I JUN101H2 WHEN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI YOKOHAMA in Phone a hurry 99 CAFE HOME BAKER? PRINCE RUPERT ALL NEW CAMS Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I vol. .MIL NO. 132. I,. phincb nui'KUT, n, a. wkunksday. jl'ne 7, 1022. VMUrdr'l Circulation 1B3S strtt 8i seo. PRICK FTVK CENTS ""in '"iy Irish Situation Has Much Improved INTERESTING VOTES I CONNECTION WITH BUDGET IN COMMONS Revised Draft oi Irish VOTED AGAINST PLANE SHOULD BE 1 i! AMENDMENT Mackenzie King Declares AT JASPER TODAY is in Direction PROGRESSIVES: HAZELTON MONDAY FOR BUDGET Budget Constitution is Taken j Word was reeeied in of Free Trade; Criticism Liberals and Conservatives Units the city (his inonjim; from No Danger to Government Griffith to Sustain Speaker Against I.en Hell that he se. peeled From Opposition of Progressives. to England by Hon. T. A. Crerar. to he in .Jasper with his OTTAWA, June 7. Liherul und Conservative leaders bullied plane on Wednesday and yesterday in the Mouse tf Uommoiis debute on Ihe Uudget before OTTAWA, .lunc 7. Thursday, in Prince OTTAWA, June 7. Tho a House filled with members und with the galleries puckod with LONDON, Juno 7. The revised draft of the Irish coiislitu- I.eiiiii'ii.v in Hie llinise of Speaker Commons OeorKe Sal unlay iilid Sunday, political situation here Is eager crowds. After the Hjieuker's ruling on the Crerar amendment ilion brought, hero ly Arllinr Griffith today provides, says the yesterday aflcrntiDii ruled and at lluzrllou .Monday. causlna no anxiety to Rlflht to tin; amendment hud been disposed of, Hon. Arthur Daily News us follows: out of order aii aiiiendiiient ub-niitled From I here he wrll Hon. Mackenzie King as he Mcighcu resumed the debute and defended protection, urging I "'I'll!.I I r- I II II 1 I wllllll I'll,III,ill M ill. II..1 P ll.il... :.. II... notify I'liiii'e Jtiipell n'hen Is satisfied the Progressives Ilia! il would be unsafe for Canada to take down the barriers hy linn. T. A. Crerar to lis llie Dominions. (he Oiaylmi he expects lo arrive. will support the budget In against American ompclitioii. . .. .. . aim-ndincm lo Hie . uii ..r it... 11..:.... :t 1...11 i i n ifi'uiniwiin im uiu 11 in uuuiii n niidii lie 1IIIII OI II 1 1 CIIIISII- l)iul';l. Its general principles although Mr. Aleighen churged that in their 1010 platform the LiboraJs (iilionul mailers concerning Hie rrcc blule...... Mr. Creiar decluied Ihal Hie 4- 4. 4- they have criticized luomises to put 1 7 classes of i.MM I ..I II... I' I I I I. I I ii t i t I III. II 7.1:II L I I I IIHT 1.I1IWII II IM III. II llll lll'll-III llll I II IT 1 w I!l I I I I II rondilitnis It. articles on Ihe free list. At the I din iiiilli nf fli nllpri:iiii.fi In Hifi Kimi. I.iliiii 11 I juslffiid no -olilainin in Parliament After the vote Is taken the lime ten of the 17 were free LIQUOR CASE a- dfiurl.iire I lie discussions continue ul u distinctly more promising at-1 from the eslahlisheij iraelice so WOOD PULP IS budget Is to be discussed and seven dutiable. Now. he mosphrre. The newspapers refer lo (he Irish 'situation with Ihal a third iarly could clause by clause and amendments added, Hie Liberals are in power calm hopefulness, fur different from the tense concern of a few ils views. e Ihen aicued express lo may be made to bring und have brought, down their IS DECIDED days ago. the House for a ruling and Hie SENT TO JAPAN it more In line with the Progressive budget in which seven articles The fact lliul iiomiiialions indicate contests in 20 out of 27 demands. are free and ten are 'dutiable. resullaul vole was I2J in favor rn inirs m li ciaiiu is regarded us itviviiil' iione I in- an n n r cre 'Of susluiiiiny Hie speaker and li.'i Amid laughter, he declared thai Appeal Against Gold Seal Co. I'viiression ul the noils. Ihe only articles free under the Coos In Favor against. I.iherals and Cmiservu-llves Nippon Purchases More From PARALYSIS of Provincial voled toellier in fuvor Canada Than From .all Other budget were porcelain parts of Government. HON. DR. W. H. SUTHERLAND, i pumps, lie iiirslioucd what the DEfllf ATIOM while Ihe I'roressives went sol-J Countries, w .m i m .r-m m m u m Progressives would do when they idly UKiiiusl I In. sjieaker's di OF RAILWAYS .VICTOIIIA, June 7.