THE NEW TAXjl'.For mm YOKOHAMA Phone CAFE HOME BAKERY Heat Ser vlco'and RUPERT The Best of Everything. PRINCE Trv service "Beet Car.In the City our Phone Black SO j Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol.. XIII.. No. V0. P ' IMUNCn nUI'KUT, . CI,, WKUNIiSIiAY, Al'ltlL 0, 1022. YttUrdir'a ClrauUtlen 1682. Birt S1 4S PRICE FIVE CENTS ' '' - , iNew department or uer ense Formed BORDER WARFARE BETWEEN ULSTER AND SOUTH IS STOPPED Irish Border Warfare is LADY DID NOT THREE DOLLAR RADIO SET CARRIES FIFTY MILES Government. Department Ordered to Cease and the ROB S.WINSBY Will Include Policing Orders Have been Obeyed and Defence of Country Had Nothing to Do With Getting Money from Former Prince 5. A resolution of Hie minister of militia OTTAWA, April HF.LI'A.ST, April f. Culuncl 'Hales, chief southern liuson Rupert Bank Man. providing for Ihe creation of a department of national defense commissioner, says I lie Miullieni army on thu Ijoi.Iit hus been consolidating the departments of militia, the provincial police and given orders o ccuse llring mill these orders have been obeyed. F.DMO.VTO.V, April or Criminal proceeding. against .Mrs. Hie mounted police was carried in Ihe House of Commons yesterday. There is no shooting now from I lie southern side, but (he Kva Love, the First street jiar-Imr, A bill based on it was introduced and passed the llrsf and forces being relained there fulllcnieiit.- are. pending u wliij was alleged to have second readings. The status of the mounted polico occupied the Milfoi l barracks in (?ouuly. Donegal was seized by I lie Irish been an accomplice of James J'.. chief purl of the debate, which lusted most of the day. republicans nflcr (he garrison had refused lo recognize Ihe Free Crawford in the recent bank robbery Stale. A freight train was raided by armed men, who destroyed when S. J. Winsby, formerly I lie hay and Hour contained (herein. of Prince llupeil was held up, BETRAYER OF have been dropped by Ihe crown. FRANCE IS BEING HFLFAST, April 5. The two She has been freed from all eh i lil rcn who were wounded dur 1 DEPOPULATED OWING Illume in connection willi the affair, EDITH CAVELL ing week-end disorder ilioil to ENGINEERS Ihe prosecution taking the i BIRTHS DECREASING day. A Irani olllee wu robbed 1 stand that she wus entirely innocent of Hie unlawful acts o . LONDON, April 5. FOUND GUILTY eb-i-aui from llaphoc, County WILL PARLEY Crawford, ; Meulcr'M I'aris co'rres-poiideiil Donegal, say all .He fust, papers Entirely Innocent stales llial the this iialioual alliance lor in. were burned mornfng. This is (lie efinilivaunouuce. Lockout of 47 Unions Suspended creasing the population of Armand Jeaness Condemned to inenl made hy Crown Prosecutoi Die for an1 France in ils campaign Treasoq Owing to Intervention K. II. Cogswell, K.C, in an interview Espionage NEW PREMIER declares that if Hie birth of Premier. willi the press. He in. rale coiilinoes lo decline diealed thai the woman appeared MONS, April 5. Armand Jeaness at present, France will SASKATCHEWAN LONDON, April 5. Tho lo have been entirely utiuwart .as have only 25.000,000 was condemned to death employers' lockout affecting Ilia! there was anything wroiiff liy 1005. poi-ulalion for treason and espionage against 47 engineering unions apart when she derided lo ucMtiipati IliiJIis iiml imirriacs HelKinni and the Allies during from tho Amalgamated Engineering Crawlord on a trio to Hie coast Hie war. lie. had bpasled that Hon. Charles A. Iiave .uravcly declined in Dunning Succeeds Union, which was to city. She did hmI know bill Ihttf he was Inst iiiiiieatai,Mu bringing W. M. Martin, Head have become effective at midnight, he came hy the 'sum of money Ihe past accord'The(o population, sta about Ihe arrest tind execution Liberal Government has been suspended ipiile le-iilmalely ami Hi,, crown Kdwin Amman. Cincinnati rrhiiolboy, IS ycarJ nf ag. with hi vest tistics, is falling 200.000 by Ihe (icrmans ot F.dilh Cavcll, pending negotiations between could 'find no evidence, to show poektt radio set, which enables him to receive radio mesuzei at a dls-tanr,f the lirilish war 'nurse, but this ::;"W7,r'-itniirIM.v: siTltl)ynvlVilge onilier pari fifty mil!.