YOU WANT A -WHEN THE NEW AMI 111 main YOKOHAMA in a hurry fc H' CAFE Phone W PRINCE RUPERT HOME BAKERY Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'lllNUKIll l'KHT. H.G., THl ItHDAY, AtJOUHT 17. i22. Sti-tot ) 141. PRICK FIVE CKNT8 Strikers Prevent Pumps Operating CHINA IN A BAD WAY OWING TO LACK OF GOVERNMENT HEAD Cape Breton Coal Strike is U.S. TARIFF SALMON PACK Popular Government In LIKELY PASS FIGURES UP China Is (Jusuccessful j Still on and Mines are Filling And About To Collapse THIS MONTH TILL FRIDAY with I'KKIN, August 17. The attempt to revive popular govern- Water; Pumps Stopped ... , , nieiit in Chirm i on the verge of collapse. Military leaders are Into Effect In '' Prob.blyWIHo of U "'oi cIJ!lit0-ni.S ,P HTying " government and cabinet mincer, are refu-October Spite' Opposition Maintained ing to asMime U.c responsibililie.. of their portion. The trea,- SM NKY N H . Aug. 17 Four collieries are already r-,ri- rjAMfjCDC QC RFIN(i WAHHNUTOX. Ana. 17. -'Ily age Being ii ry is empty and civil employee! left unpaid have quit their position. ? Hooding lecHiie Hie volunteer pumpuien cannot keep thete 'iiin iai iiiturr on the 4UHun '"dian Pre In: iuriiu of alr. JlaUL QTRItPK DI RV RIRfK DlrAUJ r -While It President l.i Yuan Hung ha renewed hi pleas to Sun Yat .,, Uh tB Wash- pack i.. Hip en,i nt lat wt are or P, 'i ui - U hour of the miner' strike lias ew the -.Uliou- MiV Sen to eo-operule with Hekin in Hie eleventh hour to prevent the . . . inaton the Ford Own- follvw.: a. tha( aey-Me, . wiiiiii iimay imk possession or iihi aw .uerrueeii mililari! from obtaining complete control of Hie government. Skeena Rier. tel-and Visiter to Oueen Charlotte hrr tariff nnaure will not In-1 .rhen were sent from Halifax to man the pumps Enthusiastic Over i.. -1 r ujnu nau tli !Hi refusal expected. t i wiih ditrn bark to Halifax with -loiiev Game North End. !?ork-- M8.IMJI)! at mm not K" Inta eff-rt at all. tlie S , ' pr- ami rivilian Hashed hiter and c -hot- were 400 BETTER CONDITIONS !aet that the Senate i -xpel-d Hnnim I there were no casualties. Th danar in travetlinir Ui ! the measure Hit teeiil Is I CS,e S.BOUI ..Idler at Olacc! Sniund tMtn Charioflr Island I.a. naii. Hi Mlef U Btttakr k .'-v. I3!.WM uukiimu tuminu win ilk demanded the wild-' I frwM awliut atruek by riyinn 4-nrally 1 1 tat 11 will twHne law !Meelhenl 360 LOSE GROUND 1i-.m.i in wire sent NORTHCLIFFE rtxiae or duek or ,. .tr. the fir-l of And t.BMin M.... Minister of Labor Sees No Indica and Utlawsi and an-' r..rdtn to I.. fti4av .if s. tin i rantlnm" a itreal ill of Alaska Salmon. tions of Unemployment Coming fur dMMCttrati"ii allle. WIN. u iMre from a vi-il l. atHHil tt effeet on oeheye i.OW BURIAL HELD p-Mllii (Dundalk Aaaln In Hands of Free Hie llaM4 .) i leavioa I nitnl Slate wMh other prlna .. I.W MCIOIHA. Aua. 17. When Lang Drawn Fight for St-alt l l.niiabt. Mr. iulavi roiiHtil-M M Hon. Jame Murd.H-k. Mini.ler of! SUUr " We" C,l,dn X K . Aug IJ (mum ! vUHed Port i:iemnt. lUickly T1 rale lu the hill are e- Pink 1.1 Ulr for Canada, arrived in Me- -nd Wireless Ststlon. il day of Cite eoalj Seldom Did Wsslmlster Hay anal MeHI and ay Hi.