PAOt TWO Tin. T7TH DATT7T HKW8 The Daily News' WITH 63 BABIES ON mince RUpnnT - nniTisii columdia LIST ENTRIES WERE Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince CLOSED YESTERDAY Weekend Specials Walk Downstairs Hupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue, it. F. PULI.EN. Managing Editor. Examining For Neit Officials Five Days Will Eiamln-be Quay Friday and Saturday Only and Save Money SUBSCRIPTION RATES! - Ing Children In Bailor City Delivery, by mail or carrier, er month f l.OO Babies' Contest MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPT. Boys' Tweed and Cord Arriving Saturday Ni' .! t ..I . a By tnail to all parts or the llritish Empire luri the United .Stale thel Bloomtr Pants Mmt.- fi Hunch i. , 8, With A3 haloes cnirreil. in advance, per year $0.00 mill iuiel HailistiPi aiul i. iiui)ii Men's Fine Fur Felt Hats I nmnrfRcment of the Fair Aoria-tdin 100 Boies Oenulne to all other countries, in advanre, per year 17.60 ton ml it necessary yesterday id tlic lil.-' -ivi' ainl I It,- .nuhnllt. Slr. .'.'i lo I for Sc. TELEPHONE 08 afternoon in close (lie entries. f"f i-nlors .r. i'i .".-8 In 7 .1-H. Special $2.75 and $3.00. nklma ItiilMiitu ,.H,. ., transient Display Advertising t.40 per Inch per insertioi th' Heller HhIiics' l'.fllitel. niiirli Special $3.50 each. Boys' Cottonade Bloomee Italian Prunes I. i 250.a. Transient Advertising on Front Pa $2.80 per inch the Pants m a "l heavy iurtiiis ii in tic flo disappointment of Local Readers, per insertion Sftn per line Men's Putlovsr Sweaters weo'hl Willi i.n.rn"i fas l.are Hreen llWI; si proud who (m intended iMmiU Classified Advertising, per inertinn 2c. per won enlcrlnfc their children lint who. Heavy weight, all wool. Juni-! I'lier on hiHi'lli Klfe .' k to Toe Preserving. foe 25c. Legal Notices.-each insertion Rc per agate lux unfortiniilely. loft it until I knit with roll collar : I. $1.15 per Boi. iofen Bantu ii. i Contract Hates on Application. i:nnrs Kawn ami r.anl.iial. Special $1.25 and $1.50 pale. Hook Your tinier Now. 't. larar , lute. It was In (iron- All advertiing should he in The Daily News Ofllre on day pre necessary Maroon afit Myrtle, and A for 25c. tinue Ihe receiving of entries f ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval it will ho imKsihe for the ioc- Hrown athl Myrtle rnes m CHILDREN'S WCAR JUST tren TmsmmIim . i Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. lo it. ARRIVED. KLBERTA FREESTONE 4 lit. foe 25c. tors to examine any more hahics Special $5.75 each. Children's and Girls' Pleated I.afire i tfer n c , , In I lie lime at their dimsal. Tb DAILY EDtTIOft 'Thursday, Sept. 7, Skirts in a fine inality rw 35c. cxniirinatlnn coifwience today Men's Sweater Coats Peaches OlMiiee Itaeel .. two tylf ,of pleats. ituc. aiM will continue tomorrow. Saturday. Heavyweight, all wool. Jum-l.o liw 25c. Pircs I In li vears Oreat Disappointment -In Monday and Tuesday al knit, ftllti hawl collar. I.anre Hint. Local Circles. tit Uenernl Hospital. )p. II. K. I'lnrs . Maroon. Ilrtvwn ami Moderately Priced. Hhipinenls arrivmr every There i great disappoiulmeut in Trei,ye, Dr. J. I. Cade and Mrs Scarlet Flannel Middles-all from 25o ! 35c certain circles in this cll .nv Site :a to if. leiat. pee Rot $1.45. farsatpa, ( h, r,., and other similar )onalrton. matron of tin mihiI Irimineil With hlaek 25c in artinsr centres Ihe fact over lhat limes inipmv' are Spsclal $0.95. We do not look fur any Cook in ifnioii- r, ing and there is likely to be no great unemployment problem to hospital, will In- in charge with mllilarv In .ml and locclv ii 2U IhiUtteir ToiiihI". cope wilh during the coming- winter. A a mailer of fact condition Mrs. It Hiano anj Mrs. J ft. M Men's Fins Wool Pullover fniitiel Kie. M lo I I. lower price. 