TAOB M ril PAIL'S HWS TtHjradsy, Spf- lll-JL. G. H. Arnold, Notary Public SHELL SHOCK AEROPLANE ON RACE FRIDAY NEXT FIRE INSURANCE It carefully wrltUn by ui In reliable ELIMINATED Number of Entries foe King' companies. We are permanently engaged In the buslnett and cup at Croydon, England, our records are accurately kept to that when your policy expiree No Longer Recognlied In Cng This Week. you will be notified In sufficient time to keep yeur property land. ... t m a S i a protected. Wo solicit your business. i-o.'iho, !cpt. 5 he re- H. O. HELQERSON, LTD. l.u.MMi.V Se.. 0. If (Irea ftulalion for the "Cirrutt of llrilaln .lnnrl.1 hnve Hie mlo llrilaln" flying haiultrHii. for Rentals. Insurancs. Loans. forlune tit h Mitrflifnl in another which Hie Ktiifr ha jiiven a run, bift ar, I mire hi prwlict tlmt haie liecit liic, .y the lloyal m enseia of "ehHI nliwel" vtlll Aero t'.luh, wli tcli t cottductlnir ainieHr among lirr lll of ca- Hip race. ualtio. TIip flrel rtt'oniitieiidM. The race will comneeitca Fri LADIES lion vf the Wor Office Coiimiil- uay, !etiemicr rt. ami will con. trp liell elude (he fnlfow1n day. The TIMBtM SALE X 41 ST. on Shock, whoec rejMrl ha. J mi hern lilfbl coure will he ittinmitealrly ihed. Is thai Sealed Irtvtlrri will be receded by the KSo The Natural Wealth of Canada Attention! I'lMrtrl I'omtrr, iTiwe Rupert, Inri the term should te eut out of the mile, Uir1inst and flntattinjf noon en I be (Itblh day of nrpumtMT, offielal luniiuagc. nt Ihe Uaddan ArdroHe. Oruy. I am a specialist in Ladies' far Harlequin Saalo, C.B. I. In rut "War Neurosis," Is considered dou. tonsorial requirements and llrmlork ind uoara BaLam.I'fl or spruce, CNar Jo lie the heet general tenn Umipelitnr iuul land at rer. Grain K am the holder of five French tmm!on of(I limber.i year in be. allowed for re Shell Shek" is deelarvd to W til in coiit Ml latloi. anal Ihe Medals and eight Diplomas i further particular of tbe iMtt rorev-iter, wholly iiulpaillu?, beraue il oe airplane will 1 hsndicappel on for Hairdressinft. i nnrt Vlrtnria.iiupen. o...i itw lilalrtcl torrater, curred to Ktllrnt who lia, nerr lime allowance laaai foj the THE Northweit was a barren vvaste onf forty My specialities Include Mar leen eeri wtlliiii hcwiinff of a complete elreult, a nrpoftion Today, in a thousand-mile belt TiMatn ssli xna. hHlburl. nf (he lotal Kmc handicap tr he ytiti ago. eel Shampooing,Waving, Face Singeing,Maasage,Hair Miniater JnH or tenders Land, UI b rrrrlaed by the 'It is no surprise to find that Mllnllcl o each ecti. across the three prairie provinces, is one of the great it Victoria not later Dyeing, Scalp Treatment and I ha norm on the tut day or September, the general lay miHctMitiott of Entrant an nilaal muni be est grain-producYng areas in the world. For the year lff. for the purchaae of Llrrari X 4111. llrilii.li ubjcajt. anal lire air. Violet Ray Treatment. to cut I. . frel or Cedar, spruce, the term wa ry Itxop and ill. plane. 