nm rum THl DAILY HIWU Tburmlm -a FINAL SCENES BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui THAT eOTHE.f 4 C COURSE I IF XOO COteO HlrA IT -SVOUUD OPMINE Its A TOORE NOT TRIAL OF THE OOI ALU MiCHT UPTCT-TOO J & WOTV XOOR WHUC MC JUvr XrU HE UP AND LAIN- CAME S WiO AiD N07 THINC - I UlrVU Nra- 4 Q TO OVTUHe Hon A TWO MURDERERS i-rrr" wait ci WEC.JK liHnTnrn LIKE r-Y fk; ' i r . ,.,) Effort la Make Political Speech VP to Court Frustrated by Judge Al thermal Irene hi the trial of tlie 1mi murderer lion and. O'Sullivnn. whii killer Sir Henry Wilson in London and who we rub II Vi banned a few day ago. the prioner Dunn akeJ t lie allow ed to rem! a Malemcni wliitii Mm) judge ft eel a red wan a Jmrliflea 1 1 n ii. j i 'k i . i iiim ui inie ngn-i mi mil. i ui nit pi TifuHl read. Innn addrcMtng? I he piiurt aid: I it J- I ftiiHftf I tmiM -rut out Ihejl Jtatrh die abjective I ff II inclined to Ue iimler the prrMint r4mtm-Maiice arllon were .eriouMy lhi Malenen1 ean irtve theiH Jmt I piuM Male that Illtl 1 believe the mo. any adtautaite. I feel Mill, under lhee very live whirli UnfieUed Hie Jakingx Mr. JiMlee hhearnian read American am rircuuiMnnrc. proudly; of It it it i n ii life in Hie irrcjii I'll rim jmt( TrHflt the Laleittent Daily News Classified Ads. Express -oiirtou ihi j am an iriMiman .,.,, war were eriouMy conMd referriiiK In Hie ifiwner' eft. V,..." im.r-I.... mi nil iirnni I I ill 1... um-tfumn I erevl. I reeetved tut niwier fir rr in Hm HrlHiili Army. I a CENTS PEK WOKU IN ADVANCE, No AdtwtUwwnt Tkn fur Lmi than SO Money Orders from I lie JiviMuftl luieeHif thin jiarlieular piece of JniMne.. 'Hie .UUiriiey-iieuerfll theti adil who ha lieen aked for account So. in rrairluMnn. I wiMl lo dreaee! Ihe Jnry liriefly. ayinK Issued on of my character, and ymi will' Male liial even though, a I Dial te evnle4ir 4bal bad ii FOR BALE WANTED Norway, Sweden agree that 4hi in the firM lime the ing decrilel by vmi ft political & nrniie, 1 will lie fouml "KHilty"" g-iven cmpeety proveil Hiat ytr Sl 5f-,M lmon WAMKU Woomn I roller. lor loHrl that 1. and friend, fr and not rdevani t tin Court. Denmark at Lowest my iitL,y 1hi, Jifryi nd ,,y y,,,, mm. l ww ptj"ier had wilfully and " h.p. (iuaranteeil engine, prleo work. Apply Hotel Onlral mailer, have awarerf n anyi f B, jury Were pr..b. plirjMW-ly fired Ml Mild IIMlHlelW MmM be ptjt 1m- arlrH ration tw-fore Ollll,OII Current Ratei rnminal couH. That I take my Uvuvr C4iurde in the Sir Henry WI1n. a Cotrt winch wtld be WsC. ilh ron rteNT j.ariieular ide l.eMde bnMHipetenl to deal wtth the mat. SH .p. ralmer. mrllir.j.ean war. 1 truM thai the Mr. JiMice shearman. In um-miiift low. dlMie A genla far national pride j jH-inir a nrtirt.er aid ler a tnirt of Ike bigbot and eqwrfMnenl. IJ'AHT IIIM SK !. rent. iMCtiulied' jjlRt,er there Owrl. whieh i the .Iv up, wa not a iMO.IMI. Norwegian American 4ir Ihe Iri.h raee. I had 'n-lRoMet wtih-li maller, ftinl whieii nbadow of relevant etidence At, powers in -FhrrM who would al Jap Inlet. Pun-her Inland Swedleh American Lb tints deattre. t h. Una i. avnreI io phre lioneM atale. nMW irignt and p. fUtef. lbUte Ml Sini. lireen .'Wl II an be iy wttng do(s uttf m,,, m M, wof.d prove I bat I acl.f the pit ' hope. Scandinavian America 4i f ihe mailer from Iw rbblitur 4be biiiwan wrtd of .IIMI.IMI. ine,ni a na.jwM in eif. defence entdeir Ihe of nner were ar fwrily IH foot iefi J I I III II room modern apartinenl to Line. initial poial f view. Imt il nlenlioni. ut.auy'rXrcumManceit which cotUd a eMf4. 