PAOF. ICC iTHM DAIL1 laTWH ThurMar, A.lgMt REVOLT AT SOVIET UNEMPLOYMENT IN The Only Way G. H. Arnold, Notary Public REGIME TURKESTAN SWEDEN DECREASES WESTHOLME To Tet Tea is to Taste FIRE INSURANCE It carefully written by us In reliable Government Industries Prove to Only 13,000 Row Registered and it.- companies. We are permanently engaged In Ute buelneta and be Unprofitable; Enver Pasha THEATRE New Work to be Done our records are accurately kept eo that when your policy expires Leads Revolt. Tonlghr, f h ursday MXH.KIlol.M, Auk. IT. Hwrtlert ii you will be notified In aufflclent time to keep your property eetiia In be airuai'hinR a ur- "SALAM protected. We solicit your buelneta. Moscow, Atifr. 17. Far ecsrul solutlun or tier unetti-liloytnenl H. O. HEtQERSON, LTD. complete arealer nneepiiins toward n LEWIS S. STONE iirohlem. It hai tieett capitatinlir stale of af one of the most diffuull thai the Rentals. Inturance. Loana. fair than prevail m Itussla pro and country had to deal with of lale per have just btn made by the jeiirK, and only rrrrnlly has. the Natural Loaf Groen Tea Is proving Moviet trove rnmjent In Turkestan. JANE NOVAK Koiruiiient clearly seen light revelation to those who have been The Turkrslan economic coun ahead in (Ills trtrub!etme illtfa users of Japans. i cil derided In rcmnve all rcirtila. in lion. TRY IT YOU WILL- Iins anil LIKE prci..n decree which IT Arrordlnv to the latest offlctel TIMStft SLI x ze. ri 'irmnnn mote anil comtn.-i. THE remrt of the ((oertiiiienl Uneiii. and l retain mm riil only or u ininetil tkliiliilon. the total --li tender will be rr.i-ml by Until. ' I nrt Iwwiff, Irtm-r liwprrt. um rata ery r- key imluttries. Turkestan tiiinlier of uneio'loeil In Melei i.vYl '"V ""."' i e aetata if normally imp or Hie lai ti.iw uiMler H3,tHr0 whtrh t r-n E. H. SHOCKLEY a iifo iht r uo mi, IHwnoi Intel, CM nest colli.n rnnvinj regions of ( nn-half uf lire figure re 1 1" rui see.eee imm rert 01 lie world. Planing Mills! Co Bay. Wharf: Nsit Imperlsl Oil b.i I i.i-d4r, llrmha twl tubam a "'d.-.l at the brirltiniiiir ..f tlu- I Two (f yeara will br allowed rr'removal Ttte decision came as a result Phonet 3S3. of im.twe. ' ili AIkmiI one hundred indl Iurlh-r 1-artH-ulara or the riiief lorea-it. or twn fat tor-. rii-Kt, the unprof dual provincial comniunitie riR DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBER, PLANKINQ .Mr. llTIUff tN-torla.llVITl, or tt Main. I rwettar. ilablenes of government control-led date reiorlel a roinplele re-a TIMBERS, 8HIN0LES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOW! irHlu.tries, and recond, the I "li of iine!rplnytirlit, wink" th Agsnt for: lloberlson A. Ilsckelts Haw Mills. Ltd. titii-et mimug the population due 'lieral demand for lalmr uliow THE GENUINE to the reo itnam-t the Soviet J Fyfe Hnuth s HardwoiMl. a uecuieti ineree. tne KMtvl GEO. A. SLATER. egime which is twins led in Bok ....ill ciiia for' riliefvvOrVJ "I.amalco" 3 ply I'siieiiimr TIMBtR SALE X 42S0. hara lev Ktiver Pasha, formerly (iarland tompsny. Hoofing I'ainl iJ.illliK the first flap InoilUlP of "INVICTUS" rled ImkW. m lit br rrrMverf bm the rnntniandcr-in-chlef of the Tur tin- iar amount l about .11.. lllrict rurrater. I'rliirr HHpert. nul I a Mr kish than ihi Hit 31.1 day nt AafVtt, arnni'o. linn oiih knoior. I.ul owlnir ! the tf. fur Uk pun-bat of Lhtmi lUift'W amuing lias inerrhsi'd X ltl nrar Lot its, kataa lM. H. 1. i .ii id i.'