1921 th total value of the wheat, oats, barley and IncluiliflaT the llrnil-irk and Balaam, on an am altaatni formed." Ute evmiiiitlee lle. enyitie. Toupees and wigs for gentlemen i nir uh. iiierane UMOoei, nanr . iiiikI be c.ntrttcteu in Canada estimatrd and transformations '...-I uih uiainra. rhefv wna such anxtotM ocl- entirely rye produced throughout was by Threaj 1 eara be allowed for re Hie llrillli Mtii.tre. Ihe en. for ladies. Switches made moval of timber. Itide during I lie war a lo the the Government at 32,98-4,750. rurtnrr parilrulari or the Chief Dweller, Ineaiiuritated. and ueh wi Hie I ranee fee VK. from ladies' combings. up own rrlnre victoria.Rupert. B.c B.C. or Diatrlcl rorttter. ancal.nf the term "shell ohoek" Oinetal of the club av thai The Dank of Montreal has a service adapted to the efilrieo have tin nromioeil by Am at service thai this Han of eae etclled needs of the farmer and of branches teaching your any time IN TNC SUPNfMC COURT OW BRITISH Ihe luke of Sutherland. Irei. a system by appointment. I'lione 694. COLUMBIA more general Mrleret and sytii-Ihan dent nf the Air I.can tie; l.lrul- to all districts. Si IN PROBATE. any oilier. o thai it Chas.Le btvainc enaiil.Oilttiirl Frank K. MrOlean. Clercq In the Mailer or the AdmlnlatraUon Art. a- mwl desirable etm-plainl and vieehairman of I be llnjat Aero from which to ouffcr. 320 Slilh Street. In the Matter tf th EMate or oenrte ;iiit; Sir Samwel lnloie. In- rr iHiuthlr. Iwraaed. Ilelaie. Mental Breakdown. In Cbambrra: Before Ilia Honor F. art? "No cae of i?yehru-neurosi.i, loe Air Mite; ir Henry While BANK OF MONTREAL Yraf, Tburiday. the I lib day or Aeru.t. 'Hittli. Ilrlrl ArriHilanc I-. . Iff. r or menial treakilowu, even I COS Ike peution or i. II. MrMKlttn. l.tdH A. V. Ilo, II. Small.I'ainc. ErtablUhed over 10Oyer nffMial Adminltlralor, upon readme the when attributed to a ehHI ei-ploMirtt. "Snappy" rfldariM nf the aald J. II. MrMulnn. or .houl he (4niriel u and A. S. Iluller. Many well, isrt Fitarar.. ?f a.Uta'vt-r J"i ted known a i draft ma'afacltiriiiir of Andrew Brnn; and npn beartar Mr. hallle raattalty any more train V l. talim of Cnunael rr the feiitmner: cnianii' 'are iirvpai 1114 iiiarb-ine IT IS OBprnm that the death of the irkHfe or ilieie. above-named Cere Crrmk rtourhty ahaR for Ihe race. I ee." ih- many pay Printing be presumed to bare orrurred am tlx tarn " day or April. A.I. tfl. at Seven Mile rHMiiinillm-. if i pxlretuely if. polltl. Oraham I.land. BrUMi CalumMa. HOOTCH IS FOUND IT I ri RTHEr) ORDFKFn that the uM; firuli Jil itu'ii'li cowardice add to your business prestige. I. H. MrMulltn may apply for administration from ii-'iu "-i", i ncc in li.ilti or the aid estate and deriare to the BENEATH THE FLOOR Hiver oatb aa bavinr orrurred upon the aaid fear i Ho- r li icf casual factor.' plant l,a- l) B J ' if. dale upon publlaMnt a 'Tr at thia order which ilia- - a' i'ai ' It Is the :! I SiuW,, H.. : 4 keynote of i-i. success in a nrmipaper paibtith.! and Mr- ulaiina Edmonton Police Olscovee Nice In all modern business. In Prlnc Rupert. B.c , fnr a