Thuraday, April 20, 1022. TUB DAILY. NEWS jA(Jfa 'j aHajgf 1 : .... B - - HEADS BIRTHDAY PARTY Local and Personal ' psV -Aj tv r 7 1 ; That Ache In Honor of Miss Lola Oliver, STOP! Age Two Years, Held Yesterday I'or a Taxi, phono 07. tf . . and Pain Afternoon. Ibiinving money away, uiititfuaiiJy: on inferior goods. A delightful given parly was Jleail fuller a Specials. til It l liard to dnr with i Iicad tbat m ln-B and pallia all tlic .liiiif. yesterday afternoon at (he home LOOK! 11. G. Undertakers. Phono 41. tf In1 nine ctun out or ton. pemtslmt of Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver, Fifth lica(I.K'lifi are duo to poisoned blood, the Avenue F.nsl, (be necasion being bliMH bring rendered Impure throurb lome Launch "Oh Baby," Blue 548. dcringriiient of the itotnach, liver or the birthday of their two-year jit tjie Irililcmaik on the article jimi l"- If ' arc boucK hut no mattrr which ortan la to Old daughter.' Miss l.ola Oliver. buying baseball goods make fcurt? that it has llic Hayners, Undertakers. Phone lilsiiir the caiiM' mutt be rrmoved before Among (he young friends presnlil " fwriiianent relief ran Ie obtained. "jir.M''H" trademark. 351. were: Misses Audrey Veireck, t, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTCRS F.leanor Milliard, Kilitli Cromi ulilcti hoi tni 11 on the market fur llio past LISTEN! I'bone 10 for Cody' Trail s-tf roity-Jive jcar, renmvea the cause ofatlie am Mabel Oliver und Mas fer. heartache by Hurting the organa of lers George Veireck, Lewis elimination actlnr freely, and when the Impurities Steven Oliver and Ilicb- Crotnp, 'Hit ,'llKACir' lilt of baM'ball pood in known vvhereVer are' carried off from the system litl.e.ball is played. You make no mistake wlieVi you et u i wo il.iz.'ii Daffodfls for 75c purified blood circulates In the bfalu cells, ard Oliver. Mrs. lloughly MJljACII" article. WuAaw; a law specially seleced City Market, if. ana me ache and pains vanish, fSinilli Island) and Mrs. Veireck . Miss Clara Murphy, Ccmre Dummer, assisted Mrs. Oliver. The cake IIHACir buM'Kall .blot of poods Ibis yearlarger lliaii ont., writes: "My system was reatly decorated by the Fleclric fvcr? "Why,? Heeaiise believe Dial in Ihcm wo have Huy your green vegetables at run down and my blood out of order, t was tht"lcsl- on Ihe market. i lie Clly Market. . ' . II suin rcd a great deal from, severe pains In llakery. The children bad game my ii(-d wnirh made me feel very miserable.' and music and despite Hie un , Clubs will lliul jl to their advantage lo examine our slock Mr. F. After having tried other rcmediea favorable wealher everyone had Mell: before buying. Catalogue prices prevail throughout. Young yill '"! IfUrrliased a buttle of Burdock Blood Bit an enjoyable time. receive lomon-ow nor again until lers, and was triad to notice very a decided for Football ami Watch Tennis goods announcement later 1 July. improvement In my health. I took another - Mi tie and it lias done me an enormous WIRELESS REPORT Six omiiiiiit or good. I have recommended it yard. of ijijbleacjied Hot-ton lo some or my friends who were In for i.oo ut'jAno0llSJ)L. similar condition and they all says It la a S a.m. LAIl SALF 03 wonderful remedy.1' DKiltV ISLAND llaining ,' H. it. B. Is manufactured only by The T. See Mllhiiru Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont. soulheasl gale: haroine(er,2l.H5 Your Daintiest Things our advl. in lbi.In. foi leftipcrafure, rough; II Week Kd.J Special. Klcclric j sea .-; Cash for Victory Ltoadj. Titos. P.m. spoke steamer Prince Ilu- window Hakones. without their - r 1)2 Can be worn day losing McClyinonl. tf pert out; 8:50 p.m. spoke steam every .