tay, November 24, 1932 Thousands of of People Read ‘The A bi eiiseasel on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE, REAL etn ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT ee ca iat CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS } vor rent, for sale and all ether small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents « word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25c a werd i No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FINANCIER = SENTENCED EMENTS ae a a Twenty to Sixty-Five Years For A : i E. Pieree of. Seattle is, Passed on Tuesday — = FOR SALE 2 HAIRDRESSER aii ieetibliles dil bas | emer ae att ayaa SEATTLE, Nov. 24:—Ahira E.| Pietce, former vice-president of the Home Savings & Loan Co., was sen- PIANO TUNING ~ a 1AT “offers? 18-foot runabout 6 | HURRY —— 35 genuine “Ringlette we ISNOS Tuned $3.00, Walker's M:,.|tenced by Judge Findlay in Super | i e ye . » Universal Motor. Phone Yach« Permanents at $3.50. Nelson’: | \ior Court here Tuesday to from 20 | \ 4 i n si¢ Store. ti | in ‘ } Clnb or Blue 593 25 Beauty Parlor tt | is jto 65 years’ imprisonment in peni- | | | itentiary on a number of counts of | * ; h SALE Y ‘ Irrespective of Age m SALE Factory oa Under-~ CL EANING & PRESSING | DANCING leonspitacy and larceny involving i 8 . vood WR ma : od ? a . Y ~~. | $116,000 of the funds of the defunct |! in excellent condiijon. Pri bs 3 ~~! + AP DANCING taught by Miss El- |concern. Sentenee was passed upor. - rs Se, Aap Pe PRICES reasonable d ran hee | eandr Tite. Phone 20 ti Pierce as he reclined in a wheel rs i Daily News /@., ay} oor Ww uy hair. Z A f t n f i, bu ? SE er ow to get one o et a oravie | to DAIRIES Immediately. after sentence was FOR NT 4 xaSsed, announcement was made 9) i - Ee sichiptais RAWLEIGH’S ee ie ee that appeal would be taken. beth ip these Dol S FIVE DOLLAR MOI \DERN 6§-roomed, “bath. ¢nfnae 7, nN oe | State Supreme. Court. Meantime. ! j 28.50. Phone Red 720 Conan — n9 45 ie Al One |Pieree continues at liberty on bail f) | Any girl in the city can BAB D ‘an : és tie Liniments, L : opus. Tt get this doll by exerting a NEWLY Renovated mocern flai.! intments, Laxatives Salves 8 i | § . ¥ “Rand Block. Max Heilbroner.. ti and Ointments. iI al ream < ip | Ittle effort and doing a | | i | | little work for the Dail = | STORE for Rent. Third Avenue Fhone Black 623 SHIPMENTS Direct Descendant } i oo Terence cert ‘ y ‘ De A Ob. . i. Ma joining Wrathall’s, low nee , Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Products Of Famous Novelist : es to the paper and collect A Beauty ae “ The AUCTIONEER | | from. Saar : One Dollar from each. The ; FOR REN'TUnfurnished six-room e VALENTIN DAIRY D di B | : es ahs vihbes arg the pa- “Baby Betsy” is a very pretty doll. Her house, 239 Fourth Ave. West. Packing —~ Crating — Wrapping Phone 657 €ad mM Da timore i SU : ‘.) Pome Green 89 275, and General Surnitare Repairs per for 10 weeks. legs and arms are of Tru-Flesh rubber ) a fe : Gomuaie j at rT. ° r ‘ : . r P . 2 VOR RENT — $17.00 per mantl: er Te wee lo FRESH LOCAL Mil K! BALTIMORE. Maryland, Nov. af Call at the Daily News of- with all the softness, color and texture ; : ; > or 4 4s 4 —The body of Clare Scott, a direct; ns . 1 he al (20. 3. PAWES—Phone Black 126 y a , a dire fiee and see the doll. Then ‘ mettre ee ea ee > | descendant of ®ir Walter Scott, the J! LICE ar wen tne aol, “ of the human body. Her eyes are heau- large bath room and pantry Phone Red 608 or 953 famous British novelist and poet,.