I f"""WHHBB 1 lej.,....... -ITTLC OIR'S , -,W.J T, , 1 ii ,1 FUNERAL TODAY J Local and Personal j REMINGTON (Continued from Page One.) "I. Mr. and Mr, 1. W. Ilnne, Mi and Mr. Herbert Hampton, II. 0. Undertalers. Phone II. If Mc Ural Hum, Mian llerntre H i--, Ml. mii.1 Mr, II MeJlio- Bataball tonlpht, 8, O, C. t &m&: PORTABLE '!. W. r. Ilonerge, Mr. nnd Mr. . C. at 7 sharp. . Th..mn. Mr.Mr4in, h. U. Web. Mr.. Maei, Mr. and Mr. V. Judge YiMingr ii-i hi ned on Iml This 13 the only portable typewriter H ll.-lil ami family, Mr. K. Ilen-iH'ti. niglit'a train from Hinitirr. :dc. made that hag a standard keyboard. Iin.i hfrhiMNi i if Ctirpenler ami Joiner, Mr. m1 Mra. I. C. Big Dance tonight DaLuie It is built throughout of Remington Lilian, Mr. ami Mrs. I.. Ilew- Hall.. NewellVorchetlra. Follow materials, by Remington workmen, Imr.t, Mr. it. Mr,. J. J. ntlH. the crowd. . in a Remington factory. Mr. anil Mm. A. 1. Hailey, Mr. winter, more and more people enjoy the nnd Mr. K. Minn, Mr. ami Mr. Italph llarrofi rdurnrd on lant EVERY In 8jced, lightmiw of touch, strength, and in orae lludderham, I,. J. Marren, lithl train frmn a fcuainrMs and comfort of Stanfield's Unshrinkable W. t'. Mi VMet triit to mUlien. Cameron, the surpassing quality of it work it is a true Remington. Cameron. Mr. and Mr. It .11. Underwear. For personal uso the REMINGTON PORTABLE I li"iiiinn. Junior Choir of I'eaehae and Prune arrtln f4 Mi-IIiimiI Cliiinh. Mr. and Mr. Ihli wHe. I'fR-e and quality is ideal. Stanfield'r is hea-Hrn underwear it is made right. CMy Matiet. tf F W . M.Mrch, Cnarle V. Joa-lin. Only $75.00 Cash Mr. and Mm. J. Keefe. Mr. in Canada for Canadian wmterSbjarradians, who OUIt KAMpUS 8TOVB COAL ami Mm. II. 1 try miii. Miaa Norma It, if anything;, better this know thclimaticono)jljpj H"it-r. Mi Marjorie Sel fridge, Also sold on easy payments. .ii or Canada, Mr. and Mr. M jer. Cnautiiera Coal Co Ltd Staneld'sl Jinihrina-ble M. Mrl.arhUn, Mr. and Mra. Jiofla 7. r it Underwear retains the l. MafdiHMld, Mr. and Mra. A. natfirnl wjrfmtrS"nf"1hft hodv nnd' revens tne skin i MhII-ii. "Happy ItilHite, Mr I'eler CafrtffaH arried Ul in.i Mi. . T. Mil-'- and fam. nlvht from iiiizelli.ii and I rejr from becoming chilled two essentials ffheWth in Mi and Mm. i . Web. Wwd at lite-Hotel Prinee Ha- I Mi and Mm. i. V. Jonn- pert. winter. Mi- I. II. Moore, Mr. and 'Mill i. l.linl'.ii. Mr. and Mm. he mewttn? mnduetnl by Stanfieldy's is comfortable becauseyitxfits--andit 1 I' It ti m, I'.alholii' Ladle' K anawliat Mae Hleanor Frey will uVishrinkab ; ..i Mi-- Laura Frurell, Mi In keM Ih the Hmtrea Theatre rieht orfiuinc: rightVbecause'it is ' ,1! i Hyan. Mis Kathleen for the rntta tiler ..f lUe week, 11 . .. M.l. and Mf. J. H. Kelly Slanfields never breaks oni the seams, tei cause of Mi i n.I Mrs. lifiirp II. C.aey lie. J. & HhiyfieM. of Telkwa .1 fa mil, Mr. and Mr will arrive IsfrzM on the train the special over-cast stitching. It hw-. Mi- Kleatmr from the inleftor ami will leae U VA HERRING M-M. Mr. and Mm. I.. II. iWk ii the I'riMM (lri.rie for Van ! Hint family, Mr. and Mr. It ouver. II Sli.M-klcjr wnd family Ih.IW and Mailt in combination! and tw-fit U. . V. A. reztilar general Saiti, in Jail enjtn, knt luddy Hiorkley. Mr. and Mr. It and tlbaw Itntth, mnd BAIT II Yelf. Mr. and Mr. K. F. Imby nieelintt will be lietd in Hie (Ur. ft, far Mtn and Women. STANFIELDS Mr ami Mm. J. A. Krikeky. Mr Ietiter'a KaM oil TkMimday. Sep. StanAtltfrn AdjatlakU Cotnbina-tinnt i.ml Mr. M. P. MH'.affrry. Mr tember 7 at 8 i.m. - lniK(aat and lUtpttt for gro-in mid Mm. Joe llrown, Mr. and Mr llueinea. 