THE DAILY NEWS IMy. June lfi if"? BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa CLOSING OUT nut 3WT I TOO NEVCR WW ruu foou mi- ttu JAKE POT ON LOTS OT L TEl.UMR.0e. TOW I f3Z T SALE TOOO ft IT to-.-.- . . ... THAT MPm J( W' WANT TO CM-U ON I ANYTHING-YOO COKNEO DEEP AN CAfjOAfiEJ W. DC TOOR. ARE OlN, ffl TELLtN' HIM I'M tjORRV 80r I EXPeCT A I -IT OF I tt CALUN v. TO CALL ON MIM " LM-U. ( I Jf CAJiT PCOPUE. TOK. OVNNER We are, closing out Ihe If VI H ETHER -OU n I V TOOAY rnniv f J I Ilnynl Shoe Slurp, and every v. V -"-V WANT TO OR i eiii r I II II " ' C pair of shoes must be sold. irn i All our White Canvas Shoes, Willi leather or rubber soles, in high or low heels, rt-i. . nil sizes in tlC Jot, ;. From $1.00 per pair. Any pair nf the famotir "RtusL" Shoes for men. Values 1o lB.nn, for $3.75 Men's Goodyear Welt Shoes in Mark ir blown ralf, From $5.95. Men's Solid Leather Working Shoes, $4.75. Children's Shoes and Slippers froinT$1iS' 0i2l Uti riTu lc. Royal SLoe Store Third Ave. FOUND jn" ' Daily News Classified Ads. FOI(tffire.Mi-Key main. Apply b, ,.,. -a " i I lie opening game .if (lie I in. i minion Day Cup football series U CENTS tK WOKD IN ADVANCE. No AilvarliMinent Talon for Lc than OOo nm.M,..,,,,, f Be Prepared! if. scheduled to late place at Vuiunr A l ull.,,, the Arropolis Hill 4irouns this is the best remedy i. known for sunburn, WANTED Fire Risk is always eening between the Cmtlo and heat rashes, OI'EEK r.lUHLOTTK LSMt MVl.JO. JHil!.ji -cin.a.y M., I", I lie .Sons of Canada. Oe-irgc Iln. eczema, SONS OF CANADA WANTKIi Men and women to liri'eii 7fn5. sore feet, stings and Tlkf BoUrw Itul V. fi. HVMnrrn. nf . ell refereeing. All four teams aiMiiutrr. H.r... n.i-r, iniciul in .ply ! learn the llarber Trade by" tbu with blisters. AskinfoodI lu IlK MlnMrr nf I alliU fur a Urrttrm lu I LOST you have been fostering their only methoii in (he world that We Write Fire Insurance strength of lale for (he series DEFEAT K.C7S E UllHU-aim niutr uu Sklitrrili-iiw roiiMKinit lnu-J iWiM-rllsnl llr.u.iml will save you time and money LOST -lliim h of ;. of Every Kind and. revarilless nf the looks of M. runnvurinr ai a i Uaiiini i and fil yo.i for a position Pol Office ami h a( iw MtrtlMa.t ir smi!im t ...... . mriu-r a Let us quote you III in;:.'- ill the league contest, the worth while. We guarantee line i-ii. r i ii, r- i.j, supporter of wlh ! rlain: lliwwe ra'l u riiaiua: at e.-,rh aggregation steady employment U I'aily New. (if!,, vvn Last Night's Senior League Fix. llii-nre imrtli Ml rluiiM lu (niiul nf i-ohi- goi Agents for consider IIjjI I heir f:ivmi le . . illXNirlurat. wages. Write now for beuuli. i coma being some even anii'' ture resulted In 8 to S UK-alMl Marrli fl. BOARD. . . American chances .ire trooi lii -.ei.iiui fill illustrated Norwegian Line catalogue. Moler , uiruier imwii tjiau VaHe-uv'r,. W. II. M.miUKI. Iir.l.w Swedish American Line r..tie iene will take).,.,., . 