PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Friday, February H ijM I The Daily News WHAT CAUSES SO ROTARY CLUB pnir.i: mtpntiT - mutism noi.iJMMA Pultliliel nVrry Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News MUCH SICKNESS CELEBRATES February : Clearance :'lrinnjf and I'liblishinp Compnny, Third Avenue. H. P. I'UU.F.N, Managing Rdilor. ITS BIRTHDAY Constipation Responsible SUBSCRIPTION , RATES! ol Disease SPECIAL lor 90 Banquet Last Night at St. Regis Cily Delivery, by mail Or carrier, per monlh $1.00 Hy mail to all pari of the Hritih Umpire, ami Ihe. United .Stales, "FnUIT-A-TIVES" Corrects It Cafe With Music and in advance, per year $11.00 Speeches. Tn all other countries, in advance, per year $7.f0 It It prnfrntlv ricupniird amonf the medieil prufcwioo that Constipation The Itntary Cliih last nihl Ladies' and Children's SHOES to Clear at Less Than- Cost. TELEPHONE 98 or Insufficient Anion of The celeliraleil ,lhe ipvcnleenth anui-xersary Battels, produces more disease titan any of Hie estahlislnilenl of Compare these values. See these lines in our windows Tranienl Display Advcrfisinff .$1.10 per inch per insertion other one cause Constipation 1 responsible Ihe-llrsl cfnli hy a hanau'l at the Transient Advertising on I'rniit Page. . . $2:80 per inch for tlMt9Cr;f the disease SI. Ilcjris.llafe. The wives itf the then get here early on Thursday and make your choice Local Header, per insertion. 2."e per line iu the world toOny Wcause Constipation members wen? quests oT Hie evening Classified Advertising, per insertion. 2c ppr word i responsiWa for the Indifra-t'niwl and were out in rree. A Nine pairs Ladies' W'o--dr:tp Siii'ilu 'I'lH Legal Notice; each insertion. ITio per agate lint; Dyspepsia-thenertousnws, siiiiiIiius repast was put up for ;.'J5. for. IiMtnuia aoJ Klieumitism the Kc-tema. tlie rtcc3isin ml the uiemhers fJoiitract Kates on Application. aad other tils troublesthe at Children's Shoes for anil puests all weariny llolary $4.95 All advertising should be in The Dally News Office on day preceding Hexlaehes anil HackicliM. pair lourli In caps ?ae a pieliiresijue publication. All advertising received subject to approval. AVhylstbU? Hie "pnici-eilinfrs and at once pnl Klexen pair Ladies' Two-slrap Hlyi I, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. As you know, It Is the duty of the everyhodv il ease. J'resideul Famous Mulliwear slippers; regular x;.!ifi. lor bowel to carry off the waste matter lluhy was in Ihe chair during Hie In the )ilrm. If tlie lionet jiuc!m liiiar.'intii'd for three months or DAILY EDITION i)o J'riday, February 21, IDJ2. are weal or the lira- tuactite, then banquel. lull for Ihe eiilcrtahi a free new pair. for $4.95 pair lr. Kerin. uieiit Hint fdow;d this waste matter rr mala In tbe WJy tt-loH: chairman f the enlei-iaiiuiienl Sizes special price, .Vine pairs Ladies Patent iiie-in,ji i Piiihih: the blood. As ami poisoaa a result, . . Boa't Service per pair v . for every organ In the body is poined cnttimillee, look Ihe hmiiireil po .T,fi. for North Coast. by thin a1e. sition. The double Imal service is to .commence'' early this year, 'fruit-o-tiits" has teen wonderfully lliei-e was il jroiiil ileal hi sm;.'- $3.75 for $4.95 pair perhaps- with Hie idea that there will be a northward move early successful in relieving Stomach Tioulles, ins of familiar chnruses hy tlie Sizes I- 'i :: special price, Ken-uiit Troubles, Liver Troubles, Kidney Valherln: and oeal solos by pair Thirteen pairs I I ancy Kid siipi in theeasrn. will be deal here per I'ndnuhlcdly there a good doing Troubles, Skin Troultes and BUkh visitors and soeii-hes were fi-i-- hud; regular ;.0.'