[| eet to work! Pho yreen 402 or call va d } 7 veer ; i ! mn bina West | p RINTI NG DOMINION DAIRY | was found here. He is believed tof) REMEMBEX that the subseriptions tiful and she goes to sleep like a real : : have leaped in dress clothes from )§} i be new ones. Girls living out- 4 ‘ i . 1.00 musi be new one { : ee 2 6 Quarts or 14 Pints for $ \a seventeenth: storey window to the'f} di it Ptned Dealt Ged Oaks baby. She cries when her legs are pin FOR SALEOR RENT GFFICE SUPYEIES | street: below. 7 dof by ‘ending in pag oa et ched. She is just the doll that every girl : , ene subscriptions at $3.00 each. HOUSES for sale ox rent wv. Rose, Cowan & Latta iTs Pardoned 3 4 will want at Christmas. ‘ | Phone 234 | Not Guilty Because | WANTED By President f | Clai ed | A little extra work gives the winner of the doll a beautiful layette or a pillow | am-msatilion Cc L R | 0 nsanity im and blankets for the doll. . WANT t ‘ cab) n obi . yy “a read ™ aie ve = a 0 ns $ William Kirby Robinson of Imper- In Murder Hearing ; am G ttin B tt ial Valley Will Not Have to | e g e er Serve Old Sentence - ~ women ea . PAINTERS eo SEATTLE, ‘Neéveniber 24 — Not — —_ J WASHINGTON, D.C. Nov. 24:~'*vilty” by reason “of tempérary in; PAINTING ‘ and Paperhangine Attach wf Amnesia “Appears in he amend 7 by Rot z ected “*nitv wae the'plea entered here ; Sate > Ended, Physicians of Promin- Williom Kirby Robinson, respecte by Richara Carter, local youth, on i Moller, Phene Reé vs ent American Reformer 65-vea operator of a service y ile — are ,0ca, 2 S of fal ay. US 3 State station and tourist camp at West- ee re sion saat ai : mh e = a : _ TRA NSFE RS moreland in the Imperial Valley, nugeering Al sak estlé s—World s Pin os ASHEVILLE. North Carolina, No who escaped 34 years ago from a SER ART Sey AMERON'S Transfer—Wood, Coa 24+ tn] : : - in O which } ; being - vember 24:—Col. Raymond Robins train on which he was being de C |. d R wing. chairs for rent , patient in Appalachian Hall Sani livered to Leavenworth Peniten- 9 ora 0 Iver Largest Producers tarium here, contiues te show im- tiary to 1 four-year term for i d D ° AAR. ECT provement followir ; recent at-)p ffice robbery in Arkansas and 3 verte uring f tack of amnesix. He is in his nor-!who, conscience-stricken, surren- ‘ ; and Sellers oO | P = R mal mind again, physicians statee dered himself to justice a few weeks Dam Construction ' last nicht, an no sign of ago, has been unconditionally par- rince upert memory lapsit gain doned by order of President Hoo- a y Condensed and ? ver BOULDER CITY. Colorado, Nov F - ‘24--The bed of the Colorade Rivet ODUCT OF CANADA ‘ DRY DOCK | NG ° WW p AR a is dry for three-anarters of a mile N >i Evaporated Milk a N } J ay d behind the Boulder Dam for th SJ] ‘LE | AND | A y arvarg e @a i first time since the stream be-! REGISTERED ; ri The course of th IS F i i RED H R di gan * ) wat) 060 i Be RQOQTONAR rive: neon diverted by coffer-| , SHIPYARD as esigned w)} rhite the dam is unaer con- REAM in Every ; oes imme (Stes Drop. Nestlé’s s Angeles Police Threaten to ‘atin “Wa Joe i Operating three Dry Docks Lo ae ae ; i Truce te Bi. A. Tawrence Lov = rn ’ 5 baile F meeisreneo }\ ——) sweetened condensed . iho * dh BKC ite : of University Fer Twenty 7 oe Total capacity 270,000 tons Effected at Once Three Years, Retires | dbase! NESTE milk deliciously sweet- ‘ —— catia aE ens and creams tea, jane biesbor LOR ANGELES, Bay; Pt}-- You SAY OUR WHOLE Pt EVEN ir EAM \(S. GOInsc A STRIKES? ON Lue . . ae eae $