1 Victory for Canucks. Harbcr College, aofl Main SU HOAHIi -Inlander. i e.utei fi- evlnrii iten.l ofFF.X CIIAhLOTTE VAXD hIVISIO.V. 8.10 Scandinavian American jilace on Monilay night liPlween .' .Vancouver, It. C. Avenue. Phone ifianl 137 be eciii: Jn resn Una ilnelf JIMMY Tak iMHk lliat W. fl. II Llne (be Son of ilnlaml and (be FAROUHAR MrMorrl. of between limimtT. It.f... iiiim-f. liil.,l m Calgary and lMnmntoii, Oliver :allie. anil the victors of the MAKES HOME RUN l' Minl-ir t,r l aiM for a llrrnre i IlKLIAIIl.K agent wanted for Kit. FOR RENT Typewriters each team seeming to to perl District. The two loalHies will meH on fhi a over ami uiwlcr llm rUlar lrrU-il Sovereign Cary Safes ininioii lay to deride lh wijuhts beat ihe roasters as hailly as Mnsleiin'. Ilmii" fii'll rirmll !",1' lal tm SklcW.U- Inirt. Oraiiaiu Life Assurance Company. Head FOH niiJfT- l un. M.ed 1, ,t FIRE INSURANCE possible lo gain advantage over .... . hiud. rimwnrlnr !.. . ..r,l.i.i.d.. ... keeping suites. office, Winnipeg, Man. of the 'I'lie series II... I .1 ..II ,1 I ' .t i..Hh...i Write Ap;,: gll eiiii. pives nil iij i.isi-i.iji lll'lil lasl eeinnx . . . :1 m wiiuhi an. ironiise of lieiny jus) jis inter each oilier. tlie Sons of Camilla were success. Ivmili u rhaln: thfiirf o.t riaui: Chas. A. Pyne, Prince George SUIh Avenue K.i J. j Dybhavn & Hanson fslinjr as ever this' yer. fill in winning their first game miimiH-nL llM-nr north rtiains to ihiImi or rtun. Columbia.manager for Northern ltrltlh BASEBALL of the season when (hey defeated Loraied Mirrh . IS??. HOOD Clean Heds frum SI 0 Third Avenue Tlie ii'nrrain of h Ihirly-foiii'ih the Knights of Columbus VV. O. MeMOIIHIS. Iwator. per bv a WOMAN wanted Tor bed room week. I-lsherinen Red. Ule Prince Rupert, B. 0. annual Canadian score of !) In S. The QITKM CHARLOTTE t.AD DIVISION. ojicii NATIONAL LEAGUE. game was work al the Inlander. If Pioneer Hoonis. I f7 .;rd Av, .E Irai'k and field rliatiijiionshiis i PilUbtirg, ; New York. i. possibly Ihe besl so far in Ihe Take rw.llr tbal WT r. lsUn.n. nr be held at Virloria Park, :a- Senior League series Ibis annul sr. B.C.. nHiwr. IntcurtH in apply FOR SALZ NICK fnml room . Cincinnati. 0; l'biladclphia. 7 year, In Ihe Mlnl.ur f Laniln rr a llrenr lo t'ary. timler the jinsjiices of lh and there were no serums blowups pni.pwl rur ral. M-trlrinn and niiural family. Ciii:-, .it. i: I.ouis,. Urooklyn, 3. aa iver ami muier ids rullnu inr rtwriisd iiugnry iaieiinniau Caines Su- AMERICAN LEAGUE. on ei'llier side to mar Ihe lands, sliuaif nn Skidpcais inui r.Hi.m FOH SALK- I roomed house, two Plume Creeu tr,' eiely, npening On Atljfllst 12, ill proceeding. The Canadians UIiikI. tu:.t Oanmenriiir al a M iilanisd lots and all in garden. $1700 New York, I : I let roil, 2. at lli sniiOwail mrtwr .f Ssriiun S. l-V It'll room modern aiar":::r eludes I no 2itl Trnhlp t; iim-iwy i rii rhainr; thsiim half cash I5H(I j. Trollers ! yard run. yard Philadelphia, irfflplayed llieir opponents and or all cash. 10; Chicago. 8. rhalns; ihenre sa.t u riialim: rent. Apply Sin, 1 A Mt. run, iso yard run, H80 yard run Jiosloit, K; Cleveland, :i. the score was a fair indication incurs miii Hi HO rliaim to ixUnt nf 7 roomed house with additional I mile inin. 5 mile I JO yard of the iiialjties inencement. 5 room apartment, FLAT for Itent run, Wasbiuslon, ?: SI. Louis. 3. displayed by the LuraUs Mirrh , lf. on cement ui It - :r Aj iiurnies. i tniie walk, riiiinin COAST LEAGUE. two teams. W. n. MrMnllllH. tjM-itnr. piles, bath, etc.. excellent ivm- uienls. M. M. Stephens. H We bib juiujt. standing broad juinit Seattle, l.os Angeles. K. The Suns had their besl battery- Ol-KEM CJUIil-OTTi; LANK DIVISION. dilion and good location give you boi step and jiiiniv m1( vault. Portland. I; San l'ntnciw.o. 3 in for Ihe . occasion, the TaJc untJss thai l n u.j..p.i. ... 