Wednesday, April 5, 1922. THE DAILY NEWS rkon TBAE1 PRESENTATION Local and Personal WHIST TROPHY For X kWI I llliHBIIII I I I IIIIIIIIBBHla a Taxi, phono 07. If Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. Enthusiastic and Enjoyable Social Marked Occasion Last li. C. Undertakers. I'liono 41. tf Evonlng. . t Huyners, Undertakers. Phone The presentation of the Dyb 351. tl havn. Cup (o (he champion city whist team, the Valhalla Ladies. I'limic 210 fur (Jolly's Trans. was made the occasion for a delightful social evening in tip." Eastertide Hall last night. The . .Metropole V Cash for Victory Honds. Tims. enlertuiiimeul took Hie form of This Guarantee Gives To moot the ever popular demand for .McClyiiiont. tf a whist. .drive' and ilance which was enjoyed ( Hie fullest degree You Better Rubber Footwear Easier Cards, Folders and Novelties wc Harden Seeds and Huso bushes by I ft) persons who filled the have this year a large specially selected City .Market. hall ating lb of its the Willi The cut decor flow The strongest guarantr? under which rubber fooiwear has ever been sold is fastened to stock of each and at popular prices. (Jul Mowers. . j'ot Plants ers on die Mines and rings. each pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footwear. Here's what it says: While we have enough for all, remember bloom. .Market. shields aiid bunling on Ihc wall "Every rir of Ames llo'den Kubber Footwear is fiuartntnrd io outweiir ny plr of m'mitr City The refrrsliliieiils shoes of any other make, solil t the same price and worn under the jame conditions." the early shopper the pick of was a feature. gets Fred Nash arrived from Tel served' were also par excellence It protects you against inferior workmanship and materials, and assures the greatest the stock. race on tin-, train las evening. and everything went lo make the possible value for the price you pny. If every pair wasn't mado right with the right evening one of I In1 niost success materials pure rubber and stout strong fabric and linings this fuarantee wouldn't rut and delightful or Hie season. be possible. No matter what you need in rubber footwear, we want you to try a pair .Mrs. .1, Loflln arrived from Tho hosts were the ladies of Hie and satisfy yourself that the best is. Hum's l.aku vu last night's (rain , ' Valhalla imiju's and ladies' team vvlni iik of all HOLDEN were charge ar .1. A. Collisoii 'reluineil ycslci day from a trip to Hie Naaa Val rangements.. ,ley. There were .'I! tables of whist Innk for th' Awe r i and the prjzo .winner wercAIrs. Holden mark on RUBBER FOOTWEAR r A. Akerberg, n member of tin every.ptir. "Pachena" for Stewart Thurs champion .whist team, and I-'; W. day 8 morning o'clock. P. .Moerseh. The latter tied with Boathouse. 80 I. Itarnes and won on the cut. Coi i so!n!run m awards were taken For Sale by All Goad Dealers lark .Miller sailed fur Vlelorin Now is KODAK Time on afternoon,(he Princess Mary i y eslerday by sey..Mrs.following I'. Dibit .mid tin;,1". Olas-refreshments were served befon the dance. Arthur's, orchestra KODAKS and BROWNIES v nnieii (.onipeicul woman or provided the music and A. Aker- Our Stock is Complete Kill for general housework berg.vvn- master of ceremonies. I'ln Illack 50!. If No. 0 Brownie- - $2.00 The cup Cup present Presentation at ion was made J hi! Ilecves Vaetiiini Cleaner for by S. M. Newton, vieu president rent by the day. Telephone Illack No. 2 - - $2.50 of (he Fraternal Whist League. o. The Women's exchange, tf In the absence of John Dyhhavu. No. 2 a - - $3.50 ihc president and donor of tin Buy your green vegetables i. m. walker ami I. lorsherg (rophy. Mr. Newton made a neat the City Market. Our frozen herring bait is conceded by fishermen No. 2 $5.00 were among I he arrivals from BAIT c speech ami .Mrs. Olof Hanson, Alice Arm on the Cliclohsip yes to be the finest procurable at any Pacific Coast Come in and inspect 1 licin. II will surprise ymi when you see lerday aflernoon, replying suitably, accepted the Harry Lipscll returned from a Port and it is "Kishy." Price, $3Q per ton. tliu pictures lliaL a diownie will lake.