni Ihe am in ! HUNTERS RETURN RESOLUTION RE WAR ty in nerd of ehMhiii. He wa .at Ueilain n la Reluming to Vancouver from cm.1 -nl l the hiMUim. I he M. A. Macdonald Is President ru-he.l In llie cloak rtin and ' iih tiari'lHlft fiMl. hh he uiitnrlMSMUe man FROM FORTNIGHTS with Mrs, Ralph Smith as drajted. l"V"i.N it.. The luiVlab a Point Three Days Out en-route reeiwered hut MnXTIlKAl IK. I. The ha nwf el lieen First Vlce-PresldenL to O riant, CRUISE DOWN COAST il "f Hie SI. Jeall ! ntmra iiiianiin'"' i . hpel I" lake II nut wn the iieneral I'nuui . x.i ill. artexi ( Mnlai'li' !"! hew Mdr iMiuaht ami a diver IlanMoie jM.en-iy lia- i.a-el a NKIXI.N. !. lie fore tin' MARKSMEN AT RANGE k '"l iUtrie. tin- ! - ir.4l VKR. I - will iimlNihly he enl Onwn. liouitlas Stork, Norri- Prinale rr lull.'il ur'ii8 thai rMnafol )(f t.heral cimveitfiiui MCNICHOLL CREEK I ' ! ' rlrM MlflaNNI Ml' I i . . Kiiinre. .if Australia, three the Mrli"ii of the lak no nail llie war in the Ihe Provincial peenliarly. I reit Hale and SlaH VMoh re- here, offerer of eaee ,-iiIi-h-imi- i U .ni Ii.mii Vaaemiier im li-r aVt k wHieh roUapwd "an Mee.i ,rw, , Ihe wf e k.ol from a near earl. l.iheral --.M ialion were elected ' tlie llrienl with (il pa-..... R. Wilson Won McMordle Spoon - i ttetsrli lii -"" Am rcii'd il ale-ul fmir IIMliUl 4wvi week huntiiia IrMi down lh" a follow-: i . Ua lurn.il ate.ui ail i ar aiiii it wa a henl over im w la the laiiaej, GROTTO AND JUNIOR Pre-Klenl M. A. MacthiHaM. For Day and Charles Lemon Suatpim . l lhl MHl WHIM I" Bo Arm ii'lliiiiina pile, thai went IhriHiah- II ha hr report the IuihUhs Vice.Pi-e-ideiiU. Mary Mien Captured fat ma. It in-' I i-.MjWe. n-l yet been definitely awer-lameil the -ceiierv of '..ie heat. In Ihe ALL JlAriJ PTinp ni ILAILU ivrn Smith, A. I. Fiher of Feriiie. Cup VAIN ATTEMPT llie ll.illl.le s UelielW ! te what wa the real rau-r mir-e of tlieir irip lliey coverot Trearer. :. i. Mc.Nabb ef hi the ilinu .lel. The efel f Ihe eaillapoe. IM iiwle and were on Ihe iso GOOD BASEBALL GAME Kal KiMMeliay. II. W.I-oh wn- the Me.Mordie i. i.(.. . ! .1 I reach here Tue. Ihe arcidrnl occurred "l iMirly every da. Anutnz Hit I Secretary h be appointed by SMMin wlHuer at the Me.Nichoil KILL LIBERALS Ia . When Ihe huchel wa- over ine iroiHts viorted were Kiluouat. Finn The lil II.. Ininiiedlale lac- 'he executive, r.reek ratine ve.lerday. the timmMt- The follow in were thr receid it " wharf bill when Xalional ir?aiiiathm Ulanl. IRItoevee-. hllUU Arm, ball team defeated a team nf Imld of Ihe teewer tteiiiu rilled. lee: William Ivei, victoria; r.lot the v mi ton- marksmen whit deer. l-land. FISH REPORT DEALS end Potrher Heanlcs Junior All tiar in a very in- Scnd Accident to Train nr-l0 There were aeveral eye witiiee Ihey tried tloir I nek at beer ami tere-linv po-i.-ea-oii uialrh al II. M.