25c. - are improving everywhere and we shall mmiii be lark to Mullin. rcprc-cnlinii (lie Imp. Sweaters- in ilain colors Moderately Priced. Pwe M !, 50c. normal. Order llllltlllti'l' il llli' 1 I II f ' mid faniy -Ii,!. with il-m-I Girls' Serge Dresses in The diappointmcnt is amontr lhoe who have hem confi assisting. I- auil roil collar. fies line ioalilv navv rge and Pears Hrf li r, ,t. f,t.25, Preserving Piunpkia. ! ' Cc. dently expecting Ihe uncial structure of Ihe world to disrupt :.l io U hollH'siun. Xi-we.l ih'ien NiiMasnt throwing thoe wilh brains and money sky high through the roof SMITHERS COUPLE Special $3.50 and $4.25. ii fi rolorlnio Ml lies. which we bad (trmnieest fiar VWBjItjilH f'i'i.i-i M.r .ri.l i U. of the turners lMvii.ff in rl,r it.- m,., i, i...- .......... Modsrately Priced. Men's Ribbed Underwear Monday s lMal were orr. fttlron. per i. 7c. brain or brawli but dimply an over supply of ability to talk. i HERE ON HONEYMOON Infants' White Coats in I.arve Heart- ' .., Turer Ilraixt Mev ywemht. rlM anil our Iiiiuts hail lo v i noe wno nave leen looking rnrward to a M.rial upheaval i lllh and while kill of r. 25c. M liloW lit l.o '-..II.. l.t.. .1...: , i I. . . . vuiiranleett all wmd ami unshrinkable. hafMiiil u. txit we .--.... i-. ir .... uir or rw rars. .Mil Ira khmI nualily All sites. mc . V. lMHlW,t Fotherby and H. H. Olsson OienienVr : ( rs,5 ...ere ,reo 01 a rnange. i.ui not a change or the eruptive Were Married Early Yesterday Moderately Priced. they will lie uhtmt Matiintfty. tor 25c. kind such a the I he wilh Special $3.50 Suit. expect. men brains energy andf Morning In Railway Town Babies' Bonnets n lainbs per 4m 25c, 40o i ability to do thmgt will remain al the top under any reronstruc-1 Men's Khaki Wool Shirts wool anl silk ..i.lin aeesveiNne t.. - re Hon that Jakes place. That is - Hriti.h way of doing thing,. Mr. H,, y,n . H. ,,., with collar altached. Maie lilemlet el I mo t 1 1-. EXTKA SPECIAL. hiisUaaUiM. - Thi is a country and the HiMih will way prevail. ,plvrd mHll, frm j,nlh, n In rff ami roomy anil ifcoihh-sewn front. 100 tacks of Porridge Rolled v alerwlori i.. 6c Self Heln la "''' honev ntMin tlir.iiiichoot. I iiion Moderately Priced. Oats. raaalNI Melon, i . which will be continue,! toniphl made. Slf.s IIH lo 18. Boys' Flannel and Serge ranUtMw i n i. Only Salvation. While tbe U.I, earh tSe. when they ,.il for Selle on the Special $3.25. Suits in Scarlet ami Hlne siratsilt ' " W? hHp ,h,,m4ev' " ""- simmer Prince Hurt. and I.mill Itinr and ty Floor I'urlly, Hoyal HHe. Musk MS-lon- 15c 20c, ceed Once they begin to to governments to do everything Men's Wool Work Socks hoM. NnMn HimmI or five Mr.. nlr,on. who w. formerly - lli'aiitif iitly 1 1 niiiii. it aiHl well Heey l. w M- for them they are on the down grade and can exet (,. make Hoses liolor dark Ml ies. ' noM. Foiherhy. .Ia..hler or Mr grc. 1 1 mid' Si.- i I.. 35c i a. li TT..1" ,h Pin of the Ialnir , Mr,. H,Uon Kotherby. Sm.lh-minHer. Special 3 pale for $1.00. Moderately Prlcad. 49 lb. Sacks, $2.10. H.irilrll 1'i-ai - 3$c llon.James is no new philosophy. EvervmanlP. ,.. WB. m,rr,.rf Mr. oio.o,, at has to work out his own salvation. The moment he begin totlepend 7 ,,. VP..r,ia, im,rn.nK ju.t , "V ' V r."-i" " ' """""" ",e """pmeiii or f,,,,. ,fir w,..tlMId pa'tenirc! While us iHij weare niiu iiniiii to some are extent oiuy.iiroiigni social in aiioul our ly instinct.,constant we exercise.are intensely train Itopular left reaident.Souther..of the IWvlh interior hcinv Universal Trading Company The Rupert Table Supply Co. individual in the matter of development. No man can railway centre, a ureal send-"ff improve llip.muflt or the mental power of hi neighbor except wn irivefl Jhem as they lett one 376 Phones 211 and 212 by giving him an incentive to action, either physical or meuUl. Siiiithera. The srrnntn i a freiyht Society may. provide the incentive but the on individual remains train conductor or the Canatban e."3SrfB the onus of responding to that incentive. National Hailva. They will re. turn iMier t uiaWe iheir home in Qovernment Service tieen known f"i n tony timi- Ihul event of In - ! it h M iha Without Stimulus. jSmillii'i Ihe luw wa nl beinic i-nf"r.ii of In wife. Hi.' f"itnlO' will The government -service seems Jo l 'without slimiilu. That iiiiiTfrinii iTtTC Will firoperly .w iliai Mi. provincial I.I ,i rnali- Ion . if tii.