000 on easy payments. SUMMER RESORTS. Service throwing the hamiiier, throwlns VeriMin, r; Sacramento. 2. Kaddic - Curtis combination, VaiHi.iivsr,lo the .Minister B.C..or inlnsr.l-andi intrndt fur a llrenrl Ui a'pnlr t I rnoin house, ot in garden, HILL I'A MM. Terrare S, 1; Ihe weight, throwing (be discus Oakland, .'; Salt J.nke. i. which allowed Vic Menzie's and pmiss fi rnal. psIn.lHim and lillunt chicken house, etc.. near King ilallon for eiirniiier w .Ml your little orders receive puling 'the shol, tossiflg the INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Wallace Anderson lo take Iheir land,V"'T siiuais aiMi unnsr on Skidsaals ine rmiitwlnir Inlet,ds.rrlls-d nrahani hdwarij School. 170D, enn; Terms inoderaie m-hill the closest attention. taler anl relay race. A gohl Syracuse, 8; Jtallinior. 111. regular and mo efferl.jve jo- Inland. B.i:.: Cnnine-nriiia at a w( iiimiMi lit 3. block -30. section I, with if desired. ApM ai-fear, medal, emblemalie if Ihe chain. Toronto, fi; ewark, ti, sitions in the infield. To Anderson, -Tnlili m.ur.r,i 4: Ilw-Jire rfliris-r eat fit m rtulim;ssrlMm tnenee la, 01 fl. frontage nn lilggar and French. We handle best only the jdoiiKhip of Canada, will smiin su rnainn; .neiirr et HO rlulii; 'Place e giv Ituffalo, .1; Jersey City.. 2. at shorl,. goes much I hems north nn rliainn to point or roio-menreinent. and three roomed house of everything but if you en the winner in ejich event, sil Itiwbester. 7; Heading, six credit for I ho Canadian victory flfton cash. TAXI a, IM-aisil Marrh want something we haven't ver Jiiedal, second, nnd bronze teen innings. for ho jdaye1 in his old time W. II.If,MrMQhnH.tff. lJrt lor. Lots 31 and 35. Illock 3, Sec Phone 633 pot ell us, and we will get medal third. The events are form ami held everything J hat Ol'EKX CIIAIIWITTE LAND MVISIO.N. 2. View Jots on Al lift Adeline (Call (lenrge FlM it for ojmmi to all registered athletes came bis way in bis usual neat A perfect hcunesito, 750. half Klve-pasaeiiKer T.u -ing "jr yon. and entries will close nn August WIN CERTIFICATES and ligbl inanner. C. W. Kaddie, Vaneiiiiver.laae notine U.C..inal miner.w. n.Intend.MrMnrrK 1.. .nr.i f cash. One lot on Ueaeh Place Proflinl Day nnd Sr.:M trr. pitcher, held his end down well to Ihe Minister nf .and for a llrenre to for $325, a beauty. Iils C8 and Stand: Botton Grill, Third lenui Our Motto FOR GOOD WRITING iiniirri nn- cnai. !-n!etrai and natural throughout and was in good con-; aaa n-r ami under the rolluulnr devrlued C'J, block 12. section 2. 7k.i. A Square Deal Always New York Yankees and Cianls trol all the time, Vic Meiuies land.IMaod. rltiuie hA'..: CiJnns-iiriiiK on Kkideaale al a Iniei.shi Onbam iilanied terms or 750 chs.'i. M. M CLOTHES CLEANED aif still leading i nlhe American Number of Local Pupils Make nl second, flurlis, behind the bat. at Tnwnihlp tlie Niulhwest 4: Uetire corner stst B or rtialna;seriion tbrnee m; Stephens. and pressed by latest STKA Inverness nid National League pennant Fine Showing In Penmanship nd II. H. Scfdl, renlre field. north HO i-haltu; thence went a rlnlu-Uietire pressing pr-ww, Camp south oil rliaina lo isilnt or rnm-Uieurenient. FOIL b.p. Winlon-aU races although the nargin nf made good showings but Jiinmie 8-iiilft called for and drli.rr'd-Phone Dundas. safety fur the latter has en At the school board meeting l-'aniuhar. third,, irunle a bent xf Me-iled Marrh , tJ. automobile engine, v.implele 643 considerably