-Ii. Itu-ell. Vaiu-i'uver: F. OoV, p;irt ill the -IiimiI: Dl.gallon But all Pass-ngcrs WITH LICENSES AND if Ihe travedy. Aid. MiMilanm-.... i.iML 'I'Ii luii infill.!.! HUM ilgitr 11.. lHmiu.li. Hill v!.elii v uf- li. llaw-'Mi. Prince ltiiert: Noble J0(l 30t trim Til. L.A Ilrtiwn 31 SI S cry. wm wa eiiaw" l. uu.l nu.. Tlo. i... .. il.. acme IteMtx I) i.. t iliiini". I ran. i. "' "'."" W. 3t Safe. USE OF GAS BOATS ailie linloauillB nperwiiiM.-. trip w a iri.'iil one filled with The nialrli wa featured witli: II. WiImmi Jtf 30 5HI e lefl one of the coal pile, mi r. Imon 31 23 ? l many novel c rience. Wlie JJiMXI live lieiUlll?, IWO DAWSON ON EXECUTIVE ' V "liahler- Ihe wharf, a few inmulen lie To re douhte playn liawnw been liiMvIe NOTICE TO NORTHERN II. W. Usnieron, 1M 36 SG ' III f X. - occurred. A. M. Uavie . . J "S-r-ll Ihe c.illapae each side. There wan u very k Slide) on C. P. R. Causes M. .tllMllll "I l HI''JafAiee IIUIHIHT In Hamilton who wa . aboul a ENGINE REPLACED by fair crowd id perlaWr aud il POLYTECHNIC STUDENTS W. lira- 31 35 S 70 I..UC.I t"Blna to Turn Turtle With-, t ll.en.e...m...u1m1 in Ihe an eminent year- or eve. wn a naute f i nr u IN HYDROPLANE 1 plannetl to have another game A. M. !lreinit . il 57 3 77 out Loss Life. I nileil Stale- ami came nere M. M Lamb . . . ! 37 -I 7 1 of fi.liene. enliliniaaliMi lierliap net I Sunday. clan-j-- in Hull School th The i.. . rr..n. Thkiiiiiii He rrftlded n MrAleenaii uiiiUre aud V. I lav lea )fi K SC 71 J. wa vl Whnll ie..lMj. mii-iiamn. Paik Avenue ami leaves H wiu'W The hidroiiue HaielUui wa uhje4 will be held on llie. . Reilh ...:..! J7 0 73 HII I. lir I. I. The 't -' i ihe I'aiiflr l.ial. Ihe team lineal up a fulluw: ,l.r U'xIiu..Ijv 1.11.1 'IllUP-daV 111 l.iheral ..i. Who i vry mui'll limkeB up v'r i eived to the ttoveriiiiienl dork lb; H II. Ka-diifan . 10 16 il o3 Ihe (irbtlo- airy III ... !" eal WH -HarVie. 'l? the Kin Kdward Scho.il al 7:0 from I I i I Ihe siilleii il.'tttli r Iter huabauil. for a while tin iiinriiitiK where ililnoHir. Maxwell. 3b I. i. lUstt 3 IH 831 - Iiaek to Ihe rnlt I be ef; Imal- ami no! Monday a -lated U on tin-like ..f ga i u... whirli ha been llior- Royal Arms Cup the eirnnne. i- HaudeH-rhild. lb;.Ulapp. 'ii eitiitenlliMi raji imIo River- aal Hill, c; llulleliit of Information. uf SSOB ui. oiiKlily uvriliaulcd by Mr. Hill.I rf; B. Warren, A. Ihe Tlie llajat Arm Onp. one of the -lull' Iwetit utile eal iilliliieinlall'Mi- in rv WEATHER REPORT U: Wall, p; On Tuesday the subject Vill be . make- rei the C-alitarv tne lianlr. vvn r- i Id eily trtiphie iiiven by an Old in Ihe KHornlNti halt. Hoy. I. fnr and l-alin. I'ln.e ..'uoii lZitiili-li -nil. turned over hut a-exl- I" MONTH SEPTEMBER placet). It is expected Ihat the All KUtr Junior lludenieii. On Welneday, Frenrh and Country auiiiMiiiithin firm, wa " hurt. A lUtwur via but ii nuiliy ne. .ne will return (o the interior ef; Sim, If; Kelly, lb; Anderson. Urawina-. elo shot for at the uou yard !, Wence'a Itrhlfie irver i i ,ii i- it The follow tun vel. r -iiiii- ir a I'oiiptc of ilttyn. ,. I'rliitll. p: Mekerson. e; On Thureday. Malheiuaties and ruiiKe and won by C LeiiMiii with n total of 3U. Other score in lilbl.anl. It; Wendell. 