pack roni THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday April S, in; r j BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I MY CLOVCt IN fit ORRtjt, ttJtT I I've o r To rr oot I LEFT t i A . , , . . OOT t CAN'T FIND Hlt OREt OlT ) TONIGHT. bO I'LL rr-rr: V ' - fH tORRY ft PRETEND I'M AiLEED I CERTAINLY COT I'LL. plsHSMSMf A ' -v UNTIL. MACOIE RETlRea CrWV RETIRED I CAN FOOL. -2 '16 lHVy HAVE TO I a I I Wash silk stockings the LUX way Whisk a tablegpoonful of IM2 IY tNTl. HATUKt SCRVICE. INC. Lux into a thick lather in half a bowlful of very hot water. Add cold water which is gnaft on the oilier. K -u until , lukewarm. Dip the . HEARTBURN) 30,000 Launches. I docking up and down, j f in me L.eiter dox j Hern along (he llrilish Colum pressing the Lux suds ' bia mast we have large isolated Daily News Classified Ads. thrbughand through them. LEST WE FORQET A SEVERE CASE sellleiiii-nls. We subsidize .teain Rinse in three lukewarm Hililor Daily News: Many in-oile are troubled with heart- If I a partial .-nM'Vlce to 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vnrtUament Taken for Lea than BOe waters. Squeeze water Willi burn who really do not rcallie Just what these sellleinenls.,We hae ;t(l,IMif; out do not vrtng. Hang to' groat (lifTiciiIly, wi as ii il'iiim- in a .if ..II i,. iii.;iii. . Never citizens of a groat empire realise In rn4cs of lb .4 troiitde there i i . .. WANTED BOATS FOR HIRE. dry. dry over a -- ---- -- - i ii.,,ii,it, jir i.n. n.n... radiator. Hint if 1s only fntir years ago i-nawlnB- afirt hnrnlnr nnlii In Hie Ktnm.-irli ' ' 1 ' iiiir .li t j since Dip greatest onslaught in atiemled by dHturbml appetite, it U pernaps mo wlncli.can legally WAN'lT.I) Men and women lo LAUNCH "Narhethnng"-We sell The thin, white, satin-like. human history look place nn Ihe generally caused by. Kreat acidity of the perform a service for Ihe niihlic. learn the Harbor Trade by the Service. Phono Hlack 100, tf Momach, and whenever too much rood Lux flakes are made by I.a Kern-PI. Quenlln Camhrai- tnlTAn l lfnlil In fsmanf mnA Imeomni'lsnmfle of Us who allempl lo... so only method in Ihe world that our own exclusive process Arras front, when millions of extremely dour, causing ,hi'it rlliiirn. In are regiiialcd ind inlerrereif wiih vi save you lime, and money BOARD. TIMBER SLt X-3370. arid melt.quickly. men were launched lo doslroy iich . cases vomiting often, occurs., and The result is we have no service and' fit you for a position IIOAIII)--Inlander, scaled tenders will lie received by Die what 1.4 thrown up In four and sometime and the selllenienl oflbe foutilry worth while. We 8.10 Second MlnNler r.f Lund al Vlnorla ma later tlui. our sreal empire. guaranlee iMinn on the Avenue. Phono i;un ila.v ut April, lo?, f, Mllcr. 1.17. If I ajx is supreme for uxuhingine Is hems: the . pi'nIiilHlcil. purchase of IJn-in'e X-HJu, to steady employment, Those at good ,-, were faleful ami clothes. Sold only in.sealed days, The one way lo get rll of heartburn Ihe best ilio.liiio feel of llaUain, Hemlock nil many men now in our eity have i. lo keep jour liver active hy using governed country js wages. Write now for beautiful MUSIC. i:eilar, sirnale nil an sn- on the ouih pacVeidrnt-frcof? parlieipalod in this lerrjhlo MILBURN'S Hie least governed, Illustrated catalogue. Molor slMire hlstrlri.of l:iati Arfn, limine 3, lloiil Un struggle in order ihal justice LAXA-LIVER PILLS IIOOMKS K. FIIKKMAN. Harbor College, 30(i Main St., - PIANO SCHOOL. Two (i) year will tie allowed ror tlie and you will have no- heartburn or oilier reiniial nf timber. and righl