30 thildrtn (Patented). Saml Honk, (taat'nf wtithf II I" Keif. V. A. Mrltonald. Harrv and tintart; mailed tea. $30.00 Ton ll.-Mi.-r, Mr. and Mm. IMhiI Ma meet in? of all Careii per lem (I'nion niembem or not Wntt or it, Underwear l lniiin. ieneoenl and Protee- will be held in the Carpenter STANFIELD'S LIMITED I r Order of lrJk. Mr. and Mm Finest on the Coast Hall Saturday ayeninz at 7 to TRURO, N.J. J. II. HihJiU-n. Mr. and Mra. M make fiual daii.Hi on w 1 M. lUKuWt. V. J. Hajrnwnd and aa rate. 310 Mr- ItayMMHid. Mr. and Mra. la I Tl Obtainable from mad. Mr. ami Mr. J Mie ai ImfHiftlle ertl.Hl of Ih.-j Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. M. (peiirrr and Mi Alii-. Victoria Uaily t ime irf Satur-. S..mei. Mr. and Mr. J. K. Jaik, day lal rontam a idntnriipii ' Mi and Mm. I. Krtrhutn PRINCE RUPERT f M. It. HoeheHer, mayor of . Franoaa Ha4aon Miin Han frinre Rupert, jggfili lee-irei. Mi and Mr. O. F Kemp and MIm Haynera, Undertakera. Phone deal uf the (lHlJliad Ieague. 'laily Kfiup. Trarlirm and a, 351- tt SPECIAL! SPECIAL! l'uil. i.f IN) Haiwth Maiamriat Mi.. Ikarbwau'a Kali Millinery , .-ntrancr rla. Mr. and ttyenine Fritlay ami talurtlay Uut Flowern and Pot Plant ; Mi- l Mil.id and family. Mi ChoKe elerliH of lite laleel Urire! aoorti.nHit in town. lire. Bargains in I'.if.l Smith IVrrarr . fcarat modeta for I hi -ean. Idie haul &. ttaoofi. tf II.,11. Ji Mr. and Mra. Jri Mr. are inlto to in-et the fhow- I..mm. Northern H.C. Aiiru-ullural ini. Mi lurbeau. ixlh Street Full stock of 3-ply Cottonwood GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY i.n.1 ltu-tiiril AM?ialnn, I''. 510. Veneer la now being carried Toilet SOAP i.ciiriir I.. Harli.n. Mr. ai d Mra. N. by Albert A McCaffery, Ltd.. I. I. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT will ai Tburs-."' i:rrv. Mioto Knid and t'Jairr Tnare will be a eeial meel-iiiK Phon 118 or 8S4. tf tr I Sunday ' I- ...i'k Midnight fur linun Bay, William-. Mr. and Mr. H. T J. of lite M-hool Uoard at Ihe 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps Oeaan Fall. Powell Rltar, Vaneooar, Victoria and faaltta. It...r. Mr and Mm. H. A. HH. lluotfc Memortal SelitMfl tin af-ferttuuat l.ei.rve Mimw. (he ten year old I Anyot Wednesday II , rn I r Stewart, Saturday, 8 p.m. Mr and Mr-. Krvd tHlhuly. Mr. to t-on-hlar- the adi- ou of Mr. and Mr, t'.. J. Minn to clear at ami Mr J. II. l'iUairy. Mr. a befity ef reniir7 Hie dotelir win taken Mtddeuly ill two day-azo. t. I, PRINCE JOHN F i all points Northern and Southern ami Mr- It V l-pinr. Mr. and M-ienre and iHanual trainki? He wa rrmoxed Ihe Qum CharlolU Islands, May tilh and IJlh. June 10th and 2 for 25c. Mi-. A. II ll.ul.