- The appeal eision. OTTAWA. June 7.- I Mirin,-,' Ihe relumed home and laid their of the Crown in the case WER BUDGET pasi year Japan inijun leil utore legislative trophies al the feel of against. Hie Oobl Seal Liquor wood pulp from Canada Ihau all j thir constituents. All I Key. Company was allowed hi the Looms Un as Possibility with could would, lie "We kent the SUN YAT SEN oilier eouillries cotohilied. Japan -say Court tr Appeal here yesterday. eonsiiines upjnxniTniialely f.MI.OUO Sending of Strike Ballots to Ciovernmenl in. power." thus' restoring the couviclioii) inAtm nf Papliifl In Um.cn of Over Million Workors. lonjt 'fii mill . . J?mjejii jfcjef long annum enMy pr andWIliCjjnne of $1,000 by the Commons Seoms Rather Hill 111 Nil rAl lw.f MfrYTs or which -d produced ' 'Premier Alackenzi'e King In a lower-court 011 the charge of Uncertain. IlULlinU ilJi'liKn'.paii proper. lloUnido. ui.d CHICACO. My 7. Paralysis ihrief sneech Avnrmly eonlesled lUHftfrr-A. tH4ptq!fhli''yMem-lir"71riut rei 'OTTAWA. ill.' Jh-.ihejfhird M imported. .liny i .iiioineii iii ;ns, p"s.suiji-jin. Ihe rufilge waA a 'prolec ,..:ii.. ,.'...T.... 1. 111 r Refuses to Resign tho Presidency iiiniiiy injyur is illegal. ,,i. .. imiii lllll, . iii.i-. The following Inlde, cuvuriiisr Hy when strike hU"ls were sent linuisl budget. ; There was not i.i ri ill 111111 ii i'v I I'l'iiikt iii'.i il'iiii. of South China Civil Hie last I wo c.aleiidur years, show I oday lo I.V'Od.OOO members a single iiroleclifiuis'i feature in War Danger, Ihe siiiiri-ew froin which Japan whose wages were reduced by the wlial the Kiuahei MiiiUter pfo APPEAL COURT Ilir IM'IIM'I MIIMIIIIM III'' (lllllll obtains her supply of foreign inner oi me uuiiway i.anor posed, he exclaimed; livery pro-Hoard. lllnlliill fill' llll. II lilil'f iV'Il I nf lni PCKINO. June 7. Doeloji-uieiils pulp: Labor leaders eelurejposiil was in Hie direction of free Mllll!' uidicale (hat is in ,Chiua 1920. i ii.ii i.iie wages now pro poseu uie.irac e. l lie I. icra nuriy .nan DECIDES CASE lien I lie division Is culled mi xnive danger of a worse split Ooiiiilri' not sufficient for living slood fur tariff revision 011 Hi Ml.- lll'llVlilM llllieilllllll'lll I'i :-i Ihau rm with the north and basis of tariff for and Canada 1.7 I O.JO I a revenue HLJIIM'l.y I'l. ,ei:en,T nillllilili 1'A. soulh dririiiiK Inward civil n('. Sweden 3--!H IRISHMEN ATTEND thai, he declared, htnl been il il fi'iiin Conservative-, lull u Pel's plan Tor I.i Vuau Hung historic and traditional policy. Famous Engineer Mine at Atlln. a Noj-way V 1,1 1 llic-e i- Ill lie likelihood Ilia) Mil' ;( resume Hie. presiriency of United Slales . I.IIW.DS7 ROTARY CONVENTION Goes to Estate of Deceased main niiiliiiii. "Ihal 1 1 1 - House re , 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 is helieved lo hae lieen Oilier coiiiilrie.' JHi,!)7H Owner. Cllvt' ll-il'lf illln CHIIIIIlil li'r "II ;sliallered hy Sun Ya Sen's re-I DATE SET FOR M aist. r Puliln W irks. Who fnsal lo rrliiKiuish Hie presidency One from Dublin and Another VICTOIIIA. June 7. - The own wuys ami means, may bring a !iO,575,H)0 is !