Ann two THE DAILT XTTW8 .Thursday. AprlJ 20, 19; The Daily News SUFFERED YEARS CURIOUS UFE Better value in Rubber ... varpniNnB nupRRT - nnrnsn Columbia Boots that wear longer ..PiiMlshedBve'ry Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News OF THE EAST WITH Holden Rubber JECZEMA If you work where It is wet you want Ames Printing and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. Boots guaranteed to give you the utmost value you can get for Y Only careful workmanship by the most experienced II. P. Pl?MJN Managing Editor. vyire of C.P.n. Steamship Mana your money. "Fruit-a-tlyes"' Cleared men In the business and the highest grade pressure-cured rubber " " ger Tells of Recent Visit and strong, pure duck linings could permit sucJIa broad guarantee. - SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Her Sklo to Orient thn v rirrfotcd to gt tf wf, thy r oonce Hthter AlUMwfh h7 by mail . . City Delivery, or carrier, per pinnlh ??It9" Sr. . othf bcoti youN yr worn- -and ff buc coinfoiublfc Poittc P.Q. By mail to all part of thp British Empire and the'Uniled State's Pirtnr, Vivid liiiire.ious the ny of of life Aim HolJn tnufs foil i)n to In vy pif in'advanre. . ffl.0'0 "I suffered for three mn will. TL imrtntw yon per year and the orient c((ilitp-..iif were a. To all otUjv countries, jn advance, per year . ?7.r0 .IrrriUr Ktttma. 1 consulted seTerat SMuilaleil by Mrs. I roup, wife nf: doctors and they did not do ium any AMES HOLDEN J:. t fi?lpl.,l, W. .Tnnip, lu returned TELEPHONE t)8 i Then, I used one box of "Sootk oji lU Kttiprcos of' AU :n few &ira"a od t s o ho pi of"t ruH--V' V' days ao ;ficr a thre.e- ui'onlhs RUBBER P0OTWJ2AR 3rnslent Display Advertising $1.10 per inch Pr insertion anl my liiotlum nowcbsir. ThetwU. holiday in Japan, Ohif'n. davn. Transient Advertising on Front page $2.80 per iprli isgooe and thrre has been no rrluru horta ami the I'liilippineo. They Local Readers, per inerllon. 25c per line I think it is marvellous because no vvere accompanied on Iheir oil- Classified Advertising, per insertion 2 per word other mnlirion did W fo ward journey bv Mr. and Mrs. Legal Notices, each insertion . , toe per agate l.ino until I tufd ''South Saha" u: It. P. Iltitchari, wh&remained ft Contract Rates on Application, "Fluil-a-Uirs", tkt wamdriftd mfdlcit., Ijllle longer in the Orient an1 Al advertising should lie in The Daily News QfTlr,on day preceding ruuU from fn(f. Witt r eliirij home shortly on publication. All advertising received, subject to approval. lU.Um PKTKK LAMAKKK vie of the Admiral Linn boat. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 50e a bos, G for JJ.a). trial sue,2". Festal of Tatpusam yBX gutrtnleed o oulwt.r any l vEfHtlm W At dealers or sent otpakl b) Out of the kaleidoscopic background nTLY EDITION Thursday. April ?0. I9?2. Frujt a Mtes I.iniitt-0,Otufta of beautiful ieeiery. siraiisre tights and etistnni. Large Increase SUITCASES tei-uiing millions of natives mid. lm 1 k J WW W&l VtH ii luainl costuming, one experience In City Taxes. ' TRU NKS M.1111H out jire-enjiienlly in Ihe mill rale shown in the of the nf The large report meeting memory uf Mrs. lr..opt that f WaHiH Te' - 1 iBVilCl llBHl 1 the rity coupf il laj-lnight will come ralher a surprise, to many, CLUB BAGS Hie fest ia 1 of This who did not realize that the increase would 1e so large. An festival occurred in .SjnKai.ore ujiWjin! jymp it a'pruiiximateijy e'en mills in one. year, with the Large Stock on hand. Straits StlcyienU, and follow etl shortly nfler the relejiralinn of prospect of a still greater increase next year, is not an alluring Prices very low. the Cliineie New Year. prospect, but. we art? as tired that it is' necessary for the proper J. F. MAGUIRE The festival of Taipnsm fa frying on of the cily affairs. H certainly must give ns pause and ei-lebrntes the apji?arance jn the make its ruuiilrr carefully before advocvling any fiirlher expenses. Next the Prince Sopert Hotel iiuti and ih-tant of the tiod The dilUnilly wjlh capilal expenses is hai I Key have to Sjitirapjanyi to ,his hvoees. and -it is observed every be taken eventually current only the year frjjin revenue, payments arejx. by ltw Clietty community with snreadover a term of veor. - I J