FADE EIX THE DAILY NEW8 Friday. February . 102! FELL IN TERRACE G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public RIVER Bang! Goes A Mock trial was Hie form Jif WESTHOLME Bronchitis THEATRE DOUBLE CORNERS ON THIRD AVENUE in tlx; very heart of WHEN MUSHING entertaininenl given by the tini tlii; retail district seldom como on I lie market. JVu close un Cnnel Swept right oul of ctislrnceby muniiy Club on Friday evening Tonight and Saturday Matinee anal Night estate we arc enabled to offer tlie one adjoining Hie Post Offico Buckle' BronchJtii Mixture Mr. IionnKhy acted as judge, Mr corner Third Avenue and Tliird Street, for stile at a scry reir-souablc was Walking Ahead of Dogs The llishop as clerk of the court am ml powerfnl remedy yon can price and on exceptionally easy term. Price and When ne Disappeared me In obtain complete, relief. Mr, Long as policeman. Many terms on application. . Into Llard 40 Dnwa for 75. SnWl nmler a interesting cases were tried MONEY BACK GUARANTEE and much amusement affordei F.DM ON ION, Tel.. 2 1. - Travel SU lr all drttM I host,1 present. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. t hj IH.U fr.ni ling with the mail from fort Rontals Insurance Ilesot'A'i' lo Wriglcy, Harry . . iMkltf, lia.lt , t2 Milaalll. t..-t Mrs. Wilson of Itenio returned Mriurn, dog inusher of the Northern Sold In Prince Rupert by home on Thursday's train, at' her daughter. ' Trading went eonipanied by company W. J. McCUTCHEON through the ice on the I.lurd Mary. or river, and narrowlv csc:mcrl "The Store of Satisfaction" lenin. sueli is tlie news brought Mrs. Fairbairu of Toronto, who li. the city in the northern fur ALASKAN FUGITIVES ha been visiting her daughter Canada's Best TIMBER SALE X25S7. rompanys mall, which reached Mrs. F. T. Iloss left for tin ARE STILL AT LARGE Scaled tenders will bo received liy flic Kdmonton on Saturday from F.asl 4n Saturday's train. Minister of Lands m Victoria lint later than HARTT Shoes nuon mi the 10 III day of March, tVii, tut points as far north as Tori Sim k-iAtny Ihe purrlmsp or License XS..H7, in rul pson. McOurn in company with Local Provincial Police- Have Not Mr. ami .Mrs. .Maihews am jttrr t.l 18.000 reel or Hemlock. Spruce. Ilalsam, not Hit Cedar dim) I'lllnif. imi Lot 03, All co Arm Pat Quinn, another of the N.'l Yet Received Instructions to child, of Vanderboof. have been Lasslar line (1)l-miil year nistrin.will lip nlfowrd fur re company's post men was Havel- Start Proceedings. visiting at Hie home of Mr. and THG $12.50 iiKiial Surlhcr or llinher.particulars of Mm Chirr fore ling hi dogs nortluvard, and was Mrs. (ieo. Little. ler. Victoria. H. V.., or IHstrlct Forester. making a -cut off by crossing The local provincial police of prince nnpert. ii. t:. rroin the Mackenzie river to the flee has I u notified that .. Mr. mid Mrs. ). K. (lordon lefl IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I.iaid river. Jly taking Hie Ion Nova liiey, tlie Alaskan fisherman on Sunday for Seallle, whep- Ihey Harvard COLUMBIA. portage a considerable distance who is wanted here on a charge xpeet to reiiniin for some weeks Ill tlx mutter or TIIK AliUI.NISTIlATIO.N is saved in (if theft of the high ALT ami in Ihe mil Her ut IIL.MIY.lll.ll gelling down to Toil liquor on IIAIIIi IIOWK, Simpson, at the mouth of the seas, is at present al Vakulal, lico. I'owers hits