might live, and must liver troubles such as constipation, Vancouver, H. G. I.eschelltky Method. All grades I'liriher p.ltllcql.irs of ihe Chief fiirc-ler. LUX rellerj Willi pride on I hoi r in- jaundice, water brash, nHilng specks lie- taken and special attention ITInce Victoria.liutH-n.It.n. !.!., or IHslrlcL lorcsn-r coniparalile valor and heroin-re-. lore I lio eyes, coated tongue, foul breath. CUHING DOWN rtELIAlILK agent wanted for Ilu- to hegjnners. Terms etc. perl District. The Sovereign moderate. LAND ACT, LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED I".. I i - L' iim.-i. m II. li'lillili-. . . I- Ml.a r.lllh finilnv w Shullnn, 111. flnl' Life Assurance Company. Head CHAS. P. HALAONO, Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply lo Laaa Land. onus, wiieii every eonceivariie in-twiie: ! have had heartburn for a lonir ON U. S. NAVY office, Winnipeg, Man. Write Toronto 223 siniment for the ilesliticlion of lime. There were gnawing and burning Rand Hlnck, corner Sixth and In Prince llnpert Ijnil nUtrlrt. nperml. Chas. A. Pyne, Prince George, Inr rilstrlrt of i:nui nanan .'. and situate life was used against lliem in pains In my stomarh, and then when I ' Fulton. Phone Hlue 013 tf In vlcmlty of port :vintoii. n. c. order Ihal form nilfthl siicceed vomited there wa a sour and bitter taste. I - manager for Northern Hritish lake nonce thai wc, Julius Johnoti and I used two vials of Milb'urn's Laia-Llver American Ratio May Be Even Columbia. MISCELLANEOUS. Waller .Meml. or port r.ssliiaion. n. over jusliee. Pills, and they have cleared me of my! Lower Than Treaty occupation llshermcn, Intend ! aiiplr fur permission lo lease Ihe following described Those who live in compara heartburn. I don't think they can lie, Allowance. WA.NTFK A good maid. Mrs. ?.i0.00 IlLWAHD ....... grow ""dl: Cirfimienelng at a imsi planted ai For Sale live luxury and possess health beaten liy any other medicine." Colin Maoilonahl, next Waldron. hair. Otienlal Hair Hoot Hair Isoutheasl corner of Lot 4 ft, lianre :.. iToasl Price, tic t vial at all dealers, or mailed uuirin. ibence nortiK-asi 4 rbam 10 mw and slrenfrlh well and WASlflXCTO.V, April 5. 'rk. thence may pause direct of (Hy 1 rower. World's flreate! si.iun a cnaius at. on receipt price hy The T. Mil-burn ... ... I i I A.N I I'.D,- Al Inlander, expert, " ' 1 i"i. iiif-iiii- .1 riiniiiH lake olf Iheir lials lo Ihe men Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. i.iiiiuuiiiii I'L-ess, menus or a Hair drower. Orows hair on T high water mark, thence ;, chain alum Lots 25 ami 20, Itlnc-k 1, who fotifrht and won durinfe- Ihe largo navy' in the United Slates enced chambermaid. Sleep in. bald beads IL must not , imgii water mark to point nr commencement Section 5. Most excellent tlUland contlllllll ail sees.1 m.iM n. I.a. black days in .March and Anril alion a great many returned men or, as they are generally called. SITUATION WANTED DOMESTIC put where hair is not wanted. JPl.irs JOH.NSO.V site hump Adjoining fop Hip or apartment. I'.MH, and lo (he countless mini have received relief during Hie the fug navy' men, are- much VOL'NO F.nglish girl wanjs posi-lion Cures dandruff and all scalp WAI.THI Applicant,MP.Ml, Waldron, her who fell in Ihe preaL strti?frle past winter, regardless of concerned over the trend of as Oeneral, wilh private troubles. $1.75 per jar. Dated February . test. Splendid vie.w. Sealed lenders who how rest in Ihe soil of whether they -belonged lo Ihe As- things with rospeel lo fbo naval Tamily. Write Hox 5J, Ocean Agents wanted. Prof. M. S. LAND ACT. for rash.will be