O'aslliiir and a iliil.iv nf Ten Years Ago I ibosiilality. Proeessions are Increases Are In Pi'nce Rupert JUornied and iirrveed rrbm lemjde Accounted For, to temple, ihe participants carry What cxerybody wants to know is, vhy are there increases nils sprng' shows jrrealor ing baskets or flowers atwl reeds pronii.'e than ever for Pnrcher on Iheir heads, with priests and and where is the money.going? Adennan Djbhavn wa aked Island from incense-hurners in elaborate an agricultural that question and very palie.jttly explained Ihe situation. It seems ceremonial and there tributes instead a donation of garh, js siamlpoint. More sroun.l is un-'ir that Ihe general rate this is less than last ' money lo Ihe bridegroom to assist year slightly year. The cull ivat toil, more q tiers general rejoicing. Canadian National Railways jn paying for the enlertalu-nienl. cost of conducting the affairs of the city this year is expected to are coming in and the first tise Mortify the Flesh '' be less than last year. fill road has been builL The Hut in. common with manj- of Acrordiiijj to information ob The increases come from various quarters. About three. ?reaet nce nf (he Inland Is for Hie Oriental religious culls,, a tained from onlookers, the Ihree- mills hi tiled for by Increases jn the cot of education. The. roads-anil trails and the. provincial number of its devotees proclaim day ceremony, in spile of its Prince Rupert KK'tt'Uftsliiua.te: have jumped from ,n:i,00n in round tlgures-lo ; government has promised their devotion by mortifying the. lenpth, does not constitute- an $81,000.-. That is the chief item. . attention. 4 flesh. "I'o occidental eyes it .'is unbreakable bmnl. If after a ' '-"AYifitttflf large-Jump is in the fixed 1 harrowing sight to observe Jn charges on bylaws aulhor-' few- weeks or months. Incompatibility ized by the people, the largest or which i the new school at Hays There will be a ser-Tc the procc.s'ion a number nf .Mal nf temperament develops ShiDvard tlove Circle;-oh which a large sum more will hate o be spent this for -viptinis of the Titanic ays stripped lo the waist and between the newly-weds, the pay. i S year. The water extension .bylaw also comes in this group, wreck In Ihe Weshnlme Tboatre With Iheir backs and arms lacerated menl of a small sum (if money M. mf- ... accounting for Shout two mills in alL tomorrow. .Mayor Newlnn will with .- needles, from which ' ti. semres ;i senriraloni nnn Ip.ivna Operating T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock , Another charge, which is ditlirull (o nreside.c Re-.' V. K. riilshbrook were prnd&ht what appeared Vnntrad ati i( more understand. lt.e parties free jq Cnglntcrt, schlnlsts, Bolbormakers, Blacksmiths Pattern made the and Hcv. F. V. Kerr will Jead he Jarg! verspatislcs It.oje' I by shiftjnguX obligations from one department Jo ' other alliance. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Eto. lite devolional exercises; ftev needle's were threaded Ihrough u iiiiiiuicr. it seems- inni'ine waterworks nas always been linaii- Mrs. Troup was much Im cially a burden lo the city. II has not paid its way. The debeit- Father nunoz. Aev. C. H. Sing t.'l flesh, Thut curiously enough pressed 'by Ihe wonderful temple! Electric and Acetylene Welding. in.l llev. V. II. ,Mc.cod will de .Mrs. blood lure charges had lo bp taken carp of by Ihe cily. Last year the says Troup, no was at lijoela jn Java, which the party 1 liver addresses and .1. K. ITavey, visible. had small i excess of revenue iy .the light and power department was devoted Others, spear made a special trip to see. Ilujjl Our piant ls equipped to jiaiirlle all kinds of .Mrs, Jarvis Mcl.eod, Mrs. O. V like wedges thrust Ihrough the P'ylng the shortage in the water department, but this year it in the elevenlh or twelflh ccnr has been shifted and will come out of general revenue -so that Neller and A. (Ilapperlnn will upperlip and tongue or diagonally lury and restored from beneath MARINE AND ; sing. Ihroubh the ijieek and reiiuc,tionsjnay tie in the light and power rates, Jhe result up a covering or lava about one i an nusjt ton 10 ine rale or . mills. .This is the case, as we per Jip. hundred years- tun. Ihe lemnle COMMERCIAL WORK understand, if. "The".water 