-it 1'i iiice lluper' soon. from Belfast at Los Angeles ership of the famous Kngiiieer ili'iuaiiil fin' a vole. If il ilni's. of South China Itepuhlic al 1921. jcaulun. Today. THEFALLFAIR Aline at Atlin goes lo the estate dl t lie progressive anil Con Canada ..j.rir(i.iu servalric-. unite against I In- bud- OLYMPIC GAMES Sweden J7.17K LOS ANOKI.KS, CaliL. June 7. of Capt. James Alexander, according ' to the derision of the get uinl the Oocrunieni lie defeated MUNICIPATcOUNCir Norway lll,ll2 During Ihe years Ihal Lloyd Appeal Court here or reserve so small ! Uniled Stales Ill'.i.lOKjOeorgc and In Valera and (irif-:i:t:i,(Hi(i Will Bo Held This Year From yeslerday. majority as pruel imilly lo fiirci' GOING TO PARIS OF WEST CONVENES Other countries filli and Carson and Craig and September 12 to 16 Inclusive. tims Alexander of the was Princess one of Sophia(ho vic dis-. a dissolution of PaVliamcnl.? In z Ihe other best minds of Knglaud aster in l.ynu Canal. He relw- VICTORIA TODAY AT any eveni lire division will he in- si.iui.aji und Ireland were dehatiug the The meeting of the Agricultural aled the mine in 1U07 and held leers: ing. matter of Ihe Irish Free Stale and Industrial Association Parliament of Franco to Voto Additional it until his death despite tho Six Million Francs to VICTOIIIA. June 7. The mid Ihe world was anxiously lasl nighl decided to hold the luiius of the original owners" Flnanoe Thorn Weslern Canadian Muuicipalil ieK PANTRY BOY waiting and ".trembling for what annual fall fair from September that he had wrongfully located BADLY DRAWN Council cuimueuced a three day might happen next, the llotary U to I (J inclusive, that being the it. The mailer drugged through Discussion Clubs of llelfast and Dublin were most suitable time convenient to eouveuliou he iv today. PAHIS, June 7. J'rauce .is"lo the courts so long that Allan of Ho1 problems oT municipalities IS HANGED holding gel-logelher meetings Hie fishermen, oauneryinen and have ils Olympic names in t'.il. Smith of Philadelphia, to whom INDICTMENTS will he Hie main business und golf tournaments. the farmers. II is practically That is assured now, for the government Alexander willed the mine, died, of the gathering. This was recalled through the Hie saute time as lasl year, the is studding behind it. and the ownership passed lo the Premier Poincare .announced yes-lerduy Pays Extreme Penalty for Murdor urrival in Los Angeles or Wil-liam opening day then being September estate. ' County Court Dismisses Chargos of Lady White in London. A. McComiell of Dublin, Ireland, I J. that the French jiui'lia-ineiil AUSTRALIAN GOLFER It is expected an appeal will of Conspiracy in Comox-Albornl official head of the Hillary will vole additional (i.ouo.-IMMI be taken. LONDON, June 7. Henry Ju-cohi, Clubs oT the entire Hrilish fiaiics for the of GETS QUALIFYING financing the pantry boy who was Isles, to alien,J the Ihirieenth RILEY'S ARMY VANCOt VKIt, June 7. Holding Ihe frames, thus ensuring definitely PRIZE GLENEAGLES found guilty of in'uyler on Alar. fiiiuual convcnlioii of Itolary in-lernulioual STRIKE VOTE will be held that thai Ihe iiidiclineuls were badly the guiues 1 1 of Lady Alice While., was executed which was convened drawn Judge Cuyley In the County in Paris. al Prntonvillo prison lliis in this cily Monday. And carrying ARRIVES HOME Over Million Rallwaymon Will 'The announcement comes after til.KNI.AOl.KS, June 7. --Joe Court uiiUHlied all four cliargrn i. . r - ...1.I..I. morning. Ihe idea of llolury spirit to Ballot on Recent Wage iwecKs oi inn ei wiiiiijiuui iim whh ii Kirkwood, Hie Australian cham- While the widow umuiiimI (Iruhaiii Cunipbell loin Lady was of ils ripal analysis, Mr. MrConuell Reduction. Iredenck (ioshy of unlawfully was suggested Ihal thu games pion, won the iuulifylug prize in Sir I'Mward While, once, chairman or Dublin was accompanied Jiy Accepts Government's Free and fraudulently conspiring to might he held in Los Angeles. Ihe Thousand here(iuiueas golf of the London County Council. Harford Montgomery of llelfast, Transportation After First CINCINNATI. June 7. A loiiruauienl today. 