-. wash the er Jefferson- 8 p.m. V.t miles fresh pretty appearance. Simply nay Thursday,if Ihn week Fridays-a Dollar ml Salnr sab II o s o r bushes atnj liedding south of Kefchikan southbound. fine fabrics in Lux. The gentle Lux suds nays at JAHOLHtf j:i planls. (lily Market. if DHAD THKK POINT" Ilainin; properly cleanse the. garments, and , your . '' liuht soulheasl wind; liaroiiieler daintiest things, washed the Lux way, will Now is KODAK Time 11. MeD. Hunter plaiiR lb leave I only hi .Irani is reported on 29.00;suiooih. lemperalure, SO; sea keep their sheen, their soft fine texture, after lime and is due to arrive at in:t, vtri-Jt uil a J It! 1 1 1 M I,dp H innumerable launderings. 7:15 HULL II A ItltOlt Overeasl KdinoiHon and Inter;ncdiate p.m. KODAKS and BROWNIES points.. light soulheasl. wind haroiueler The National 30.1 J: leiuiieralure, 13; sea A was (he unjy halibut Our Stock is Complete suhoimcr smooth; 10:30 spoke sleatii LUX Ctrl Guides Chapter 1. O. I) reporlinj.-, at Hie Fish K.ehaup.e loday. She is er Cheiolisin due Alert nay 0 a No. 0 Brownie- $2.00 v.. Dance in si. Andrew' Hall - southbound: 1 1 :50 spoke April 28. Admission, gentlemen holding over for sale until lo-morrow. m. p.m. ' slcainer Venture left Hardy Hay No. 2 - - $2.50 SI.00; ladies, 50e. . p.m. tiorlhbound;- 12:05 a.m Lux cannot harm anything that pure water itself ..-. touch. The thin, white, silky Lux flakes are spoke slentner Admiral Watson may No. 2 M. Andrews Ittvujnr Monthly .Mitchell A Currt, contractors dissolve 'quickly and $3.50 made exclusive a - - 378 miles from Seattle north by our process as Mrelui?. April -.'I at 8 p.m.' Im Itave taken ou biitbliiiv permits as snow into a rich babbling lather. No. 2 c - - $5.00 portant business. All members Tor r,0() alterations and repairs bound. In the New Frizx'ell llloek and Noon. tciiucsled to allend. Conk' nr ami inspect litem. It will surpl ice you when you see repairs In the Rand Jllock liKiMY ISLAND Itaiuing. S.F. Lux stands supreme for washing fine garments. the pictures (bat a JJrownie will take. (eiile .McAfee ami M. C oil Serunil Avenue."!' ' gale; harotneter, -"..80; temper Sold only in sealed packets dust-proof 1 alure, II; sea rough; 10:J0 a uiarh arriveii yesieiilay from Georgetown and are registered Miss .Marjofle .lolnioii, wlni in. sooke Admiral Nicholson off LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO ORMES LIMITED Lord Hock xsoulhbouml. i at the Hotel Prince Ilupl-rl lias heen on the- Joeal hospital DM AD THKi; POINT Uaining stuff for a eouple of years, has Phones 82, 200 and 134 calm; buroineler, 21).58; temperature. II. I . Piilleu is leaving tontglil resigned and leaves tonight for THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES 13; sea smooth. on I ne rrmco vaiienuvi-r. Mie Jias- aeeepled a ueorjre on a cotn- Developing and Printing for Amateurs Dally Service niiieu uusincss ami pleasure position in a hospital at North HULL HAHIIOU - Overcasl. light southeast wind; barometer 30.1 Vancouver. Hip lo Vancouver and Victoria temperature, 10; sea smooth. Dr. E. S. TAIT Hon. Mini .Mrs. A. M. Manson SALE AND SOCIAL BY SORT A SECRET STEP. and family are sailing Untight on the Prince George f,f Tctria ; LADIES OF CATHOLIC v I wo wo!ilil-b "iJuzies" wen Dental Surgeon where fhey will lakiy theii RUPERT BRAND up revolving about the d.mei on . . . . residence following t lie appoint CHURCH YESTERDAY floor. meiit of Mr. Mansoii as attorney Kippers and Bloaters general residing wliieli in Hie'eessitales his .Affair Both Financially Was Highly and Successful Socially don't Ilay.May know.