I U.. lie lobar II, IMS THE DAILY NEWS HIGH COST OF CITY POLICE THE NEW B. C. VETERANS' WEEKLY Acting Mayor Keep Dlaeuaaea Football MatUp With at Othar Matting Commla-loner -:- Competition HIGHER THAN OTHER CITIES MEETS WITH THE APPROVAL OF FANS Commlttloner Macdonald Defand We haml ynu Mow Coupon No. ? of our nrw Fm.trmll Omfirtiiinn Juliflnr front rpnH-. thf. nrw FnothaM Competition h HI Action and Qlve a won tit npriat of fiHithatl fnn. nrp ofwjaily piratwt t.. not that pmrlirally nil Hip old fan who ha partielpall in Thruat Back the former II.C. Virri'.R AXW KtWITBAM, l'.NTrXTf are takina imrt in the new lionvpeiflinn . Anollier gralifyinr angle, the urore of letter- we Dave rey-ive from iibrrllieri ronrratulalifiR n on the fart that we play th Kme." In otlier wnrU we The pn of Ihe fx-ilir-c il iHrl-wenl offer Hip fan our iimial IIO.OOO rah prire in Ihe firnt week uf our new Content. A nasty tickling cough and throat paiiip ft) for cori.lrs.M. soreness troubles most folk about tlrnron at H mrclinic of Hi- EASY TO UNDERSTAND the Fall. This cough is an insidious 'i.iniiiii..ii.-r lnt nta-hl. Coin. The new Competition U eay to nni-rtnnl. You nimply alat.- wln lher the HOMK TKAM wTll -enre MiiflU, I.K.S, or the KAMI' peril. Unless got rid of it may mean liariKitic iiic to w.-n-th- matt ha4vanlai-wiih uiln-i if XL'MHHII OK liflAl.M a lliey aroretl in the eorri'tpnmlintr name al year, by '.Urinir an -X" in the rolutnn proviileil. 2!r en-tllSe a bad dose of bronchial catarrh that Prince lluHTf. I he iilwppiler to five weV' iihrription anil one roupnn: one ilnllar entitle the n.rrller to 23 week'a aiiliprlptlo Ai'tlnit j aiul fisei. roiijion. There i no limit to Hie Onulti of iiiri ipi ions iiml numl.er of rmimn w tilrli may te enl in liy any on lingers through the winter. Mayor lienrire Kerr aii fieron In She week. i wa Ho fn.t inrH he hail i The first il(n ol hoarsrnen or throat Irritation Is tilde nee that yon need PEPS. .l'aurr- nf iii'tinir on the null.'.-riHimt'Htn Competition No. 2 Closes Friday Midnight, October 20th, at the office of the ami would like In rail OttoJve one or two of these pleaunt Ihe Mtentmn .if the Ine , ,.m -: B.C. VETERANS WEEKLY, LIMITED infCttort'lulltnt ubleis in your mouth right Hilaabener In tin- roat .if riii'iimu P. O. DRAWER 93S. away Breathe deeply into your throat and Ihe Hlice il l artm-pt. Mitii-i- iHk Carter.Cotton Bldfl., Cor. Cambla and Hatting Street, Vancouver, Canada. lungs the powerful volatile healing and germ in mep Hi,- i,,iiiin n ni-tinw tcidal medicine given off m tht form of fumtt. mayor h- (,.,,( tf,n' into il.laiN COUPONS for covro wujt i evr atoao agaeta This is sure to destroy all the cold germs' iiikI not ip. ,I n,ai lae -ot nf .,t-'-ralin- .NKW hr ltH-Jt FOOTBALL COMPETITION and Veep trouble off the lungs. the ."hr.- ,parliii hi liml 1 Games to be By their soothing, curative and germicidal rrown .-r in,i.ll. h a llUi w nMKKTt nr. pi.yi:ii hti'kiay ihtohiik 21.1. . action on the sore inflamed air-tubes. Peps In llrt II nf Ihr ixdir- flayed -mnirillln Cl IS oVfck ilNtnWttil rrkday, C)ri. HHK C to T. O. Xr.r HI, T..f, B. C C. Vimi Wl IhIWI (miW m .M to M m to IM (. MM Mm I MW of colds and throat rl mm-h I Im.l l-en lAr coughs, ( i.tU.im. October 21st remove mhii m IrilVI IIIM M 4 totAltv fcllt M .1.in' wtm VHs imkMM. mmm a. mmi Hlrt.lwt Ttfe Mat trouble Thev impart new vigour and strength tit mi' ', h.'