'ITecL the election of II. 8. Clem-enl-5 Jaonhi struck her with u representing Hie llelfast Hutury Rejecting It strike vole or 1,JOO,000 ruilway-nien inemlier Coiuox-AI-hernl NO DRONES THERE hummer -when Lady White awoke Club, as for in the United Stales will be KILLS BROTHER while he was ransacking thu OTTAWA, Juno 7. "Cleneral" in -tho last federal election. taken as a result of the Labor room. J'rank lliley and his army of unemployed The churirc aualnst Cuinphcll -reductions, That Is Rocord of Rotary Club BASEBALL Hoard us announced "f slealliiR hi llots had been dismissed Throughout World Speaker Little Samuel Rold, of White veterans, uTter refusing lyeslerday il was decided al the AMERICAN LEAGUE. the otTer of free government's previously. Dies From Rovolver union leaders' conference. at Los Angeles Says. Rock, MUST FIGHT Chicugo, 1. , Shot. New York, il; Iruiisportuliou buck lo Toronto by LOS AXtiliLliS, June 7. "The Washington, 3; Cleveland, 0. rail, changed I heir minds Hfter BIRTH. TREATIES WITH only organization in the world Philadelphia, I; Del roil, II. s.everul hours rain und arrived WIHTK HOCK, June 7. Samuel without an inactive membership" Held, aged Ihii'M'cu, was accidentally OR DROP TITLE Huston, t; St. Louis, 5. buck in 'Toronto lust night. There wus born to Alr. and NATIONAL LEAGUE Airs. Hugh Smith ut their' home 0. Diehl of Is Ihe tieorge way shot and killed hy his JAPANESE STAND Huffalo, New York, described International brother while playing SI. Louis. J; Huston. 7, ENLARGED POWERS 250 Ninth Avenue, -a son on llolury during Iho youuiicr That Is the Decision of Athletic COAST LEAGUE, Sulurduy lust, June 3. revolver. willi course or u report altendunec a Commission In Regard to porllund, J; Seattle, 3. FOR BANKERS IN Cabinet Crisis In That Country to the thirteenth annual convention Boxers Oakland, (1; Vernon, 5. FISHERIES LIABILITY 1 Hn l'runclsco, LOANiNOMINATIONS Does not Affoct Status. or the organization in Sess. Los Angeles, ; INTERNATIONAL MOW YOUK, June 7. The New 0. Ion here today.features or llotary TO THE GOVERNMENT York Athletic Commission bus PAIUS, June 7. The Allied TOKIO, June 7. Treaties und The unique served notice on Johnny Kilbane, Itcpurulloos Commission, according IN IRELAND ugieeuienln signed al Washing-'"ii membership were emphasized by LEW TENDLER HANDS cunfcrcnc.fi. to which Japan this speaker in calling allention OTTAWA, June 7. (iovern-nieul featherweight champion, and to J.e Temps, newspaper voted wus. a party, will not be ufrecled to Hie manner jn which the organization expenditures on the llril-ish Johnny Wilson, middleweight, 11-llcholder, BARRETT KNOCKOUT three lo one lo enlarge the hy thu cubinel crisis, (ho privy has progressed In 17 Columbia fisheries for Hie thul unless they agree power of Ihe bunkers who are DL'HLIN, June 7. Complete uuuncil bus decided. from a single club in Chicago first five years are fur in excess by June 20 lo meet the cbullcn-gertf Plin.ADl':LPlHA7 June 7. considering Hie loan for Germany nomination returns fur the Irish No recoinmendutiou f made years lo more than u thousand of the revenue received for their titles, Uundeo and Lew 'lendler lust night knocked authorizing them to make elections show 31 candidates for yusturduy In connection was with clubs In Iwrnly-fivc countries I herefrom,, A. W. Neill, member Oreb respectively, the championship out Hobby Harretl in the sixth any suggestions they wish in Duil Kreanu, 17 pro-lreuty and u "uucussor to thu premier who with an augregule of something for Couiox was informed in the of both will bo declared for- round of u scheduled eight round proposing a plan for un inter-nation 17 anli-treuty have been returned Ua. re gued. liki- iio.uut; membtjrs. IK'Unt u! l.'tUUU-'U: ' ' U l'du; . it. a. at loa.". mioypuoed,