-. . ' -1-lAJE .if Friday. Juno Ifl, jo;j TWO THE DATLT ITEWS i , .The Daily News SOCIAL DOINGS If H PUBLIC INQUIRY I . ii Mftininrw ii i ..! " prince nupEiyr - nnrrair columdfa fir MUM j? i PnhlfMied Krry Aflernoon, except Sunday, th Prince OF CONVENTION CEEAMINESS Ilupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. I IS HEALTH Board of Trustees Decide In II. PM.LEN, Managing Editor. Visiting Masons to Be Entertained i Favor of Co-operating With at Grind BiU vid Council In Matter j SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Banquet. 1 I Citj? Delivery, hy mnil or carrier, per month ............. . ?i.0 Gmxjett'siye Kul lowing the reading of a By mail to all parts nf llie Uritisli Empire and the United Htates, Tho three hijr social events in useful and letter from the eily solicitor iu In aVivance. ner year $0.00 connection with tho (irand I.odffe ! most articles jrevard to the holding of a public economical To all other countries, in advance per year. ,..$7.50 Masi.nir convent hut 1 t"' held j 'inquiry into Ihe Month ."school difficulty here nett "week will he Die fish; on the market. there wps some discussion TELEPHONE 88 haminct. and jri-and hall or, Wed-1 and il was decided to advi.se the. transient Display Advertising. ... .$1.40 per Inch per insertion nqda apd the jreiiral haniiufii Iet Gillefftlyc rity council thai Ihe board Was Transient Advertising on Front Page $2:80 per inch bivThuMUy cvnihr. i lo Ii"hi a common desiroiH of holding such an Inquiry Local Headers; per insertion , 25c per line The fUh hanqiiel lo he hdd al ; expression among and sutge.sing that they! Jlassiticd Advertising, pr insertion. . 2p per word noun on Wednesday in the SI.; tlioso that art lake the mailer up with (he city Legal Notices, each insertion Ific per agate line negij .Gilffl will he under the familiar with ils sldicior and advise them how trt Contract Hates on Application. auspice of the Royal Arch nsS. in about it. AH' advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding chapter. runny- I Triislee McLennan aid there , puhlicatioR. All advertising received suhject to approval. The firand hall will in he llm held Auditorium, on Head tno clirlIonS was a feeling (hat a puNfe In-' On 'Buying Curtains Vfiitinfr Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. ThiiKday under lIuswrapjK'E qiiiry should he held. The mayor the hosts 'heiiijr the had suggested one way would.be DAILY EDITJPJJf oil Ffi,,ay. l0- l'J- Tinipsea and Tyee lodges of lo use Mr. poller and have ,hei the guests of honor: Remember LUX is at service this city.and ,iifatter tried before a Judge, wtien, .your -iu pure the visitors. 'liniiean and Kill kinds of witnesses eoiild hef bubbly auds makecolouis bright and clear, and Britain Makes will entertain Hie Tyep lojjies. ealled. lie was lather of opiidon Summertime Permanent. visitors al. a hig halinorl lo ! that order In council should tbe daintiest fabrics clean and fresh as when hew, m an i Great Hrilain has law making the change in time in the passed a h.U1 on Thursday evening be and lhat Hie provincial The thin, satin-like flakes of LYE n.-ked ( Lux, manufactured eaeh xpring and autumn a permanent institution mi that it will j Auditorium. 1 illlient should llqiilt' a : not he necessary lo pass legislation each year in connection! !,.dj,is fliese three social t'ovei,'tiduc of the supreme eourl. I by oui own exclusive process, dissolve instantly therewith. The majority in favor was very large, showing rfint Lvl.ntA u,erc will he Ihe regular EAIS Mi McMfeekin said people who into a rich lather as harmless to fine fabrics as iiiithat country,.nt any rale, the people enjoy the light evenings amiual Jiusincss nf Ihe (irand iveiv asking for Ihe inquiry did rafher than wasting Ihe daylight in sleep. Lodpe including I lie election of such pure water itself. f ihe cost of an M1 inure ; It is ii pity that the Canadian Parliament cannot see their nfricei. Section ' DIRl invest i nlion. J'iiey wmld have way rar to do the same. If the enactment were general it wll lie held on three, days of Ihe the witnesses ami many would he niili ii inure convenient. 