. for even' before',.bv X,!jhe (laid -'el for the commencement of the Troubles, because"Fntit-a-tires" positively quent hill in( loii'. An instro $2.75 donWey.sei vicebv tlie (?, T.i'j The move to Stewart alone will be and emphatically relieves Conslioation. mental quartetle coiisjtiiifr ol for $4.95 pair "Kruit-a-tiTes" will always relieve Messrs. Leo, I Mckenson, Vaillian Children's Lace Hoots. Cuniniings' Mich lit'; ' makd'a considerable amount of business on the Constipation, etenthpufh the trouble iKlvies ind l)r. Itaytie jilaye.l s'vv Special, ng. .1.!t". for. per pair Sixlern pairs Wiiuien's Lace Shm-.; ii'.i in sleamerjSl M; ilh the Premier fnine,.working steadily, ttie Silverado has been chronic for tea, fifteen and era! selections. The soloists wen for shipping sc;lily, many properties shipping in a small way and twenty years. Thousaada of grateful S. K. Cmiphcll, Mrs. l'raser and $2.95 others being1 developed, $lewart will be one of vthexbuiesl spots ueri proclaim "Kruit-a-tiTes" the Mrs. il. L. ('.nmiiliell. and their for $4.95 pair on the roast. . greatest remedy forConntipation that efforts were very much appro. the world has ever known. cialed. ' VOe 6 for fci-iO, trial sijfe 20c. a box, Immigration to Founding of Club. -At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a This Mr. Hranl short account Universal Country.' pave u tire Limited, Ottawa, Out. Trading Company A pres. despatch from London yesterday intimates that of the loiuiilins of the order. He told how Paul P. Harris seventeen Canada has not teen gelling her fair share or settlers' from that SUITCASES years apo with three friends do. country, especially in connection with the families assisted by cided to bold regular weekly Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street the Drilish (internment. Australia having scrnreJ most of themJ TRUNKS ffalherinprs at Hie 'unices of each Phone 376 JAS. H. MARK, Manager P.O. Box 1712 Australia lias plenty of vacant lands, but so has Canada, it is (o consecutively. 'I'"iey liait no idea be hoped that the Liberal fiovernment at 01 lawn will iniliale a CLUB BAGS 'then of Initiating a world-wide hut Hie idea policy of immigration from the British 'islands which will provide 'inovemenl,-' spread Large Stock on hand. jand today the llolary clut's em that Canada shall havean opportunity to (ill up her own vacant Prices low.. circle the world with HMi club TRY TO PREVENT lands with men and women from that country as well as from very and a rireinborship id mer Kn.OOO. the other European countries. X F. MAGUIRE Tlie narne .nrifrmaleil. with Ihe BOOZE SMUGGLING RUPERT BRAND Labor organizations are apt to take rather -a .narrow view in idea of rotation of nieeliiips at . . . . EXTENDS TERRITORY Next the Prince Kupert Hotel he ilifferent places. regard to this matter. They fear that the introduction of workers There are no paid organizers from the old country will crowd the Jabor ranks hTe and cause for the clubs and do not they go r.OPKNIIAfiKN, Feb. St. Nor and Bloaters lower wages ami consequently more difficult condition?. In that Kippers out tn si-ek new rneintiers. - 'ftiey way underl.iok a short lime ajso! view they arc to some extent justified. At the same time it mils Ten Years Ago could easily incnyse Hie numbers lo exlend her territorial waters) not tie. forgotten that in the scaling of tin- vacant lands fheie most I ml hae no wisti to do m' No lo ,11-11 miles (instead nf thre In Pi'nce Rupert Midi tias yet its miles) in siirn-ndereit an endeavor lo he men or other lines ()f labor come here as veil. The chief cope; its charter. ii-ill. ....Mm . p.rf,ii!-..,I .irtil ....i.fti. ,In for;Saleat r r Ull i- II- difficulty iVliinl often hie life Ihe land is little on so attractive smuigliu? February 24, 1912. Raise Ideats. creashif; of spirits that those who come here to settle on farms leave and drift to the -Mayor X. At. ewon and City The doctor said that the aim o inh- Hie country. ALL RETAIL STORES cities, where5 ihey crowd the labor market. Holicilnr Peters, K.O., returned Hie organization was 1o try Tlie extension meant thai all If Canada is to share in the period of expansion which i last nifihl on, the Cnmosun from raise the ideals of the community ships veiiiurliiK inside Ihe territorial The Most Tasty Breakfast Food victoria, where ihey went in jan-ueclinn and hack tmiiorlanl under waters were ..subject o i other any enjoyed by Dominions she must not. be too squeamish about Obtainable "with i'jjy business. . takings. No announcement iu re search by Norwegian customii ,' who is to come here as long as they are men and women who are officers empowered lu confiscate ?ard to backing the library plan capable of pioneering and who are likely to make good citizens. The old cijy hall on the (;. T. P. liad been made but Hie member any carg-o of spirits anr under feserve is a' sreat certain Smoked Daily by scene nf un- were tiound to help sncli a tooxe rirruinsliyices, .iiilhori.nd Payroll at Stewart heaval 'today. Knllnwiny the re-' !o seize the ship. ment. He urpeil (hat i lliey Iry Encouraging to Town. cent jirtlice given hy the railway hrinjr about heller industrial con Both Denmark and Sweden Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lli There is cunpany to vacate, the eitv staif, ditions hy the iinfuslriiil have protested against the Nor a big payroll at the Premier mine and this is likely sludv of are reinoVinu their depart mental wegian extension of her rrilor- PRINCE RUPERT in Ihe problems best interests o nut much nf the o continue, earned is money spent on the hclrtiiirinfrs in ..tlie temporary the ial waters, and certain other community Tlie American side at the town of llyder. This can not he helped, be premise in Ihe rww lire "hall 'oh1 proimytaated hy Paul Harris,motto,wits as powers have notified the Nor cause the road from Premier to Stewart passes through ilvder, I'ullon Street; love, brotherhood, faith, lie spoki wegian ffoveriiuienl I list I Ihey will What is desirable now is to open up the mini- on the fJmmdian "f"lJie recent efforts o hrin not tolerate any search of ships !r .ri Ihe Prjrieo flyinft their flag's and : ; Htipert Amateur ensaged side of the boundary, whiclrwill take business the other about a belter international . way '-. Dramatic -.Society last niuht in bona fide trade. The whole of the ii-lrict ttenellts more.or les from (he develop elected oflicers"a- followV; pre(. understanding, between (lie na These protests have resulted in lions. Tlie dories nr ha ment of a part of it. There is fairly free interchange aerltss the dent, I,. Jluljop-k-Webster; vie pone wilh the ncenl struggle war an amendment lo the new Norwegian houndarj- and fitewart should very rooii become a hie of iudu.-tii president; K; A. Kllis; treasurer, Jtolni-y represented Ihe ideal of a law on territorial waters RAILWAY .Mixs .Marion II. Johnstone; secre heller to the effect thai only ships au- GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC condition., New Generation - ' tary, IU riexinan; eeciillve. Miss Jiileresllilg addresses were choriiiK within the leu mile limii S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wednesday ioi Is Growing Up. . , Ihmnpson, .Miss Fiillun, Mrs made and stories lold hv various ire subject lo search. Anyox. midnight Thursday fdr Swarison Bay, nc-an if The Joss of the old-trners, such as John Keen, clerk nf the iitirieri Ward, h. Urinnen and members, incluiliiig President Powell Iltver, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. (Jeorse. I'itiimaurice. l.egieJalure, Vho. passi-d away at Knslo, reminds ns that the old imby, (icnrge Hryant, T. McCly. MADAME FAHEY PLANS S. S. PRINCE JOHN For air points on. Northern nioiil, Major Jofmson. (', Southern Oueeii Hands 30, February " Sidney jl'hiirlolle January veterans if pioneer days wjll sf.oii all be ajid the COMING TO RUPERT gone new gen BIRTHDAY OF MISS 11. Orme, lr. Ilayne, II. L. Vmuuv and 27. For SMwarl. February 2 and 16. eraln.n will become old-timer. With, each generation there is bell, V. Williams, T. II. Johnson Train Service. a ch iHige; usiially f(r the better, although we miss the sturdiness ELIZABETH CASH WAS American Consul Wakelield am Famous Dramatic Soprano Wilt Passenger Monday; Wednesday and Saturday at ;in of the pioneer. II. 1. Pullen. Several of Ihesi Tour Canada and probably i. in. 1'nr Sinitlieiii, Prince (U'orjfi l-ldtnontoiv and ' '' CELEBRATED AT PARTY left, niakhiR rtlreci. conneciion for ult point? I ,r" Hera. In this spoke on behalf of Mirioiw cen Slnq community we are from lime (o time men like Canada and I nid states. tres of llidary. me tain Pal t,.arey mid others who were in the country before Agency, All Ocean Steamship Lines. Yesterday afternoon Madame from ! in Ihe gathering broke up with Luxrin-I'nfiey form ' many