- cup mi., behalf of the Valhalla business trip to. Ketchikan liy the1 The best way of insuring a good quality trip is Joseph Wells, pl'ovincfal Ladies. I'rineess, Mary yesterday a Her-; ICE lo have plenty of our hard frozen ice. Price, gov The for high ladies' and cups noon. eminent load foreman from Alice $i per ton. ORMES LIMITED Arm. reached the eily on tin genteinen's. Averages Ihrough-iiiil,lhc" ..... , O .r. Our well-equipped store can supply fishing gear, Chclohsju sca.sou were presented Miss .Mine D. Mil loll arrived UlIlLS fishermen's clothing, groceries and provisions yesterday aflernonii Phones 82, 200 and 134 respectively lo Mrs. Jlen .Self anil in Hie city JVom .tuiieau on the and hardware. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES IK T. Quinn. ' . , I'l-inccs .Mary yeslerday tifler- Developing and Printing for Amateurs Daily Service veyor,i'. .m.arrived.vioneioii,from I errace the Interim'siirJ Another pleasing presentation IIOOII. . NEW ENGLAND FISH Company was j lie giving or a set of hand it I,-si iii-jIU s train and .sailed Ketchikan, Alaska Branch' some nines luOeorge W. John .Miss L. M. Deneon and Miss n (tic (.lielohsin for ieloria stone as a mark, of appreciation V. S. Myles arrived yesterday He will li e south about a fort night. of his services as seerclary of afternoon from l'ort Simnsou . Hie league. and are staying at the Hotel inor Hansen' was called upon Prince Itupeil. Phone 66 P. O. Box 743 RUPERT BRAND .lack Hughes, formerly of this fo ra speech wiiie hhe dclivcrr ' . .. . . X- eily but for the lasl three or in a humorous 'veili commendin it. C.' l-'raser, scliool inspector, J JAMES HUNTER four years of Alice Arm and the friendly spirit which was be sailed last night on the Clieloli-' and Bloaters ohsiu Anyox. yesterday reached here afleriioou.on Ihc Chcl-lie nig ueveiopcil lliruuili Me .me sin on a visit of iiisice(ion tu GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY Kippers intends going' north lii Anchor diuui of the Whjst League meet schools, in the southern end of BUILDER ings. his inspectorate. . iae, Alaska. for bay-Elder and Vctes of Thanks Agent Traffic, Buggies Trucks I.. A. Donolioc fnoved a voli. Terms can be arranged Tor purchasers! II. V. (treat War Veterans' Assoeia Hepj.ell, .Moore, .1, lllooks for Salejat lion Auiiual .Meeting will b? held of thanks to .1 oil ii Dybhavn aiu and Sam Kirkably, of Terrace, First Avenue and Cow Bay ALL RETAIL STORES on eiinesday, April ". Iliisiuess W. .Moerseh lo the Valhall; who have been spending a few Prince. Rupert, B. C. Ladies. Kacli was passed en in the Flection of Olllccrs. A smoker lays eily, returned on will lie given after Ihte meeting lliiisiastii-ally Willi cheers and this afternoon's train in the Interior. The Most Tasty Breakfast Food and all ipplause. ex-service men are cor .. ,, i . . .Mr. Dybhavn was not present ... uauy inviieii. t;ome and have a Obtainable ' us lie sailed Tor Vancouver yes- M. Druxcriiinii, the manager of good lime. NO day afternoon o nlhe I'rineess Middle West Wine Co., 'returned Dr. JOS. M AGUIRE I'liomas Oxlcy. a foreman at .Mary. lo the city last night from a SmokodJDaily by I lie Anyox mine and brother nf business (rio o Kduioiiloii and .Mrs. John .Meltae. of this cilv. WIRELESS REPORT Calgary. Mr. Druxei'mau expects DENTIST Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. urived from the north on (tie lo leave the eily soon and will ' be' succeeded here Visit his Office Rooms 7 and 8 Smith :iieohsin yesterday.' Tomorrow .by -Mr. Cray, S a.m. Clock or phone for an appointment. of Calgary. PRINCE RUPERT. night he will go south on the DKiltY ISLAND Itaining, calm: ... Phone S75 'rinee Itnpert to spend a brief holiday in Vancouver and other barometer, :W.I2; teuiiieraturi A. A. Cox, Hie Vancouver build onico hours: 9-12, 1 lo 0 and 7 lo 9 III; smoolli; '.) points. sea p.m. spoke ing expert who has been asked lo evenings. Clielohsin out 8 p.m. southbound; make an examination of the Sunday Appointments Lady Assislunt 10:10 p.m. spoke Lalouche, lefl TO-NKillT. COI.LIKIl'S IIKVUK Itoolh .Memorial School with a We have on hand a very limited H.30 O.ll.f.p.m.Hall,Sneeial Wednesday.numbers April will 5, Kclchikuu 11 spoke K:;ii).ifca'mcr p.m. soulhboiiud;Jtrinee llil- of iew remedying to recommending n building a method de. be will pent ilue in at a p.m.