Thursday. April ?o, lo,', PAGE EU THE DAILY NEWS 1I7E HAVE BEEN LOANING MONti for various clients g ANDH S BUSY Feart Would Bea SNAPPY SMOKER WESTHOLME THEATRE If on nrst mortgages on iinprorea uiy reai esiaie like a for the past twelve years and have never, in all that RUSSIA TODAY TRIP HAMMER AT ELKS' HOME Tonight, Thursday time, lost one dollar of principal nor interest. If you ENID BENNETT Outburst of Contempt for Law Heart trouble hat or late years become Splendid Program of Athletic have idle funds, or money in the savings bank drawing 3 Follows Period Safety. very .re a lent. Sometimes a pain catelies and Musical Numbers and you In the rcrlon of live bear!, now and Refreshments Made per cent., we should like to have you drop into our office MOSCOW. April 18. Soviet then your heart (kips beats, palpitates, Very Enjoyable,Event IN throbs, or beau with such rapidity and and ask about ituxxia ii a t iipt'ii MWciJi jiy a violence you Ihlnk It Is rolnt to burst 66 mortgages. us wave of xlri'pi liainlilifin Dial You have weak and dliiy spelts, slnllnt Another snappy smoker- was Silk Hosiery" rival.., irreni criinc t-iiidrinics sensations, ire nervous. Irritable and de pulled, off by (he Klks iu their H. X5. LTD. in pressed, and If you attempt to walk up HELGERSON, the UllilCtl SlalP; home iu (he Pcckwith llloek l.ul stairs or any distance tet all oat or you Reel Comedy, "Shipwrecked Among Animals" Until a frw inHilli ngu Vvn bream. ni?lil. There were about 135 Two cow MirjiriM'il forcisii viilur. We know or no rcnieUy Uiat will do so persons in attendance, and Ihe Paramount Magazine. Admission, 15c and 35c ly tin safely of it.!'lri,cl!', pven much to make tho heart retain strrnrtlJ affair was tm of great enjoy "Saturday Night" and vlror, reriiliic Its beat and restore It First tims in history. comes ialf at nilil. lull now' j no .af- ment. . A splendid list of athletic to a healthy normal condition as will Friday. I'l- than New York or Chirago am: MILBURN' mid musical Humbert 'and ex on TIMBER SALE X3954. Hartt llii- lint of (irimcs in .'i-owinf! MEANT AND NERVE PILLS cellent refreshments went lo MliilMT Srlil of IMiiIrr-Lamb Kill if m Victoria m-rtvril nut by Ijlrr the steadily, while I'elhijt'rail, (.Idenjia, .Mrs. Chvlwlrk, telbl. Out. writes: make the affair a great success. Ihau iuin mi itv Mil ilay i.r May, lUfi. Kiev ami oilier rilio.s are report "I bad alpliatlon of the heart, and the Milton Oouzales, l'.alled Ituler, for III pim-uaM- nr IJrriirr .3?. In u leat eerrl.e, such as rolnt upstairs or 3in,f.iin fiM-i ir stiruT. llrnil'M-k. Sv.vou ed to he even wiri up a hill, my heart would beat like a trip prrsiii'U and lue couimillee in liiw-al fprl r nr I'llr ami .Mi.uuii Imral Holdup. Iiurplarlesv miiriler. hammer and at times I was dlny-hcaded charge comprised Fred Oilhtily. Shoes fcM nr Odar lNiir. xi an an-a. situated sEirrvn war skrena i:ruinr. 0. T. f. Hallway, in the priueinal sheet.- and iial and had a sinking sensation as If my time Harry I. Lipsell, William Peid. Ca'.lir lilnirl. lies with the Moscow police were uear. William W. Knight, Herbert V. Tu "t- yrars will is- aiiuwru rur "A rrlend sutrested I try Milburn's B Wc have received remittal of tlinbrr. have occurred lit Mich .great Ias.ey and William Mcl.eod. lurllMT rll ulir ft lie limit 1 1 ii-i-mit, Heart and Aerve Pills, so I procured three L J-u- Our Fresh Once rii, will fully win Vlrii.rla. II. i:.. t.r Iilslrlrt 1'itrrMrr. ITItici' iiuiiihers that tin Moscow Soviet hoies. and by the time the first one was The progrtiui