The Daily News 50 EASY TO BE INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE TUESDAY BANQUET ON pniNCE rupert' - British Columbia Publiihed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince WELL AMONG Lively and Enthusiastic Affair MACDONALDS nupert Daily New, Limited, Third Avenue. I Held In St. Regis Car Fol- II. P. PULLEN. Managing Editor. towing Final Qamt of Take "Fruit-a-tlyes" The j Season SUBSCRIPTION RATES: J Wonderful Fruit Medicine i On Tneaday nlaM. f..liwm- City Delivery, by mail or carrier, pep month . . . . $1.00 1 Hie final Inlertix'iiiatr Leaaue by mail to all parts of the llntuh Empire and the United States,! RXM mo St., MorrsttL lichnll (in me, there wa a livelj-and in advance, per year .JO.OOl "I Suffered t. rnMy TriMtt Ciutipm-tie enthiltatte hnanet Held In to all other tannines, in advance per year 97.50 miut Ihtprptm ' inasy years. II..- SI. ItesTU Cafe I., .-etehrale the I felt (wiiM after eatiat aa.t had (., rloe of the eoii mid the r-. BRIER TELEPHONE 68 const at heekrlee sad ss noaMe Hwy mt the Grotto m .sptaHnfi to sleep at aifht. I waatrttiorso fthe OMl Cup ainl Mi.' hVarh IfM. Transient Display Advertising fl.40 per Inch per insertion thin tUt I was frib4eed. There wefev ah.itit fifl -r rransienl Advertising on rront I'age $2.SO per mrli At last, a fnrmd eJwW aw t Mi M.n present includm lit. ni. ni Loral Readers. prr insertion 25c per line "f nul-mlrm"mm hi a brt time the her of the dentin. !il and Son-of Classified Advertising, per Insertion Sc per wont COasUpalioii s baaastaed, I Ml uo Canada team. and official Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per .agate line more pal, headaehes or dyspraxia, relic league. ', j, Caali jreled Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. sad aUoell."Bvr 1 am ttfonMis, (treat Following the dlnal of tl" w fa Mainly ealftMo thai hi. Immi Ma.Um ARTIlt ll HKAUCIIKR. DAILY EDITIO.N Jt Thursday, Aujr. 17. 195. provided. peIie '"' nuaaV . . trial site SSe. 60e a U. lor O, Itert Moraiiii. Fred liilbuty. Har-ey At ilMlrr. o m Hi fttfmui by Fraser. ft. Ottiuoiir, H. SHHn, Salmon Catch fruit a uee i t.-.t l)IUw Mr. I' I.a-nrle and J. Mr.lssnn. It Diminishing. I. h present! Jie (Mi dafi ! Following the session of the Kiherie Commission there II..y (iilinoiir, eAi.laia mt the Otnt- is a gixMl deal of diruioii going on in the rity as tit the salmon SUITCASES l.i-. Anotjier idna-ailt fisnsiice ..f park and its imirtance. Owing to no fault of nun we unfor jlhe evminw wws thi'esiatl.n Packages 15 innately published on Tuesday erroneous figure in regard to (he TRUNKS !i.i Alex Ttoy f a Biee frann hi park. Today we are aide to give the correrled lit, which make BAGS (Hill llals on til' nriHI of hi CLUB a rather Letter showing although it indicate, as was staled Tuesday, i recent marHairei Toat -eri ' that there is a serious falling iff in the socket e park. oriir.k to the rn.ii teams.' Up to last Friday the pack from the Hkeena Hiver ralrh was Large Stock on hand. .I'T and nffi. iMl ant ih-' MW4i-ptiit a. ii n art- tiif 8rt,HOQ rases. Tb only eaii with whirh this ran intelligeiitlv Prices very low. I ! nanl Balliern.n ilir' esaieeleil a a resiill of ii ei. I compared i the sea-on of IHI8, four years ago. Then the ali.uii 1 1 -30 after flo- li irl aw- aHiinalH'ti Canadian National Railways iack was 123,322 rases. As the season rlne on Tneday next J. F. MAGUIRE Mig ..f the