-I What's know lliat?something you Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 686 Cards and Dancing. May Wi'rc on my fool. Harry l.athrop, rliarvod wilb ' Topics of the Day" J'ilii'us. hreakiiij.' and entering the prem The ladies of the Catholic ies of l-'i-ed .Miyius on l-'raicr' Church' hehl a ? ale of home TOUGH LUCK. for.SalcJat Slii-el. ami stealing llii'rel'rom rooking ami fancy work and an Agirtil- -Itul. muni, il's a shaim THEO COLL ART, LTD. - ?gBTY the sum of $tt", pleaded guilty on afternoon tea in the Fullon ALL RETAIL STORES lo lei your Inisbami s lire insur appearing bufre J udire Vuii Street hall yesterday aflernoon. ance lapse. Saven-room house for sale, close in. iJalb and sew pr con for sjieedy I rial. Sentence will In Hi,, evening (here was a card Lady (over washlub) "I'll mil The Most Tasty Breakfast Food nection. $4000 terms. Bargain. be passed this afli'i'mmn parly ami danc4 The whole pay another cent. I ve paid regular Obtainable day s proceeding wen- marked fer eighl years an' I've had I he halcn Pulp A Paper with greal success both socially mi luck, yet. 'Che Traveler Rentals Real' Estate General Insurance (company s poer yaelil Cjiprum and financially. Heacoji. Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre look P.O. tti H SmokcdDaily by arrived yeserda' frmn -Swan- .Mrs. McNully was in charge of miii Hay with (in.lain Harrison the hoine-eonkiiig -eel ion. .Airs. Hid Mr. .ash; company account. lames Campbell and Mrs. A. D. FOR SALE Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ant on board. The latter is in Gillies, Hie fancy work, while the rily .on business am will Mrs. .1. I.orne Marlaren iiresided We olTer all of our stuck with PRINCE RUPERT lelttrnin goutli tonmrriiw. ver Hie tu tables. All the Ihe exception of Hie three lines we ... ladies of Ihe church gave ener intend lo carry in future only, I. . Nieliolls, eompl ndler of getic support and assistance. AT COST. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY I lie Canadian Fish ami Cold. Slor- I Raffle Results. It is an opportunity dial you S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail Wednesday M p.m- for aye (.ii.. in this city, recently at I'he donors and winners in,.(he can not ulmril lo miss -a real Anyox. 'l'hursday al 12 p.m, for Swansoii Hay, Ocean Falld, bona tide clearing out of tended a Itolary 'Itinehenn in lite "several raffles were as follows: surplus Powell lliver, Vancouver, 1ctoria and Seattle. DENTISTRY rily of Sydney, Xew South Wale';, Chicken, donated hj' p liurns, lines.We S. S. PRINCE ALBERT 'For ul points Nprlliem and and was introduced (here by the; Won liy J iilher (murrey. suggest ihal you cinne and Southern Queen Charlotte Islands, April 10 and 21. For of Sack nf donated see what we offer you in real bargains. manager the, Sydney branch of sugar, by Mrs. ' 13 and 27. Don't neglect your leclh. One decayed or missing tooth the Canadian Hank of Commerce. -M. I'. McCaffrey, won by James AH stock is fresh and recently Slewart, April Train Service. lowers ' vitality. . O'lteilly. purchased. No left-overs. your , . WEDNESDAY and ASIA TRADING COMPANY assencer MONDAY, SATURDAY at 11:15 The city engineer wishes In Centrepiece, donaleil by Mrs. Prince Kdinonlon Third Avenue i. m. For SinUhers, Georg1?. and Wiiuc. DR. BAYNE erreet an impression yivni yesterday D. II. McDonald, won hy Philli peg. making direct connection for all points lit L'astern that lie silwf;esl,ij a sulj-mei'geij (llteilly. Canada and United States. . Rooms 4, 6, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 nleel garbage scow or A 1 1 j i )1 1 1 u ii boiler, ilonaled by FULLER'S SPECIALS Agency All Ocean Steamship Line. Oriio ilours: Mornings. 0-12; Afternoons, 1:30-5:30; lank as a means of keeping Mis. .lame MeNully, won by 25c tin Smoked Hlack Cod City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue Phone X0 Iivcniiifts. 