.i on. an.I i it t i.-t II to m tototv I to .... to ii.ia.a MM ,.. mwIm m.hckm a mm mmmau; to. ... to niif: If. rteM pm iimiihi to the breathing' organs, and ward off the evil tfcr ym lat.-r. it kail iir.-wii Im ti x m 1 imi .mm pn itoto to HO MI m MOIC LESS SAME '"- effects of this chilly, changeable weather. nS.SS3.Mi l.ikiau h- a 11,111 -lrtMMi tto en to mm. Peps are also splendid for children. They ,-ar fium... ,,- $10,000 AMI.. ABBBcaa M U Mm. L to 1M. a u aaato. i iua,. . t.ar'nfu! dr ig of arty k id. Piwt mt nppl.llnia itM1 x,ll,-r ...-.- i.l NHmim. h i :., wit :.;h: on. Hw T VJA ISg in Prizes u U a MtV. Ml.. tL MI.. .iimI Nnnaimo MLSm-. !( . Iitoml that tit" laral .Ii.iii lin.-n. ASTON VILLA i 2 bolto w. h i j ' . ; ; vita all nut of nr&. BURNLEY II 1 BLACKBca r, a t l ; j ' Transportation Cot Reps lUiiiun'ittmnrr Martlnnalii ' ' OLDHAM A. ' 1 Hrppeaarp t. i I j 1 j j lii yiMI havr mM -iii)mI-i TOTTENHAM H. i 2 w bbovwich a. T L 1 i I dial p an- win iiMI hhI- If... ' Oka Ha prin farm bi-h all PRESTON N. E. 1 MascH-rrra en j ( I 1 Mir itiiMtnrr ar lakn. V l ; BURY" rAtTViT j ' i II 1 CtT.T.L I I iw1iihi nf Hip amwuiit s liap rntc. MM WMl urrc.ni ImCllliC M M to. IM IM t.i!. ra4 i tHkn k in li an,i ln First Prize CLAPTON 0. 1 wnwr-aoat 1 j i im a. .. at. immn, f Mwti htn " ln.i. m mm M I. tua. wwt mUi COVENTRY C. 1 pubt cocxtt ill '.it,niti'n-r kp ak", $5,000 ta 8111 j in .i if hr tejP' l'"! R0THERHAM C. 2 hcll cttt I J j 1 POLICE REPORT f Hi,- iiuiiMWr if men eitfl,iy,'-l 2 TT ! j I P I BRIGHTON Ac H. It a-rxTrom I ho-f iitl-i that the Ptly in I'Mal lTif, aiMl If U Second Prize fri a ..,ii .- .!.,M.. hi ( ia wamW'il iln- itN-a ! wurk mir LUTON TOWN 1 jt-tmocth a. a 1 ! j j I j r Chief Vlckket. Saya City la Order- an ,.rl.- l '"ijilii i than eijiiil li,,in a ly an.I ., ' ' I Numlxr of Opium I 1 '" r' .! MiplPl a fundM?. It hail Ix-eti fiirii ri l $3,000 SOUTHPORT " 1 wio b. n .1 1 i ! j p a"1 ' i.'l.-.l fl..l. h a Mvwpaiu mm a inan Caaaa CLYDE II 2 at ciTiD tt 1 j ; wMk pii4 awht. I tu n- h i ' im fc Mwweiaxljr im ti Hr ami Third Prize HIBERNIAN8 !l2 RirtH tortii 1 1 i ' !' : ' ,e... oi ,Ke pi F. T. KING DIED AT lelahl anal liter wa ttiMe when 1 ' ' In M IN tlw Ull Mall OREENOCKM. j) 1 iumow a hT 1 lit .ntrnrt.nf Okiief VANCOUVER SUNDAY ,per wvr itnltreitMin ,.u:.mW- $2,000 ttfnt Ttor Mvck mm tct. HI Nil. Iim f ir etlt MWIne. AfillNt Mayor Kerr nft U M ' r ' "'M'-Wii AoclaUd With Hall and Wt nhjert to the methiMl at at Bablngton In Rock Contract What he wiaherf l iahaii- wa it i ' i.al the ' .Hi HJlllPil at Smith Utand Ike amwinv operatin pupI of tlr ami nlln-r alrnrini . riiiir in Hi.- 1 .