11al i all I bav lo Mia, j, nty cycle engine, (bo.no. rtm. Apply HiBiib A Mallett. Olltee Typewriter eerni mm pru neg-e fiemea reduce Jbe vcrdicl l maiu O'Sulllvan. IOtIii Hie. I Utr jiiv liari. jtm eorry laushler. Sullivan, in reply to the UoriWi. be only. FLAT for Heirt in tener Apart-! Car Saf M'SiiHIvan, when a tied by hi ifW. r4).on. FINE filial you, an member of the iury formal queMioti nl: All I menl. M V. Slenhen. tf' INSURANCE l.wrllHp wbelber be wihed In Verdict and Sentence. l'leaiHre eniler. 0 h. . Weil are denied tbel ehanoeof iea have iIahc, my l.ord. I av done 1njr fin lwnet IrUhina'li atale. ntAke any tatemet replied: The jury retired at 1 and for 1 r4 a ltd and for Ireeand I, CqUipMN, glwM aeel. ,HIMI. BOARD. inejit. everal if rm, I Imve Wbli t I bave to nay, my Ird, returned afler an alwencc f two lam itnnt! to de. 0 pleure Mm I. tH It.f. HOAHIk-Inlander. Dybhavn & Hanson wa doHtained ill (be doeuuienl nrimile. They brwugbi in Calmer with H30 KocwihI i dHtltl. emleavre1 1 do yowr a a cry r "Hear, hear. frn e)H4pmet; peed Third Avenue "t In live twnl rret Knrop-ean you have, and a jki will not verdict wf guiHy aainM pwtli the pMr lettbe gtec4ed 1lri OlfOHl 3 HiHe. price ?f.(MI. Avenue. I'bune M7. t let the jury hear ttial, I have lirieonefe. Cnpln. Prince Rupert, B. C. war. I 4o twok my ehare Ma)eenl. TOWINQ AND FRCI0HTINQ in that war. fitrhlins for the iiothmn further lo nay. Iiunn win aked 4be formal SeHnee ef eob w then 10 h. p. Slandard 1 1.IOO.no. Iirioei.le for wliiek thin eounl Mr. Justice Shearman aled tle ipietion of whether he bad any. laed on Ihfnn Wlien Mr. IB-IK Huffalo. (mi.oo. Tug Mr4anaeo,M Cow Bay lry Mood. rjiie pn4re, I AlUimeyieneral wheHier he thin? lo oay why oenlence hnuld JfW sheanuan ad4ed I ho - 40 Ii. p. Calmer. fami.nO. M VAliF. W1IFIK From the Farm found, a an IHliTiiaH were not wiehed hate the document not Ui proDioiiMw-d ami Tic ro-pliel: l wrd. M yy he ltfr) toive tl h. p. Kereo. ta.OA Fiperienr.il dun. and diving liTWI to mr own country. rhH read. Yee, 1 Jiave a few wonl merry on yew wV the prt. H 1. p. I'mii, ei.Ort. ooiM to the Table 1 have endeavored to ulrike a Tile AMomey.rjeneral replii lo nay. 'Ibew ex..I. and baV ooer evHallH4s, He will, my 3i h. p Siwdehaier. I t.to. BRANNEN'S Irluw for it. 'that ihe rlsbt f the prisoner o exil-d, eerlBin living eiceiitlttiM Iwnn -wa Iheti eeinoved tft b. p .Studebaker. eaon.mi. ClMHtc 111 or 7 1 1 aod no; j BulkleyValley Not Mean Aatln. make a laleineiit w iuallerit Hit. seiiernl rale mt j frown I be dock by oice orfler. b. p. Knit-bent StartftiMry. I'.lt. IMI WHI r,,w ttopm H.r. I 1 dave iwi clottht I bat. from ITeVrant to the Hiarre made Ca(itain Hnwen-Odtluirot. who K he left, he cHped o'Snljivan I no.on CLOTHES CLEANED KrainM hmi had been taken BEEF not Hie evidenee which ha been Htt murdered Mr. Shehy Skeffing. y the band rnl I lot) wnve4 hi Automobile. tief.re