Tni DAILT HXWB AO! TRUE r I.- il DIARRHOEA mi Local and Personal I is Dangerous WEEK-END Values Renoul Extraordinary ToTeething Babies JJ. U. Uncertakers. Phone II. tf DURING HOT WEATHER 351.Hayners, urtderlskers. Phone f SPECIALS Friday and Saturday Only r .-if M"l aesiher i itantmtii IIimi for Hi InbWM when ulllnr UVir letth, nil Football lonllil ul J 10 Meets long.felt need In both home and office. It clesns II tjmihi-r. Ikiii It! it'll tf cIomIv lies vs. g. I). K. it Maid' of Clover Creamery MEN'S CASHMERINO HOSE. MEN'S COTTON HOSE. and -polishes In ons operation, renewing, brightening and for l tlin if OH rr!, tiynrturtf. Butter, In bulk, 3 lbs. for Hcinforccd heels and toe. Ilrinforced heels and toeH, 1 ,J brlnfll"B ul nt "rln ,n lh ood, leaving a highly gloteed Mr'Hittli-rlNihrf l.ftnlum W jr oilier bowel I'rlMe It u pert Kxliibitum Sep- $1.25. Colors lllack and Ilrown. In Nay, Orejr and Brown. surface that may be rubbed when dry with a ellk handkerchief fasn i im tratnU to Ml tnd fe teiiltier IS to 16. tf B.C. Fresh Eggs, 3 dot. $1.10 Sire 9 to II Mi. Regular All fast colors, Sites 9H lo etalnlng. I'm i. ibirrwt m ur. renter k- Combination Special. 5oe pair. It. wlUtout " i m strttnr. tf iH Cholee Jlaltlelt Pears, per I Aluminum Jelly Mould, Special 3 Pairs for $1.00. Special 25o Pair, Do not adhere, due to the non oily after effect. w.nwr.mi Um rffiim hart ef br4 nmtuimi.H r It dozen 35. Otty Market. tf together With 6 PB" N-Jell Mr, j.uhm e. orwa. VtrmiMea. Alu, Jelly Powders. ToUl MEN'S FINE CASHMERE MEN'S WORK SOCKS. Tor linoleum, all hard wood surfaces, linoleum, automo-elles, me. uiHirf di ef Air. Uih. lll Hlg lipvillnjt dulice lie Luxe $1.00. HOSE. f-ii... - bi turn. let Hall, Thunnfay night, llob New. Pack Jam Medium weight, :'lor phonographs, planoe, eto. 1322 Strawberry w.r mt fMi. triMillM M. .Iir41 ..iil . . t .. I.... Seamle, all wool, in liark lire), all sizes. Regular dm iv Matn.rti trtii. (Ml ! M I'll 9 iircnrnrdi iv. We hae lately rceeived lllack, lli'iwn and tiamel 50c. 55c fk 't ral ur ttrrp, iwl h.l Iht a freh eiliiptiacnt of Mal-klti'e Sie tu II. 3 Pairs for $1.00 $1.00 30c liewefs Tan. oft lieg-idar Special fhiniH- nNMi Isrnfelr b.4: M rati ma Glit and Put IManls llrl Htrawherrv rt ami bHwHer. bl ifter nt largent arliiient in tuwti. Ur- 75c. Jam. New pack. In very Tint I Pint J pint him Ur I..W. direct f WIM Straw-twrrj l&ssvn. Special 60c Pair. haat and If attractive tin. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS. r. rnart for these day h i s . Guaranteed and recommended by II int Imjr ruaM l. I wldB't t Week End Special 90c Tin. If extra good qualify, iOi..iii ,ut trawl rewsef for seSoM Mis Chanotlc Illai-k. niatnui Combination Special. MEN'S NEQLIOEE SHIRTS. consisting of Drill. Denim, of the eiiefal lin-pilal. I oailmir In Fancy Stripe effect, llurk. Chaiubray. and Flannelette, banned Vegetable, Ur i.mlsrv M for talc it all I'Mr. r. boltlei pet up by tmtkjht tot the noutli mi lirr t Tfns Malkin's llet To- suitable for drew or bui-ne with collar atlarh- 1lw T Milbarn C. Untiled, TbtmiI. annual lidliday. luatoe. 