WHEN YOU WANT A TAXIQQ Otoe r. Fish Market FRESH EASTERN OYSTERS, CRABS, MUSSELS, CLAMS, Phone J J PRINCE RUPERT Freeh Horn Dally.Made Stuugt L ALL NEW CARS Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 871, Xit N . I'llivu: M RHT U.l HU.iAY IlECKMUnn 15. 1022 ffttrr'i CtrcvUrtlen 1.TSS. Strtel ! 44. PRICK MVK CKMTS EFFORf OF LABOR PARTY WERE OVERCOME PREMIER OLIVER AND CLEARIK BESIEGED THURSDAY BV MOB IN HOUSE British Commons Rose, !.I ' Legislature Was Invaded by WOMEN MAY SERVE ; KEROIN TO RESIGN ON B.C. JURIES 4 BRITISH HOUSE FROM SCHOOL BOARD Two Hundred Women and Few Obstructive Tactics vii:ii(Hl. !. li !r. W. T. K-rhi, fhair. Men Advocates in future ii:iii of tii- lManl of Chiropractic ere .in Juni Sa That Canada Ha Work for! bool l4li-1f. MIliiVDI'. I"luilltlKI wdtaai in a All Willlni Irrimloranti nJ Htt i.iylrt UmI Im-imlil of Laborites :! VltrT'JUIA. I)"'. tt. Two hundred women and a few men Failings Mort Liberty Than In tfum iht !' IMHI made oil Thiar-1a) ox rerireelnig the ehiropraetor invaded Uio legislature yesterday U. S. IxmrO lwf..n- MtWihallii L y Mi- W-rVlwtWl-. ,aflertKHHi and" were met in the outer lobby liy Premier Oliver who Tile Mile w 2H Itl 14. ar nrtfiy I" fr"irf , exjHainrd what wm being done. He caul that a representative I "MKIV, lie.. I .". -The llrtli-li p.iiliiifirrnl prorogued loday tto. J. H . dell. Fevers. MiVImi.V n-. li. Hon. of nrmtrtl linH-t. Ur. : comniitlre of the legislature had inveftiguled the question and lie I hro.tr The lllof ljemiHJt.. mtkrr of Kirwti muHw program for Adjournment went through iinfnK-r for Vaieotja-, jrwar wa I m hi ml Ih J guided ly their refxirL lie also naid that a bill i i f 1 1 lh di j.ii.- ft,' width to-tuMed effort ff a small! -aid Umt wines bad feed nV CaimmNihi Hm- of lUitMiM lo aftr !?. : wa leiiig introdured dealing with the matter and would be di-eu4ed Hoi left 'Kg ..! l.jli.ir mm iiil.-r- to preenl ri-injr of the ! I be rinp,i-llrilirr WM HU-i-tMiiii's (mrfti llnuf lM rhriiHlioi mwn ! floor of the lloii!e. The the rnatler on wa dirued at . I ."fmiiii until t'i'iii-l had been found fur the iiaem- j lUti) mhiM tee g4n M. of larl NMiMtl. .'ovwkm?, b hal tin hlMitwi4 ti I awl Premier told them l.'l.l luMtla liaJ !-( me length Ihe frankly that the only way i -iluutioii M II. M !, in-usher tr1iaiiifll 14ml wMf 1 br ! t ? I..m-I.'ir, It-.Hlfr of tin- I.;iIm.i- do- hard-. .dLempteo , fr t ttMmMlt. ned he w.tk Utr all nuntKraiil wIim ltf Jitnnary irtioti. Hiak-Hi7 a to H a different rie on tli.- - .I: to ork Hiaii ii'i.Jnl of fimr. Mr. 4. qo-ln'n wa to rlmnire the ! a ficrr miIiI ma lik'' ' e- In-bvty iik 'If linn- lull hl failure. II BRITAIN i' iiimr proved re-i UNABLE tatom. Women of the detoyat " frt.it. -il if tar Kriii lini - t !.'. iVtnaala did K. V, I. fisrnrtl al 4. 'in i'"'ii-iiN nf Hr-.ii inn being mi cotnpletelv 'ileelm-wt li-y niil their elildrin Ift !' liliU M'oUi.l WOU0I llm" 4 UMiiilfr or oIIh- rhmnw. Itf'ii t'o o W.