or ns were hum. We are changing fast and it is wise for 9 o clnck )i jntly I i f f 1 r party was Ihe singing of Aubl Lang Syne. erly of Victoria but now of City Ticket Office, C26 Third Avenue Phone 260 the older members of the community to try to keep pace with the' Item at rnr home of Mr. and Mrs I'lVonl.n, win) san;.' here for Ihe spirit of the times, steadying it sometimes; perhaps, hut not YV. .). .Summit Apartments, ALBERTA Musical Soeiely a year or Iwo iioiuiJK buck too much. Ihe occasion heins tlte leuih GOVERNMENT ifro, is aiTansiiiR a lour of Can- birthday of their daujhler, Kli.a. ula and hi'r manager is In In the mad rush of commercial life it is well for us not fo heth. WILL MAKE STUDY OF omrniinicatiou with local people CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY forget what the pioneers did for Ihe country. They were the men The rooms were artistically CANADA BANKING ACT wilh a view lo having here return and women who payed the way for others who come in and reap decoraterl, (he OeorKe Washing, nnd wive a recital here in B.C. Coast Services the rewaril. ton color srhemc beins- carried Ihe course of a (our of Canada Mr' out and small hatchets used as r.I)MO.TO. Fob. 2 . Ap which she is innkinp. place cards, names and daneinc pointment will he made by the Al Sailings from Prince Rupert were greatly enjoyed by the litle berta government, sialics Premier WEDDING LAST NIGHT Biiesis amonpr whnm were; iireenuein, or some person spe For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagwsy No Sum Too Small r.lonunr Pimore. Iot Palmore. cially qualified In make particular January 2, 10, 30; February 13, 27. Lorna McLaren. Kathleen nuleer. study of Hie hank act of Canada. Fred Schulre Marries Lady From We cordially invite smal deposits and will Klla Steenf Maty Allistone, fnr. This act is In bo hrpifght up Ilii Chicago Who Arrled on For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-January gladly extend every service in crediting such ohy Styles, Mildred Lindsay, year in the fiomluion House. Train. 7, 21; February 4, 18. sums to your account. We welcome deposits Ilarhara Peytrm, Lillian Peyton. probably not at the present hut af Fred SchuUe, well Known in of even $1,00 a week, which, with Kdna Littler, Victoria Krikevsky, the next session of the House of this cily as "l-'riU Ihe handyman," s Agency for all Steamship Lines. interest at 3 compounded semi-annually, Khjanor Til r. Margaret McLach- Commons, and (lie Alberta (inv was married but evening Full information from Ian. Heat rice Cash. :ii7.abelh, ernmenl . proposes to make its lo Miss ilutb totals $280.26 in five years. liiillo Caslell of ChttMiKo W. O. 6RCHARD, General Agent t:ah and s iwn Knight. presentations as to any ho arrived on tlie 9.0- Cop 6 our brochura The Result of Making ndiuenls it thinks necessary wedding iHkinp place immediately train. Ihe Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue', Pi.nce Rupert, Weekly Deposit," tree on request PAINTERS ARE for the CHEAP. protection of the interests arterwards, hoy. Dr. firant of-ficlalint,-. Patron of the Arts "fifthly of this province. ' v five francs? That's rather e. Ah In Ihe person Jri be appointed, I-'red went far UNION BANK as as Sniilhers LIMITED- OF CANADA UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., pensive for the, work of a painter (be premier said that no In ir.cel. ti is bride. The. weddinjr wno'n (dill alive," decision had beep reached as yet, was a quiet- one, just a few for VancovvtP,miliar at ?aiiiiin SAIIIN0S Biv. Orfio full. Tui'Klii.v. ?..r,,"111i,inllil. Prince Rupert Branch Art Dealer 'AV.ell, you miht hut that it miuht he someone In, close friends helntc nresenl. r.p Pari IiinDidii. Xius RIvit. Anrm and Alim Arm ...Ii u A. T. Broderick, Manager rklllnw bf ni.uHM unrl VajiiL l.rlr mi u:il1mi 1U I fllj. I It arc sive in the and I'll the i;rvice ,u money, ee if some person spe-i art. Culllnt m friirii-mll. Kumrun and Mill fiajr imllln I l whit can bo done about it." cially Milled to the. job' wre ProsperpUfi advert lna r,. iv ana April . U Matin. means 623 Uan4 vnu JACK ARNttCYi Agent found. regular conllnuous adverlislnc.