L j.v r Vuary 21, IC22. " THE DAILT NEWS PAGE TTVB I LIBRARY DONATIONS 1 In the Letter Box ! ANYOX LIBRARY Tlio fidlowinp hnciVs prr-apnlrd I i to llif iTiru-o ltii.prt l.ihrnry. WARNS RATEPAYERS. ORGANIZATION Asnrialion nrf arknowlrdjrrd liy : ft. V. Vllkinnti, wlin l rrillcclin? I'or .ome weeks past our cily! Ilio volnino at Orino' lirujr council ha teen riijrjtfrod in. Librarian Is Trained For Work SI ore: fceklnjr to pacify Ihn ft. T. f. Co. and System Is Followed H. H. Hemmlngs in the matter of a lejrilimale tat OuL Kin. Solonmtm Minrs. levy upon their 7",ainns in Mirah Clarkf. his eily, Slnnl Who of what In view of Hie interest taken in Tlif lnviihlo Man. are (he 'irand Trunk Pacific library matters here just, now, IViiir Clumnr-y. Hallway? All correspondence, a member of the staff of Ihn Vojt Wfiffinsrlrm. freight hills, exiiense hills, way Dally Npw wrotW Hie chairman The 'I'hroe .Miifkolrors. hilts and oilier stationery that of the' -Library etunmillee at 'I'Ik1 lIxiK'iiiivp MIhs iii r,an, once emanated from the above Anyo,akih(? for? informal inn as ' holla lllanrliflnwrr. It. II. Co.-j are now bearing the to how Ihcirs is conducted. The Livlr Pains A Slnjrtilnr Life. lllle ofrlhe Canadian National reply; in part 1 as follows: 'f'wenly Year After: Hallways. If Hie ft, T. P. Is non. "I 4m sendlnjr you a lis of Paim under ,ne 'uld"er Lords of Ihn .nrlli, exislanl why negotiate, with any our. Iwioks, with the exception of blade; le-H of hVer derangement. The llousr" wilh tlin ircpn ierson claiming to he Ihei rep-rescnlaiivo the Oranliy '('echnical Library, Other inclkaUciu are aallow Sliullers. "Once hilten, which. Is a. very expensive Jot, of l Jtfcn,Indigestion. conitipa-,;, r.nliliaycs and Kintr. Iwice shy." bonks and something I should ! coipplf bilioufflen and bilious headache. Slradclla. rhe writer happened to be one judpe yon would .not wish lo SMOKING C. J. Stevens. of Hie arbllors belween the samH pul in your library, for they , Iliflwfr Lylloiis .Vnvol 1, 2 and H. It, Co., and the niunlcipalily are mostly on mining. 1 am also The quit.rit way.action to arouse is by tlie 3. of Prince ttupert when Ihe late eprlosm? n list of Ijie liookn we I i l RlMUlEl I healthful ;ver o Cfce? I'flln.we The jihorrmlx. ,: Chas. M. Hays was its president have on order and another list of Dr Kidney-Liver The .Vol. , The lax levy was reduced from of hooks recommended by' the Continued use will insure listing Three yMiiskr-lffrs. fino.nnn.nn per year to s5ir,onn. library rrmimillee. rclitf, ccirect, the whole blood.digestive Patricia a the Inn, Acceplfnsr on behalf of Hie ins),. Our Librarian Is trained in S Irl Manufactured- by U II the system aad.purify Kast l.ynne.. , flOn.nfl certain pledges for the I his work and works only pa ri l Mt Wnv Barten, Hanover, Tlif Spoiler. performance of public works, lime, 2 fo 5 p.m. and 7 to 0 J tSsHBl v Imperial Tobacco Qmpany of Canada n T '" Ont., writea: The Siiifrer ef Hie Koolenays. viz. a fifteen slory hoe, an uji p.m. receiving WZ.fift plus ?r.00 "For inti' linip I wtferd from liver The hepol Maslhr. i, to dale machine shop ami round for looking after Ihe Cranny J f MONTREAL CANADA " Iroulle. T1W ""! ''" Internalioiial Short Stories (3 house, a slalion conimensurale technical hooks, lor 70.00 per Ju 3 fertinic in my back wliich I tout J wilh Ihe prospects of a great month in all. The reading room j of Some auvixed