- Ipvtnel ktali and ill MHIM eae Naas River. I.trla .ill III. Mta.Llii.iliil.l ..r.! ' .- at I'aiO" Ilretiin abbey See Such Assemblage land are badly in nerd of de. tlmt or entirety iiiMliv.'''" 18 nut ey of labor romlition.i, fie wa' IIKI.FAST. Au?. 17. A de-palrh of the dispute' to Honor Private vplopinrnl. Tim rlimal i wmi-terfnl. riui Um llilll in UI IOSOe am very optiniHe. fnm. Xewry ay that J at an early dale i lh" --ii"ry the 0"t and .Inina Ibat it etfli hardly he sf- 1,n 5S.SO0 tlfteiiiiilovnt nt wilt im.I lie a Hundalk. whieli wa raptured i n. i.f iuuitUMn ami, Cltlten, imf i llirr- in asxiiidanrp p. .iir. -.ful diime. t.miin .i..i i.. i -bu.i. .i..u. b.,1 ni-;to day aao by Hie irregulars, Wat. r l ti-add lulf Mr. tiolave i trav. Group of Eilromlsts -Mie., 71 it ha been during the lal two '" -ai' in the hands of Free fi ii-apo riant pile. LONDON, Aug. 17. The Hum from Tw Hill in tlw T1m trtilh i lb- bitl ha been "prina uao w till or, lie aiL umining up Hate lri.. National IrtHtp funeral of Viscount North tUirner t Mlirrilll'li on th- tkeeiM Hiver from linntheda drew cordon . la'cl in the, dircrlHB nf '"iir a ilMt-il hv i aiwall srowti of ex- i.n.Mii)1 1. i a 0 .Urtirr total de-' cliff was solemnlied at trWBM.aV aei al uM have Ir-no- prolerlMmUla ui tkw Ho.e 'rr i., b" inaintuininv -I l.e J,e aJieJ.Uial u twivad heavy tighU- V . J noon today at Westminster Iniek ht eosananJon. CKar- a! XMile wwfUi.,? lu eon),,!-- - r-H averait-H,t "rrk. rilualhm wy(d"te muth atr occurred before Hie Irrrgu 4b Tough ubWhk l AbbeyL Seldom has the last fuenee taajl fib M " disek lion with hrth proleelinit- tlii 4 romir winter." Mr. iUmtoc)1" lot ,hc n.'wunl.a,!??- ad of rHi'T WHt'fi tribute to any cngnsnmen ed hi IW4 1 1 Mve them bolli ,ote. The b-tiever in mw f IMTAM flPPOQF-C aid. "but I have nol ,een anyJ AA AV Aug. t,.-Clifden. i" further allrioiii whoee position was wholly a lofk a Hey vrr not ans Uriff- or im-ler.le tariff, ii. Hir UlllUil UIl UuLiU lliing that would indicate that to on the lrili Iia been personal and unofficial (it .Irtn-l. by KuliVt thai freed of Irioli irregular and the umm or like those hvn 3! pump and fan hac two hint hae In.lulry in Hie nat lia gathered such an assembly. is tin (In- I .nl Ih-y w iri-Je si at ion a lieen rerued uU Tin- t fat rout in Hie wilderne u far ANY WAGE CUT irkinv on. and it look a A great company of eminent piaulilte "t dui'k and .. bill lo,,a' -r,,,y forces. i roses! nay' author-iy n. haMHK Hie would ecaie any erious minor hlill""a people crowded the edifice prnall tiurk- Mr. liula It i a moot Intere-llHir fael - ;imp in the winter nit ntli. I i. Itirrn strike! and the humbler persons ay il i- a norfol plaee lr Ibat Ike bifih tariff adviMyate are "Kill out here on Hie Ilritisli filled th street outside. The Meeting Last Nleht ObjecU to MANY ATTEND huiilHHV. i.k.