received I'ranco and Flanders. social ion or ' noL CIaims have appropriations. Falls, H. C. 82 Crosse, H8 Logan Ave., Win-nipeg" until Nolle of Intention to Apply to Imii Land. ApjjifjJSlli. e as citizens snoiiiii iook on also been forwarded and have The House committee on np. Man. Ihose days with great pride when been sellled. Claims for pensions propria tin hs, in formulating the FOR SAL In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Agents for a few'rilizens could fro and crush have been made am also a naval appropriations bill for Ihe NOTICE to Automobile Owners situate Recording in front District of.Block if prince"A 'in Unpen, and Norwegian American Line. Ihe greatest army assembled in greal number of other claims next fiscal year, beginning July FOR SALF. Cheap One American New Aulo Hepalr Shop just P.angara Island. -A eia, Swedish American Line history and gain for themselves which the returned man should I, 1922, reduced Ihe personnel Halibut hull. F.ilhor complete opened corner Frasor and age Take company notice Limited Canadian of fish prince k Cold Unpen,Stor It, Scandinavian American immortal trlory. when Iheir crv have, forwarded through the i. lo 65,000 iuuji olherwiso made or not. One pleasure boat 25 Sixth Street, First class mechanic. C ror occupation permission Inlenrt n apply to lease the feel; fine for this harbor. One followuig ile Line. lo wilh heavy reduetiens. Specialist on ignition scribed land -'hell surrender" phiiip W.V.A, clean sweep eampningn. While Jhis Commencing at a uit piante.! forth, and stood has been open gas boat, 18 feeel. Other work.' Work guaranteed. wie foot in southwesterly direction rroni Oliver Typewriters hy Iheir ground Tonight expected for some lime, the northwealerly H)si of Indian lleserve Cary Safes lo win or fall surrounded by Tonight Ihe Croat War Vet by those in intimate touch with boats and engines. Apply. Phone Pit if in trouble day or soulhnesierly.No. Ill, thence direction 50 feet rnhre or less In a to low Suga, waler mark, Hnyview Hotel. If FIRE INSURANCE hundreds nf field grey corpses. erans' association will give a 11,10 situation, Secretary of Hie niglil llience 7110 feel westerly along low water tour years ago were days of smoker lo all returned men, who Navy Denby and other advocates FOlt SALK "Narbelhong." It is CYCLE REPAIRS. ma'k.water mark,!hciir thence loo feel sou re northerly easterly 10 along high incessant battle and of ferVibe. of a largo had to Induce high water mark In point or ciumienc hoped are all coonaiiy mviteu 10 come navy my intention to ake the case Cycles of all makes repaired mnt and conialulna two (, acres or less, Dybhavn & Hanson inxiely lo all, hut more so to Hie tnd bo c omrados and show Ihal (he coiumillee to content into Hie Admiralty Court and I and baby carriages re-tired. JiViiWJ tV.n- ''' SIOIIACK Third Avenue folk left af home, mothers, Ihe spirit and good fellowship itself wilh a smaller reduction. need liio motW'y. Make me an Cycle Accessories. By Applicant.kennedy. Agent. wives, brothers, sisters and whirji we had four years ago is The Washington armament offer. Hoomes K. Freeman. Dated rebruary to, tti. Prince Rupert, B, C. sweethearts, who looked from still living and is going lo live. conference agreed on a naval pni.xcn nupKitT Out of town orders tiroiunfly i.a.nd DISTItlCT DIS day In day to heat' news of Iheir for we are a. long limo dead. alio as among the I'niled States, FOIl SALF. Fleven acres, mil of TIllCT op coast. lUMiK :.. lnveii ones who Avere there. A. Croat llvilain ami Japan of .1-5-3. Naualmo, Vancouver Island, . attended In. Take tiollce that I, Lavender Uoncklon, J. GAWTHORN We remember well when (be Sec. fi.W.V.A. Now, the indications are the Partly improved. Ii'l.nd for r Terrace. H. 1:., man led woman. Intend From the Farm 517 Fulton Street. In apply for a license In nnwM r... n .1 rman command senf over a United Stales will be compelled fruit' and chickens. Apply Hox: lieiriiieinu and natural m 011 tin following to the Table message In.our citizen army, that OBJECTS TO LICENSE TAX. fo pet along with a I ower ratio. H. Daily Now Ollice. 