to 'tzf3in is?7 ' y f , y ' . You THE NEW When TAXI Want a miln YOKOHAMA "I In a hurry 11.,,.,... CAFE PHOINt HOME BAKERY ! and The Beat of Everything. Bet Service PRINCE RUPERT Try our service 5 5 In the City Beet Car Phone Black 89 ! Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V()I, XIII. NO. 02, PHINCt: nilPKIlT, U. THtfllSDAY, AI'IUL 20, 1022V YMWrdtr'a Olrou'atlen 162. ItrMt Mm 4M. PRICE FIVK CENTS Wants Abrogation Russ-German Pact CITY PROPERTY OWNERS WILL PAY 7 MILLS MORE THfiT YEAR France Will Not Standi For ADVANCE IN LAUNCH SEIZED Mill Rate For 1 922 Rapallo Treaty; Premier of EDUCATION; ANDWHISKY ls Set at 37.3182 Superintendent Wills Tells of Array of Bottles Now Displayed Growth As Indlcsted by in OrRc of Chief of Provincial Britain Hopeful of Success School Increase. Police. Estimates Adopted GREAT LACK OF TEACHERS LARGE QUANTITY LIQUOR The cily estimates for the 1022, totalling UI0,2U0.2U I'AIUH, April 20. Jiislriiclions have been sent by Premier FOUR FATALITIES year to Hie French ambassadors in I lie capitals bf Hie Allies gross and with .8U,000 revenue deducted therefrom, leaving a net Puincaro Now 946 Schools In Operation Gasboat C-5 Arrived Here Yesterday IN VANCOUVER CITY lliiit lliey are I" insist that energetic measures must be taken and and Hlnh and Superior Schools Prom Swanson Bay in iotal of 1S220,000.20, were last Jiighl adopted by the council in penalties applied to (ierniany if the Itiisso-fierman treaty is riot Number 79. Charge Constable. peciai session and a levy bylaw providing for a mill rale of abrogated, regardless of what the (ienoa conference may decide. VA.VCOI VCII, April 20. Dur-in .'17.3182 was given its first reading. The raising1 of the mill rate Hie pasl Iwenly.rour hours The action of the premier is fully approved by the' French cabinet. Tour dealhs Jiave occurred in April 20. - An There is a toodfy arrav of hot-f'"!! Jo.oOOK, as hrouglil clown in Hie original presiiiilalion of ttie OIINOA. April 20. Lloyd Oeorgt said today Hie polilicnl Vaueouver city ami district from immense advance iij Hie educa-- ties of Scotch .whisky and Jamaica; civic budget, was occasioned by the decision of the council laic commission of (lie economic1 conference will meet tomorrow to accidents. I'ioiiat development' or Hie pro- rum in-the ollice of. tho provincial on Tuesday night to add is 1 0, t27 to the amount to be raised by to Hie Allied Harry McCoy, tiyed 50, was in-slanlly jvince was jndicnled 'T's'terday in police and I he odor of liijuor pcr-vadeij general taxation, which was at Ilrst to have been charged against Jlussiu's transmitted to Hie consider reply proposals daln iven Hie teachers al Ih'jir the' whole of Hie killed al Ha: llallailyne the utilities. The council sal : illussian delegates lust week The bc-infr onvenlion here yesterday.. S, .1. buibli?)?. In addition to Hial: Pier when steam hammer reply is expeisted today. a (Willis, superintendent of for """J1 al l'ur In eommillre hoisted fell and nearly de-canilHleil educa Hrnest Karrel of.Vancouver is out, STEAMER PUT NORTHERN PART j I lie t lirillsii premier predicted him. K. J. (ionium was tion, lold' the teachers that dur-lasl on Ira il .afler having' been cliarfred on the estimates but no changes success for the confereiiee. lie also seriously injured and may year 57 new schools had tills mornintf in the police court were made fuillicr than had been (emphatically