jriJ fry he trteeuHfff. away. The doouiuetti which Jiad tun aptain Hardy, tf Iniblin and l mhc irru In Ihe lwly lord, H Inn, liabi delivery, and preed by latoal HTKAM PORK lieen banded to hi LordMiip (aMle. who murdere llrigndier jtiM overhauled, tftnjOU. BtOTTON and frum. Uu more lefral of f the Court. . preing prore. contained a number of Male. MrKee of the lrih Army and Ford tn Iniek, taon.on. VEAL view, yiu wtl rtirn a verdict Afler hearing hi dentil en. S wit railed for and delivered. menu which, if given in Ihe Hclcr I'.Uiwy. OadiHae t Ion ruek. aWu.OO FUESM KILLED POOLTWT ot XiuQly' 8alnt me and my tenec. O'KtiMtaW ejMaimed. Phone Mt "I wHliese.boX, WOul) lie itiv1iKM Mr. JuMiCe Hbearman Now -Yhi Itodge louring. ro.fio. Skeooa River Farm Prodnoi comrade. Nil wiMi In aure may Weffiiy body, my lord. LINO, The Tailor ,hein irrelevant to itie cae. n liKleii Hi ItiHHi. Vmu T.levrvlet VANDERHOOF CREAMfJII nie Iteginnld louring. iin.W1. you even yur verdict and JIiaj mm my rif yoj will nec venlicl of the Judpe here will wa in hi Irdliip' discretion are aked Uie quealion whether HI." Xeveclip blowiott Imol. the ORIENTAL GOODS BUTTER fH be Miffirieitl to denounce me, whether the document ehoiild be there i any legal grnuml why A he )M ed mow be kied lel made, price, t.6o. NORTHERN INTERIOR before lie meiiibec of the race read by an officer of the Court. judgment Miould e mmhciI. hi hand to era ieMple io the Unworn twoH. Hin, inc aiMt Uapaneee Kituona. Crockery to which I have Ihe honor to Imaginary Grievance. You are not jtl We-rly to Me liurt. who atiemjileti a iknu 76c. Hambnn Furniture, (irnanient j CO-OPERATIVE bchtiijr, n a erhninal. I have Mr. J ii Mice Hhearman The thi opportunity fur a poMtai) ttralbm, wlm-h intantly A bunch of ecHid band iwhe. Hakrt. Children totnper. ' SI never ItefrH-e appeared in any only doubt i whether there will addreo. and I Miall iim ieiitt t)pprie. leed. r.0c and ?&e. Toy. We. Phone criminal court, .and my intcn rl" any imaginary grievance about you U tiu o. 1 there onylhiHg . HTHi:il X KXn II A X(J F, lIWHST FRICKM. tion have never been criminal, the non-reading of the Male on the record lo kIhiw why Judgment F. K. AKA8E VANDERHDOF SplcmlHl Lo with nalural bae. a micli. I am not a mean a. ment. My own feeling i that the eboiild lie reoerved iliMead l. O. Hoi Tel. lied HI TERRACE MOTORS loent. Third Avenue Sev. and aMn wlio endeavored to alink Hlaleiiieui t wholly irrelevanl. of being given now Thai Third Aveuue away: bear that in mind. I and will nerve no good purMwe. the only matter on w hich you are Itie YamlerlHMif Hoard of olid Street, fS.tWMI. tji.y term Terrace, B.C. Two view lol Section t. eibtO WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. bave been termed by varinu linle you deMre to bave it at liberty to addreo me. Yon Trade i lo invite Ihe new direc journal a cut-throat and aa. read I will adhere to nty deciMon, are not al liberty lo addrea to lor of Uie Canadian .National the pair. Kt fieri watch. clock and Lol 3. Hlock 30. Sec. I wHh .1 Mn, allhoughl of rourne. Ihe The Altnrney-tieneral I do me a political oration. Hallway ! iay an early vilt rhronwiiieicr maker. TAXI roouieil boue. tt feel froliU