was as follows: .1. r a r. your coiilideiire dial you will tliils-rl. II :. hn9 decreed that immediate steps used I lemi to Improve. ' In all I look sli Selection- by Arthur's Aug spring oiuck oi Shall he taken lo "Ihjiijdale" boies, and now atthoiiah In my 66tn year mented Orchestra. accept tii next pair without, TENDERS WANTED I feci like a jouiif airl; no dullness or tho'. silualion. Smiir Waddell. Field Seeds heart-thumping-, and can walk miles with by Oeorgc Garden and further introduction nr rce-oitimertdalioii, Srald li-ii'lrrA arr httltifl liv 'IIm Liquidation' 'of sucli silua- out fa 1 1 rue. At time of my sickness I Posting -Pert Kelly vs. John iih old friends Wmim-us Ml..nary Sm-lrtjr. Mllwxlm liohs in Itussia fteuerally means wclrhed l0 pounds, now I weigh lio;" ny Martin, three -luitiute round-, Clmrrli. Trt'iili. for tlm fumururtliifi. al whose dependability and lwl Sliiiiiwn. of a biiihlinr In Ih kir-iuti sliooliiu' on sijilif of persont Price, toe a box al all dealers, or mailed I raw. FERTILIZER (Fertab's Concenirated Fertilizer) a ilw crwbr dry llmnr. nan aim direct on receipt or price by The T. Nil worth ur fully proven. ;FtwclflratW!i ran Ih lii-prli-'l ami lrnlrr atiphl in Ihe act of robberies, burn Co- Limited, Toronto. Oat. .lack Kelly vs. Jimmy Iticrmoud, Fresh stock of PRATT'S BA Y CHICK FOOD and UuI.iiiIIIimI up to I I'-lii. April If S III. 19?. at or speedy c.u'irulion after con-vii'lion, (wo iuinule rouod, ilraw. nip ornre r i.. i;. wry. iiiuian irini. SPRATT'S DOG BISCUITS. I'rlnrf ltuMrt. Ml.ura My Irs ami liraroii al Parrell fisht-r-Pilly lleid and Utirririralioii"lirl Sltiiimrti for will liavi tilan llrallnr.anl One issue of Hie newspaper FINE CHURCH SERVICE O. Powe. Mail orders promptly attended to ftlillnliina'. ami rirrinr wiririr rc-iNrinri. I'ravda reporleil some fifteen Duet, Parry Fletcher and Fddb ran I imilrml for waralHjr. IT drotrril. AT OCEAN FALLS WAS Feed Co KIRKPATRICK TIm" loet or any Irmirr ihiI iieresMrtly holdups, several hu'-xlarie.s and rags. Prince Rupert aiifli'il.ITlnrr llulf-rl. II. i:.. April lllh. ttii. (he discovery oT two bodies, apparently GIVEN EASTER SUNDAY Soiig, iMv ay. P.O. Box 333 Phone 58 The Store of Satisfaction BULM.NO mMVITTKK. of jiersoiiw! who had Orchestra selections. Trr '.. . tvrrv. been robbed, killed and thrown Address, "Mental (iymnaslics,"' NOTICE. into cellars. Some of these af Or.lUX FALLS. April 20. The by LI. Col. S. J. McMordle. D..S.O. IX THE MITTEIl or an application Tor fairs 'have occurcd in the prin Kapler Sunday services at St. Poxing -iieorge O, Shaw vs. I In Ittv of a frrli rcrtlllratp or tlltf to SHIPMENT OF l.l lu, Blork 41. brrtlon 5, City of rrtncr cipal streets. Paul's Anglican Church, Ocean Davidson, :i (wo iuinule lli'lxrl. Map VIS. Rob Even Clothes. Falls, were well allendeil, a large ounds, draw.' "Support Home Production and Keep Your Money In MlTILB M lirri-by Riven tliat It l my LOVELY liitrntfon Ur lsur afli-r Hi expiration of II ii s.i jan highwaymen vetier- number of coiumtinichiils taking Steel fiuilar duel, Douglas 1'. the District." monlh from thr llrst publication our hereof, a frr'li rfrlllicali of tltlr to the ally take not only (lie money. the sacr.'tmcnl at the morning Stork and Arthur A, F.asson. above incntlonrd properly In tlie name of jewelry and watches of their services. Pnjing--F.ddie Craggs A. J. Arthur lloadley. vhlli certllicale r vs., Fresh Killed Bulkley Valley llilc (taletl iln 3rd Mari h. 1913, and it victims, but also their outer and Kveitsong saw Ihe snuj.' little Hoy. Ihree two. minute rounds, DRESSES numbrml lsl-l. II. F. Marl.EOD. oineliiiies inner clolliin:-', leavi church crowded to tile doors and draw. Land nepltry finirc.In-irl.