denied I lint I lie Oer-maii die. :be(Mi authorized, of ,which seven with b.eiiiK in. possession unlawfully decided upon t lie evening previous. BACKTO PORT PROVINCE LEADS foreign minister, Dr. Math. Allan Web-ler was crushed in Iliad been established In Hie l'orl. of 102. bottles of whisky and enaii, I he signatory for ficrmany, an elevator in a Water slreet (ieore district and seven in four bottles of Jamaica rum, and The mill rate, as revised, provides the (treaty, ever Informed him Omineca. remanded. The line' irmlor boat Tor Hie- fallowing divisions: warehouse yesterday afternoon Chelohsln Returned to Ocean PRODUCT MINES ilher directly or Indirectly of and ii'd later in the hospital. j The stiperinlrudent said that 1 5-3 is also .In ciiare. iif the no-lice general, 9.3iJ88; schools, 9,1522, Falls with I negotiations for 4 he Itusso-Ced- . The 4hird aerjdenl was Hint of I here were now 5Mi! schools in "tied at the ,'rfoverniiieut whai-r, special. 8.2UJ2. No levy will' be Injured Man From man pari. who operation, an increase for the. and this bout is liable lo confiscation made against Hie telephone, light Five Miles Out. a liny named MeKen7.i1, was " Hon. William Sloan, Minister, year 2t. under the- act if the I -nT case and water "dcpaiimenls they be killed Hie Capilauo instantly 011 Issues His Report for the MANY NORTHERNERS Hume, North . Of Ili-.-h schools and superiorUguini Knrre.l' is iirovrd. ing placed on a solf-maiiitalning OCI5AN April 20. 1. Year 1921. sclii'ils.Hierr were lyWjl'J in the According to the . inroi inatiou ;basis. The tidal valuation (Icolla "commercial, man representing The (ill fatality oT lhul ON. PRINCESS MARY .foil wns; iHiitee: wiiicli wasSinerease tif provided by thri poliee, the C-5Jaiid.ofrwiitclftnieuVsesniCniii s Knowier t tacauley, ... 4i who vChiajajiji foil nd liajHvd"dead.'JiJiMl'OW",;Fi-iiibT i(Ml-. i.-rrriftrri IcJt liaii-fic Cvl I IT I ITrj-vl-attaTJti)m)!lh'liMUftiir bds-?!( fwn'Tcli Vaticmniy-sllii'idVnTilriharf, iirl of lion. William Sloan, niiit- was on years. was seied al Swanson Day Iiy includes jo-operly oT the Crand while shaking hands with. Coilcc. Street. It is beliesed lie fell down f-lcr .of .mine, .issued .today, Every Berth or Steamer Princess In spile nf (lie iiuemiloyinenl Cimstable (iill'j tt lh( provincial i Trunk PaclHc llailway Co, cx tor uf, Customs Allan just berorc slums ha thu mineral produc-l wnr. 0u Tomorrow, Filled n stairway. throughout Hie country Ihere 'was police iiii Artrib IJJ. Uy order of emited under the agreement bylaw boarding (hp Chclohsiu, southbound llc.n i.f I02I totalled 2K.0C.C 1 1 i W'M "eturnlno Yukoners. slill a slnlrfajfe or teachers.- In Hie allorneysen,eral she was passed by he ratepayer at and sustained a badly in miIuh. This shows rnusiiler- SETTLEMENT order to supply the country lirought here, arrMnjr VesteidaV the.'polls last month. Thp net sprained ankle; iilile decrease from III 20. when Hie Willi, every bendi occuttieil by sliorluae last year il was nc-eesary arteriioon. lidal ut 220,090.:iJ includes' a Mr. tfcolt was rnroule from M.