diminished in the last night some samples nf writing tiMiiself and In him goes the W. II. MrMQHRIg. Iratir. with ios-h inagiielo, Partigon LINO. The Tailor pai fortnight. At the first of-the with certificates altacliid honor of making llie first home 3b: II. II. seott. ft; V. Mennies. reverse gear, I'niversal cnip- week the, Yankees had were shown to the me-inhcr. of run of the season. The circuit lb; W. ii. Anderson, ss; Curtis, b-r, Columbia propellor. brass ORIENTAL GOODS I' a very safe margin of nine the school board by Principal hunger was produced by this c: W. Sloan, rf: II. Men.ies, 5b; tail shaft and lern bearing, C- 5"' .USE . . games over Ihe runners-lip, SI. Caiilpbell the results of the e-l.ean jdayer in the third- inning -when nobertsnn. If; C. W.. Kaddie, p. -all in good shape. SuiLable for lapanese Kimonas ( l-iiuis. and Hie (iiauls had a four free arm system nf writing IIm" enore stood 3 In J in favor Knights of (iIiiiiiImis I,. fpeeilbnat. Price 21111.(111. C. Hahiboo Furniture Ilnnii game lead over the Pitlsburg Pir. which is now Uiug4it flirouglmul of llie Knights. With Kaddieon Wakefield, 3b; Ir. Oougbis, ef: L. Heiudel, Setil Cove. If Itaskels. - Children Fte s Shamrock ales. Huston has ilninncd inln the schools of the proviM-. I he the sacks, l-Nirqnbar came: L. Moore, ss; K. A.. Ojinolioe,- e; Toys. pnici s. the American League cellar and results were .excellent. The I h rough wtih a hefty one which V. Moloney, lb; Jlenning, , 5b: 1'Olt SALK Furnished complete I.OWI.ST Philadelphia is slill a! the hot. tiflcales were, granted by II. It. went over the rock pile and J. O lteilly, If; IT. I!. LaCasse. rf; . mir rnnni flat. Cosf over F. K. AKASE t BACON loin of Hie II. Aslnri, Dick Moore r((i(i.oo. Will sell for f.ion.(in. P. O. Hnx fit T" w National nearly ."n McLean, author if the system. evened up the .rtre. One more p; (for I HAIVf points below Hoslon. All teams The pupils securing the certificates run made in this frame gave the O'lteilly;. If. Ant . leaving city. Mm tie IHue TJiIrd Avenue in the Score by inniig: 873 or call Flat 1, Oiapp National are prelly well are: Sow. Hie lead which I bey sue-' WATCH AND CLOCK REPI1 i BUTTER bunched together with the ex. llorden Street, taught by Mi eesnfuiiy maintaliu'd a nd In-crease.) 1 2 a t 5 C, 7 8 ! Itullding. Ht n' cejilioii of iloslon. The Yan Mills: Neltn Ctark. Hazel Ilu-I.-ardsou, before the end of tlie S. o. c. ..o not 3 o ; o 3 y F(II SALK Self Kxperl walrh, cluck : EGGS kees prospects for the 1022 pen Iver !auierim, Jionrfhy a me. K. o. C. ..(I I 0 2 6 (I 0 n 2 r. graph jnarbipe teaching le)e. chronomelcj- niati'f LARD nant look good but the (iianls Kdgnr and Ulian Ou. Knlnhts' Playing. also keyboard and"Otnmigraph"sounder. Watch and Jew'Hey ' F1' seem lo lack pitching slrenglli .Itonlh School, latigtit by I). II. Tlie Knights were also in good JUVENILE LEAGUE. Ouile New. Phone Illa4k MS. specialty to outdistance the oilier con. llarkness: Winnie Jtur'. Julia form and good al Mall orders prmnpllr put up a game P. O. Hox 851. Ul tend'-rs and assure their continued The Midgets defeated the Itny OEO. OIBB The Empire's Standard. Calderone May Davies, Lorraine though they were not successful Jl'1' leadership. (runt, Kvclyn .lohnson, Margan-J in scoring as many as the Son? Scouts in last night's Juvenile FOII SALK Sixty cords hemlock Opp. Post Office P O. P. BURNS CO., LTD. Itaseball