Ik ornticr 1 lit"? TIH nATTTT HIWS rxnn ftvi Sport Chat jDRUMLUMMON The O.ff that T.it- mm Ifk- IWiIIb MINE ACTIVE 5 IH IiimI (r.f,Ul.l " Keillor Why not give th Children a llixkntlmll l,aii. savings account? Hl rfl thereto In fak. Hear lH,t mri Hi Hniu rtf EipaeUd That Property Down It is the gift that grows from OtWta.ls in Dm iHan.litwr. What Coatt Will t Snipping year to year and lays the foundation 1 K.lka t, in r wboui it Ort to Anyox This for a successful career. n. iloisMfal. A rMorr for Month Call at any of our branches, or Hwiii would mnnt Hm from mail us $1.00 or more, and we iMinvts4 fMHibbtn of r "Hi finim I.iKnnion min .n will see that this useful gift, a y;, w wHfeMit point 4n th.- iaml-i Union Bank Savings Account, and wihiM n)m ita,, iif tHhW (KnloiiniijfW. n wliK-h arrives In time for Christmas. 1Ii.uk. hi III. y tfwK nbmil .VI mn iitf rntjm nttyn th. i.n ml in fifH. Ttii Ih HinJiKf and l.mrinrrnsr Hc-Aw '' M on II is inn. wllirt rrk hni r- whrihr h lilka r ln otlnnll l linmi Ijim-nn . .a.--- v .i ikinr fall oui of Hi llay. A tiaft 1 limr UNION BANK OF CANADA VI '' li"l fntlltlv HIM 1h dho ik Wnrli Hi or al 100 frt !.f km" llr nr.iin lvl. A rr-- or-4wMly, wlikti ha vrjr An ini.TpMna name I . f)rnr if lrniilh, la hn ttreit hi Iho l,ali' l.)'SM irm up n of U r.nit MfHaWH "f III A.lai.a.' ami liimtl. atol wliH tan i-arrvlnit 1 Map! l'iifa. In f.Mill nt mm lil irtf Tfrti ore Mi olhr Ih tn (min arn rxrw on tri of lb Diln. i liish iirad yb Ivmtinc i,i.,i- will Mil . ra fpofK Hi follow, That XMAS Gift tfiesm a .! in hlir. loir a-a) :. Ii. 0.01 n.: ilvr .S ((lr. 10.5 fvr Pfnt. i tin- Imnmf iotial lrfjnt 'Hi plan! I Iwlrry jnM n a "" ! I'lmif wntt -llr Nm wIH IttnlflHlUI lKtl. nwitiv lr-pr ' You want to select for your friend can be chosen to your 'i 'Ii Kstiffht of IViHmti. ttax nppll,j fy a ni-lil in. Hih firoll... Ytrlory for jrtn. manufcirlur.! by l entire satisfaction here Is ' ..lliolira vii II inn lhfii nl hiww strm I'iwhi Tk fir SS ''H renewing Ih irt I IhifTaKi. X.V. Tit nyin i a Iwairtlfiil nwr wf tnf hinrjr. of SILVER PLATE. nwn mn.lnHI.in. II lia That wear almrxl a long n oli.l silver i Ih kind Hiu-- i:arnnH(r. lln I'rVfwIi fHoW 12 III in., ati. ir i itmni (.nnii into Hm rMi?prir .xTtrtirvi up lo 1000 Mr kf. Multl with ilrntal of U. M. priir lo larl lli inirin. 411. rhuiiri" Dial ttllr Tb flv 1il i. 10 ft In OUR ASSORTMENT i very eumplel mid inrlude all W11! ww- n fMiiM-l ..n himI tlmt lHMiiN'r mm J It Mint pu1ly Ihe lall palleriM in Ten Srvlee, Cnenile, Pie I Mi ii"iihi Unit hi- whiIiI tmi Rl in. Tli itiiiYI l a naii l'lale. liillTrH. Sainlwlrh Plnle. Flower Hakel, Ik- rr.Mii'traMi if hf ahl. fonrintr. Til fl'vin i ,of micIi ;iil Flu tw are of all kiml.i H.n.iv- l,Urc Itwii tin- Mal-r ulwtanlhil rnlnKii that ,. HltH4uli'l fiitv in if. mi ! al.M wiriali. .i I.iik. i hwi !Ii Htraiti and II. Crnnoty. of Nw Vrk. who LADIES' WRIST WATCHES. '' II Til ' JMM,g4,' lm i fiiwtiilHir 4lt I4iihiiiI of :10 lliffrivnl Slyle In i lioo-e from and ever one giiarantel. 'I'll.