~~ GOODYEAR ~"® kg | e better, last long Lp os the famous @ 74 2 Larry, makes then Pap Ly Ra: a“ KAIEN MOTORS ae a i a Se Chevrolet Dealers Phone 52 and Black 379 v4 x XXIIL, No. 273. GREAT BRITAIN eo FRANCE TO PAY . Che Daily Netws NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER _PRINCE RUPERT, B: C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 19 2 v Tomorrow's Tides High 11:30 aim, 228 ft. dp etbtia api 5:20 am. 18:15 p.m. 71 ft. 23 ft. Low ee PRICE: FivE CENTS War Debts To Be Met On Time Next Month, State Dep’t Learns Sec- Decision Followed Conferences Yesterday Between retary Stimson and Ambassadors Paul Claudal and Sir Ronald Lindsay WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 25:—Great Britain and France have agreed to make war debt payments due to the United States on December 15, it was announced yester-. day by the State Department. Great Britain will pay $95,- 000,000 and France $19,000,000. The payments will be | - JAPAN HELD | RESPONSIBLE Dr. Wellington Coo Describes That Country as “World’s Trouble-Maker” GENEVA, Nov. 25 Dr. Welling- ton Coo, spokesman for China at jthe League of Nations, yesterday |described Japan as the “world’s jtrouble-maker” and declared that | “if the world is to have peace, Ja- pan's challenge to the League of Nations cannot be allowed to go unehallenged.” Dr. Coo held Japan's tactics re “aggressive ponsible for recent war- fare in the Far East "Passes ins Right-of-Way Thanksgiving Day In Puget Sound City Is Darkened By Tragedy Kleven Persons Injured as Mad Laborer Dashes Through Streets Wielding Huge Bolo Knife—Finally | Taken in Custody | SEATTLE, Nov. 25:—Thanksgiving Day in Seattle | was marred late yesterday afternoon by a ghastly traged in Jackston Street district when Julian Marcelino, a Fili- nino laborer, ran amok in the crowded streets with a huge bolo knife, stabbing six persons to death and injuring 11 made in gold bullion, it is expected. All other countries ex- snag ery others before he was taken into custody. The dead include Mcept Greece, which has already a bystander, named Frank Johnson,” |given notice that it must defa one other white person, three Fili- ’ will meet their payment is al pinos and a Chinaman. The injured LABOR ES ticipated. For three of the smaller UNDER WAY persons are expected to recover IT nations, postponement hud been with the possible exception of one. NOT LIKELY previously agreed upor Marino started his mad career 7 stat epartment ¥ . , é l Jac 1 S..eet The State Department \ Macon, Sister Ship of Akron, Ex- from a hotel in : acksor . C tified that Great Britain and Fra ; where he was staying. Slaying two tified ! Britain an I pected to Be Completed in a: diiiaes: te ise the ie ; : General Pershing Gives His Views) would pay followi conference Six Months men as they lay on sm ‘' Renewal of Militant Campaign in On European Situation yesterday between Amba ior Sir rooms, the madman rushed into the United States Urged Upen : Ronald Lind f Great Bi AKRON. Ohio. Nov. 26:—The Street, slashing right and left and Indianapolis Convention NEW YORK, Nov. 25:—General and Ambassador Paul Claudel of} i. aj 1ip Macon, sister ship to leaving on and trench in vere atc ele J Pershing, commander-in-|France with Secretary of State | the United States Navy dirigible ae amg A ous Seca a ree rgd vow ae ae ee the United States Expe-|Henry L. Stimson after the deliv- Akron, will be ready for service detectives in King me, armed newal of a militant labor campaign nary Forees in the Great War,|ery of notes that United States vinin six months, it-was antoun- and ares into custody. {in this country such as was waged anded here yesterday from the! would expect the nations of Eur ed here yesterday. The struéturat er reaching the police station,~ +; pre-war days was urged upon liner Manhattan after having spen‘|ope to meet the payments when] too) skeleton has received its outer Marino stated that he had see two ine convention of the American wme time in France in connection) they fell covering, five of the eight engines a yond tee os hat na of Labor here yesterday. with the work of the Battle Monu- London Discusses Debt | have been installed and fvel tanks SO ago é |Capital was charged with impos- me Commission LA DO} } : Lord R ind ballast bags have been put in |ter them with the knife. jing