-i - III. ..., t ienly laklnit the position tba; I oliiinloan roat you nave got a In St. Proposal to Pay Carpenters Wlllg 'T' audi body was Interred the rouNtry' evpoft have I'tHe iliialion that i H)ildy not a ".I f.slll ' Mart's cemetery In Finch MAY BRING GREAT to .hi Willi the mnlgr Hnrt. J6.50 a Day. liiaaj a eondilioiin and protet'li ; IRISH FUNERAL Ly.- In .Mber wi.rd. they are oonlen.1- are in id her pari of Canada. You ; The Carpenter-' t nion al the BOTANICAL EXHIBIT ......... ...... l.iill.ltrr .luU.t .Ml lU.ill.rf here, I find, have had more than! 7'" ..',. -Mlly railed mans ReiHy IFINED FOR SETTING AS FAIR FEATURE . ..II ...11.. uu.l n..l Might usniMimtHioly derided your (.ereenlagc of returned men'Arthur Griffith Laid to Rest Amid lo labor BROTHERHOOD ami unemployed glut your cut in w j FIRE WITHOUT PERMIT ,rt market for the UniteJ Hale. iny io view 7, . i nearket." Eulogies of His Comparlot The Fair A- m m.ii i- rrni. brood. TlM-y are dmf l all ar. - Mr. Murdoek aid thai Ihi il- AND RAILWAY t.!.iYI.Hli.U.K Ann 17 Wit-i oh-riua tin- p..-il.ilny "f bnn. j-";-1'?,'; putlimr a inlo local effect firm on SeptoVil-er tHttioii lere wa being considered, Ul'HLIN. Aug. 17. The funeral !... Mvtunl ml William HamiW ina iiuUir itrrtai imhsrh-si t nite.1 ..r.,L - Otlawn in connection wtth re- a I of Albert tiriffith was lhs roHertwei f"M HatelHoi a a 'M,V,',!,,llA?.l"r:u.Hon lief measure. moil impressive seen in recent UAPCC niCDIITC rrr u ,w ..mri. w.n i-11 m fealiirr f the rorlliroioliMl ll mirrier i w wi' mn history here. Many, thousand II Alir.. 111.11 II I r. h-r ..U.riUy fur elliH out a Iiil.ill.'ii and Ho matter will Ih-laki-n i I u.m) U...I II.iim .urui i f m FISH ARRIVALS. gathered from all part of Ireland eoatrary to and if the rut is ef hif without a parent, up al an '-rly m.liim. collweraoie ainouoi. i 1 iihi and srene along the route and al thr 'or't Art. fected. I he men w il l ill all Itii .illtM-lM'ii. wliieli l said iioaml. the graveside were numerous. "a Irmle. Uiiancellor. IS.000 Demand That Old Scale Con- ability, lie i-alleti off their wrk. In be iihi nfllir on.l valuahlc Trade Declines Mild to I m- I'aeifie Ki-lteries at Mirhail Collin attended and Dnues Until Conciliation FINISHED ARGUMENT. The rale here is fl Jier Board Finishes Job au mo! rointdHf in lliev lio. I lie enieiire itiai iut i'- ,.. ..... H1,,.,"- la pay lo.te and 6.Se. jeuloxies on Hie departed were iniiiioii f tUuwda. eoutain pe. . I ...I I Kl.l.. mull""' Tlieiina, .tiMl pounds, eohl lo made by several Free Hate lead 17. IMIi 6.&U. MONIIIKAI.. Aua. rimen from all o-..r Iho I ..min r..nada i lemling lo decline under the Canadian Fib and Cold era at the graveside. .ieUhoi vvt A ,ua 17. When lh mtpm rnifh'l lloii artHNiil in In ih .in.e of the ion. It ha Ih-. ii a life work of (he rmergemy tariff and that thai the SUnm? Co. al 10.8- and 7e. - - brought oul n Ixiard i'onidertn tlie dltut it wax th ahooiMeu wise Mr. Herval- and for III.' pf r.auadian-Hrilih trade 1 inere.i- Andrew Kelly. I.0W0 jtMlud IDICU PART TAKFN ' i the lUiMtiiaa Ureal War Veteran' octaltil ' mil by iKianl aeiMet today ruAI of Hie mar year if n- wn ' Hir are having -no. effeet oil the ...i . fa... ... v In 1 1 i ii tlieie of halibut and wi.wmi pound of,mll3n tUiilMV to ioiialMr -'luB. . . . . " - -" -- -- H" r IIWM I. I" iIkhhI of ltaHy ihm-" clrar uit !"" lautty addiiu !,i"iini"' Ihkb wnii eieine..,- , , .