riisliilled it AND Shoes TAKi: MHIt.i: I nil I on I In- SHth day of l.iard river, and .this short cut is 500 miles north of Ketchikan. new oven in his Pake shop. J wi'lr ii n m.i r irmiitcil. mil,lu Jnlin Irltcru II.or Mciuilln.administration oinckil usually taken by the dog drivers. and that K. Michelson, charged mil will be able Io caler Io a Vilinmlslrtiior, Priuce Kuih-i-i. Iiritlsh Due o the late closing of tlie with kidnapping Jack Miller, who much larger trade than hitherto. i:oliiinlii.Mi person Im vlni: claims airalust lh livers consequent , on the unusually turned Jii in Ketchikan recently $9.50 to $11.00 said estate arc ri'diili-fil In lllc same, mill mild season, the water has again disappeared. -No nr- Sergeant and Mrs. Walker of GEORGE the iiudcrslKncd within llilrty days rroin i tint dale hereof anil all persons owlntr ways were uuerriain: the party esls. 'iad been made in either Copper Oily visited town this i pay ileitis tn-io name no' to"am ihe eMail'undcrsiitned arc required rnrthwltli to were lie-Id un a tort Jleso ulion ease liy the bulled Males mar week. ' HAIKU I liio ih day of Kehruarv, for a considerable time for" this tial on account of want'of pro-ess KIRKPATRICK I JOHN(inii-l.n II. Me.ML'I.I.I.V,Administrator. eason,. there lining so much for extradition' proceedings. t lie Married People' Club met upen waler Mint it made travelling I Special boat will be required on I uesilay evening in progress on (lie ice both Jiard and to --apprehend the fugitives if Hall where Ihey were enlerlaiueil dangerous. extradition proceedings nre to by Mr. and .Mrs. A. lionaghy BRITISH CANADIAN GAZETTE February SPECIALS. Breaking Trail. be started. Music was provided by Mr. Mc Admission, 55c and 25c Similar conditions were niel The provincial police have Laren, supplemented by Mr. and Willi when the party came down been instructed to first ascertain Mrs. V.. A. Chandler. Dancing Th: winner of each night's Prize Drawing receives February Combination Special llolcakes on the Liard, and shortly after if Novatney or Michelson and cards were I he order of the Phonograph Record ot "The Sheik" a 1 1 I Syrup. (Juukcr Pancake the men look (lie ice, McOurn, will come here willingly ir if 'veiling, and a very enjoyable Flour ami Fdwardsburg Corn who was ahead of -the dogs they can be brought, with the co- lime wns soenl by all present Discount Sale i Syrup . 2-b. tins ; reg. value breaking trail crashed through iperalioii of the l.'niled Slates Empress Theatre TOsNi?gRTDAAY' each 25e. Special. . . .2 for 35c into the freezing waters. Ojihmj police. No instructions have Mrs. (ircjg relurned on Wed- Extra Special' (a real snappy 01110 iiiimt'uiaieiy proeeeueu io rescue been received to commence ex nesday from a flying vii il t( Del Monte Pork and Iteans, his comrade but had considerable tradition proceedings. rinee Ittiperl. 20 per cent, off all tall I ins, regular 2 He. !Tceial lifficulty in getting him mil of ; Priscilla Dean 2 for 25c, 9 for $1 the waler as the current of tlie MABEL NORMAND IS I'be intelligent, shrewd atten Wallpapers l.iard is exceedingly .swift, and tion which is given to selling Kcllogg's Toasted Wheat Biscuits in j' -This is a regular I5c seller; to prevent liini. being carried SERIOUSLY ILL IN hoiild include advertising. 10 per cent, off 1 while under the ice was a difficult un IN PROBATE. 