Nation,!! nlhn. ' it ran hardly he expected the Skeena park will reach much l-e-yonil Nlt tha Prince Kupert Hotel . U V. lrdv4o lefl last week Ofl.OOrt rases for the season, a falling off of approximately liar Jieajltte hy ailloliMdille acclii-laaed (MUST WASH HANDS Prince Rupert thirty thousand rases. The fart that it is twire as ,g as last bv V. .V. IW.sur a far year means nothing, for there i no relation Iwtween the park OF RED INTERNATIONAL ZtTl, of last year and the park of this year. The fh return every DRYDOCK four years and if the park is heavy this year it is likely to Iw Ten Years Ago MiXfKiX. Ailtr t Tlie lint. Mitvr aal aoo h- heavy four years from now providing enough fih get up the In Pi'nca Kurrt It Miner' Fd'ralion has . are now VIW in vanesnwrr. river to spawn. If the river l over-fihed, enough fjh do not ridei lo have no alliance with the AND get nal the nets and the eatfh four year hence is going In Ie II,,..,an Me,! Inlemalioaal. or the iiKirrtaee of II 1 hacker smaller. - Auqust 17, 1912. rarniMMt. or Hoist. f'- SHIPYARD The larsrel low of lle rr Hn' W yik4. A motion .alhoa W affrii- rlL" ' To hroutrhi thi far nortli arritr.1 ,M oinetattsiir. Important a lion with the Hnian element Conserve Fish. from KlKiriw ycaicntay liehiml Oparatlno Q. T P. 10,000 Ton Flsatlng Dry Dock ww defeated at a reeat netHi Whatever else the fisheries commission may have in view, the liiv Helle. They will lie of the federation vote to Viet. IM", laacai mnnurr Cngtnsars, Machinists, Bollsrmassra, laoksmllhs. Psian one thing they should eertalrily do, ami that i see that, the river yel in cMnccli..n with dry dock .JO -1. ... . 1 li I 1. the Oaoadian National Tele. makars. Founders, Woodworkers, II. is not fished out. The Fraer Hiver fishing has Leen mined ami eoaslruciina. . . . vra4a teavea Ihl eek l afiend the Skeena will follow as a depleted stream unless preraution - - ..-.i. ... , ik. holiday. ia WiunlKg. Electric and Acetylene Welding. are taken. This year there has Leen a weekly r!oe season from I Me qiifalion or eternal pun-iahmenl federation, "we nu-t waah ttwl is rrreivtiifr Ihf alien. Ur. Madgerti. who has heen for (lur is equipped to handle all kinds of Friday evening until Sunday evening earh week when the salmon . ... I - a f , haiHt of the rtc.l International." ; plant are allowed to pass unmolested and. judging t.y report, it is .afe VT 7" 'eeral itMinih in l"-lern jii- , to Prince Iteorve and Commercial Work tth ov thai tri Iayl hn ln mh.m U M.,kAlAjl Th. r.Al, 1.. ' .w. niiTT ctirnnnctcit ada retwriosl Marine Army, leadlnir Ulrtlll dnUIUJriOll reoned hi had a gool opportunity to gel past Ihe nets and tbi result should. ,. , lal week and has PHONES 3 AND SSS peine moit satlfartory. If H hours weekly is not sufficient,! 'usHJ TOWED A FISHING I iitenlal office.. .. the rloe season will have to tie still further lengthened, posi . ..., .... The forme' opening of Ihe n 1.1.. i... ik. r: I r i u i... BOAT TWENTY MILES -'" -e,.., - jr, .Miw.y..Wllt,,rr.l. ai)U fi mw qttar- u The Man ike Mma oiit- inK-iFi.n "iiurn, ioeriiivii aiiu -iirinierik, II l inilMir- i a iu the Kdcrat ll.k will lm' .... I II,.i 41.. I.. T.. el...... :., .1.- i.. HALIFAX. Auk 10. It ,un iiif ii-ii I"- ini, ur .'ftrnilft I or lllljr IIIIMP- I luhe !