fiMf riJ one not g'l Dr. Oiaaea Kidney-Liver Pilla-I Molly. Ilawn. , , railway system wilh a marine for paper and magazines is open K, did rf k1 found Hxti etcellral. Tin- Missinp llriile. terminal, and many other inci- until llp.m. sit thai Hie 'men IV Jrtj;ing feel in j in my lack disappeared Vlilperiiitr Smilfi. ddentals o be. thrown in such as can read the various papers, etc., and I fell mudi Iw-ncClircl Jmle ICyre. coal bunkers, wheat. elevators I Iml cannot gel any of the other j,nerIIy, 1 hue great confidence in Old Morlalily. and such like. hooks except when Ihe librarian Dr. Oitte'i Kidnejr-Liver'nd for Pilli,general and S'L llonans Well Ileinember, this was not cheap is present. teep !'' 0,1 The Talisman, ptirasenlngy. Plans of all Ihe League Privileges Dr, Chase' Kidney-Liver Pills, .lane f.'ahle. respective works were submitted As you undoubtedly know, any i one pill' a' dose, 25c a box, all Tiie Priiiee of This World. for review, article of agreement one who is a member of the, Any. The Kintf ; dealers, or Edmanson, Bates ck TJie Crisis. were writlen out by eminent lawyers, ox Community League paying r0c both interested mouth is entitled to all priv Co., Limited, Toronto. St. Klmo. signed by per The ISlark WolTs llree.l. parlies, in Ihe very best of good ileges of the league, which In & Lena Hirers. rait ti of the then cily Inunril. cludes, tennis, baseball, fool hall of Tohaccos Sejf liaised. 1 . Much expense was entailed by and id her indoor sports, also the m, INYOX HOSPITAL IslllllHI'L t our cily solicitor visiting Victoria library. This Tee allows the The Livinsr Muminy. 1o have Ihe Provincial Oov- married man, also his wife and 'Pipe Hose Mather. rnnvenl agree lo Ihe pact, you family up lo the age ( trt years or BOARD CHOSEN The Hinhl ft Way. ratepayers paying all Ihe expenses to participate in the league's The Mystery nf a llan.soni t'ah. attendant. Many unsuccessful (iiffair-s" without any other cost. E-ed The Passing of a ltaee. allempls were made to Tlie picture show and pool room Watson Heads Poll at the Capltnla. have Ihe It. II. Company comply are run al a slight profit only Deacn ana i uni murpn Mrs. F. S. Wright. with their part or this agreement, Wilh further reference lo the at Mine. The l.onjr Holt. when all Ihe while they library, we have a system of The Life Kvoilaslinfr. accepted Hie city's fuirillment of fines." If a book is kepi out over UXYHX, Feb. 2.J. -The election Mrs. W. J. Klrkpatrick. their sidi nf the bargain. I hi two weeks a fine pr 10c is levied thi Aiynx Hospital Hoard wa Pul Yoursoir in His Plaet-. contract was for ten years for each week overdue, A janitor HI on Monday. ' February .-2ii. Katy of JaclfK?iii. Prior to ils. expiration Ihe who keeps Hie library approaches Taller. lie representative wa required The Kartlnpiake. . , writer earnesly urged Iheespec-livo cleared or snow, and who cleans Windsor. lli Mine atiolher fur Hi-' .Naomi. . city councils then in power the reading ri.iom dilily,. is paid Weekly. Scotsman. QUALITY CLEANLINESS hleli, the result nf tin' pnllihg The Seerel Woman. lo enter suit in the court and 2r.uo per month.' I cannot Ihink Newspapers. by" Electricity" establish our right by judgment, V any 'other important, mailer "It's Better when Baked ring a follows: , Whillie'rs Poenis. The ,N'ew York Times, For Boach Representative: ' Mrs. J. M. Fraser. but Ihe councils thought nlher-wise just orr hand. U there are any l'rovinee. Ii mI Wa'snif elected. Of Willi The fiomiiiered' Turk. consequently by lapse or other onints nil which you would World. ! time our claim is lost. like information, please feel ill .rge ! Mi Coll : 35 Tim Tillhnlenl Duchess. Sun. Iri'il Morrow i! Lady Mnlly of Scotland Yard. Chapter Two. riiberly lo write me, for this is P.riuee lluperl New. . :.ert Armour ............ i"J The Happy Valley. Lat year Ihe non-exislant It. undoubtedly a splendid movement Alice Arm and Anyox Herald. $5 Gold Piece luigr Wnru'jfk .,. . ... 27 A. H. McPherson It. Co. accented 18,000.00 as a and I sincerely hope the 1 2 The Swiss Family, Hnhiu.sou. settlement of Iheir taxes. This people of Prince lluperl will soon MILK . PiniliT Moss will be placed in our QUALITY Ifr' Savvrey , II The Younfr Kxplorers. year they return seeking a re have a library to be proud ou RECEPTION GIVEN Itlsen Kiniiii Die Hanks. .luciioii fo 112.000.00. claiming Wilh gesl wishes, 1 remain sln- BREAD on FRIDAY or SATURDAY. For Mine Representative. COUNCIL itn Murphy elected tin Hlljilh, The .liiKKler. Hint an error in' Iheir compu- ccrely ynur!, RETIRING You may be the lucky one. Ask your grocer illlTl (ilgl'l , ii Veldt.Canada's .Sons n Knjijn and; talbm if2r.1000.0u of last in. year their amounted favor and to Uf. Armour adds It. AltMOL'll."thai a suggestion COMMUNITY LEAGUE for Electric Bread. Note We will give t The X McDonald(iovornmriit ropi-ojicn tt i 31 I.tist in The Hackwools. Ihey niAv seek a rebate nf fi,- book is kept in the libr $6.00 in cash for the return of the gold piece Tlie Hoosier School Hoy. 000.00 annually to extend ver ary in which members enter any President and Mrs. Robert Armour! and (lie ill be John Cnnwny Tlie suggestion Ihey have for Hie improvement Entertain in Snnw-Slioes and tlannes. i period of five years. of Anyox .rauhy company ha appointed The Ynuiur Musician. life of Ihe new bylaw they are or Ihe library. This Library. Hi Munroe, Dr. J. A. Hanriufl or seeking to have passed is for has proved iiopular, The Three Trappers. mi (i absence nf the rurhicr peckV Had Hoy in the Circus. rive years, hence Ihe reduction lo Magazines. - ANYOX', l'eb. 23. A reception Electric Window Bakeries -I for IhiMn in the same J. Wolstenholme. t2.000.00 with r,non.OO annual The rnllV.ing is lb list of lo Ihe retiring council of Hie An tv. Ilrief Course in Analylieal rebate per year would leave nuigairnvs taken regularly by the yox Community League, nif'ir "Where Quality and Cleanliness Rule" fiepniclry. a neat lump sum or 37,000.00, Leagues wives and the employees ol ine THE COMIC COMMUTER. Kleinentary Lessons in Lnslc. a loss In Ihe cily or l J.OnO.Oo American Publications. league was given by President and VALUE Phone 667 SERVICE ' Outline nr K.turlish Orainmar. per year tinder Iho rale agreed American. .Mrs. Hubert Armour m l ebruary P-oiii nisli away, old man." Manitoba Third and Knurl Ii upon luf year hr a lump sum Adventure. 17 In the Community League I mutt Mr ivirn'u uillincr iln loss or .r,.0(iO,oo during me Atlantic, Monthly. library. , ("1.1 if inns lh I a"J Ira I n I Headers.Hrilish Columhia l'lrsl, Third: life of the bylaw. The It. H. legal Hasehall, " Those present were as fnllovvn: S-ti:.lt , ,Mi it. lull IT I catch II I and riiurtli Headers. representative Ihrealens that if Mnys Lire, Mr. and Mrs. Halt, Vice-president Our frozen herring bait Is conceded by fishermen rhnll nnw II Mml In what I Hesl Things fmm llest Aulh- Ibis agreement is not entered Hlue Hook., Jo. Lowry. Patrick Harr, Mr. DAI 1 to be tho flncsi procurable at any Pacific Coast mmhi catch if I did'nf catch it, into they will lake it inln Ihe Itookseller Mii'l Slatioiter. licorpe-MrColl, Mr.'