- and faulty and quarter and two cla i-.mmm in tieneral lloiital Ul etemus v "ft? miii and .-.'ml, August 5ih and 10th, Sept. 2nd, 1 6 Hi a Mi ami Mi- A. .lohnMin. J. thai wbool iiHHuiIUlely. Arelii-lecl atij oeraled on for aeiidieili. "tu. Train Service V MiIi-.imIiI Mi and Mr. K. Jeffera lale tbat tlie Ilie little fellow- i geltinit aloun I.arji' r.nn may be reopened but there iihreiy today. Paaaangar Dally Eioepl Sunday, 6.45 p.m. ORMES LIMITED i- a difference of opinkm aiuou; J'V J'niithi re. Pun.' Qeorge. Kdmonlon. and Winnipeg, llii Chtte. Mali (let, Lee Hons. the member of the Ward. r akin-jli' t onnecii.ns for all point in Lastern CanaJa SUITCASES Ulil IUmhi? and Lee. Chin- 3rd Ave. and 6th St. P.O. Box 1680 :1 I n trd Hate e-e arrelii by Ihe Hoy at tjin. TRUNKS The rae aaain! Oewrpt Jame Phones 82, 200 and 134 ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME i harmed with unlawfully i.ur- adian Mounted Pwllee, aeared THE PIONEER DRUCQISTS TWO REXALL STORES f Agancy for all Ocaan SUanuhlp Lines CLUB BAGS i lia-iiijr two barrel uf Leer, wan in poller court Itii morning City Tkl Office, S2S Third Ava. Phona 260. n.lj..nrned in the larilee rourt rhanieil wrth infrurlion- of the yr-trrday afternoon 'until next'"' 'cl w"re remaiHled un- Large Stock on hand. rinii.l 1L. ufl-..... 'Hi tomorrow. Pricea very low. iii.. were J. Mamuitd and II. D A ITT Our froten herring bait Is conceded by fishermen :.ti-in k for lite to b the finest procurable at any Paciflo Coast aVftnae ami IM HOTEL ARRIVALS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY J. F. MAGUIRE William Millar, lUjuor endor. Port and it is "Fishy." Price, 130 per ton. Neat the Print Rupert Hot-1 and Arthur tAney, bew iuM.ee- Prince RuDert. Tpp The best way of insuring a good quality trip la B.C. Coast Services i"i. Ihe -ae of unlawfully! Ldwurd t.uiiniiiiiliain. Seattle; to have plenty of our hard froien ice. Price, lJ.Itl.li - IIiiik aaaiut the Prlitce Hunert'-Mi I.. Moore. Mi Wallie, ti. tl per ton. Mi iTuiilile t'.o. Oil! file; ur 'l-eiulpped slore can supply Ashing gear, W wa aUo adjourn-jV. Sh.iIIi.v and IVl. i l anixan. SaiHnfTsfrom Prince RuDert d until next Thumday. Haiettoii: F. V. McKiiiiion. W. fishermen's clothing, groceries and provisions O Have Your and hardware. For Katchlkan, Wrangall, Junaau and Skagway-? J. Vauyiiau and J. M. H.H-kiii, SapL 4, IS, 25 Oct. 2, 13 and 23, The eiMageiiH-nt U aunouiK-etl j Vaneouyer: Mr. Paul M. '.atei. NEW ENGLAND FISH For Vancouver, Victoria and Saattla Old Jewellery hi Xoiih Van.ouv.T by Mr. and Irene (latter au.l Paul r.ai. r. Company Mm. J.diu Hull of their daujili-1 Jr.. Falmotilon; W. F.. Ji-uuiiii. Ketchikan, Alaska Braneb Sept. 8. 20, 29; Oct. 6, 17 and 27. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanaon Bay, I er. Miaa I.illwn Hull, u ;rald!l. A. K. Frtei! and A. .1. Wal- Remodeled o Kullivan. mu uf Uie late Col kinoii. porl Siuii4in: A. Mat-kie Eaat Bella Bella, Ocean Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp-bell Ileum 0ulluu and Mr. and J. F. Hratta. vity: Mr. and .River Vancouver, Saturday at 1 p.m. THEO LTD. and every CQLLART, ffBTfY Voui old fashioned" wide O'SullKan. of LoMdoti, Kngland. Mr. J. C Fttrtjiau, Winnipeg; - - Agency for all Steamahlp Line. hand wedding rintf Mil Im Ihe bride elerl i iiuii- u.ll John A. (StiUliidlu, Cornwall. lui! inf.i,iii;itinn from made into a liamUouie new- known in l'rioee Itnirt. haying ltnl.: Mr. anU Mr. II. II. tileon We are now Agents for the New York Life Insurance Company. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, lye Tiffany riim at awe! on .'ej-al iH'i'Mio iird here Siiiither; Mr. and Mr. William The most liberal and strongest company on the continent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C, eltetle. with her sieter, Mre J. p. (.Lide. AriiKlroiig, Toronto; .Mi A. Assets, $352,632,138.80. Let us show you how to save your Vour ol.l-tle dianvond en who weal Koulh ta week U Thomion, Tweed. Ulil.; Mr. money. uuuemeHl ruia run he made attend the wetlding whleh will ioualdmi, Naa Harbor. Cliarle Phone Blue 69. West hoi me Theatre Block. P.O. Boi SS. oyer into a beautiful flll-t'ake plare mi SalunUy. halwnnN and It. T. (lay. Mc-llride. iireed ring with a felting S. Ii. Murphy, Prim'e B.&K. Pastry Flour thai will how- Ihe ihuiimild I.en Hell, who united from tieorge. Ui greater adyantaue. Ihe iuierlor last iiignL will re. Central. Your old earring, brnuiit-mii, I urn In lUtellon tonight. Mr. J. It. I.ourie, I'sk: I. A Hull Back Pre-War This is finger ring, etc., ran Hell uileixl to be back here mill il. A. llranagan. 1. N. 11.; to lie remodelled into I lie latest next week when hi txnimny' A. It. I.iter, Kdimmtoii : H. Mi--Doiiald Shoes siyle of jewellery and Ihe hi' li)ilr.iilane "Haiellon" make and J. Ilrook. city. Prices in cot of the work will urprii Fair week flight and will coin.. a- Your and Our hack either by train at Ihe end you. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY We do nil kind of fine repair f Ihe week ory on Ihe nuehitie. a..a.aa,a.a.ea Insurance Guarantee work on wati'lie. Jew el-ieiy, Mr. Hell explain that he lake . EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. WANTEIk- A t fake rlo k. eli'. up a much room in the inai liinc woman My Closing Out Sale la an eye-opener, and you cannot afford a twii ordinary t-are of baby and d a little CONSULT US TODAY. I In ill is at Ikitl urn iii ui aenger iifi!. .i ;o a houtw.irk Plionr II. ,I n 1 1 to pass up the bargains I am now offering. UUI They are gulag fast and you'll need tu hurry tu make a nhn r1 HCffr I"' "rsry i.eei of Quality Goods lanliiHHl. Six fool men EMORRHOIDS selection while the sites Are complete. Ym triouUt hnva thai neat, You net tl Iteat In "D A KM The Jewaller weighiny not the iimi over too etMinotuleal pound are of H Do Ml culler saolbtr dr lidrudaive Itckia. iUaaJlnc. or rrolnjdluc M. McArthur, The Shoe Man paeiiger. I'lUa er lUmurrhoMc THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. IXDlm.Bl urslcit Mirtloa wilt rUrv m"1'.rou at Dt- Ck Prinee Hupert lUIiibitioa Sep- (lord luliav bfBt a bo; U Hart Black, Third Avenue. .I?!"0 748, Prince Rupert B.C. Phone 3S0. t.'Mil.ev IS to 10. tf O.&lrra,Untllxl, Tot r Bdniaaa,nt. Saaii ln IltM bus trot a Co..