-t pnihli value aiul ill-11 'ixilire tleparlnu'tit. He iimler- Ihi ell, a nil il J..11 are voins I 1 Im 1 1 hern apponiinir l . I T1. I k. L" I.....1 Tk-u... IdiiiHl Ip.um I lm mttw WL xiti- nny -i-eiht v. 11 11111-1 kii- lii-nnte Muor... who jrave a tali; . .. ... al .11 lt aj,f .KMaj, itf lie mwlmrtiiMt firw of.tfci year Ike polire eaimiale. i rnlll to the mi1ii i- f..r tin nlal-ft (InllX 'h lllll' "' III Ullilli' f llul n. rea.r. NorJitann. Kln . Marhle. an WNrM aeanwul M,IMI. Mefer. llunif he ai-i. at ihe Itnlary t:iub luneheon ye-'rilay 'he reMt nf Uh CttnlraHitr A- w tn Ike ftj-11 inrt I 300 Par Cant Incrcaa afli-rnixiii. $0.50 tlawi hi ami mr, . .. ' . . a ... ji aa-yui.l aaalar fMJtuai Arlmit Majnr Kerr -a hi he hail Mr. Mimm ait it wa particularly u a art 1 1.. . wen- I.,11 mmrimm iti Brirmn-T, iihhi w r-i. -wa - lren imi the finaiwe poiiunittee for itilUeult 1.1 jtet Ihe right nii'rett i .iilliliK llli IIm Bt wmk. ami iMl.ins a an bmn iu Priiipe Kuierl. Krmi . i. 'i n. an, f"iir ill . . . ... .... a a ii a a a i ahlerMian. the raie wf ni ht an.) VPKetahie hail In lie or.ler. Hi.- ajfiMire. wen- all i"HW l"HreI r IMtete ,tf w imi-inira aim iwroinrmi i - Kl wll !! were IM-Ihiiw with et in im lire iet4rtilieiit ol-WOH l aleul 3H.I often llim- onler "if yi.ithl in ,..i....n. -4l-raae all l'- B,, "- a.lale.1 Ike rMy. III. fir.l arl,... . r.. ItMl luph. wen- (ikaee.1. one nliea.l of Hie iiwi u.-.. '.. i. w .if ! "Hi Mew. Hall IUfrl.inaloi.1 iiii-ioner hl bwn In brHti: the I'HotoiioioHer Macilmwlil: Il nlln-r. When Ihe firl of lhei-wa . ..1.1 ,.fT. ,..k,r krM "he i il HM-k rontrai l at Sioilli wiitkiiiii hniir of lite Hiire rtowti .1H1 isrt the native effipient ner. fille.1, if the quality of Ihe Will now buy ,t umi aa ,I -i.l Un Ihr pi ml mrl inn firm Irmo l h"iir In ,-iakl kiMira a K .Mil uf your uteri that w trvl Khm wto-t mil whal wa eerl-et. lirul. i.i'h f-n - nll i.-.i.Ipi ..I I wln.-h h- uk-rM ww ul of 1 Kir tonhoeioeii, who are ile. there were. Imi. oilier unilai a genuine ' Hi.- H-tfK r ainern. ni'w . rt i.mii- ai il tin lou iif'ii-ieni, ani win. an eiani Iiverliit the g.iol. ynu mil make or.ler fnlhiwinc on. Weal her Mim.p e ii u i?i m-red nine. mmlition alTea'ie Male anil al a-Mi.m hi .imi'M of iHn al liour dajr tke rily roiilil not hi- a lar iietirr im. 11 it man no are 1 1 w iliainlial. I'ffu iiMillv Mltreit with te than iiiiI 'iib tiMlay." Ihi ilWtanee from the tt:f of Hih. rniirt helii ilur. I omtale. He wa a frequent H rinliniilne. he ati that irli- iiily it wa ililltrull .Inintt iiu-me4 GOSSARD iii.Httk, an.l i-"ii iiiiir i.itnr In thi. -lly ami onlv lat ' iin- out Ihe aken i,.-f..i- tin-i iiiiiw M-il.-.l I'nn-e Itupert n . la. t ili.it r.-tvlitioii- huil i'haiirri aftly Ihe eipe.ei of the Mv)iee .. alifai-liHrily. lie"'7 'who H..-I 1" ,II.III,.. III),. Ill VX.I- lioltl .it irmii ix v-nr uk. I'mliiliiti.. I iirtim-lit piiiiM he PMt if the lrn. "The main thins i pirkinic i-i.i the jrnoil." nhl the (eakei-. A lie liH.I traffi. viiirial KoernHW-nt rttuhl e ii;- t V,."il M"lllll"'illi-lni-e. I 1 1 u -,uil in.r.-ai.Hl a FRONT L'ACING 'ml Jiulge .,ti. -i4e '.Mil t4bl- ii.H , . . . 1 H i .11 .liM- -aIiii-Ii tow mm.- llailllUl .Inr.-.l lo etaftih il iall iu llie ureal many men xtarl in hni-ne i - ii . -ii. ili.l .im. .'ai ait", Mian 'In- liU.r Ii affii- fi-i' niniiiiinily Mt that the 1110m j in a iiiali way 1.0 a inall It ji-mnI ,n i,.I,-, .