-1 Mm W i wdlurf lu Hi lmHi l.umwMHi Min. rnl-Ijr LEATHER BAGS ARE NEVER OUT OF SEASON. r vMll 1h in i I i rprnlir hh.i w ill viv iprl- mm- lirr i.ih to dlMrtly ! in ,tny miIo iilnlll.' .. mNiii. W hae a r- fin line of Swapper llap Heanly Oie and Siiwle Ungn in different Ocncrnl Ci.nr Co. Limited ron. ftBMitw for n,tfind iiiimgf, n.l .'Xpr.!! chilli and leather. Nnnliia br Ih KrwiPli lUttmir bmlf lihrtilv Mttif1l Willi il CUT GLASS. Controlled and Operated hv l'.nimilon. -.fit. We -an fhow ou a wmiderful eieelifn eleelion of Out fila, Frenrli Ivory. - - I '.wiip.'nl nlr wiM l oup- I ml.rlla. Slerlinp Silver. Manieiire S'l, Ciparell (Iae, elr. Impcntil TobiiccoCo. of (nnatla Limited Jtf -.a4r of Va-lnrtii ln kwi IiI frw u l.aKlhiw rmpr!of SANTA CLAUS fimailr IhtWtPi al lintmi. Now. hy f 50 rn. ft. ra(MH). II i in-! Smile when lie ee our wonderful xlo-k of Holiday (lift that make people happy. a ! l.i pull off. tt "til lo .-rr on a wn(airn OUR JEWELLERY i. ntttr l rwmr t. ! of 'I ilmiimiwl .IrtHiojf ini.W run-lm.l Seem lo have caught the very feee of the Xma spirit and Ihe whole tore i Kw iri willi lloyt Itru. Mr. for I .mi a lik one Inp lovinp eup filled lo the hr m and over flow ing with nrent that w ill lar-. SHliriiw. rw I Hint- lilt- ! In ha Hi nun To the Housewife-- AhiikhI rhritn. wn wm1hi iniilnlip rArwIilioti an.l .onvey jonr oe and Ihoiiphtfidne to your friend. ii ui it.- Willi irmttrgn iiikI lU llii Hiihihiu' orw lo -iTaiIi wnrll.M There are no Lower Prices than our considering the Quality. mi- Iwniunliiai lo amU wp-o lrnrtr. You Want CoxJ Ratullt When Cooking. f..r tin- Jirtwan. liar IkaiHlfcrHp. 50.00 IN GOLD i.. Im- twil III Wloria - - USE o.ai. .. vwnni,f IUiH. mt lhw,( TIlP Malt tKp MdOII ! To be In the swim we are staging a Grand Drawing Every customer gets a chance ii... Al Wt i.tt or uu. ,n 1 Don't Foraget Your Ticket. Drawing will take place December 30. mrt nr.- fjrll l.i lr fM", 9AYS Maple Leaf Flour Mi.- i wMfli will . a fill)- K - " . anl. lianNW A Ihih.I-)i. i; . . . .,,ui, m ...a loan who R. W. CAMERON ii. iih Titw i n i-w-mh mi III 1mi- vrv ..mti.Ktl ilm' ,iry HlMtnl uutrniiiir. t . k . a marked success. .1. iit.l v'i ni.wi. rrnaH The Jeweller Third Avenue "ONCE USED ALWAYS USED." will.I tik a tiUmkl anil a j "JIKIitliTHU Sunk In irl -A..1.1 tM.t'l.- iM'tl.T wlo 'Mm2 ral a hnIIHi. siir--ly i 1 1 i . s .. .'iii.'i.' Irlil III.' linn. ihi. OHDER "MAPLE LEAF FLOUR" from your Grocer TODAY : : s.,i.. f-- Iiiil N'.'W. II y.m'p ! I year, earli ileum In or her I a.l.lv wn in Mif tirw.t eomitiB" particular Hem .x.-rllonlly. Many iii-'.iiili vr hafr?" H.kisl th aaaaaaanaalaaaBaavlBaBaBaBQBBaBBaaVBHrBsHBkBvt HaBBBaaBBBaBBaaaBalBaaalBaMBaBaBBBBaaaBaBaaaaaaBH 3 of Hi numlwr were in. l Willi ili- uiii II Ihiv. llnl inuiul for enror. I There wr Mer:vt choru innriuv f MOTHERS innilr of IhiIIi cirl' and l.y liana itmniTli Uio ltiu, ornaniiatiou. alMml :m lak-inif SELLING OUT "Ii - l.iirvlarv liWitir wi.l, loyx'part in rli. IsMi.-i fouinl nit niorainir. Twa .i wnlr iil. Th prirrain eonil. of reflation l.y Mi "Snihla llnldr- Don't Forget The 'I'll :SK wn1 Mk ilay when a li.li. Mi Oli lliek. Il. twrl Boy Itiviiit. IMiffnnl limroit aiuli liltti' heal i wrlii n Ut of pity. - . . (Ih-iii. Mi'Iniii; piano ilnt l : A Nice I IIKMK i mi HriiHf Imhi Hi i.onl.'ii Parkin and C.liflord Cam-! EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE MUST BE SOLD AT ACTUAL nuppy walhr i tl'.nl Ua ron; nolilier'it nK hv 'ley COST BY THE END OF JANUARY. I.. .mt alntul Ih tnifk liirniitx. ami Ilillie Slook.lal an.l llrti Armour Clad Suit lnuoToii; oo4 hy Mi Winnu We V "iil h.iw .i -In.il I mil' t. .If.ir mil tiur