'department pays onlv for operation, Silver Car Procession is nun of Ihe wonders of Ihe 1 while tlFe interest and sinking fund on something like 42 1,000 The Man in the Moon Another harrowing sight ac Orient. Wonderfully carved PH0NC8 43 AND 38S comes out of general revenue. The (otal debenture debt for light SAYS:-; companied I lie ceremony called slone frescoes depjl incidents (h and power is $.10,000. of which $15,000 is taken care of bv the the profession t,f the I.itlle, Silver Ihe life of Itudilha. while all itgni ami power HeparlmenL tlar. This beautiful jjjtln aroutid the roof of Ihe temples. jiiii.t. woo taiK loo niucti are rftr, which as lis name implies are a sewes of fifly-two htufe ' Supplies Light and ' ,- ' reinindd iliat Ino much gas is elaborately fashioned of sil erections called ",sttl- Power to City," chokes the carburetor and pre ver, is drawn by silver chains pas each containing a wonder In answer to a quehy from a ratepaver as to how the light vents the boat starting. attached lo a hook which is im fully carved image of Ituddha. and powf r-deparlntenl gels iLs revenue, it must be explained that bedded in the. muscles nf Ihe Korea proved unusually ihUf. Lumber & Lath in addition to the charges paid by private consumers nf light and IF taxes continue to po up, had of the native to whom fall esling with its teeming (iiillln.ds. power, there is a charge made against all the cilv departments will soine of the properly tvnci lbi honor oT -thi sacred duly ijs never-endiujr rice fjebu 'ari'i where Jjghand power is ued. For street lighting there is a J lie ceremonies lasted several its luxuriant tropical verdure:. and- " chajge f five jyr kilowatt hour. This is consi,pred bv AN'YOX joins the jolly llirong days, finally terminating with a I:erywbere the natives werfr the Shiplap-Boards . some exrc-she an.pis.Jikely to be re.lufed. A three-cent rale js of daylight .fc.nvcrs. All the jfii rile in which a number of fana whitft flowing Rat-h and .pialpl consi.Jered jiy many to be a more correct rhargo. for IJ.i s.-rvire porlant laces are taking;i1 on. tical devotees walked tiarefooj. head-dress, like a liny horsehair Dimension . Lverj- department in the. city where . ed over live, irlowins coals. As lop-Hat lb light ami power is ,,scd pays perched on lop of revenue b, the light and power department, so that the largest llb'SSl.t.N'K are barred iriii there far as the. Iravellers could as Ihe -beads. While is worn4 by Thoroughly Alt forled and H?ored; Utider CavIt. ciislonier of the !jgi,t and power department here is the city it-clf he (hoise wlin dliin. Ibejr should lie certain, the undergoing nf lhS both men and women except ial There is a good deal or ignorance on the part of most rili- cluhli.'d. ordeals entitles the devotee to weddings when vivid colors ili fZV? "WW0,1 ,Uk nf lhp ri,v ,,ow l the honor of wearing a silver donned, or in mourning wlojn Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding nl rilF.fli: was a iph of rrli. band on hjt forehead. In. show to hempen ebdhes de .a" r,n wr0,,fe' '-ouclusious because do are rigueirrv 5!!.0n .. , Vjr h?i,V Xew is mRknff a honest we elforl not lo Went up l heavep when Alderman Ihe world that h hiid proved bis China and Japan. - and Finish fads for hyhhavn reporled against the Ic vol ion. public and give Ihem pubHcity so that we In China Hie visitors were. Irif. tny undersku.d hoW ir rjty jv governed with' f, view to building nf an incinerator. 'I he At Javanese Wedding presses! wilh Ihe magnificent- J SPRUCE LATH pigh started In the nciphtim-liood Of a different nalure but eii. roaus or liouxkonjr, Ihe wonder- of hourth Avenue, :eas of 'Me- ually inlerestiiiff was an experi, I'll wouuer.s or.i'ekin wilh its Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prlctt llride. ence which lh travellers met jn leinplel "f II'HvV-n. forbidden lava at the town of Oaroei when tjly and ils tnagijificent Suui sim.OTI.Vi vvsis resumed in they were iijvited lo attend pjr 'add Winter palai'eji, and." PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Melfnst yes-lerday. So far as the bivaiiese wodding. The cere ?b9rigpa.i with it gay life vjiipi presH rejionls were concerned inony look place in Ihe house of earns; jor M uie into ofy Ibr .Seal Cove, Prince ftuperi Telephone 381 Itliffe was no (miea'ion before of the brides parenls.Uasling three rn ui toe urieni. T l having Koiped. ilays. The lrjdaI':Tnarty was While a little disappointed in sealed 00 a ilals-ljV structure. Hie. cities or Jntian, Mrs. Trofi. t'r bride ami brideprooin beint' revelled in the heaulie.s of TuJi)-ama CAKES SEASONABLE SERVICE .1. . . . . . 