.and Mrs. W. Port and it is "Fishy."'' Price, $30 per ton. . r .if i tiitn t wiiiii in nii-ii nrs. Wnrks of Sliakespeare.. courts. Hnshl Call Iheir bluff. Hoston New Hhread.'i Lve, Mr. and Mrs. Dean 4Ui.zelle, r The best way or insuring a good fluuMty trip is The (;t-nn.io I iJon'l waul Hi falclj il. Physiological Chemistry. H the bylaw is submilled to Curreiit History. Mr, inn i librarian . l'red lvlli to have plenty or our hard frozen- ice. Price, rirff llo.siou Transcriiil. K.Miminulion of Wateiv you in he near future along the Curreit. Opinion. Hrown, Mr. and Mrs: Haavvill. Mr. $1 per ton. Inns Itotany. lines above set forth tno writ Century. N and Mr. II. Selfe; Sid Arinstrniig, Our well-equipped slore can supply fishing gear, Spot lAUNDRIES AND CHEMICALS er appeals o you ratepayer in tlOsmopolitan. ' l'red (irahnin dnanaper or Ihe Oaf. fishermen's clothing, groceries and provisions I - - Advertise hi the Da.'ly News. your own inlerests. to vole it . tjauadiani. ' i s ' Mine poolroom; And oilier. and hardware. . down. Ii I suggested putlius Country rteiitleman. Cnniimmitj League I Inn lelrplidni" (inkloil llin oinor Ihem lo anojber test nf honor ICngineering and Miniitg. Orchestra,The Anvov consisting of Messrs. NEW ENGLAND FISH Cpmpany ("o Iihvp nun lii'o.n a ii'Hiinnm p-nditiK your mh"advrr-mhh, THE COUGH rei-iue.sl.iiii: the II. It. iCompany Hvetybody. ?; lladeii,Prevost, Auckland, O'Con Ketchikan, Alaska Branch contract that Knclnry. liivmlahle under an look good care or l,!"ii lately. I.nl ilonM tin' laun- -. .. nor and Martin, with that within the current life nf tho Cood Housekeeping. .. . rliriiiicnlK in llu-ir the music ror Hie evening. usi- a'.hlii(j'' TicklishSensation the rive, year bylaw granting Harper's. v 'y Hridge was also played and such concession yea, even greater Lire. Mr. !'. Hall won Ihe lady's prize. Vcs, wn in life clirniiralu: will Digest, Main orflce Hotel CentrVl concessions that Ihey Literary t while Sid Ariuslrong carried nil Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, "'"h vim r Jiakpr, and so rvory Astute hi'kim in tho riiront; now and construct a branch line or railroad Motion Picture Magaiine, after which PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. lion'.owifii mioi )ii iiiiikcn llniso tn.ii dry, lucklu couirb; " ,bl"1 11 coal Magazine or Wall Street. the peiillemau's prize, them. ,anthracile to take to tho be one to Imllirr itoul, l"t or the assembly was taken There will always some Hiouitb tad a photo not "'Ilium Iml liisfiiilx fiijny In yim MacLeau's. Crniindhog and adjacent In the Held nr Ihe hark ni;ike a breach iniich. every Uin, Kiralnn lira Hilar "'! rmnres the commercial mines) erect Moiilreal Weekly Star. ' by -Sid Davis.and Prince Rupert Coal Company NVo h Ii u 1 1 Jiavo morn l on way Tor nmre nrloua trouble. coal bunkef at Prince lluperl, National Oeogrnphio. Lunch Speeches.seuved iK'iiiicnW Jafcr: incanwliilc, don't iiw many peopl tiave' lot a rood Tfl-lallnir erect wheal elevator at Prince People'. J'avo'rile Magazine, A tasly lunch was by Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Welllngton, Pembina, ffkUnr. which sev vr"i think tin- N an almost idoal nlnnl'a neriHBtlon wl by In tlie Ihroatt Tlie dry, Itupeit. Then will 'rinee Hu-pert people's I'avorile Magnzlne. Mis. Armour, during made, Mr. Halt Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. oral were speeches Ifoalimui for your llannol and ,rH, roimh keep yon awake, and wtieri be in slurpe lo Invito Irans-Paciric I'acirie Motor Itoul. In reply. chairman. vmiioii aarhiCnlM? ,. iffi mi Ill the mornlnir you feel as U business and pmrilahly ' Publisher Weekly.'-Popular acting kh First Bath Use abundance of 'von liad bad n t " utilize, our shipyard and dry-dock MefhaiiieH. ".resident Armour slated that lie Yellowhead Coal DR. WOOD'S would have pleasant mem-orie arm water 100 degs. Fahr.j add In constructing ship ror Pliysical Culture. many NORWAY PINC 8VRUr council. work I Ii Ihe itutral soap solution to make a S jM the r.mr.y a.- . .milatA"- ' Irt" 'O such service and ibdng the necessary Heview. or He.vicw of bis in cases Hie On Dock Delivered flood suds; run 15. ir.liaiu.ir, IV.' I Vn,. , repair work Incidental In Hed Honk. Although had many lo agree to . LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 member appeared Second Bath--Fill machine with nf 1 s'1lni. i-a"n ocean wear and I ear. Syslein. LUMP, Sacked . . 11.75 14.00 . wter same temperature as first ''TrTT' Jobnson. fort Albrrnl. C; DAMI'.L W. MOIHHSSKY. Saturday Kvening I'nsl. differ,successful yet Ihe from outcome Ihe standpoint was jimt of MINE RUN, Bulk only . . 9.75 11.28 bath American. (100 derj8. pahr,), run three Selenlll'ic NUT. Sold in Carloads only 8.60 "Inutes., Extract In spinning bas-t IT on, win. "'" couh- 'T" BIRTH3 AT ANYOX Ti)inoli'li. - Ihe Community League, in fact Analysis Fixed Carbon, 19.3 perVenl; volatile matter, 37. 1 n" and bad to alt UP lo bed Tnrntilo Saturday Nighl. was the best year in the history five minutes and finish drying nlKbH l Bfed ANYOX, H. C. l'eb. 2t. Tho percent; ash, U.O per cent; nmisture; 3.H per rent; Milphur, at ... .... Vii.r. la ract. I toufbed M Voman's AVork. nf Anyox. 'I be president greatly moderate; temperature. No I lrWI Ullirmi. .-.. rollowliu? reccnl blrllis have absence ol Councillors o.tU per rent; Jl. T. U. air dried, t I.COO. -This V0ll.lt. Hie Tinging, no rubbing, no extremes W ' ....hi1 i heard of tr. wooa a taken place at the hospital hre. Woman's Home Companion, regretled McColl is a High Hrade Ilitumlnou, Steaming Coal, especially f temperature, hence no broken !r" ..." r ,n I tried ItVud found Kck II. To Mr. and Mr. English Magazines'. I'splin lllfie.su,and Ceorge suitable for IHh Pressure Hollers and Furnaces. The lump buttons or. shrinking of your Ilarry Kirk, a daunrhlej-. Ilystander, -r through in Is very Superior Stove Coal, Let us send you a trial load of garments. !bottle and biive v,ooi It In ibe bouse," J'eb. IC Tu 'Mr. ""4 Mr. Dally Mirror. " ' Dancing; wl hcu indulged af.ni. Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your This service Is l wnur rllsctOKal. ' ".'u'rVand V. 'Dr. Wood'; Patrick Harr; a son. Onipiilc and continued until t heating stove. Mr. and Mr. A. lMjtif II,' I'eli, n.-To CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY :;ueVt,it up ;,n.y byT..o T.Mnbun, Co., K, Scoll, a eon, gphcre." Advertise In the Daily News. Phone H, (advt.) tliultcd, Terouin, ubi.