.Iiii ti.ri in the tiilli liter.t'f Shoe, Is our staple line. All 16 rut tio.nou board frn or fra-e. areatly during the past few men without work. ronalJerable sizes and shapes. Kvery ixlar.thru llrn.ka-k I). jear and ni Rattam.Iw alatwert f,,r rr year. The pre-war' area sown' aHM are eipectel. DENTISTRY! .air guaranteed. moral uf Umber. with eoitou in ItiiHfian mhldle' I'urthrr particular nf th. birt rm-ler. Placing Orders Vi'inna, r ibe Ul.lrh I furtater, Ain was nearly tlHt.tHH) dessa-I The Ulreiuployifrent eiluiltoii Family SHOE Store frinn Hurl, pr Modern X-RAY tinp. In IHi'l NtMiut HW.OIO des. will le further relieved in th' Servicg P.O. Box 1668. Phone 357. When you buy advertising v..ti ratines were on. nml this year.' Hear future by tin- ..nlnif of buy ClflCt LATIOX. and sec that tn Turkestan, without Jiokliani Boeruioenl conlrarl for S.invo.. DR. you set It. it nd Khiva, wt-err the Kmr! Mmi Lrottor with arou )tidu. BAYNE I'iisha rrvo!t in Mmnaer than in1 trie. Hie tle railroad are Rooms 4, S, , Hstgsrson Block Phon 1M Jurketn. only A.1.IH0 desN. ifinu to place larjie yntera for nniee Hour: Mnrninss 9 J. AfterniNiiis. I .m r, 311 limes wvre Tht is expert. ! rolhiitt loek. ianalltnr nppara. KvetilTiss. 7-9 Modern L,JI.l..L.--)W'M ' to th Id about l.(HMt tons .r' A 0) lu. Irurlural leel wtirk for jetton. To transpoH this to the! tiriilKe and oilier reroiilru'-lnni !lunian fuetorle. atmut 20 tril-' wrk. I he WalerMUa IUmmJ Will jlion VM t ruble will he reiiuned i lly eeveral millions of kruiior Laundry TO EUROPE ) Imp lurfcefan cotton roniinil. t.ward ronliiMieil eertrifii(i..i. THEQ COLLART. LTD, - Ipp . The atiiie ink has uiki.-d In- ("iilruclion nf M,w'er t-ii..ii. nl on. trillion, and though ainl ranal repair wrk. We are now AgenU foe the New York Life Insurance Compmi. Service HUE BESEBHII3NS NOW! n trillion naore are to tie forth-' While the leuillHaeit of C.HIIIilu The most liberal and strongest company on ths contlnaat ' online, much of this cotton will V ia jiuralionii will aanler Hew teleitrapli Assets, 1952,632,1 3.10. Let us show you how to sets pit QUta(C-CMtReOURaSOUTHMPTON. remait. in Tiirkct.iii We offer the following rUMSURO w.-i, aiie, ami coHalrorl new line money. ate hqI.m .rie iin. e i. Th-'ailway range of service to the pub-lie: . SOcU IOct.ll tmprtii f rrtnea eonditious Mmi-ler af FittatrM Thornoii. Phone Blue 69. Wsslholme Theatre Block. P.O. Bei li tt.1tOcl.1T.N.14 tmpraaa af Scotland are aNo unfavorable in U recent pwrli, naid Ml a I even Economy Laundry Service-Damp MOJTSCALSOUTHAMPTOSJ ANTWERP for -t (!ien Swedtali iiidilalrie reach Wash; Sort Finish, nf.SO Sap.27 Oct.2S Minnaeaa 'to- IVII level f,r aehtity there, Rough Dry, Dry Cleaning, Sap.isocl 11 Nat. S Maiiu BEST WHISKEY SOLD ;v .11 x alMMil tn.ooij aiiHrtiuiuer-1 Pressing and Dyeing, Rug MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL lac' worker for whom eHipb.y-I and Carpet Cleaning, and int-M Sap.22 Ott.20 Mafltcalm AT ?U5 QUART nt iiiut be found, rliiefly in1 The New Coat, the Regular Laundry Ssr-vlce. Sap. 1 Sap.2S Oat.27 MooUlara . Ki i.