League game by a score Prince llnpr ii Kergin, Irene Mmris, Kulbleeu Their hitting was, on occasion, and cedar; cut fine, l.r0 cr Calgary has. increased ils lead Phillipsoii. Margie' ItHlnliford. effeelive but the Sons' infield or lit lo fi. The game was jdaywl cord or 5 f.D.b. W. Sluia,. .lap CVCLE REPAIRS. in the Western on the Seventh Slne lnlirnalioal Itosie liosaug, Kathleen Myall, wa able to bold the game when grounds. Inlet, Porcher Island. tf League and is now four games l-'lorcnce Smith, ItosarJu Soriano Kaddie allowed runners on the Cycles of all niaKcs rrpairfi ahead of Iliuoulou. The school V()i SALI- New laid cabbage Vancouver suid Marguerite Oasey. sack. Harry Aslori wa steady ivporl of J'lincijial eggs; and habv rarriaget rr When in Terrace and 'I'ncoiua have further slumped in the Knights' leix with Ihe exception Campbell read al the board meet, and cauliflower plants. Cycle Accessories. recently witji the result Hint Miss Muriel 1 to wen Hailed last of one inning and I'.. A. iug last night showKil alL'iuL Apply Orainlvlew Hole, III J. GAWTHORN llie two prairie teams are above Prince (ii-orge for ance lit the schools had fflli-n of PrW at night the stop mi lionolioc, catcher, displayed bis FOll SALK Two fresh lias removal In Ihe 500 level while Ihe coast off, Ihe ilecrease being Jl'uvr cows; the south. Pt"r Usual roidheadediiess ami good Music milkers. W. llupert Sims, Jap Inlet, Hie previous infiiHh. The management. (i'lleilly, the present Third Avenue Tourist Hotel attendance Porcher Island. tf was llnolli srlnn.1 Knights' left fielder, went on nHLI 1BankWoritBotheritKlt" the casualty list in the second 381; llorden. :T.(): Seal due. 01. KLITK Cafe for naif, furnitied HYOE TRANSFER Best Booms and Dining Koom and 'estjew. 1?. Tolal M0. complete. Phone 173, tf Service la. the .North inning when he twisled bis ankle Phone 560 Koomi from $1.00 up. Ifinfl "If I open a Sayings Account for and had lo leave Ihe field. He Baggage and Express Meal from S5c was replaced by llirk Moore who up and ?1.00, it will look bo foolish I'll A Revelation clubbed out two-bagger mid in Green Tea F. D LIBOR D, Prop. . a Ia.I mnA Wood. wait until I ft' have That $100." $50 or fidlowed in the field by IMstrlH is what is keeping thousands of up IT'S SO SWEETLY Agents Iluierl hihI persons catching a nice fly. Tom Mo. PURE. CLEAN AND Globe Airless tuim... poor. loney played tli. usual effective DELICIOUS The Union Bank is the Bank of the Swmnii Avenue game al first for the Knights Seaview People. We welcome your Sarlngs and uilssml little thai came his bVaUTY CULTURE rARtO" Account whether you open it with $1 way. or $100. ... 'Iliree errors were chalked "SALADA" Phone Black 625. Storage & Transfer Copy of booklet "On Dollar Wtvkly" down against the Sons and four Jlflicdressing. Shaiii""1'M n' Company Jen n request against the Kulghls jualng. Marcel Waving, Phone 777. J. Kvans was umpire of ling, Fac and scaip "-" UNION Furniture Crating a Speciality BANK OF. CANADA balls nod strikes and J. Italcb. Above Wratnaioi ford, buses. - Thlrd ve F. BROCHU,Express Delivery Proprietor. Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager The Players team and lined Scoring.up as follow: is sold on merit and merit alone. Try FURNITURE CRATING" It I experienced men. 111 by once and you will never Uo back to Sons of Canada J. Farquha'r, Japans. At all grocers. Late 11. II.Hudson HI MMI""W