- The. reeclvinfc apparatus tost AmmAii JL'h tim ,;eariyi KKttl.VA, "employers and representatives any e f m fi i- avii jf-Vjfit" n eta Iditcd brtlls maklnR a very excellent serial. Code easily picked are Dunning, provincial treasurer, of tho unions on Monday. or to aeeuse'lier as .tin accessory nj bat young Amman wants to develop his messages vest pocket edition thai ha airainsl him in Hie course of Ihe umiitiimously rho.en by Hie The new turn Is said after the fact. nay be able to "set in" cu radio concerts. i riai. (mwrnmciit representatives of to be largely due to the mediation Crawford himself when in the When The si'iitei was an 'In- Provincial I'arll.inu'iil l, sur- of Lloyd George. The police court confessed lo the ALICE ARM MAN IS nounced J here was an outburst 'vtl Hon. V. .M. .Martin n Premier amalgamated union refused crime and is now' s erving three PROTEST AT or applause in court and tho nf Sa-Kalclu'Wiin. to negotiate on the basis accepted years for il, put a strong plea FISTIC DIAMOND ARRESTED IN CITY (.'real. crowd outside jeered Mr. Duuliiusr is an Kngllshiriali by the other unions for the woman and declared thai IN THE ROUGH IS .leaneSs as h c was'lakpn lo tho I'.v hiilh. only ;i7 years of age lml and will fight tho Industrial she wii4 entirely Innocent, had LOUIS ANGEL FIRPO SOLID BLOCK Oliver Walker In Custody Following death cell. Willi wiili- experience in'o rgani-atnm. battle atone. no lot or part in Ihe crime and Receipt of Telegram lie lias lii-i'ii in Saskatchewan did tod know thai she was in (he . NF.W YOIIK. April , silica 1 ltd", where he possession of stolen properly. Louis Angel J'irpo, piiiilis, Fort Frasor Man Objects to Eng- from Constable Cameron, RAIN INTERFERES farmed, lie organized tlir Snrkal-eliewan HARDING MAY .is today c.insidered liy experts llsh People all Settling Alice Arm OPENING BASEBALL Cn-opcratlve Klcvator MANSOi ARRIVES-IN as Hie II-tie diamond at Stuart Lake in MM I and was il.s fir.s in Ihe rough because of his Oliver" Walker of Alice Arm, on Ki'iiiTiil manager, lie was appointed COME HERE VANCOUVER AND defeat of Joe Mel la tin al VICT.OHIA. Apri ir. K. P. arrivimr here on Ihe Chclolisiu Only Two Games Played With yeslcrday afternoon, placed Wins ror Seattle and it royal commissioner lo New 'York last uilit. Myifs, .secretary of the Fort was linesliale Hie iiie.sliou of ngri-, GOES TO VICTORIA Flrpo will probably Fraser Farmers' Inslilule, is here under arrest by the provincial Oakland. cultural eredils nii.l grain mar. Reply Received by Consul Gon- place himself in Hie hands to jiroli'sl lo Hie Provincial iov-crnmeiil police 'and,,,will tonight be returned of .iccompeleiil (miner and lo Anyox lo fare a churge SAN FHANC1SCO, April 5. kris. wn an ollleial for a Will Arrange for Mrs. Manson against uiiy ki'licmc for miinlicr nf years of Ihe Urain eral at Ottawa to Canadian Leave coach, lie will bo walclicd placing, a '.'solid ijiileuenei" of having stolen goods in -pos The baseball season did not and Family to as (rowers Association and was on Club Invitation. jn siibseijiienl bonis by block" or Knslish selllcrs oYi the session. open very auspiciously yesterday Soon as Possible The arrest followed receipt of ror only I mil oT rour tin' I'xiTiilhc oT the Canadian lh(se who are hoping for Slnarl' Lake lands lo the north of wo games. A renlv lo iilvilalioii sent wire from Oousiaiilu i. or Hie Coast League played a Ouunell of Agriculture. an a n opponent In meet .luck the (l.'r.P. us talked of for some r. were by ('resilient I,. W. paliuore and VANCOFVF.II, April S. Hon. A. Di-liipsey. time. Cameron, of Alice Arm, stalin? two being called ojf on. account Secri'lury (laic of tlm Canadian M. .Mansnii arrived this morning thai a Selh Thomas watch and ot rain. Mr. Myers Kuglislr seL-llers END OF DANISH Club lo address them at a lun-elii'iin from Ottawa after his firsj greal slioiihl be say.