'The difficulty is in the farming vfsil hero. lo pay M.4DE IN CANADA. ,f them Pad lefl the city. LUX coinimmilies whero .Ihe devy-. jimke it iniposilile lo fmijv Reception of Guests. Dr. Kcrgin explained Ihal (his in?nce work.hi an early hour. ,;!.. 'Thp greal preparations of the had been before and (If -course daylight raViiig (s!.foolilirte.s. II.might. he, iio-j-sitile local IoiI?m for'he recepltnn of mailer up It advised lhat for .to "get up'a'n hoilr earlier if all could together, ' '.. tli.y had been everyone agree Hie BUcsJ which liaW henn under .T hor.... iu there the was loo soon to sue the architect For Silk and coloured, curtains hul all set in that only hy Ihe our we are so ways expe way for Avock, ae now nearly dient of legislative enactment is it possible to have the change perfected and suceess for all of " HuW xv.lt excha.ve yreet- ami liable.Colonel McMordie wa not Whisk a Ublespoonful of LUX to a lather in half a mode. the dninsM is assured. Tickcls, 'n LowKul of very hot water; then add cold water till Hie banquet and dance are about work for lukewarm. Swill the curtains quickly Much Interest -Hieing soli) by Ihe secretaries of LADIES PREPARE TO press the rich suds through arid through the cuitaint In City Report. Tsimpsean and Tyee lodges. Ten Years Ago but neter rub. Rinse in three ' lukewarm waten. Jf Much interest was taken at evening in the extracts from The Princess Charlolle. which ENTERTAIN VISITORS can, roll in a towel to dry Or. dry in the Lde.4 i you in 'nee P Rupert the annual city report puhlished in Ih'rs paper. Many were the is si.ecially eiarlereil to hear the comments hearttiui the expenditure); 'in some of the departments. main lly of Hie deleprales, will Wives and Daughters of Masons' For white curtains not silk soak for an hour in coM While, it'is ralher lale lo he discussing what whs "done arrivi' here al ti o'cloek on Wednesday A committee nf riliiens. di-satisfieil Wltl be Given Picnic or Tea water. Then wash in the tame way, using hot iudt. last year, thetax increases and the stress nf dull time is making anil the Prince Heorge, with the returns proclaiming at Prince Rupert Club Rinse in three hot waters and dry in the sun. everyone interested in expenditures made hy the city. . Pos-sihly arriving nt I0:3rt on her regular Ihe Ihree money by something could ho done to lay the civic finance before voyagn will have anolher quota laws passed as a result of the According to present plans Ihe Lux ilanJi lupttmt. It is loU only tn ttalti the people at an earlier date so that we may hene'fit from the I aecomniodation is available recent plebiscite, have taken wives and daughters of the members pacxtUJuit-prooft work of llm previous ytfrfiv' ' . ,."' if-ir them. This steamer Is legal advice ami will protest the of Ihe Masonic craft who I' bringing in the New York Rotary eleelion. A rnmmillee consisting rife expected next week will he entertained LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO Interest Taken In excursion and will likely have no nf W. P. Lynch. .1. H. Ilil-ditch by the local ladies al a District Affairs. space to spare. The Princess and S. P. .McMordie met the picnic on Thursday- afternoon. Iterognizing Ihe interest which js being taken locally in the tlharlolle will clear for the cily council yeslerday and arranged Should Ihe weather be such, affairs of the district, the Daily News is making an effort Ut give south after the convention some for a recount which confirmed thai U picnic would not be pleas- Prince Huperl readers, a much news