-il value was 35,5 15,0H I. The returning northerner, the Cana to ranl temporary ccrti-Heale Front Hie. ,airie , .sjiurce. il is Special levy oT ?50,7J().a0 Oil Prince Hupert to Alert Hay. Ho total tonnage mined in Hie prov-, dian I'a il lie coasler Princess OF INTERIOR to 1211 who were noi learned thai, lb 1',-3 Jcfl ncoii-cr money debts. attempted to continue. , the trip liicr .hiring I he year IU2I was Mary. Cnplain Ormisloii, ImU'imI iualiHed under the recpiirements Match l.'l anil picked tip 30 The rate bylaw provides for but five miles out of here tho I.S6:'.Ai3. having a gross value of for Skaaway from Vancouver, Will or the education regulations. sacks lof bOltie'jj nf liipior at Point a penally nf in pereenl if taxes Chelohsin turned back and landed l .'.li2i,llH, added lo which the reach port tomorrow. This pas- Big Schemo to Bring Farmers Atkinson. J'.aeli. sack conlained are not paid by July 3, 1022, and Scott, who was sutrcring from isilm- nf placer uh would make auc marks Hi" real iwliirn iinrlli From United States Is PREPARING FOR BIG appi'otimutelv a. case. When the an additional penalty of 5 per inlense pain, lie is now al the a lolal or 1:i,1 r:i.rm. of sourdoughs' and While Pa Planned. boat was srUrd she hud only If) cent, total 15 preceut, if nol paid local hospital. (,-'ar and Oiuineca didri'ds am) Yukon roiile employees who ELKS' CONVENTION saek or liquor' If ft. Ibis 'October 2, 1922. Automatic. i'iliici'l far alid iiwny the luiisl li.ivc been siii-udin'.' the winter a' tal.en to the police otlico nudially under Ho1 Act 8 per cent is storITopposes VANCOUVER, April 20. en during the year, for if Hie variolT points in ilhe oiilli. sorted and is there yet. penuli.i-d ir not paid by Decern The settlement of many WI.VNtPj;i, Man.. ApriJ 20.,-Preparalions lol.'il I i'("i.lM Ions was mined in !rewi of Hie slemiiiTs (.aua- The (;5 is it line launch x'atuodjbor 31. 1022 and a minimum or iliiiu and of Hie farmers from tho Northwestern for Hie annual aud'Nasiillin part tin Iwu iili'icl- almie. al 5ll,n"o and 1 arrei is sauj lo ?i laxaiion oil single parcels oi United States In Central Dominion convention of Klks lo daylight bill tH Hie eitiiiVlemeuls Ha.xea. I;W- have a mortgage on her nf be-'land is provided. The rate by- British Columbia Is planned be held here July 25 lo 27, are miii and While Horse are beiiiK tween four and live thousand! law will tor rinal adop- by A. H. Henderson of Spo-. now under way by Hie local lodge come up EXPLOSION en in on -1 J 1 1.t trip. Anions (he lollars lion al the ncxl meeting of the olllciabi and employees of the kane, who has secured a Three thousand delegates are ex-peeled council. Says Joshua Was Only Person o'lip.iuy booheil mi tomorrow's blanket agency for three million lo iitleml iiududing members Who Succeeded in Contest acros or wild agricultural from Calgary, Vancouver, Changes Explained. With Father Time. ATSALONIKA sle.'inier ere: I'.. II. Ilarleiiu, nen- WHEAT BOARD ciiil aueut al Tnnaiia; A. II. land along the Grand several place in Hie Okauagau In again presenting the estimates, fraser, purser uHhe Na,uliu: A. Trunk Pacific and Pacific Valley, as well as grand officers Aid. Dybhavn, chairman RAILWAY PENSIONS. Great Eastern Railway in Interior from Hamilton. Fraternal dele-gales of Hie Finance CommlHeeei explained War Materials Near 'Railway A. Kinv. purser of the l)awon: IS ILLEGAL will be present from that under miscellaneous Blew Up Ter.rlble Loss Haplaiu .1. AWilllauis of Ho British Columbia. many OTTAWA, April 30. "Tho only Mr. Henderson the lodges in tho Noiihweslerii expenditure an additional -$2,500 Cn-eii: Haplaiu Malcolm IJamj-hell expects person who ever succeeded in a of Life. of the Iluusmi; Captain Wil-llain - disposal