'tVt'. wear. Size II to 17. d. Size. II to 18. Regular "in - H Tin Quaker Vegetables. Worth up lo 2.r,n. U2.O0. Full Stock of 3-ply Cottonwood J'eaa. Corn or He:in. Special 95c to $1.25 Each. Special $1.25 Each. Veneer Is now being car TRIP ON n.rted. choice. ried by Albert A McCafrery, Ltd. your Doz. $2.25. THE LAUNCH DOLPHIN Phone 116 or 64. Per. 10 off all Boys' and Msn's Footwsar, Including the famous Slater Shoe for Ken and other makes. Made up In Si-ti-ri Juliana, 'rudenha and GREENSTUFF all the latest styles In Tan or Black. All alias. J, W, McAuley and Party Return l'lextlll. uf (lie I'm ai cunveni. arr From Five Hundred Mile Stanfleld's Ribbed Underwear. Heavy Weight. All sizes. HlllllU llllllilllt by IIib Prince Fresh Shipments Arriving on Cruise. SPECIAL - - $2.50 per sulL tiir Vani Fresh ieurjie uer. on Friday. O.T.I, on Saturday. I Im f i p' I M'llrjr III til) Guard of Honor. Dres Parade Percales, Gingham, and Ladles Fibre Silk Hoss- vtltoli' ili-lrii'i i. tit I ln mtrth Friday, S p.m. Battalion head Pries Changes: Prlnts In Stripes. Checks Relnforred lieel and toes in arm .ii Wari '.anfll. M't'onliiiK quarters, Second Avenue. It Is i'.urn on Cob, 75c doz. ami Fancy designs. Regu- IHaek only. Sizes t to 10. FLAT i i w . .Mr.i v. roremeo or m- essential that every man turn New Cabbage. 6 lb. for 25c. tar :5r yard. Regular 1.23 pair. Rupert ilMiiaihan ati'iial i.eomotiv out. New Spud. S lb. for 25c. Special 4 Yards for $1.00 Special S5o Pair. li".. lf Willi it l lias I'arnip. 3 lb. for 25c. jul ii'luriMHI friiin a rrui of Lee iUey, eliarej tins Ilium New Pea from Terrace. 2 lb. Terry Cloth For Draper- 10'- Off Any Children's or Ho- iliuind whirh iH-MfhbortoiMl inn lei the Hnyal ianailian for 25c. li cuMTfil itoniribing liki MO bas- les- In beautiful floral tie- Ladle' Footwear- In alt the Mount pit Police for an infract ion Outdoor Tomatoes, per FISH Brand in il-- in In fine til He I an or It f Ike ttrU2 Aet, win remamlci; kst 50c. sum. Regular !.50 yard. latest last. All sizes I l it a i Tkcv wrnl l" Wars unlil loniorraw. Vegetable Marrow, per lb. 6c. Special $1.10 Yard. Friday and Saturday only. hhhI Kliiilitniitlrii Inloi, Port Preserving Peaches, per Smiiitiin. and mlkviard anxjnd I.a-l cxi-ninz at C:I0 Hie fire crate, $2.10. I'.irrhi-r Uland. Murauly (.land lepartmeul wa called to Knl now available from the and 1'iit Inland. In the rnur Uenuc near Uir Pacific llooiu Universal Trading Co. local retail stores. lull if I In-had trip few they Iwh br The ji etlinauuh no uaatajie.a Ntump fire. There Rupert Table Supply Co. iirl uf Mr. McAuley' 4. i-'iiininlrd PhOne 376 Phones 211 A 212. mmi Jai'h. tai-kter lurl an V. Ijliclle, m furiuer Terrace Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Mi- T. I'rti'.l. Mi. llih-n iid har4ware man, arrived from the ' ' li.-d Huhmnnd. nirrior lal nlalil after having PRINCE RUPERT Wonderful Scenery. lieeu on a IiumPs triii mmie ix-akiny of the trip Mr. M week. Mr. Ldisnlle bow 1 Peter Hruti". win. runs a Darker ut -nl there vta m aeesiery rated in OaliCusfnU. hni at l'W Hay. was fined h liail eett anvwlirre eatual l Sill tu the fHilice c-url this SPECIAL! SPECIAL! i.n n Um- jiriK atrax a Vrk K. Hyite. IbieHoa ldkia HHii-Htou hating been found dimt Muwirtain rre eber fur Alent, arrHeal ft ami tle interior guttly f a breach f the HU-llotklay ..M ini inffl ft frixa tke m last nitTki iVWIn. Mr. Hyde Ael in keri.iwz his shot Bargains in vmlT . rf-r iHt Mere were muw i on hi way li Vicloria oh . oen Wednesday afternoon. '..u'l riitfea mid viatt-falU ami tnji in ninarrt ioU with tk-Kirt GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY all tin- fHliinli-ii. ttal SMake iHi-utal huia. the fire dearlmeiit answereJ Toilet SOAP (i fiiu- rv. a call yesterday at MM to 30 i l S. PRINCE OEOROE AND PRINCE RUPERT Mill sail Tours. l Kliiitcyiiiai--ii I ii lei lh-i-e Mr. H. S. Parks and dau?h Sixth Avenue We where parks ! ' end fundar a I. ' k Midnight f..r Swanson Bay, w;i- u iilarier riicltt at the walrr s lei I.eona are fdlllHK tontokl on falling from a ctiiiimev had Ocean Fade, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. 