period of one (ii'.eil Ho- Miini-'li thai effort prnfil.iiiii' III. ilan Da- dr . Omnia) at weekly lotrrvala. Little Cellar Under Hotel You take no chances when r MrB tor MO. li'iutd Im- iitaj aet rid nf Ihe fill ll illllli' I tt 1 WESTHOLME THEATRE ton- a da 'I'll- ( 1 1 wi ' idea Kl.l ONION. ct4t'ially Hie (irevaleHt you trust your Printing orders arMHiZ Sept. to us. young okJire, 1lil it wa di-Ki-aceful ecoHj lar,tet Ibiuaar raid of Ihe ale all wtiii'i. -1 a 1 t in lii 'v Tonight, Thurtday We have the finest printing to feel ecnm wImhi in year wa pulled tT wlies the lo fairly men equipment north of Vancouver, ail m'ii. morallly .quad umler IMeclive. and can handle anything I J. iimi kifw, loil I think Seriieam petheram aitel by PALESTINE GETS In the printing line to your Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal I wa in an awful funk the lneelor Kra.er and unifVarmed NEW CONSTITUTION Amta Stewart entire satisfaction. wiioie iiiim-, lie UMU lite euHt-ImeH, dieeajveml a curise of al. initlw. "siiil I Ihink mo! teotde eattHtl. whlkey. rOluHfiir ami Popular Form of Government TO EUROPE were. Ir I lee vim? HWier were botlllnz apiaaratu uevder Ihe Rose, Cowan &Latt a aiven in niMlerelaud Hint every, Hour of the St. Klmu loMel. . Follows Qrantlnq to BriUln.of Mandate IN body i wry iiihcIi afrahl and I Ionia h tltU place ha ben Mil. Limited HUE RESEBflTSRS HOW! that ii i a natural condition to uer IHiiare ittrralkn faar Mitwe JKItt SAI.KM. Sept. . Jew-lh Prince Phone Rupert,234. B.C. be in. Iiul he xboukl oerrMiie Hfite, and Iwo or three raids Tele;rrapttic Aaenrv Sir 'A Question of Honor' QUtSfC-CHSRSOURO-SOUTHAalf'TON. I. and if he were told aUu atxiut have been carried out in llw 141 llerfaerl Sauiirel, f 1 in la IU11111111.-. MAalBURa the effeft of nhella and that it hm evidence had preHu.ly laeeii iiener for Palestine, 111 a lal'-IHeul Saa.IS Oct.17 Hea.14 tmaeeae af tcatlaad wa irji to lilin t control liim.clf ecu re J owiti,- to the iHtiorent aubanilled at I he meet inn ..f h Oct. J Oct. 31 tmpreaa af Franca I think it would have iue cf. apitearaitce of Hie hiding place. Ihe Adviaory lUaUHcil, Im made Gaycty Comedy "Wild and Willie" There Will Be A Coal Shortage reel." lien Hie brtake ihIo ! etONTRaUL-SOUTKAaieTON-ANTWIRe piai a the faalbtvtlHg declaraliaan ei. Admission, 15c and 35c This Winter Sea.IS Oct.It,Maa. S BMIU Only a lerate man will voliiu. mall laealeooHi leadioz frotu Hie ptaiiilHx Ihe liualaou of Pal jSan,ST Oct. IS faaa.it Mieaaaaaa tarHy acklHwlei2e that he wa holrl kitchen, they found nolh. line: Be wise: very much friytileiied during the ing upieeiaj. but were intent I have rclurwed to I'ale .1 a...a ONTRLAL TO UVIRPOOL war. upon tnakiitir a lliortauith in. tu fifnl that Ike rotjftruialb M i.fl Order (Sao.MOa.se Sa.ISOct.ISNa.Nat. IT 10 Bloatcalm VlcUrlan Vetlyatlou. a Illicit Ibiuor had Ike Pale.line Manalale b he'UNlON ?TFAMSHIP COMPANY OP R P.. I IMITED Your Sao.SB Oat.ST Nat, 4 StaeiUlara FLY OR SAIL undoubtedly cirttie froati Ike pre. laue i .aiHin I sriviiiii n SAILINOS Oat. SNet. S Maalroaa mli.e. Meiitualljr Ibey reoiote. to a remarkable .erle. .if (al-e Foe Vancouvee, ocean I all and Xwanson Hay. Tue'lay i NKW YOIIK, Sep!