-iiltiire. To meet thi altua-j'K.n Sap. I OeU SNa. t "" German Rum Runners Do Bust. preluiiiiiary work I tiuw be- Sap.1SOct,1SNav. 10 We can surely una you. nets on niqn seas. ui'4 done for elabiihinK aitiicul-'' THE NATBERRY' When may we call? MONTREAL TO OLA MOW t mi al . ol.Miie for the utlemjiloxed. i . . . . A.2SSap.2SOl.21 MaUaama SHm:KIIIII,M. A. 16. l-a-ilali..n Nihi...1 uir t iMaaia-tii-MHi 1.. .1 L. irijeci. Sap. SOcL 7 Nat, 4 Canadian Steam Laundry ' Caralcas Twalalan in Sweden avnuiol 'the iiituiotcr anl, will be one of .trunk. niifKH ami riiiieiu-iil l'AcnU l,f tlialll lUetiotl for licit Phone S. QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL hry laxatioii ihi Ikju.t and Gayety Comedy, riVHiuu . . .... ... . ... The General Utility Rainproof Cost, Tailored In IM Sap.12 0ct.10 Nat. 7 Empraaa f BrlUI br-nr ha ri-nulUrd In yry UmU and Flattery" Latsst Stylss and Colors. They really are ths dressiest test 'mwmmmmwmmmtmm. 0UEBECCrtERBOUROSOUTHAMPTON lriri- fr alcohul of erry kiml. li. C. Gazette on the market today, A GIFT OF THE GODS !P. 1 Empraaa af IrUla S.i niiii-h that mu;rsliiist f CALL IN AND VIEW THEM. drink into SmIii Uan lr-rloi.rl Admission, 35c and 15c OlVl JAppIt la Afanta attriwkara, ar J. J.I ! Ilounleou nature ha. Wa. PORSTER, Oasaral AnU 0 P.R. Stall, all ahirix the ciaL and it i up-tilied JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF II Vancantar, Talapn 3rmavr 2S30 aoocrlrd that alwiut &.(HHi sallon l.-a for the pleasure aud r-. W O IT ff O 1 M O I CANADIAN PACIflO RAILWAY from the Itallie are landed and j fre.liineiil of mankind. When ! vdd in kmre and fre.h, it i a lii'-t SAMPLE DRESSES tMfii Ualgalllo rviry day. man. about o v, .n . ,,, ' V.oi delicioii and beneficial drink. Ilecvntly a (irriiian ahip a lake in.- r..i a inuitlcr. he In if II eervrd hot. wilder, i It aid In b aarhored mil aide trrj said, "or bM'l leaer out fur lu-iueiii ia ilelijilil fully eilillaraliliK. and In Serge, Satin, Bead and Braid Trimmings. tlNGERIE ! ritonal walrr with a rar?o of beyiNiii the law. but you are IH I lie heat of aummer. if Iced, Reg. $25.00 to $35.00 Valuss. BENT'Ss: Dr. G60. L BdrtOO pint labliph fur tlw pale.tmlli In uf ordrr thin al-IpkimI tn quite l.udwin mi-tak-ii.U'oirf. Mv imin.- ia there a uollillig more rrfreahinir. SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 0lT, foriueiljr nf the liMueliouably, the pureat and ruin.runniiitf. Ih rorrc--poiida-Rl Herman nay. I d no tHime delieiou lea to la LADIES' READY TO WEAR (Palmer) of the Aupveiated l'rei which raiiii'.l bear eiaoimallon. muil"HAI.AMA." Your -aroci-r ue can $17.95 to $19.50 dprided uiin a iMrHal ineli. and would 3rd Avenue. not for unytlilntr in Ak for il upply you. tmlsy. Chiropractor aatHMi With a frfrinl h rin-tmrk. the world infringe oh lite priv-Hejte Come Early and Maka Your Selection, il on a pis loti cutter (Ut of hweiien. BBSSSaSSSBSBSaeaaSa aafaaSSSSWaSSSeBBa Further in Reductions on our a ill inter, remaining Spring and Sum- WALLACE BLOCK thi licriiian taual, which national waters and am entitled There Will Be A Coal Short mer Suit. Dresses and fxp.-ri.-d .iff rtaiidham, and after to trade hen- a much a I wih age This Winter Mrs. R. Goldbloom Coats, For Monday, Tuesday Phone 6C0. I a pleasaat sail in I be iiioouliplit with anybody win, want to . Mine with the pm-I whleli Be wise! up buineit with I and Wednesday. 1 me. can offer Third Avenue, wa ridimi at anchor with the you Hie fHile.t aild beat wlnkie upiial WuMn kiiwUt. Kii8lih and Anrerican al hIhhiI Cordial Welcome. a iart. I have the beat Order Your BENT'S I Ladies' ii hailiiijJt the veaal we were Daniah etinap ftr three krone i.tluf-taHl to k aboard and were a bottle, ami mviny thoiiHand Third A,.nu.. ! i.'