lM'k ami v' aiv HM: Uf of a:, i.ili t -ail fred Dil-l.. MI, lliil.y Knk.k It" l"'l'l" l Ih' ullOHl I'll IHMlllll lur tin I Mi AiKlrey Parkin: moIih In the Latest Pen rod Style. ..ffi-riil ilon't li.t li tnliiiileo. moIo l.y liljl Wiiltern and ft vorikl t duet hy MU Kutlii rine lrin and rill', ftilfcin mi il tv n 1mi-man Mi lAlyli lialby. From $12.00 are huytov rlU uroiiml Th msvip.l mrt of Ihe pro n thn. stain wa Ihe exhibition of lii) 100', Pure Wool Sweater, shawl collar iu two colors, $4.95 xmas an Mauie lalilern itietore of l.atll. - High Ne. k. in Nuy and Orange, $5.45. A I'KSSIMIST 1 h itan 1.oLiii uwil KiihinaruieH with llev. SU Margaret's Stockings and Jerseys, in all color and Going M.Mil.l liaiiu Sani.i IMhu. (I. is. Marker iminii un evplanu-torv ixe. They are or" the finest Virgin Wool. - talk. JUST RECEIVED new shipment of Boys' Caps sntl II IIKI Y wun 1o join Ih I Kor Ih ije of I Ito ronrerl Bloomer Pants. They are reinforced in the seam and in cost prices lfllJ.Mll' -'l'll ill III.' very tuiirh enlil la due those w,h. are all lined. II.Mr fllttlt'-. iwere in Pharpe of the truininp. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THEM. Out of ;They were Mr. Stokdale and Sixes from 2 years up. PRPAT fflMfFRT TIVPN M'M "l,k. viN-al iiiuU'; llev. Just In. A new stock of Boys' All Wool Mackinaw. llIXLAl vUllvLfAl Ulltll ',! Mrit Haeker, elm-ulionary All Sizes. HrV i- ii K"1''''11 ! ' "" nik your C.lirilma- I A5T NlflHT RY CMS i.iut..brsnd Mi M. A. Way mi l m wuiil.l iulii' oii lo -Imp early while Ihe telerlHin 7. ' ' .,n V .VZ l'r..r. II, Aulirty l'rce. Iiutru, puri'tiMie lull i- v.'iv liniitt'il. ANU DUia W IHUKIH "'""'I m.-''. Ml Marjorie ACME IMPORTERS i rompJeti' i ' !.anratr and Mi Melnria Tli reason lhal w ai-e elliii(T out is Hint we nr Ki"K Every Ssat In Htsthodlst Auditor- K'Jkvky u 11 ,,uUr wer iimnipanlU. A. WwLlpsin, Manager. MHllll. turn Was Packed For Affair l""v l"'. Tel. 359. P.O. Box 667. tiu IIUIIjJll... illl lllK tllllH' i Pregram Splendidly !r. J. P. Cade ami U. ('. CarrUd Out irelitnHsl lal Hlua-rl fWnitiK IS NO CAMOUFLAGE ABOUT THIS SALE. THERE t r 'in Hi.-ii' 1.11 iHinliitij I Hi i of WE HAVE SIMPLY GOT TO CLEAR OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK. Ihere was ni a vacant al In ito- .y..n lln-y tw dr Our DAT froxeu herring bait Is conceded by Othermeii thn au.litorniin of Mot Me1lii.it , H railier diftlniU Ilm 1 ba to Ihe unest procurable at any Paciflo Coast r.tiniili lal nmlit whilst he MU. In llir o., ili eniitne nf iUrt Portand it is "Fishy," Price, 130 per too. toil Hand nirl uud ilhe Trail l.i iiann-4 fnx.'ii tut .m Hkmii ' Tpp The best way of insuring a food quality trip is ItuiiK.'r lm put on. a riineert. The .'.In. iLiy muht. to have plenty of our hard froieu Ice. Price, (liil.lrin ohowetl up iuriii'ulariy, II per ton. ASIA TRADING Company wi'll ulnler their iraininp and Urn CATARRH m I4 Sm. Ollffirn "r e"-ou'l,l,'d store can supply flshlrw gear. single flaw there was not a in' I o. fishermen's elvthlnn, groceries and provisions the pronram. every uuinlier go. BLADDER and hardware, not off wllhoutt hitch or liesu THIRD AVENUE tallnu. Thn-e wire 80. Unas on tW.MilkaW Cuh C.s.ut. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company thn program uii'l Hie rhlldreti who to. Kotehlken, Alaska Branca look part ranrej in are from 6