1 . . ' eianornieiy oosttimei in lincht nd the Inland Sea and lw DONT TELL, US YOUR SIZE, ASK US TO "FIT" YOU color but with their faces en fragrant loveliness of the cherry Canadian ffada We are equipped (o serve you lirely pqinled il while, giving MosSOpiH, "INVICTUS" "The Best Good Shoe" A fresh, rosy complexion Indicates per-lect fat any season of the year, but we grotesque, iiiask-lil. appear. f:nre m and (he see two .ls health. To secure this In most cases can render yoii a special service anc. Two jrirl decked with new ( all that is necessary is to take one to three ial this particular season. Wash, (lower, art as attendants on the MUST CURE.FISH BOND STREET and LIBERTY. Koyat Yeast Cakes a day Ipr a few vveeks. able bridal $11.60.. We stand behind ever Dalr. mas, hnavy blaukelv, dainty couple and the wedding WITH Koya! Yeast is a food. It supplies the lace eurlalns all the unusual gul squalled, around on n; FRESH SALT Special offering spe. ladies window Orey Xubuck ' ' water soluble vltamlne which the diet Baby Louis heel at $7.85. Also in black ami may washing which rvry housewife floor, each with hid or her howl OTTAWA,, Macki Scientists tell us that this vltamine compelled lo do at this of native. mea.U before tin. April in.-.-Hereaft brown kid same price. JfeeU him, Js-essential to good health. Royal Yeast is bcut er onry rresh, clean salt may be VHtmv venvnctixi in man cases In which (sun, Tan b ofey entrusted to us delicacies bejng washed down with lined for the packing and curing FAMILY SHOE STORE the system seems to be run down. The (for laundering. 'e have special cnpiou. libations of native wine of herring in Canada. An order Third Avenue. (Operating. Foot Comfort Service Dent.) yeast cakss simply add to the ilet. I a machinery for either wet or dry I wo native singing girls lake fe-utei,rij..-tt.j im.Li. ween, .uaseri -j 100a - not a medicine. meaning, and will return anything part in the ceremony whilo Ihe 1 K.rii..11 1 - ipi-, .tiinister 1 . of-on Ma.1 T- - --t-1 Dissolve ri Royal Yeast Cako In fruit entrusted l i fresh arjd, elean est main dances at freoiieitl In. rino find Fisheries that salt A f dices or mix it With cereal nnd milk. nnl as new. " tejvalx. fir ciirintr eno uJed R A IT Our froen herring bait Is conceded by "flshgrmen on vessel i Aihff M nneal tlme. The chances are In a We also offer a carpel, cleaning Marriage Bonds Light. being used n second lim was hv r to be the finest procurable at any Paclflp fioat -w cnouren vekA reauce the complexion the amount will to be one-clear.half For or servjee which hjs given general A feature of Hie rercmonial i herring curers, provide that Portr-snd it is "Flsby." Price, f30 per ton. cute-quarter of a cake with each meal. saUsfaetinn o our patrons. scarf which Is passed ry lli "alt fish lo which the fUb. in. ICE ,n" w ,f iAurinv o good quality trip Send name and address for free booklet Let us relieve you nf (!U hridegrood lo a member of ipe speclion art applies hall he to have pp.nty 0f our bard fro?ett Ice. Prici "Royal Yeast Caks for Better Health." heqvier wprl of hnufcjffanjng. company wiio js then eirperl:i lo cured and packed with frejib.1 H Pfr ton. A phone fall will pu,t yoij ,iu dqnre. At the conclusion f -- null.... Stall- Ih-n...i.L I. , lipr.i I Outfits ?'J.r "'lulPIed store can supply lshlntf fi loueli wjlh this labor-saving the dnre, the scarf- already tiifd, rr curing fish of M'Wdfliirm, clothing, groocilvs and proviso" rvlr. ngajfl handed on and ibe reeltd. any kind jball pot be used aaln and hardware. 'ANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY "nt ijgiiip dances. In Ibr evetif n inn runnr; aui paekinij m NEW ENGLAND of tb reeipient tenr tmablv or such fjnh a are suhjecl (S tu- FISH Company Phone unwilling; to perform, he con-l speellon uiidtr Ihe ssld Ael Ketchikan. Alaska Branoh