83 WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. planted described r lands:rhalns Culiiiiienring south nf me al Southwell j. n..-t only one ship would be required Senator Poindoxler. who fre- FUn.M'I'UItF for sale and Ihree-room Kxporl watch, clock ami corner of Ul IH3J, iheuci, soiiih su ehain to take (he few that Canada is today lopheavy w lib , Hie Itiem-e east HU chains, theniv north s., would be acts chairman of ,,u,.y as house for renl. Apply 2('l chronometer maker. chains, thence wesi no chain", H)nt of BulkleyValley lo ri home. This was only a liig husiness. Wc are riding foi'Senale naval coiumillee, and who Walch ami Jewellery Itepairs eomiiieucement. contslnln m... ...,-, Ninth Avenue F.asl. Phone lied a or li'sa. LAVK.MiKll MoxrkTov Ionic for Iheir spirit, as the fall unles swe lake Hie lessons js a !.,.. navy man Warned Ihe 28 S. 81 specially. - P. M. Monrklon. Agent, BEEF (Junadian Citizen Army ha.s gain- learned by Ihe development of IlieiSenale . recently that if.the pro- - 1 1 t- Mail orders promptly executed. piii.xri: ni'prnT land nisTnrrT ins PORK o, immortal glory on many hat. Slaites to heart. We have granted ,,w .,j0lj f ie House FOIl SALI- Household furniltire, v GEO. GIBB fitiCT op coast, hwhk is. MUTTON lie fronts, and slim,) us (lie subsidies on one hand and :tp-,went through this country would piano a simp al $350. Apply Opp. Pusi Office (P.O. Hox 2331 Take imtice tiini i n c i......iin a. VEAL pride of the Urillsh Army and pomleil 0011 fiei'KS on lite oiimt find ils part of Hie ratio forced 225 Ninth Avenue Fast. . 82 I'rince llnpert. If Victoria. II. (:., miner.' Iiu'cmj to apply for a FRESH KILLED POULTRY the terror of Ihe whole world. lo first tret biff business slai'lei! down to 2 instead of 5, iialural license to gas prosiiccl on, tin-for following ronl. ri-ti..l..iiin ilescrlhwl ami Skeena River Farm Produce Liable to Forget and then grail oIT lliem and inter- FOIl 'SALF, Small phonograph TAXI lands-i Commencing al a imst planted i ' chains xo uili ,,r jhe southwest r and records. P.O. Hox ' corner Apply VANDERHOOF CREAMERY Now hilt we have laid aside re wilh them. Nechaco Phone G93 Lol I03T. Iliencn south mi chains, then' liberals 33. 80 f'Call west no chains. IIm-iic north so rliaite rail BUTTER We have now a national Oeorge lloss onr iiislriimenls of war and have thence easi s hill n- to point of com laken on civilian way anil Moamsnip comnmo. e Five-passenger Touring Car menceiiieiii, containing ntn -res more ir NORTHERN our aspect meet vanderhoof F.r.ITF,. Cafe for sale, furnished '. O. P. INTERIOR axnin we are liable lo forget have also a lot of privately owueil complete. Phone 173. tf Prompt Day and Nighl Service P. M. Monrktou,Mo.MCKTON,Agent. ailwavs and steamships, Insilcml Stand: Boston Grill, Third Avenue the past and also forget the CO-OPERATIVE Elect Officers for Year With R. PHINCK fll'PIIlT I.WD DISlrilCT DIS men who were forluiiale enough of finding some means of furnishing McCorkell New President. FOR RENT TIllCT op COSr. IIA.VOK ... HAULAGE AND TRANSFER Phone 81 