-w.rr,. wulWllllt r,.(a. k. A reaolu hMck e.i. sold lo the Canadian RY THE IRREGULARS till dl-lllrf to it. II a fact, so far as mai '- - tin Pti and Cold fUoraiie 1. all was pa., i l'.la. A. H. MtMlier, .w,m.ialiuJrr WIRELESS REPORT Ib MdHM'imii will nnpiirt- ierne.1. inav rieu i.. hv. ..... i;..;,,,. 1e ami 5c for halibut and :i" ii. d-niaiiled that the , L.Id . .N.t,on4l Com-tw t'-'-t "t wall M aUrr parr lariir eleloenls in Uinere Uae evti. ,arK, mtuMlaiy ..... a ! H"W the prerl"iit in tor tMfcll or a ! I Ii or JIM nol MNiiucd lo ai.preeiate lo the!a whiii , tatlM, al ,,- umliutt trikt abjiI suspend S a.m. "ii eel lo a iMfialil "f ftNl. If tulle.t evtent the meaning of H'e,wa, l'rida,t TWELVE VICTIMS. "n until the lwn Hn- IHlillV IHI.ANH tWH. taint; i shown a imm-ui hniwiiig trade betwven Hanada , j pr.MUed iUlUfl over by IIHI.FAST. Aug. 17.- -ISreenore tutntiorlfr. :m.lMl; UMilii-raiurw, Ituilttliu w ill .. to iw ued for ,uid (Jreal Hrilain and the derlin- " ' Mll.NTHKAI.. Aug. 17. - Later a mail port in tlouuly Louth, was aiia repreeulalive 52: M-a mooili. 7 p.m. pk it. Mr. Henrai- n'fuf to nrr-ak ing trade between luinaua anu report of the Hiawbridge fire (erupted by irregulars who mined 1 'uime thiii off hand ur linff... abeam n Up nr to lei il r-,.iii.. here iinlem She I'nlled Hale. BRITISH PRINTERS confirm the death of twelve the port in expectation of an attack ai) as adjourned for nu..m northhound: I' "" ilimr hl personal Mipervixlon. What trade and buiue condition persons in an orphanage, hi III by national forces. ..k. .tratHer I'rtnee Jaw m In IWI3 an nu-n.if.lill alteinil in tlil country are going to STRIKE AT AN END irlims were inmates and the Commandant Kdgar O'Hrien. of Matt Inlet due l"or! nU wa to li w H. .'iim din. on the enarluient of the (her four, the janitor, his wife Hie National force, was shot dead ROBB VICE-PRESIDENT lu n.w.: P.- - Harbor eaiu- aye baimu I"'" done to it then new measure will eouslilule one Man q0 Back at Three Shllllngsj Unj iwo children. at Walerford while helping to extinguish r Uray arrivum .Nadeii .ri-H-iuniiiB m tary hi to the I'l. I lie Iliosfc 1 I ..Imil. .iMiiuiii i'.r..".l- ' a week neouciion witn a rue at the barracks. It) p.Hl. owner o.n which has fared the United Prospect of More. General Manager of the Noon CONVICTION UNDER Hate in years. Fnles Hie erit-n PAY CHECKS LESSTOR arand Trunk Railway In iiiniiv isi.ANU- tJlear ealiu; of the bill are much in error ONIMIN, Aug. 17. The print.! Place of Kelly. Uaritr.; wnipriii....r PEACE PROSPEQ in their economic. It will be ful lers strike whu-li ha