-i.- i,. ,,ii . Canadian National Railways Is a ver general opinion and it i probably true in the long rim. ItlUnlUl ALI I Ito WILL auilioriiies lm.' -iiii'i-.l i in- AriM-i i. ii n l.iW " "V lll' In all lines or endeavor do lo enforri- the law the iiniinri-alilies thai l ii I fniiil (ail 'ca.- people not lo work eem as well ror UA VP TO PAV FAR THP E ' the eolf rnrnenl alhev do fof nrivale iml in which iirh n.'i.m is Mil lilr.l i'D' i ,i 1 1 An Associated taken will have In pay the hill." Prince Rupert Press despatch jut received and dated from ENFORCEMENT OF LAW Mr. Manxin a.Meil thstl ihe London, England, seems to prove the point. The despatch reads: "In England, a in mot couhlries, it i very difficult to get eieije 'which elites wool.) Ten Years DRYDOCK people to work as hard for government departments as for busi-ne. Where Local Authorities Do Not have to hrar' in this connection Ago houses. That is the conclusion forced upm a special committee Act and Provincial Officers wmihl not lie eseeaalve. "We are In Hi'nca Kupsrl which has Undertake Work, Bill doiiijr Ihe witk very 4teaply,", AND been trying to find out what i wrong wilh the Civil Service. Must Be Paid. he said. In ras'l. I was nr. Septimber 7, 1912. "Before the war Ihe Civil Service emploved 28.1.00(1 people prised when I learneil how The proviiM-ial aoveriitiienl is SHIPYARD Se.l. 5. All cities eron.iniH-iilu it is hcitia VICTOIIIA, con-duclcil. At a cot of 2'.).ri00.000. Nw it employs H25.O00 at a cost of btiildinir a wharr a Ur.inhy Hav 07.100.000. Civil servants, it is Mated, usually start work in and munieifwiliiies which fail to and the work r isfeariim the Loudon at 10 o'clock in the morning, take three-quarters of an enforce the llrHish Columbia li- new timnsjle there ftir Ihe com Opsrstlng O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Desk hour for lunch and knock off promptly at five oVMk. except on iiuor laws will have lo pay the EXHIBITION OFFICE i pany is proevi-iim apve. Engineers, Machinists, BelUrmskers, Blacksmiths, Ptiura Saturdays, when they piit at t ::0. Their hour of work during cimI when Ihe Liquor Oonlrol makars. Founders, WoodMorkera, KM. Hoard azents umlertake the work HIYE tje week thus average only 31. Their annual holidays mug OF INDUSTRY ie iWNiril ,t Tntile is lakina Electric and niinoHMeetiienl Welding. from .hree weeks lo eight weeks, according to the way they are Ai-roritlns an Wft a charge maile by ihe North- Acetylene made here by Allorney (JeHeral graded. Entries Are Pouring In Jack. "ewiHeiiip urn I ihe pro. i, .':The committee sees no reaon why Ihe hours of civil servants narticularty Manson. Addressinjr lo the city of hiinseir Vic Woods Assisting Managae vine ia I xovernmenl is teyui Our plant Is equipped lo hsmlle all llnl of should not be the nme as lhoe of ordinary rerk iu civil Vsnablss W. S. Fisher (Re same wha.rajie f.-r al Ibe toria he said: Work Marine and Commercial employment, nor why they should get more than .two or three "If Victoria cannot clean In Charge Tickets overnmeiii wharr a- rharved weeks vacation, as is customary In business house. up Willi the lirarnl Tnmk I'acirie its own troubles ji will have lo PHONES 43 AND 3SS " 'It is clear.' the committee cava ' It It.