-m 'there are two ehtti pen ttrIMIHf. wn. line botiilreil pr pent or MlHihl lint ko 111I11 the fHtrkrU nf rapila1 ao.t without timrh ex-lierieiin- CORSET anil the uhlir ulTei-. Imnalil iio'l KiiiM ; t.l wni-k ;ii i" utilili-rati- the llir..H.f latlnn e4,HaniP. If 'v Ulfr.' nffiMire were en- lanilard In grn.-i-rii- there 1 no ri in.-. lie i-niJ.I lie hown. aikl he h at- A 'I' ll., i ly X w Y-'U ilo net lie H "f r..lipri- wa iil to Ih kIiowii, where the krii-i-. HiiTi-mii whnleali'r ill 1 . nnlj h t'Mt to Hive Hie rlirle at ,i(Terenl itrn-e." Jf TIip price i Ihp only rremt.inr be-ZjT Mr. Miinro all to- tarlei to .inn- i-rrii-ienpy he wa wlllinit t-i Moulreal. twepii lhep riKwIel ami Hip imlinary lenra Ihe iiuiiie 111 I. hi 11 He wii .ml In rie th--.titmli.ril Then Im- witrketl in a wlnile:li nf llMr nut to lower it. elallilinteHl aiul later in a lit-ini-p n i-.inivlaiiit Is i-h-uiIi ynt: wholesale fruit huine. After Tiey are uignrd am faultlely maile -f'.iul.l Im- ulil. In hov H wheie thai he La He.I huine for him. lo afegiianl (1nsanl lefliprbin. Tlipy Ii. iinm.-y ha hPeh wrtHiirly i'lf anil ha.l two lniinee in IIAII tu he the iet ami vp sell them -jipnt Spandlng Too Much Ihe ame city 1111I1I he maile a with otir tfiiarantep nf your atifarioii. Irip went when In- iWiili'il to ell Art mx Mayor Kerr: l ay Itmt mil ami mine ami throw in hi If mi Ihivp never worn a (io,inl Corset, 011r ili-mi Inn-lit u ti whale I Ul in Ihe wi--l Now he wa -...rt irtullliJ too iiiiii'h llinnry MKOe i urrly a Miinll uiu to rim) out ,.'ri r. iH I'niH-r Ruiieil a lipponiing style ami graceful i-onifort I (iiitiiu'nioiier StiiMiLIpy: "Y'it nu ll a yon av tirvpr known iK'fort. :iy 'Ii.- hour are all right am! HOTEL ARRIVALS yon nhmilil he able (h nhow u If you have thought Ihi ffPiitlpw-nman hi'i-p we i-imi ePMl.iliieM Prlnco rtupsrt roiet i-ot nor than yon rated to my. Artuijt Mayor Kerr; "Yon Per-aiiuy II. K. Hibinioi. Wuniieit: J. .i now are offered the oMrtiuijiy lo 1I0 not neel e-n men." M. Suiilh I'orl KtiiKton: J. II. know il refinementi at a price heretofore I .miuiiotter Muoilontklil: "You llamill Mi. W. f. Oomen. p. H. --ay we have t.xi uiuny men mi the I.eish. J. Ihpkin Yanenver: J. iinthoiight of for garment of mh fori-e Show 1110 how it ran lie M. I'aul. I'riiipe ileorgp; A. on-ahy. iierior iiiaity. ilrni' with U't on an elxhl hour Terrai-p; W. A. Ilryant. MOOIL ZM mocxl act ly Mi Maranrpt Ilryant. KetrhU . Irulr rrnirk4lto eunwt ror Ik K rf awklera riarl n.hlnant for vr I. 4hiul ftiur. Tie ei. kan: Mr ami Mr. W. It. King-. AIM ti rrt4ul to a 4lrily Ihe iliahl lu awHtiuw nur Tlw l.t: W Hroftil, Slrwas'i. kltor lMk Iu rarv tur rrm riea low rurtrs ua-tor tto tm u GEORGE MUNRO TELLS jlliu-kli'y I Ihr iImMh lUto Tlw mmN. liliiy kiihei iia-t i ih ma Imvtti kul a. mnW talineMi. txrk. Ike kirl tonim la MikiiM( liMttrv rMirirl lkr-iik kip. atktl Irnrlft mr toe ana llHt h t. r OF GROCERY BUSINESS' Kuli-i. i ilie f"i Mir Hally New. Itoffh lint t .-hrrtorijiMl kv Urn. l.i rrtn-rul bit iimI rr.lii.lw hi e ' iny tUI k.'k iMtoF yr l.he-kbto hBNi toon ik. uwi.aalljr ft uiiui -k tmU Ml uf Itork. M4.W .4 itamlf kink IMafc itc kae (until lry kUtto. Qlva Addraa to Rotary Club and Mention Soma or DlrncultUa M BLADDER H. S. Wallace Ltd. Tho work or a unwvr t 1 aieinlie iiiichI v i think your ' ,cutoiner would Uo and to gc 4' if