unreasonable wage cuts upon : ale NI \ ) Lord \ g ailas ags ave Ul } ee cael y to questions by news- : st t n e| place. Other uctural material One of the maniac's victims WAS jabor and with broken contracts. men, General Pershing made|, ; are "inn Sm, Lael diated ty tetas Gohan a woman who attempted to rescue, ‘The convention is continuing. General Pershing mad jpn, « p ' N re und eq ~ se a is being fabricat \ sided ctatidl tes tind tnt sath. | ee tat pnt in regard & d by Kir ‘ iy.jand assembled reg a Tale ee hy aes ee | Marcelino dashed madly over an mativers since the War.) war det f ul | pee 2a of several city blocks, slashing Asked if he considered an eariy|;, pave bee by t |\teeeeoeenee ee ae eer en oe | nay { savagely with his native weapon, k of war in Europe possible arch with + + PES a Ba gd Spe sp oy eee = . + $ through the estate of Anita Baldwin tim, was a grocery store proprietor President-Elect of United States to he nose , r- ‘ . dir oO" ee 1 ne e possibility of war in Eur-| pyropean na egarding Ww et , > land was slashed to death outside Spend a Couple of Weeks at ery vague for a number of debts. that Great B ild be|# expectation and hope of an ‘iten shop Warm Springs, Georgia Teasor said General Pershing] »yapie to n Dp ent of|* early election, Liberal members #! oe a | Ss | f i " wever, did not elucidate the | 95 990.000 du December 15 but} of the House of Commons are #| Conditions Better in Canada Makes Statement Today WARM SPRINGS. Ga. Nov. 25:— werable|* beginning a campaign. Al- # Marcelino said today that his _ > a? ee , i+ h the Bennett vern- # TI > UJ it d S Th |mind “turned over” late yesterday Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, ' wnemel though th sen govern- ; t t e 1 > 1 ate yesterday ce : , lcase ex V } | -resident-Elect e ; . ! el mp # ment can continue in office for #} ian in mite a es; e |because two negroes had slugged screenees at ae IOC’ , acct é , 2 : eat Wave ti , + at least two more years, if it #| ° Vy 0 e. ° 4? _ ‘and robbed him of $200 Wednesday 4 : wie) cone or Tr . IDi¢ and a , arrive p . ° In offi however. the| ® lesires, there is a feeling in # ountry 1s ery ptimistic night and he discovered $100 miss- ane dowanour of rain yesterday | nia | I en¢ t * some political quarters that it #| jing from a cache in a room he ie y ; n n a or pin eem ; | ; ‘ “ . and was acclaimed enthusiastically cui ietiiinds Atiiie tenth +} go to the country before 4 shared with Pito Gualto, another by a crowd of several hundred “ pay tl n December r/e 0 legal expiry of its term. #/'P) Hf. Johnson, Manager of Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Pilipino and one of the dead Senaite Déseieeaha een gee Taaete' - tj" oF Co., Gives Interesting Luncheon Address | “My life is not worth all those ae ina - ee . SUL: 4 4 Ss > ( ~aonnih a Degree Mark at Los Angeles— nt er a re ate: 9 (O12 OOO eS Oo F-9 . Pee marae | lives,” Marcélino said today Governor Rooseveit is here for a Bush Fires in State , a th seashell en ' | Before Rotary Club }two weeks’ vacation to recuperate ywefore I er payme | mn the f Common NGELES, Nov. 25:—The ut - t H m a farwat Cbs ted November heat wave | 0b : nuing in Southern Califor oN : : se eile haa thermometer again ap-|P8y! a ed the ninety degree mark aa , teps | re Angeles yesterday. There are | ©!" ea ating tn tart ' fires in the neighborhood of | ‘' cul | urrency lego and elsewhere in the|*™ i DAMAGE BY Interior Weather HIGH Y W ATER: race—C ous, calm; temper-| ature, 36 Hizelton—Cloudy, calm; Unprecedented Floods in Te renee | Sinithers—Cloudy, calm; District—House is Moved To Burns Lakes Clear cole: 22 Middle of Creek Bed t¢ + @ ¢$¢¢4¢ ¢@ @ © #) TPRRACE, Nov. 24-Recent high! 7 am wate! ha 10M rood deal ol + ¢ ASOLINE PRICES ON #/ damage iy thi district Long t in the Kitsum OTHER SIDE ARE CUT #! channels were cu erence #/kalum, Lakelse and EATTLE, Nov,.25:—Thanks ‘ving Day brought welcome *| traffic News for Seattle motorists in #| The hatchery innowncement of reduc- #|Lake was partially tions in gasoline prices of from Pa truck and oll to 4 1-10 per gallon. The #} complete loss me New prices, including 6c tax +) re waa ao the “re 13 9-10c per gallon for #,ed from ae mel é ird structure gas, 16 9-10c #,middle of the ‘or first grade and 19 9-10c #,cecar tre for ethyl : + # been +e eee ee & + @ incl #\roads to the exte! repairs could be made until Lakelse destroyed. The| shed were a road at Charle creek bed against a unprecedented in this dis- e+e ee eeretrt errr + Copper City} | if of stopping mov-| All degre var ious parts *|Col Robins Now | AtFlorida Home 0:0», mance »., during hi _-—_ ee ——- ri |from the rigors of the recent elec- of opumism and pe ssimism were en o ade. Delewidiiie en — oes cea of Canad 1 and the United States by T <3pepe ‘ or so ago Governor Roosevelt had nothing add to his views on the inter- ey of the Canadian Fish & Cold er Is Given Luncheon recent tour, he told the members of the Ro- i tary Club at heir luncheon ve sterday afternoon in the national war debt Situation as ex- Amnesia Victim Will Recuperate| ~ymodore Cafe. On the whole, he found Canada better! British Columbia Trade Emissaries| pressed before he left Washington There Following Recent than the [ { te xt Are Honored in London on |except to reaffirm that he was op- | Lapse of Memory Going int tail t - P: yund the demand, for low priced Thursday | pos ed to any postponement of the ; . on er mention here were many prey ven there and the —_— , Obligations due by Buropean na- BROOKSVILLE, Fla., Nov. 25 pessimist am, Maskatehe deen taint ei patrons would | LONDON, Nov. 25:—The British| tions on December 15 next. Raymond Robins, who wats conih aha. he seri f bas a ae a priced article. He Columbia lumber delegation, which ws whee found » few days ago near Ashe crops foll the se { ; » the manager of the atin’ is visiting the United Kingdom Col. J. W. Nicholls, conaptpolier of jville, North Carolina, suffe ering | oot price fanitoba thir = Diiees oe , ij ones retail store| With a view to promoting trade for! the Canadian Fish & Obdld Storage {rome apanenia, frome vain Hd 5 now | were a tril but busing where the . ved something like | the industry, was tendered a lun-|Co., sailed last night on the Prince lt ‘covering, arrived here last night was poor The northert Todi aa - 4 ih Past Two ) |cheon in the House of Commons’ Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and {to complete his recuperation at his artions af the prairies suede in bet yesterday elsewhere in the south on company | home aii Meienibiblon he italien het vibiieaitad business. S jing had b ps and higher: HAS LANDED - ie fia Home! se ° e ° ez ede ee Seattle Bishop Jerades of | y 7 ; An a he l goes - h C F E T * AIRPLANE CRASHES IN + Has Been Priest van gy beens. 0°. nee a IN EN GL AND rom rope our, : RIO JANEIRO STREET ¢ F Fif Y et , anda aie | le RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, # orrt ty CALS | rive on ther very considerable | victor Smith, Young South Afriean|Noted American Operatic Singer |# Nov. 25:—After the motor had # | jextent both in season and ou! and Aviator, Completes Flight Regrets Closing of Chicago \¢ stopped while the machine ¢ SEATTLE, Nov. 25:—The fiftieth|*e product was hawked aroun From 'Capetown Opera # was being flown over the city, # anniversary of the ordination of | the country and sold at very \ witht | iocaied le an airplane came down into a # ‘Bishop O'Day, head of the Roman | Prices. The result was disastrous LONDON, Nov. 25:—Victor Smith, | NEW YORK, Nov. 25:—Mary pad street here yesterday. The pl- # |Catholic Church for this diocese,|*he fish trad People would not| youthful South African aviator,|den, noted American operatic eri? lot was killed in the crash but # was celebrated with special mass in| PAY reasonable prices when they janded in England yesterday after|er, who has been on a trip to Eur-|# the passenger was saved by be- # lst. James Cathedral yesterday,|C0Uld buy these cheap fish a flight from Capetown during] ope, landed here yesterday from the|# ing caught in telephone wires # |Bishop O'Day was in receipt of a} In Ontario and Quebec the pic-! which he was missing for five days| liner Manhattan. She expressed re-|# before the plane hit the @ y} iter conditions have | personé 4] message. from Pope Pius/ture was brighter. People generally jn the Kamerun Mountains when | gret at the closing of the Chicago|# ground. + a Te | XIII who extended pontificial bless-| Were more prosperous and there! some anxiety was felt as to his| opera, in which she had long taken |# + ings }was less unemployment, Still he | safety. ‘leading roles. sete eeereeee eee