-. nil e roi iik. Ilir l-een learned that hoot J ant aii-anauiaii river in me ivesi, Irtrm a flherman s point of an empty view, and its salmon should !e jealously guarded. ihe room oecwaion.will be umiwn K'eo for (Mind in low a giant ordfih.M Lumber & Lafth IkJ ool imlirsw- any l ' of hit. I I.I. fare ihe town Pink Salmon wan life as was at rirt teareii. To h4lentng- ill a prey Run A Good One. ORIGIN OF ROSARY A Lnnenhurti fllirnvn had Where they fritter away Ihe The pink salmihi,' hetter known perhaps a Ihe humphack. .!arel two attmlfish'and while; money Shiplap-Boards and is running well this year. Up to Friday last Ihe pack for Ihe Play at Wastholms Shown Last landing one Uie other tita.le off A ix I later have lo pay. season on I lie .Skeena was J2ljifl rases. In 1018 the park of Night to bo RepsaUd Willi hi hoat at the end of the Dimension the same rlass of fish was 1111,727 for the whole season. As the tine. It towed the boat twenty CO.VSKItVATIVrW in I ho rily pinks are still running well. Ial year's park may lie reached this The Ilo.ary. Ihe Firsl National uitilen he fore il wa diooerl. walk wKh a firmer lep and a Thoroughly Air Oried and Stored t oVr JeT year or very rloe loll. Ioihly it may lie exceeded. There photoplay hown at Ihe 'eU prosnW hearing slare the im seems to have heen no falling off in Him pink, hut the, pinks are kssiloe Theatre la at night will he , PRINCE GEORGE f Ihe UnanhriMdk re.iili came a rheaper fish and not as valuable to either ranners or fishermen relnl toiiinhl. It is hmiian thriNisU. a Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding as the sorkeye. Still the time is roming when tbey may he a mot iatereat sJnry telling? of three The Ikiiinnioii lhaulaiwiua valuable asset oiefied here v.-atenlay in the Ilex Many ie.ple who during their and Finish ereal love, one of whirh is unrr Theatre and will continue ill life are praoiiraHy unknown. iluiteti. per f Hr ma im.' for four day. nsanae lo eeure a go.Mt oiuiu. Settling Strikss, The nrixln of the Christian SPRUCE LATH ary at Ihe lime of their death. Vary Important. Mlsary is shrimdeil in anoiei.t II. O. Perry. M.I..A. has left Strikes at perioilir intervals Jiave lierome rhronir. Employers leBemlry, hut it la known that in Manurctur4 In Prtno Rupri and Mlllng at Lowot PH for Wmnijn a len day ho-ineaa I INK or two men advocated and employees seem to expert them and yet liolh deplore the ihe fourth century. Peler the miht trip. a fur cure herring, wbei necessity, and well they may. A strike always means loss lo Hermit uod pchMea lo help ron imth. As a rule the men suffer worse than, the employer, hematite cf I rale hi Itioualits, oaslinir Meaar. Koolr, .Mellaffy ami roiiMiiUshan.apeating liefote A urild Ihe fiberiee cure is PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. they have not the resource. However, nothing i ever theni aside ane hy one until hi Shaw are being trHS ferret I from i4ot usual in the Uy. Mt F.very gained hy either side that might not lie gained hy pearefnl mean prayers were aid. sal Co, Prlnca Rupsrt Talspasa the Queanel KMOfiinient apenl iMxly waul a radical cure for if there was a greate.r degree of ronfidenre shown on Imth sides. Frmn this-crude pebiile roary office lo Prinze ueorge. everything. Men cannot understand how it is that roal whirh i due- for raioe (hat whirh is ud linlay. . 