disorganized FOREST ACT MADE j EMPLOYEES ON C.N.R. jH? Ma lllootll. lowvd by heavy derliues In behe uewmper world fur month AT BELLA COOLA TUI Th Al.. Au. 17. IUI TIIKK I'lUM foreign trade. lid been nettled wiui the men lf H'HI BETTER TDimNTO. Aug. 17. Canadian liiund Trunk '- LOOKING aim; Uaronurter, sw.; ""i" reduction of three shilling taking a s" " aiipoiuleil W. I . Hotih Ho fore Magistrate Saugstad National employees in offices ttnd aliiM-. ; e mmtUi. weekly wilh a promise of a ":t- Hie MRS. SEALY WILL 10, John workshops here received their pay a vii'c-pi-eitideul f Ht'1,1, IIAIlltOll til ear. luiht balloi ou the question or grad. at Hegensborg ou August i MiMi lli. I il le of aenerali luirlhwest wind; irtmieter. so.-nrt; Between Unions and Railways at HAYE CHARGE OF ually redueing to a total mlito. Hober was fined S for contra envelope today with wage reduc Hi Art failing tions taken in every ease. lha will lake up twiiparalure. : -- New York Conference Toaay lion of twelve shilling. vening the Forest by k ' l' lloarl O. 11:30 a.m. ake steamer An HAZELTON EXHIBIT The slriker will get their In tibserve the conditions of a difference over past jmy checks M da resigned. tuie left l!lla HelU 10:30 h.iii. CIIIOAtin. Ann 'Hot Four" former position back. permit to burn, and her Fouyner amnuuts to ten dollar lu sumo Hoiib is lit. fut iittlne Hh- strike of Diid Chris Allerton were e-ach cases. noithlMMiud. luotherhood Jack Venablf, fair uianager. an t" tie eutleil to oe-' trauMtalioii ou fire with on " BEATEN. finetl f to for setting a - J. C. CANADIANS Mrs. ami inu ha been edvted that ut '" ofii,. nf chief eji-i'U- at the We Uni Railway out a permit. DEATH LIST 60,000 awn t luir wait been chosen by the Mn witlook for peaee ware K. Seuly ha i.i ami Trunk llailway. r..i...k Turk- Inlet, tula proved 17. Ill Association LONDON. Aug. ,a York r.itiieu' ha New llttieltou 1 '"P by step frum n" a party of 1'rlnee liuperl p-nple ii."- i.ial. llBhls iihUv in between l Union lo lake charge of Hie llaivllon erikt inalth belweeu Urn Han. REPARATIONS COMMISSION AM0Y. China, Aug. 17. Tho " ' -dllp. deatlt list in the gw.tuw' typhoon n u hiit one they ay i - . dislrlrt evhlhit at Hie fiirlheoui. udians and the Hoyal artillery at i s. .i ii.uiiiilH.t hruin was fiihm A' i.l.flllUl It' dim iiiioo).-... i a of Prliuv lluperl eihibltlon. Ill Wuolwieh y.slerday Hie I altar I.O.NIK1N. Aug. 17. I'ossibU disaster ha now reached 00.000. ing EXCHANGE. live I ojl Ulll (,,, 111. -1'iueiin-iit the rearaliwii1 Property loss run Into several the hears -Canadians fox US disintegration of uf ii... lima vaar i ike 1 Ui M Hi- mantlme, the farmer of Hie dii.itcii Hit ' fish and Uarrlea ii.m sluiamau and scored .'OJ runs for 7 committee is foreshadowed in million. HandartI Oil lost tlOO.- J S'atiMiTara.. lamely on ii.i I., lln I'Veoutive of dintriet are all busy working mi runs UU II 11. ' !..(-. Pari ih;iiiti-Ues o Hi" Time- nm. , 1, u III. .ullllti'll I ,H rait - Naws- Dsilr AdvartlM la tta