-Kt ntmf ! r learuerf atKt Mr.. M K ?ti.iti, Vaii-rinn 4i!lM' I ;r1-- ( Ktijinn for Uif l ?o. ami Hfr Iiwm of 1.. 4.;Ua4 lfn ettrel by ehbviiraelort hoeair .i-l ! Iiere.l ralnejr fc TO PAY WITHOUT . iMiamri- tuul TIhinmi 4land llor-fire tbey felt MrouIy "GET A VOTE" be . itiat IfixtMir' peed- i-l . HM iltnJ y. Sraii.h-atta m an aoaitiiir. iw l - - - MM"fciii now Mirt. J. on lb- matter. Hy Mliwili.-, and ttaanted km r. Mrl.'iiniii th- m? Later 3. II. CIcaHltiM. iHi-mtwr I'.te -m- k r f..r Ihe llllieT Ml aw I.hi RECEIVING PAY HARVEY CALLED for Vftoria. niei tti-ni anil tntkeil CAMPAIGN WAS which ti- Iwt rfat arith ii lMMi" w'tlil or-t-outr ; ' iopihImt if tW yarV !tbe aiiitt.'i He llt t Is r Ihtjh wlio com inr over. a Hbrutiali era-fi.t of chi!hhi 44444--4-44-4-4-444 TO WASHINGTON i hH i..h 1111I1I lb- l..tl for rnmir eonae Law Says Impos- tbe leiiinlnliire rung. The ilete-valiou slble to Meet U.S. Bill When eeh.'ito!MnlHi of hlir-qae a..-rt Debtors Do Not went to tbe gallery bo' Pay "1'!7l M.tJ1k..;:f.rr:,r,!TW0 CITY linemen Balleva Hit Mlaalon la In Connac-Uon I(ley were liHMMintel a tbe ItiM Theirs acUvlViti of Ojro Club Campaign t 1 ji r"ii 11 -nwi w- im i - 1 ORGANIZATION OF With Reparations Sit- B I'llt over until tbe evening. W Itntrumantal In Big Poll (. 1.. .H-. Matn' iaawtltv ra- HURT YESTERDAY u at I on 1 LONDON, llna.. Ive. 15. RcoM)d at Victoria ranoittv lrfi eonervw Miir4i LOCAL ORCHESTRA: ll iwr law eiupluiUeaUr atated -.iii, . il) be Ki-iriii1 In oo. R. McKanila In HoaplUI Whlla l.o.MKtX. tki .ir.. iHiaiMi-.-r BRITISH ARE in tbe Uwh Coiumonn ye-(ei-hiy IV I.-, lu Imm'ioii atiKNtir Me Mtona Mfrdock McLaod Confined llane'. uf Ih I'aited Htate. Further Action Laid Over Till the ttHp,inibrHy of Oreat - ..f Yw! i.r irurihr mMit4. TV Kb to Horn haw willed I fr enul- New Yeae When First Re- i l.nuiii paying bar debt to Ihe ta EVACUATING Cliiel v.ilMte-wbihx rHvlnr"" XtrOaJiVk- Ik U ill JLUiMW4t;aVk-ik'tHwHL -Tiearsal Will be Held il eiawl .1 lii- aiitl Mtirttoefc rn Kw4ay 4kto aflertmon. lb f ! fn from (ierriiuny, France Vk-o- .. 1 I. two Ituetueu b will nail on I eceiulM-r S3. r liaiv. Tbe nreiilier bj he -la a MrLruL eaaptoyeel I he first concert rebeorxal of -b-h Mm- IMHhHIw MM - FREE STATE wa ctiinced ueh a policy "l-r uf w Mill i Uit-.. Use eily Inrht aViMrtuMil. uMer- Ihe Prinee flujert Symidionv or- '- 11 Id mime ! he itaudarJ of ii"U mm a.' -1 i ii. h illitl lujuil- t tbeir lei Y.SHI.4STO.V Dee. 5.- -It ii I.li' Hie g.-IWI-al UMfrnti4MI il; Ihe fta rbeitra will lake nlace in ll) !!u:iu Knaiaikt for yeertay about I :.W i.ui. vben believej Here tbat An4Jia J"r li. trenera- - of tiimlHi eeeenru Monte on January T ululer Ji-rvetiofi t a Hh- .-inietMn tartir emtird a pole nvfeirh tbey were er.