00 packages, they dertaking. However, McOurii, SOUTH WITH THE FLU "Outside the Law" Everything else in our j last. 3 for 25c I.N THE SI.' I'llK.ME ' CHI"UT OK IUIITISII thoroughly soaked, was liajilcd LOI I MlilA. illerc is iiiurllier breakfast fii(l. Store. out on the surface of the river i Two Minute Oat Food Itegular and the muslier.s set out for Fort Mabel I.OS ANiiKLKS.NornianiT, Feb.famous 21. movie-Miss VCT the and nmtler In the or TIIK iimlter AIIM1.NISTI1ATION of I be KSTATI Serial, "Son of Tarzan" Admission, 15c and 35c value 15e; 200 pucRuge for of .NICHOLAS MAIiSK.X. deceased. Simpson, about five miles dis star, 'is seriously ill Willi' influenza. llilestate. I quick sale .3 for 25c lanl. Willi tlie thermometer registering TAkL .NOTICK that III order of III- SILVERSIDES IIiiiihi' I. Melt. Tounir. made tin' Mill da Social Tea Biscuits made by the ill below zero, Mc-(iurn's ll-briury. A ll. 1088. I was uplMilnled National' Itiseuil Co.. diiiliiiIra1or Io lie r.staie or Aieiwuu j Vancou dollies iiiiiinllj; froze Msil-cn. (lec-a-ed. and oil parlies IiiiiIiik BROS. ver. ooo His. nl less Hum and il was Only willr I he greatest SIR ERIC pEDDES elnltos airalnst the ..aid estate are liereti; risiulri'd In furnish same, proiierly verl- ( Second Street ; manufacturer's cost ililTieiilly thai lie was able to tied, to inc. on nr liefitre the (Mil day ol DENTISTRY I 2 lbs. for 25c, 9 lbs. for $1 make tin' posl. The N.T. store RESIGNS HIS SEAT March, A.li. IV88. and all parlies tndeblisl Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 lo the eslale are rcijuicil to pay tin (Special price in case lots, 10c lb. was finally reached, however, amount rorlliwith.of their Indchlediics to me Don't neglect your teeth. One decayed or missing too", and the- dog runner apparently LONDON. Fell, it.- Sir Kric JOII.N" II. MeMLLLI.N'. ion will have Io come early on s 1 1 ITe red nothing more Mian an (ieddi.'s, former First Lord of tin onielal Adniiulstralor. lowers your vitality. n TK.0 this ir.lh day of lehrnarv. IB88 . . USE . , Thursday morning to gel this one unpleasant adventure, as he lefl Admiralty and Minister of DR. 50 sacks only of Robin Hood for down stream shortly afterwards. Transports during (he war, lui PUBLIC NOTICE BAYNE Flour, 49-lb. sacks, at S2 sack resigned his! seaf in the llritish Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Block Phona 101 Shamrock i We will sell but one sack to each House of ('.((minims. NOTKI-: IS lll'liUIV rilVL.N THAT I will oniin ion sik nv pini.ir. m i;- Ollico Hours: Mornings, U-12; Aflcrnoons, 1 ;JU-i:30; ciislomer and we will stop selling 'I ION I i.N STI llllW TIIK TWK.NTV Kvcuiugs, 7-U. we have sold 50 sacks. KIKTII hV OK I I Hill AMY. IU8J. AT jwhen MANY WILL ATTEND Tlllll i: OTI.IICK IN 1IIK AI'TI II.NOil.M. AT BACON I rut: okiii.k or tiik piiomni.im. poi.ick AT TI-JIII :K. II. IIK. I NIiKIIMKN- iTillson's Aluminum Rolled Oats MOVIES AND DANCE TIONIili OOVntNMK.NT OWNLH LOTS. I HAM fc Iteg. i.e pkg speeial at...35c SlrtHTLIi AMI IIHMl IN TIIK II-IUIMIK TOW.NSI1K Sl lllilVlslO.N or MSTIIIl T I I'aliniilive Soap 12 for S1 LOT NO. 3l AMI :i10. IIMIK i. LOST BUTTER I Tli.MiKllS for .MlH'cllanci.ii Siiepllen at I he . ladies interested in ih IHSTIilLT. Ilf.fi. MVP t;s L. II. O.. PIILNLl. New Comb Honey just arrived- rfnen liiinerl. II. c Io Shin nml I -lli Ill PLIIT.i II. :. EGGS