-nrar or Titles. in? Iliem lo run liomn naked or ven with 'ilie'' addilion of several Wrestling. Ilalph Smith vs. Meats and Poultry Prince llupi'rt. B. C. nearly so. Glolhiu? is worth improvised seat, accommodation Mackintosh, draw. HAS ARRIVED SIH ilay r Marrh. I0i?. more than money in lluiii. could not be found for all. Plindfold boxing, II. Pryson Terrace Potatoes and Turnips LAND ACT. Some of I lie highwaymen, ac- Hev. W. A. (irey officiated at . F. Mackintosh. Our Mutey Park Drawing I Notice of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land. nil three services his ill I In onrrn r.harlolle lind.H Land Insirlrl, cordiiiff to reports, adopt quite sermon Monologue. I". L LaCassc. Vandrhoof Creamery Stilt Punning. llecordlnir IHslrlci or Prince lluwrl. and polite planners. Al Pcliiirrad the evening, with "The Kesur-reclion" Orchestra finale. situate In rronl or Block "A" In Lot . i Lanaara Inland. one banui! is saut lo nave stopped as his (heme, being list. "The Better Butter" ' Take notice Canadian Fl'h Cold Stor-are ned to willi interest by all of in the deep men a Company I.Hulled of rrlnre llupert. B. -number HURCH IS GIVING :C occupation llh-dealcr. Inlriul to apply street. asking them, politely, the worshippers. 'Che anthem "DEMERS" furrllMHl for pernilnfton land Conimriiclna-lo leae the al a rollonlni poM plautefl le- after poiuliu-' al their overcoats Christ Is ltn.ii". va finely sung SOCIALS AT OCEAN NORTHERN INTERIOR CO-OPERATIVE one root In I touthwrnterly direction from if I hey. wished to buy the garment. by the large choir, the members (he norlliacHcily msi of Indian He.icri'r Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 ;o. i A, tlienre 150 feet more or lei In a of which wore full vestment for FALLS THIS SEASON FrUzell BI6ck (Fulton Street Entrance) Phone 31 direction to low water mark, southwesterly the first time. Mrs. (.Sodding is thence 700 feet westerly alonir low water "Why buy. It is mine al mark, thence 100 feet northerly to tiiirh ready," the viclim would to be heartily congratulated upon water mark, thence 00 feel easterly alonif ,say. OCI'.AN FALLS, Apdil 20.--ln niirn waicr mark to point or cominenee- "No." the robber replied, "it Iter stirces""''al the organ, having tnciil and ronialiilor two it) acres or lesa. conneelioii with St. Paul's Anglican lu'eu railed al short is injne." 1 upon The best in town L.AIIS. Hll k CMI.II is T'lltAuE now Church, a highlv successful CO.MPAXY I.Ti.. Appllranl. Kinphasiziii"; his remarks with notice owing to Jlr. MilligaO, the liunran A his) drive, light and By Kennedy, rent, supper listed Felirnarv in. I0 a revolver, the robber generally regular oi'ganisl, leaving for "sold his iVictiins' coat lo Ihein Vancouver on Oood Friday. dance was given on Faster .Mo;i- Strand I'Iilvck itni'UiT n.r nisTiucT jjis- lay. The function was line of a TltlCT OF COAST, ItA.NOE J. Tor 7.000,000 rubles. , SALE scries wliich.has been.iiioil pou-lar Take notice that 1. P. M. Mourkton. or At Kiev one robber accosled HER MOVE. tiic Terraee. lt. V... nrrupalion laud aurveyor, his victim asking: "Have during season, giving op you liilcnil to apply for a licence lu proier flushing Oirlie I believe I've portunity of, social ihterc'ourse Cafe for coal, nalural ms. aifd petroleum on the seen a policeman annum Here? iuihiwiiiit neiTiueu lanil,' ijiiiiiiicik Ilia . dawnced wi(h you before, havc'nt Over a wide range of dwellers in a post planted oho mile wesl of the north-1 Hecelvfllg assurances III the lieg I?. the community, - ei nirarr ui. mii iirn. lneoce norm lie said W ell irivc I S chains, thence east SO chains, thence south auu' imn, Her Victim I dunno, if you All White Help. chains, theiire west no rhalm to point 'mo your overcoat. I do il now?