- lHiJ ILartof ha beti railed to Wah-nwtiHi tit thrle Itala'i". ie.ider Three Reilments Marched I b iiyrt I . I it I - "w wrtier li n Kulloii tHreet "ii the e of in roHHeetion with thi t the YVefthtdme Orchestra. M Out of Dublin Yesterday f..i j ll 4' tbe embankment not oat of i un-trol -itoattioii a to tbe (lewutn re.! All Gone Neit Week w the liiai lttr i'i' l .iiitn''- a wa doeided at a inrelm? ' LOCAL BOARD tlllf lo"l" ! H.t aM tw4tive nl m-iiwiI rfai-l tbe and fell. Mr. MrKentie u Itarationa which 1- now threaten-! IUka HiMne lat itislil wto-n ilan 1 1 taken to the hoHtiilal and Ibi-Moi'imiii n a ruifure Itelween Knslanl DUTLIK, Dec 15: With "itlin. nl H 1 1 .! ri' inHn-i.-r.l !. and tbai (tWf were 11 mi He tor tbe orvfainalititl Of . dill I I III IITl.l :ini-i IV- Ike ilortnr were unabl' and Franee. The Kuropeafl re)mi lie orrlieittra. bands ptavln?. banners fly-Inn COMPLIMENTED vili-l 10 rai'o-i f'-'-bK- vatilie- to awei-iam if lie b:iil a broker I loll- lanifle In HIHleritlooii to Tlttre were fourteen lalprnled and bayonets flied, been dii'U-ed by PreKlen' three British regiments have ankle or not. there are eo'ilu-ion plajer preoent at tbe meet id 1 the left leu ami lie tif-n-d llar.iniK and hi eabiuet at i marched out of Dublin yesterday am and the itatueo of (IS hhi-Muim !On Work of Assisting In Market-' and embarked foe LEWIS WINNER lat ntybl h 0119b b i MteetiHK Uiday wtiieh lale.l two pawn ilJiiiS ta join ware submitted, It England. This marks the Ing Agricultural Products bourn. ROYALTY ARE reotina iin'ie eail tin iiioniina nasi inled out that, due to the beglnnlnq of the final stage Mr. M'-I.e"4 v!i i. im.,l t" bi hrislma ruh, fieVne-n unl the of British evacuation of the Hie Hoar.I i.rii,i.. reciv e it OVERZYBSZKO llollle Willi tin' IllOoel. III 11!- 1.' LIQUOR CHANGES now. it would be better to ditlay Free Stato territory which b tler thi. momiux from YVr L. llinilv ll.llll'll lie fii.al oriraiiiielioi! till after wilt be completed b neit iMaeken, preident of the Aoci. I the New Year when a eowtilele week. Yesterday morning aled Hoard of Trade of ll.fl.eoin- Haeloht Wrestlinq Champion j CLEMENCY ASKED FOR MOST ALL PASS rguipialioti and a r. heir-al wHi barracks and other buildings plllllenli,, t. Um-al member on Olasnow Council Retains Championship Labo Latdee ake jlare. occuoied by the British were jiheir effort, m ai-tlus the rt-'tlers and Wins Rlckard Belt Oppose Receollon to Duke j CONDEMNED MURDERERS Through the kind offer ot lien turned over to the Free Strte alonB the O.T.P. In find a of York Satisfied, 'If. ail the mufie for Ute eon- Outright onservatlvra Line un With troops. These buildings Included market for Hi.ir prtIiuH. However Calgary Women's Labor League Manson While MacKenxle, ert. will le supplied the oreltea. the vice-regal lodge "Work of thi-. kind i of first ' "I ll. I hi' I.". tt.iii.- j GLASGOW Dec. 15. Asks For Commutation Pic-carlllo Kergln and Uphill Oppose lr free of rliare. A number of which I- now the residence importance and I am ahiya slad I 1- rHn lte .i 1.1 ! of and Lassandra ,is ure now Ueiiiff 01 tiered audi ot the Governor-General. to learn llidl 1 ily board of Irad4 Balllie Dollan, chairman Ii:ohI !. 