I'ach 45c llshjiii'iitii of tin iKiiarlmenl of tin .Naval Hoys' Naval Ilrigade have had a Ill Mb.lk i (west of kallllll Street,. I servico uf liuniiflii nml other ilnnadimi Onv- busy lime selling tickets and Uils 1-15 Inclusive. Lynn Valley Corn. .2 tins for 25c crniiicnl tiepiirtiiii-iitu, m well to Ship lu HlMi-k 0 i west of kalum Streets LARD t or Hi" Imperial lioveriimi-iit al llielr iipilun. have disposed of over one hun Lois 1-18 Inclusive. Kiliesl (Jnlai'io Cheese, per i, 25c Seyled lenders. addre?re(l 10 Hie umler- ,. dred around town.v. As a result lu liiiu-k i I west of kalum struct hlirnt'il. will lie received lu tli() We guarantee up iimm on Lois 10-3(1 ini-luslve. posiliely tlie Prttf!!!.l(!lM't!! HII Feliniaiv. !.?. for nupplleH of the it. is expected there will b' all In II lock I least of kalum Sli-ecr. above to be genuine first nniJeriiieiitliMieri le-in: grade Lots .Ju Inclusive. The Empire's Standard. Tor period of thrt. montha, from lat April good turnout loniglil. Many will lu lllock S least of kalum Street i. Ontario cheese. io join .luna, iszz. attend tlie first showing oi tlie I.ol 1-30 Inclusive. We h;lvc 'a fresh Mt'ils. Ill lllock (east or kalum stlccl . P. BURNS no room on our shelves CO., LTD. (10 I'resli I I-h. Sheik at the Wesllioline Theatre Lois 1-30 Inclusive. for poor sellers, Ihereforc we (e) I i'eeli Milk. and then to the dance. I'Iiiii- of llm lonlle siiowimr llio blocks l(i I'rehll Yeircliilili-!!. go and lots olTcced fur sale may lie seen al olfer packages you 50 of McLaren's 'cl llaeon and l.anl, the onicn or lllc liovi-i imiciii Aireut al Icings, assorted Mayors, (f) llliiid. Prlnen liiiisrl. II. (:., or at the olllce or I In (IT. II II I lee. BENNETT APPEAL liepnly Sllninir lieeorder at Terrace. II. c. al less than cost....2 for 25c ill) MIit'lluiieou l"lu l.-lolis. Iiateii ai i'l-iuce unpen, il. l... mis igui From the Farm The annual clean-up scasoie will 'J'1 1' lee.Kirir. ay of libruary.J. IH88.II. McMfl.ll.N. to the Table soon be here. This is your opportunity For tha Flacal Yaar 1922.comm.nclna lat April, Election Petition Filed by Uuveriimciit Agent. to slock up on Washing k' Waililnir or lleddltiif. tlotliiliif. cle. Former Minister at Calgary, ( Coal for Ships. Soap I lino liars of White to Be Heard Next 1'iiniH of lender ami all liifoi'iiiiillnii miiv BulkleyValley Wonder Soap, extra special lie olilallieil Appllcanu liy upplyiinr rnr ri.rm to nre lllc reipicsted liniler-slttncd. Week. The best in town at 14 for $1 to stale dellnllely the Item, or Hems, on whlrli iliey wish In lender. BEEF Here is a I'ebiuaiy special willi a The loucrt or any tender nut iieeessarilv CALGAHY, Feb. St. Argu PORK real kick In it. 5 packages of at'ccpleil. ment in connect ioii with the Strand isnmed) iisn msii. , MUTTON Tip-Top Tea. Haeli package .Naval spire omcer. petition filed by It. It. Henuell. distinction VEAL contains ZVj lbs. of biuh-gradu 1 3lh II. V-lebruary.Ixitkyard.ID?. LkiiIiiiiiII, i. C. K.C., foiini'i- minister of justice C to the FRESH KILLED POULTRY Ceylon Tea. To clear al. . .95c in the Meigheii govj-rnment, to & costume Skeena River Farm Produce ARRIVING WEDNESDAY BOAT Diaraion WATER NOTICE.and Uaa. have West Calgary electiou de. Cafe VANDERHOOF CREAMERY Head Lettuce. dared in his favor -will be heard Caulillower, Fresh Take uotlce that Jalnca A. Drown, whose