'ilue lnt inl.-i id ntirthwartl the Prinre lienrite for Yteloria soused a sligtil fire on tlie roof. 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps I Anyos Wrducday tt p.m. For Stewart, Saturday. 8 frinii Wars lMial liut i SMt a. where I bey will iH a U"x week The bfazp was iiuiekly extinguished, to clear at Il'lurrue. lie fine Extent to Vantnwetr where the damage amounting S. S, PRINCE JOHN lt l Northern and Southern point Ihi-jr vtniled to about Sfi. I.' the uiiiltivtard lliey dan to reinaill Until Next Qvstn Charlotte Islande, May Ulli and !7lh. June lOtli and the Klt Lake, nil iireher Inlet u miner. a. 2 for 25c. .' im Hih and -'-iid. A"KUl 41" shU istb, tpL Sod, 1 6 Hi mirth or Kilkalla. I lief miw the D. Me.N'augktiHi. found guilty and JUU. litlrm a! thr Indian vlltase and A general ineettif of the of indeeeeit exMswre. was fineil Train Service general!)- enj''! life in litr V. V. A. wMt sc. held In the J1 in the police curt this Passenger Dally Eicept Sunday, 6.4S p.m. mmi cmiib)k wherever the fancy Carpenter Uall uu Tliureday, momiug with Hie option of 30 ORMES LIMITED '.it hinlllirri. Prime Oerge. lAluionlon. am WinniiHfg. uiled them. AubuI 17 at h mu. to dieu days iioprUomivenl. Arrest was ' '-. -g di'i-ct i'iiiiiiPi'liuns for all point in Lattern Canada matter peftainin;r In the good wade yesterday afternoon on 3rd Ave. and 6th St. P.O. Box 1680 ' I r. ii Hlam.. Mi A 14a Henry, advance and welfare of ex.esrvfee men Third Avenue, near the corner of ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME axcnl for ttae Iionimion Chavtau-iia. and the vteJttMMinif uf hi eieel. Third Street by Sergeant Hailey Phones 82, 200 and 134 Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines arrhed frmii the Kat n leiicy. the (toermir General m and CHttabl Maedouald. THE PIONEER DRUOQISTS TWO REXALL STORES l.ti niiihl'. train to Mvaka ar-t hi official vMt to I'rtnoe Hu City Ticket Office, 62S Third Ave. Phone 260. Kiiiii-oieulv for the iUttiilC Wil of iert. 102 NOTICE TO ALL VETERANS tin- performance here from Sii.-inl.M 19 to it inclttive. II. S. Cameron, prstviuekil l"- A parade will lie formed to welcome IIm-i-c will Imt a full Hteeltiw; of lice otirer at AriuFnlale im the His Kxcellency the CJov- the local rHMiinitlee tonivM. Naa tliter, reached the elty by ernor (ieueral. Ird Hyiig. under CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY lean boat yelrday aflermwin and the auspices of the O.W.V.A. on M. M. Sleiilicii.. A. V. Kde will return to hi mi1 loioormw hi official visit to Prince Rupert "Supreme" Brand B.C. Coast Services ami il. II. Nel-"n form the Uical by the Veitlure. Mr. Uulueron on Saturday, August 10. r-Hiiiiiitlee of adi aalc whirti I eipect to remain ul Arraudale Time uf parade will be announced . i toiiivhi to allond thu week later. 192 in li-ate only alxmi a lon?er for tin Sailingsfrom PrinccRupcrt in in Hula I i'.o ralie ronxen- fishirt? eaHi will he about ln'ii .'iii'iliiiii mi Monday in Van- over then and the men will HOTEL ARRIVALS FRESH FRESH For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway 1'nuver. Allci nnl. are moaily tae been iiaid off. Hi ROASTED CqffeE ROASTED Auguet 4, 7, 14, 18, 25, and 28. lailma anv "I Hi' e nol Ix-ina headiiHarter lire in Alice Arm stilt' In!'1. K'li'iali' from mil Prince Rupert. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle nlc iinliil hit eXeeleit to The KUml-of-lioiuir wIikIi -will S. llriffilhs. F. W. Crow- The Coffee That Ta Good as It Smslls. Auguet 2, 9, 12, 19, 23 and 30. pa. ilii.niitli il" ' "y loninlil. lake part in the teedhin to ther. A. W. t ii viii. Mr. and Mrs. Sailing of 8.8. "PRINCESS BEATRICE" aupnded until llarin Hviiff, (tovertMir tleneral of II. I. Ralhhoitf and child. W. Heard on the Ooorstsp: further notice. Oaiiada, ou hi offielal vtil here A. Allan. Vancouver; A. K. 1 1 a 1- vv .Mr. anil .Mrs. "Goodbye, John. Don't forget on your way on Saturday wa out for dre verson. innieg; Agency for all Steamehlp Line. Fine Gold imi aile lal uiyhl at I lie Koveru- A. II. McNeill. Victoria: David horns to bring mo a packet of 'SUPREME' Coffee." R front Full information HolM'rlson. Walker-ton .Ontario: inent wharf. The hand f W. 0. ORCHARD, General Agent, 'Jtttnd You can bet your Ufa I won't forget that commission, ami Mrs. II. Clay llassell, wa a I no out and thf iiiirxeinenl r. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. ucalooa, Ala.; D. S. r.ameron. dear. I look forward to my 'SUPREME' thai will tot yone tlnoogli on Wedding Rings Saturday were truulied. There Arrundate: K. ilydc. Iluzelton; Coffee at breakfast too much." were BtHijut 50 Inen pttjsenl' In. Alda t. Henry, r.hautamiua: t. eluding the hand. ' Msjor Mc. Laiclle, Terrace; W. Hell. Prince Ground, Roasted and Packad at the Warehouse of Our WVii.iniB Hins aro liregur. V.(L will Ue in rharge tieoj-ge; S. 1-lwanJ Davis ami of STEWART & LTD. iiimlc ScaiMi- . on Plw MOBLEY, daughter, tUiicago: Frank II. The of the guard of honor ou Sal. . . . . t K. gold. of hand wi -iiglil unl). Lamb. Hoiiiiam. Wash.: II. (i. Coffea Importer and Roaster PRINCE RUPERT. The liaml liuiiimerliifr makes Divun. Inverness; 1. W. Hansen. Silo Solution them oloec graineil and lonjr Mi. If idea Randal, registrar oily. wvariiifr. of grmlual nure for II. t'., and Central. The narrow dle U tiHt In inspector of training schools, returns X. Mackay Smith, Vancouver:. THE "HOARD" SILO. demand now and nigra m1 to Vancouver loulghl ufler It II. I.eighton, Dcenn halls; II. in. ones are i um liHviug (taWi her annual visit to Iraliaiii. U. Hiihoj' t'.orbetl. Phoat 686 On Every Farm." lo an to Htlgr$onJllock, Princt Ruptrt. "A Silo tMitri's fi Min this distrtot. Reside I lie Rrince X. Motley, Pacific; T Davis, t;. An wood- -No lump N" uitention -Self-adjusting". , I mi IMiitiiiuiii with gold lllllieri hosidtat. Mis Randal haiiN It : J Swailson and J. Miner iAnytane can erect a HOARD SILO In hla epare time. ImiiiK at :i:. i visited ih inl(lii urns at Hazel-Ion, Swiiiisiiii, Tai "ina Dr. E.S.TAIT iiuiiy udvniituge ot the IHlXUD over the Hoop Silo aro iitnl I'ort Stiiioi. Tonight eilalued in their catalogue. John Bulger, she will add rcs the. hospital Toa sr. aol Dental Surgeon Write for Catalogue d Prices. boa 111 and members of the Association rCZEMA al (lis 4lenra llosiiilal 0fice- Hours, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. THE J" on lh iveec-ily for the erect inn I Ml Uous, tot II SI M uotm S iw I"1' BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. GIFTS THAT LAST of a iroti n m liiiiiit, a mat. OkM' can luia.t Irs. U fuu MMittua inji'tins Sunday by Appointmtnt 380. ler which he Im ltevi for mi uj uu4 in.suuue tunswKM. 745. prnce Rupert B.C. Phone ti or ttfw- Millie time U-."-'.