b". An imilalltn term rut-throat doe not apply not with lo lake any rouroe that Did It For Ireland. i alM bo l Welch and Jewellery age. Higgnr I'lace, I.IMIU. itrpaira a I wib that the the Iunn follow: ieidei lo Ihe M oh t real Hoard but to Male would put prisoner at any proceeded a if Troib- 30.So . J'. Sterling MariHe Kn- peeially. motive which impelled me in diadvaniage. I io not nee I bat The motive for lbi crime, be. to (eiid three hour Mall order prmptly rseouled bore in Hie ciHirne of their forlh gllfU Service launch Irtlon. Slerlitig, QE0. OIBB noiHig lour of (be Wel. IfiiMl. tr Launch rho,IC4l Opp. Poel Otfiie ' ! I). bi 71 . The calaidNihuieiil of a omaH Huffalo. Aulo-Marinc, 'Jort. I'rinoe lltiitert It Eipreee and BasieJ Three riximed boiie and two Tranefer. ilWii. r.ui-i here it, heinfc aked TAXI Another PRICE Suggestion by I he Hoard of Trade. lot. Swlion 2. II 00 rant!. Hal. One Frlrr t'. A ancc like rent. Phone 093 Let ue make your The Ibiartl of 'J'rade ha aed IImumhi and' bd mi eaty term (Call C4Me Ho tlnn at Muffins and Coffee Cake a rc.uluiiHii oking Hie prvili-cial laigging uiachiiiery, iNial, en Five. ta.iHM' I'Miniig ijr Lakelee Hot-Springs HeUl. gine, .. government o cuuMrtMM a l'rimd llay and Xiglii S.th.t roadway fnon here to Die Omi. M. M. STF.IMII1XH. Stand: Boeton Qrill Third Avenue iii'ia milling oouulrx. i'lii.ne A. tf BREAKFAST it too DATK MUKMNS BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR. a duty KOK R.I.F-l'iano. mahogany Mi- W Let Us Advise You Lyie, tj lUlmonltHi. rather than a ioy. The success 1 finlMi. Apply No. I. Ivin Phone Black 828. I of the day may depend S cup.Sum. i. hen- vi.iimg her Nmm? Mr. Apartmenle or I.tnie, c,r- Halrdreiug, Fliinpoing. lien, wtttt a l!ff,..T. a r S ImnM Dr.JSW .lami- siier for a forlnigbl. upon the spirit of naing. Marcel Waving, Manctir. euro In all brancbr- 4 V-t breakfast. She i. .hi iter wiy hwHie after Here are some ing, Fare and Scalp Treatment Uuildilig Tcadc breakfast dishes that will iIiiik in Viiii.hvw and VUv fifJ-CAKT for ale. IMunie lied Above stimulate the most critical HU.-dau i n ia 107. Third Wrathall'a,Ave. 1 Brickwork, appetite. Citam buntr, aJd beatrn t, 'DR' tbca taut, baking powder and salt Archil' K uijg, the Manitoii rnmrr bcitht laid raTaicT Stonework, ALICE ARM Alt mtajurrmrnu fur all whKB have bcr alftfd tocrllwr, Creek Jiiml llianlef , miner, dia v iniTMi.t f on hivoi, , etc. Concrete, malt rials art Uvtl.) and niilk. At theUitaiirindau lled lieie lM we; for Ihe flrl ion lak Millr thai 1. o a ki..u u n. PRICES wlucK have ba prttrd ad cut lime ill eight year. A quiet wedding (via icoleuilu aaiorh,MiBiauir:.. raw-tor.of urnta lulrud for u, iT4or. I'jatM and sp- s" n MUfflNS into wnall pterc. iiak abuui SJ lied al the Alice Aria. Hold lal lo pTMwr tur"o'i'rul oil and uaiur!,if free to all our ur,n s in in Imm ?"ilrr."'" dcrill la, t uu ftuvr unuic gicatcd gm paa A. I'.. KiHdyrc, who iia leen week wbep l.oul llendrl-kon !. If atweet niuHiniidiiiJ, irUiei rnrner uf Inl I ihanTI & Co. llii Dr.hW u William Watts add jcuptu(4r tu Jry ingreJiait, here t..i a couple t year), bit Swiggum and Mr. Mnynie 1'ierc rUlo.; II-or. mmiUi (t rhTf. lit CREAM icHiiih'iI tu