- cfs. has wired lo the School given. A dance follow Ihc supply of Dl-'.AD TltLi: I'DI.Nr Clear. NOTARY program. Special music. II. A. ealiu; baronieler, .')().on; temperature, lionril Muling Hull lie will n I' THEO COLLART, LTD. PUBLIC I'ryrc. musical director for mtisi. ll ve in ihc ellyinexl Wednesday. ill; sea smooth. cat i rogram and dance. Singe Ill 1.1, IIAIIIIIIII Clear, calm: Six-roomed house for sale, close in, $1600, terms. enlarged for the occasion. Tickets Miss Osberla McJ'hersoii, a Eds Coal barometer, .to..10; temperature, on l, Children 25c, obtained Vl light swell. Hritisli Columbia teacher who is from Urines' I.Id. or MrCul- it the present in Hrooks, Alberta, Noon. Rentals Real Estate General Insurance eheoii's. Drug Store. has appointed In the local (caching DMillY ISLAND-Cloudy, calm; stall lo fill Iho Phone Bluo 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 88 vacancy which we are offering at the When you buy advertising you baronieler,Hi; sea smooth.a(l.(2; temperature, caused Jiy the resignation of .Miss buy ClltCULATIO.V, nlid see Mint (ieiirgia Hall. Miss Mel'herson DKAD TIIKK I'ULVI' Clear, following prices you gel it. tf nas wired in w. l. vunee, secretary calm; baronieler, 3n,o-.'j temperature, of the school iMinnl, ae-1 MINE RUN, in bulk tl f nvt i I ; sen smooth. doling the ji osilion and slating Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central per ton, delivered kJ.I J Ill I.I, IIAIIIIOII -Clear. Hglit that she will be here after the PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. liorthwesl wind; .barometer, tfO.- Kasler vacation. There will always be some one to take them. SCREENED LUMP, sacked d1 Q Cfl J0; (einperatiire, H; heavy swell; : per ton, delivered ..tplO.OV 0:15 a.pi. spoke I'rineess .Mary olT Prince Rupert Coal Company Naiiiu soulhbouiul. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY First Come, First Served Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Welllngton,. Pembina, ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. FULLER'S SPECIALS l'(Jl "SALK. Furniture of three Peorless and Yellow Head Coals. room bouse $173 cash. Cheap Phones 116 and BG4 Kusigu Salmon only 15c renl. 200 Ninth Avenue Kast. Yellowhead Coal Fresh Herring, lull (ins 20c I'hoii,, lied 2K. 8;t ( ibby's Apple duller 25o Australian . On Dock Delivered llabbit, only 75o Smoked Illack Cod, tin .. 25c ANNOUNCEMENTS LUMP, Bulk .111.00 $12.50 DENTISTRY BEAUTY OF THE SKIN Corned deef, guaranteed extra LUMP, Sacked , . 11.75 14.00 h tba natural dralra of every woman, duality, tins 20o and 35o The Ladies of (he, lloyal Purple MINE RUN, Bulk only 8.75 11.25 and Uliaw' oliiainahla rimplea,by His tilHcklirada.iiihi of lir. Large Oranges, only 700 Sale of Fancy Work and NUT, Sold In Carloads only ... , 8.50 Don't neglect your teelh. One decayed or inlsnlng tooth ruut:liii.a and and rudneaa of Ilia akin. llesl duller, It lb boxes .... 40a Homo Cooking Tuesday, April ll. Analysis -Fixed Carbon, I9.2 per cent; volalile mailer, 7.1 lowers your vitality. tliu .kin la loft eoaema oft,aiuooth.dlaaprear,and velvety,and Weekend Extra Specials pereenl; ash, 0.0 per cent; nioisture. 3.8 per cent; sulphur. All It.umtal,doalera,Toronio.or Kdiunnhon,baumlH llfa In If yon V., III lbs. lingers' Sugar, granulated, Tliu Ladies' Aid oT (he l'reby. n.19 per cent; II. T. U. air dried, 11.050. DR. BAYNE llllllUliu thU Ht. with -' lids Knsigu lerian Church will hold it dazaar This is a High (trade dituininous Steaming Coal, especially Salmon for 1.00 April 12. suitable for High Pressure Hollers and Furnaces. The lump Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helaerson Block Phone 103 is a very Superior Stove Coal. Let us send you a trial load of 7" office Hours: MurningH, 0-12; .Ulernoonb, 1:30.5:30; The inlclllgeiil, .shrewd ntleu- The KlkV Annual KasteiYN'ov. Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your Kvcnings, 7-9. l.iou wjiieji is given selling ey Hall in the Aucllloriunt Fri heating stove. should include advertising. day, April 21. i , 1 1