lo return from such a carnage goods lo transport our efforts FOIt HUNT Flat, four rooms Phone 189 Take notice that I, P. M. iNonrkton. of with a very small margin anil, are apparently liirneil toward Al a large ami enthusiastic Terrace. H. c occupation land iiurvi v u iind halh. Ho and cold water. I'tirniltire Hemovals liili iid to apply r,,P a license to pr"pe who are unable lo enter Ihe preventing or prohibiting trans-porlalioit. turnout of Ihe't.iberals of the valley Plastered, Never occupied ror coal, mi I urs I gas and petroleum mm the Service ..USE. civilian field wilh all Iheir faculties. il lie annual meeting of the Np. Prompl following deserlbeii lands: iimmeiiclng at a nicely finished. Hent $25 "per prince llnpert Transfer ios planted one mile wesl or the northwest They fire the men lo whom 'Ihe lies I illustration occurs in chiton Valley Liberal Association corner nr Lot IH. thence tiorlll ,0 month. Inquire McCaffery A; JIM chains. lhenc Ihe town. Three of our doctors own held in I hp Hoard of Trade STURGEON west li chains, tm-nce -iiiuh Shamrock country owes a great debt, wa Olhhoiis, Ltd, or II. Lelourneaii go chains, thence east gu rhaln- to uiit and pledg-os wli.lch have been' molorboals and all of them own hall on Saturday, fays I fie Neehaoo corner Sixth Avenue and Fulton ST. ELMO HOTEL of Located commencement,January containing"J, ti. in acre.- made should not. he forgot f en, car?' Neither one of those Cana-dir.n-owricil Chronicle. 'I'be. new president was Street, ho Itoonis to lot from 3 per week up. N P, M. MONCk'TOV, riie small means of transportation Hie unanimous' choice of Hie pensions allotted by Ilunning ho and cold waler in Plllri: hi PKIlT I.AMi lil-Tlili T DP s bacon i the (iovernnipnl are not, sufficient can be iiseirTegiilly for the meelinp, but the other ollleo TO HUNT Furnished room, all rooms. TIllCT OP COAST, ll.lii; 5 in A lot nf them of performing a service; were kcviily contested. Steam hpaled. Hoard if dsir-ed. I HAM I carry jn. are purpose Free Halh. Slrielly Modern Take potc li.iTl. I M. Monckton. if iinabli lo obtain cniployhiPiif, or they have a lax to pay, hot llijise Otlicers for Ihe ensuing year Homo Cooking. Norfolk Phone Green 510 Terrace, It. c., occupation land surv. v . I BUTTER 1 have wives and families fo kppp. iiars or boats which aiv frankly are: Hon. president, II. (i. Perry: Hooms. Phone Hlack 32!). If intend ror coal,to imiurul apply for gas a and license clroli-iim to pr on lh l I EGGS S They are (he men who are Canada's used for Ihe performance of service president, It. ;, McOorkoll; flrrl fiOOD Clean Mods from f I.till HYDE TRANSFER a following kis pliinied described one mile,lands;west Coiomrnrlug of the northwest al greatest asset, and surely have lo pay at least twice us vice-president, II. H. Smith; see. per Phone 530 cjirner or l.t iia ii..mi.. ii..mIi jl LARD I when they have fought and won much. Why rdionld a Canadian ond vice-president, ,Mrs. II. Tur-'(lle; week. Fishermen s Host. I General Haulage chains,u chains,llu'iice ihenee eat west No chains,-go chains thence lo "iiiih poinl for I heir country they should be have to pay for working, more third vj.fe-prosidoni, Mrs. I'inneer (looms. 