.fix.-d conlially liy the (iiip. bottlea of (epuati llrainly. Coal Now Ready-to- Wear lam. '.Iul wailiiiK for aonwhmly Made 500 Per Cent. Coats and Suits ... !-.. paid, "but you ale very Lowest Prices 1 Wolff, r.ferriua t" liuneif, anyhow." Akrs down to Don't get left Advance Mm- rahijl, the vuilor esplaltied explained that he had ieen paid Styles Edson Coal Co j Hi.- were neillier buyers of nl-r.'li.. off from the navy when the urm-lalice We have arranc--il for d. 1 Mrs. R. Goldbloom ' nor in the peu-e .if the W'a'ilfi-larcd, and on hear. livery uf 3.000 tons uf of distinction z iii-i,.m hut only wauled l ing ..f tin- iniuoi trade with Nor. il I' inn KMiiiellniM fii'! hand alxiut way. I... ib. ,ded to join in. "I Nanaimo-Wellington ramous am not dealing fn own The few displayed I" IhiiK Miiril on the high a. my ic. Costs and Suits 'Id.' i'itt ai ii wa- a unir tier. count.'" he aid; "till liuinea Coal our windows are but an Indication of l1 ' i c.iuanui'.l In Ifamh'iirz br supreme styles and values we are offering EDSON COAL iI.ib i-apitali-la. I.lquor in (iir-l Call and see the latest I iiiany i. very cheap and Hcan-1 Phone IIS or M4. for this Fall, Now i the time to get ln LADIES iIiiihm.iii . nireocy very hiili. eol Albert & McCaffery We are catering for a high class trsd we ..-Il mii.-h cheaper ttaart do Stoves 5 ,regi.iered .l-UHr ashore, t lie LIMITED and are at all times Introducing EssUrfl r. Ranges Attention! lu-of'f f ir ua In nearly 5tio-peri and Soulhsrn Stylss. ecu I ft added he eypecled to For further information, 1: I am o specialist in Ladies' nd or hlii prrent caritoj Prince Rupert ladlss will spprsels" I'hone 58, a t ns..iial rnquirements and wiiliin a wetfk and return for our display and still more, wssrlnj Office of Prince Rupert Feed um the holder of five French more II.- made ri Inpa last! HYDE really 'stylish garments. Co- 6"..;:r.u"- stork's M.-dals and eight Diplomas year to N..rway, ainl wild lhe f .i liairdrettsin?. eaine iiiiiiilH r to Sweden thU year --i . aaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaBBHaaHHaHaH Phone Black 114. My specialities Include Marcel he cx..-el. ui clean up enough I TRANSFER Special Notice Waving, ace Massage, for u five years real. Our manufacturers have furnished Shampooing, Singeing, Hair EXPRESS AND BAQQAQE. PACIFIC CARTAGE II Ladies' Costumes Dyeing, Scalp Treatment. BIO ORDER I lay and Night I'hone 680, with samples of cloths In the msy erlo h 'Jiiiipees and wigs for gen little '-iMlomer- I bounlil shadss so that our customsrs I" a i lc men and transformations a coat op suit specially made to arcer Limited ! cur nf you several weeka aao. Best Coal will for ladies. Switches made Such orders any style or color. nt to Measure un.l aaid that if at' 'IiIiik no up from ladies' own coinb- fulfilled within two wseks. Phone "ARISTO" Brand went wiiinn yuu'd supply the broken parts. Wood Wood FurnUure, Piano and Reasonable Am at your service any time Healer by appointment. Phone 6V I. -Yf Stove Lengths, Split. Irate IjUaluDtar I'd like to get Jabour Ltd. ""', I General Cartana STEVE KING Chas.LeClercq a uoae, a ahoul.ler blade, Mini a 139 2nd Ave. WssL Bros., biy toe, VUai then.- tiargnyle. Sand and Craval Third 320 Sixth Street. Phono BIO. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7th St. Ph" Bubsoribe for the Daily News