-well distributed some clothing had been stolen Seattle and Oakland led off here on Ihe occasion of accomplishment as attorney general ami mixed willi Canadians and from a man named Angus McLean well, each taking.a win, the first his contemplated visit In Alaska of securim? Mackenzie and. that Walker, who was from Jsiii Francisco and thu others so as to be able lo drop LOCKOUT SOON lias heeii received by United King's, promise of new Icvisltr-lion DOINGS AT OTTAWA lOuglish habits ami viewpoints on Hici soulliliotiud iioiii. was suspected. second from Sacramento, Fol- Slate., Consul Wakefield. Tim to make Hie liquor control do ' Accordingly Constable lowing were the results: and lo learn to things as invitation was sent through Mr. legislation more effective in ilri-tisli Saint and Martin met the boat Seattle 5; San Francisco, 3. Private Members Canada. Day In Com-mons: done in Wakefield and Jlie Consul Gen Columbia. oii arrival here and, finding the Oakland 7, Sacramento 5. Compromise Agreement Will be eral al Ottawa, The reply says: Mr. Manson left o n the morning Supolv Eill Will walch on Walker when he was I'oilland-Los AiikcIcs, rain, Submlttod to Men and Em-ployoos "I am in receipt -of an inslrue- boat Tor Victoria where be Bo Discussed ALL MUST PAY searched, arrested him. A later Vcruon-SaU Lake, rain. on Friday Next. liim from Lhe l)cnurtmcnl of will find his desk loaded willi tile wire received from Constable Slale acknowledging I ho receipt accumulation of weeks. He will OTTAWA, April a. .This is Cameron this morning staled HUNGARIAN PAPERS COPKNIIAOFN, April 5. A of copy or your teller or Hie (Jlli at once seek a house and arrange prirativiuc inlicr day in .the House! DEBT INTEREST thai other charges might be pre compromise agreement by which iuslanl and 'also the letter from for Mrs. Manson and family of Ojiiiiiioiis and w hen this business ferred againsL Walker. ARE TO BE SEIZED (he general lockout will bo end-cd vniii' secretary ot the Canadian to go to the cupital lo live. fs exhausted (lie (iovern. has been reached after .lengthy Club oT Prince llupeil, inviting ini'iit-will move to go into com. tiegollations. Tho ugree-uieni. Britain Says Allies Must Pay If OTTAWA CITIZENS State Prosecutor's Order Affects Ihe President to lie 1 lie guest or milieu of supply on the estimates. FISH ARRIVALS She Pays the United Slates j subject lo the approval All Papers Publishing Legitimist Club al luncheon, Hi,. Canadian PROTEST INCREASE on Friday of a general meeting Proclamation Monday. Alaska .Mr. Meiheu to ask should ho visit during proposes 5. llri LONDON. April -The of Ihe trades unions and The ciuloy-crs' Hie coming summer. Five Carloads or Halibut Marketed Hie; Uovernin'eiil wh'elher ho intends lish (lovcruinenl has addressed a' ALDERMEN'S SALARY llLU)Al'KSTprTl 5 The statu organizations.entails the acceptance compromise -I am directed by the Department at Fish Exchange This Morning to bring In a redistribution note lo the Allies declaring thai prosecutor has ordered the seizure of Slate lo say that the Price Low. bill al this session. owing to the fuel that llrilulu of all newspapers which published by the men of conditions offered Declare Advance From $300 a President desires that an expres Tlio Seuale will sll at three has lo iuteresl on