107 3rd Ave..F,. j and of i.ocaieii rr jiiiiH il t. couialnlng 1.1, mg. 04 0 acre, given every chance o make good, Minn a privately owned car or J. II. Armlshaw; secretary-treasurer, FOIl HFN'I' Kitchen ami two ' Coal P. M. M0NCKTOV, The Empire' Standard. I have no Inulil that the most of boat? Why punish lite man who it, L. McKenny; executive bedrooms with hoi and cold APenls llnpert and DiMrirt for PIIINCF. lit ! inT I.A.Ml MsTIUCt litem will endeavor fo make ipei forms a public serviced committee of the above, ollicors waler. Phone Hid 251). If Globo Airless Tubes. . TIllCT op Coast. iiamik ' P. BURNS CO., LTD. Canada a place worthy for lliem Therc is today a hulabaloo over and Hie following! William Herd-man Second Avenue Take notice Hint I t i Mmieliion. if lo live in. Mie freight rates on rail and of Stuart lliver, II. do hi FUHNIS1IFD housekeeping suite Terraie, It, c. surveyor, intend in ant'' for a license to imislu.el rm injil titrnl, l:'. The Ureal War Velcrans As. steamship lines. My contention Is Matyr of lliilatl, William Kvans for rent. Apply I'.inpress Hotel, SHOE REPAIRS and natural gas on ihe follow Inr de tcnli " sot'iation of Canada has been that if Ihe people nf our country of Lakes district. (). .1. Held or phone Hlack 502. Hi Umbrella Repairs 'ins:hiiiiis aoiitli ijilltilienc or inr miiitiiu-mi a nosl 1 .niiiir anted of formed for Hie purpose of creating object o Ihe methods of (lie com7 Chilro, Hugh Wilson of 'Mapes) FUltNISIIFD modern Hat r.lolhes cleaned and pressed. Lot in.'i;, iiiHiire north mi rhjln, then Bell 8 Crossed unity among returned men, panics now in existence (hey have Mrs. Duncan Campbell of Vander 210 Ninth Avenue, upstairs,to rent, SuiN called for and delivered. east thesce go es rhalns.mi rliinns thence to south point D of,rlialn rtu ami every effort I being made (he right cither to purchase or Imot, Cent liartleyof Viinderhoofi Or F. W. Jlnrt. if I'luine Hlue 2lM inciiipuii'iil,r less. and' couialnlng m, MnN'Ck'TO.'-.ilt aeres tin by this association lo establish parallel Ihe lines of these, II. Ltulwig of HracMide, and W. II. LEM JOHN oiiteil January 9ll.p,llift. Painters and Decorators these men and place all (heir hut they have no right to Dickinson of Sluart Luke. DINLNO room for rent. Suitable 844 Third Avenue PAPERHANQINQ claims before (he powers that he. Interfere In any way wiih privale The delegates appointed to attend for mess. , Apply Savoy Hotel. REr-AIR SHOP rill.NCK TIllCT IIPPFIIT OP flAST,USD DISTIUCT HI: KALSOMININQ Il's lip to Ihe returned men to business. Such interference coss the annual rneeliug of tin' " Oeneral Take AUCTION SALE. repairs, gas enalneis notice that I, Kathleen .Monckton. pre-war Prices unite into nn,. body so thai Iheir Ihe transportation companies loo central association were as fol. sloev.. locks; Jlftoi'la. U. C, married woman. Intend V Work neatly and quickly Just claims will he allowed as it much, asil the people have to pa" lows: A. 0. W. Hrain, J. W. Sac liner, AUCTION SAl.I:! of city lots will chinos, bicycles,keys, gramophones sewing '11111. H-lrolinn I'ldy for a ami license natural to ga prospect n thu ror follow,( done. is only the duty of (he country to for it. I!. Hmedley, Mrs. l, Turcot Ip. he held shortly. Persons do. and electrical appliances. big Planted described t6 chains.landsi Miuih Conuuencuig or the .snulhwM at a p" do so. 1 There, is loo much of tendency Ci'll IlarHey, Hugh ft. Wilson, sirnits of selling- their ln or ROKKJAR coiner or u, tt31. thence north HO rlnlii' 313 Fifth Ave. Phone 477 A Social Work lo give subsidies lo induce bus), Mrs. 0. W. llniln,nohert fl. Me-Corkfll BROS. . theuce nest an ehntn. ti... :asiitti Si properly, write op call on R20 iliajha. thence Third Avenue West east HO chain to poll" .. From' lh fuud of thl assocl- ness and too much regulation and II L: McKenuey. awe?,. Aucuuaeer.a ."r 1 , 71 ' cnmuieiirenieiit. nmt eoinuininir-sill j Phone fled 578 rnoia or leas, KATIII.KI:n MONCkT0 . Pi N, MolHklun. Ai