or the lands, which Slates. Local Klk plan one or That Is Report Submitted to had been put in since Tuesday contest with Father Time was In the must attractive conventions night lo provide Tor the municipal Cowley of Hie C.ui.i'lian ; aro chiefly owned Britain, .lohua," said Fred Work of ATlir.NS, dvices April 20. will begin soon. eer held here, with the outstanding Parliament by Premier Mackenzie free library. The sum of Skeeiia in Hie House of Commoii.s receded Pilot Sam Cromarty of the Cana Salonika today from rc-I'nil realuru a iiiidniglil King. 92,500 had Wen deduc.led from parade last night in the or de coursn a dian: Males Wood and lipping a great lo of life as a re-miII lo be followed by a mock Hie hospital estimate lo be made nf ami I'.wan Morrison, pilot of the DENMARK SEAPORT bate on the proposal lo prohibit an it.xphiHh.tii of material wir initiation ceremony, Calgary OTTAWA, April 20. A report up for by share of liquor profits. daylight saving, throughout laiRiaeer W. C. or Xi Iieah; Vey Mured 200 metres from SWEPT BY BIG FIRE Klks will come to tho conven-(ion made by officers of I lie. Crown These two Hems thus offset each Canada. "" ' the Hie Dawson; JnliM"Si,ollaiiil, chier Sulouiku railway station. in full force by special train finds lhat reconslitulion of the olpor making Ibe same tola! as Mr. Stork said."thu daylight saving Hundreds euh'iueer of the Canadian; C. At of children wiyo buried bringing their bund and lull Initiation wheat board with the same com. before for miscellaneous estimates. schemo bad failure hi lite nijns of u chinch on which kinson, second engineer ut lie LONDON, April 20. fire broke team. Vancouver, also, pulsory powers of the old wheat It had also been decided and made for confusion proved-a and in Hie shell Ml. II is also believed Canadian: CeorHe ll' .Moir, seeiind out jo the harbor district or will send a big quota. board does not lie within the lo add ?1 0,127 to" the amount to fer fere d with such mailers as iiro "ml of (lie Casca; Chief I MHO soldiers w ere buried euj.'iiieer Aiillirouh, a seaport of Denmark, powers or Parliament. raised liy general levy, free-oplnioii insurancepolicies, !His speech Hi ruin nf ,1 i.iirraeks wliicli sstiwiird S. simpsun and crew Ibis morning. The conilu. creation amount. adds lhat the oMng the utilities of, this CONSERVATIVES HOLD . the motion by AY.K. Kay, as demolished. of the Canadian; W. A. Ilrieye, oration and on spread rapidly an a" voluntary pool is permissible. This woul'd cause the change in member .for Missisqu'oi, was unfinished engineer at Allia Inn. area or 70 acres was covered. CONVENTION IN AUGUST the mill rate irom 35.0008 lo 37.. when Hie hbiisc adjourn NOTED WRITER DIES. Jaunts A. Kairborn, who was Knnrmoos ipinutities or j-tuIii, 3182. LADY ASTOR HAS ed and the debate was put over anent al 1'air-bauks nine years trrncrul Hinber pnd fodder were destroyed. Aid. Kerr inquired as lo the VANCOlVKIt, April 20. -Mar. and who lias now been appointed Ex-Premier Melghen to Be Present estimate or 91125 )n tho engineering until a future dale, ARRIVED IN NEW Jorie The general trend of the de Pieklhull, Hie C.anutliun general aenl al the new at Party Conclave. tor drafts. writer, died here from heart rail, slalion at Mayo, will also be f;o-liijf MOOSE OFFICERS VARkf Tn KPPAK mun. department a. bate is opposed to llw; daylight are awed 3D. She had lived al north on the Mary