- k,... r i. XfH'Usc ..f the urovinciul Jack oo. is ac ting as assist, li. which, with u addllioital were increased to a mtxlerale extent it would be. possible lo re- !L,hl,r(l .. in l"iiiK that work ant Jan. VeiiaMes, fair Hian. lonHaice. makes ihe rales limber iloee ... ... . .. II. lnffu man ff..i .U iin,ii,t hv the " "lociHiii iii me cost oi ine ser- f(lf. ,r. n.. n will M nn imhi auer. ror the rwsh ilays or Ihe ri-blbilion railway ,.tu.. ... . . i.ense alMWt wis and there is no which have already eom-menewl. .... i . oiivions, ,, o government has succeeded in doing ;,.lr,,v U Ihe i.miiieJpal auilmr. Ihe nffLee in Ibe I'.lly me I loan) or Irade devol. DENTISTRY! II IAI Qlld lliunllllliila ll.a ulnf. Il . I iii iiiu. h errmt towards adver ':-' """o" -in.,, in ie various government (If- ! iti- falllnK to . n force Ihe taw Hall i no a hive of industry! tising I'rui.e Huisvrl. A sneeial y -..j-.-b ..- uu.rn in navirig 10 work TI.. v m- Im. ulniiv r wurn- frnni early morn in till late at ' r,l'"K "rirr noiioays. ,, ,., . jt ,,a. niahl and ihe ntry lists are veritably liaiopblei is iu m published and Modern X-RAY Service tsare is lo he taken in "Canada pouring in. W. H. Ki-iier Illustrated" and thr "Sunset has been a.i(Mint-e. A Grade In take charite uf the tieket Mas'aiiiir." DR. BAYNE sellinir. ailfin.sion and gate rurall looms 4, 8, Helgsrson Block Phone 101 drpartineni. ,.f the Fair irvrlinllior COD AND HALIBUT , the (illlce Hours: Murmnvs 9-It. AfterniMuis, I 3i K liydi'o,i.,ne ninhts. for YOUR Car Kveniiias. 7-V Eighty Vessels Visit Seattle Due. GAMBLING ON BOY Ing Month or August. One of the five grades of Imperial TO INHERIT FORTUNE KKAI'ILK, He.t. 7. Kliihly Polarine Motor Oils Is exactly suited M'hooners or Kealtie's risluiig E. H.-SHOCKLEY Heel arrived in prl durinR Auk to your car. Use this grade regularly Forty Million Walts Son Should and get trouble-fre service from ust. tiiiiiNiiiK a lulal or I.IMU.MK) Planing Mlllsi Cow Bay, Wharf: Nsit Impsrlat Oil Ook your He Be Born to Princess. pouiuls r ri-esh halibut and car at the lowest possible cost for Phonei 383. Ra: inueil cihI, aeconliliB to flBiires AND FIR KINO DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBER, PLAN lubrication. Consult the Chart to HAIUM Sept. 0. Hrincesa coinpileil ly represeutalives of WINDOWS. TIMBERS, AND 8HINO.LE8, DOORS LATH, determine the grade you thould be Xenia or .rceee, niece nr KiliK Ihe lishinir Vessel flwner Association. Agent for: uting. 1 MATTfc' IN C?AMOA Jm i CoNslanlim ainl wire uf William Inc. The catches coii-slsted llubertson A HacketU Haw Mills, Ltd. ''fs. Jr.. is at present lo Paris of $10,700 Miniiis of Hied. J. Kyfe rlmitli Hardwood. a u ' Ii Ii'isImikI. eijieellnn an Illlil slie, hlilHxit. 122.501) IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED I.ainatco a py t Cottonwood I'anelllns. aildii i' ' i he family. If a boy pounds of halilml rnle, as chic (Jarland Afanfcurrt mnj Mrkt, Imperial PUttnt ii ii.ii ii i Hie I'Hlieess. he will kens uiol Urge und SIO-'IOO - Company. Itooflnir I'alnt. Mvtvr Oil mnj Mmtktr In Canada BBbW M inherit Mi entire to.nnn.nflo pounds ol mixed rod. The catch I Gatgayla MaHlaiL -BBBBBBBBn foil lllll' of Hie ' lale William of halihui shows n decrease of l.eeils. Hi, Ameeiran tinplale 70M00 pou nils compared with lil.K Til. l.eeifc' will provides Annus! IU;', when n lolul of Ilia i if tin ia' ivo mate Issue, HO fishliiR M'lHMiiiera arrived Htlgtnon Bloti, Prince Rupert, fhwe 6S& Hi. Wlloli -um stiall k" l the from Ibe hanks. The fallitiK off .v w ..a. i vmn-ln II..m.iIuI in Ibe (valch of halibut ilurlnK Dr. E. S.TAIT Tin' S in uiio.f)i)0 Is nnw in Ihe Aiiyust Is allrihufeil hy the fih. (miii , i . inisi Hind, Hie inter. ermen to the searelly of bail. ai oh w i, .-1, Is ilrawii bv I'rin. The e I lii-s or mlieil ei iluriiiK Dental Surgeon eeaa Uhri i .,lu , ' fi.rinci ly Mr iimiii -how an IneiiMse of II,-imiii William I.. . ii. . I pun the di al h ,"iiiiil- i oinparesl wllji I lie Office Uuurt, 9, a.m. to 9 p.m. of Hie ,i . i n an Prliii .-.. the ame month last year. Sunday by Appointment laieresi wi I ni'i'l 1.. In-, buskand of rriRts Xta. '"I Advertise In the Uslly Newt, i