3b; l0l. .11 laia. ui Vanroviver and molilli f eU-plemlier YIELD OF MMry for Ihe tlii enuipetiliun were: II. WiUoti, m led in aralv In Van- AYERAGE is isued by H H. Crew. Iioiiiiiimii FRANCE AND ITALY 3b. 1 'I..- .1.i - f.aas twUIialrv U lII 31; M. M. Lamb. 3u; W. Unvie. 1 I''I HlitilllBllI Prllice llU WHEAT IS HIGH IN ihiveruiHetil uicli'iiioloui.l : REFUSE TO INTERVENE rM'orv by ImiiIhk: meet on Tue-day ulslit iuloud ut Sd; A. M. Davie. 3M; l. J. (Joule. ualea Were aluiaril. M teni4eiatiiii'. ' "" Wedue-day in the lloolh Ssluxil. 1 1 a M '" i iiotio i ii i I x ii o ii v--o t; VV. Iteiili, 3V: H. W. Cameron. lUMuiH of pi llu SEASON Sheet Metal etas will litre while tlie FOR MANITOBA If I Si-plemher IN A MILITARY WAY 37: W. M. ltruwu. 34; W. lira. . - re-eleelml a stu'liilier of w. n All Star- J U II t 0 0 0 0 t meet tin Tuesday imlead of MinimuiH lenpeiniure. 37; A. M. Ilreiuner. 33; II. II. ' H'-ual Lliteral eoi'ulivi'. N'"' SeidendHf I a Ml 7. .MimkI-v mailt and in the Uouth t.MPKi.. h-i. - Meau leHiperalur'. a". ' J'AfllS, Oct I. It wa uutlinr. REV. B. STAUFFER DIES. Sehooi lnlead uf in Sleen & Ftmau. t. m of thieahina nearly mplele I hat France w ill l.uekr, refieraeutalivi' Ualii. t.e liu lie. llnllvely -Haled lettuywill's ahwp. SIONED VISITOR'S BOOK. " llelyea. the Vancouver ikA esllinalcil aveiaac i lUtr, uf hrtirhl .iiii-hnnv .h. refu-e to Intervene in a military TOIUI.NTO. tleL S-Hev. Dy-rtui J. PINlIJrtMi)SS. 'inerv unr er of wheat -1 Hie of clash between SlaufUr. a promliiwit firm, i- in the ciiv on way in cae a liulf will i....ui. .uii. la bushel, and ' Turks ami HrllUh. preaeher uml writer, pa-tnr uf BIRTH. Vtil&Ng. Oet. swpaier -veaiU ni, e RUMORS. St Imalnde. re $t bushel SINISTER .?..... . i. i. .....i the tUty Temple. iKvd at hi 4IIII..UI1. . ibai ue HrllUh mltu ( arinu Moinl- In llie dl I,, lev l4iMH.N. "el. I Sun-lei WJ.VUi. IUI. . II I SIWITOI lioru to Mi and -t. i .ijiue.t tin- vtsiter book at V inU return li.'Sl week. ImJv.-n ml ii thai llulv will fiffH-'W France li"i"' here early Una inoriiiiiK ..ii wu -outh of . 1 Mi- I Ma-mi l"'- rumors are ahriwd tuililary aid to tlie r heart dmeasc. He was Mr. J M. i .dtis.111 ..f H. v. nlti IIm' palare vt'4t.nlay and they in. 'ke la sou of Ihe of lair- in refusinit Ihe . reached the ' " ' nulion on pH fortiierly of Hie HiMid Avenue Kl, al Ui ucii. 'al lb t. in. i iln n IUiUsIi reviviiitinii 1 i'l. I iM'ka. who weftt dw llie nriiiM'i-Ulliiu f a ltritUli III the event ut war in na-lnr reglal- . ....... -- Met'iber I. of the lies thig. l" I...U. ..rieruuull and i ... I -itir,i ''ikyreyatioiv.il I'hurch. iH ul r. I'lincaaa miehu ill il, , , an.Jul,., -'r'1 ' I ,i Hi.. i i-a atvr autna yeart ago lei vd a' : M'"1 ' 1 '