Iriiglaud where be Imlli of Anyox, were united in llwfire a riiamn. ibrnr onriu a Bulldere and Cootractece Icupaolk COhTtK CAKK Mill I'l-maiii marrlagei, lies. J. Ilenlmau. of Iirfrint alMHil arm on ii... hoj lhone BaMirPowler a.oraia u II Ml. tf. 1 1 Anof, official ing, Mr. Swig- d r. MONCTON. Office 101. n-d Ave Mr. A. J. William ha W. aAAOM. A(Mil. re gum lef Jiiiini'.liMifly afler the all Klnds Work of Sift tutiUr lout,Latint J ta binfummii Jobbing povjtr, turned In,rue from a m.uilh rrremoiiy 4in a buftiuc trip to miirr hi i-iht tAin kiktwct 4 Df.rWl uMr iud uU; add milk, rll-butca ltwin u nd nwlud korirn-in; Mil to the ,Veiin (lielriel. Victoria, fin here reluru. Mi iiimiiniT or i:i.at at mis (U. Half till giMMd and Mr. Swiggum will r,elle at Take Iwitlre lhal I n r o,...,. ... muffin tint Biiauits,tnd bk iu but oo Mai fraoi Cm af Tactor,UtiMl Mih J. Huler rHlirued to Ihe .Ytiypx mine. tie.Haaiurii,MiuKier h.c raorlMr,of Unit uu-txt fur Ut. uvii nB;;to TERRACE SO to 5 MU anj aift add AMpuih. laM Wwk o Sank.. ofler t m Ctapa. PiihImm fiMd b is dry ingrcjirnu; tf tMmr itm lulluai... "'";' LANDS fin U fUr, b taaliw, (UU nulit J iliuiitning and enough bavt'ia "pent iite nonlhn Jure llev. gnd Mr. J. Ilerdiuan of tarfliliieurllK...... al a bual liUi.l.d .7 ill. FRUIT CORN MEAL MUKflNS rumor or HII I41B: Ih-IM-- u'U ouk very autT ImIi. i-iiing wiiii Mr. and Mr. It.' II Anyox are viiling here hi iiorih rUiu.. llar" .i 7. rim. Unwrnawl Spiced i inch tkkk ia (icaxd il.ini IViitauur uiiitur: liakc i ehare of a cjiiiij of It mem. """ ' rwMiwurruM.nt: Coo7 . all and U" tild about 4 mHJu Dr.Prie'a pan; lop bxat Hie Trail Hangar- of Ihe r If an www . . Htm KwawkaT in wodciait ueai-a uubuiu oven, April fire, left jo Land f tmi' Majm 1. A. AhUni, Minimi, Ayiu Dulon Churfili. 1U !i O'NCTOW. Hit ,, w runmuw. I Frame 1 '.' I funouUi TOP MtXTUKtt !i"lici illt Hujilier Settlement Ai.ui. ravin II SUb I tkurwua UAOr. IN CANADA ! Hoard, miawa, wa bere laM II. F. Oordoii, formerly lelo. "."'"Cf. HcrtnT 4.4 in huthicy 'cleared and aown in J I UMniin laaMvuuM rimnmm Swir I Week .ill ,,n 4)(fU-jal vUH. graph opiralr liej,jia re-aigiied iiwtmiiit u'oo4t MNUfc I, $0J oaeh. d Sift toctlhcr corn rntil.four.Lit. liiiniiniimi ''. ofl 10 K Aeree flood Level W ioc pwilr, uli and add hi.poet at .Maple Hay. .7'K o r MuoribH,. tuAf. UIiIihimihIiiWI uT'-u",' . : M.1.1KI t "ir'x ut 4 i.. imieN f.... -i" Hrown milk, niclitd Ihmuiuiix and cll- I'ui Ihe moM forget "or $0 Unta f wis U. lUlf oil MU iif iagtvdMnu; tub ia tkort ful man in ibo world. .Aiiyox aumuier vlMlor haj-r ...la wTb.iimmi. m fu uM.:: 2 "?"! I,,u'1 I 0llliiii rrlee trcatol mumn lina nh Utter and eiu(and apicad ibwkly aivf top Illack Wiy don't you buy itudBdc 11 r. and -N'v. Noroiaii tadiiliMtu Ik .1 u, uiaBir al i Th. oath. J5 niinuiM ia but utn of dousb befor taking. fhver Method. Mn, Oruhatii, Mr. i& Send for FREE Cook Book-'Toi and Kitcltn"-U9 Notre D.roe Ea.t,Wiunipej.Can. Hi owii Wbal JorT t Wet more and family, Mr. und S'terSUENNEY BROS. ui.u k t iiul w lli Jog- pour Vr. J. Muuro and family and LtlA A.H .... fB-.l r-l.1. X In.urallKie iiiiMn..i Portland JUpress. Mr and lire 11 Armitrung. i r. MOICTUN. TERRACE BO. W ANsllfl, Atul.