- doit'l -Vaudeville have why you ,oi oHiiiiM-oi-emfiii. ntniaiiiiii uiu acrts, I TERRACE and i loi-ail'U 4aiiuarj 74. iwii. News. Thursday, Friday, ' P. M. NflXCKTOX. Adverl.i. In the Daily News. C. T. Ylrelierg laid a charge Saturday or kidnapping his two. children against hi wile in police court are & Tore Kenny Slipendary last week.Magistrate The inagis-I-'.. Jabour's Dollar Friday Saturday Specials could Irale, on find hearing no evidence the evideuee.whatever Days at Our Week-End Specials are Genuine Bargains. Watch for our ad. and buy ahead to Save Money lo substantiate Ihe charge WE HAVE DETERMINED TO MAKE THIS THE BIGGEST and dismissed (he ease. DOLLAR DAY SALE EVER PLANNED FOR THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT. Central American White iooo lbs. Swift's Sugar-cured The members of the Terrace Sugar iu hulk, 10 lbs. 706 Picnic Hams, Mens and Boys' Drygoods & Ladies' branch of,(lie (ireal War Veterans' Yard goods values that have no equall 20 lbs. $1.35 Per lb. 19' jo Association are pushing (he While cotton for l " Yellow Siigui'....3 lbs. 25c We limit each customer lo Department. Ready-to-wear work on their new hull with While Cotton, regular tue. , . .Three asil one-hair yards s ml 13 lbs. $1.00 two of Uiese hams and only vigor.- The foundation has been I'libleaclied Cotton Six yards for t (Ml those cuslouiers who purchase laid and I lie lumber is on the I'llblenclii'd (jiitloii ; , . . i yards for 1-00 TWO-DAY SPECIALS fresh meal or li.iii to round. The hall will be 10 Pillow Tubing, regular 75i; .One and uiie-hatr yard S III) (Two Only) the alue of I 150 Suits Children's Coveralls feel and for the I-(I0 Days or more can by 00 present Sheeting, Hj I, reg. K.m. ,A. i.Oiie ami one-hair yard St. Charles Milk, 15 tins $2 secure these hams al this Slanllebl's Wool Itihhcd dark only lite main floor auditorium Sheeting, !lS, reg. I?I.(III. . One and ouo-lliird yard foi I (10 lu line Liinil .'in tins lo a t'ii-lomer price. I'tiilerwear, iiiediuui weight, Flannelette a quality with blue trimmings, grey will be built. Shi eling. lOj I, reg. ?.l(i. . . ! .j .One yard 1-00 Armour' ltacoii, taking side, guar auleed iinshi'inkuble; double throughout. While Spoiled Print, leg. i e and .'!. . . .Five yards for 1-00 ' per II .39o ii. seam Ihe name of the Hartford Hotel (iiiigham , .Threo nnd yards t .00 Niagara Falls llaspberry . sizes :ii lo Ilegular Sizes 3 to , ltegular tiiie-hair i'ure Jam, i II. pails in Armour's Paeon, taking valui! ifa per suit. $1.15 has been changed lu the Tourist. Ilippletle, reg. .1.1c, Sale. . ........ . . ,', Four.yards nr sl-00 raspberry only; 100 tins, piece, lb .42!ac Mr. McDougal, (be owner, plans CoUji-ci) Turkish Towelling, reg. 'lite. . iFle yards foi 1 00 while they lasl 75o Ai uiour'rj .Itaeoii, sliced, per Special, 95c Special, 85c extensive alterations and repairs. Xiue Crochet Palls of any 'color TorS. 1 .00 LibbyV Catsup (the highest lb 45c Thirteen t'otloii Spools for ft I 00 value catsup Compound lurd in b ulk, per gariijcnl A gang of men is n ow engag in a high-grado oft loclay's market per b. .". 