15. WjHi the oiehe-tra Will t "ff to i i tbe pi u U troiBK out of - mM wrr- inu IKWill- In the Olas-town Sentences it, way to aist li'ic baai m.-'it ! iHtiinf the Labor qup aid ot a tartie niMiaber of -n- food btart early next inontit. the asrkmltural life of the community council, caused an up IIm m.t of IkMi. A. erMaHve. TISDALL IS i of llm fun- 11 a I when he opposed the r.I.i.HY, 1 . 15. 4'Jenieiiev adjacent to it," Mr. roar M. Man-on - um inliue-t t, Hie Manuka !. 1 lie for- 1 to confer the freedom lor Kind Pirranllw and Me. fliM--eitee . RUSSIAN COMMUNIST ilaekeu wrote. proposal I.IUIIoi r ill iej early till I liaiMpetMi.HU ail mi Iti'r li' Ibe- of York.of the He cltv said on that the Duke such I.aaaaillra.to be banitnit recently for tbe iuur-eli-lem-ed morn"in 1 ny.-ti I..I'-i'i''in MaeKeiuie.(H'fO'aiHMi 11. V. LEADER IS ARRESTED AGAIN MAYOR INSURANCE ILL I fll bal iii-;-l..l .Mi fm- merely der of I'.oiiBlaliie H. U. Ijiwumi. oroceedlnn was a Keivui I I!. '- l-tUllll. 'lie iHltct. politics and roal persOn-aoes will be aked b .uteiuikcra of tbe an. AT BOLOGNA, ITALY PASSES IN HOUSE Hie Election Over L. D. ivU o Hi i. .n:. were not worth such YoUMll'a Labor I.euTUie. A re. Taylor UM-k4ird uH for k.-t honors. After the Lord Provost lulioR aakiUK tbat the racial MANITOBA CEASES ItnMr: lv. a Tm. iKriiaJe Declared Following Count Amendment to of Second Choice . Eiempt Part Time it tliree .H,. - wii had promised economical -eiileuce ianiHMted uyim lie Iluha vi-tefday afternoon waul . fall Hli SEIZURE PROPERTY Ballots Agents From License Was k.. III. fu-l at w entertainment of the iiiur4erera b eoiiuiMitad to life ;tii ZiliovN'fl' Mie Hu-Man com-numi-r . man-, l.ewi- "l ' Duke. Dollan withdrew his nuitrfoiiaaeul w ttaaaed al the OF THOMAS KELLY H'ader, tntd tx'.'H arrestej Inserted on Motion or 'li 11 li.il.-k uimI ! V WC.IIl Kit. lie.- 15. Mayor Kergln remarks and the corporation learttlar aawrtiuji aiut a eopy of a' lttlotfita ll'.l.l- l'i.lll wm vlerlay declared Will I.Ji- areed b a vote of SO tbe reatltltlW Msill be selit to tbe VINNll'i:. I-e. to. a-notineetiteHt VICTjtHtlA. Dec. J reiited ui.iVMi- of Y'aueuuver 15. Tiie. bill to 2S to ro through with the uiiuiater of jatu-e. that lie had been in-1. Hc4Mintr insurance agents pasted BRITISH MEMBERS TO ceremony. 1 roc tax by tlo .-overmueul to LAIlAlA 0 IKAlIi Ulayor I. li Taybsr foilowlnjr t1i4 the laBinlalure ye-tenlay afltr an COME TO CANADA TO BIRTHS ubanaoa the - iure of about 1.1111I .l -eeMhl elHlk-e ouilota. winMuJiitent. eliminatln the bar. eo,ee)0 worth of rnoiiHiK-iit be-loiiutit rhw to irt time work, was In PLAN FOR SETTLERS iflUIN 1 uUiiiClA I Vh -on v. Iwf.wa I.rttrmere nr' up y.Street.aau to Tboinaa Kelly and IS ON UPGRADEsceues' liF- serted 011 mttion uf 11. K. Keruiu. Hon wa HuMe neiore .nr. Jiiiie member r Atlin. . O. perry. RUNNING t Hie lifHeraH Hadbt oh Imc- tialt by John A Ilea, K.U, dtuty IS EXPECTED SOON inrter for Fort lieorue, objected I ' I M N. t 'l lir 'YVil. IS im Im-i IS. jlorney yeneral f ilia irviure. November This Year