as possible of the towns and time on Friday evening. He- Ihe original figures by ant they will lie entertained at' villages and camps nf the prince1 Hnperl district. We have special tween 300 and 100 Masons will City Klerk V. A. Woods. lea :,l the Prince Ilupert club. correspondents at several of the--places who keep us informed" be here from the south for the The directors of Ihe Vlub last Lumber Lai of,Ihe happenings, ,Thi paPW-Jias a wide circulation in these iccasion. Dr. .1. O. Heddie, .medical health night, gave permission for th & districts and people nre.Jookipg to iis-lo provide them wilh'that offieer has ordered Hie public building lo be' used for that purpose news which they cannot secure through any other .source. In sehonl In be closed Until after on Thursday up to six -T 1 doing this we ask the eo-operaliori of the residents of the dis STEAM TRAWLER BRINGS the summer vacation nn account o'clock. Shiplap-Boards and tricts as well as of Ihe oily- people. GOOD CARGO FLATFISH of the outbreak of measles. MINERAL FORM F.ACT. Is,Government " " ' ' t v'- . f The Prince Ilupert baseball CERTIFICATE NOTICE.OF IMPROVEMENTS. Dimension A Democracy. Steaul trawler (. 1'. Foler. club has reeeied a rhallengc su.vf ii iiokiik n. a" nd "sii.vrn' IIOHliK I IHi.llnN'- Mineral lalnn, Ulu- Air Dried and Stored Under Cover ( Thoroughly Is the United Stales Government a democracy'when it costs Captain Sanderson, arrived in for a game lo be played with ale lu llie Xaa lUvrr Mlnlnr lnnl',n of nearly two hundred thousand dollars to secure the choice of a port yesterday 'morning wilh a llazellon al Hie interior town on iMt-r Wlirre pislrlrt.lrati-it: On Kllzilill Hirer. candidate at the primary elections? To secure the position for cargo of about 70.(Mill pounds of Itoniiiiion Hay.' TAKE SOTICK thai Lr'M W. Iatinnrc,l r llrit-r' i:i.rtirirslj n. I:, aa Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding fiiffonl Pinchol the sum of !i:i,nnfivns spent officially by Ihe scrap 'fii'h including 37,000 atrlil for A .K. Miner. Fn-e Miner's Or- j candidate nwL the "Pinchot for fiovernor Committee." staled that pounds of brill, 12.000 pounds of nfli-ate n. iuiiic, ana n. w . i.ameron, Mlner'a orilflaw Nn. 40981 c. In free it spent $117)00 anil there were impaid hills for $4,000 'more. grey eud, 7000 pounds of whilch. lemla. niy lar fr"n Hie dato lrr.1 and Finish His opponent reported that he spent approximately $1,000. iiOOU pounds of lemon soles and i The Man in the Moon Orufi'ate Ki ,ilr tn ut Uih linprin-infiil,Miiiint HKv.rilfr tor tlie fr ir-1 a These immense sums do not speak well for Pinchol's per, tOOO poumU of halibut. SAYS-: Pm ut ribtalnlnir s crown Orant or tlia SPRUCE LATH sonal popularity. Neither do they speak well for the future of The vessel bad been .out since a - alMiVe Ami rlalru4.rurtlwr lak iwillrt Dial arllmi.I the 'state. The men who put up lhoe huge sums will be looking Suud.ry when she put Capl. Mc ITNA.XCLWi unilrr Furr the swtH'ii iiniic mil!of 'inn l nuitfiipnml irlirirai lie of,, manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prleaa for compensation in Ihe fulure. r.oskrie aboard Ihe Canadian a corporation is Ijrinnv-nir-ul4. always a big job as the stout iiATtli uua Mh rtay of May. A.n. Hit.' BASE PROMOTIONS ts at Um mppli'njr last nijrht Skirmisher. man declared. To do it satisfactorily l.f.WIS W. 1-ATVohK. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO: I here will have lo be Jess MINERAL ACT. ON PUPILS' ABILITY ,,n tu w,,rk ,,r li"ir m EXCHANGE GREETING waist. CERTIFICATE NOTICE.FORM OF IMPROVEMENTS.F. Beat Cove, Prince- Rupert Telephons 361 to being promoted Iteyoml Un'ir WITH NEW YORK CLUB .."SII.VI.II IIOIiriK" anil "SIl.VF.n llOHTiR JVJ'A WA j complaining ,,f . " Minf rat claim, nituatt! in llii- Naa , Uefnre...... ......il- depth. This had often been nee- Hlvr Minln Olvmion of Datler f)linrl. I' Ml -.)) M1 grape fruit eosjlng Iwenly cents Whore luralril: -on k'IKault HIT. through lack of jhjs year there.' yill be. a thwrt- esary aeeom. The members of Ihe New York each in lhat town. Hul who TAWF. MlTli i: thai W. I'lnmr. .modal inn. Irm Miner-a oniricali- No, 4lic, at ough inxesfigalinn into Iheir Rotary Club will be entertained wanls to live- In Ottawa anyway? avciil fur A. I la vf-rl-miii. rren Minrr'a Or Mash tinrai 4vi7 1.. A. r, Miner, l-rw B. & K. Poultry ability to undertake the "work ofj Mr.' and Mts. H. Likely, of for a hnlf an hour here nn MIlK-r's Crrtltlfate no. 4U8S8 C. anil I). W. Hi? next grade. - fianif ion, Ire Mnir'a Ortlflrate No. Princiiml Csjmp- Vancouver, returned south on the Thursday morning by the local Inn-nit", 40UHS :, alttr dY fnni ihe data hell will guideit.hy Ihe results Prince fjeorjje hist night. Mr. club on Iheir arrival from the Till: beauty of a grape fruit is lit-rMif, to a,ly o the Mlnlnr Heeorrtrr means of several examinations. Hie Likely has been visiting Ter- will meet the local Ihal il is fol rr a frtirii-ale of Ifniimvenienta. for sonlh. They a and hath all al Ihe purpow of ohtalnlnr a Crown Oram of leacnerx reenminenilation and Ihe race in -oiine-lion with some 'men in the upstairs part of the oiie time, '" llie atxive rlalntn. ' Ami fiirllwr tak ivitlrn that artlnn. age of the pupil. -limber limits be has in dial Nation, which 4ihh been kindly tinilrr M-i-tli.il sr, innut La rnnine-nrril lir More Eggs It was pointed out to the Irus- tutr the liianri. of Kuril (rurii-ala f district. je,,, f,. iu. purpose by the rail- THU French chorus girls are lieiirfiveriit-nH. said to have adoplwl the tealher iATFO thia eih day t,t May. A D, I sty. LEWIS W FATMOftE. as Ihe very latest iu dlss. II is This is a balanced Laying Food. one feather, just as Ki. js Kaid to have used a fig leaf. The result SUITCASES Each sack has attached a tag giving the ingredients is lhat with Ihe introduction and guaranteed analysis. of Ihe new dress has also TRUNKS come lie introduction of Ihe MACDONALDS or American its French expression substitute."chicken" CLUB BAGS THE BRACKMAMER MILLING CO., LTD. Large Stock on hand. P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 POSSIBLY you have- beard of Prices low. very the person who painted, nowder. ed, dyed and rouged and yet tu J. F. MAGUIRE spile of it all resembled a wom- "COURTESY BRINGS ITS OWN REWARD." 10. Next the prince Kupert Hotel - -IT WEEK-END SPECIALS BRIER was not a bit nice of the Mpn's Hrnwn Oxfords 'wollod any sizn auditor of Ihe finance cornmil- ice or whoever l responsible to Let Us Advise You Ladies' Whitfi Kid Hoots. Ilenson for this ettremely wind"" 8!"' throw a financial report al us prii'M is wo liavp too ninny in stock, fee lo again remind us of the fwilh a lifolirne's expert. 80LE AQENCY FOR "INVICTUS" 8M0ES I'lice in all branches of the 3 w-idtn llu Hcsl Shoe, undonhtcdly. amount of money we pay to Kvory pair Kiiaruntped HuildiiiK Trade,. mm finance (he eily, . mid all sirfs , - - -RUNNING Brickwork, Special Attention Given to Fitting Children's Shoe. a city was at one FAMILY SHOE STORE time u necessity; now il has bc-couie Stonework, a luxury. Concrete, etc. r V r2!b. LIK'I-: '-lane fruit, conduclinu I'Jans and Ppeclflcatlons THEO COLLART, LTD. - PubuL a cily l rather expensive. free to all our cllntn, TIN , IF ths fimuice commitlee William Watts & Co. FOR SALE: Six Room House, 5th Ave. 854 would lake off pur hands n bargain Builders and Contractors East, $2500.00 terms. , Packages 15 lot tif bail smells. they J'.O, Hox 823. Phone 42. would be doins (he idly a service, Office: 1017 3rd Ave. Rentals Real Batata Oeneral Insurance especially during the hot weather. Block P. O. Box .6 2L Jobbing Work of all Kinds. Phone Blue 69 Weethotme Theatre