- 5. The a ltet ami fouiMl Iwo lhickiie..e ruiiHio vvhicb hate been epread Foe Vancouvee, Alert Hay and I'ort Hardy. Saturday m MONTRCAL p TO LAMOW of linoleum While Line on Ihe floor: lakia Coal Now Slur aHitouiM thai allUIHU Hie aeoic. It ka olll'i- Foe 1S Anvos, Aiue Arm. I'ort Kimpaon and Wales la- Carilcaa three Saa.(J Oct. 11 Nat.IS Slauam arrangements have lieeu perfect-eaj up a ibxible trap door wa nmrr been a-.cried llial Hie tnidniKht fur from New II ailij when Ibeae were piMftenyer otaen. Moaiew of Ike Mi... po.aloii Foe Nsae Rlvee Canneries. Krldss a.m. Don't get left QUIBKO TO tlVSReOOL York wit the Majelic. (ilypic and ed a email cilioact cellar iirnr. iie AI.Aia ami the llarani K-li Saa. it Oat, 10 Nat. T Imaeaaa of Britain Homeric landiu? at Clierbour?. lirally fillej with coiilrabaiMl eharif i IkrealetMnJ, and "'-renenlaUve We have arranged for delivery lo c ompIHe their Jiaurwey when met their jjaic The stuff wa bate Meli .eot in of 3,000 tons of Aaalt la aata atarfwhara, or t. t. de.irrd frtJiu that Hinl to Can roiifi.. aled and taken to iMil.ee Mecca lo defend MaveleM riyltl-. Nanaimo-Wellington FORSTIR,Vaacoatar, Oeoeral Taltafceae At,Saiataur OPJI. Station,2 US- by airplane. Tickets for the headiuartei'a. It Is mat ieceai- ! 1 trip will be eold on Hie teaiiu CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY mueh trouble ceiel an a"a Coal TraffK Aeol. eie. 'IVo type of plane are WHEAT CROP ESTIMATE wbtcii 110 nite it a made m will ueij. aatc ntakius Hie janiruey in make. 'Ike Mii.leui ,..t....., twn and a half hour, the oilier BY BANK OF MONTREAL of lite liaram K.k-Sharif 1. ii: Phone 116 or 664. 111 two hour. The average time "lulely uuaruHleed, Hot only fey by train i 7 hours. Yield Will be 350,000,000 Bushels Ihe declaralbm f lite lluti-li Albert & McCaffery Silversides With Oats 300,000,000 Itoveartlliaelil, but by Arth'te I . WANTS CHURCH BELLS. of Ihe Maiadale iielf. LIMITED iieccnl estimate of the wtieat crop in the Piaine Province jt "It rtrMHM'eil a.n that "' VVAHSAW. Sepl. 0. -Pole are the of the Mandate, lie Bros. Hie yield at 1 jn.OilU.OOd tiuaheU pa.iaye ; niiplaiiilug lliat Soviet lluia llrillati flay otei Hie iioventor-ate a compared with Second Street. i elirw in making fenlHuliiHi in t!M5; 2a 1,000.000 2Cu.oon.noo in H20; in will be replaced by icin-i The Man Who Sees Is Tho jmo.. Edson Coal Co. kind. L'p lo Ike end of IVI5 flaa; Ike itmermitenl of Ibej DIRECT AGENTS FOR 000.000 in u. jf ,ayi, iUv aW of Man Who Believes. lie liuail 4iai taken away Monlreal country' will be lrauferrvd to .'MM0 churcli bll. They were rein.rl. The oat crop i llitf yi.im.l iiiMiilf jattaaaa lallal climated at ;iOO.000,000 bu.heU. The Man Who Wears Is The 'I'deicd o return tkent. Up to Famous 30,000 Jew will Immediately ttie prsxent lime only 03 have ine New urade wheat 1. moviuir rapidly and euler Ike couiili'V lu occupy il. Man Who Knows. 