Eaceeded; to lawyer bebix asemtded but J ' " "lltU, M.I'.. Il l- le "- -on w iMM-n to Mr. ud Same Month Last Yeae urdared in lite eimre wii- mr- till wn verriilel when it hi Hie llou.e of i...iniian Mr. H. M. Iiamntt. of s;h Queerr Mary Joins Her Daughter waf fiiame or tae i r..vniriai soverii-Mteitl'a by S5S.10S.7S1 shown thai they acted only for he will i, tlie lite o Announcement This Anemoon !eellll4 .i'IMM'. Iteat, at tbe reallie at Harewood Hall Stork to effort to ou jl their client aud could not be. insurance 1 l"r II"' He Would be a Can-dldtle lotl taal eWHliMV. Visit In Few '-line, Kwnliii That l.-ral Days jadviueut obta u asaiual Kelly. Ml l AW A. Dec. tU. nada ayants. ii"-. whether In- ill a-a for Mayoralty I lveeobr It. fotlowiuit arKuieiit in a civil aukt foreijMi truJe tbia Nuvntber ex- t'Aiiy of ieiH.ei . of Par- iaarUu the iiuiliainwit build-ih wded she waine numtli kal )mur LiiMMiN. Dec. IS Vueu Mary FISH SALES """it ( laU Hie 1'i.l'inle- and VW. . H. MunbjKrtoei) an-i.oun.e.l ha joined bar diuijliter. Priaaa lw Mai for Wal be aeateial here .,01110 jeura ago. by aatMOiUSl. Ouly two boats offarrd eara-ova HlllllHll.. tbi aHenMon for the EMBARGO LIFTING M.i. November wa ;tl.;00,3t. Mary I.a-eellen, at Harewood Halt, d fMi al the PUti Ktetaauirw I lie nl.j. t of Hie lll I"' . wmW if a .aiddie where the latter it now utoppiny k.ituetk- "'St BILL IS PASSED IShe Ctvt' Kut'bj)eea rVdera-tioM goJ rtioi-ted wei-e ii mornbiK but I io.uuO founds i.I i,r to r 1 1 -1 I1..H1I M t'M'- maoiwl'v i Ute Wl4uie tnet btfl 11 mil I aud dia- valued at riao.iU7.uuu an in and Hi.- arrival of a Lateelle wvre difaed ut at I bo follow-m ' 1 on art'iiiiweii" hi- I" tton III- (.UlhMHi' down of t.O.MM, K. IS. iHaaed, iMiH'oa oUiar uiaUera. creune of 30,000.UUU. lliin-la heir or n-ire , preui, leu wtlli- iwicoa; "He settlers Uli'l- r Hi' I mi'lre u (.tank for 1 the be eullina..vel i."ie)le Ttta tdll so lift Ute em. Ihe situation ui tlie n-ily hall. A toullr.l T0.IUt..'3U. an uiereuw) 1" a .-r f.-w day. fioldlorou-h R. lo.tar, 7&.uuu ound, I' .uellt .Yt'l. a.iotlLk.ia 1 1 He 1 I"1' -ervil -V.NIl, eeml imaryw iaa IbtMadhyn cmMto Ihaev wev on fourteen iiiecu of I '.'.OOU.OUO. J Hall wliirh had b'en firl select- ai to 1. ami to tlie Caiia-i Illlllllllll'll .ll.l' I'm."'"-iiud has davit read a than I tsnie bM !'-- 'I. H" definite Uv'tiol . d a u -.-iiing. im im i.M'ner eon- moi K1-11 Jt f.-id Htwrage Co, TRADE TREATY SIGNED on Hie " ' "' '" IllJ ftttd Imw rooe4kad Ute ro)U Wile tuk u mi1 'I W .lei'Kl.'d it I llmwii -ail- 1 lai oiybt.-i'l ,'.! IM an-'' it- lli ration- I H'.itittl. '' aayrHy raoe aMit. Itave I la' previtk-irt emir unuthei'jliy the 1 u twur' fo Vau-.will nut b iUjJIIMMl ilwtoet tMiiifWNi. sa.tww pounds, at UI. Ike,-, lit. The rrtMM""- .slit into ti. ie er bi'oit Ui' liu-elioy befoie llH eletitiolt oflmiiiver wln're tie will peiwi Uie'biitiiia win. ti wuub' be Iimj u ric md 7 &c i tha AUtu "ll.lll I'tlllMUIM-i'll I .Ma: ,iui. I i'tti.r - 1 ' 1 w I'Mii) . t'