4 a dollar and a half a ton must sell at four five dollars or in order Ihe nlrintr of heads eiulina with The Priises fierjie poliee N(IV thai skirl are to make the operator a Profit, and yet the matter is simple,(he cross the ayuiaol of aer coiiiHiisionein have rereived a down what will all ihe girl couung do enoiign-u the facts are inveligaleil. Overhead is something that w, list of the hoaia pnrehaser with Hielr fancy .garters. Out SALE the average wurkiiigmau does not understand, and yet the operator of liquor ai the tonal vendor's Closing who does not lake it into account will soon fare Ihe hank-rnpiey Prosperous advertising means .tore. The nalfte. It Is aald. TIIHHK will he great dWap. rourL I regular cnrtUnuous advertiainir jfiiiiiili maiiv aurprves and poinloienl in certain circle that sss NO MONEY IN SELLING SHOES. vwse some of Ihe roal iniuers are We are forced to qmi My wh ile -i.-u-i going hark .lo work. fhoes must go. to keep hoiu.i Mitb my i .1 t. r - Follow Th most sensational pries cutting Shoe Sale er stsH these Recommendations WIIKN yM wih lo show how In th city will b carried en at 3(0 Third Anu. Uibjeetionalile s4iioehiiig i. uirn. Mow to reavd tha Chartt A lion that it i like laying "Cran-hreok" The Hart Block I.P.O. moans Imporlal Polarina Oil. to a Liberal. . Hale to continue unit! every pair lias licrn IJ'.M. means Imporlal Polarino Modium Oil. and tH oo viitiu s t hi m h iir I.P.H. means Imperial Polarine Haavy Oil. HAPPILY Ihe world goes mi I.P.T. means Imporlal Polarino Transmission Oil. faven with an opiioHliiu Viieui- o A titow-'s her replacing Nest country.Ur. King in Ihe M. McArthur, The Shoe Man Enttns Lubricant Trana. j Dlff.r- -AMI 350 Third Avenue. MAKE OF AUTOMOBILE mU.loo ant 1.1 m Summir i WinUr now that Mr. Uowser ha won an election, 4ie should un-iloiiliUNlly Ch.rr.Ut (S Cyl.) I.P.H. IJ.H. I I.P.T. . TF.T m rhoeen leadnr of AUotharMadals MocUl 4t0 I.P.H.I.P.M. I.P.M.I.P.M. I.P.T.I.P.T. j I.P.T.I.P.T. the partys 'or another term of D A IX ur 'mien herring; halt Is ennceded by fl,b,r,m'J years. DM.1 1 ,0 th finest procurable at any Psoa D- Bros IjP.M. I.P.M. I.P.T. I I.P.T. . 4 Port and It Is "Fishy." Prlc. $30 per ton. LP.O. 1P.O. Till' fisheries routoiiimi IPF Th" Uti of inaurlnir a ood qusllty t" I.P.T. heard a lot of evidence and lwCa to have plenty pf our hrd frqien lee. m Cray Dort J.P.H. I.PJV1. I.P.T. : I.P.T. knows a lot more about human I per ton. f nature than it did a few days Onffifa 0,,r well-iulpped store ean supply tint 1 McLaughlin (44-M) I.P.M. I.P.M. All othar Modal. I.P.H. .P.H. I.P.T.I.P.T. I.P.tI I.P.T ago. It will know more before WUirilS nshermen a clolliliur, Krceris and pry'"uB il conclude Its labor. and bsrdwars, QarUod I I.P.H. I.P.M. I.P.T. I.P.T. 4 IT may not agree with tha NEW ENGLAND FISH Company - If you drl'anolhr malai mt car cosault tha Impwitl Oiart of psalmist 1 1ml "all men are ranch Kacanianandationa to datarmina tha ut Kstchlksn, Alaska (rada ImparUl Polarlna which should , liars" liul II will believe thai you m ualnf A.'vam?iaaB3l Ihere la a prelly good per Imperial Oil Limited oeuliige among the tubing pop. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., UM,TD Mfiuwluwi mnJ Mtktr$ ml ImmtrUl illation. SAILINGS . tmltrinm Mmtmr Oilt and Afarftafart In for Vancouver, Ocean Falls and Hwanson Hay. TuJ 9 ' Caaaafa Carf JHmHivil. AFTI'.H all Is a man lo 1m roe Vanooussr, Alert Hay and Port Hardy, Halurilay r blamed for telling a fih story, For Anyos, Allen Arm, Port Himpson and Wale Isifai even lo a paiiiaiuf ntary rnu-diiasinn. in Id n Ik tit. For Nass Riser Csnnsrles, Friday a.m.