BUTTER Spinach, I'arsley, Fresh Tomatoes, address la I'ort Lasingliin, II. :., will apply by tyo judges uf tlie supreme rnr a licence to take and use M cubic reel court nl Calgary on March a. All White Help. is a feelinjof genuine satisfaction in Celery. New Cabbage, llliu-barb, er necoiid of waler mil of llruwua creek, 1IIERE Whether NORTHERN INTERIOR of clad feet. Sweet Potatoes, Cucumbers. which ilowa northeasterly and draina into Counsel for Mr. Ilennett, ug- stylishly llocsall lover shout nine miles from mouth gesled March I foitho hearing oi'on the vacation, CLASSIC Shoes CO-OPERATIVE s etc. of Hot-tall lilver. will give tbe should have and th The water will he diverted from the bpt as Asli Wednesilay falls on you service you Do not forget our Meat Market. irraui at a point almiit 67 feet ahum tide, smartness that is admired. Phone 81. Dial dale, March 3 I lien waler on Lot I III. Ilanire 5. Coast District. was We sell the best cuts at the lowest and will lie used fur pnwer purpose upon agreed to liy Ca pi. J.i-T.'Slia fll. prices. the land descrlhed as Lot I HI. ttt'ige i. Coasl District. Skeena Illvcr Distrlt't. P., who secured the Wat after American Money bought al the This nollee waa posted on the irround on J a reco'unl liad deposed Mr. ten-nett. tlio Itnh day of January, Witt. highest prices. A copy or Ihl notlue and an aiiplicatlon EDS0N COAL pursuant thereto ami to the "Waler Act, ttlll." will lie II led in thn olllce of the Rupert Table Supply Co. Waler Iteeorder al Prince llnpcrt, If. C. OH, LADY, LADYI oiijeellnns io the application may lie 1 led COMPANY Phopes 211-212 Willi the said Winer Iteeorder or wlUi the Comptroller of Water Itlirlils, Parliament Old . newsboy)' You Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. HulldliiKi. VlclorU. II, C, wllhlu thirty Lady (to, days after the nrst appearance of lliH don't chew tobacco, do you, little notice In u local newspaper. jamks A. unow., Applicant. boy? II. For your next The dale of the lira! publication uf llila Newsie No, mum, but I kin notice la January 81. 19)12, M Best Coal give yah a cigarette If you want Tha naw "CLAriSIC" Shoe Job LAND ACT, tine, lioston l'osl. BaJl Strap Oiford, with Repair 'e cany laiae slocks of perforated toa. Notlc. of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land. Ill nkeena Land lilalrlcl, llcciirdiuir Instil 'l clean screened Lump and el of I'i'luctf liupert. II. and at :., altuate In try khiiu Inlet, aecoud lilitht from entrance on ANNOUNCEMENTS Kgg.sized Coal. It's hot, J. C. EMERTON east Take side.not ce that Cditar llaru d Crawford. cosls less less smoke. Lowest Prices oreiipatloii lovirer, Inteiida to apply for Knights of Columbus Annual You'll like it. Champion Shoe Repair Shop lermission in lease tun rollowlnir described auds: Comuienelnir at ihisi iiIhiiic,! in Dance, February 22. Ltd. Finad Uloek, Third Avenue thn second tiiirlit from the entrancee r,r Consumers Goal Co, Ltd. Jabour Bros., east aide of lihutl Inlet, thence 0 chains toulli, thence 80 cliaina cast, thence 80 . St. Andrew's Sale of Work and Order Nowl Phone 58 "Repairs while you wait" chains north, thence 80 chains seat and Phone 7 conlalnlnir tu acrea more or lesa,' llouio Cooking, Apt'il 5, SI. Andrew's Corner ThlrJ and Sfivnth P"One liioah iiAiioi.u CHAWnniD, Applicant. ' J. Lome MacLaren, Manager Pittd Oiwubtr u, oji. Hull.