20c cil on the cast side or Kitsum-kaluin LADIES! these Bargains are Unbeatable Finest Alberla Cheese, per Hose Lake widening the liaii I'rhjay mnl.s'ntniday lb. 25c Men's Shirts to make it passable for puek- Ladies' ('unify .Out Summer Vests 1 Three for Hi-"" 2 for 55c Ladies' ('unify Cut Summit Vests, reg. 7 Be Two f""1 ' Maid of Clover Creamery horses. I'ombihaliou Canned Fruil Men's lillsiness Slijrs ill Ladies' Plack ('otlon Hose, " Putter iu bulk, special till Ladies' Mercerized Vests, reg. $.?r ulnj il.50, for. .,. Special 1 tin Libby's plain and fancy stripes, fust reinforced heel and toe. T'raled l'ineap1e, 2 lbs; Saturday. .3 lbs. for $1.30 color. Willi sort cults. Sizes Sizes Vi to 10. Itegular Ham Kirkaldy is opening a Ladles' Combinations, reg. At.ill. Sale price We absolutely guarantee full modern and complete ice cream Ladies' Muslin Nighlgowns, reg. Sale i tin Onaker (Irabapple, 11 to 17. Peg. J'f.50 3.1c per pair. ""I"0 weight on every sale of bulk parlor and soda waler empor Muslin Corset Covers. 05e and 75c Two fur '.-j lbs; 1 tin Quuker butler. 25c ium here,' Ladies' Muslin Underskirts, reg. 1.50. Sale ! 0 Prunes, SVa lbs; 1 tiy Special $1.95 Special, "1' l.50 worth Ii C Fresh Fggs, per dozen Ladies' While Slimmer Glows, reg. 00c. Special I foi CI of U-WlUiu'S.canned fruil. Extra 35c straight A mild oil excitement prevailed Ladies' Hose, black, brown and while, reg. 00c. Sae II for Lu0 (Not 3 dozen for 1.00, nor in IVrracc last week when the Ladies' Lisle Hose, rown and while, reg. t!."c. Sale for "I"0 special four tins for $1.00 Have you tried tho new Hue-of will this special extend be-yrind Boys' Shirts Flannellettes news wast received that good Ladies' Grey Gloves, cliainois, reg. $1.50. Sale ,u Saturday.1 oil indications in the form or Ladies' Dark Print ACi'oiis, reg. 1.05. Special matches? Maple Leaf Hoys' Striped FJannclcllc, In a good' heavy qualily in " shale had been struck by Ihu Bigger and Better Bargains for the Departmtnt Children's Mal.Tlies 3 boxes iu each MEAT and FISH DEPT. Shirts Willi collars attached, light and dark stripes. Peg. Terrace Oils, Limited. jiuckugc. Special to Jn-Iroiluct- llili lloasls Ileef, per lb. .20c lu light and dark stripes. 35c per yard, Children's Muslin Drawers with elastic, be)( and idas'ltc Wf itt, cr pki,'. . ,40o Chuck ltua)( Peer, lb. 12!ao Sizes 11 lo i i. Itegular Itegular i0o and 15c. Sale Three for I"'J IUV'0 iillr-''- "l( I'aliuolivo Veal Ituaslsi l&c lu, 25e Hi. 1,50 value. 5 yards for $1. Mr, gnd M.B. Jauius. Call of (hildren's Muslin Drawers, regulitr II.h Two for I'"0 Lakelse. who have lieun rfg tJjahy In-other? Wc ileef Liver. , . .2 lbs, for 25o visiting Children's Pumpers, reg, Uul .5(l. Sah tl0 hio'eiijli. ' He i an white C.olioi; Salmon, sliced, Special,-95c Limit 10 yards to each in Hie Old Country are now on Children's Stockings Thrfu paint for s-ou their Ii ome und ai'Jlhc drlvtui miow. He is 2 lbs. for 35o customer. here way iu about a fortnight.are expected The above are only a few examples of our Dollar Sale Oooi 't-ulfitl "CociiiUiut uinJ Al-iiiond Fiiiiiim Huddle, 2 lbs. for 25o . . Call in and get your Dollar's Value. Hoaji, lligfe'est value Shrubsair Smoked Pluck A dance was given in in town at 11 for $1.00 Cud...........3 lbs. 35c Progress Hall last week in honor of Miss Universal Trading Co Onilee Greig who Is spending the Jabour Ltd. Rupert Table Supply Faster holiday Visiting with her Bros., mother. Miss GrJeg in taking a Phones 211 and 212 Phone 376 bulsnoss courio at tho St. Corner Third and Seventh Joseph'"! Academy Prince Ituporl