1 exceptionally hlyh. 'llle back. I aH4 not miM'k tirri.aaii tkal oilier ptt'lally grain are graditw well, ve. miiiief.maker .hoW aiarcad All the thinzs we can tell you about the high quality EDSON COAL rye. The Alberta wheal yield 1 eati. faiila.tie olaarte of tbl char- and the distinctive style of Liberty Shoes, aren't nearly Ladies' .a 1 ... . aeler a I am thai nny Mine I personal leu a 1 1 j uu.neu as convincing as a inspection. er Now is the lime to get total HJ.ooouoo; Savkatehewan were, human beitiif .liould lielieve j your winter supply. them. Vet, I am aseured that ; averane 17 buahcU, total A SPECIAL PRICE FOR Ready-to-Wear fkiii fuiii. ai 1. . UA .I7.. so creilulous are scattiuns of the1 AUGUST DELIVERY. uhoiih, 31; iusiieis luipulatiou of Hit cou nl ry that: Lowest Prices average, total Cl.000,000. For further information, In there are many individual who Ontario tlireelilnjr I'lione 58. Advance Styles ehow itoo.1 y,..d and operations conditions really Iwlieve that events such as these will happen. Office of Prince Rupert Peed Mrs. R. Goldbloom iren-srally excellent. Quebec crops Majority Elated. buy a Liberty Shoes will youll Co., Cor. Second Ave. and are belter than for somw years. appeal to your taste, Seventh SL Third naiiis have delayed harveelintr in "I he approval uf the MandalH pair, and then you'll know How long they wear, and Ave. will make im difference whatever Ihe Maritime how well they keep their ramsay paints Provinces. In llrlt-i.li In the preecul adiului.lrii-lioit shape. TNC MUTT nUNT TO PAIKT RIGHT improved.llolombia eoiiditk.il have of Hie country, or In Hie We make them lo impress particular men like you. laws relating tu imtuigrutioii. It It Will Pay You to Oet Our Prices. At Leading Stores Everywhere. will, however, be fullowctl by Ihe PACIFIC GARTAC E ALASKA PULP MILL. enuctiiient of a euinlittitiou Phone 22. P.O. Bo Dr. Geo. L Barton New liu 120. - lieen received by the which will provide for Ihe e.tab-lialuiient Alaka Jabour Ltd. llunau Limited of Ho- Chamber of a lenl.Uive H.'eiiu Bros., of t:oinii,ei. .. (Palmer) ihni owinif to the bly coiitatnliu a majority of Phone 93 reiJuoed fniithl rule obtained melirber freely elected Jiy the Chiropractor recently f... Hie maiiufaclured people. The diawiiiki up uf the Furniture, Piano and Ladies' and Gents' product operation have been II.I f voter will ben j as smill Safe Moving Tailor. WALLACE BLOCK Ala.ka,re.umed al the reel Hiver, as Hie cmi.i nut ion I pMnnul-KHled, We have a full line of Ladles', Men's, and Children's Hub' woo.1 ptani uf die 1 General Cortag M. T. LEE and when ihal is num. "Dominion Make". Men's Rubber Boots, ankle, eight Inches, ' Phone SCO. .iAa ruin VUal and I'apci Lumpany pleted 11 inu.i m-ieerarily take Ssndsnd Grsvil P.O. Boa 77 fkoao Real IJS A rale of j a tu n w ...J null some I nii" He ileetton will mree-quarters and hip lengths, In Black, Brown and wnive. to fUtfei SmuuiI from lite Mpeeil lake tlac."