tomorrow. VANT.OUVKH, April 20. U has l van v , ji.I Aid, oynnavn c.xpiameu, tiiui saving scheme iiettiria ami Vancouver for two Were Installed for Year 1922 al been decided lliut the Conservative ,u,d fftt;lii:aly beou The minister of railways au- ,his tars, having come from To KILLED Meeting In Metropole Hall provincial convention will M.W YOlii? .piil "0 Lady, . .su,n ,I11.,1,il,.i in eonnec- uoimced a complete pension ronto, ENGINEERS Last Evening. not be held until August and Aslor, member or Hie iiruisn , .,, -,.,,ri, u, i,,,,,.. scheme fur employees of the' National WHEN PASSENGER that Hun. Aiiliur Meighcu, lead, Hons,; or Commons, arrived hero, " ' . . Hallways was now Under The Installation of officers for u uuiiiuuiaiiun vi ...v v route to Jlallimore, consideration. at Ottawa yesterday en er or the opposition draftsman and ofHcers in charge HEAD-ON Hie year 1022 or l.ode No. !03, in the proceedings. Maryland, wiere she will address TRAINS MET will naiiicipalc or relic r work. , In Memoriam I.oyul Order of Moose, took place the Pan-American Conference of TWELVE the Hoard JEAR.OLD last nijjhl in the iMetropole- Hall. Aid. Kerr said that PIIA'IT, Kaus., April 20, Kn-Cineers Tio new otrice bearers aro: Woiuen ot Works had had nothing to do LAD IS CRUSHED V iiieiiioriul day and service Charles Widemai) and l. Dictator, Krank A. Caiucron. DUBLIN CONFERENCE with that. will lie held 011 Sunday, 11 I.-,.;..1. l,lli at IliU eilv. were 1'asl Dlclalor. II. M. Simpson. COST OF LIVING Mayor Hoeheslep staled that BY PTER IN FLUME M'lil 23, under Kho auspices killed on' the Jlock Island llailway Vi,c-diiialor, CeorRe Milick. ADJOURNS WITHOUT the 'mun who had been in chargo IS "I" the (i. v. V. A. in honor of ...I J.... iiiiriin f (II a I'relale, Willlain llayner. IN ENGLAND or relief work had been a draftsman Hio men who fought. Memorial 11.1...1 .... ii.ii i.ttiina MUX miln ui'wl SeiReinit' 'al Arms, Joseph REACHING AGREEMENT DROPPING and was being used so that NOHTII VANCOUVER. April 20. STILL coh-rino As resull ot the action of service will bo held in of here early yesterday morning. Slugfe'urd. it would not bo necessary to a (be Westholmo Theatre at ,3 1 ...... 1 1... 1 1 11 i 1 1 11,,,1. (, Si cniary, P. II. Caineron.: DUJUdN, April 20. The. coif. the cily engineer o his .uf-rice, some boys in turning water into l'.ni. All e.v-sorvico men arc cM:YI J ill p I nona nviu Treasurer, J'hilip McD.. rerenci) between reiiresentiitjvcs of I.O.NIxUN, April 20,- The cost now lhal important outside a disused flumo in Beymour requested to parade at Hie FIVE DEATHS BELFAST, the Free Slaters and llcpublicans of living in Oreat Hi ilaln dropped work was in progress. ftanyon causing a lumber jam ' W. V. A. rooms at 2;I5 BIRTH. held hero today al tho hislunce of a further Tour points during the Aid. Sllversidcs pointed out further down whom Alex Mc-Keiuie P.m. The public are cordially Ilicr.l-'AST. April 20. Thero A son was born this morning Lord Mayor O .Nelll has adjourned month of March. On April 1 it that the mayor had imposed such .or' Vancouver was playing invited, wero five deaths as thu result of to Mr. and Mrs- J. Myhlll Jones, unlil next Wednesday, No areo was still 2 points above the pro-war an officer lasl year. Why was tho lad was crushed to death, disorders here cterduy. secuud Avcituo. uicul 1ms yet been readied. level. (Continued on Pago i) lie was twelve years old.