her debt the Legitimist proclamation )y employers at the bcKinning of halibut was pay Year to $500 a Year Ill-advised sion of Ids appreciation be con Five carloads n'cliick when il is expected Ihe lo the Dulled Stales she reserves on Monday proclaiming Jo. of the lockout February 15. and Reckless. on KxchaiiKe The atl'ecled number 150,-000, veyed to lh! Canadian Club or marketed at Ihe Fish lntiriih supply bill will come up Hie ri'lil lo call upon the Allies scph Olio, the oldest son" or Jhe inert of arrivals iwincu Hupeil Tor lis courteous this morning. Ihe list for consideration. in I it ! lo pay interest oa their OTTAWA, April 5. Ottawa late I'mperor Charles, as King of oT thu lurgcr cannot at including three which he Invitation n war debt o Oreat Jlriluin. citizens are much incensed al the Hungary. (Ids time give a detinUe reply a schooners. MOTION TONIGHT IS Ill this connection il is pointed the council in increasing action or city the arrivals The following were FOUR DAYS CLEAR have been yet no arraiiKeinenls out that llritaiu is now fully the salfiry oreach alder, FRANCE: MUST 7aY made for visit to Alaska this ami sales: the a iuteresl duo BRITISH ATTACKING prepared lo pay EASTER HOLIDAYS slimmer. I am further directed Sumiier, lli.ouo pounds, sold to Fulled Slates. man ifvOO. The vote was put INTEREST ON LOANS o instruct Hie Consul at Prince the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage COALITION GOVT. through willi great secrecy or there would hive been emphatic Civil Not Work to lo tho Club llial C . at 8,ie and le. on Sorvants do Ituperf say pounds, sold lo ROTARY GOVERNOR protests. Since the action was British Government Refuses to ploi Saturday, April 15 by the President will bear its invitation r, 28,0110 Order Passed la mind should his of. I lie Sinclair Fisheries at 7.0e LONDON, April 5.- A motion taken protests have been many Renew Convention In Regard makii and le. motion utlnekiiitt thu coalition any continuous, i ue auvaiico in t o Payments rii'lal diilles. Iieriuil him lo Frank Lamb or Hoqulam, Wash., in.tmi) pounds; Ooverninent Is lo be presented iiideinnily is from ijCJOO a year to VICTUHIA. April 5. Ihe civil such a triji to Alaska." Tordenskjold. Head Official This District. Columbia sold lo Ihe Pacillu Fisheries ul to (hij House of Commons fonixlil fi00 a year and ilhe. vole is chur. PAWS, April 5 Tho British servants of llrilish BOMB EXPLOSION 7.lie itml'ttt. by Sir '.William Johnson-Hicks, VANCOl'VKIl, April 5, Frank ar.leriml as ill-advised and reek-less. (iovermnent has addressed a will liae a holiday on Saturday, Wolverlm 1 1 ion pounds, sold to Unionist,- which I nltructliig Lamb of lloijuiain, Wash., was Thu tax rate in Otluwu Is nolo informing the French Government in April IS, according to an that order day LONDON, April r,, Six killed thi Pacillo Fisheries at 7.'e considerable alteu)ou jn , iiolitl-cal elecled governor or tho Iwenly-secoinl set at 2S mills on the dollar. that F.nglaud will not council uulhprlziug wounded are or-flcially utul . le. and newspaper Circles but it district .of. Itolary Clubs or renew tho three.year convention as a holiday by clyil servants, and forty-six reported as casualties In Virginia, r00 pounds, sold to Is ' not:..considered Hkely- .to cause Ihe Pucillc Northwest al the closing Si ,Withl.etroiu,rt of Sniitherl; expiring ' sport .lat,Iiig lo tho Tlius Ihe Government employees two-day district ambi'if? the" arrival in";thi payniimt or interest on money at lludapost the Cuuudlau Fish and Cold bio. sciious. .trouble foi-tliu"Govvrii-iiictil. session of the was explosion will have four clear day rest the bomb, rage Co, at tMo and ic. convention held hero last rilgltt. city on last night's train. loaned by Kngland to France, and recreation ul hunter. yesterday.