7-9. doWll Oilor. The sllKKeslion, .Mis. Hubert Ward. 00c. lb. Hulk Tea Hie engineer, was fathered Cul glass cream and sugar set '3c. Value for 60o Aid. .Monijfoim-ry and not liini donaled by .Airs, lleiiguerel, "won 1,f OOo lb. Fresh Ground Coffee self. by .1. .1. Mulligan. Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central Puller dish, donated by. 'Mrs 10c.1.00(in value Hlueberries for 60c CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY lleniimg, won by Joe (laron. 'HttllaBF PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO, 15 at any time, day or night. 50c lb. Maderia Cake 1 IIttII Pair of pillow slips'.' won by B.C. Coast Service! There wll always be some one to take them. Mi'4 .1. L. Christie. 25c. tin Herring - r CSi misole, donated - by Mrs ,75c value for 50c Prince Rupert Coal Company 10c. tin Green Plums llolines, won by Mrs.' M,McArh 25c. Hit llbubarb Gage Sailings from Prince Rupert Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Welllngton, Pembina, nr. . 05c. value for 40o For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Sksgway Crocheted yoke, donated by Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. lins Pacific Milk, (alls April 21, May 1, 12, 22; June 2, j) Mrs.. Comadiiia, won by Miss ' ' 3 tins Tomato Soup for $1.00 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle (' Agnen McQuillan.- Coal 3 big tins Corn and April 25, May 5, 16, 26; June 6. Yellowhead Dress won by Mrs. S. Hatcher Cable lluuner won by Mrs, .of Corn Heef for 80o S. S. PRINCESS .BEATRICE For Butedale; Swanson Bay, Louis. Aniadio. (in of Hlueberries ami East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell On Dock Delivered Dance In Evening. tin of Hlackberries River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. LUMP; Bulk $11.00 $12.50 frl.OO Value for 65c. Agency for all Steamship Lines. i nere wriv aiiotii tan persons LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14.00 , HEAUTY OF THE SKIN present at the dance and whist t lb, tin Fmprcss Ground Cloves Full information from MNE RUN, Bulk 9.75 .11.25 and I lb. of Crlsco fur 50o only la Ui. Datum! deslr. of .vary woui.n, drive. Mrs. D. II. McDonald and W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, : NUT, Sold In Carloads only .... 8.50 I. ohuiiinbl. rimiilua.Ir the hlmkbe.da,iim of lr. Harry Letourueau were winners Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, 0. Analysis- Fixed Carbon, IU.S per t enl; volalilo matter, 37.1 roiiKhnou and rtxlnwui of lh kln. at cards. Itefreshmenls were ANNOUNCEMENTS percent; usb, U.o per cent; nioisliii e, 3.8 per cenl; sulphur, Ui.IrrlJuiInu akin ia a,i let xst.ecBi.nm muoolh dlwpirr.and velvety.and ervri and dancing then look M per cent; H. ''. u. air dried, 11.(ISO. All dJrs, or Fdnianwin, I la to Co., 1 the strains (if IIm UNION STEAMSHI B.C.,' lbs t,illilld, 1'onitllo hanilil. (ri if you place. o West- Tim F.Iks' Annual Faster Nov-lly COMPANY OF LIMITED U a High Grade lliluminoiis Klemiiig Coal, especially uiuuuoo this iwiier IimIihl Orcbcslra. SAILINQS Hall in tho Auditorium Fti. bullublo for High pressure )toilers and Furnaces. Tho lump . For Vancouver, Ocean Fall awd . is day,.April 21. p-wanson Hay, Tuesday, p.m. a vt-iy mine tuperior Ktovo Coal. Let us send you a trial load of The man who doesu'j, rjuj ud. For Vancouver, Alert Hay and Port Hardy, Saturdiiy p.m. Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your vurtising profitable in Ills busi. Tag day by Adair Cars Chapter For Anyox, Alice Arm, Port Simpson and Wales Island, Sunday heating stove. ness usually finds business un 1,0.D.F.. April 22. Proceed for midnight; v profitable). Soldiers' Plot in Cemetery. For Naas River Canneries, Friday a.m.